Vengeance - Fiction_89 - Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

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  • Explicit
Archive Warnings:
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • Underage
  • Multi
  • Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
  • Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)
  • Caitlyn/Jayce (League of Legends)
  • Caitlyn (League of Legends)
  • Vi (League of Legends)
  • Jayce (League of Legends)
  • Mylo (Arcane: League of Legends)
  • Vander (League of Legends)
  • Claggor (Arcane: League of Legends)
  • Silco (Arcane: League of Legends)
  • Marcus (Arcane: League of Legends)
  • Irelia (Age of Fire)
  • Powder
Additional Tags:
  • Revenge
  • Violence
  • Explicit Sexual Content
  • Flirting
  • Drunken Flirting
  • Drunken Kissing
  • Jealousy
  • Protective Caitlyn (League of Legends)
  • Eventual Smut
  • Eventual Romance
  • Slow Burn
  • Shower Sex
  • Masturbation
  • Bed Sex
  • Oral Sex
  • Anal Sex
  • Crazy Jinx
  • Vi can't stand Jayce
  • Intersex Vi
  • Vi has a penis
  • boobless Vi
  • Jayce and Caitlyn BFF
  • deserted island
  • Treasure Hunt
  • womanizer Vi
  • Other Champions mentioned
  • Sexual Torture
  • Caitvi endgame
  • hope for Jinx
  • Motorcycles




Vi was savoring her first day of freedom. Out of that jail that had taken ten years of her life. She was young when her parents were murdered right before her eyes.

There was only one symbol engraved in her mind. A diamond with and eye in the middle. A tattoo that has given her all the nightmares tormenting her for not even trying to protect the poeple that raised her with so much love. She just watched light being removed unwillingly from their bodies.

It was time to revenge their deaths. She was stronger, smarter, older and was full of resentment not understanding why everything she loved was snatched out of her hands without a notice.

Chapter 1: Liberty

Chapter Text

Chapter 1

"Heads up!" The bartender shouted sliding the vodka glass over to Vi. She immediately caught it with the palm of her hand hugging it tightly and drinking up.

Feeling that earthy flavor liquid that calmed her madness for just a moment. She winced swallowing it and placed the thick glass roughly down against the wooden bar counter.

"New face around here. What brings you to Piltover?" The bartender said swinging the white cloth for cleaning onto his shoulder.

"You don't want to know!" She lifted her intense gaze. It was to strong that the skinny man lowered his and kept on serving other customers instead.

Vi was savoring her first day of freedom. Out of that jail that had taken ten years of her life. She was young when her parents were murdered infront of her.

There was only one symbol engraved in her mind. A diamond with and eye in the middle. A tattoo that has given her all the nightmares tormenting her for not even trying to protect the poeple that raised her with so much love. She just watched light being removed unwillingly from their bodies.

It was time to revenge their deaths. She was stronger, smarter, older and was full of resentment not understanding why everything she loved was snatched out of her hands without a notice.

Leaving that bar that was stranded in the middle of nowhere she was headed directly to the center of Piltover where her journey of revenge will begin. Starting with their security enforcements. She needed answers and she was going to get them no matter what.

Turning on the ignition switch and starting up that beauty of motorcycle she had just stolen to speed up her travel to the city that was not waiting for her comeback she took in a deep breath.

Vi turned the handle grip and rode off. It was the first time seeing how the small trees she once saw on this pathway were the double of their size. How wind was strongly bumping against her body. It felt good, it felt fresh and she felt alive. Ready to obtain some justice out of her bare hands.

"Another delinquent liberated today." Marcus said infront of his enforcers. Knowing that she was a trouble maker. He had all her information and needed to avoid her creating a revolution in the safest place in the planet. He was going to make sure of that.

For that to happen he needed eyes on her and was going to use his two best persons for the task.

"Caitlyn and Mylo you two are entitled to avoid her performing any stupid action that would take the peace away from our people."

They just nodded. Mylo took steps to the front of the salon full of determined, strong people that worked their asses off to keep Piltover safe. He accepted the file that contained important detail on the ex-convict that they were going to be babysitting for a couple of weeks.

"Don't disappoint me. She is a tough one." The sheriff said nodding once and then dismissing the meeting.

"Wow!" He said opening up the manila colored folder and taking a look at her picture.

"Damn she is f*cking handsome!" Mylo pointed at her picture for Caitlyn to have a look.

"She's alright. Why was she locked up?" The first question Caitlyn had to ask. She was not the person who lost time looking at someone's picture.

Searching in the many pages of information that was provided to them. Mylo couldn't find anything stating the reason why.

"Jmmm weird. No info on that Cait." He said double checking one last time before he handed the file to his partner.

"What do you mean?" She snatched the documents out of his hands without any respect.

"Your right!" She said glancing at the papers without even blinking. There was something suspicious about that and she needed complete details to do her job properly.

Caitlyn was the daughter of one of the wealthiest couples of that city. In the beginning they were not happy about her decision in becoming an enforcer. However they knew even though they would try to convince her to change her mind she wasn't. There was nothing they could do then to support her and pay good money to keep her safe and have Marcus guide her work on easy cases. She was never aware of that nor she would find out.

They had prohibit the Sheriff to share any information on that matter. He had to be discreet if he wanted to keep his job as the leader of the best protection Piltover had.

Gripping firmly the brakes. She got off the bike placing the keys inside her pocket. It was a rusty old house. However she remembered it very well. Knocking on the door several times she waited gazing at the butterflies that were flying around her, distracting her with those perfect rainbow colors on it's wings.

A squeek sound was heard and Vi came back to her senses. She opened her arms wide and hugged the person that was waiting for her a long time ago.

"Hey uncle Vander. You look like sh*t!" She said chuckling and feeling those big strong arms around her back picking her up and dropping her back down.

"Hey kiddo! I was expecting you a few months ago. Thought you were dead." He closed the door behind.

"Yeah got into a small fight making me stay more time then I imagined." She chuckled following him inside.

"Take a seat." He gestured for the pink hair to make herself comfy on one of those old couches.

"I'm here only for supplies uncle." She lifted her eyebrow not sure how he was going to react with her decision of revenge.

"Are you sure kiddo?" He said standing up and placing his hands on his hips. He thought Vi was out of her mind. He also knew she was decided on her plan and there was no one who was going to change her mind.

Vi nodded and followed that man to a secret passway underground. He turned a round rock and pushed it futher into the wall to open up a room full of guns, bombs, secret weapons no one would ever imagine him having.

Touching small blue orbs the size of a gum ball. "What are these?" She said interested lifting one up.

"Small bombs. Throw them against something solid and they will activate." He said already packing a few inside a case she could clip it to her belt.

"I think some of those. That's all. I have my fists for the rest." She said lifting them up for Vander to have a glimpse on them.

"Are you sure?"

"Damn right I am. They have gotten stronger through-out the years." She bumped them together and her muscles showed off as well making Vander just smile. He was proud of her after all those years locked up she hadn't gotten killed.

Clipping the box on her belt she said her goodbyes hugging that man with love and promising him she would visit when needed.

"Vander. Where is powder?"

"Safe with Claggor looking over her. Here let me give you the address." He searched for a piece of paper like crazy and wrote down a phone number and address.

"Thanks." She said placing the paper inside her pocket and getting on that monster of bike she had. She needed to lose it before they arrested her for stealing.

"What do you mean that's all the information we get? Marcus, how can that be?" Caitlyn said slamming the folder ontop of his well organized desk.

"Take it or I will assign someone else. You can go back guarding the entrance of the Ruling house of this beautiful city, where your mother has her eyes on you if that's what you would perfer."

He said grabbing the folder and extending it towards her. He knew she was not going to do that again. It had been so long since she got a real case not just being a guard. Which her mother was really happy about through the years. It kept her safe and she wanted to do something else.

"Fine. Something is not right and I hope your not hiding anything from me because this will make Mylo's and my job harder." Unhappy she grabbed the file and left the office slamming harshly that precious wooden door.

Mylo was biting his nails off. Tapping his foot against the ground waiting for Caitlyn to appear and share the new data.

When he saw her. She just shook her head slowly and jammed the file against his stomach getting a loud grunt out of him.

"Did you find out where she was last spotted?" She saw Mylo's face and was intrigued to know.

"Undercity!" He said gulping as loud as he could.

"Great!" She said rolling her eyes. She knew that hunk would be trouble since she saw her picture.

Chapter 2: The brothel

Chapter Text

Chapter 2

Undercity looked even worse than Vi would remember. Bodies with no direction walking around like zombies. Some were lucid, some were not. She turned her gaze directly to one huge lighted sign that was visible from any point in that city. She pulled over the hood of her red sleeve-less jacket she had snatched from a selling stand in the undercity market.

Shinning bright and reading Under Brothel. Vi walked her way keeping her eyes open for any trouble ahead. Word out there that was one dangerous corner. She also felt human bodies staring at her. A stupid skinny man and a blue hair woman. They had been following her since she crossed that bridge that separated both places.

"Your crazy Caitlyn we could have spied on her from faraway. Why on earth would you make us put our lives at risk? These are red light areas in the f*cking map." Mylo hugged himself more with his jacket. He was full of fear traveling through all his body and was not liking the feeling at all.

"Come on Mylo. We can't loose her and we also need to keep an eye on to what she is up to. If we are going to do this job we are going to do it well. Grow up."

He huffed not to happy about her say. However deep, way deep down he knew she was right. He had no choice. That woman would do whatever she would want anyways. Might as well just follow her stupid ass.

Keeping just the right distance they saw their ex-convict baby entering a brothel.

"Damn she is in need!" Mylo chuckled while not turning his face to see those piercing blue eyes from his partner.

"Why would she come to this place?" She was spooked by the suspicion that Vi was up to something no good and she was going to find out.

"Well it is obvious Caitlyn. Who are we trying to kid? She is in the need of affection." He tried not to laugh and sound serious however joke was on him he bursted out in laughter. Fascinating a couple of wandering bodies sight.

He gulped when he saw how some of their flesh was falling from their face. "What is happening to them?" He looked at them disgusted and also concerned as to what was causing their skin to detach from their body.

"To much pink liquid drug." Caitlyn lowered her gaze. She had known about the existence of it. Without permission from the sheriff there was no way she could ever investigate who the creator of that terrible substance was.

She walked slowly forward always keeping the gap necessary between that mysterious person she was supervising.

"Well hello there handsome! Mmm new face down here." The woman stretched her arm and traced Vis' shoulder in slow motion touching some undressed skin on her throat.

Vi snatched her hand. She had to admit that woman was beautiful and no matter how much she would like to feel some warmness absent from her life since a long time ago, she was there for only one purpose to find Viktor the owner of such place.

"Where is Viktor?" She said with a dominant voice letting go of her rough grip on that woman's delicate hand.

She just gestured with her chin to keep on walking down a dark hallway ending with a dark blue door that had a gold handle.

Taking in a deep breath and preparing herself not to lose control over some stupid personality she turned the doornob slowly without even knocking.

Opening the door and slamming the back of it against the wall. "Get out!" She said roughly to a lady that was straddling that mans' lap.

He gestured with moving his fingers to do as she said. "Well hello Vi, isn't it? Your uncle gave me the heads up you would be looking for me. I thank you for not breaking my door." He said standing up placing his feet firmly infront of her and nicely extending his hand for a good shake.

Vi lifted her brow in disbelief. That guy was not suppose to act like that at all. He barely knew her.

"At least say hi. Vander was right when he said you were a bit not friendly." He chuckled removing his hand. He closed the door to grant them some privacy.

"Look. I know why your here. I'm going to help you because I like you. Heard great things about you locked up." He opened a gold safe that was hidden behind a huge painting of the undercity.

Punching in a safety number it immediately opened and out came a small blue square the size of a marble. It had a tiny button on top. He threw it up a couple of times catching it.

"This Vi is what you need to break into the enforcers building. However I need for you to bring back a special file for me. I give it to you for your use and your going to bring me back what I'm asking for. Deal?" He said looking at her with a not so friendly glare. More like a revenge look the same one she would imagine being reflected on her face.

"f*ck it. What file do you need?" She said letting her bum drop harshly on one of the wooden chairs with a thin cushion on them.

"You see I knew I would like you. The name of the person's file is Silco an old friend of mines." He opened up his grip and placed his palm ahead of her eyes.

Without thinking and just wanting to start her own investigation she grabbed that cube in between her index and thumb finger lifting it and observing not knowing exactly what she had to do.

"Push the small button." He said smiling and erasing that resentful face that took over his expression for less than a minute.

A virtual map of that place that was waiting for her to break in was the conclusion of pushing that small darker blue button on that 3d square.

"This will make my life easier. As soon as I take care of a few personal things. I will be back right here handing you, your file." She stood up pressing the button again and palmed his chest aggresively before leaving that small office.

"There she is!" Mylo said lifting his index finger and pointing at her.

"Stop doing that." Caitlyn said smacking his hand down.

"Aouch! What? It's not like she has spotted us already!" He turned his face and it changed color right away.

"f*ck she's right behind you." He placed his hand on the back of his neck and scratched it nervously staring at the strongest eye sight he had ever seen.

Caitlyn turned around bumping her big breasts against Vis' chest.

"Are you two lost or something?" She said cornering Caitlyn and placing her lower arm against the wall. Leaning closer to the blue hair woman's face.

"I'm waiting for your answer sweety!" She said winking at her.

Caitlyn placed her hand on those hard rock abs sending the other woman's sight to that specific place.

"No! We are waiting for someone." She pushed Vi back a few steps getting her away from her personal space. She got a better glimpse at her and saw those tattoos that were part of her and her small scars, one on her left eyebrow and the other one on the left of her upper lip. That intense gaze that for just a few seconds placed her world upside down.

"I hope so." She put on her hood and walked away. Leaving those two alarmed.

"We need to work on our invisibility if we don't want to get caught again." Mylo was having the best time of his life seeing that cute blush blossom on Caitlyn's cheeks.

"Shut up!" She said punching his chest before gripping his shirt to follow her.

There was something reflecting in Vis' orbs that captured her attention. She was determined to find out because she had the feeling their ex-con was likely up for some disturbance. She just didn't know why? She just got out of jail. What would make her do such things?

"What's on your mind Caitlyn?" Mylo was curious. Her face was weird and he wanted to have knowledge on what was running in her brain and thoughts.

"Let's go we can't lose her sight."

"You mean you can't lose her sight." He chuckled and that was the worst thing he could have ever done. He was going to be haunted by those blue eyes forever. Gulping he just shut up and followed her through the dark narrow streets.

Vi needed to pay a visit to her baby sister Powder before stealing her parents case file. It had been so long since she had seen her. Had told Vander to not give her any information as to where she was. She needed for her sibling to move on with her life while she was rotting locked up in her cell charged for her parents death. Where there had been always an absence of light.

Chapter 3: Powder

Chapter Text

Chapter 3

Knock knock!

Vi leaned the side of her body against the wooden door frame. She was nervous, heart beating rapidly. However, everything she decided for the both of them was to keep her safe.

It was taking time for someone to open the door and it was driving her nuts to wait outside. She stood back straight and placed her figure in a kicking position ready to take down that door.

"Aaahhhhhh!" She heard a scream before breaking it. The entryway spread open and out came a big guy. She recognized him in seconds. Of course he charged slamming her back on the hard ground made out of cement.

Vi got in defensive mood and elbowed his face hard flipping him off in pain.

"Stop right there!" An agressive voice was captured through Vis' ears. She stopped what she was going to do to her cousin Claggor when she was distracted by that vocalization of words.

Turning her face and connecting eyes with her light blue haired sis, she was awarded by Claggor's fist crashing her cheekbone.

Feeling how her face turned to the left in pain she rotated back sending piercing eyes on him.

"Aouch. You don't know what your getting yourself into Claggor!" She spilled those words with her cold, intense tone of voice while rubbing her malar bone.

"Violet?" He lifted his eyebrow staring at her face in disbelief. Then he spotted her dark pink hair, those scars he once saw in a picture his father showed him.

"Vi!" He finally yelled with joy and warmness. Having the hardest time to stand up Vi snatched his arm pulling him up. With arms wrapping her right away he embraced her tightly.

"Damn you've changed. More muscular, I like that. Loving the fierce too, jail must have shaped you up. Not so fan of tattoos however, they suit you well." He liberated his grip around her and immobilized recalling Powder standing at the front porch having her eyes penetrating through their souls.

"It's okay." Vi said turning her gaze back at her little everything standing their without saying a word or moving.

She took a few steps closer. Not knowing what her reaction after all the years she had asked for her and not gotten an answer of to where she was, would be.

Vi swallowed hard before opening her big mouth. "Hi!" She said bringing her tone of voice down a notch.

A slap was what she received in return.

"sh*t!" She said shaking the stings of a thousand sharp piercing needles on her cheek.

"I know your angry! It was the best for both of us! Please try to understand." She was trying to calm her raged up sister.

"You come and appear after all these years and the only f*cking thing you would say is hi and how it was the best for both of us! You gave me no choice! Did you?" She tried to slap Vi again however, her wrist was caught in the action.

"Powder I've missed you. Uncle told me you were doing fine and that's what I wanted for you." Her grip was shaken off violently.

"It's not powder anymore it's Jinx. Everything I touch in life something bad happiness and you know what? I hope you recieve the worst for abandoning me. I would have never done that to you." Running back inside and slamming the door behind her caused more tension in the air.

Vi closed her eyes and squeezed the bridge of her nose tightly. "f*ck!" She said outloud making Claggor jump frightened of her desesperation.

He hit her back delicately a couple of times giving her some consolation.

"Give her time cuz. She's kind of weird to be honest. Totally a Jinx." He said not wanting to turn his vision to his left where he knew assassin eyes were waiting to melt him. Chuckling he smacked her chest with the back of his hand for her to follow him inside.

"What was that!" Mylo said not understanding the interaction he just witnessed a moment ago.

"Who was that girl?" Caitlyn was curious.

Mylo laughed catching her sight at him.
"Wow Cait. That's all you could concentrate on!"

"Shut up!" She knew what his stupid expression on his face and words were leaning on.

"I'm f*cking hungry Caitlyn. We also need to sleep. We can comeback tomorrow or some other day. I don't see any trouble ahead." He placed his hand on his stomach when a loud growl came directly from it.

"Yes we can. I placed a small pebble glued to her skin. Not even water, soap, would get rid of it. The only thing that would work is this." She took out a small sphere with a even smaller button. Almost the same as Vis' virtual map. However it was a circle form and when she pressed the button it immediately popped out a map in which there was a small red dot blinking.

"You mean to tell me. That all this time we could have left." He crossed his arms and scrunched his brows. Not understanding what in the world were they doing there?

"Yes. However we are doing our jobs by looking after her. We will follow her tomorrow. I feel something weird in my gut that I don't like." She saw Mylo's stupid lips curling up in form of tease.

"Maybe when you connected eyes with her she lit up the spark inside of you." He clapped his hands together cracking up.

"Oh, Please. Not everything is about how beautiful, handsome, muscular, good looking..." She saw Mylo's stupid look.

"You think she's all that. I knew when you would see her picture you would be interested in her."

Caitlyn was not in the mood to keep on making his stupid conversation longer. She just shushed and punched his arm hard trying to take out the stress he was creating in her.

"Give her time Vi. Why don't you take a shower. I will hand you some clean clothes. I know your style and might have some spare garments from an old friend of mines who used to live here." He pointed to a white old door.

She nodded once and was going to enjoy her first hot shower out of jail.

Hot drops of water massaging her back. While she had her two hands pressed on the tile wall. She closed her eyes for a moment and for some reason was met with blue eyes staring straight at her.

She shook her head confused as to what her brain was actually digging into. Opening her eyes they were dilated and darker. A burning sensation was building up inside her core. What was that woman causing in her? Would she ever see her again? What was her name? So many questions filled Vis' mind.

Cold water began to fall on her well toned hard body. "sh*t! Claggor what the f*ck?" She shouted loudly in hopes he heard.

"Sorry. Hot water only good for a few minutes. My bad, I forgot to tell you!" He opened the door slightly to scream inside the small crook before closing it up again. Chuckling he clapped his hands and danced to the music that was sounding in the background.

"In my office now!" Sheriff Marcus said when Mylo and Caitlyn had put only one step inside the entrance of the enforcers building.

"What did we do wrong now?" Mylo lifted his arms and let them drop with a thump sound. His eyes wandered onto Caitlyn that had no clue what that man wanted.

When they entered his spacious office he indicated with his hand for them to take a seat on his big cozy black couch.

He sat down on the brown leather armchair infront, looking at them with a worried expression.

"Here's some new information you may want to know before you head home. Someone broke into our security storage room in one of our nexus buildings. They took an important artifact made by Jayce the student sponsored by your parents to create special tools like that for us." Marcus looked at the two knowing they would like to know what had been stolen.

"Before you ask. It was a small blue cube that included a virtual map of our main building." He saw both their eyes widen.

"What do you think they might want?" Caitlyn said interested in what had occured.

"To be honest not sure however, we are prepared with extra reinforcements guarding. We need to capture who ever wants to step a foot inside this place for a personal motive." He stood up and served himself a alcoholic drink gulping it down in one.

"You two are dismissed keep and eye on Violet. We don't want any surprises." He said staring at a painting of a child on the wall.

"Yes Sir!" Mylo elbowed Caitlyn that was not moving. She was adding all the pieces up. This was all arising since Vi came into sight.

Walking down the fancy hallway. Mylo had to ask. His insides were craving to know what Caitlyn was thinking.

"What's on your mind?" He said lifting his eyebrow.

"Weird how Vi just arrived and this is happening. You think she has something to do with this?" Caitlyn wanted to know who has that small pieces of map in their hands.

"Well we have been up her ass the whole time. She just went into that brothel for some sexual pleasure..." He saw Caitlyn roll her eyes. "What? It's the truth. You saw it!" He said pressing both of his lips together avoiding a laugh to erupt from his mouth. Noticing her not so happy that happened.

"What's with the expression Mylo? Stop it with whatever your thinking that I'm feeling."

There was an immense silence between the two of them for just a few seconds that Caitlyn was able to appreciate.

"But you do think she's hot!" Mylo left her side running. He knew he was annoying her.

She shook her head letting a half smile form on her lips. One thing she was sure about her, was that Vi was a major troublemaker and she was up to something.

Chapter 4: Face to face

Chapter Text

Chapter 4

Looking at her reflection in the mirror she finished dressing up. Buckling up her dark brown belt she stared intensely at herself for a few extra seconds.

"Damn you look hot!" She winked and half smiled. After taking in a deep breath she straightend up her sleeve-less red jacket and gathered all her courage to go get those files she needed.

"What are you doing?" Feeling how her heart stopped.

"We are going with you!" Jinx said smacking her face softly. "Close your mouth big sis." She chuckled and helped Claggor put on his gogles.

"Are you serious Claggor?" She shook her head in desesperation. There was no way she was going to risk their lives like that.

"You have no say Vi. Jinx will do whatever she wants anyways." He hit her back several times before following the light blue hair sister.

"f*ck it!" She said defeated and thinking she probably needed the help after all.

It was dark outside and she needed to get inside to the fourth floor of the building. There was a small vault that contained infinite cases they have had in their possession for several years. Some were closed and some were still active.

"Are you sure your going to do overtime tonight? Geez Caitlyn take a break." He said already packing his belongings inside his black bookbag.

"I need some extra information on Vi. To be honest I have the feeling Marcus is not being fully sincere with us." Her fingers were glued to the keyboard infront of her. Typing as fast as she could Mylo could barely see her digits being pressed on the small square keys.

"Your out of your mind. That hunk has you already obsessed!" He laughed out loud. When he heard the alarm go off.

"sh*t!" He said agitated already. He dropped his bag on his desk chair and quickly took out his gun.

Same for Caitlyn only she was intrigued and fascinated she hadn't gone home. She needed some action in her life and at last she was getting it.

"What's with your f*cking face?" Mylo said scrunching his brows curious as to why Caitlyn was calm and had a rather happy face expression.

"What face?" She said holding back the small smile that was trying to build up on her lips.

"Your enjoying this Cait! I know that f*cking face of yours!" He chuckled and then gulped when enforcers were running down the hallways like crazy.

Caitlyn snatched the arm of one. "What's going on?" She saw he was already hurt. How? It had been just a few minutes.

"Dark pink hair." He said falling on his knees passing out.

"Help me Mylo!" She gripped one arm and Mylo the other one sliding him inside their workspace to keep him somewhat safe.

"sh*t! Powder you weren't supposed to enter like that. We were supposed to be undercovered not bombs!" She cursed out loud punching an enforcer. She had to admit she was loving it.

"Relax big sis! These stupids don't even know how to actually fight. AND IT'S JINX!" She laughed like a lunatic catching Vi off guard. When a bullet penetrated her lower abdomen area.

Even the thick protection she had putting some defense on her torso were not strong enough for their special bullets.

"f*ck!" She placed her hand against the wound spotting blood already dripping on her fingers.

"Go!" Claggor said. "We will back you up in the meantime make it quick Cuz." He said smashing two enforcers together.

She nodded once and ran upstairs. Those stupid men were everywhere. Good thing her fists were ready for action.

"I see some mobility in the fourth floor Caitlyn!" Mylo said taking a look at their security system. When he turned, to his fortune she was already gone. He shook his head with a big smile knowing Caitlyn was hungry to see that handsome face one more time.

There was no way he was going to intervene upstairs. He was safe were he was and he was definitely going to stay there.

Vi was already searching through the files. Her hand was trembeling due to the pain she was feeling from the injury in her lower abdomen.

Her eyes got watery when she found her parent's manila colored folder. It felt like time froze. Those few seconds she was tracing her bloody finger on that important piece of thick paper. So many feelings gathered in just one soul. She then heard a gun shot directly at the doornob she had locked.

Cursing she finally found Silco's file. She snatched both files and folded it. She then heard the door open and slowly close. The click sound of the handle falling got her attention feeling how slowly all the small hairs attached to her body spiked up.

When she turned. She was face to face with that same person she had bumped into several days ago. She gulped knowing she was not an ordinary person waiting for someone in the undercity like she had exclaimed.

"You lied to me cupcake!" She said scrunching her brows directly at her. Her eyes were not blinking. They were fixed in her gorgeous blue eyes.

"You have no say right now! What are you doing here?" She saw those cute eyes once more and she had to admit her presence was strong and very well welcomed by her soul.

She shook her head quickly and lifted her large gun. "Turn around." Caitlyn used her dominant voice.

"Sure!" Vi needed to think quick. She was not going to go back to that f*cking cell that had been her home for more than ten years.

Caitlyn put away her gun. Before taking out her cuffs she glanced at that perfect muscular, strong behind.

"I don't want to cause any harm!" Vi said lifting her hands up in surrender. She slowly turned around connecting eyes with Caitlyn that had a curious, intense look on her face.

Caitlyn crossed her arms thinking deep down she should give her a chance to at least explain.

"I give you two minutes speak up!" She said not taking her eyes off of the person that for some reason had her heart pounding against her chest.

Caitlyn heard voices and she seized hold of Vis' hand pulling her to a closet that was waiting for them to provide some shelter. Meanwhile, enforcers took a look at the fourth floor.

"Shhh!" She placed a finger on Vis' lips. Just that simple touch was driving her hormones nuts.

She got closer to her and accidently placed a hand on her wound not knowing it was even there. Sensing she was going to make a sound she covered her mouth with her hand detaining that grunt that wanted to express itself outloud.

She took a look at Vis' widen eyes not sure why they were that big. How her pupils were bigger.

Having her nails roughly against the wooden back Vi penetrated deeper with every sting she felt. When Caitlyn gripped stronger her tear. She swallowed hard and just concentrated on those f*cking splendid eyes and her big breasts pushing against her chest.

After a few minutes Caitlyn let go and opened the door of the small closet. Both bodies barged out. Caitlyn took a look at Vi that was having a hard time to breathe. She then spotted a hand on her lower abdomen that was pressing firmly.

"My goodness your hurt!" She said looking at her own hand filled with blood.

"Come with me. You have some explaining to do!" Caitlyn grabbed her hand and wrapped it around her shoulder helping her walk.

"Wait, I can't. I have some helpers that tagged along. I can't just bail on them." This time she let out a groan full of pain.

"Well how are you going to explain then?" Caitlyn didn't want to let her go.

"I'm pretty sure by now they are locked up or left. I promise I will do what I can to find out and help." She waited for the dark pink hair to nod agreeing on receiving her help.

"Fine. sh*t!" She cursed outloud.

"Hope Vi got out." Claggor said standing with Jinx on a grass hill not so far from the construction.

"Yeah, yeah! Whatever. I'm just glad I got to kick some f*cking ass tonight! Aren't you?" Jinx smiled at Claggor that was answering her question with another happy smile. It had been long since they actually did something rather fun.

"What the hell?" Mylo said when he saw the two women walking down the stairs.

"Back me up!" Caitlyn said to her coworker that was surprised by what he was witnessing.

"Well hello Vi. Nice seeing you again!" He said receiving piercing eyes from both of them.

Mylo knew he just needed to follow orders. Caitlyn got on her motorcycle having Vi as a guest on that beauty.

The pink hair grabbed on that woman's hips. Squeezing it everytime the pain would take over her figure.

It was a quick ride. Caitlyn had a small apartment separated from her parent's mansion. That information had never been shared with them. It was her own little secret. Whenever she was in the need of her space she would use it. It was kind of her comfort space.

Sitting her on her couch. She was searching like crazy for her first aid kit. She needed a doctor and quick. She cursed having the knowledge that they were already looking after her.

There was a knock at the door. Grabbing her gun she placed it to the side of her body atentive.

"It's me Mylo!"

She loosend up the grip on her gun and let out a relieved breath opening the door.

"Missed me?" He said smiling and handing over a small purple tube.

"Give it to her. She needs it and that liquid does miracles." Mylo saw that disgusted expression on Caitlyn's eyes.

"Relax it's just a small prepared dose. It's what she needs. She's groaning in pain Cait. She's not going to make it." Those last words pronounced out of Mylo's mouth created a sensation of urgency in Cait.

She took the cap off of the tube and tilted having the liquid travel to Vis' insides.

When Cait saw no reaction she stood up looking over at Mylo that was moving up and down his hands in a form of telling her to calm down.

"It takes a few extra seconds." He whispered tapping his watch.

Vi sat up screaming one last groan and burying her fingers on the soft cushion of the sofa. Panting roughly catching her breath. She lifted her gaze and stood up stumbling a bit. However, she took some heavy steps and pinned that woman against the wall.

"Wow!" Mylo said taking in the perfect sexual scene he had the opportunity to observe.

Vi had Caitlyn cornered. "You saved my life. Why?" She looked at her with a suspicious gaze.

"You owe me an explanation." Her heart was beating out of control. Having the chance to seek at that perfect handsome face.

Mylo cleared his throat having the two turn their face in unison.

"I helped too." He said scratching the back of his neck. Understanding it was a bad idea to have interrupted their special moment.

"Who are you?" Vi said lifting her eyebrow. She hadn't noticed Caitlyn having her eyes glued on her.

"I'm Caitlyn's colleague." His face was still not expressing anything but scared of what those two wanted to do to him.

Vi turned her face back and by a twist of faith brushed her lips on hers. That woman's cheeks flushed with the color red.

"That's your name cupcake?" Vi backed up her face and stood up straight. Her wound had closed and was a hundred percent sure it had disolved the bullet.

"It is. I would perfer you calling me by my name." She coughed clearing her throat. That tone that came out of her mouth was not her voice at all.

"Why? Your so sweet cupcake and you saved my life. By any chance do you have some food? I'm starving." Vi sat with her legs wide open placing her arms on the top of the back rest of the couch.

Caitlyn furrowed her brows and a special bulge on Vis' crotch caught her attention. She wondered why there was a bump there?

Mylo saw what Caitlyn was staring at. He was also asking himself the same exact thing. Could it be she had a special surprise underneath those striped trousers that fit her perfectly tight.

"What?" Vi said looking back and fourth at their expressions. She knew exactly what they were staring at. She was just playing dumb.

Blinking a couple of times Cait came down from her cloud. "Mylo go buy her something to eat." She threw him a bag of gold coins.

The door closed and Vi immediately stood up placing herself infront of Cait.

"Is there something you want to ask me?" The dark pink hair lowered her gaze to her own crotch. Tucking her hands inside her pockets.

"Your crazy. I have better things to ask. Like, why the f*ck were you breaking in tonight?" She pushed Vi back a couple of steps. That woman was always invading her personal space.

"Are you sure that's what you want to ask? Because I can definitely show you what you really want to see." She winked at that woman who's cheeks were immediately burning...

Chapter 5: Promise me

Chapter Text

Chapter 5

Vi was devouring that food. Not using any silverware the dark pink hair was having the time of her life. She was peeking with her orbs to the side where she saw how four eyeballs were staring directly at her. Turning her face she furrowed her brows.

"What? You want some?" She grabbed a chunk of food between her fingers and extended it to them.

They shook their head in disgust. However Caitlyn had to admit she looked rather delicious eating that food.

"Earth to Cait." Mylo said waving his hand infront of her eyes.

She blinked a couple of times before she answered him. "Now what Mylo?" She said looking at him and capturing his stupid expression.

"What are we going to do with her? I found out that her helpers escaped."

"She has to crash here until she explains what she was actually searching for. There is no way I'm letting her go just like that!" She turned her face and saw Vi staring straight at them.

Mylo gulped seeing those piercing eyes that felt like she was stabbing his soul.

"You know what? I'm going to call it a night." That man took several steps back not blinking. Unsure if he did that woman was going to murder him in a flash. Shutting the door with a bang he left that place feeling shivers all over his body.

Vi got up on her feet and again intruded Caitlyn's personal area. "Am I able to leave?" She asked politely not taking her orbs away from the woman's whose body was trembeling just with her sight fixed on her.

"No! You have some explaining to do." She said with a dominant voice.

"Cupcake I need to make sure my friends are okay. I will find you when I confirm it." She held back for a few seconds.

"Mylo told me they had escaped. So you are now forced to explain to me and there is no way I'm letting you off my sight. It's trapped here in my place or arrested and back surrounded by concrete walls. You pick." She lifted her chin and puffed up her chest having those well sized perfect twins bump into Vis' chest.

The pink hair got distracted staring at what was touching her.

"Eyes up here handsome." Caitlyn said lifting her chin slowly with her index finger.

Vi swallowed hard before speaking. In order for her to actually obtain what she was looking for she now needed Caitlyn's help.

"Fine. However, you need to promise me you will help me." She said shaking her head for Cait's finger to detach from her skin.

"That will depend on what your reason is." The woman followed Vi with her eyes. She saw her fix the cushion and sit down once more with her legs fully extended giving her access of what was in her crotch.

Vi palmed the cushion next to her for Caitlyn to have a seat. The blue hair sat on an armchair very distant from her. There was no way she was going to be near her.

"Come on, Cupcake. I don't bite." Vi half smiled blinking her eyes towards the stressed woman infront of her.

"You see I respect your personal space. You could learn something from me." She said gripping the armrests.

Vi placed her elbows on her knees. "Who said I wanted for you to respect my personal space?" She said flirtatiously at Cait that already had the cutest blush on her face.

"Anyways." She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I needed two files. One about my parents death case. Which you enforcers locked me up blaming me for it. Second I needed another file for the person who gave me this." She took out of her pocket the small blue cube showing it off to Cait which stood up quickly and tried to snatch it from her hands.

Big mistake because she fell on top of Vi. That woman wrapped her arms around Cait's waist. "Didn't know you wanted to be on me." She chuckled leaning forward for a wonderful first kiss. When she felt her nuts being crashed by the Caitlyn's knee.

"f*ck!" She let loose her grip also dropping the 3d square holding her crotch tightly.

She was breathing heavy and in major pain. Panting she sat up and looked at the blue hair that was holding back her laughter. "Didn't think you were that sensative down there." She chuckled throwing the cube up and catching it in total victory.

"Give it back." Vi stood up blinking a couple of times. She was still seeing a few stars here and there.

"I don't think so. This doesn't belong to you It belongs to a good friend of mine." She said shoving it in her bra.

"Come on Cupcake. I thought you were sweet your being a bit bitter right now." She got closer to her accomplishing her to back up hitting her behind on the wall.

"Stay where you are. Before I hurt you again." Caitlyn saw how Vi took a few steps back rubbing her crotch. She went directly to the fridge like she owned it and took out a bag of frozen peas.

"I still think your sweet. Keep the artifact just help me with the files." She sat back down and pressed the bag firmly against her groin.

"I will help you. You have to promise me you won't leave tomorrow. Because if you do. Those files will never reach out to you. Do I make myself clear?" Caitlyn felt something inside her core when she saw Vi close her eyes and push the chilled bag where she felt pain.

"I promise. Are you happy Cupcake?" She said groaning. "Why would you hurt me in my forbidden forest? You have no idea how it hurts. Gosh I need to vomit." She stood up dropping the bag and placing a hand on her mouth searching for Caitlyn's eyes.

"The red door."

When she saw Vi walk with her legs open she felt bad. Thinking she might of had crossed the line. However, she did confirm a dick there.

"Much better!" Vi said coming out of the bathroom. She was tired and needed to recover that days energy loss.

Caitlyn picked up the bag and handed it over to her. "Sorry about..." She wasn't sure what to say.

"For hurting my nuts." Vi looked at her ashamed face. She was enjoying that woman feeling abashed. She accepted the white plastic bag.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure..." Once more she was incertain of her next words.

"I had a dick. No worries cupcake. Guess I'm a distinctive person." She winked at her and had to ask where she was going to sleep.

"Do I get to crash tonight in your bedroom?" She licked her lips biting her lower one. Having a wonderful look at that woman infront of her from top to bottom. Taking in every perfect curve.

Caitlyn lifted her hair in a ponytail. "You wish. I will bring you some sheets you can sleep on the couch. It's very cozy." She palmed Vis' chest.

"Why do you have to be so hot and sexy?" Vi said to herself biting the corner of her lower lip while closing her eyes soflty for a few seconds.

"Here!" Caitlyn shoved the sheet on Vis' stomach making her grunt.

"Oops. Was I to rough?" The blue hair swifted her hips from side to side. Her sexy blue hair was also following that move.

"Never Cupcake. It felt like a feather against my torso." Vi took off her shirt leaving her upper part naked.

Caitlyn was drinking a glass of water. She began to choke because she unintentionally set sight at that f*cking muscular back. Everything about Vi made her feel funny from the inside. It was something she never felt. Something new.

The pink hair turned around and was face to face with Caitlyn. She lifted one eyebrow. Twirling around with her hands extended she had to tease her.

"Like what you see?" Vi knew she was handsome. She was a hunk and was definitely going to show it off infront of her.

"You know. I've actually seen better." Caitlyn placed the glass in the dish washer and took quick steps toward her room.

"You think she is safe?" Claggor said bouncing a ball off their livingroom wall.

"I don't f*cking care to be honest. I never went to actually help her. I needed to take some stress out." She said catching the ball and throwing it directly at Claggor's face.

"Aouch." He said rubbing his forehead.

"Tomorrow I'm headed to work Claggor. Don't wait for me, going to be gone for several days." Jinx said fixing her braided ponytail.

"How come you have never told me where you actually work?" He knew she was going to get very angry listening to the same question over the years.

"f*ck off Clag. It's none of your business. Helps us pay the bills." She smacked the back of his head prior to leaving.

Tossing and turning Vi was full of sweat. She was talking in her sleep having a nightmare of the day her parents were murdered. If she only knew the reason why someone would do such thing to honest, hardworking people.

Caitlyn walked out of her room. She wasn't able to sleep and really wanted to double check Vi was still there and hadn't left.

She heard the hunk talking in her sleep. How her breathing was intense. When she was before her she could see wetness all over her torso.

"Wake-up." She said it loud for her to listen. It worked because Violet sat up placing her hand on her chest feeling how her heart was about to pop out.

"sh*t!" She cursed looking at those blue eyes staring at her in the dark. How in just seconds her crazy breathing had eased. Only two pairs of orbs sharing a moment looking at eachother.

"Are you okay?" Caitlyn said whispering placing her palm on Vis' cheek.

"Yeah. Stupid dream haunting my nights." She chuckled to calm the tension.

"Go back to sleep Cupcake. I'm fine." She took that hand off her face and laid back down staring at the white sky above.

"Are you sure your going to be alright?" Gosh. Why was she caring so much for a person she just met? Cait thought to herself.

"A hundred percent. Go rest!" Vi said winking at her. The small light that entered the windows in that cozy apartment were enough to be able to view ones face. Made the eyes twinkle in the dark.

Cait left not so convinced she was okay. something was tormenting her. Could it be her parents death? Was she innocent? Was she there when it happened? So many questions flooding Caitlyn's brain. She needed answers and she was going to get them even if that meant to get involved in whatever Vi was up to.

Chapter 6: First kiss

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Chapter 6

"Gosh! I need some alcohol!" Vi sat up brushing her fingers on her short hair on one side of her head. She huffed getting up and stretching her torso. Every freaking muscle was crying out. It was really uncomfortable to sleep in that couch that for some reason looked comfy.

She placed her hands in form of a cone and shouted.
"Hello, Cupcake!" It was very quiet and she might have slept longer than she had wanted to. She searched everywhere in that small apartment and couldn't find anyone.

She was not sure if there was anything stronger than tea or coffee in that place. She got dressed and was in the need to go out and find some licor with an empty stomach.

Placing her hand on the doornob she turned it around and was not able to open it. "You had to f*cking lock the door, Cupcake!" She lifted her arms and dropped them in defeat. Placing a finger on her chin and tapping it for a few seconds thinking how to get out of there.

She forced her deltoid against the door breaking the lock and bumping herself into the wall waiting for her outside.

"sh*t!" She said crashing her face into it. She shook any small pain she felt and fixed her jacket pulling over the hood on her head. Just in case there were posters already with her handsome, cute face attached everywhere she would turn.

Walking inside a licor store. She spotted the most expensive bottle of vodka on the top shelf. The silver, gold colors that wrapped the container full of that delicious liquid caught Vis' attention. There was no way she could afford something like that.

Vi looked to her left and right double checking no one was seeing her and she snatched the bottle placing it inside her jacket. She was not worried if anybody actually saw her. She was concerned for the person who was going to try to stop her from taking it.

"Caitlyn in my office now!" Walking down the corridor without even looking at the woman he opened the door and waited for Cait to enter.

"Go get the files Mylo." She whispered to him palming his back.

"Have a seat." The sheriff said serving himself something strong. He was troubled by everything that was happening in just a short amount of time.

"Vi broke in! Where were you?" He said looking at her and stabbing her soul with sharp eyes.

That woman was so strong not even those eyes could make her feel fear inside.

"I was here. Finishing up some paperwork. Mylo and I searched for her however we couldn't find her." She said not even winking. She was not ready for that man to make her feel less. She was doing her job it was hard to babysit someone twenty/four-seven.

"Caitlyn. Your only job is to keep her out of trouble. Do it." He said slamming his hand on the coffee table infront of him.

Caitlyn stood up and turned around. "There is something your not telling us. I'm not questioning you. However, it must be important information to keep it a secret."

That woman stood a few seconds giving her back to the Sheriff waiting for his say. Of course he was not going to open his mouth because he knew he was indeed hiding valuable details of why she was locked up in the first place.

Cait slammed the door on her way out. Not caring if that would cause her to be more in trouble.

Her small sphere began to beep and she took it out pressing it to show strange activity. She spotted Vi not in her apartment location. The red dot was wondering through the streets of Piltover city non stopping.

"sh*t! Why couldn't you stay where I left you?" She said outloud catching Mylo's attention.

"She's gone?" He said with a not surprised face. A face showing off already perceiving she was long gone.

"Let's go. I need to have a word with her." She said serious taking out her motorcycle keys and speeding up her search.

Punch, punch, punch, was all it took for Vi to walk out that store not owing anything to anyone. She smiled and cleaned the bandage coverings on her hands against her trousers.

She twisted the cap of that bottle that had made her mouth watery since the moment she saw it. Gulping down an enormous amount of that clean and crisp flavor liquid traveling down her throat into her stomach. She took a deep breath and expulsed the air feeling more relaxed.

As she had told Caitlyn she was going to wait for her in her secret apartment. After she received the files she would deliver the one that doesn't belong to her and then keep on going with her plan.

She clenched tightly the fist that wasn't carrying the bottle. She was being very careful not to bump into any enforcers on her way back. Passed and dodged a few of them through-out the clean, fancy, streets of Piltover.

"She broke my door! Gosh I'm going to kill her!" Caitlyn was out of her mind. Her breathing was out of control. Her face red from pure anger.

The locater was blinking, revealing her location right where Cait was standing. Something was off because she already had searched all over her apartment and nothing.

Lifting the bottle and finishing the last drop of it she stumbled inside Cait's place with a surprise expression when she saw that sweet woman's flaming eyes.

"sh*t! Did I do something?" Vi took a few steps inside. When she was face to face with that stunning hot woman, she let a huge breath out knowing by her eyes that she was in big trouble.

She turned her face to the skinny guy. "Help me Mylo, please?"

"Are you drunk?" Caitlyn placed her face closer to Vis' taking in the smell of alcohol.

"You are drunk. Why?" The blue hair woman couldn't understand.

"If you keep on getting closer. I might kiss you Cupcake." She said placing a hand on the woman's shoulder and pushing her a few inches back.

Vi didn't want to do anything stupid that could get her even more in trouble with Caitlyn.

"Did you get the files I needed?" She tried to keep steady and walk a few steps. However, she failed and gripped herself on Cait's hips. Lips brushing and sexual tension rising.

Vi had her eyes closed she could see how everything was moving in her head. "sh*t!" While opening her eyes she had the urge to unite those lips and that's exactly what she did. Kiss that blue hair woman whose eyes widen in surprise while her lips were being devoured by some drunk stranger she just met a few days ago.

"DAMN!" Mylo thought. He was just capturing that sensual moment between both of them. He smiled twinkling his eyes towards Caitlyn that was not exactly convinced how to react. She began to move her mouth slowly corresponding that wonderful kiss. If it wasn't for that taste of licor it would have been perfect.

She then remembered Mylo was there and probably staring at them. Caitlyn lifted her knee and smashed it against Vis' crotch once again.

"Huh! Aaarrgghhh! Cupcake not again." She said lifting her face and burying it in the blue hair girls' breasts.

"Get off of me."

Vi fell back and pressed her back roughly on the ground. Gripping tightly her crotch.

"Cait. That sh*t hurts. Why? She was giving you some love." Mylo did an aouch face grabbing his crotch that felt every pain that individual was feeling.

"I'm sorry Geez. It's just your so beautiful and f*cking sexy. You distract me cupcake." She was groaning loudly.

Caitlyn had to admit she pressed her knee a bit more rougher than last night.

Mylo was outstanded to what he listened to Vi say. He liked her being direct with her words and feelings. Might help Cait express what she was feeling for the dark pink hair woman suffering on the ground.

Vi extended her hand for help. There was no way Cait was going to assist her. She poured herself a glass of water in the meantime she was waiting for the coffee to boil up.

Mylo extended his hand and pulled her up roughly. "I like you already Vi." He chuckled receiving a punch from Caitlyn on her way to her bedroom for a moment. She needed some time out to process what had just occured.

Shutting the door behind her she leaned back and shut her eyes replaying that kiss over and over again. She gently touched her lips biting the corner of her lower lip for a few seconds.

"Get it together Caitlyn. It's not like you feel something for her. You just met her for goodness sake." She said to herself poking the side of her forehead to understand.

Knock, knock.

"Cupcake. Open up." Vi said at first knocking pacifically. After a few attempts and no response she started pounding the wooden door.

Caitlyn rolled her eyes and opened the door rapidly. Having Vi fall face flat against the cold floor.

That woman tried to push herself up with her hands. However, she ended up smashing her face again. "Aouch" was the last thing she said before passing out.

"Bring her to the couch." Caitlyn was awesome at giving orders.

"Can you at least help me. She is f*cking heavy." He whined sliding her all the way by her hands to the couch. Thinking, How he was going to lift her? He had no freaking clue. He scratched his scalp figuring out a way to lift her body.

Cait lifted her from her armpits and Mylo from her feet. He clapped in delightfulness finally working as a team.

"You see it helps when you cooperate..." He had glanced at Vis' face for just a few seconds. "She's bleeding." He said not getting any reaction from the dark blue hair.

"I will take care of her. Do me a favor go buy some food. I have nothing in the fridge and she needs to eat." Cait handed again some gold coins to the skinny guy.

He smiled happily. He was also finally going to treat his empty stomach.

Caitlyn took a good look at the hunk that was laying down on her sofa. Cute little snores escaping her adorable mouth. How everytime she would breathe in her well toned abdomen would rise and then slowly fall.

She took out a cotton ball from her small first aid kit pack and poured some alcohol. She was going to try to be as gentle as she could. She padded it softly receiving in response Vi opening her eyes and wincing.

"There your all set." Cait said double checking if any stitches were needed and to her luck it was only a small cut.

Vi was having a very hard time to sit up. Her body was asleep and she was not fully in control. Seeing Caitlyn leaving her space she snatched her wrist rapidly.

"I'm sorry about the kiss. I don't know what got..." She was shut up by Caits' index finger against her lips.

"Save it. I already forgot about it." She said coldly wacking her hand for freedom of that strong hand hugging her wrist.

"You did?" Vi frowned and dropped her shoulders. She was upset listening to those harsh words just stomping on her heart.

"Well to bad Cupcake because even though I was drunk. I enjoyed it." Vi half smiled looking up and connecting her orbs with Caitlyn's.

"Well enjoy it handsome because that's the only kiss your stealing from my lips."

The door of her apartment swushed open and in came Mylo with a big brown manila bag.

"Chinese food tonight." His face was glowing.

"What's missing?" The sheriff asked a group of enforcers he had working overtime to gather data of what was taken.

"Two files sir!" A big muscular one answered him.

Marcus's heart stopped beating for a moment. He closed his eyes and waited for the title of those case files that were stolen.

"Silco and Mr. And Mrs. Lanes." That man even though he was huge jumped when he saw the Sheriff punch his desk. Everything from the desk bounced up falling roughly back on it. Cursing he dismissed all of them.

"This can't be." He said to himself knowing that his days were counted. As much as he wanted to keep peace between Piltover and the Undercity he knew everything was bound to explode someday.

He got his coat and needed to pay a small visit to the president of the Undercity. To inform him his worst enemy was going to hunt him down.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmm Gosh. Food here keeps getting better." Vi was very concentrated in her food. This time Caitlyn gave her a fork and spoon for the lo mein and orange chicken.

Mylo was having a blast sharing this moment with Vi. He also loved to eat. He was skinny. However, his metabolism was rather quick keeping him always looking like that.

"I knew you were an orange chicken hunk." He said pointing at her with his chopsticks.

"To be honest I can eat anything." She lifted her gaze and wiggled her brows at Caitlyn that was staring at her since she began to ingest that perfect meal.

Mylo laughed so hard hearing those flirt words dedicated to Cait, he began to choke. He got on his feet having a very hard time breathing. Vi knew he was choking for real. She quickly stood up placing herself behind him, making a fist with her right hand and putting it on Mylos' Navel. When that was all set she grasped the fist with her other hand and immediately pressed into his abdomen area pushing it upward. The second time she thrusted that area a chunk of chicken flew out.

"There you go." She said palming his chest a few times and then back to eating her food like nothing had happened.

Caitlyn was with her eyes open. "Can she be anymore perfect?" She thought squeezing her legs together feeling tingling in her c*nt.

"You owe me one." Vi said looking serious at Mylo that was recovering from his almost death.

"You bet I do. Caitlyn would have left me dying." He chuckled and rubbed his chest receiving a punch from her.

Caitlyn stood up and handed both files to Vi. "Here. As promised. Take a look at them. I need to place them back before they find out something is missing."

Vi pushed her food to the center of the table freeing up her space to glance at them.

"No can do Cupcake. I need to give this.." She lifted Silco's file. "To pay for the extra help I got."

Caitlyn bend over to her. She was going to be very clear and only say it once. "Your going to glance and memorize anything you need and give him the information. I need to put them back where they belong. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"You don't get it right Cupcake. If I don't give him this he will probably want my head and in order for me to do justice I can't let that happen." Vi stood up again having those big f*cking breasts touch her chest. She saw how the nipples were hard and standing out proud through her shirt.

Could be either because she was pissed or because she wanted something that only Vi could give her.

"Fine. We will visit a good friend of mine to see if he can provide us a copy of that without anyone finding out." She left the two eating up. She needed a quick shower.

"Is it a friend or a boyfriend?" Vi asked Mylo interested in his answer.

"Friend. However, he has been always interested in her." He saw how Vis' cheeks were flaming in jealousy. She forked her chicken like if it was her enemy.

"I'm going to have fun tomorrow!" He said to himself smiling for a moment forgetting he almost ended with his life because of a piece of chicken.

Chapter 7: The truth

Chapter Text

Chapter 7

Panting, heavy breathing, talking loudly in her sleep. Caitlyn was awaken from her deep sleep during late hours in the night by Vis' nightmares again.

"Hey! Vi wake up." She was trying to get a response from her. It was useless. Vi was a heavy sleeper and that night she was having flashbacks of her past. She remembered a very important detail other than the tattoo she had memorized by heart. A glowing red eye, visible in all that darkness. Re-living that memory was tormenting Vi each day of her life. She sat up screaming, sweating, catching her breath.

"Your okay, your not alone." Caitlyn had caught her and embraced her tightly not letting her go.

They stayed like that for who knows how long. It was a small intimate moment between both of them.

"I can get used to this kind of treatment." She had to open her big mouth and ruin whatever special spark lit up a while ago.

Caitlyn let her go and stood up. She was angry at herself for being a fool. How could Vi be such a jerk and use the worst moment to throw in a flirt sentence.

"I'm sorry. I'm a jerk. Forgive please. It just helps me forget and calm down." Vi stood up rushed.

Caitlyn turned around not wanting to face her because the only thing she wanted to do was to comfort her with a kiss.

"What is wrong with you Caitlyn?" She said to herself shaking off those thoughts that were ending with her tranquility.

Vi needed to hug her and thank her for being with her twice now. She wrapped her arms slowly around her waist and hugged from behind gently. Placing her chin on her shoulder and gripping her stronger not wanting to let her go.

"Thank you. For being here with me. Involuntarily. However, your with me." Vi said sweetly whispering into her ear.

Caitlyn was feeling a shock of electrifying waives travel all around her body. It was something no one has ever made her feel and she was freaking out. She didn't expect for her skin to fill up with goosebumps. However, it did and she blushed embarrassed at the situation.

Vi noticed and turned her around slowly. She needed to connect eyes with her. Having her orbs fight where she wanted to set them if on her eyes or her lips. She blinked a couple of times getting distracted by her pink cheeks.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." Vi leaned closer to her lips.

"Don't! We barely know each other and you are in big trouble with the law." Caitlyn said trying to push Vi a few steps back. It was pointless the pinkette hair woman was strong and she was aiming already for those perfect sized lips.

Tilting her head slightly to the side she pressed ending any space that was available between their lips. She bobbed her head once more breathing and immediately kissing Caitlyn.

"Your like a magnet Cupcake and I'm liking that!" She said parting her lips and rubbing her nose softly on Cait's.

"Your out of your mind Vi." The blue hair said catching her breath. She loved those dominant kisses. It had been so long since someone actually stold a kiss from her.

"Damn right I am, about you Cupcake. Your driving me nuts and I don't know why." Vi at last opened her eyes to have a glimpse of that gorgeous woman she still had in her arms.

"Your saying non-sense. Stop stealing kisses from me. Respect me!" Cait was just blabbing out words she didn't really mean. The warmth that woman made her expierence was filling up a small aperture she had in her heart. She didn't know a person like Vi would actually begin to overflow it with sexual desire, want, and the love word that Caitlyn ran away from.

"Let me go." She said calmly trying not to alarm Vi in any sort of way.

"Okay!" She lifted her eyebrow staring at her. "Please don't knee me or kick me in my testicl*s. That really, really hurts. I still have nausea from earlier on." Vi stold one last kiss from that precious mouth.

She then let go of Cait and quickly covered her crotch with her hands, closing her eyes and waiting for some sort of savagery from the tall woman.

The dark pink hair opened one eye leaving the other one shut. It was weird not receiving any form of violence against her.

"Come and sleep with me. It's late and maybe having me by your side avoids you having those nightmares, that interrupts my sleep." Cait walked to her room and slid in the thin sheets covering her body.

Vi followed her serious. "What do you mean interrupts your sleep? Geez. Can you say something nice for once?" She said sliding in the sheets facing Caitlyn.

Cait placed a pillow between them. "To prevent you being all over me." She turned and gave her back to Vi.

Ms. Lane chuckled. "You mean to keep you away from me. I see how you stare at me cupcake. Stop lying to yourself." Vi laid on her back facing the ceiling. She began to tap her fingers on the matress not being able to fall asleep anymore. Cursing she sat up.

"What? Having a hard time controlling yourself?" Cait was holding back her laughter.

Vi stood up. "You wish cupcake. I'm going to glance at the files. My sleep was spooked by your sweetness."

Vi cracked her fingers. She needed to relax before opening her parents file. She wasn't sure what she was going to find out and didn't want to act all crazy about it.

Taking a seat and opening the file. It was filled up with blank pieces of papers. She slammed her fist on the table cracking it in half.

The crash of the vase that was in the middle alarmed Caitlyn and she ran out pointing her gun in all directions. She stood still when she saw cute Vi with a hand on the back of her neck rubbing it up and down like if she had done something wrong.

"Sorry." She said pointing with her gaze at the broken in half table.

"What happened?" Caitlyn was confused.

"I got angry." She picked up both files from the floor and opened her parent's to show Cait. "It has no information at all. Blank, blank, blank pages that's all that's in here. How could that be?" Vi placed the files roughly on the small coffee table in the livingroom.

"Were you trying to play with me?" She said scrunching her eyebrows furiously.

"No! Not at all. What about the other file?" Cait said concerned afraid that it was also blank with no data.

Vi opened it and she was met with the person that gave her bad dreams for more than ten years. Recognizing that eye and that diamond with an eye in the center tattoo. She was going to crumble everything up. Cait gripped her wrist tightly making her let go of the documents.

She saw Vis' assassin face. She was silent, breathing heavy, her eyes almost popping out. Caitlyn knew she found important information in Silco's folder. There was no doubt about that.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The blue hair said almost whispering.

Vi just shook her head negatively and gripped her hand taking her to the bedroom. Laying her down nicely.

She then laid on top of her. Cait could feel her heart beats. She didn't open her mouth at all she just wanted to be there for Vi.

"Hug me please." Vi lifted her face and stared at that woman. She had her elbows pressed on the matress to not fully place all her weight on top of her.

"Yeah. I can do that." Cait said without hestitating.

"Can I have a kiss?" Vi said pouting.

"Of course." Cait kissed her on the cheek.

"Well it's better than nothing." She snuggled pushing her crotch against Cait's thigh several times.

"If you want hugs stop doing that." The blue hair said firmly.

"I'm just getting cozy. Sorry!" Vi hugged her and she was put to sleep by Caitlyn's nails scratching her scalp. That did the trick.

"Well hello there Sheriff. It's a surprise your visiting me today. I hope it's important because your taking my precious time away." Silco said sitting up straight and looking at the man that had a frightened face.

"Vi stold her parents file and yours." He said waiting for that man to scream the sh*t out of him.

"You see I knew the job was to good for you. f*cking enforcers. Anyways it was about time she knew the truth. I have something special prepared for her." He chuckled hitting Marcus with his walking stick. Leaving a red thin mark on his cheek.

"Your useless. Get back to work and keep my file clean. Peace for your stupid Piltover." He chuckled opening the door to dismiss the sheriff.

"Sorry about the face." He said palming the mans' back roughly.

"Is she ready?" Mylo said wondering where Vi was.

"No. She had a rough night and is still sleeping." Caitlyn grabbed the files and handed them to Mylo.

"Parent's file empty. Silco's shocked her. Don't know the reason yet. I want to give her time."

Mylo's eyes widen and was surprised at Caitlyn's warmness with Vi. Did something happen between them? Should he ask? He was then distracted by the broken table in the diningroom.

"What happened here?" He said amazed looking at the wood split in half.

"Angry Vi. Finding out no information on her mom and dads' case." Caitlyn jumped when she heard a thump sound.

Mylo panicking ran to the bedroom and started bursting in laughter hitting his knees uncontrollably while seeing Vi had fallen face flat on the floor.

That woman lifted her red embarrassed gaze penetrating through Mylo's soul with her intense eyes.

"Seriously?" She said standing up and punching him not to rough to avoid breaking his arm.

"Did you two sleep together?" He wiggled his eyebrows happily.

"We sure did!" Vi winked at Caitlyn creating the cutest blush on her face.

"It's not what you think Mylo. Stop it with the f*cking eyebrows. Geez!" She said stomping her foot against the floor. Unhappy with the game the two of them were playing at.

Vi placed her arm around Caitlyn's neck and leaned to kiss her on her cheek.

"sh*t!" The pink hair woman dropped on her knees holding her crotch roughly.

"That's what you get!" She chuckled and went to take a quick shower before they would leave to see Jayce.

"Aouch. Do you need some ice Vi?" Mylo said expressing a hurt face. "three times in a row. f*ck. She must like you a lot." He chuckled handing over that frozen peas bag.

"No. She must probably be obsessed with my huge dick already." She said standing up suffering and going inside the bedroom to put on the rest of her clothes.

The skinny man chuckled. He was enjoying the day. Couldn't wait to see Vis' reaction when she would see Jayce flirt with Caitlyn.

Eating and apple that was the only fruit she found inside the fridge. Vi coughed when she saw how hot Caitlyn looked with her ponytail and that f*cking sexy enforcer uniform.

"Go change Cupcake. Your showing to much!" Vi said biting her apple and chewing it various times before she swallowed hard.

"Whatever! Let's go. You brought the vehicle Mylo?" Cait asked noticing Vi checking her out.

"Stare somewhere else Vi. Your going to melt me with those eyes." She waited for the woman to follow Mylo and close up her apartment.

"I wish I could undress you instead of melting you." She covered her dick running behind Mylo.

Cait smiled and shook her head slowly. That handsome was driving her crazy.

Knock, knock!

"Wow! You look beautiful today. What a surprise Cait. Come in!" Jayce said embracing her in a tight hug. A little to long for Vis' taste.

She cleared her throat. " We need your help!" She said shoving Silco's file against his stomach.

"Be nice Vi!" Caitlyn said whispering to her and backing her up from Jayce.

Mylo sat his ass down and took out a bag of goodies to be entertained by the wonderful scene that was going on in that spacious lab.

"What did I do wrong?" Vi furrowed her brows. She leaped and crashed her bums on the mans' desk. Seeing how that man smiled and touched Caitlyn's face everytime he got the chance. How she was accepting his contact.

Huffing Vi laid back on his desk and looked at the ceiling. There was a ventilator attached in the sky twirling and twirling catching Vis' concentration.

Caitlyn saw her and shook her head. It was best to leave her gazing up then have her bothering her.

"Here." Jayce said brushing his fingers on Caitlyn's making cute eyes at her.

"Thank you." She leaned and kissed him on the cheek.

"Let's go Vi!" Caitlyn said hitting her on her leg.

That woman stood up straight and was unaware she would get dizzy. She pulled Caitlyn close to her body and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"What are you doing?" Cait said surprised at her sudden move.

Vi shook her head quickly. "I got dizzy. Sorry for touching you." She let go of her once she was go to go.

"You didn't question his touches!" That woman grabbed the copy of the file and barged out of there not even thanking Jayce for his help.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked Mylo confused.

The skinny guy lifted his shoulders and dropped them quickly. "beats me. Probably because Jayce was flirting with you." Mylo said searching for Vi that had disappeared.

"He was not." Caitlyn said crossing her arms denying what Mylo had said.

"She's gone!"

Caitlyn moved her head in all directions and just like that Vi had vanished.


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La_Frosted_Cookies, Linalovesmina_11, and waccias well as3 guestsleft kudos on this work!


Vengeance - Fiction_89 - Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

Last Updated:

Views: 5778

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.