Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

From 20 Lands to Be Honored Wives of foreign students and visiting foreign scholars at the University of California will be guests of the Foreign Student Hospitality Committee of the University Section Club tomorrow afternoon in the Berkeley home of Mrs. William Andrews, 118 Alvarado Road. On the guest list for the a affair, from 2 to 4 p.m., are 130 visitors from 20 different countries. Special guests will include Mrs. Sidney Schnayer, president and Mrs.

Charles Lynch, vice president of the Dames Club; Mrs. Alan Ribera and Mrs. Galen Rarick, who are active in the foreign student hospitality program; Mrs. Roy M. McDonald, chairman of the international committee of the Berkeley Chapter, American Red Cross and Mrs.

Kenneth Larson, founder and director of the International Kitchen, Berkeley Red Cross project. The latter group, made up of foreign and local wives, pool their interests in gourmet sessions at the Red Cross chapter house once a month. Presiding at the tea table will be Mesdames Edward Strong, Everett Howe, Carl Nordly and Edwin O'Neill. Others active in 1 preparations are Mrs. W.

Glenn Marders, chairman of the tea; Mrs. Alvin Eustis, Mrs. Theodore Reller, Mrs. Sanford Elberg, Mrs. Manfred Sandman and Mrs.

Haakon Hamre. Phipps Studio photo MRS. RICHARD SMITH was Patricia Barrett Dr. Smith, Bride Now in Seattle, Wash. home in Seattle, where he is doing his intern: ship, are Dr.

Richard Stephen Smith and his bride, the Patricia Jude Barrett. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Smith of Hayward and daughter of Mrs. R.

E. Dole of Fort Pierce, were married last month in St. James Cathedral in Seattle, and received in the Norselander Room of the Ben Franklin Hotel. The bride was attended by Patricia Ann Harvey, a former Miami, girl, and the bridegroom had Dr. Ronald Roberto, a former lander, as best man.

Dr. Joost Oppenheim of New York City was the usher. Dr. Smith is a graduate of Alameda High School, the University of California at Berkeley and the University of California Medical School in San Francisco. He affiliated with Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity on the San Francisco campus, serving as president of the chapter in his senior year in medical school.

His bride is a graduate of Jackson Memorial Hospital School of Nursing in Miami. RECREATION TOPIC Teen-age recreation will be considered by Bret. Harte P-TA at tomorrow's 1:30 p.m. meeting in the school gymnasium. It will feature Mesdames R.

Miller, civil defense chairman; E. S. Hilton, safety chairman, and Cecil Parr, legislation. Old Families Joined at Rites By Two families who have known each other for three generations were united by the marriage of Marcia Clare Stedman and John Thomas Beales III of Piedmont, which took place Saturday afternoon in the bride's Palo Alto home. Daughter of James Hunt Stedman and the late Margaret Hill Stedman of the Peninsula city, Marcia was given in marriage by her father and said her vows at an improvised altar in front of the living room fireplace.

Large bouquets of white stock and yellow and white carnations were used for decoration, and the service was conducted by the Rev. Arthur Casady of Palo Alto's First Congregational Church. The bride wore a short dress of white peau de soie, made with a scoop neckline, short sleeves and softly pleated skirt, and she carried white carnations with yellow rosebuds. Her sister, Mrs. Thomas Cline (Joan Stedman) of Danville, was her matron of honor in a sheath dress of chibuya red silk with a bouquet of SUZETTE Kilbourne Beales of Piedmont stood with his brother: as best man.

The bridegroom's mother, Mrs. John Thomas Beales Jr. of Piedmont, who had been a close friend of the bride's mother, assisted with receiving at the reception which followed in the Stedman home and wore an ensemble of bronzine green raw silk for the occasion. Young "Mr. Beales, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Beales Jr. of Dudley Court, Piedmont, is a scion of two prominent families. His paternal greatgrandfather was James Ross, for whom the town of Ross was named, and his maternal great-grandfather, Charles Burckhalter, was the Oakland pioneer for whom the school and the street were named. The young man is a graduate of San Jose State College, where he was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity.

His bride earned 1 her degree at the University of Arizona, where she joined Alpha Phi. Now on a Hawaiian honeymoon, the newlyweds will be at home in Berkeley after Ingersoll Studio phote MR. AND MRS. JOHN THOMAS BEALES dark chibuya carnations. Alan April 21.

Marcia Clare Stedman was wed in home services World of Descendant of Edson Adams Wed in Heirloom Bridal Gown Women loom A 63-year-old family Jania heir- in now route and to a honeymoon it front of a fitted her bodice. With gown was worn by Spain Majorca. Jania wore mother's MMES. RICHARD FELTER, RONALD RICHARDS AND LOUIS W. RIGGS JR.

it to the women," say Piedmont Pines workers for museum bonds Museum Boosters Prove Adage Twelve ladies of the Piedmont Pines district are providing a case in point for the old saw, "leave it to a woman," in the current drive for passage of a $6 million bond issue to build and equip a new museums center in Oakland. Although the men are very much in the picture (the ladies wouldn't have it otherwise), much of the spade work is being done by the fairer sex, under the energetic leadership of Mrs. M. V. Moglich.

Piedmont Pines is the first area of the city to become completely organized for a house-to-house and telephone campaign, to take place during the week prior to the April 18 election. The women, who recently gathered at a coffee party to decide ways and means of contacting each of the district's 600 homes before election day, include the Mes- dames Ronald Richards, Louis W. Riggs L. Robert Cameto, Janice Bechtel, Edward Moon, A. P.

Reagan, E. A. Fredericks, B. B. Baird, Charles R.

Hoge, Harold Cloer and Richard Felter. Each member of this key group will, in turn, recruit. other workers from the area. Mrs. Moglich predicts that by the time the polls open there will be a group of some 50 women actively working on the campaign.

Leagues of Women Voters Launch Ex Experimental Project The League of Women Voters in nine San Francisco Bay Area counties will be the guinea pigs in a pilot study of the Council system. Purpose of the new level of League activity, to be known as the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area, is "to increase the knowledge and effectiveness. of the local Leagues in the field of areawide government and to coordinate League work on the metropolitan level" according to Mrs. Eric Neilson of San Francisco, chairman of steering committee for the venture. The Council will be observed' by the League of Women Voters of the United States, for which it is to be the pilot By DOLORES WALDORF study.

The reason for selection of the area, Mrs. Neilson announced, is the fact that the area is regarded as complicated because it involves nine distinct counties. The nine are Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma. Already Berkeley, Oakland and Piedmont Leagues have gone deep into studies of their respective cities and counties. Two years ago they began.

a metropolitan study. As a result of those studies the League has given official approval of metropolitan and district government and the Association of Bay Area governments, formed recently. Pending legislation in Sacramento intended to carry out recommendations of the Governor's Commission on Metropolitan Problems for the Multi-purpose District and the Golden Gate Transportation Commission covers such problems as air pollution, regional planning, regional park and recreation areas, transit in the Bay Area and similar matters. East Bay women serving on the steering committee with Mrs. Neilson include Mrs.

Jurt Huth, Berkeley; Mrs. P. W. M. John, Richmond; Mrs.

Herbert Cantelow, Oakland; Mrs. Edward A. Palmer, Piedmont; Mrs. Elvin Webber, Hayward; Mrs. Harry Olsson, Fremont and Mrs.

A. J. Hudgins, Livermore. Azaleas for the Branch Gathering for their "Spring Fling" on Saturday, will be members and guests of Azalea Branch of Children's Hospital of the East Bay. Their party is set for 5 to 8 p.m.

in the Eric Wulfert home on Woodland Way in Piedmont, where a sweeping Bay view and illuminated garden will be part of the decor. The enclosed lanai which centers the French-Moroccanstyled house will be additionally sheltered by brilliantly colored Japanese parasols, and bright with, appropriately, azalea blossoms. Hors d'oeuvres of many varieties, including miniature pizzas, will be served. Other branch members as- Missionary to Recall Career Thirty-two years of service as a missionary in Mysore, South India, were described by Mrs. Rowland Hill of San Leandro, now a home missionary, when she was guest speaker at Saturday's dinner meeting of the East Bay Chapter of Christian Business and Professional Women's Club.

It was held at the Doric Motor Hotel, in Hayward. Also on the program Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hamilton and Mrs. Gail Moore of Castro Valley.

Oakland Tribune D. 21 Tuesday, April 11, 1961 Music Report On Mills Mothers List A financial report on the recent fashion show of Mills College Mothers Club will be made by Mrs. Leon Smith, treasurer, at tomorrow's meeting of the executive board in Warren Olney Hall on the campus. Presiding will be Mrs. Roy A.

Ibach of Mill Valley, president. Following the dessert meeting for the general membership at 1 p.m. in Orchard Meadow Hall, Mrs. Michael McKeon, program chairman, will present Alexander Libermann, faculty piano instructor, in a demonstration lesson. Taking part will be Kathleen Bennion and Josephine Jackson.

In Paris in 1938 Mr. Libermann collaborated with Artur Rubinstein in the establishment of a school for American students in France, but it was abandoned when war approached. A native of Russia, Mr. Libermann had fled the communist regime in 1921 and the nazis in 1935. Following 12 years in Paris, where he was a teacher and coach, Mr.

Libermann came to the United States. Shortly after arriving in this country he joined the faculty of Mills College. He is now a citizen of the United States. Kappa Delta To Honor Officer Kappa Delta Sorority will honor Mrs. Melvin Stuparich of San Jose, junior past province president, at the chapter house, 2461 Waring Berkeley, at 8 o'clock tonight.

For five years Mrs. Stuparich presided over the Kappa South Province, which includes six chapters in California and Arizona. Mrs. George Crowe of Piedmont, Mrs. Clarence Texdahl of Kensington and Mrs.

Conway Pendleton of Oakland, alumnae president, are in charge of arrangements for the Business to be transacted at the alumnae meeting this evening will include the electin of new officers and selection of delegates to Kappa Delta's national convention in Virginia this June. Campus delegates will be Sharron Ferguson and Kerry Neblett, with Linda Markarian as an alternate. RUMMAGE SALE SET Plans for, Friday's rummage sale of Hamilton Junior High P-TA will be made at tomorrow morning's meeting of the executive board in the teachers' lunchroom. The sale will be held at 470 Ninth St. Jayne Hutchins, daughter of Col.

and Mrs. Robert B. Hutchins of San Francisco, for her marriage Saturday afternoon to Phillips Smith Peter. The couple went from the ceremony at the Presidio Post Chapel to a reception at the home of her parents, and are MR. AND MRS.

PHILLIPS PETER reception guests Her dress, first worn by her great -aunt, Mrs. Thomas Prather, was worn by her sister, Mrs. John D. Evans (Ernestine Hutchins) of Florence, Italy, for her wedding several years ago. Of pale peach satin, the gown is styled with ivory beading down the du Charme photo (JANIA JAYNE HUTCHINS) danced at her parents' home lace-edged veil and carried lilies of the valley atop her prayer book.

Edson Adams, founder of the city of Oakland, was bride's great grandfather, and grandparents were the late John Charles Adams, for. whom Adams Point was named: the late Mrs. Adolph Uhl of San Francisco, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.

Hutchins of Portsmouth, Va. Robert B. Hutchins Jr. is her brother. A graduate of San Francisco State College, Jania was presented at the San Francisco Cotillion in 1954, and her sister Audrey, her honor maid, was presented last year.

Bridesmaids were Alison Castle of San Francisco and Jania's cousin, Jane Hutchins of Pasadena. They wore white chiffon over a flowered print with tulle hats and bouquets of garden flowers. Mrs. Charles Padgett of Miami Beach, and the late Edward C. Peter of Rockville, are parents of the bridegroom, and he is the brother of Capt.

Edward C. Peter of Honolulu and Mrs. William Cozier of Cambridge, Mass. Standing with him as best man was his cousin, Thomas Anderson, and ushers were Ransom S. Cook, Joseph J.

Hughes and Richard Salladin, the latter two classmates of Phillips at the University of Virginia, where he earned his law degree. Upon their return from Spain, the couple will make their home in Sausalito. Bobby Lobby Dogpatch Coming to Town sisting Mrs. Wulfert will be Mesdames J. W.

Gaba, Gregg Hodes, Robert Orr and Clyde Paxton. Chairman is Mrs. John McCaffery, with Mrs. Kenneth McClosky as co- chairman. In charge of tickets is Mrs.

A. S. Walcheck, 6854 Ridgewood Drive, Oakland. Proceeds will benefit the hospital's part pay program for needy children. Vano-Wells-fa*gliano OFFICIAL Journal for Italian Centennial Ball, to be held in Mark Hopkins Hotel Peaco*ck Court on April 29, is presented to Dr.

Alessandro Savorgnan, San Francisco Italian Consul General, by Mrs. Henry F. Grady (right), women's chairman for the event. Looking on is Mrs. Robert Johnson, Eastbay women's chairman.

Proceeds go to Boys Town of Italy. THE INHABITANTS of Dogpatch will be visiting Oakland's Fremont High Friday and Saturday evenings. Occasion will be presentation of the hit musical "L'il Abner" with a cast of 123, including 40 choristers and 23 dancers. From Daisy Mae, down to Moonbeam, Me Swine's Pig, all will be on hand at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium.

Also included in the cast will be three talented little piglets, and even a "civilized" skunk will make his appearance. Hal Jorgenson will be L'il Abner and Mary Ortega will play Daisy Mae. Marryin Sam will be Tom Wood, while Donna Fettke will be Mommy Yokum. Al Miller will be Pappy and Linda McDonald will porStupyfying Jones. Bud Addis will be General Bullmoose and rounding out the NOW! FOX 3-2303 OAKLAND 4:30 8:30 Feature 12:30 TW.

GONE WITH THE WIND CLARK GABLE VIMEN LEIGH LESLE HOWARD OLMA de Continuous Shows Daily from 12:30 By BRENDA COLLINS list of major cast members is Evil Eye Fleagle, to be played by Don Riggs. Johnny Mercer and Melvin Panama are authors of the musical, which will be directed by Don Springer of Fremoint High. Violet Cobb is chorus director and Janice Muto is in charge of the dancers. HIGHLIGHT of last weekend's red and white festival at St. Elizabeth's High School was the coronation of freshman Darralynne Silva as queen.

Her three attendants were senior, Janet Rocha; junior, Yvonne Enos, and sophom*ore, Bernadette Fleming. Considering A Cooperative? 36 Don't make any commitment until you see The Mark Twain- Berkeley's newest and most distinguished cooperative residence-apartment. Get all the facts. Call THornwall 1-6711 today, and arrange an appointment with one of our representatives. Or drop by the sales office any day of the week between :30 and 5:30.


Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)


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