Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (2024)

Contoh penggunaan Li'l

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (1)

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  • ecclesiastic Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (7)

Dalam komik klasik Li'l Abner, karakter Joe Btfsplk terus-menerus memiliki awan hujan gelap yang mengikutinya ke mana pun dia pergi.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (8)In the classic comic strip Li'l Abner, the character Joe Btfsplk constantly has a dark rain cloud following him wherever he goes.

Setelah saya memenangkan Dance India Dance Li'l Masters 2 mereka menyadari bahwa saya bisa membuat karir dalam menari," kenangnya.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (9)It was only after I won Dance India Dance Li'l Masters 2 that they realised I could make a career in dancing," he recalled.

Li'l Gideon ditangkap oleh Sheriff blubs lama kemudian, meskipun ia cepat berhasil mengubah sesama narapidana ke dalam lebih dari pengikutnya.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (10)Li'l Gideon is arrested by Sheriff Blubs shortly thereafter, although he quickly managed to turn his fellow inmates into more of his followers.

Li'l Ze humiliates yang damai penuh kasih manusia pukulan knockout Ned di pihak perkosaan dan setelah itu ia dan pacarnya membunuh Ned dari paman dan adik.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (11)Li'l Zé humiliates a peace loving man Knockout Ned at the party and afterwards rapes his girlfriend and kills Ned's uncle and younger brother.

Misi Li'l Gideon adalah untuk memperoleh kepemilikan Misteri Shack, mengatakan bahwa ia memiliki' rahasia Anda mungkin tidak bisa membayangkan.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (12)Li'l Gideon's mission is to gain possession of the Mystery Shack, saying that it has'a secret you couldn't possibly begin to imagine.

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Sepertinya, selama bertahun-tahun saya tidak menemukan Ye XiaoXiao, Li'l Jiao ini selalu mengganggunya untuk menyusuri jalan degenerasi seperti dirinya!

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (19)It seems like, over the years that I hadn't found Ye XiaoXiao, this Li'l Jiao was always bugging her to go down the path of degenerates like herself!

Dalam Season 1 finale, Stan berhasil mengungkapkan kepada warga kota bahwa kemampuan psikis Li'l Gideon adalah tipu muslihat dan yang Li'l Gideon adalah penipuan.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (20)In the Season 1 finale, Stan successfully reveals to the townspeople that Li'l Gideon's psychic ability is a ruse and that Li'l Gideon is a fraud.

Ini pertama kali muncul pada tahun 1942,dan terbukti begitu populer sehingga berlari sebentar-sebentar di Li'l Abner selama 35 tahun ke depan.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (21)It first appeared in 1942,and proved so popular that it ran intermittently in Li'l Abner over the next 35 years.

Rayyes juga dikenal karena buku buatannya Al-Kitāb al-Dhahabī li'l- Thawrāt al-Waṭaniyya fī al-Mashriq al-ʿArabī: al-Thawra al-Sūriyya al-Kubrā Buku Emas dari Revolusi-revolusi Nasionalis di Arab Timur.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (22)Rayyes is also noted for his book Al-Kitāb al-Dhahabī li'l-Thawrāt al-Waṭaniyya fī al-Mashriq al-ʿArabī: al-Thawra al-Sūriyya al-Kubrā The Golden Book of Nationalist Revolutions in the Arab East.

Li'l Jiao, saya telah mengatakan kepada Anda berkali-kali bahwa/ itu saya sudah memiliki seorang suami, tolong jangan katakan hal-hal ini kepada saya di masa depan lagi!".

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (23)Li'l Jiao, I have told you many times that I already have a husband, please don't say these things to me in the future again!”.


Jujur Abe Yokum: Li'l Abner dan anak kecil Daisy Mae lahir pada tahun 1953," setelah kehamilan yang melenggang di begitu lama bahwa pembaca mulai mengirimkan saya buku medis," tulis CAPP.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (28)Honest Abe Yokum: Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae's little boy was born in 1953"after a pregnancy that ambled on so long that readers began sending me medical books," wrote Capp.

Goose, kakak Rocket, sedang dibunuh oleh Li'l Dice setelah merampok anak muda dan temannya Benny yang telah bersembunyi dan melakukan kejahatan sendiri.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (29)Goose(Rocket's brother) is shot by Li'l Dice after attempting to rob the younger boy and his friend Benny, who both have been hiding out and committing crimes on their own since the motel incident.

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Khan memberi audisi di musim kedua dari realitypertunjukan tari Dance India Dance Li'l Masters, di mana ia keluar sebagai pemenang. ia juga berpartisipasi dalam Dance Ke Superkids dan DID Dance Ka Tashan.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (30)Khan gave an audition in the second season of dancereality show Dance India Dance Li'l Masters, where he came out as the winner. he also participated in Dance Ke Superkids and DID Dance Ka Tashan.

Li'l Abner adalah strip komik satir Amerika yang muncul di banyak surat kabar di Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan Eropa, menampilkan klan fiksi hillbillies di kota miskin di Dogpatch, Kentucky.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (31)Li'l Abner was a satirical American comic strip appearing in many newspapers in the United States and Canada, featuring a fictional clan of hillbillies in the impoverished town of Dogpatch, Kentucky.

Li'l Abner adalah strip komik satir Amerika yang muncul di banyak surat kabar di Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan Eropa, menampilkan klan fiksi hillbillies di kota miskin di Dogpatch, Kentucky.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (32)Li'l Abner is a satirical American comic strip that appeared in many newspapers in the United States and Europe, featuring a fictional clan of hillbillies in the impoverished mountain village of Dogpatch,

Li'l Abner adalah strip komik satir Amerika yang muncul di banyak surat kabar di Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan Eropa, menampilkan klan fiksi hillbillies di kota miskin di Dogpatch, Kentucky.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (33)Li'l Abner is a satirical American comic strip that appeared in many newspapers in the United States, Canada and Europe, featuring a fictional clan of hillbillies in the impoverished town of Dogpatch, Kentucky.

Sekarang, kita punya banyak aktivitas, dan kita harus menyudahi acaranya pukul 9: 30, jadi tanpa basa-basi lagi, mewakili Orange Grove,Berikan tepuk tangan untuk li'l Rosero!

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (34)Now, we have got a lot of acts, and we have to turn the heat off at 9:30, so without any further ado, representing Orange Grove,put your hands together for Li'l Rosero!

Pada akhir era 1930- an, Columbia Pictures mendirikan Screen Gems sebagai studio animasi dengan film kartun unggulan, Krazy Kat, Scrappy,The Fox and the Crow dan Li'l Abner.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (35)In 1933, the studio established its own animation house, under the Screen Gems brand; Columbia's leading cartoon series were Krazy Kat, Scrappy,The Fox and the Crow, and(very briefly) Li'l Abner.

Gideon Charles Gleeful/ Li'l Gideon( disuarakan oleh Thurop Van Orman)- Li'l Gideon adalah seorang anak muda yang memiliki" Kemah Telepati," pesaing sukses Misteri Shack, dan langsung diidentifikasi dengan aksen Selatan-nya diucapkan dan masif, nada warna merah muda gaya rambut putih.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (36)Gideon Charles Gleeful/"Li'l Gideon"(voiced by Thurop Van Orman)- Li'l Gideon is a young boy who owns the"Tent of Telepathy", a successful competitor of the Mystery Shack, and is instantly identifiable with his spoken Southern accent and massive, white pompadour hairstyle.

Li'l Dice sekarang menyebut dirinya Li'l Ze( Ze Pequeno dalam bahasa Portugis), dan, bersama dengan teman masa kecilnya Benny, dia menetapkan sebuah kerajaan obat dengan menghilangkan semua kompetisi kecuali untuk pengedar narkoba bernama Carrot( Cenoura dalam bahasa Portugis).

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (37)Li'l Dice now calls himself Li'l Zé("Zé Pequeno" in Portuguese), and along with his childhood friend Benny, he establishes a drug empire by eliminating all of the competition except for a drug dealer named Carrot("Cenoura").

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Selama dia di sekolah, dia memenangkan peran utama dalam produksi Wizard of Oz tahun 1997 di sekolah, sebagai Dorothy Gale dan juga muncul dalam produksi Fiddler on the Roof( 1995), Lady Be Good(1996), dan Li'l Abner( 1998).

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (38)She won the starring role in the school's 1997 production of The Wizard of Oz, as Dorothy Gale during her time at the school and she also appeared in productions of Fiddler on the Roof(1995),Lady Be Good(1996), and Li'l Abner(1998).

Burung Li'l Play.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (39)Li'l Birds at Play.

Burung Li'l Pada Play.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (40)Li'l Birds at Play.

Kini aku punya Li'l Kev.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (41)Now I got li'l Kev.

Terkadang Samantha mengantarkanku saat Li'l Kev sedang bersamaku.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (42)Sometimes Samantha shoot me out there when I got li'l Kev.

Stan memiliki jurnal pertama, Li'l Gideon memiliki kedua, dan Dipper memiliki ketiga.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (43)Stan has the first journal, Li'l Gideon had the second and Dipper has the third.

Faisal sendiri pernah memenangkankontes menari Dance India Dance Li'l Masters 2.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (44)He is winner of Dance India Dance Li'l Masters 2.

Li'l Abner Yokum: bintang dari strip komik klasik CAPP adalah tidak" kecil";

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (45)Li'l Abner Yokum: The star of Capp's classic comic strip was hardly"little";

Buddy Gleeful( disuarakan oleh Stephen Akar)- ayah sopan dan bermaksud baik Li'l Gideon.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (46)Buddy"Bud" Gleeful(voiced by Stephen Root)- Li'l Gideon's polite and well-meaning father.

Dia memulai karir menari ketikamenjadi kontestan di ajang Dance India Dance Li'l Masters.

Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (47)She started her dancingcareer as a contestant on Dance India Dance Li'l Masters.

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Apa Arti "LI'L" Dalam Bahasa Inggris (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.