The Webs We Weave - EJMoore (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

It was the greatest storm King’s Landing had ever faced, at least that was what the maester tending to the Princess Rhaenyra said. The great storm raged outside the ancient castle, its fury unleashed on the land. The wind howled outside but it did little to lessen the Princess’ screams of agony. Her labors had begun the day before and while at first everything ran smoothly, as her labors progressed the heir to the Iron Throne found herself desperate.

‘’I will perish…’’ mumbled Rhaenyra from the bed she had been lying for hours.

‘’Of course not my Princess.’’ Said the midwife that was by her side wiping her sweaty face. Had Rhaenyra been in a better state she wouldn’t have missed the concerned look the same midwife gave the maester.

Another midwife was at the end of the bed in front of the Princess’ open legs trying to help the Maester as she could ‘’All will be well my Princess, fear not.’’

‘’My husband… Fetch my husband.’’ Rhaenyra pleaded with everything she had in her. At first she didn’t want Laenor by her side while birthing her child. She believed she was strong enough to endure it all by herself. Now though, she really wanted to hold his hand and look at his soft eyes. She knew he would help her if he were there with her. His calm nature was what she needed right now.

‘’My Princess it is inappropriate for a man to enter the birthing chambers. There is no place for Ser Laenor Velaryon in here. Even when the Queen was laboring your father the King was not present at…’’

‘’I said fetch my husband! Now!’’ there was no one in the whole kingdom that could disobey her. The Maester furrowed his brows, looked at the midwife next to him and nodded at her. She wiped her bloody hands on her apron and exited the room hastily.

Turning his attention back at the Princess, the maester took a deep breath and looked at the writhing young woman ‘’You are doing good Princess. A little more and you will have your babe in your arms.’’

‘’I can’t do it. This is too much.’’ Rhaenyra tried her best to keep her wits about her but the pain was unbearable. Not for the first time since her labors started, she thought of her mother. Perhaps she would have the same fate, dead in the birthing bed trying to bring forward the new Prince or Princess. She needed Leanor with her. They had already discussed moons before that if things came to this, he would choose her, not the babe. Another contraction racked her tired body and just as she was about to start panicking, the doors to her chambers opened wide and she saw her husband enter, his face pale and exhausted.

Ser Laenor Velaryon stood by the doors for a moment only, being taken aback from what he saw. The room hardly resembled a birthing room. Ser Laenor had been in battle, he knew all about bloodshed. This room was a battlefield. His wife’s battlefield. Rhaenyra’s outstretched arm put him to motion and he rushed to her side grasping it tightly ‘’I am here now wife.’’ He said kissing her knuckles.

‘’I will not make it Laenor. I will perish like my mother.’’ Her voice was trembling and all he could do to alleviate her pain was let her hold his hand tightly ‘’No you will not Rhaenyra. You will brace yourself and you will deliver the most beautiful babe the Realm has seen.’’ He jested before lowering his voice only for her to hear ‘’Ser Harwin is right outside the doors. He wanted me to tell you that his thoughts are with you.’’ He saw her smile before she screamed again as yet another contraction hit her.

‘’Princess I need you to push’’ instructed the Maester.

‘’That’s all I’ve doing for the last hours.’’ She knew she was acting like a petulant child, but she was past the point of caring. She needed that babe out of her body.

‘’I see the head!’’ exclaimed the Maester ‘’When you feel the next contraction, I want you to push Princess, one last time.’’

Feeling empowered by his words, Rhaenyra gripped Laenor’s hand tighter, braced herself and when the next contraction came she pushed with everything she had. Throwing her head back at the plush pillows feeling exhausted, she heard her baby cry and smiled.

‘’A Prince.’’ Announced one of the midwives and everyone in the room took turns in congratulating her and Ser Laenor.

Before she had the time to ask for her son, Rhaenyra heard the Maester say ‘’There is another babe. My Princess I need you to brace yourself and keep pushing when you feel the contractions coming.’’

‘’Laenor…’’ he could tell from her voice that she was surprised. And he couldn’t blame her, as he himself was shocked. During her pregnancy nothing indicated she carried two babes. Her belly was large, larger than the average belly of a pregnant woman, but they attributed it to the size of the babe’s father. As long as the pregnancy went well and the Maester did not voice any concern, they kept their mouth shut and waited for the babe to be born.

‘’All will be well my love, fear not.’’

A few pushes later, another set of cries came to fill the rooms and Princess Rhaenyra could not help but feel relieved ‘’A little Princess this time.’’

Rhaenyra started crying then, all the pain she endured long forgotten now that her children had entered the world. Outstretching her hands, Ser Laenor gave her her daughter while he held the boy ‘’They are both healthy and beautiful.’’ He said tearfully ‘’Thank you Rhaenyra.’’ Laenor placed a gentle kiss at her forehead, and then stood with the babe still in his hands and began rocking him.

‘’Their names Princess?’’ she heard the Maester inquire ‘’For the Citadell to know.’’

‘’Jacaerys for the little Prince.’’came Laenor’s voice swiftly, giving the maester the very Velaryon name they had previously agreed to give their babe had it been a boy.

‘’And Visenya for the Princess.’’ Added Rheanyra looking at her perfect daughter lovingly. She could already picture her little girl coming to honor the name she was given. A true Visenya, that little Princess would be.

After the maids had cleaned the room thoroughly and helped her bath and into a new dress, and only when everyone had left the rooms leaving her Laenor and the babes alone did she turn to her husband ‘’Laenor their colors…’’

‘’They took their dark hair from my mother, who took hers from her own mother. Everyone knows that Jocelyn Baratheon had dark hair.’’ His tone was firm leaving no room for disagreements. ‘’No one would dare claim anything treasonous, worry not Rhaenyra.’’

‘’And their eyes? How can we explain their blue eyes Laenor?’’ the Princess was frantic, suddenly worried about the safety of her children. If anyone dared question her children’s paternity and word got to the King, it could only result in death.

Sensing her growing panic, Laenor approached her, little Jacaerys still in his arms and sat on the bed next to her ‘’No one would dare insinuate a thing Rhaenyra. You are the heir to the Iron Throne. Those two are next in line after you. They are princes of the realm, they will ride dragons one day. Besides I have claimed them as mine, something I will do again if you ever wish to have another babe.’’

Just as she was about to answer to him, the doors to her rooms burst open and the King along with his consort and children came in ‘’My daughter’’ King Viserys’ loving voice warmed Rhaenyras insides ‘’I spoke to the Maester. You did great my child. I knew everything woud be fine. And now look’’ he said as he approached the bed where both she and Laenor were seated ‘’Now you have two beautiful children.’’

‘’Do you want to hold them father?’’ she asked the King, her eyes wet with unshed tears.

‘’Yes, of course.’’ The King’s hands were already open and ready to receive the first babe ‘’This is Jacaerys your Grace, he was born first.’’ Laenor was extra careful when he transferred the newborn boy to his grandsire’s welcoming hands.

‘’Hello little Jacaerys. You will be a King one day after your mother.’’ His words made Rhaenyra smile until she noticed Alicent’s sour expression at the Kings words. She had given him two sons after all.

‘’Let me see him.’’ She demanded and approached the King to observe the little Prince. ‘’His features are definitely not Valyrian, don’t you think your Grace? Brown hair, blue eyes.’’ then not even wasting a moment, she went over to where Rhaenyra sat on the bed and pried open the blanket that the little Princess was swaddled ‘’The girl too has common features.’’

‘’Like yours my Queen.’’ Said Rhaenyra letting all her ire evident in her voice. How had they gone from being best companions to this? All for Otto Hightower’s thirst for power.

‘’They clearly take their features from their Velaryon side Alicent. My dear cousin Rhaenys had dark hair in her youth.’’ He wasn’t the least perturbed at his wife’s treasonous words. Not even mentioning the color of their eyes.

‘’But my husband…’’

But the King did not even listen to her ‘’And where is my little Princess? Come, give her to me.’’ Giving baby Jacaerys back to his father, his eyes watered instantly upon receiving the babe ‘’Dear Gods Rhaenyra, she looks just like you. I suspect when she comes of age she will be called the Realm’s Delight just like her beautiful mother.’’ He jested as he rocked the babe in his arms.

Before Rhaenyra had the time to answer, little Visenya began squirming in her grandsire’s arms and then started crying ‘’She probably wants her mother.’’ Then handing the babe back to her mother ‘’Come children, come see your nephew and niece before we take our leave.’’

Prince Aegon, already at seven years of age having shaped an obnoxious personality already, chose to scoff and go wait by the doors. On the other hand, sweet Princess Helaena and the younger Prince Aemond hesitantly walked first to see Jacaerys and then the still crying Visenya. Rhaenyra held her breath as she watched her four year old step brother reach for the babe’s closed fist with his little hand. Aemond was a child that rarely spoke and never showed emotion. He chose to play with his wooden dragons alone, and never really talked. Then the strangest thing happened. Little Visenya stopped crying and opened her blue eyes wide trying to focus on Aemond but failing.

‘’Look at that. She likes you Aemond.’’ The King tried encouraging his son to interact more with his niece, and just before the boy was about to trace his fingers along her cheek, his mother’s voice was heard, hard and strict ‘’You said it yourself dear husband, we ought to leave your daughter to rest after such a tiring labor. Not all of us are graced by the Gods with quick and easy labors after all.’’ Rubbing her very swollen belly she continued ‘’I must rest as well, I could begin my labors any day now.’’

Nodding, the King bent over to place a kiss at his daughter’s head and motioned for his wife and children to leave ‘’I congratulate you my daughter for giving the Realm two exceptional Princes. I will make sure to have their dragon eggs be brought to you to place them in their cribs immediately.’’

‘’There is no need your Grace, Ser Harwin Strong and I will personally go to the Dragonpit and pick up the eggs.’’ said Laenor.

‘’Very well.’’ The King smiled at them both before departing.

Laenor turned to Rhaenyra ‘’Why would she say such a thing?’’

‘’She only said what everyone will think as soon as they see the babes Laenor. We will have to keep a close eye to the court and if the need arises I will speak to my father. He won’t let anyone disrespect the Targaryen name.’’

‘’Speaking of the babes, I think there is someone who is dying to see them and hold them, don’t you think my dear wife?’’ the conspiratorial look he gave her made Rhaenyra’s cheeks heat immediately. ‘’He was very nervous when I last saw him and I think no one would blame the Princess for wanting to introduce her children to her sworn shield.’’

‘’I would really like to see him too husband. I couldn’t very well have him hold my hand during my labors, but I want to see him now.’’

‘’And you will.’’ Laenor put baby Jacaerys to his crib and moved to the doors.


‘’Yes Rhaenyra?’’

‘’I wish Harwin could hold my hand during my labors, but I am forever grateful to the Gods that you were by my side.’’ She tried putting in her words the gratitude and affection she felt for him.

‘’I know, and I am grateful for you giving me two beautiful children.’’ Laenor said before exiting her rooms.

Rhaenyra got up from her bed, walked slowly over the nearest armchair and sat waiting for the father of her children, wondering if he would be affectionate with them in the privacy her chambers gave them. After all it was her who had told him that he would never be a father to any child they would have. Would he be distant? Deny even holding them? Keep true to their original plan?

But Rhaenyra’s fear was pointless, since from the moment the doors opened and Ser Harwin Strong entered her chambers, his face was beaming. She observed his tired face. A wide smile was spread in almost all his face, his blue eyes were red and watery and his curly hair were tousled as if he had run his hand in his locks many times. He probably had.

‘’Princess, as your sworn shield I came to congratulate you on the birth of your children.’’ His deep voice was trembling as he spoke, and it was evident that he was touched by being able to meet his children. He seemed impatient to hold them, stealing glances at their cribs, but he did not dare move.

‘’Thank you Ser Harwin. Would you like to hold them?’’ her heart was beating erratically in her ribcage at the thought of him cradling their children in his big hands. It was all she wanted.

‘’Yes please.’’ Was all he said before walking towards the cribs. Midstep though he turned and approached her. He kneeled in front of her and hugged her, hiding his face in her belly. ‘’Thank you.’’ His voice was muffled, but Rhaenyra understood him. She carded her slender fingers in his dark locks and smiled ‘’I should be the one thanking you Ser.’’

Lifting his head, he locked his eyes with hers ‘’You really don’t understand what this means to me Princess. You, the babes… being able to hold them…’’

And as if sensing their father was talking about them, gargling noises were suddenly heard from the cribs. Harwin’s eyes widened and he was quick to get up and go to them. He bent his large body and gently took baby Jacaerys in his arms. It was the most beautiful scene Rhaenyra has ever witnessed and it completely dissolved her earlier fears. It took one look to understand that Ser Harwin Strong already loved his children beyond measure.

To see that giant man, the strongest in the Seven Kingdoms, wearing the armor of the Commander of the City Watch cradling so gently the newborn brought tears to her eyes. How could she ever doubt the love and devotion that man could give?

‘’Asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch. Terrible lack of respect.’’ Rhaenyra couldn’t contain her laugh at his words to baby Jacaerys.

‘’Insolence runs in the family I guess.’’ She retorted and smiled at the sight in front of her.

Harwin kissed his son and took baby Visenya in his arms ‘’You know, twins do not run in my family. I am not complaining though. Look at them.’’

‘’Yes well it was me who had to birth them so…’’

He was looking at her now, his face suddenly serious and grim ‘’I was scared Princess. When your labors started I prayed it would be an easy and fast delivery, but as the hours passed and I heard you screaming in agony I became desperate. If another hour had passed, I would have barged in to be with you.’’ His tone left no room for doubt.

‘’The Commander of the City Watch inside the birthing chambers of the heir to the Iron Throne. Imagine the scandal.’’ Rhaenyra was appalled even at the thought of the consequences his actions would have.

‘’I can’t recall a time in my life that I was so afraid Rhaenyra. I don’t want to have to go over it again.’’

‘’Just because it was difficult the first time it doesn’t mean it will be the same next time.’’ She smirked at him wanting to see the worry leave his face.

‘’You want to have another?’’ to say he was shocked was an understatement.

Getting up with some effort, Rhaenyra walked to his side and leaned on him looking at their daughter who was currently napping at her father’s secure arms ‘’Can you blame me Ser?’’

‘’No, I can’t. I will give you as many children as you want Princess.’’ Harwin said lovingly and she felt his lips graze her hair. ‘’Ser Laenor will be a great father to them.’’ She heard him mumble, his voice barely audible.

Turning to look at him Rhaenyra smoothed her palm on his cheek ‘’You will be with them too. Their fierce protector, the one who when the time comes will teach them how to wield a sword and fight, and you will always be my sworn shield which means you will always be close. You may never be able to claim them as your children, but you will be in their lives Harwin. I promise you this.’’

He nodded ‘’I will be in your lives any way you allow me Princess.’’

Rhaenyra for a moment thought that their lives would be peaceful now that she provided an heir and a spare for the throne. Her father had not put her aside in the line of succession in favor of her younger brother Aegon despite the words she knew Otto Hightower was whispering in his ear. Her uncle Daemon’s abandonment still stung but she had learnt to live with it, especially since Harwin entered her life. And now she had her children. And they lived peacefully, at least for some years. Because the moment little Lucerys Velaryon was born almost two years later, dark haired and blue eyed just like his siblings, princess Rhaenyra heir to the Iron Throne understood that the peace she wanted for her family was no longer feasible. The green vultures were not just circling them anymore. They were ready to strike.

Chapter 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

‘’Dracarys’’ Visenya gave the command in a peremptory tone and she watched as her dragon opened its giant maw and breath fire. She could feel the excitement of the beast as if it were her own, as if she was the one spitting fire from her own mouth. They were one.

‘’No!’’ the heartbreaking voice of a man was heard then, but all Visenya could see was her dragon in the sky as it continued its onslaught. There was another dragon she could tell, a bigger one, that her beast was trying to tear apart. But the man’s cries did not stop, in fact she could hear him screaming now. Turning her head from the magnificent dragon dance above her, she tried identifying the distraught man but all she could see was fog covering her surroundings. Her feet were naked, the stones beneath them scraping her soles and she was cold.

Visenya tried taking a step forward intent on finding her way through the fog to the screaming man when she tripped on something. Halting immediately, she bent over and saw that she had tripped over something looking like a leg. Reaching a hand over to the man she thought the leg belonged to, only to see that there was no man. It was just a severed leg. Beside the leg, there were more body parts scattered. Visenya straightened and gasped taking a few steps back.

The fog was increasing by the minute to the point she could not see where she was going. Hyperventilating, she began walking backwards only to lose her balance and fall on something. Feeling for the place she had fallen, she touched something smooth and wet. Suddenly, the fog cleared allowing her to see what she was holding. It was a severed dragon wing covered in blood. The scream that tore from her throat was almost inhuman.

Visenya’s eyes snapped open in the darkness of her chambers, her heart pounding. She sat up in her featherbed gasping for air. The images of her nightmare were still fresh in her mind like she had been in that place for real. Like it was her reality. Taking a few deep breaths in order to calm down, she looked around her chamber. The same familiar chamber she had spent six years living in. Good, that meant she was safe. The nightmare had been just that, a really bad dream. It wasn’t real.

Getting out of bed, she slowly walked to the nearest window. The sun was just starting to rise painting the sky a beautiful shade of pink. Closing her eyes, Visenya took another deep breath, letting the fresh morning air fill her straining lungs. It felt good to be awake.

Turning, she went back to her bed and laid down. The maids would come soon to light the fire and prepare her for the day. She closed her eyes and tried to distract herself by thinking all the things she was looking forward to do today. All in vain, as her nightmare was back the moment her blue eyes closed. At the age of six, Visenya was not accustomed to such violence. All she knew was her mother’s soft hands as she braided her hair, her instructors in High Valyrian congratulating her on her progress in benevolent voices and playing with her brothers and uncles. She had been in the training yard many times, always eager to learn how to hold a sword and wield it, but her mother wanted her nowhere near violence. All she could do sometimes was hide and watch her brothers train with Ser Harwin Strong. So, it was safe to say that she knew nothing of dismembered bodies and men screaming in agony. Besides, Visenya Velaryon had yet to claim a dragon. There was no relevance in her nightmare and her real life at all.

Soon the doors to her chambers opened, and her assigned maids entered ‘’Good morning Princess. Did you have a good night sleep?’’ Elinda was already readying the copper tub for Visenya to bath as she spoke, while the other maids lit the fireplace and opened the windows. Sunlight flooded in her room and she basked in it, determined to leave this vile dream behind.

‘’I did Elinda. Do you know if my father has woken up?’’ the day before and many more days before that, Leanor had taken her up in the sky on Seasmoke’s back and she today she felt the need to fly again.

‘’I do not know Princess, but what I know is that your mother wishes to break her fast with you and your brothers.’’ Elinda had moved to Visenya helping her into the tub.

‘’We break our fast together every day for as long as I can remember Elinda.’’ Said the little princess laughingly.

‘’And that is something you should not take for granted and instead be happy about. Not everyone can say the same. Family is everything Princess.’’

‘’I know Elinda.’’ Grumbled the girl before adding ‘’But my uncles and aunt Helaena never break their fast with their mother.’’ It was the constant discussion between her and her uncle Aemond, well despite their mutual lack of dragons. He always commented how he ate alone or with Helaena, never with their mother or father.

And while Aegon didn’t seem troubled by this, or even her sweet aunt Helaena putting much thought to it, Aemond was always gloomy when she came to him after having dined with her family. Visenya hated when he looked like that. She wanted to see him smile, his eyes gleaming like when he gave the correct answer in their High Valyrian lessons. She thought he was divine with his long silver like hair and his bright violet eyes. Visenya felt her smile widen at the thought of spending yet another day in his company.

Later, when they were all sat in their mother’s rooms breaking their fast she asked her mother about her earlier concern. ‘’Muña I was wondering, can I invite uncle Aemond to dine with us tomorrow?’’ her little feet were tapping anxiously on the floor as she waited for her mother’s answer.

Rhaenyra observed her daughter for a long minute before smiling wide and giving her answer ‘’Of course my love. Feel free to invite your aunt and other uncle too if you wish.’’ She herself had tried inviting them to dine together many times before, but Queen Alicent always declined the invitations. ‘’Do not feel sad though if he tells you he cannot come. You can spend as much time with your uncle as you want.’’

After giving birth to the twins, Rhaenyra became more observant. She noticed her half siblings were practically strangers to her and while this was her fault too, since becoming a mother she wanted them to feel that their older sister is not absent from their lives. Her decision came easier when she saw how close Aemond with Visenya were. You could always find them somewhere together, reading or just enjoying each other’s company. It was good, she thought some times for her daughter to have someone in her life apart from her brothers. Someone so fiercely devoted to her. After all, they all resided in the same castle, it would be quite difficult to stay friends when she took her seat in Dragonstone.

‘’It’s not like he will accept.’’ Interrupted Jacaerys ‘’You know how he is.’’

‘’Jace!’’ shouted Visenya, her eyes suddenly angry ‘’Uncle Aemond is my friend.’’

‘’He is weird.’’ Came Lucery’s voice lower than his siblings ‘’He never talks to me, he is always distant and this one time he growled at me.’’

‘’Not to mention he spends most of his time in the library.’’ Added Jace snorting.

‘’So what? I spend time in the library too.’’ Said Visenya, always at her uncle’s defense.

‘’And what of the time he pushed me in the training yard? He is vile.’’

‘’You were training Jace.’’ Visenya replied exasperated ‘’Aemond is not bad.’’

‘’Yes, only to you.’’

‘’Jace that is enough.’’ Rhaenyra’s voice filled the room ‘’You would do well to remember that Aemond is your uncle. And while you are not good friends with him it does not mean that you should talk about him like that. Lucerys you too. We are family.’’

Visenya saw her mother rub her protruding belly before slowly standing ‘’Now go, I wish to retire.’’

Getting up, all three siblings bid their mother goodbye and left her rooms.

‘’We will go to the Dragonpit, are you coming?’’ Jace asked Visenya.

‘’Whatever for? You know I don’t have a dragon. I will go to the library.’’ The company of the scrolls never failed to excite her. Plus maybe her uncle had the same thought as her.

And while Aemond was not at the castle’s library, Visenya decided to stay and read some stories of Old Valyria. As she read a scroll about Queen Visenya’s role in the First Dornish War, all she could think about was how different from her namesake she was. Her plain dark brown hair and blue eyes were nothing like her parent’s silver hair and violet eyes. She knew that she and her brothers were the stark opposite of how a Targaryen looked but never in the past had she allowed that thought to linger.

How she wished she looked more Valyrian. She was not unaware of how different her looks were from her mother. Her grandsire liked to call her The Realm’s Delight claiming that she had stolen that title from her mother, the one she had a strong resemblance, but truly Visenya saw no similarities. They had only the same bone structure in their face but that was it.

Suddenly, the door to the library burst open and Visenya saw Aemond barge in angrily, his whole body trembling. He didn’t even notice her as he began pacing up and down the vast room. His body language was screaming for everyone to stay away from him, but all she wanted to do was give him a long hug to rid him of whatever trouble was plaguing him. Getting up, she slowly approached him ‘’Are you well uncle?’’

Finally his angry eyes fell on her and it was absolutely terrifying. The hate they held in their depths frightened her and made her cower. He was looking at her as if she was a stranger. Aemond Targaryen looked absolutely feral. ‘’What the f*ck are you doing here?’’ Visenya cringed at his hateful tone and choice of words, but she did not hesitate much.

‘’I came here to read uncle. Will you tell me what happened?’’

She saw his lips turn upwards, his beautiful face being marred by an evil smirk ‘’Go ask your stupid brothers.’’

‘’What did they do?’’ Somehow, now that she knew Jace and Luke were concerned she calmed a little.

‘’We were at the Dragonpit earlier, and your brothers along with Aegon told me they had found a dragon for me. Then they brought me a pig and told me this was for me to ride. They even named it Pink Dread.’’ He said, the words leaving his mouth like poison.

Visenya was at a loss of words. Jace and Aegon often teamed up and harassed her and Aemond about being dragonless, but they never went that far ‘’ You are right to feel mad about it uncle. I will talk to Jace and Luke and make sure they apologize to you.’’

Aemond turned to her, his violet eyes still full of hate ‘’I have no need for the bastard’s apology you fool.’’
She knew that word. She had heard it again many times in her six years. She was used to people of the court calling her and her brothers bastards when they thought they didn’t listen. There was one time that Visenya had heard Queen Alicent yell at her sons because they were being friendly with Visenya and her brothers. But while she knew what that word meant she didn’t care. They could call them whatever they wanted. Visenya was a princess, Jace was the heir after their mother and Luke was a prince just recently he had been declared the heir to the Driftmark throne. People could talk behind their backs all they wanted. She just didn’t care.

Well, until now. ‘’What did you say?’’ maybe if she made him say it again he would rethink and take it back. He would understand how much he had hurt her.

‘’I said I don’t need an apology from your bastard brothers. Are you deaf apart from bastard?’’ this was not Aemond, she thought. Her Aemond was a great company, caring and nice and witty. He helped her with her history lessons and they spent many hours together every day talking about everything. Despite she knew Aemond was cold and indifferent to others, he was warm and caring to her.

‘’I wish I was uncle, for have I been deaf I wouldn’t have heard you call me that vile word.’’ Uttered Visenya and turned to leave. This Aemond she didn’t want near her. She had to leave his presence lest he saw the tears that threatened to leave her eyes. The sad this is she was sure he would have reveled in them.

Rushing out of the library and down the corridor to her chambers, she came across Ser Harwin Strong. The massive man smiled when he saw her and kneeled in front of her, his big hands halting her stride ‘’Where are you off to Princess?’’

Looking at him she took comfort from his presence. How lucky she and her brothers were to have him in their lives. Ever their protector, Ser Strong was always somewhere near them and never let anyone pick at them. ‘’Are me and my brothers bastards Ser Harwin?’’ her voice was above a whisper but he heard her. He always seemed to hear and know what was in her head. He was so attuned to all of them.

She saw him tense at her question before looking around and getting up ‘’Please follow me Princess.’’

Visenya took the hand he offered and both of them walked to her rooms. Upon entering, he motioned for her to sit and yet again knelt at her feet. ‘’Did you hear anyone call you that?’’ his blue eyes, identical to hers, were focused on her while his large hands held her tiny ones in her lap.

‘’Maybe.’’ She didn’t want to give Aemond away, and for sure she was not going to utter the Queen’s name. She didn’t know what Ser Harwin would do if he knew and she loved him dearly to put him in danger.

Ser Harwin was a second father to her and her siblings. He was their mother’s sworn shield but he never left their side too. It was clear he absolutely adored them. Jace and Luke spent more time with him than Visenya since he was training them daily with the sword and bow, but he always found time to take walks with Visenya and converse with her. She would never forget the time she came to him crying for not having a dragon. The pain she felt when she first saw Jace mount Vermax and all she could do was stay back and watch. She had cried her heart out that day in his arms and all he did was hold her and listen to her ramblings. Only after he was sure she had calmed did he tell her that it didn’t really matter that her dragon egg did not hatch. He was certain that one day she would mount the greatest beast of them all and everyone would look at her in pride.

‘’You know you can tell me anything.’’ Visenya nodded but kept her mouth closed. Ser Harwin sighed but smiled at her and ran his big hand through her dark locks ‘’You don’t have to talk to me you know. I am sure your mother or your father would love to listen to you. Just don’t keep it inside kid.’’

‘’I know Ser Harwin. Thank you.’’ She couldn’t but hug the man in front of her and hear his laugh as he hugged her back.

He abruptly pulled back and stood a few feet away from her when the doors opened ‘’Visenya my girl, a maid informed me she saw you were unwell and Ser Harwin brought you to your rooms. Are you unwell? Should I call for the Maester?’’ her mother approached her, a hand placed over her enormous belly.

‘’I am well muña, I just had a disagreement with my uncle.’’


‘’No, Aemond.’’

‘’Of course.’’ Rhaenyra smiled, her daughter’s infatuation for Aemond common knowledge around the Keep ‘’Maybe you should talk to him and resolve whatever issue there is.’’

Sighing, Visenya knew her mother was right. Her uncle would never intentionally hurt her, he was just aggravated from the prank they pulled at him ‘’Yes mother. May I go to him?’’

‘’Yes my love. Remember we are family, we must always stick together.’’

‘’Goodbye Ser Harwin.’’

‘’Goodbye Princess.’’ He said smiling.

She had taken a few steps before remembering she had a scroll Aemond wanted back in her rooms. If she brought it to him he would be more amenable. So she turned back to retrieve it. Her mother was still there conversing with her sworn shield in hushed tones. They were always close those two, she thought smiling. Ser Harwin never strayed far, he was by her mother’s side all the time, especially when she was with child, choosing to stand guard at her door most nights.

She watched as he lifted one hand and placed it over her belly, his fingers soon entwining with her mother’s and then caressing the babe inside. It was a deeply personal scene and Visenya felt, one she never witnessed between her parents. Feeling like she was intruding, she turned and left.

No matter where she looked, Aemond was nowhere to be found. Frustrated, Visenya went to the training yard confident that her brothers would be there. Indeed, she spotted them in a corner laughing with Aegon ‘’You think that was funny?

‘’We have no idea what you are talking about Visenya.’’ Jace looked back at Aegon and they both burst out laughing.

‘’Giving Aemond a pig as his mount. That was uncalled for.’’

‘’It was a joke niece.’’ For some reason, Aegon calling her niece made her cringe.

‘’You hurt him.’’

‘’Well, it seems like his problem, not ours.’’ Said Aegon as he brushed Jace with his shoulder ‘’Come on, she is no fun.’’

‘’You should be ashamed of yourselves.’’ She yelled at them, but they paid her no mind. They were already gone.

‘’You shouldn’t have botherd.’’

Visenya gasped ‘’Aemond, you scared me.’’

‘’It will never stop you know. They will never stop making fun of me.’’

‘’They don’t matter. You are smarter than them, stronger and certainly a better person.’’

Aemond huffed and looked everywhere but her ‘’It doesn’t matter that I am better Visenya. I don’t have a dragon. What Targaryen doesn’t have a dragon?’’

‘’I don’t have one either and I am a Targaryen.’’

She saw him close his eyes tightly and take a breath ‘’It is not the same.’’

‘’How so?’’

‘’You are… you. Even your brothers have dragons.’’

‘’They are Targaryens Aemond, just like you and I am. Our lack of dragons doesn’t change that.’’

She saw him flinch and walk away. Visenya followed him. Once they reached the godswood he stopped, tracing his hand over the large brown oak tree ‘’You know it is not the same.’’ He whispered.

‘’Aemond please talk to me. We always confided in each other and now I feel like you keep a piece of yourself from me.’’ Her eyes were wet already, the distance he put between them leaving a tightening in her chest.

‘’My mother says I shouldn’t spend so much time with you.’’

‘’’Why would the Queen say something like that? We are family.’’ It was inconceivable to her ‘’Have I done something to upset her?’’

Turning to her, Aemond’s face was sad ‘’It’s not about you doing something, it’s about what you are.’’

‘’And what am I uncle? I don’t understand.’’ She was crying now, absolutely frustrated.

‘’Forget it, just stay away from me.’’ Aemond said and turned to leave.

‘’No, you are my friend, I do not want to lose you. Maybe if I talked to the King…’’

She saw the exact moment his eyes hardened ‘’Don’t you dare. Just stay away. I don’t want to be your friend anymore.’’

All she could do was watch him leave and not even once turn to look at her. She stayed there, unable to move for what seemed like hours before wiping her tears and retreating to her rooms. She remained there for the rest of the day and denied the food the maids brought her. And when her mother came later that night, she pretended she was sleeping, wishing she would not notice her tear stained cheeks.

Determined to stay in her chambers the next day, her plan was abandoned as her maids informed her that her mother’s labors had began. Running as fast as she could she was stopped before reaching her mother’s chambers ‘’Just where do you think you are going my beautiful princess?’’ her father’s teasing tone made her smile.

‘’Mother has started her labors. I want to be with her father.’’

‘’The birthing room is no place for a little girl like you my love.’’ He said lifting her in his arms.

‘’But father I want to be there for her. When Luke was born I was little and I couldn’t be there for her.’’ All she could remember from her mother’s previous labor was that it nearly cost her life. She could still recall the whispers of the maid’s as they talked about her father and Ser Harwin being by her side.

‘’Why don’t you go be with your brothers?’’

‘’I don’t want to.’’ She pouted ‘’I will go back to my rooms. Will you let me know when the babe is born?’’

‘’Of course my love.’’ He let her down and she left.

Hours later, just as she was about to ask a maid about her mother, her brothers entered her rooms ‘’We have a brother!’’ Jace was cheerful as he delivered the news.

‘’Is mother alright? The babe?’’ Visenya was already at her feet, exiting her room Jace and Luke right behind her.

‘’We were told they are both fine. We were training with Ser Harwin when father came.’’

The three of them ran to the Princess' chambers only to find them empty.

‘’They will be here soon, they went to present the babe to the King.’’ Ser Harwin was there, smiling brightly at them.

Indeed, mere moments later Princess Rhaenyra entered the rooms supported by Ser Laenor, his other hand protectively around the newborn. Without saying anything, he gave the babe to Ser Harwin and guided his wife in the nearest armchair.

‘’I want to see the babe!’’ Luke jumped up and down, and Ser Harwin lowered himself in order for them to see the newborn. ‘’He is so little.’’ Cooed Visenya, tracing her fingers over the babe’s dark locks.

‘’He needs to rest, just like your mother. Now off we go, I think you already picked an egg for him.’’

‘’Yes father’’ beamed Jace ‘’We brought it to the Keep earlier with Ser Harwin.’’

‘’I accompanied them Ser Laenor, it is not everyday a dragon egg leaves Dragonpit.’’ Though Ser Harwin was talking to her father, he was looking at the babe in his arms rocking him gently.

‘’Perfect, now let’s go bring your brother his egg.’’ And just like that all three children were ushered to the Maester’s chambers.

For the next few days all Visenya did was be with her mother and baby Joffrey, avoiding the places her uncle could be. One day as she rocked Joffrey’s crib, Ser Harrold entered her mother’s chambers ‘’My Princess I am sorry for disrupting your peace, but there has been an incident at the training yard.’’

Princess Rhaenyra kept her composure ‘’Do explain Ser.’’

‘’While the princes were training, a fight broke between Ser Criston Cole and Ser Harwin Strong. They had to remove Ser Strong from Ser Cole. He would have killed him.

‘’Where is Ser Strong now? I wish to speak to him.’’

‘’He along with the Hand and Ser Cole are in the King’s chambers.’’

‘’Very well. I will go find them.’’

‘’Princess I don’t think…’’

‘’Thank you Ser Westerling, I appreciate you letting me know.’’

Just as she was about to leave, Jace and Luke came in ‘’ Muña he came at me, Aegon, and it was Ser Cole who told him to do so, Ser Harwin only wanted to protect me,’’ Jace was crying, sobs racking his body.

‘’Calm down Jacaerys. Please stay here with your siblings. I will be back soon. Everything will be fine.’’

Several hours later though, it turned out that nothing was going to be alright. Visenya was crying as Ser Harwin bid them goodbye, his face emotionless, though his voice was trembling ‘’Be good to your mother. Be kind and brave. We will meet again, I promise. Then turning to baby Joffrey in her mother’s arms ‘’I will be a stranger when we meet again.’’

Visenya saw her mother look at him, many strange emotions swimming in her dark purple eyes. She was enraptured by the scene in front of her. Maybe it was fate after all, for dear friends to be separated she thought. Just like she and Aemond were forced apart. It seemed that this separation would only get worse. A few days later their mother announced them that Ser Harwin perished in a fire at Harrenhal along with his father, and that they were to depart for Dragonstone, their new home. Visenya cried herself to sleep that night.


Muña = Mother

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

The ancient castle of Dragonstone stood on its volcanic perch overlooking the Narrow Sea. Its black stone walls and imposing towers loomed over the island, their jagged edges framed against the setting sun. Within the castle walls, a new generation of Targaryens was taking root. She could hear Luke talking to Ser Harrold Westerling somewhere in the distance and she was certain Jace was training in the training yard. Her mother was without doubt in her chambers with baby Joffrey and her father was away again with his friend Ser Qarl Correy.

Visenya stood on her chamber’s balcony gazing out at the raging sea. She could feel the magic of Dragonstone in the air, and she knew that she was finally home. She had come to the place where she was destined to be, she knew it in her bones. While back at the Keep she was never denied scrolls that described her family’s history, it was here that Visenya’s hunger for knowledge of the past came to life. She was determined to learn all she could about her ancestors and the castle’s secrets.

On a clear day Visenya enjoyed watching the main land of Westeros to the north and the island of Driftmark to the south from the top of the castle’s towers. She could only hope that one day she would claim her own dragon and fly her way there. How she craved to see Driftmark. The ancestral seat of House Velaryon, her own paternal House that her father was always talking so fondly about. She couldn’t get enough of her father’s adventures with her aunt Leana in the grim looking castle with the dark and salt stained walls. She had only been there once in her life, but she could still remember the impression it made in her.

And then there were her cousins, the twins Rhaela and Baela, born just two years after her and Jace in Pentos during their parent’s travels. Her father always loved to talk about his nieces while her mother was more reserved yet she smiled sadly when Prince Daemon was mentioned. All Visenya wanted was to visit Driftmark with Ser Laenor atop Seasmoke’s back and spend some time with her extended family. She had missed her grandsire more as Lord Corlys was fond of her and favored her over her brothers.

And then there was Prince Daemon, her mother’s uncle. He was a sore topic for her mother, she knew it, but the tales she heard from Jace were legendary and certainly made her want to meet him. Every time Jace asked their mother about him, she always changed the topic as if it hurt her to talk about him. No one really talked about the Rogue Prince besides the squires and the Knights and it only served to spike Visenya’s curiosity.

It didn’t matter though how hard she begged her father to take her to Driftmark, he always refused stating that when the time came they would all visit the island together. And when the time came, they did visit Driftmark, only it was not for a joyous occasion. It was for Lady Leana’s funeral. It was a somber affair, Visenya thought, as she stood by her mother and siblings. She risked a glance at her mother, only to see her look around nervously. In her six years of age, Visenya could not fathom why her mother was stealing glances here and there and was not with their father mourning.
Looking around, Visenya saw her cousins in the embrace of their grandmother standing tall and straight dressed in all black, looking like the Queen she would have been. Lord Corlys was right beside them looking stern and serious, and while the Lady of Driftmark’s face was tear stricken, the Sea Snake’s eyes were devoid of emotion. It was as if his daughter was still alive and not inside a stone made coffin in front of them ready to be thrown into the sea. Taking her eyes from them, suddenly feeling like she was invading their privacy, Visenya searched for her father, getting anxious by the minute at his disappearance. He had been grief stricken from the moment he learnt of his dear sister’s demise and no one could lift his spirits. Not even his friend Ser Qarl.

Turning her gaze yet again t her mother to express her concern, she saw her look straight ahead focusing in something. Following her line of sight, Visenya understood now what was her mother looking for all this time, or rather who she was looking for. The man was tall and handsome, his stance rather imposing. His silver gold hair reaching his shoulders while his deep purple eyes were gleaming in a way Visenya thought improper concerning he was at a funeral. Suddenly she knew. She was looking at the Rogue Prince, the one and only Prince Daemon Targaryen. Now she could understand why he was considered one of the most dangerous men in the Seven Kingdoms. With Dark Sister secured at his waist, always as the ready, he looked absolutely deadly.

‘’Do you see him?’’ she heard Jace whisper in her ear.

‘’Who?’’ Visenya pretended she didn’t understand who her brother was referring to. After all she knew her brother’s obsession with the Rogue Prince. Jace had idolized their uncle and wished to be like him one day.

‘’Our uncle of course. Look, he is right there.’’ And just like that Jace lifted a finger to point at prince Daemon.

‘’Do not point at him Jacaerys, it is rude. ‘’ Visenya chastised him, having already noticed they had drawn attention to them.

‘’Quiet you two.’’ Their mother reprimanded them ‘’We came here today to pay our respect to your late aunt. If you feel you cannot contain yourselves I would ask you to retire to your chambers.’’ Rhaenyra’s attention was back at her children now, her intense glare trained solely in them.

‘’We are sorry mother. We will behave.’’ Mumbled Visenya and lowered her head.

She didn’t even dare steal a glance at Aemond. He was there, she knew, somewhere behind them sitting with his siblings beside the King and the Queen. Just as she contemplated turning to talk to him, Lord Vaemond Velaryon’s loud voice was heard speaking in High Valyrian ‘’We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Leana of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King where he will guard her for all the days to come.’’
Visenya saw two men wearing the Velaryon colors fasten Lady Leana’s coffin closed and prepare to plunge it at sea as Lord Veamond continued ‘’As she sets to sea for her final voyage, the Lady Leana leaves two true born daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood. Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. ‘’

She struggled to follow his words, even as she was almost fluent in High Valyrian, but as her mother’s arms embraced her and her brothers Visenya understood that Lord Vaemond’s heated speech was meant to hurt. ‘’And ours must never thin.’’ Concluded Lord Vaemond causing a sick laughter to be heard in the crowd. Visenya looked up and saw Prince Daemon laugh manically gathering everyone’s attention to him, just as the men holding the coffin allowed it to submerge in the water.

‘’My gentle niece, may the winds be as strong as your back, your seas as calm as your spirit and your nets be as full as your heart. From the sea we came, to the sea we shall return.’’ Were the Lord’s last words to Lady Leana as the coffin hit the cold water.

A heavy sigh was heard beside her and Visenya saw her father tremble at her side, his eyes red and swollen. Had he been there long? She was so focused in Lord Vaemond’s weird speech that she didn’t sense him. He was having a difficult time standing and before she had the time to take his hand he bolted towards the beach. Her mother untangled her arms from around them, gave them a kiss and left, but as Visenya tried to follow her a voice stopped her.

‘’Visenya.’’ The authoritative voice could only belong to Aemond, and she smiled before turning to hug him. His back went rigid as her arms circled his frame but he did not push her away.

‘’I have sent you a thousand ravens uncle. You never replied.’’ She let her disappointment seep though her tone wanting him to know she was deeply hurt by his behavior.

‘’Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread.’’ Princess Helaena was not looking at them, her eyes were fixed on a spider that was crawling up her arm.

‘’What did you say aunt?’’

‘’Just ignore her, she talks crazy from time to time. It is so annoying.’’ Aegon was bored she could tell and completely unbothered to show it.

‘’She is our sister.’’ Interjected Aemond heatedly ever at his sister’s defense.

Shrugging, Aegon chose not to answer and turned to leave, probably intent to find a place to be alone and drink. Just like old times, Visenya thought.
‘’So, how is Dragonstone?’’ Aemond’s attention was back to her and she chose to ignore the fact that he completely disregarded her earlier comment.

‘’Good, it’s good. You would love it. Maybe you can come with us when we return. The library is vast and Maester Gerardys is always willing to practice High Valyrian. ‘’ then lowering her voice ‘’You know, there are still many unclaimed dragons on the island. Sometimes I hear them at night.’’

Aemond huffed as if the matter was of no importance to him. As if he had not spent most of his life whining about being dragonless ‘’I have no need of those dragons niece. The largest living dragon resides here in Driftmark and now is riderless. Besides, I have no wish to travel to Dragonstone with you.’’

Visenya flinched at his words and then gasped ‘’Aemond you can’t be talking about Vhagar.’’

‘’And why the hell I cannot?’’ he was looking at her now, his face contorted with an emotion unknown to little Visenya ‘’Her rider is dead, I have the right to claim her.’’

For the first time since she knew him, Visenya felt like this was not the Aemond she was friends with. Suddenly she was thankful her brothers had left to their cousin’s side as soon as their mother departed. She knew Jace would lose it if he had heard Aemond talk like that. ‘’I heard Rhaena mention to Jace before that she intends to try and claim Vhagar. She was her mother’s dragon after all.’’

Aemond looked around them before grasping her elbow in a death grip ‘’She can try all she want, but Vhagar will be mine.’’

The raw possessiveness in his voice scared her ‘’Uncle it hurts, please unhand me.’’ She was at the verge of crying ‘’You are hurting me Aemond.’’

He took his hand from her and without another word he left her there, wondering what had happened to him that caused such a change. This was not her Aemond. He was not her dear friend that used to spend hours together practicing High Valyrian. This was not her Aemond. He was not her dear friend that used to spend hours together practicing High Valyrian and daydreaming about the dragons they would claim. She knew her uncle Aemond was mercurial, but to treat her like that was troubling. First he calls her a bastard, then ignoring her letters and now hurting her both physically and mentally.

Spending the rest of the day with her siblings and their cousins, Visenya felt like she could spend the rest of her life like that. Surrounded by her brothers, talking about everything with her lovely cousins, eating together like a family. She really wished her parents allowed them all to spend more time in Driftmark. They got along really well and it only hurt Visenya that she had lost that connection she shared with Aemond. Deciding to retire early, she bid them goodnight and walked to her chambers, thoughts of Aemond clouding her mind. The last thought she had before drifting to a restless sleep was that she would have to talk with him before they all departed from the island.

‘’Get up! Get up Visenya we need to go.’’ Someone was shaking her violently.

‘’What is going on?’’ her eyes were blurry as she tried identifying who had entered her chambers.

‘’Aemond stole Vhagar. We have to go now.’’ This got Visenya to her feet instantly. Rubbing her eyes, she recognized Luke sitting by her featherbed, a worried look on his face. ‘’Baela along with Jace and I went to help Rhaena claim Vhagar. ‘’

‘’What?’’ whispered Visenya as she searched frantically for her boots.

‘’We saw Vhagar take off with Aemond on her back. He stole her Visenya!’’

She was getting dizzy as Luke spoke ‘’Please tell me they returned to their rooms.’’

Luke shook his head ‘’They are waiting for him to land so that they can confront him. Please Visenya, we should go and stop them. Baela has a knife.’’

Visenya halted her movements and turned to look at her brother ‘’A knife? And just what is she planning to do with it? Are you serious Lucerys? We should alert the guards.’’

‘’No, no. We still have time to stop them. Let’s go!’’

The urgency in his voice as well as her rising panic made her haste down the dark corridors of the castle clad in only her nightgown and boots, Luke hot on her heels as he showed her the way.

They had just reached the caverns of the castle when she heard screams. Visenya picked up speed and finally she saw them. Aemond was there, his long hair a mess probably from flying, and his violet eyes gleaming dangerously. She could see Jace too standing tall in front of the girls in a protective way. Visenya halted as soon as she saw them, but Luke continued walking until he reached Jace and mirrored his stance.

‘’Vhagar is my mother’s dragon.’’ Yelled an enraged Rhaela.

‘’Your mother is dead. Vhagar has a new rider now.’’ Aemond spewed the words like they were venom in his mouth.

‘’Aemond please…’’ Visenya begged taking small steps forward. No one paid her attention though.

‘’She was mine to claim!’’
‘’Then you should have claimed her.’’ Aemond was smirking, his beautiful face contorted as he let his arrogance take over ‘’Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to claim. It would suit you.’’ He laughed.

At his words Baela moved forward attacking him with her knife, but he easily pushed her aside. Visenya saw the knife fall from her hands to the sand and her heart sped up. Without waiting another moment, Rhaena groaned and moved towards Aemond and hit him in the face, throwing him, off balance.

‘’Stop, please stop!’’ Visenya’s plea fell on deaf ears. Taking a step forward to put an end in this madness, Aemond got up and punched Rhaena ‘’Come at me again and I will feed you to my dragon.’’

It was chaos after that. Jace attacked Aemond with a scream only to be pushed back by their much stronger uncle and end up face down as Luke came at Aemond.

‘’I said stop!’’ screamed Visenya pushing an enraged Baela aside while trying to get between them and stop this madness. She felt someone push her and she fell, but not before seeing all four children go for a now bloodied Aemond.

Getting up as quickly as she could, she saw her uncle grab Luke from his neck, a big rock in his other hand ‘’You will die screaming just like your father did bastards.’’ And that was all it took for Visenya’s heart to break irreparably. She knew now, after the incident back at the Keep that her uncle had intentionally used that wretched word. It hurt her insides listening to him uttering it again with so much hate in his eyes. His words cut her beyond measure and she was not sure they could come back from this.

‘’My father is alive.’’ Cried Luke, blood streaming down his face mingling with his tears.

‘’He doesn’t know. Does he…’’ Aemond’s smirk painted his whole face and his arrogance cut deep through her soul. Visenya watched as he lowered the rock and turned to look at her ‘’Lady Strong?’’

It was awful really, having heard him talk to her like that yet Visenya tried ‘’Aemond please let’s just stop. We will leave and never bother you again.’’

Aemond spat at her feet and unhanded Luke, just as Jace grabbed the knife from the sand and attacked him. Their uncle was faster though and pushed him back, Jace landing not far from Luke who grabbed the knife from the hands of his brother. It was as if time slowed down from there on. Visenya could only watch as Jace threw sand in Aemond’s eyes and at the same time Luke sliced through Aemonds right eye. Visenya screamed them and sprang forward pushing Luke aside.

‘’No!’’ she screamed and fell to the ground beside Aemond. ‘’Uncle please, look at me.’’ She begged and cried as she tried to pry his hands away from his face.

The King’s guards chose this moment to barge in the cavern and in only took a moment before they grasped what had transpired between the princes and princesses. It was all hazy from then on and Visenya found herself sitting in a plush armchair, Lord Corlys’s strong hand on her shoulder.

Her brothers were beside her, all bloodied and panting while her cousins were hiding behind Lady Rhaenys. Scanning the room Visenya saw Aemond seated by the fire, a Maester tending to his bloodied face while his mother the Queen looked at him anxiously.

‘’How on Earth could you allow for this to happen?’’ the King demanded in a deep voice.

‘’The Princes were supposed to be in their chambers your Grace. We don’t know who they left their rooms, but the young Prince attacked his uncle.’’ Ser Harrold Westerling tried to explain how the night turned to chaos but it was all in vain.

‘’You all swore oaths to protect my blood! ‘’ roared the King, supporting his weight in his cane as he walked around the room. This was madness, thought Visenya already feeling her head go numb.

‘’It will heal, will it not Maester?’’ asked the Queen the old man as he worked on Aemond’s face.

Everyone in the room turned to him ‘’The flesh will heal, but unfortunately the eye is lost your Grace.’’

‘’Where where you?’’ screamed the Queen at Aegon, slapping him hard in the face.

Aegon groaned and tried to move away from her and as he opened his mouth to say something, the doors opened and Princess Rhaenyra came in looking around for them. ‘’ Visenya, Jace, Luke!’’ she was frantic to reach them as soon as she saw them at the back of the room.

Visenya was soon engulfed in a hug, but her eyes were trained at Prince Daemon who had entered the rooms behind her mother and now casually stood by the doors, his arms crossed in front of him, a smirk plastered in his face.

‘’Show me my love.’’

Yet again, the little Princess turned and saw her mother trying to see for herself if Luke had any injuries. ‘’Who did this?’’ she roared looking at the Queen.

‘’He attacked me. All of them came at me. I tried to defend myself.’’ Yelled Aemond from his seat, pushing the old Maester aside to glare at his half sister.

‘’He stole my mother’s dragon!’’ cried Rhaela.

‘’Rhaela stop!’’ came Lady Rhaenys’s voice as she pushed the screaming girl behind her.

While all four of them screamed at each other, causing chaos in the room, all Visenya could do was look at Aemond and cry. How did this happen? Why did she leave early that night? Maybe if she had stayed they would had told her their plans and she could have stopped them.

‘’Silence!’’ the King’s voice forced everyone in the room to stop talking and turn to look at him ‘’Aemond I will have the truth of what happened.’’

‘’What else is there to hear your Grace? Your son was assaulted and maimed by her son.’’ The vitriol in the Queen’s tone made Visenya cringe. She knew this woman did not like them, she knew she spread rumors at court, but this? This was pure hate.

‘’It was a regrettable accident your Grace. My son…’’ Princess Rhaenyra tried to speak but to no avail.

‘’The Prince brought a blade with him, he tried to kill my son and you dare say it was an accident?’’ Queen Alicent moved towards Luke and Visenya felt bile rise in her throat at the lie no one made a move to correct. She knew it was Baela the one who brought the damn knife with her, not Luke. Visenya got up ‘’ Luke was not the one who…’’ but she was pushed down by her mother.

‘’It was my sons who were attacked and tried to protect themselves. Vile insults were levied against them.’’ She said moving in front of her children.

‘’What insults?’’ The King seemed interested to know now, desperately trying to find the reason behind this.

‘’The legitimacy of my children’s birth was put into question.’’

‘’What?’’ King Viserys seemed perturbed at his daughter’s words.

‘’He called us bastards your Grace’’ came Jace’s voice.

‘’Where did you hear that boy? The King demands an answer.’’ inquired the King, his voice low and threatening.

Aemond looked at his mother and said ‘’It was Aegon.’’

‘’Me?’’ Aegon’s voice could be comical if not exasperated.

The King walked to his other son ‘’And you? Where did you hear such lies?’’

Aegon was looking at his mother insistently but said nothing ‘’Aegon! Tell me the truth of it now!’’ roared the King.

Trembling, the prince finally answered ‘’We know father. Just look at them.’’

‘’Let it be known, that anyone who dares question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s children should have their tongue removed.’’ King Viserys stood straight as he made his declaration and Visenya released a breath she had been holding since leaving her chambers hours before.

‘’Thank you father.’’ Mumbled her mother and turned to them.

Before they had the chance to hug each other, Visenya saw the Queen grab the King’s dagger and move threatening towards them. Everyone screamed as her mother clashed with her, not allowing the Queen to approach them.

‘’Alicent stay your hand’’ yelled Otto Hightower, but made no further move to stop his daughter.

‘’You went too far.’’ Visenya heard her mother whisper to her old friend.

‘’What have I ever done that was not expected of me? Where is duty? Where is sacrifice?’’ the Queen was still ready to strike as she spoke, never releasing the blade she was holding.

‘’Exhausting isn’t it?’’ said Rhaenyra ‘’Hiding behind the cloak of your righteousness. But now they see you as you are your Grace.’’ Were her final words before pushing the Queen away from her. Visenya could see blood seeping from her mother’s sleeve and shivered.

Everyone in the room stood frozen until the King ordered them all to leave, his declining health not helping him deal with such emotions.

As Visenya left the room with her mother and siblings, Prince Damon not far behind them, she heard Aemond say ‘’Do not mourn me mother. I may have lost an eye today, but I have gained a dragon.’’

And all Visenya could think that moment was that he did not only lose an eye that night. He had lost her too. And this time it was for ever.

Chapter 4

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‘’Higher.’’ Daemon’s voice was hard and demanding echoing in the training yard.

Visenya raised her sword higher into position, her stance mirroring the Rogue Prince’s. He lunged forward, Dark Sister flashing through the air. She parried the blow and countered with a swift attack of her own. They exchanged blows back and forth, their swords moving faster and faster. Visenya felt the strain in her muscles but refused to back down. Taking a deep breath, she attacked again, but Daemon kicked her ankle making her growl and stumble. Seeing an opening, he lunged forward his sword aimed at her chest.

Though Visenya was quicker, twisting out of the way and delivering a blow to Daemon’s side. He staggered backwards, Dark Sister almost falling from his hand, a sinister smile on his face. She sees him smile and instantly knew the exact moment he will strike. The prince tightened his hand on his sword, roared and moved at an impressive for his age speed at her, barreling her to the nearest wall, completely encapsulating her body with his own. Raising Dark Sister at her neck he says loud enough for everyone to hear ‘’Yield.’’

The princess let her sword fall on the ground and he immediately freed her ‘’You are getting better daughter.’’

‘’Thanks to you.’’ In the ten years that her mother had married Prince Daemon here on Dragonstone, Visenya formed an unbreakable bond with her step father. Losing Ser Laenor and Ser Harwin in the span of a few days left a place in her soul void, but in the beginning she wasn’t interested in bonding with the Rogue Prince. In her mind, he was trying to take the place of her father and she despised him for it. Once they returned in Dragonstone after Lady Leana’s funeral, he took to training on her own, not allowing anyone near her.

It was hard for a six year old child to bury two fathers and then welcome another in her life. But Daemon was persistent, always being there, in the shadows watching her, Never judging but only observing. And when one day Visenya decided to take her frustrations out by standing too close to a cliff, the thrill of it making her feel alive again, he was there.

‘’I can help you.’’ His voice was calm, a bright beacon in all this darkness inside her.

She didn’t turn to look at him ‘’You can’t.’’

‘’This island is the house to many unclaimed dragons.’’

This got her attention ‘’I know, though I fail to understand how is that relevant.’’

‘’I’ve watched you for three years mop around, always frowning, never letting anyone in.’’

‘’What is it to you?’’
Grasping her arm, forcing her to face him ‘’Whether you like it or not girl we are family, I am your father and I have had enough watching you destroy your life.’’ His hard tone only served to enrage Visenya more. It was the spark she needed to ignite the fire within her.

‘’You are nothing to me.’’ But the venom in her voice made him smirk instead of angering him.

‘’Use that anger, keep the fire inside you lit. You are a dragon, don’t act like a sheep.’’

‘’I am no dragon.’’ He let her push him and allowed her to take her hand from his grasp. ‘’In case you haven’t noticed I am still dragonless.’’

‘’As I said before princess, this island has many unclaimed dragons. Why are you still here talking to me?’’ ever straightforward, the Rogue Prince was known to always speak his mind ‘’I was in my early twenties when I claimed Caraxes.’’

Visenya huffed and rolled her blue eyes ‘’And I am only nine years of age, you can’t possibly expect me to go claim a wild beast.’’

‘’I don’t see why not.’’

‘’My mother would never let me.’’ Until now she had never openly expressed the sadness that marked her soul concerning her lack of dragon. She had accepted the fact that she would be a Targaryen without a mount to call her own and bond with, but deep inside it hurt.

‘’Your mother rode Syrax when she was seven years old.’’ He was getting bored, she could tell. They had never conversed for that long and she had never even saw him spend time with his own daughters.

‘’It is not the same.’’

‘’Who cares?’’ he yelled ‘’Go find your dragon Visenya and bond with him or her. The bond you will create with your beast will heal that part of you that is broken.’’

It was then that the little princess felt the air shift between them. The next day, she left the castle through the secret passages he had shown her and wandered in the island’s caves determination guiding her steps.

She had absolutely no clue where she was going, she let her instinct guide her. Her steps took her in a deep cave that on first impression looked empty. Grasping the torch Daemon had given her tightly, she moved forward putting her fear aside. He was right, she was a dragon and she was going to get what she wanted. Then there in front of her laid a massive beast, his eyes closed. She took her time admiring him, his bronze scales almost sparkling under the light of the torch. Visenya recognized the Bronze Fury immediately ‘’Vermithor.’’ She whispered.

The dragon’s eyes snapped open revealing molten gold irises. Focusing on Visenya, he opened his large maw and growled, his nostrils flaring. She took a few more steps, suddenly sure about herself and when she was right in front of him she reached out and touched his maw. Closing her eyes she tried to feel him, feel his very soul reach to hers. And it did. Vermithor growled loudly and leaned in her touch.

‘’Gῑda Vermithor.’’ The sound the massive beast made resembled a purr ‘’Dohaeragon.’’ She gave the command and walked to his side, climbing at his back ‘’ Sōvegon’’ she said without letting her voice waver.

Vermithor roared, got up from his crouched position, shook a little and then after taking a few steps towards the exit of the cave he gave a mighty roar, spread his wings and took off. Visenya could hear her heart pounding in her chest, her blood running hot in her veins, but she was not afraid. She was thrilled. The moment Vermithor left the cave and launched himself into the sky, his wings catching the wind and propelling him forward. It was the most exhilarating thing Visenya has done in her nine years. She didn’t know how much time they spent up in the sky, but when they landed at Dragonstone’s large courtyard, Daemon and her mother were there, both of them with big smile on their faces. Getting off her dragon, Visenya ran towards them and stood in front of the Rogue Prince, staring at him knowingly. Then without thinking she moved forward and hugged him.

From then on their relationship only got better, Visenya smiled at the core memory she shared with the Prince. Shaking her head from the memory, she picked up her sword and walked to her brothers. Jace looked at her awed, never really having the chance to spar like that with their step father ‘’You know Visenya I might be a little jealous of you right now.’’

‘’Whatever for dear brother?’’

‘’Considering that you are better with the sword than any man in this island, can take father straight in combat and ride the second largest dragon, well I don’t think I need another reason.’’ Jace’s tone was teasing, truthful but lacking the rivalry many guards thought there was between the siblings.

‘’You know he is right Visenya.’’ Rhaena interjected ‘’Father has never spent with us the time he spends with you. You are his favorite. ‘’ ever the kind spirit, the fourteen year old Rhaena cared little about sword fighting and training among sweaty men on a daily basis.

‘’You know that is not true sister.’’ Said Visenya hugging her.

‘’Eww Visenya you reek.’’ Rhaena laughed and pushed her away.

Before Visenya had the time to tease her, Prince Daemon approached them ‘’Ser Westerling tells me your mother wishes to see us all at the Chamber of the Painted Table. You’’ he pointed at Visenya ‘’ go take a bath, you reek.’’ She heard Rhaena laugh ‘’and you’’ this time he pointed at the younger of his twins ‘’ go fetch your sister. The matter concerns us all.’’ And without further explanation he took off.

‘’Well let’s go. Mother must have something important to tell if she gathers us all at the Painted Table.’’ Luke says curious but patient as always.

Sometime later they all found themselves around the magnificent table that was commissioned by Aegon Targaryen years before the conquest. Visenya admired it, thinking that this was where the Conqueror planned his invasion to Westeros. ‘’Thank you for coming.’’ her mother’s calm voice stole her attention from the Painted Table ‘’Your grandsire Lord Corlys was struck by a sudden fever and sadly fell gravely ill.’’ Her words caused panic among the children.

‘’Will he be alright?’’ Visenya took the hand of a distraught Baela in her own and squeezed it reassuringly.

‘’We are confident the Sea Snake will recover, but we have to think all the possible scenarios. ‘’ Daemon’s voice was hard, devoid of emotion ‘’And now we have another pressing matter to deal with.’’ He concluded looking at his wife.

‘’Lord Vaemond Velaryon, your grandsire’s eldest nephew, insists it should be him that must be named the next Lord of the Tides and Lord Corlys’s successor.’’

‘’But I am his heir.’’ Luke interrupted ‘’How can he raise such a matter at a time like this?’’

Princess Rhaenyra continued ‘’We have been informed that he will petition the King for his cause in a few days ‘’ she took a deep breath ‘’We will all fly to King’s Landing to support Luke’s claim.’’

‘’We leave tomorrow.’’ Daemon left no room for discussion.

‘’We will be ready.’’ Said Jace, placing a hand on Luke’s shoulder.

Although she would do anything for her family, Visenya dreaded their return at the Keep. She hadn’t seen her uncle in ten years, the last time being at Driftmark when Luke had taken his eye. How was she going to face him? Would he want to take revenge on Luke?

‘’Jace, Luke, Visenya a moment please.’’ Princess Rhaenyra motioned for her children to sit while sharing a glance with her husband, the Rogue Prince nodding as he escorted his daughters out.

‘’There is another matter I want to share with you.’’ She coughed and turned her back at them facing the fireplace ‘’I suppose there is no reason to prolong this ‘’and then turning to them she said something that turned their world around ‘’Ser Harwin Strong is alive. He will be waiting for us at King’s Landing.’’

Visenya stood, her eyes wide ‘’What?’’

Jace mirrored her stance, standing so abruptly his chair fell behind him ‘’How can it be? We were told he perished in a fire at Harrenhal. You told us of his demise.’’

Their mother moved to place her hands on his shoulders ‘’I know Jace. It was necessary to let everyone believe Ser Harwin was dead. It has come to our knowledge that it was arson. Sadly Ser Lyonel Strong could not be saved, but Ser Harwin is alive and well.’’

‘’But how…’’ Visenya could not believe it, the sheer joy coursing through her hand in hand with the confusion this information caused her.

‘’You must understand that for the duration of our stay at the Keep we must keep a respectful distance from Ser Harwin. Then, when we return here he will come with us. And when we have the time I will answer all your questions.’’

‘’So it is true then. We are his bastards.’’ Jace said without caring for the consequences of his words.

‘’Jacaerys.’’ Warned his sister ‘’Not now.’’

‘’Don’t you understand Visenya?’’ he began pacing the room having long before distanced himself from their mother. ‘’All those who called us bastards back then, those who forced us to come here and tried to kill him, they were right in what they called us. We are not Ser Laenor’s children.’’

‘’Laenor was your father in every sense that mattered.’’ Their mother’s words left no room for doubt ‘’He raised you, gave you his name. He is your father.’’

‘’We know mother. It’s just that for the past ten years we mourned them both and now we learn that Ser Harwin is alive.’’ It was Luke that broke the tension in the room.

‘’I am sorry for my outburst mother, I just didn’t expect to hear such news.’’

‘’I understand my love.’’ Princess Rhaenyra opened her arms to hug her children ‘’Go and get ready, help Joffrey too. It will not be a pleasant stay.’’ She kissed them and left the room.

Visenya walked to the nearest window searching Vermithor in the sky. He was flying over the sea, his bronze scales glinting in the sun. He had certainly sensed her agitation and had taken to the skies to release the tension ‘’We have to keep in mind that this is good news.’’

‘’How is confirming everyone’s suspicions that we are Ser Harwin’s bastards good news Visenya?’’

‘’Would you rather he was dead Jace?’’ she turned to him raising an eyebrow, stunned at his harsh words.

‘’Of course not. He is our father after all. I loved him, I still do.’’ Walking around the room he snorted ‘’I think I always knew. The way he treated us, the way he never left mother’s side. And that day when he attacked Cole’’ he huffed ‘’That f*cker provoked him to admit we were his children.’’

Visenya walked to the Painted Table, tracing a finger over the map of Westeros ‘’I always felt close to him, drawn to him.’’ Smiling sadly she remembered the day Aemond insinuated they were bastards. She didn’t understand then, but now she knew. The Queen’s request to her son made sense. The Greens and the Blacks they said. Targaryens divided. She shook her head. Nothing mattered now. This Visenya was nothing like the little girl that left King’s Landing ten years ago. ‘’We should heed mother’s advice. Stay away from Ser Harwin and once we return home we will sit down and talk. Tell him we understand and we love him.’’

Jace nodded ‘’It is for the best. They already tried to kill him once. I will not allow them to succeed this time.’’

‘’But he is our father, we have to let him know we care about him.’’

‘’And we will Luke, just not now.’’ Visenya saw Jace smile at Luke ‘’Come on, let’s go get ready.’’

She stayed behind a moment longer, feeling her chest tighten, her throat closing. An hour before, her only concern was besting Daemon in combat. Now she had to put the mask she spent years constructing on, show them the strong and determined Visenya they helped create. All while she stayed united with her family in order to help Luke keep his position as heir to the throne of Driftmark. And then there was Aemond too. He would be a man grown now and she dreaded the man he would have become. Reaching over Vermithor through their bond, Visenya decided that she needed to fly, clear her head. Preparing for their journey would have to wait.

Sleep evaded her at night. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Aemond towering over her, calling her names. Sometimes she saw him threaten Luke with the same knife her brother took his eye. Finally, when morning came and all of them were chained to their dragons, Visenya caught Daemon’s eye silently willing him to understand her inner turmoil.

‘’Rhaena you will ride with your mother.’’ Visenya wanted to cry when she heard him.

‘’Is everything alright husband?’’ her mother inquired as she helped Rhaena mount Syrax.

‘’Yes my love, I just want to race Visenya to Felwood. Do not worry, we will be right behind you.’’

Princess Rhaenyra exchanged a worried look with her husband but in the end nodded ‘’Do not be late.’’

They never really raced. As soon as they were up in the sky they purposefully let the others pass them and then they flew aimlessly. She needed this, and she was glad Daemon understood her. When he landed in a field in Kingswood she followed his lead. They dismounted, both silent. Visenya leaned on Vermithor letting his warmth engulf her and took a few deep breaths.

‘’If it weren’t for your brother’s claim to Driftmark’s throne I would not have wanted for you to come. I would have told you to f*ck them all and fly to Pentos. I have many friends there, they would take care of you.’’

‘’Thank you kepa for always being there for me. Even when I thought I didn’t need it.’’

‘’You are my daughter Visenya. I may not have sired you but you are my blood. You are the daughter of the only woman I ever loved.’’ His clever eyes were focused on her ‘’I see myself when I look at you. All this anger, the inner turmoil, the fire that rages inside you and threatens to burn them all.’’

‘’It is difficult to reign these feelings kepa. ‘’ she caressed Vermithor with trembling hands ‘’Most times I feel like I am drowning.’’

‘’Compartmentalize. ‘’ was his answer ‘’That’s what I do. I keep the most raw, the most primal emotions inside, hidden, and when the right time comes’’ he smirked ‘’I let them loose.’’

‘’And that is why they call you Maegor come again.’’ She laughed.

‘’They’ve called me worse.’’ He shrugged unbothered ‘’In time you will learn how to do it effortlessly. You can use our time at King’s Landing to practice. Conceal your real emotions. Do not let them see how you feel. Show them a Visenya they will fear. Show them who you can become.’’

His eyes were gleaming, the trust he put in her served as balm to her aching soul ‘’I will not disappoint you.’’ Visenya swore as she mounted her dragon.

‘’You couldn’t disappoint me if you tried Visenya.’’ He said before mounting the Blood Wyrm and taking off.

Back at King’s Landing Princess Rhaenyra along with her children waited in front of the castle’s grand doors. The King and the Queen should have already been there, waiting to welcome the heir of the Iron Throne as per custom. As the doors opened though, the only one who came to welcome them was the castellan ‘’My Princess welcome. The King’s health did not allow him to leave his chamber’s and the Queen stayed by his side.’’

‘’I see.’’ Said Rhaenyra ‘’Thank you Lord Caswell.’’

‘’Please come inside, the chambers for you and the princes are ready.’’


‘’Not now Jacaerys. We have to be very careful here.’’ Rhaenyra chastised her eldest child as they let the maids guide them to their respective chambers.

‘’I will retire until your father and Visenya arrive. Then we must all talk together.’’

‘’Yes muña. We will be in the training yard. Come Luke.’’

It had been years since Jace and Luke had been there. Ten long years, thought Jace, and almost nothing had changed. As always the yard was crowded, knights and squires gathering to train and spend their day. Jace could only remember his last day here, when Ser Harwin almost killed Criston f*cking Cole. The arrogant smile in the Queens sworn shield’s face forever engraved in his mind.

‘’He is here.’’ Whispered Luke.


‘’Aemond. ‘’ Jace sensed his brother’s fear and turned to look at him.

‘’Luke it’s been ten years. You have nothing to fear. Nothing will happen.’’

‘’You don’t know that.’’

Jace scanned the training yard, his eyes landing on their uncle. He was in the middle of a sword fight with Ser Criston. The two men stood facing each other, their swords drawn. They were focused on each other and on the task at hand; to train and become better. Ser Cole was a master swordsman. Aemond on the other hand was still in training. Yet when they began their dance, it was Ser Criston the one who struggled to keep up. Aemond delivered blow after blow until he managed to push Ser Criston to the ground and disarm him.

Everyone began cheering at the prince while he sheathed his sword at the scabbard hanging from his waist. He looked indifferent, almost bored as if he didn’t want to be here. He had changed, thought Jace.

Ser Criston got up, picked his sword and turned to the silver haired prince ‘’Congratulations my prince. You will be winning tourneys in no time.’’

‘’I don’t give a sh*t about tourneys.’’ Was Aemond’s frugal answer to his mentor, malice lacing his tone.

And then the one eyed prince turned and saw them. Jace saw him smirk as he approached them. Luke stiffened by his side.

‘’Nephews you’ve come to train?’’ he was standing in front of Jace now, tall and imposing, his hostile stance aiming to intimidate them.

‘’More like observe uncle.’’ Jace stood his ground trying to look as imposing as he could. Four years his minor, he stood almost as tall as Aemond, his daily routine in training leaving him with a body that he could be proud of. Maybe he had his real father to thank for that too, thought Jace.

Aemond turned to Luke then ‘’And you Lucerys? Have you come to take my other eye?’’

It was then that Jace understood that their stay at the Keep would not be as easy as he thought. Suddenly his earlier promise to his brother seemed pointless. Aemond was out for blood. He looked at Luke as if he was deciding between gutting him and strangling him with his bare hands.

‘’Is everything alright here my princes?’’ Jace might have had ten years to hear that voice but he instantly recognized it. It felt like he was six years of age again.

A shadow was cast over them then, making everyone in the training yard look up and wow. Without a doubt Visenya knew how to make an entrance, he thought. ‘’It is just Vermithor’’ he said ‘’Visenya and Prince Daemon raced here and I guess they just arrived.’’

Then turning to Ser Harwin ‘’Everything is just fine Ser Harwin. We were just chatting with our uncle.’’ Jace said his eyes focused on the man who had nearly died for defending them.

‘’Ser Strong, I didn’t have the chance to tell you how delighted we are that you are alive and thriving.’’ Ser Cole’s voice though betrayed the hatred he harbored for the man in front of him.

‘’Open the gates.’’ The loud voice of a guard made them all turn their heads, stopping Ser Harwin from replying. When Jace spotted Visenya and Prince Daemon entering the yard atop their horses he smiled, the sight they made those two. The Rogue Prince riding beside his wild daughter paying no mind to the peasants crowding in the yard to see them.

Not really paying attention to anyone, they halted their horses and dismounted. Visenya refrained from locking her eyes with Aemond. He was looking at her, she could tell. His imposing stance making it almost impossible to avoid him. He had grown so much since she last saw him. It was painful to look at him.

‘’I see you came here first. That shouldn’t surprise me brother.’’ She said upon reaching them. Her peripheral vision allowed her to see Ser Harwin was there but they had clear orders, so she didn’t acknowledge him. ‘’I will go see if mother is settled.’’

Before she had the chance to leave she heard him speak ‘’Won’t you greet me niece?’’ Aemond was furious. How did she dare ignore him. He was her superior, he was a true born Targaryen not a bastard. He fought the urge to wrap his hands around her neck and strangle her, watch the color drain from her cheeks.

‘’Hello uncle, I didn’t see you there.’’ Was her reply, short and measured and she was damn proud of managing to act indifferent.

‘’You little…’’ he uttered, his mouth scowling.

‘’Off we go riñar. The flight was long and we all need to rest.’’ Prince Daemon came to the rescue yet again leading them all inside.

No matter how bad Visenya wanted to turn and look at him, observe the man he had become, she contained herself. Counting the steps to her chambers, her old chambers, she fell to the floor the second the heavy doors closed behind her. It was only for a few days, she said to herself. Only for a few days, and then they would all go back home and she would be fine. Her heart would beat normally, her mind free of him. Or so she thought.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

Tranquility. Peacefulness. Euphoria. It was all Visenya could think to describe the delight she felt right now. Being like this, submerged in the scalding hot water in the tub, all she could feel was bliss. She was always resistant to higher temperatures, but after claiming Vermithor she found out she could sink in boiling water and not get burned. It offered her calmness and right now after the stress of this morning it was the only thing Visenya needed. Closing her eyes, she pulled herself under water until every inch of her was covered.

She didn’t know how long she stayed like that until she heard someone call her name, the water distorting the sound ‘’Visenya. Visenya!’’ it sounded frantic, almost desperate, but still she didn’t react.

Suddenly, she felt two strong hands pull her upwards and shake her violently ‘’Visenya!’’

Opening her eyes, she saw Jace looking at her frightened. As soon as he saw her respond he took his hands from her body, stumbled back and eventually fell on the floor. His breath was heavy, arms coming up to grasp his head.

‘’What is your problem brother?’’ she asked him, her voice stern. She was still inside the bathtub, her hands folded in front of her chest.

‘’My problem? Really Visenya?’’ he looked up startled ‘’I come to see how you fare. Keep knocking on your door for Gods know how long, your guard telling me you are inside and yet you fail to answer.’’

‘’Didn’t it cross your mind that I may have been occupied with something?’’

It was as if he didn’t listen to her ‘’So imagine my absolute terror when I entered your chambers only to find you completely submerged in the water and non responsive.’’ He was screeching now still from his place on the floor.

‘’Are you quite finished? Because I want to get out, the water is getting cold.’’ She said irritated.

Jace blinked a couple times as if he didn’t understand a word she said before shaking his head and getting up. ‘’I will call for your maids.’’

‘’There is no need Jace. Just pass me my robe and turn around. I won’t be long.’’

He did as she instructed, quickly turning his back at her ‘’As I said before, I wanted to see how you fare.’’

‘’It was a difficult and tiring day brother. Flying here, then settling in…’’ she was babbling, she knew, but she was desperate to avoid discussing Aemond with Jace.

‘’You know I didn’t mean it like that Visenya. I meant seeing him after so many years.’’

Thankful he still had his back at her, she closed her robe and sighed ‘’You can turn around now.’’ The moment their eyes met, she knew she couldn’t hide from him. It didn’t mean she wouldn’t try ‘’Well, he obviously grew up. He is taller, his hair straighter and he is certainly a better swordsman if what I heard from Luke earlier was true.’’

Jace shook his head ‘’We are twins Visenya. We shared a womb for many moons, we share a bond. I know when you hide things from me.’’

‘’What do you want to hear brother? That I missed him? That my heart nearly stopped when I saw him? The fact that my heart clenches knowing for sure that he was going to call me a bastard again and look at me hatred written all over his face?’’

The two siblings looked at each other drawing comfort from one another ‘’He changed.’’

‘’I know.’’ Muttered Visenya.

‘’He is hostile and vengeful. He is not the quiet and gentle Aemond we knew.’’

‘’I know brother and it pains me.’’

Jace walked up to his sister and took her hand in his ‘’You are not alone. We just have to stand our ground, show them who we are and then leave this sh*thole.’’

Visenya nodded ‘’Tomorrow is going to be a difficult day. I need to rest Jace.’’

‘’You will not join us? Mother wants us all to dine together.’’

‘’I am not in the mood. I’d rather stay here. I promise I will break my fast with you tomorrow.’’

‘’Very well.’’ He said kissing her gently on her forehead ‘’Rest.’’

She kept her smile on her face until she saw the doors close. They had given her the same rooms she occupied as a child. The pleasant memories she had of this very room were so distant it was hard to think they belonged to her.

Needing fresh air, she walked to the window. It was a clear night, the starry sky a sight to behold. In the vast expanse of darkness, millions of twinkling stars dotted the sky. It was peaceful, she thought, just what she needed right now. All of a sudden, a dragon roared, the intensity almost shaking the castle’s walls. Scanning the sky, it didn’t take long to notice the massive beast soaring through the sky, its wings beating like thunder to keep her flying.

Vhagar was a sight to behold, her power undeniable. She was a creature of legend, Visenya could still remember the tales her father used to tell them of his sister, the late Lady Leana, and her mighty beast. How would a dragon like Vhagar, who had seen war, react to Aemond’s mercurial nature? She feared they would be a menace together, a disaster waiting to happen. Certainly an asset to the hands of the Greens. Especially since all Aemond ever wanted, apart from claiming a dragon, was to please his mother.

Shaking her head to rid herself of such thoughts, Visenya followed Vhagar’s body as she flew higher. He was restless, she could tell. His dragon was moving erratically as much as her gigantic body allowed. At least it is not only me that is affected by our presence here, thought the princess. She couldn’t see him, but at least she could imagine him.

And that was exactly what she did as she laid in her featherbed some time later. Closing her eyes, she saw him on top of Vhagar, his long silver hair swept by the wind, his violet eye focused on flying the deadly dragon, the eye her brother had taken covered by an eye patch. He was sitting straight in the saddle, his lean body rigid, everything in him indicating a prideful young man who knew he was superior. That blasted smirk was still plastered on his scarred face.

‘’My Princess please wake up.’’ Someone nudged Visenya gently.

‘’I am awake, thank you.’’ She croaked at the smiling servant.

‘’Your mother wishes to break her fast with you at her chambers my Princess.’’

Visenya got up feeling well rested and surprisingly ready for what was going to be a challenging day. While the servant helped her get ready, she breathed through her nose, just like Prince Daemon had instructed her, trying to clear her head. She couldn’t allow thoughts of her uncle cloud her mind today. It felt like she had a dragon inside her. While she felt calm and collected, a part of her was on edge, restless. Was that what Daemon felt all the time, she wondered.

Her impatience reached another level as she found herself sitting among her family taking breakfast. ‘’Are we ready for today?’’ it was a vague question, Visenya knew it, but served as the opening her mother needed to broach the subject that brought them in King’s Landing.

‘’We will never be ready. The King is bed ridden and will not sit the Throne today.’’ Then turning to a pale looking Luke ‘’But we will try our best, I promise you this my love. I spoke with Princess Rhaenys yesterday and she might be our ally today.’’

‘’Might?’’ exclaimed Jace.

Princess Rhaenyra turned to her eldest ‘’I made a proposition to her. I am confident she will see the benefit in what I suggested.’’

‘’And if she doesn’t?’’ Jace pushed.

‘’She will.’’ Deadpanned the Rogue Prince, not even bothering to raise his eyes from his plate.

They ate in silence and then found themselves walking towards the Great Hall. With the corner of her eye, Visenya could see Ser Harwin Strong follow her mother as soon as she exited her chambers, his blue eyes falling on them all taking them in before returning to his post by the Princess. It was easier to understand now. The constant need to be by her side, the stolen glances. Taking a breath, Visenya braced herself for what was to come.

Walking down the stairs that would lead them to the Throne room, she cursed herself for listening to her mother’s plea to look like a princess and ultimately wore the dress she chose for her. She would feel more self confident with her ridding leathers and her sword secured around her waist. People of the court and knights overcrowded the Hall’s entrance and Visenya saw Ser Harwin make way for them to pass. Upon entering, she couldn’t but stare.

It had been years since she was allowed in this vast room, her fondest memories from when her grandsire the King would sit her on his lap as he held court. She smiled unconsciously, but then her mood soured as she saw the Seven Pointed Star covering the dragon tapestries that once filled the walls of this room. What had happened during their absence?

Feeling her blood boil she took her eyes from the huge monstrosities. The vast room was getting too crowded now, people were curious about the disputes of House Targaryen. Yet again, she looked around, trying to distract herself from this madness. Visenya chose to remember the good days she spent here, when she was just a child without a care in the world.

She knew from her studies that the Red Keep’s Great Hall was the second biggest in the Seven Kingdoms, the first being the Hall of Hundred Hearths at Harrenhal. Visenya wondered if her mother would ever allow her to visit the largest castle in their known world. Probably not and deep down, Visenya knew it was for the best.

Suddenly she felt her mother halt, making Visenya stop as well, taking her place beside Prince Daemon, a step behind her mother. She took a moment to observe the Iron Throne, the Seat of the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. To Visenya it always was a monstrosity of spikes and jagged edges, a metal throne crafted from the melted, twisted, beaten and broken blades of those Aegon the Conqueror had defeated. It stood proud and gory, in a high platform and could be reached by climbing steep iron steps. She recalled reading that Aegon Targaryen the first, the Conqueror, indented for the Throne to be uncomfortable, believing that a King should never sit easy. Visenya could not agree more. How could someone sit there comfortably. It was practically impossible.

‘’They are here.’’ Muttered Luke from beside her.

‘’You have nothing to worry about brother.’’ Visenya reassured him placing a hand at his shoulder.

‘’Look at them. So self assured and arrogant. They know they are going to win.’’ Jace’s tone was vitriolic.

‘’Stop looking at them.’’ She spat angrily but could not deny herself a glance.

And there they stood. The Queen was fidgeting, picking her nails constantly and talking in hushed tones to her eldest son. Prince Aegon was rolling his eyes at her looking absolutely bored. His mother was scolding him, Visenya would bet on it. Helaena, her sweet aunt, stood awkwardly a step behind, swaying back and forth lightly. The only innocent among them, Visenya remembered the day her mother told them they wed her to Aegon. She pitied her then. A disastrous match without a doubt. And then there was Aemond. When she turned to look at him, his eye was already locked on her face. A cruel smirk marring his face, mocking her.

Thankfully, the doors opened then, forcing her attention elsewhere. Otto Hightower walked inside, his gait bold and proud, his eyes trained on the Throne. Reaching the Throne, he turned to face the crowd ‘’The King’s health did not allow him to be with us today.’’

Prince Daemon huffed beside her. Shaking her head, all she could think was what else had those people also changed in the Keep. Clearly the wall’s tapestries were not the only thing that was changed. The Hand sitting the Throne for such an important matter was unheard of. It was clear as day to her that the Greens had gathered more power than they all thought to them.

‘’We have great hope that Lord Corlys Velaryon will survice what ails him, though a matter was brought forward by Ser Vaemond Velaryon.’’ The Hand’s voice echoed through the Great Hall ‘’So we have gathered here today with the task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark’s throne. As Hand, I speak with the King’s voice.’’ Visenya saw him sit on the Iron Throne and sad*stically wished one of its jagged edges to cut him ‘’The crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon.’’ He said motioning for the man to move forward.

Visenya saw the tall man move to stand in front of the Trone ‘’My Lord Hand. The history of our Houses is great and long and dates from the times of Old Valyria. For as long as the Targaryens ruled the skies, the Velaryons ruled the seas. After the Doom, we came here with the knowledge that if we were to fail it would mean the end of our bloodlines. I am the closest of our kin to Lord Corlys, his blood. The true blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.’’ The implications of his words made Visenya tense. It was treason what he was trying to say.

‘’As it does in my sons and daughter Ser Vaemond, the children of the late Laenor Velaryon. If you cared as much as you say for your blood, you wouldn’t be standing here today undermining Driftmark’s true heir.’’ Her mother’s cold and steady voice was calm, making Visenya wonder how many times had she rehearsed her speech.

‘’You will have your chance to make your own petition Princess Rhaenyra.’’ Interjected the Queen not even sparing a look at her mother.

Lord Vaemond turned to her mother ‘’What do you know of Velaryon blood?’’ he smiled wickedly and stole a glance at Ser Harwin ‘’I could cut my veins and show it to you and you wouldn’t recognize it.’’ Then turning to the Hand again ‘’I place the continuation of my line above all. I put myself forward as my brother’s successor.’’

‘’Princess Rhaeyra may speak now.’’ Said the Hand then. Her mother moved forward ‘’If I may speak about this matter…’’ but her speech was interrupted by the Great Hall’s doors opening.

Every single person attending the petition turned to the doors. Visenya gasped when she saw her grandsire slowly enter the grand room. ‘’King Viserys of House Targaryen.’’ Loudly announced one of the guards. Everyone bowed as the ailing King walked supported by his cane. It was a painful scene to watch, especially to Visenya because she loved this man dearly. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she recovered quickly, thinking this man barely alive coming here despite the pains that racked his mutilated body, all because of his love for his daughter.

Upon reaching the platform the Throne was at, Visenya saw the Hand stand ‘’Your Grace’’ he bowed and went to stand with his daughter the Queen. One of the Kingsguards ran to help the King ascend the steep steps but he dismissed him taking a step forward. Suddenly the crown fell from his head and Visenya felt her step father move. He picked the crown and helped the frail King sit on the Throne before placing the crown to his head and returning to them.

‘’My King’’ the Hand said loud enough for the weak King to hear ‘’Ser Vaemond Velaryon has come here today to petition for the succession of Driftmark.’’

Taking a labored breath King Viserys spoke slowly ‘’I cannot understand why we hear this petition over an already settled matter. Princess Rhaenys is here and can offer more insight on this matter.’’

Visenya saw her grandmother walk forward ‘’It was always my husband’s will that Driftmark pass to Laenor’s true born son Lucerys. I support his decision on this matter.’’ Everyone turned to look at that the Queen that never was ‘’If I may my King, I would like to announce the betrothal of Princess Rhaenyras’ sons Jacaerys and Lucerys to Lord Corlys’ granddaughters Baela and Rhaena.’’ Visenya’s eyes widened at the news and she could feel Luke nudge Jace who in turn was staring at their mother. She knew her brother was hurt being left out of this decision. She could not help but cringe at her mother’s move. It could have been her that their mother would decide for. She was certain her turn would come very soon, especially taking the recent events into consideration.

‘’Then the matter has settled…again.’’ Concluded the King ‘’I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark.’’

An enraged Ser Vaemond roared ‘’You break centuries of tradition my King to install your daughter as heir, and now you tell me her son deserves to inherit the name Velaryon and our throne?’’ then whispering loud enough for the King to hear ‘’I will not allow it.’’

‘’Allow it?’’ croaked the King leaning forward ‘’Do not forget yourself Ser Vaemond.’’

No one expected next for Ser Vaemond to abruptly turn to Luke pointing a finger at him ‘’That is no true Velaryon. And certainly he is no nephew of mine.’’

Visenya never wished more dearly for her sword. She could tell where this conversation was going and the need to taste his blood was compelling. He was done insinuating they were bastards, he was going to say it to their face. In front of the whole court. The grit of this man was going to get him killed, she thought.

‘’Go to your rooms.’’ Instructed their mother, but no one moved.

‘’Lucerys is my true born grandson while you are just a second born son of Driftmark.’’ Said her grandsire, his tone becoming threatening.

The enraged Ser made a move to approach him, the King’s guards taking a step as well ‘’You can run your House as you see fit, but you will not interfere with mine. I will not see my House end on the account of this…’’

‘’Say it.’’ Visenya heard Prince Daemon utter.

Ser Vaemond’s cruel laugh made Visenya want to kill him ‘’Her children are bastards’’ he roared ‘’and she is a whor*.’’

Gasps were heard from the crowd as the frail King stood with great effort ‘’I will have your tongue for that.’’ He threatened grasping Blackfyre.

The Rogue Prince though was faster slicing Ser Vaemond’s head in one clear move, leaving his treasonous tongue still attached to him ‘’He can keep his tongue.’’ Was all he said and Visenya could not be more proud of the man her mother chose as their new father.

All she could do was look at the dead body at her feet mesmerized, wishing she was the one to kill him. She heard the Hand yell for the guards to disarm Prince Daemon, but she paid him no mind. The carnage in front of her made her blood run faster in her veins. Made her want more. A hand on her shoulder forced her to take her eyes from the beheaded man and she recognized the Rogue Prince nodding at her. Her mother and sibling’s backs were already moving to exit the Hall, Ser Harwin as always with them, a faithful shadow and while before Visenya thought that it would be best if they kept their distance, now it was clear to her that everyone knew and everyone was ready to point a finger at them. So why the hell not be what they wanted? Do as they wished? Why not goad them? Show them the power the Blacks held?

She smiled at the thought and turned to follow her family. That’s when she felt his eyes on her. Turning, she saw him look at her, his remaining eye wide open trained on her. While his mother was tending to the King and his siblings were clearly gone, he stood there rooted to the same spot, his face glassy and he was staring at her. What was on his mind she could not know, but in the end she decided she did not care. If the Greens made such a bold move, allowing such a petition, it only meant war was coming. And Visenya was well aware on whose side Aemond was going to be. Turning her back to him, she followed her family, not even sparing a glance at her uncle.

Chapter 6


In this chapter we get a glimpse of what is going on in Aemond's mind.

Chapter Text

‘’Our dear sister Princess Rhaenyra arrived with her children a while ago.’’ Aegon was on his third cup in the short time Aemond had been to his chambers. Pathetic, thought Aemond, the way his brother abused his privilege was pathetic. ‘’I heard mother chose to stay in her chambers and sent Lord Cashwell in her stead.’’

‘’I don’t care.’’ He grumbled ‘’Where is Helaena?’’

Aegon made an abstract move with his hand, the goblet he held shook and eventually wine was spilled on the plush carpet ‘’I don’t have the faintest idea brother.’’ He said laughing ‘’Probably playing with her spiders.’’

‘’You are a drunkard and a disgrace to our House.’’ Aemond has had enough of his brother disrespecting not only his sister wife, but their name as well.

‘’Yeah, yeah. Have you got anything new to say? Our mother was here earlier giving me a slightly different lecture.’’ He was unbothered though, irritating Aemond further with his apathetic nature.

‘’We must be on our best behavior now that they are here. And by we, I mean you brother.’’ Aemond approached the other Prince pulling him to his feet ‘’We are superior to them, they are nothing but bastards.’’

‘’They in general or…’’ he didn’t let him finish, Aemond let him fall and kicked him hard on the stomach. Aegon coughed and turned to look at him ‘’Alright, I get it. So, you want me to play nice? Be a proper prince until they leave?’’

Aemond closed his eye and breathed in ‘’Exactly.’’

‘’Are you certain you will be able to act the part dear Aemond?’’ he smirked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Choosing not to answer, Aemond shot a deadly glare at his brother, making him wink at him.

‘’If that was all dear brother, I would ask you to leave. ‘’ he said trying to get up ‘’ I have had enough today with your lectures.’’

‘’I told you I came to see Helaena.’’

‘’And yet you are still here, scolding me like a child while I told you from the beginning that our sister is not here.’’ Aegon’s stupid smirk made Aemond want to strangle him. He watched as his older brother went to refill his goblet, different ways of killing him without leaving evidence crossing his mind.

‘’I think I heard a maid earlier mention something about our cousins visiting the training yard.’’ He grumbled, trying hard not to let his awkwardness show.

‘’Oh did you?’’ Aegon’s interest spiked instantly ‘’Was it Lannora the one that said it?’’

Aemond swore ‘’I don’t know who you f*ck Aegon, nor do I care. The maid I heard said that they would be at the training yard. Was it possible she misheard?’’ While he knew that his step sister’s family had arrived and they were currently under the same roof, it seemed that he had just fully grasped that he would see her again. He didn’t recognize himself as he hid inside an alcove when he heard two maids discussing the newcomers.

Aegon laughed loudly then, his face getting red, fueling Aemond’s desire to make him suffer. Turning around, he fled the room deciding to maintain his usual routine and train with Ser Criston Cole. Because this was it, he kept telling himself on his way there. The fact that Visenya Velaryon has finally returned and might be there had nothing to do with his decision.

He was getting antsy at the prospect of seeing her. The extra rush of adrenaline she caused him needed an outlet. His hand reached the pommel of his sword, always at the ready. Finally arriving at the training yard, Aemond looked around for them, for her. It was common for her to back then to come watch them train. He imagined her, small and delicate, sitting far away from the sweaty men, observing them from afar not willing to get near the bloody and dirty knights. He smiled triumphantly at the image he painted of her. A silly little princess, sheltered from the real world. A bastard who wished to be royalty.

‘’Prince Aemond, how nice of you to join us today. Care for a spar?’’ asked his mentor Ser Cole.

Nodding, Aemond unsheathed his sword and took position as Ser Cole mirrored him. He was totally concentrated on their dance, the need to win rising above all. He never lost a fight. At ten and eight, Aemond was all a perfect prince aspired to be. His daily training routine has granted him a more than adequate body, his skills in sword fighting exceeding by far those of his peers.

Years under his grandsire’s tutelage shaped his character, making him what he was now. A calm and collected young Prince, able to rein his passions in, more than competent in sword fighting and capable of resisting temptations. Aemond took pride in putting his family first. It was after all something his mother and his grandsire had instilled into him from an early age.

‘’Focus my Prince.’’ Ser Cole’s tense voice brought him back to reality, his sword already up and ready to strike.

Aemond hated nothing more than letting his guard down. Gaining momentum, he swung his sword to his opponent. Ser Cole deflected but Aemond was there, completely focused now, channeling his earlier frustrations to the blows he delivered. They continued their dance for a while, until finally the Prince saw an opening. He feinted to the right and then quickly spun to the left, slashing at Ser Cole’s side. The man cried out in pain and fell on the ground, his sword landing a few feet away from him. The spectators began cheering and jeering but he paid them no mind. Now that this hunger was satiated, a new one arose. And this was a primal one, the raw need to see her and let her know he had won. He was better than his opponent. Superior to him and to her.

He was scanning the training yard for her when he heard Ser Cole behind him ‘’Congratulations my prince. You will be winning tourneys in no time.’’

‘’I don’t give a sh*t about tourneys.’’ Answered Aemond, not even turning to look at him. He had better things to focus on. He had just noticed his nephews among the crowd. He spared a moment to assess them. His half sister’s eldest was the image of his real father. Tall and robust, some would say a good looking young prince. But Aemond saw him for what he really was. Harwin Strong’s bastard. His brown hair and blue eyes a mockery to their great House. Next to him cowered the boy that had taken his eye all those years ago. The inner fire that burned him constantly since Driftmark roared and Aemond had to restrain himself.

It would be so easy, he thought, to run him through his sword and end his pitiful life. The blade of his sword would deliver a merciful and quick death, and it was charitable enough of Aemond to allow him such a death despite the continuous suffering Prince Lucerys Velaryon had condemned him to. It would be a mercy he certainly did not deserve.

Putting his most arrogant smile, he approached them ‘’Nephews you’ve come to train?’’ he dared steal a glance around. She was not with them.

‘’More like observe uncle.’’ Jacaerys’s tone was taunting, that little bastard was going to get what he deserved, was the only thought that stopped Aemond from lunging at him.

Instead, he turned to his nemesis ‘’And you Lucerys? Have you come to take my other eye?’’ he hoped the look he gave him externalized every grim wish he had for him.

‘’Is everything alright here my Princes?’’ If Aemond hadn’t come across Ser Strong the day before, he would have been surprised at his presence. But now it was common knowledge around the Keep that Princess Rhaenyra’s sworn shield was alive so many years after the unexpected fire at Harrenhal that took the life of his father, the former Hand of the King Lord Lyonel Strong. Aemond remembered the man, but still he managed to leave him speechless upon seeing him again. The ten years he spent away, had not touched the formidable knight. He was still the same massive man everyone called Breakbones.

He was about to answer when a shadow was cast over them, making it seem like a huge cloud was covering the sun. Thinking it was Vhagar, his mount big enough to cast a shadow above the entire castle, he looked up. Only it wasn’t Vhagar that soared the skies of King’s Landing. He knew this was Vermithor before Jacaerys proudly announced this was his sister’s dragon. Apparently, according to the Prince, his niece was racing her step father here.

Her twin said something, but it was lost to Aemond. All of his thoughts were revolving yet again around her. Visenya Velaryon achieved a great feat when she claimed the Bronze Fury and Aemond could still remember the day his sire announced it in front of the Council. The King never spent time with them, so it surprised him when his sire invited his Queen and children at the Council to tell them the news. His eyes were gleaming as he described how his beloved Visenya had managed to bond with King Jaehaerys’s dragon at the age of nine.

At the age of three and ten, young Aemond was hurt at his father’s interest and happiness in his granddaughter’s achievement. He stood there listening to the King praise his heir’s daughter for claiming such an intimidating beast, while he never even congratulated him for bonding with Vhagar, the largest dragon alive. Growing older it only added to the reasons he came to despise her.

‘’Open the gates.’’ The loud voice of a guard woke him from his reverie and draw his attention to the newcomers.

And there she was. The girl he spent his younger years being friends with, and then after that fateful night in Driftmark the girl he spent years hating. Except, she wasn’t a girl anymore. Gone was the fragile little Princess who smiled brightly at him, studied High Valyrian with him and watching him train. In her stead was a woman, a regal Princess. He felt his heart beat faster threatening to leave his chest as he watched her closely. Her long brown hair was styled in an intricate braid at the back of her head, her steel blue eyes highlighted by the morning sun making her look ethereal. It was painful to look at her.

She rode her horse with confidence, her lithe body moving in sync with the animal’s powerful gait. His eye could not leave her, only open wide to take in as much of her as he could. She had foregone the dresses she always used to wear and most certainly were appropriate for her station in favor of riding leathers. Riding leathers that in his opinion looked way too tight to be worn in public. Next to her, Aemond noticed, rode Prince Daemon. An unusual pair those two, he thought fleetingly.

Her eyes were trained on the princes in front of him and never strayed. It was as if no one else existed to her but her brothers. When they came close enough, they dismounted and walked to them. She had grown taller, much taller, he noticed. Her body was fuller now, all grown up. He allowed himself to indulge for a moment. She seemed different. It was not just her body that had matured, he could tell she had changed too. It excited him beyond measure. This Visenya would be a challenge for sure, and he would love to take her down piece by piece.

‘’I see you came here first. That shouldn’t surprise me brother.’’ Her tone was teasing, yet her expression was guarded. Look at me, he yelled inside his head. Instead he kept silent, ‘’I will go see if mother is settled.’’ She said readying to leave.

Aemond could not allow it. The bastard Princess had yet to acknowledge him and that did not sit well with the scarred prince ‘’Won’t you greet me niece?’’ his voice arrogant as he baited her. In his head he had his hands around her delicate throat, feeling the life slowly leaving her body but on the outside he was calm and collected.

She stared at him for a moment, blue to violet ‘’Hello uncle, I didn’t see you there.’’ The irony in her voice irked him, making the monster inside him roar.

‘’You little…’’ he began but never had the chance to finish as the Rogue Prince guided them away with a smirk. Bitch, he thought. Entitled little bitch.

Looking at her retreating form he scowled. The gentle little Princess he had last seen in Driftmark was gone, that was clear enough. The young woman that had taken her place seemed hell bent on avoiding him but she would have to face the consequences of her brother’s actions. He would love tearing her apart piece by f*cking piece.

He was walking fast, eager to reach his chambers. He needed to be alone right now. The pressure he relieved earlier during his fight with Ser Criston Cole had returned tenfold. Seeing her, being this close to her affected him more than he wanted. After all this time apart, after every talk he had with his mother, Aemond thought that he had purged her from his tired mind. Alas she was still there, taunting him. Only now it was worse. She was not a little girl anymore. She had grown up to be a beautiful princess.

His strides were long and purposeful, his head held high, no longer ashamed of the scar marring his face and the eye patch that covered what was lost. He wore it proudly, a symbol of what he had endured. What he had overcome to stand among them now. His jaw hurt at how hard he clenched it and his fists were curled into tight balls to his sides. There was no mistaking the tension in his body language. Pushing away from his way the poor passerby that dared cross his path, he finally entered his rooms barring the heavy door behind him.

Just as he had ridden himself of the eye patch and had began undressing someone knocked on his door, a maid’s voice making him scowl ‘’My prince please open the door.’’

Intent on ignoring her, he resumed undressing. He needed the release, he reasoned. A visit to the Sept of Baelor later would cleanse him of this sin. Just as he was about to take his pants off ‘’I beg you my Prince, the Queen…’’

Aemond ran to open the door ‘’What happened to my mother?’’ in his frantic mind he forgot his state of undress. The young maid gawked at his naked torso and immediately lowered her head ‘’Speak you fool.’’ He yelled at her.

‘’She… she wishes to see you in her rooms my Prince.’’ Without dismissing her, Aemond closed the door and breathed deeply. She was fine, his mother was fine. Putting his clothes back on and after securing the eye patch to his head, the prince walked to the Queen’s chambers.

Standing in front of the doors, he straightened his clothes and then motioned for the guard to announce him before entering. The first thing he saw was Helaena sitting in a corner looking out of the window. Her face was as always blank, her lips moving but no words came out. At her feet, her twins played under the watchful eye of their nursemaid and their mother the Queen as she stood by the fireplace, a worried look on her face.

‘’You are late.’’ Aemond turned sharply at the voice of his grandsire. He hadn’t noticed him before he spoke.

‘’I am sure he has a reason father.’’ His mother excused him instantly.

‘’The maid just informed me. I came here as soon as she left.’’ There it was again, he thought, the need to justify himself to his family.

‘’And the reason she just got to you was because you were in the training yard with your niece and nephews conversing with them like you are equals.’’ The Hand’s tone was getting louder by the second.

‘’Father please…’’ the Queen said approaching him.

Aemond watched as his grandsire raised his hand, halting her ‘’I always knew it would come to this Alicent. The hold she still has on your son is embarrassing.’’ His distaste for Aemond was evident making the Prince cringe.

‘’Diana take the children and go.’’ Ordered the Queen and as soon as they left she turned to him ‘’Aemond please tell your grandsire that you have nothing to do with them.’’ Her eyes were wide, staring into his soul.

‘’My Lord Hand I assure you our meeting today was a coincidence. They arrived as I was training with Ser Criston Cole. We just exchanged a few words. You can ask Ser Cole…’’

‘’I already did.’’ His grandsire now moved in front of him ‘’We do not have the luxury to err for as long they are here Aemond.’’

‘’I understand.’’ Aemond’s voice was strained. He had not expected to receive a verbal lashing when he came here.

‘’ ’Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread.’’ All of them turned to watch Helaena. She was still seated by the window, but her head was turned to them now and she looked scared.

‘’What nonsense is she talking about now.’’ Huffed his grandsire ‘’We don’t have time for this. Alicent deal with her.’’

Aemond watched the Queen approach his sister and grasp her arm tightly whispering something to her ear. Those words, he remembered he had heard them before. When they were in Driftmark before everything went downhill. ‘’Come with me.’’ The Hand ordered and Aemond nodded following him to the Tower of the Hand.

Upon reaching the tower’s private audience chamber, Aemond watched his grandsire bar the heavy door and turn to him ‘’Ser Vaemond Velaryon arrived earlier. Tomorrow everyone attending the petition will be witness of his will to become the heir of Driftmark. As you well know, the Sea Snake is at his death bed and God’s willing he will meet the Stranger soon. I will sit the Throne to ensure everything will go without incident.’’

‘’Princess Rhaenyra will not allow it.’’ Despite the years his sister spent hiding in Dragonstone, Aemond was certain she was being kept informed about the changes his mother and the Hand brought to the Keep. His grandsire had been sitting the Throne for years now, since King Viserys could not even rise from his featherbed.

Otto Hightower smiled ‘’She has no allies boy. She and the Rogue Prince are alone. They had the audacity to bring their brood here for the whole court to see the magnitude of the treason she committed. The fact that their true born father is by her side, once again her sworn shield, only serves to confirm everyone’s suspicion. We will win.’’

And they would. Aemond was certain that tomorrow morning that bastard that had cut his eye out would be heir to nothing. And then they would be one step closer to his dear sister’s disinheritance. One by one they would wipe them out until it was only them, the Greens, in the line of succession. Aemond would be closer to the Throne. Well not him exactly, as everything they did was for his older brother to be the next King of Westeros. The fact that he was not fit to rule did not seem to bother his grandsire at all.

‘’And then there is our dear Visenya.’’ Aemond turned to look at him sharply.

‘’What of her?’’ Suddenly, the Hand’s deviousness and wicked planning did not sit well with her name in his mouth. Aemond felt the tension return and his mind being in overdrive.

‘’My intel from Dragonstone tells me that the years she spent in the company of the Rogue Prince has turned her to be just like him. They train together, scout the island’s caves together, even travel around Westeros together with their beasts. How did her mother allow such a bond to form between the two of them is difficult to believe.’’ The Hand scoffed letting the disgust run freely from his mouth with every word.

This explained more, thought Aemond. Her change was justified now. She grew up with the Rogue Prince, the man who had won a war and came back with a crown on his head. A ruthless warrior, that’s what he was. A true Targaryen Prince worthy of his legacy. If only he had not wed his whor* of a niece. How Lord Flea Bottom managed to transform the shy little girl who never parted from her dresses to a defiant young woman who had a sword around her waist and rode the second largest dragon alive? And most importantly, was their bond the one a father had with his daughter? Or maybe there was something more behind their relationship. No, he thought, his sister would not have allowed it. Still, Aemond felt the monster inside him clawing his mind to be let out.

‘’I have a plan in mind that will put Princess Visenya and Princess Rhaenyra in their place. And this time I require your help.’’

Aemond let the breath he had been holding out ‘’Of course grandsire.’’ As always he put his family first. And that was what he was going to do, again.

He refrained from looking at her during the petition the next day. Stealing a glance as she entered the Great Hall was all it took to make his blood run faster. Clad in that tight red dress and walking around as if she owned the place. Who did she think she was? Just because the late Ser Laenor had claimed them all as his did not mean the rest of them did not know. Everyone knew and he bet she knew as well. How could they not after all? Their real father stood right next to them, the resemblance was obvious. The grit they all had was maddening. Coming here to defend the claim of a bastard to a throne that never was his.

Keeping his eyes to Lord Vaemond as he made his passionate speech, Aemond was not ready for the King’s entrance. The decaying man came in, barely able to stand and moved with the help of his cane to take his place on the Throne. All to defend his f*cking daughter. The only child of his he ever loved and cherished. His mother had given him four more children, three of them male and yet King Viserys only cared for the daughter the first Queen gave him. His heir.

He would be hurt if he was not furious. All his life he was one of the King’s children. The second son, heir to nothing. The only dragonless prince whose only achievement was that he excelled in High Valyrian, a language that his father refused to utter. Everyone looked down at him, laughing at him behind his back and then when he claimed Vhagar he thought everything would change. But not even claiming the largest dragon alive would earn him the love of his father. While everyone scorned him before, now they feared him. Turned from him as soon as they saw him enter a room. His ugly scar was a reason for some to fear him and some to pity him. The women of court certainly fell under the second category.

‘’Her children are bastards’’ Lord Vaemond roared ‘’and she is a whor*.’’

Even Aemond was surprised at the Lord’s treasonous words. It was audacious of him to say something like that in front of the King. ‘’I will have your tongue for that.’’ Threatened the King, but he did not even have the time to take Blackfyre out.

Prince Daemon had already unsheathed Dark Sister and had cut Lord Vaemond’s head off his body, his tongue still attached to it ‘’He can keep his tongue.’’ He said bored.

Instantly, he looked up to find her. She would surely be disgusted by the dead body that close to her. Maybe she would faint and then he would… But when his eye fell on her he gasped. There stood Visenya Velaryon clad in that tight red dress, the colour so alike the blood at her feet, looking hungrily at the deceased man. While Aemond thought she would have been pale and queasy, she was more alive than ever. He recognized that hunger. It was the same he felt whenever he fought at the training yard. It was the same he saw at the Rogue Prince’s eyes the moment he killed Lord Vaemond. They locked eyes for a moment before she turned to leave and then he knew. His grandsire’s plan would not be so easy to put in motion. Aemond wasn’t even sure he wanted any part in it anymore.

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Keep was abuzz with commotion, making it hard for Visenya to find her way to the rest of her family. She tried to navigate through the maze of the castle, constantly bumping into people. Lord Vemond’s treasonous words and his beheading that had followed created a frenzy within the castle’s walls. She could still hear the screams of the deceased Lord’s relatives echoing in her ears despite the distance she had put between them.

Just when she lost contact with her mother’s retreating back in the crowd, she felt a heavy hand land on her shoulder guiding her away ‘’Dīnagon.’’ Commanded her uncle harshly in an emotionless tone and she tensed. Steering her toward a less crowded corridor, Prince Aemond didn’t stop until they reached two large doors. Visenya allowed him to lead the way in, mostly out of curiosity. Why would he approach and help her now? The day before, he was ready to lunge at her. He took his hand from her body only when they entered the vast room. She missed his warmth instantly and wondered if he too had felt the tingling in his skin.

Turning to look around, to see where he brought her, she was amazed at the memories that flooded her. The enormous library stretched on for as far as the eye could see. Its selves were filled with scrolls of all shapes and sizes, on every imaginable topic, she knew that very well. Visenya closed her eyes feeling six years of age again resting curled up in a sunny alcove reading a scroll out loud, a young Aemond by her side listening to her.

‘’Are you quite finished?’’ his irritated voice waking her up from her reverie.

‘’Excuse me?’’

I said are you quite finished being in your own world?’’ her eyes focused on him then. He seemed bored and maybe irritated, but Visenya could always see behind his façade. Her uncle was tense, impatient even. It was clear he didn’t want to be here with her. The scowl that seemed permanent on his face these days, was twitching and his eye left her face as soon as she looked at him. He was nervous, she realized.

‘’I was just reminiscing uncle. Us two being here, reading and practicing High Valyrian. Do you remember?’’ maybe she could reach the old Aemond, the sweet and caring boy she grew to love. He had to be somewhere inside him.

‘’No, I don’t remember.’’ He was looking at her now, the intensity in his gaze making her uncomfortable. He was as mercurial as Prince Daemon, that was certain. Going from tense and nervous to being cold and inexpressive within seconds.

‘’Why did you bring me here?’’ she asked locking her eyes to his. She would be damned to back down. He was not the only one who had changed. Spending ten years away from him, training with the Rogue Prince and flying endless hours with Vermithor had changed Visenya too. They stood there, looking at each other, violet to blue, pure anger to wonder. Why had he changed so drastically, Visenya would never understand. He looked at her like he wanted her dead. Maybe he did.
‘’Would you rather I left you there to be trampled by the crowd?’’ she didn’t appreciate the note of sarcasm in his voice.

She could feel her inner fire coming to life ‘’I remember you being sharp uncle, yet your sarcasm is enormously disappointing.’’

He took a threatening step towards her and when he spoke, his voice was considerably lower ‘’And what exactly do you remember niece?’’

‘’You, being kind and logical. Never resorting to violence and being mean to people.’’ She closed the gap between them putting her hands on his chest feeling him stiffen instantly.

Lowering his head to almost touch hers he muttered, malice in his tone ‘’That boy is dead. He died ten years ago in Driftmark. Your brother killed him and you where the one to help him do it.’’

‘’I did what?’’ Aemond what are you talking about?’’ how could he say something so vile. She was the one who sent him raven after raven never receiving a reply. She tried to break their stupid fight the night Luke took his eye. All she ever wanted was to be good with each other. They were family, they were friends.

Aemond pushed away from her and began pacing the room like a caged animal ‘’You were there that night niece. When your bastard brother carved my eye out you f*cking stood there.’’ He roared more angry than she had ever seen him. His hands were trembling by his sides and he seemed seconds away from punching something. Her eyes went to his sword at his waist. Would he were to use it, she had nothing with her to defend herself. Cursing yet again her choice to appear a prim and proper princess for the eyes of the court, Visenya quickly looked around searching the library for something she could use as a weapon if the need arose. ‘’You allowed them to ambush me. You just stood there and watched.’’ His angry accusation made her turn to him again.

‘’I was notified of you claiming Vhagar and them waiting for you to confront you in the middle of the night uncle. Luke came to my chambers afraid something bad might happen. I came to you as fast as I could.’’ She was getting angry too now ‘’I tried to stop them, I tried to stop you but you didn’t listen. You were so high and mighty about claiming Vhagar, rubbing it off on Rhaena’s face that you didn’t even notice I was there trying to stop this madness.’’ She was so close to him now she could feel his breath ‘’You were so passionate about calling us bastards that you didn’t f*cking listen.’’ Everything flooded her then, the emotions she thought had buried deep in her psyche never to feel them again. They all came back.

‘’And that is exactly what you are niece. All of you are bastards.’’ His seemingly calm voice delivered the blow deeper than she had anticipated. She was used to being called bastard by now, claims of their illegitimacy reaching her ears for years now. But it always hurt more when that word left her uncle’s mouth and was aimed at her. The hatred in his face startled her. She was wrong before. The old Aemond, the child she spent years missing from her life was indeed dead. The man that stood in his place was a stranger to her.

Taking a few steps back, putting as much distance between them as she could, Visenya regained her composure put a smile on her face and told him in the most civilized tone she could muster ‘’Thank you for bringing me here Prince Aemond. I must take my leave now, my mother will be worried by my absence.’’ Not even sparing him a glance, she turned and left the library, her heart beating erratically, the blood in her veins scorching hot.

Stopping for a moment to regulate her breathing, Visenya was startled to see her step father watching her from an alcove opposite from her. The Rogue Prince was leaning on the stone wall, his hands crossed in front of him. When he was certain he had caught her attention, he motioned for her to follow him. She walked behind him until they reached a part of the castle she didn’t recognize. Prince Daemon opened a door and waited for her to enter the room before following her inside and bar the doors.

‘’Where are we?’’

He indulged her, most likely enjoying her discomfort ‘’Those used to be my rooms before I was exiled. They gave them to me again now.’’ She nodded looking around, everywhere else was more preferable than facing the knowing look of her step father.

‘’Are you ready to talk now daughter?’’ He said after a while. Gathering her courage, Visenya straightened her body and took a seat suddenly exhausted ‘’I was outside the Great Hall trying to follow mother through the crowd. I couldn’t find you either, and then he grasped my shoulder and led me to the library.’’ When the Prince didn’t speak she continued ‘’I thought it was you father, and when I understood it was him…’’

‘’Who?’’ Was all Prince Daemon said. He knew of course, but right now Viseya understood he was out to play.

‘’Aemond.’’ It physically hurt her say his name, but she did.

‘’We must keep a close eye on him and the Hand. I have suspicions that he is planning something.’’ Ever the strategist, her step father was never one to mince his words or spend time with pleasantries. No, Daemon was a man of action.

‘’His plan on making Lord Vaemond heir to the Driftmark Throne did not come to fruition.’’ She countered.

Prince Daemon scowled at her ‘’The King will be dead soon Visenya. Think! Do you really believe a man that ambitious as Otto Hightower will let your mother sit on a Throne he spent over two decades salivating for?’’ his eyes were spitting fire, the warrior inside him urging her to understand.

He was right of course ‘’We will not allow it.’’

He smiled then, a wicked smile as if he was pleased by her answer ‘’Come daughter. Your mother must be worried about you.’’ She walked to the doors but his hand stopped her ‘’You know Visenya; our ancestor King Maegor Targaryen had built secret passages within the Keep’s walls to ensure a quick escape should his enemies ever trap him.’’ He narrated as he guided her through a secret passage inside his room ‘’There are many secret passages like this in this castle.’’

‘’Do you know all of them?’’ she was mesmerized by the new knowledge he provided, eager to learn more.

‘’Perhaps’’ was his evasive answer.

Visenya tried to memorize the route, certain her step father had a reason for revealing this secret to her. They walked for a while until they reached a dead end. She watched Daemon pull a lever somehow hidden in the stone wall and then a door Visenya hadn’t seen opened allowing them to pass inside her mother’s chambers. They were all there, she noticed, all of her siblings. Jace was conversing with Luke and Baela while Rhaena were on the floor keeping little Aegon and Viserys busy. Daemon closed the door behind him, winked at her and went to stand by her mother, the Princess in deep conversation with her sworn shield. Absent mindedly she wondered what would happen to them now. She knew her mother loved her husband dearly, but the looks she shared with Ser Strong were nowhere near innocent. How was Daemon’s possessive nature going to allow the Knight to come back with them to Dragonstone?

‘’What do you think will happen now that father eliminated the threat to Luke’s throne?’’ Jace asked her, his eyes glued to the conversation their mother was having with the two men.

‘’I think we should start planning your wedding to Baela brother.’’ She smiled at him ‘’Congratulations by the way.’’

She saw him breathe deeply and look at his betrothed who was beside her twin with the young princes ‘’While I like Baela and find her beautiful, I don’t I want to take her to wife. I will do as mother wishes of course, but I always thought I would wed you sister.’’

‘’Me?’’ she was beyond surprised at his words.

‘’Yes Visenya, you. Why are you so surprised? We are Targaryens after all. Would you not have me as your husband?’’

‘’We are Velaryons brother. At least until you ascend to the Throne and I take a husband and carry his name.’’ she saw him roll his eyes ‘’It’s not about what we want after all Jace. You will wed Baela and Luke will wed Rhaena because that will benefit mother’s ascension to the Throne.’’ She explained careful not to be heard by the younger children. ‘’We need the Velaryon’s support in this.’’

‘’They were talking about the betrothals before you came.’’ He inclined his head to Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin ‘’He wants us to have a choice.’’

Visenya huffed ‘’Choice? We are not entitled to any choice.’’ She said bitterly ‘’I will probably end up North marrying Lord Cregan Stark. I heard his wife died while giving birth to his son.’’

‘’If you speak to the King maybe he will spare you. Our grandsire adores you.’’ His voice did not hold resentment, only love. It didn’t matter to Jace that while King Viserys loved all his grandchildren dearly he seemed to favor Visenya.

‘’Grandsire will soon be dead Jace, you saw him.’’ The words Daemon used earlier came easily out of her mouth, the reality of their situation finally setting in.

‘’We could…’’ Jace began but never had the chance to finish as their father approached them ‘’Come children, your mother wishes for me to accompany you to your chambers.’’

Here, in the privacy of Princess Rhaenyra’s rooms, Visenya felt she could open up to the man that had sired them ‘’Yes father.’’

She heard Jace gasp beside her while Ser Harwin gulped and blinked rapidly ‘’It pleases me greatly that you consider me a father figure to you princess but such words may be misinterpreted by some.’’ His eyes stared at her own, blue to blue mirroring each other.

‘’It’s fine. No one can spy on us here.’’ She tried again to reassure him. The need to let him know she acknowledged him for what he truly was to them great. How she longed to hug him, melt in his embrace and call him father. While Daemon stood by her side and helped her forge her personality, the void Ser Laenor left could only be filled by her true father. Especially here at King’s Landing. The noose she felt from the moment Vermithor landed in this blasted place only kept closing around her neck.

‘’Visenya…’’ Jace’s sharp tone made her sigh and nod. She understood it was not the right time, nor the right place for this conversation.

‘’Alright. Let us go then.’’ She said dejectedly.

‘’Before you go’’ their mother said from her place beside the fire ‘’our King wishes to dine with his family tonight. I know it was a tiring day but we must obey.’’
‘’Yes muña.’’ Answered Luke for them all, his hurried tone making Visenya believe he dreaded to sit at the same table as their uncle. They walked in silence through the never ending corridors of the Red Keep, only stopping upon reaching each prince’s door. Visenya was ready to bid Ser Harwin goodbye when he asked to come in her chambers. The princess nodded and made way for him to enter.

Closing the doors behind her she turned to him. Ser Harwin Strong was already looking at her, a playful smile on his face. And then he opened his arms, a silent invitation she understood immediately. Without a word she ran and fell in his warm embrace. He closed his arms tightly around her ‘’My daughter.’’ He whispered.

They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, taking each other in, connecting their souls. Visenya never wanted to leave his embrace not ready for the torrent of emotions she was feeling right now. ‘’When mother told us you died in that fire I was devastated. Jace and Luke too. We didn’t know back then, but it was still painful.’’ She raised her head to look at him.

He took a step back to raise a hand and caress her hair ‘’What matters now is that I am alive and here now. And I want you and your siblings to know that I will never leave your side again. You and your mother are all I have. But we have to be very careful. ’’

‘’I don’t care about what they say. They can call us whatever they want. I am proud you are my father Ser Harwin. We have the strength to crush whatever snake, and in the end mother will sit on the Iron Throne no matter what.’’

‘’For as long as we stay here we have to be careful my child. We should not provoke them. All of us must play by their rules, but I promise you once we go to Dragonstone everything will get better.’’ Visenya nodded.

‘’I just wanted you to know that I understand now and I am happy that you are our father. My brothers share the same feelings.’’ She saw him nod at her words then lower his head to place a kiss to her hair and finally leave her rooms. All would be well, she assured herself. The petition was over, the outcome was definitely in their favor and soon they would be free to leave this place and return home. The dark clouds that had gathered above their heads since arriving at the Keep were now dissolving. It was just this dinner and then everything would be back to normal. Or so she thought.

Later, as she let the maids dress her and braid her hair, she wondered if this was goodbye. The last time to see him was fast approaching and Visenya was trying hard to mask the disappointment she felt. Was he aware that they would leave soon after and they were probably never to see each other again? Most importantly, did he care? She was certain he did not. Aemond had spent their time together those days calling her and her brothers bastards, mocking them. The thought that they could still be friends had it not been for his mother’s influence saddened her. The pair the two of them would have made. They would fly their dragons together, travel the world and everyone would have no choice but acknowledge the power Targaryens had.

A knock on her door disrupted her wandering thoughts ‘’Come in.’’

Jace came in dressed formally, his robes the colors of House Velaryon ‘’Ready? They are waiting for us.’’

‘’They left already? I thought we would all arrive together.’’ Visenya waved the maids off before hasting the steps to her smiling brother ‘’Let us go then, we might be able to catch up with them.’’

Jace laughed and gave her his elbow to lace her hand ‘’Why dear sister, I thought it was your thing to always arrive last at such functions.’’

She huffed as she hooked her arm to his ‘’It was just once Jacaerys. And it was Vermithor’s fault, not mine.’’

‘’Yes, by all means blame your tardiness to your dragon. I saw it in your eyes how pleased you were once you entered the room and everyone turned to stare at you. That poor Dornish prince couldn’t stop stealing glances your way.’’

‘’Can we please never mention this again?’’

‘’You are no fun sister.’’ He laughed at her again as they navigated through the castle, their assigned knights behind them.

‘’Yes, well I will be back to my normal self as soon as we leave this castle. I am constantly on edge here.’’

‘’I couldn’t agree more.’’ Were Jace’s last word to her before stopping in front of the Hall the dinner was going to take place. The two knights standing guard outside opened the doors for them to enter. To Visenya’s relief, the King had not arrived yet, but she noticed all the others were already seated around the large table. They turned to look at them and she caught herself standing straighter, moving more gracefully than before. The only empty seats were between Aemond and Helaena and she wondered why the two siblings had not sat together. Jace pulled the chair next to their aunt for her to seat.

But as she took a step Aemond’s cold and demanding tone left no room for discussion ‘’Visenya will sit beside me nephew.’’ He was not even looking at them, instead tracing the decorations of his plate in front of him.

‘’Why is that?’’ challenged Jace not willing to step down.

‘’Jace leave it please. ‘’ she interjected ‘’It is fine.’’ And then whispering to his ear ‘’We should not provoke them. Remember what mother asked of us.’’
Her brother nodded and took a seat beside her, eyeing their uncle with disdain before Helaena turned to talk to him. Visenya caught Daemon looking at her before placing his hand behind her mother’s back, the meaning behind his glance clear. Be clever, be sly. Show them who we are.

‘’So the rumors the knights spread are true dear niece. You have grown.’’ Slowly turning her eyes to Prince Aegon she found herself yet again pitying Helaena for being his wife.

‘’It tends to happen you know. People tend to grow up.’’ She looked around the table for wine. Her goblet was empty and there was no way in the world she would endure this dinner without wine.

‘’They also said you have become a beautiful woman, well the word I heard was not beautiful but since there are ladies present’’ he motioned a hand to where Baela and Rhaena were seated ‘’Anyway, I am happy to know the rumors were true.’’ His lecherous eyes never left her and she cringed under his stare ‘’Mayhap you would like a tour of the castle, I am more than willing to be your personal guide.’’

Aemond’s voice was deadly as he turned to look at his brother ‘’ There will be no need.’’ Just as Visenya simultaneously gave her own answer ‘’No thank you.’’

Just before Aegon had the time to open his mouth again, the doors opened and four guards entered lifting an armchair in which was seated the King. Yet again Visenya felt a torrent of emotions for her grandsire. She felt sorry for the man he used to be, the last rider of Balerion the Black Dread, the King of the Seven Kingdoms. The man in front of them was decaying, half of his body missing and the rest of it rotting. She wondered if those around him could smell the decomposed flesh. As the knights slowly put the armchair between her mother and the Queen, the only emotion she saw on the Princess’s face was pure love. Even Daemon showed sympathy, a rare thing for him.

Everyone turned to look at him and silence fell on the table waiting for him to say something. Taking a deep breath and as always supporting himself heavily on the cane, King Viserys stood with great difficulty ‘’It both gladdens me and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around this table. I know we have grown distant in the past. ‘’ then carefully he took the gold mask from his face revealing the damage the illness has caused ‘’My face is no longer a handsome one but tonight I want you to see me as I am. Not your King, but your father, your brother, your husband and your grandsire who won’t walk among you for much longer. The Crown cannot stand strong if the great House of the Dragon is divided.’’

Hitting his cane repeatedly as if to gather attention to him he continued, desperation in his voice ‘’Set your grievances aside. If not for the sake of the Crown, then for the sake of this dying man. ‘’ his breath was labored as he sat back down with the help of the Queen.

Her mother then abruptly got up, raising her goblet ‘’I wish to raise my cap to her Grace the Queen. I must admit that no one has stood by my father’s side more loyally than you. For everything you have done for him my Queen you have my gratitude.’’ It was a clever move, Visenya thought, for Princess Rhaenyra to be the first to extend an olive branch.

‘’Your graciousness moves me deeply Princess’’ answered the Queen not even bothering to look up from her plate ‘’We are both mothers and I think we have more things in common than we believe.’’ Then surprising all of them, she stood ‘’I raise my cap to you and to your house. You will make a fine Queen.’’

Visenya saw her mother smile, her head slightly bowed. Turning to see the Hand, she was not surprised to find him shaking his head while staring intently at his daughter no doubt disapproving of her speech. She felt Aemond shift beside her but did not dare turn her head. He was fidgety, his legs moving under the table, his hands playing with the knife near his plate. She found she shared his need to flee this room.

Everyone took a sip from their goblets and then music began playing. ‘’May I have this dance niece?’’ she didn’t even turn to him.

‘’No. Sit back down.’’ Aemond was quicker this time to answer to his brother.

‘’I don’t remember asking you to talk on my behalf Aemond.’’ Visenya said threateningly.

Having the decency to turn and look at her he scowled at her ‘’Do you want to dance with my brother niece?’’

‘’Maybe I do want to dance.’’ She countered not even the slightest interested in being in close company with Aegon.

‘’Dance with me then sister.’’ Jace interrupted their argument, ever the peacemaker.

‘’My sister wife wants to dance Jacaerys, why don’t you dance with her.’’ The sarcasm in Aegons’s voice was starting to wane Jace’s patience, while Aegon burst out laughing.

To everyone’s horror he continued ‘’In fact Jace, why don’t you take her to bed tonight. I for sure do not wish to spend more time with her than necessary and mother pesters me yet again for a babe.’’

‘’You are vile.’’ Spat Jace while getting up and extending his hand to their aunt ‘’Come aunt Helaena.’’

Visenya stole a glance to Helaena to make sure she was fine after such words, but was surprised to find her aunt smiling tender to her. As soon as Jace and Helaena had walked away Visenya turned to Aegon ‘’You are despicable. She is your sister wife. You should not treat her like that.’’

‘’Pray tell niece, do you think your future husband will treat you better?’’ he said innocently, downing the wine of his goblet. As the words left his mouth, Aemond’s fist hit the table rattling the cutlery. Visenya gasped and averted her eyes from Aegon to look at him.

‘’Are you alright brother?’’ smirked Aegon ‘’Is there something bothering you?’’

Aemond scowled looking at his plate, but chose not to answer.

Jace and Helaena approached the table then as the song ended, smiling brightly and before sitting, her aunt raised her goblet ‘’I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They are to be married soon. Well, it isn’t so bad. He mostly ignores you, except sometimes when he is drunk.’’ Most of them chuckled at her words while Aegon lowered his head to touch the table.

‘’Guards’’ came the Queens voice motioning for them to take the King back to his rooms. Visenya watched as they lifted the heavy armchair and moved to the doors. She wanted to leave with him, escort him to his rooms and stay with him for a while longer, read to him, keep him company. She missed him dearly. Alas, she had to stay here and play the role of the perfect Princess of the Realm.

As soon as the King left the Hall, the servants came in with different kinds of plates. They began putting them on the table in front of them and Visenya thought nothing at first. Feeling Aemond beside her tense once more, did not catch her attention. The light chuckle from the opposite side of the table did though, and she turned to see Luke trying to stifle a laugh. She followed his gaze and saw he was laughing at a roasted pig the servants placed in front of Aemond.

‘’Luke stop.’’ She warned, but it was too late.

Aemond stood in a fluid motion, his cup raised, a smirk on his face ‘’Final tribute.’’ He began.

‘’Aemond please…’’ she reasoned but he didn’t seem to notice her.

‘’To the health of my nephews and my niece. ‘’ he turned to look at her and smiled maliciously ‘’ Visenya, Jace, Luke and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise…’’ he let the words linger for a moment and then ‘’and strong.’’

‘’Let us drain our cups to these four strong princes.’’ He finished, his whole face smiling sinisterly.

‘’I dare you to say that again.’’ Warned Jace and Visenya closed her eyes. How many times was he going to insult them, besmirch their name. How many times was he going to put the knife through her heart?

‘’Why?’’ he turned to Jace ‘’It was a compliment nephew. Do you not think yourself strong?’’ he taunted her brother as he walked to him slowly.

Visenya then stood and grabbed his hand but he was quick to push her. With the corner of her eyes she saw Luke run to Jace just as he punched Aemond.

Aegon made to attack Luke but she was faster and kneeled him in the groin making him double and groan in pain. Aemond was already punching Jace back when she turned and she went for him, her hand ready to punch his scowling face. The guards intervened then, grasping her brothers out of the way.

Jace broke free from the guard holding him and pounced at Aemond managing to drag him on the floor, the both of them quickly engaging in a fist fight and all she could do was watch in horror. ‘’Enough!’’ roared Daemon and pulled Jace up from his shirt.

‘’I said enough.’’ He repeated as he stood in front of Jace and Aemond effectively blocking him from retaliating. Both boys had blood on their faces and their knuckles. Jace was going to be a menace now, she thought. She knew her brother’s tendency to grow more and more irate if a fight was disrupted before he had the chance to solve the matter.

‘’All of you to your chambers, now.’’ Yelled their mother, grasping Luke by the elbow and moving to leave the room. Baela and Rhaena followed them just as Daemon and Jace, the latter not before throwing a glare at Aemond. ‘’My Queen excuse us, we must prepare for our journey tomorrow.’’ Was Princess Rhaenyra’s explanation to the Queen for their abrupt departure.

Visenya saw the Queen nod tiredly and then turn to her bloodied son, the look she gave him difficult for her to perceive. Disgusted with the people left in the room, Visenya turned to leave. ‘’Visenya’’ his voice was warm, clearly the adrenaline of the fight had affected him enough to enable conversation with her in front of his family.

‘’Don’t.’’ she said without turning to look at him. ‘’I don’t ever want to see you again.’’ And without waiting for his reply, she left never turning to look at him.


Dīnagon= Move

Chapter 8


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Visenya slumped on the plush couch watching a furious Jace pace the room, his face twisted with rage. His eyes bulged and she could see his veins throbbing in his neck. He was trembling, she noticed. His lip was split in two different places, blood from the wounds was smearing his chin, and some of it had dribbled on the front of his formal robes. A faint bluish shadow over his eye was indicating that her brother was going to wake up tomorrow to a bruise marring the skin above his left eye.

No one dared talk to him. Princess Rhaenyra had dismissed the younger princes with their wet nurse earlier, and to Visenya it was as if they were young children again waiting to be scolded by their mother. Luke chose to sulk on the farthest corner of the room while her step sisters were on edge trying to approach an enraged Jace ‘’ Princess Rhaenyra’’ a maid that had just entered said ‘’The Maester is here as you asked.’’ Her mother nodded and walked to stand beside Jace.

Visenya noticed the old Maester glance hurriedly around the room before cautiously approaching the Prince ‘’My Prince could you please take a seat, I want to examine you properly.’’

‘’There is no need.’’ Jace said sharply.

‘’Jacaerys sit down now.’’ Their mother’s tone was serious not leaving room for disagreement. It was evident that tonight’s events had affected her more than she let on, especially in front of the old man with the wandering eyes. The Maester could be a spy of the Hand, they all knew it. Grunting, Jace finally took a seat and let the old man tend to his wounds not once letting any sound that would indicate he was in pain. Baela walked to him, and stood by his side, her hand resting casually on his shoulder. It amazed Visenya how easily had her step sister accepted the news to their betrothal. They were always close, her and Jace, but they never showed signs of a deeper affection. Visenya knew that her brother did not harbor such feelings for the other Princess, but her tender behavior made Visenya consider that Beala might think a little differently of her brother. She smiled at the thought, keeping in mind to have a sisterly talk with her later. She watched as the Targaryen Princess drew circles on Jace’s shoulder until the old man finished treating him. The moment the Maester left the room, Jace was up and back to his outraged state.

‘’I will kill him. Tonight, this will end tonight. I was lenient before for your sake mother. I pretended I didn’t hear his slight to Visenya yesterday, but this…’’ his eyes were all fire and she was certain that had Aemond been in the same room with her brother now, they would be fighting to their death.

‘’If you expected him to act differently you are a fool.’’ Daemon stood behind her but his voice was loud enough to be heard clearly.

‘’She knew who her son had become. They allowed this to happen.’’ Her mother turned to her husband and only then did Visenya see the dismay in her eyes. Princess Rhaenyra was still mourning her old friend, the confidant Lady Alicent Hightower once was. The Queen’s seemingly heartfelt speech just little over an hour ago had a great impact on her. That was a mistake Visenya would not make. It was clear to her that the Greens could not be trusted.

‘’Luke do you have something to say?’’ it was her turn to speak now. She didn’t like the way her younger brother cowered in the corner not uttering a word.

Everyone turned to look at him then ‘’I did nothing.’’ He said, his voice low.

‘’You know very well what you did Lucerys.’’ Her patience was waning and while she loved her brother dearly and valued family above all, Visenya could not turn a blind eye to what had happened. Aemond might be volatile and a true menace, but this time he was not the one who started it. A voice inside her kept telling her though that he could have held his tongue, but Visenya chose to mute it for now. The fact that the speech he gave after Luke’s mockery was practically his way of calling them bastards in their faces and even dared to do so in front of their families was something she would deal with later. Compartmentalize, Daemon had once said. That’s what she was going to do.

‘’I just laughed at something I remembered.’’ Luke tried justifying his actions, his eyes on Jace.

‘’Care to share what you remembered boy?’’ questioned Daemon.

Luke visibly gulped ‘’It is something stupid really.’’

‘’He laughed at the roasted pig in front of Aemond.’’ Said Jace carefully, not willing to provide further information.

‘’I don’t understand. Why would my step brother explode like that for this?’’ their mother was getting irritated with her children now.

‘’Because muña, when we were six years of age my dear brothers along with Prince Aegon presented Aemond a pig for him to claim as a mount.’’ Visenya saw her mother close her eyes tightly and exhale. Daemon chose that moment to burst out laughing and then squeezed her shoulder before leaving the room.

‘’While I cannot begin to explain to you how offensive and inappropriate what you did to your uncle was, I feel I cannot deal with this madness right now. We will talk about it when we get to Dragonstone.’’ She seemed exhausted and for a moment Visenya wondered how would she fare had she been in her position. Her mother was under extreme pressure right now and this only added to her worries. ‘’What you did was unacceptable. You should be ashamed of yourselves.’’ She said shaking her head disapprovingly.

Then the heavy doors to her rooms opened and Ser Harwin entered. He seemed calm and collected, but Visenya was certain he wanted to know what had transpired inside the Hall the dinner took place. Being her mother’s sworn shield allowed him to always be in her presence, though tonight he was seated outside the Hall therefore missed the fight. His eyes no longer masking his concern at witnessing Jace leaving the Hall earlier blood on his face, searched for his eldest son and gazed him up and down upon seeing him. ‘’Princess Rhaenyra a maid came. She wanted to let you know that the King has requested your presence in his rooms.’’ He said his eyes never leaving Jace.

‘’This late?’’ her mother cried out ‘’Is he alright?’’ she said already on her way to the doors.

‘’He wants to talk to you.’’

‘’Very well. Will you accompany me Ser?’’ she said, her eyes burning into his. She probably wanted to let him know what happened, or maybe take courage from his presence. Visenya for a moment wished that she too had the luxury of a man to lean on. A man like her father, patient, loving and strong.

‘’Of course Princess.’’ He said nodding. Turning to look at the children, he nodded at them too and took his place behind their mother as she left the room.

Visenya sat there for a moment contemplating what was the best course of action now. Luke’s thoughtless act erased whatever progress their mother and the Queen achieved tonight. No matter how small, with the King’s condition worsening so rapidly and the Hand’s ambition to install Prince Aegon on the Iron Throne, even the smallest move towards unity mattered.

‘’Did you really have to say it?’’ Luke’s annoyed voice brought her back to reality. He was angry at her, that much was obvious.

‘’I wouldn’t have to say it if you were more sensible earlier.’’ She countered.

‘’That doesn’t justify his actions and you know it Visenya.’’ Said Baela ‘’That incident happened what, ten years ago. Don’t you think he is too old to hold grudges?’’

‘’The way our uncle acted was horrid and unacceptable. He was crass and rude and what he insinuated was treasonous. Not to add painful, but this madness could have been prevented had Luke the mind to be more polite and kept his mouth shut.’’

‘’It was only a matter of time Visenya don’t you see? The tension had been brewing for a decade now, and Aemond is not the same boy he used to be.’’

Visenya got up abruptly and walked to stand in front of Jace ‘’You think I don’t know? All I said was that it was wrong to provoke him. There is war brewing brother and now is not the time to deepen the gap between us.’’

‘’Where you not there when he called us Strong bastards sister?’’ Jace yelled then.

‘’Keep your voice down Jacaerys.’’ She warned him, her own voice low and threatening.

He snorted lowering his head to her forehead, his trembling hands grasping her head ‘’Stop clinging to his memory Visenya.’’ He whispered ‘’As you said war is brewing, our House is now more divided than ever and it will only get worse. He is not worth it.’’

It pained her greatly to think his words were true ‘’So you propose what? To officially wage war on the Greens now? The King is still alive brother, frail but alive and he loves mother.’’ She said taking a step back ‘’He will never replace her in the line of succession. All we have to do is lay low until we leave King’s Landing and then once we are back home we will have the time to strengthen our alliances and find new friends among the Realm. And when the time is right, only then, we will do what we must. We will be ready.’’

Jace shook his head ‘’I wanted the same thing sister, but you heard him. Implying we are bastards in front of the whole royal family…’’ then looking at her intently ‘’They didn’t even flinch.’’

‘’Now is not the time for such a conversation. Even if we ignore the ears behind the walls’’ Baela motioned to their siblings ‘’Look at them. Luke is so scared he makes mistakes, deadly ones. Rhaena is not ready for what is to come, and then there are the babes.’’

Visenya watched Jace take Baela’s words in and then looking at where the rest of them were. Their younger brother was now perched on the window gazing outside, one of his legs tapping on the stone floor nervously. Princess Rhaela was by the fire restlessly pacing in front of the hearth. Not once had she spoken. Baela was always more extroverted than her sister, her eyes sometimes resembling the fire in her father’s but she was missing the spark Visenya and Daemon shared. She heard Jace sigh and murmur ‘’We should rest. Tomorrow we leave this place finally.’’

‘’I will go see Vermithor and then rest.’’

Nodding, he placed a soft kiss to her head, took Baela’s hand to accompany her to her rooms and bid the rest of them goodnight. Visenya took her leave too, the emotions she had managed to reign in before were now threatening to suffocate her.

As she walked through the darkened corridors of the castle she could feel her heart heavy with pain. Placing a hand to her chest she wondered how many times would she allow Aemond to hurt her. She was still a little girl the first time he had betrayed the trust and love she had for him. She felt abandoned by him, left alone in a world he did not exist. Years later when she had finally moved on, having buried inside her the part of her that bled from his rejection, they were back at the same place. While being cautious around him, she had always at the back of her mind that her uncle would be cordial to her and they would resume the relationship they used to have as children. And why not be something more, she thought. For in her darkest moments, Visenya pictured him holding her close, kissing her wantonly and never letting her go. The words his mother and his grandsire whispered in his ear nothing but nonsense.

It wasn’t difficult to see Aemond as her lover. They were friends before, but that was years ago when they were just children. Now they were both older and she was definitely not ready for the different kind of fire his mature body had ignited in her when she saw him the first time after ten long years. The aura he exuded lulled her to him. His passion and intelligence matched hers perfectly, but at the same time made it more painful since his malice toward her and her family was more evident than ever. Ultimately he was a complex man, layered and unpredictable. A victim of circ*mstances, shaped in the world his mother and the Hand had built around him.

Visenya chuckled at where her thoughts were taking her. Aemond was intelligent, cunning and skilled in combat. He was also deeply loyal to his family and let’s not forget the rider of the great Vhagar. Yes, Aemond Targaryen was the greatest asset the Greens had. She was certain that the Queen along with the Hand worked for years to alienate him from Visenya and cut all ties with her family. It was to their benefit after all.

The hope she had for the crisp air to calm her vanished the moment she exited the Keep. Sighing she headed to the stables, accepting the saddled horse the stable boy gave her and took off to the Hill of Rhaenys. Vermithor chose to reside outside of the Dragonpit, flying whenever he wished over King’s Landing and she had allowed it understanding his need to be free. She only wished someone had granted her the same luxury. As she rode, she could see him flying above her, having obviously sensed her, their connection stronger than ever. He reached the Hill and led the horse close but keeping a good distance between them, lest her dragon chose to snack on the poor animal.

‘’ Ñuha taoba.’’ Visenya whispered to Vermithor as she leaned her head to his giant one. The dragon purred making his enormous body tremble. His body heat offered comfort to her as she caressed his bronze scales.

‘’Rytsas’’ she smiled at him. He pushed her lightly then and opened his maw to roar at her as if scolding her for not coming to him earlier when her heart was being stamped on by her uncle. With his head, the enormous dragon pushed her gently to his side motioning for her to ride him. ‘’Sōvēs’’ she commanded once she was seated at the leather saddle, Vermithor letting a mighty roar before taking off.

Nothing could compare to flying atop a dragon. Soaring the skies with Vermithor gave Visenya the freedom she craved, her mind finally clear and serene. Closing her eyes, she let Vermithor take over knowing that if need be she could count on him to notify her. The steady course he set and the almost silent beating of his wings lulled her to a memory. One of her favorite ones, one that she always went back to whenever she felt his absence eat her alive.

They were children again, the hate between their families had not yet polluted their friendship. On a warm summer day they were sitting under the shade of a large oak tree in the godswood of the Red Keep. Both of them laid there quietly listening to wind rustling through the leaves and the birds singing in the branches. They were close to each other, their arms touching ‘’I am so glad I have you.’’ She said.

‘’Me too.’’ Aemond replied.

Soon they were exchanging stories of Old Valyria and sharing their mutual infatuation for their ancestors. He tried to teach her High Valyrian as he was enamored with the language and for his sake she tried. At one point, Visenya reached into her dress’s pocket and pulled out a small box quickly handing it to Aemond.

‘’What is it?’’ he inquired.

‘’It’s a present for you uncle.’’ She answered enthusiastically.

Aemond opened the box impatiently only to find a small carved wooden dragon inside. ‘’It’s perfect’’ he said ‘’Thank you.’’

‘’I asked Ser Harwin to carve it.’’ She saw him smile brightly and she giggled.

The absolute bliss of the memory was pushed aside by the vexation she suddenly felt in her core, an emotion she recognized was not her own but Vermithor’s. Her eyes flew open then, scanning the sky for the object of his ire. And there it was. The largest dragon alive, the fearsome Vhagar was flying towards them. Visenya did not change Vermithor’s course, determined to ignore her uncle. And it seemed he wanted the exact same thing for he never acknowledged her, they just soared the sky with their beasts together. Their dragons soon were flying side by side, their movements perfectly synchronized.

Wanting to see if he would follow, Visenya willed Vermithor to loop and dive and soon after she heard Vhagar roar and imitate him. It would have been a magnificent sight from the ground, she thought. Such large beasts maneuvering in the sky. Right now it was easy to forget the earlier events, but she was no fool. Vermithor roared feeling her anger rising. ‘’Lykiri.’’ She commanded and felt him ease instantly. They were one, and she had to always remember that he felt what she felt. Control your emotions to be able to control your dragon, Daemon had once told her.

Vhagar was hot on their heels, she could feel her but paid no mind. Prince Aemond was not going to taint her night further. When it was clear enough that he was not going to let her enjoy the flight, she leaned to her dragon ‘’Ninkiot’’ she instructed her dragon while eyeing the field behind Dragonpit. She would mount the horse and return to the castle as soon as possible if he dared follow her to the ground too.

Her uncle though had other things in his mind as Vhagar gained speed and was now flying yet again beside Vermithor ‘’ Bantis zobrie issa se ossyngnoti ledys mandianna.’’ she heard him say loud enough to be heard. He was smirking at her, his head held high, nose in the air. He was arrogant and he knew it, even basks in it. She despised it.

‘’Hobroti jãs'' she yelled back only to listen to his laugh.

Vermithor was already descending and Visenya was getting anxious to be there first on the ground. She had to put as much distance between them as possible.

Both dragons landed at the same time though, keeping a respectful distance between one another, but before Visenya had the time to reach her horse Aemond’s strong hand gripped hers and she was suddenly being dragged towards Vhagar. Vermithor’s reaction was instant. The Bronze Fury roared and moved his massive body threateningly to them ‘’Tell your dragon to calm down.’’ Aemond instructed her halting his steps.

‘’Why would I do that uncle? If the Gods are good he will eat you alive and I will be free to return to the castle.’’ She challenged him, her blue eyes boring to his violet one.

‘’You would be a kinslayer niece?’’ he whispered at her, his face so close to her own that she could feel his every breath.

Huffing, Visenya turned to her mount ‘’Lykiri Vermithor.’’

The moment Aemond was certain the Bronze Fury would not attack him, he pushed her to Vhagar’s side. The she dragon not even bothering to open her eyes.

‘’Now what qȳbor?’’ she said standing straighter in front of him. His demeanor changed instantly at her tone. Where he was arrogant and smug before, now her was totally detached and collected. ‘’I wanted to talk about the earlier events.’’ His voice was calm as if he hadn’t been involved in a fist fight with her brother mere hours ago.

‘’You mean back at dinner when you called me and my siblings bastards?’’

She saw him furrow his brows as if this was news to him ‘’I said no such thing. I merely proposed for my nephew’s and my niece’s health.’’ Visenya blinked at him.

‘’Is this what you have to say for yourself?’’

‘’Yes.’’ Was his laconic answer.

Nodding ironically, she pushed away from Vhagar’s warm body ‘’Very well then, geros ilas.’’ and moved to get to her horse.

‘’Umbagon.’’ He said, his tone loud and lengthy. She didn’t turn to face him, she just stood there waiting ‘’I may have been a little daring with my speech. I didn’t realize I made you feel uncomfortable.’’

‘’Uncomfortable?’’ she turned at his words, her blood singing in her veins calling for his to be spilt ‘’You called us bastards. You called me a bastard.’’ She emphasized approaching him threateningly.

She saw him rub his temples and mutter something she didn’t catch before he took a step closer and closed the distance between them ‘’Visenya I didn’t mean to offend you. Your brother provoked me and I lost my temper.’’ His was so close now she was certain her heart would burst from her chest from how fast it was beating. ‘’You know me, I would never do anything to hurt you.’’

In her clouded mind she unconsciously thought that he hadn’t apologized yet and something told her he wasn’t going to. Suddenly his warm hand touched hers and his thumb began rubbing her wrist ‘’I don’t know you anymore Aemond.’’ She dared steal a glance at their hands unable to believe he willingly touched her. Visenya knew he was mercurial, but this was something else. He was so warm though and so close to her that all ill thoughts and warnings, all the distrust Daemon spent years instilling in her for the Greens vanished. She was not cold anymore, she was not alone. He was there, in front of her, talking to her, touching her.

‘’You will get to know me again then.’’ His voice velvety yet void of emotion to a point it unsettled her.

‘’We will leave King’s Landing tomorrow morning. I hardly believe tonight will be enough for that.’’ She said smiling nervously. What was wrong with her? She was never nervous in her life, not with Daemon, not with the knights she spent hours training with. Lords of the Realm came and went to Dragonstone and she never felt this way. Her usual strong demeanor now crumbled at her uncle’s feet. This was dangerous. She could not allow him to unravel her. She was Visenya Velaryon, a fierce warrior, a great dragon rider and her parent’s pride. She would not, under any circ*mstances, fall to his knees.

Aemond smirked yet again, this time without malice ‘’Don’t be so sure princess.’’ And then proceeded to caress a stray curl behind her ear.


Lykiri = Calm
Bantis zobrie issa se ossyngnoti ledys mandianna = The night is dark and full of terrors niece
Hobroti jãs = f*ck off
qȳbor = Uncle
geros ilas = Goodbye
Umbagon = Wait
Ñuha taoba = My boy
Rytsas = Hello
Ninkiot = Land

Chapter 9


There is smut in this chapter, but since I suck at writing such scenes please bear with me.

Chapter Text

Visenya tossed and turned in her featherbed unable to find a comfortable position to sleep. She had been trying to fall asleep for hours, but her mind was racing. Thoughts of Aemond and their encounter clouded her mind and the more she tried to analyze their conversation, the more confused she got. This Aemond resembled the boy she used to know and was by far different to the snarky and hateful young man from the dinner. She thought she was accustomed to being around mercurial men, Daemon being the most volatile man she knew, but to experience it with her uncle was odd. The need to slap him one moment and then the next weave her hands in his silken hair gave her a headache.

Sighing she got out of the featherbed and yet again found her feet taking her to the window. The sun’s fiery rays pierced the morning sky, casting a warm glow over the city. Visenya watched as the sun slowly ascended, its golden light painting the world in hues of orange and yellow. It was a new day and she was filled with dread and sorrow for what it might bring. Leaving King’s Landing when the tension between the Greens and the Blacks was that high foreshadowed something bad. Soon the maids would arrive to pack her belongings and then they would all travel back home. Visenya had a feeling that after today nothing would ever be the same.

A short while later, Princess Rhaenyra entered her daughter’s chambers along with the maids ‘’Good morning muña, is it time to leave already?’’

A reserved smile graced her mother’s face then, briefly eyeing the maids ‘’Not yet my love. Let the maids help you get ready for the day and we will talk.’’

Visenya understood the hidden message behind her mother’s words. Keep quiet until we are left alone. And that’s what she did, keeping her demeanor pleasant and totally unbothered for as long as it took to the maids to help her dress and braid her hair. In the few discreet glances she stole to her mother, she found the heir to the Throne pacing the room playing with the rings on her fingers. The moment they were left alone, Visenya spoke ‘’We are not leaving, are we?’’

She saw Princess Rhaenyra shake her head ‘’No.’’

Nodding, she stood from the vanity and walked to her mother giving her the time to gather her thoughts and explain. ‘’Something must have transpired after the King left the Hall last night because when he called me after, he asked we to delay our departure for some time.’’ Visenya could tell she was displeased by this turn of the events. It was strange for the King to do something like that, he had the time to announce his desire for them to stay while they were all gathered together. Unless…

‘’Aemond.’’ She muttered.

‘’What?’’ inquired her mother narrowing her eyes.

‘’Prince Aemond must have talked to him. I don’t know why he did it, but I am certain of it.’’

Her mother ceased her pacing and looked at her seriously ‘’How do you know something like that Visenya?’’

She closed her eyes and cursed ‘’Prince Aemond sought me out last night after the fight. I was flying with Vermithor when he appeared and then when we landed he cornered me.’’ She saw her mother’s eyes widen at that ‘’He did not harm me mother. We talked for a while and during our talk he implied that we may not leave today.’’

‘’I have to talk to your father. In the meantime, I want you to stay away from him. My half brother is not the boy you used to know. You do not know what he is capable of.’’

‘’I guess we have something in common then, he doesn’t know what I am capable of too.’’ Visenya smirked.

Princess Rhaenyra shook her head and hugged her daughter ‘’You are too much like your father.’’

She wanted to ask which father she took after, but her mother was already on edge, it would do no good to irritate her further. So she hugged her back and eased her worries. Maybe it was for the best for them to stay for a while. Maybe this way she could approach her uncle again, learn how to be his friend again or maybe they could be something more. She smiled at that thought, a warmth spreading inside her.

Looking at herself in the large mirror, Visenya hardly recognized herself. Clad in a tight red dress that even she admitted suited her slim figure perfectly, she was not the young lady that left Dragonstone days ago. Scrunching her face to her reflection, she quickly undressed and found her riding leathers to wear. Even though she was not well rested, the blood in her veins ran fast making her restless, unable to sit with the ladies of the court and talk over tea. With a smile on her face, she decided to fetch Jace and spend the morning with him training. Back in Dragonstone her constant training companion was Daemon, having exclusively taken the position of her instructor. Visenya though now felt the need to spend time with her brother, lighten his sour mood and help him release the pent up tension.

A knock on her door brought her back to reality ‘’Enter.’’ She said while tending to some last details to her garments.

She turned to see a smiling Baela, her eyes widening upon seeing her sister ‘’Why are you wearing these?’’ she said disapprovingly while pointing a finger at Visenya’s riding leathers.

‘’I guess wielding a sword with a dress on would be a challenge.’’

Baela shook her head and walked to the featherbed, tracing her fingers to the red dress ‘’Don’t get me wrong sister, the riding leathers suit you just fine, but this beauty here…’’ she said raising the dress off the featherbed.

‘’Why don’t you take it sister?’’ Visenya offered, trying to shift the conversation elsewhere ‘’Take it and wear it the next time you visit Jace.’’

Baela widened her eyes and looked down ‘’Did Jace talk to you about me?’’

The curiosity in her tone was amusing to Visenya ‘’No, but I think you two need to become more acquainted on the eve of your marriage.’’

Her sister’s cheeks were instantly painted a beautiful red color ‘’ We are friends Visenya, we already know each other very well.’’

Visenya approached the other Princess and took her hands in hers ‘’Tell me sister, do you like him? Do you desire him?’’

She did not know what she expected of the blushing girl, certainly not the way Baela looked up in her eyes and blurted out ‘’Yes.’’ Then as if the dam was broken she continued talking rapidly ‘’I mean, he is a handsome lad. Tall and broad and kind, Jace is everything a girl would want in a husband. And his hands Visenya, have you seen his hands? They are big. Imagine the things…’’

‘’I think I understand what you want to say sister.’’ Interrupted Visenya, not eager to listen the lustful fantasies Baela had for Jace. ‘’I am sure our brother will be a good husband to you Baela.’’

The other Princess nodded ‘’Do you think I should go talk to him? I don’t know, invite him to take a walk?’’

‘’Why not? In fact, I was planning to go see him now, ask him if he wants to train with me. Knowing him he will deny me and throw me out of his rooms.’’

‘’And then I will offer to distract him from his bad mood with a walk to godswood.’’ Smiled Baela conspiratory.

Visenya winked at her sister and then they were off to Jace’s chambers.

What they came to though upon arriving in his rooms was Jace’s adamant denial ‘’But it would do you good to take a stroll in the goswood. I understand not wanting to train with me, but why not take Baela and go for a walk?’’ Visenya threw a side glance to a frowning Baela.

‘I said no Visenya.’’ He grumbled still scowling at her.

‘’I take it mother already told you we won’t be leaving today.’’ She dared say to him, earning a deeper scowl.

Jace’s eyes narrowed at her ‘’Actually, it was Ser Harwin. You come second sister, he came earlier to announce the news and ask if I wanted to train with him.’’

‘’So you told him no and instead plan to hide in your rooms for as long as we stay here?’’ she asked sarcastically.

Jace sat up straighter and looked at her intently ‘’I am not hiding Visenya. I don’t want to face him yet, at least not until I can control myself.’’

And he was right of course. Her dear brother, her other half was always right. As the heir of their mother, the one that would be King after her, Jace was groomed from an early age to think differently from others his age. While Visenya and the other children were allowed to be more open with their emotions, Jace always had in mind to filter everything. The heir to the Iron Throne should speak and act with logic. Her brother’s nature, she thought, was already ideal for the Throne. He had a deep understanding of the Realm’s history and people, he was able to build consensus, negotiate and resolve conflict peacefully. The fact that Aemond riled him up and made him snap was not something he was proud about and Visenya understood his need to work with himself before seeing their uncle again. Jace would be a great King one day, she thought smiling.

She approached him and took his hand in her own ‘’Take all the time you need brother, but have in mind that the Greens may have their own plans and it would do us no good to appear divided. Mother needs us now more than ever.’’

‘’I know sister. It is just for today. You know I can’t face him when my emotions run that high. It won’t end well.’’ He patted their intertwined hands with his free one ‘’Father is with Luke and Prince Daemon at the training yard. Why don’t you join them?’’

‘’That is a very good idea dear brother.’’ She said standing up, her smile wide ‘’And an even better idea is for you to get out of this room. Baela, why don’t you escort our brother’s sorry ass to the godswood?’’

‘’It would be my pleasure.’’ Said a beaming Baela, already straightening her dress.

‘’Visenya.’’ Said Jace before she left the rooms ‘’ I am not certain the Red Keep is ready for two Daemons.’’ He chuckled, his bad mood forgotten.

‘’I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about brother.’’ Visenya said as she exited his rooms, his roaring laughter following her down the corridor.

Just as Jace had said, Luke was sparing with Ser Harwin among other knights that dueled one another. Prince Daemon was nearby, leaning on the stone wall observing. His eyes were trained on something. Following his gaze, Visenya was not surprised to see Aemond conversing with Ser Criston Cole, their swords out probably ready to duel. As if sensing her eyes on him, the one eyed Prince turned and locked his eye to hers. Visenya felt her stomach tighten and her back stiffen. How was she supposed to act after last night? Would it be appropriate to acknowledge him? The Prince quickly averted his gaze and she was left baffled.

‘’Came to spar daughter?’’ Daemon had silently approached her, his eyes now on her.

‘’Yes father. How about we give them something to discuss?’’ she jested playfully.

‘’I think someone else is more eager to spar with you Princess.’’ He said motioning with his head to Aemond.

He was walking towards them, his sword still at the ready, face emotionless as always ‘’I heard you enjoy sword fighting niece. Mayhaps I can be your opponent today.’’ His tone was mocking, as if the idea of her holding a sword was a joke to him.

She heard Daemon chuckle beside her and she nodded ‘’Why not? Lead the way uncle.’’

He turned and walked to the circle drawn for that reason, but before following him a heavy hand fell on her shoulder ‘’You know Visenya, I feel generous today’’ and then proceeded to unsheathe Dark Sister from the scabbard on his waist ‘’Here.’’ He said handing her the legendary sword.

She gasped and looked at his purples eyes. Never in the ten years she knew him had he ever as much as indicated he was ever going to allow her to take it ‘’I don’t think this is a good idea.’’ Came Ser Harwin’s disapproving voice.

‘’Take it.’’ Was the Rogue Prince’s answer ‘’Remember what I told you before.’’ He whispered and motioned with his head for her to see.

Turning her head, Visenya finally understood what had her step father’s attention before. It was not Aemond and Ser Cole, but the Hand. Otto Hightower was regally standing on the balcony above the training yard observing them. On his way to the training circle, she saw Aemond turn his head upwards to his grandsire and then nod.

She felt a surge of energy in her hand then. Dark Sister felt light in her hand as she tested the sword. Daemon was right when he once said to her that his sword sang to him. The famous longsword that used to be wielded by Visenya Targaryen, the sister wife of Aegon the Conqueror truly sang to her now. She took a long moment to admire it. A comparatively thin and light blade, but still incredibly strong and sharp, Dark Sister was adorned with a dragon shaped pommel and a black leather grip. It was truly a marvel and for now it was hers.

Taking a deep breath, Visenya turned to Daemon ‘’Thank you.’’

‘’Show them who you are.’’ Was all he said before turning Ser Strong and leading him away. Her real father’s concern was not going to distract her now, she would have to talk to him later and ease his worries. After all, she was not the little girl he left behind all those years ago.

Visenya slowly walked to where Aemond stood. His eye was wide open, staring at Dark Sister in her hand. ‘’Are you ready uncle?’’ she said voice void of emotion.

That drew his attention back to her ‘’I am always ready.’’

They circled each other, waiting for the other to make a move, Aemond was the first to strike. He lunged forward with his sword held high and left a loud inhuman cry, but Visenya parried his strong blow with ease. Daemon was harder than the Prince in front of her when they fought. Thinking fast, she counter attacked leaving the one eyed prince no choice but to defend himself as best as he could. Dark Sister clashed with the common blade and broke it in two. Aemond roared and ran to the closest knight to take his sword.

He was beyond furious. Their dance raged on with Visenya having the upper hand. The young Prince was clearly experienced but so was she, and she had the great advantage to have the Rogue Prince as an instructor. Spending hours with Daemon dueling, made her faster than her opponent and more agile. The duel continued for several more minutes, nothing but the clash of their swords and their heavy breaths could be heard in the training yard. When Visenya decided she had tired him enough, she feinted to the right and then without losing time, spinning around she slashed Aemonds armored chest careful enough not to put much pressure. She knew very well what damage could the sword she currently wielded do. The Prince clearly surprised, lost his balance and then she took her chance and pushed him down with her sword’s pommel. Aemond fell and swore, turning to lock his eye to her own.

The raw emotions in his gaze would have shaken her to the core had she not been drunk from the battle. It was clear to everyone that the one eyed prince was angry and resentful. The fact that someone had bested him during a fight and especially a young woman surely made him feel humiliated. Visenya could understand all those emotions that raged inside him, but at the moment she did not dwell on what they made her feel.

‘’Yield.’’ She said.

‘’Never.’’ He answered spitting the word to her.

‘’Very well.’’ She nodded making a move to raise Dark Sister intent on sinking its tip on the ground near him.

‘’I think that is enough Princess.’’ Intervened Ser Cole stepping in front of her, acting as a shield to Aemond.

‘’Not a wise move Ser to step in front of Dark Sister. But then again, no one expected you to act differently.’’ She spat at the Queen’s sworn shield.

‘’And that is something I cannot agree more to daughter.’’ She heard Daemon say laughingly beside her as he patted her shoulder ‘’You did great.’’

Visenya looked at Aemond, the Prince was already up dusting himself off and pushing the squire that had come to his aid. She turned to Daemon to hand him back Dark Sister but he refused shaking his head. Placing an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her to him ‘’ As always, the thrill of a battle makes me hyper.’’ Then shaking her a little ‘’Race me to Storm’s End daughter?’’ he asked.

Smiling wide she nodded ‘’Lead the way.’’ With a final look at her uncle, she saw him turn his head from the now empty balcony his grandsire observed the fight before to her. The hateful expression she came to know he reserved for her back in his eye.

Many hours later as she walked to her rooms, worn out and utterly exhausted, she heard children giggling hysterically from the castle’s gardens. Immediately understanding, Visenya turned and saw Helaena sat on a bench looking at something in her hands while her twins ran among the roses, a maid chasing them playfully. Smiling, she approached her aunt careful not to startle her.

‘’It is nice to see you again Visenya.’’ Said Helaena, without even turning to look at her.

Visenya sat beside her aunt, mindful to still keep her distance. She could still remember that Princess Helaena liked not to be touched ‘’How are you my dear aunt? I missed you all these years.’’ She said sincerely.

Helaena then turned and graced her with a wide smile ‘’We missed you too.’’

Asking her what she meant by ‘’we’’ would not lead anywhere, as Visenya had learnt from an early age not to take her aunt’s words too seriously when she spoke like that. ‘’Why are you here alone?’’ she chose to say instead ‘’Where are your brothers?’’

Turning her attention back at the spider in her hand, Princess Helaena answered with a sincerity that surprised Visenya ‘’Aegon is probably in bed with one of my maids and Aemond is keeping his distance from the twins.’’ She shrugged ‘’They always want to climb up his shoulders and talk to him about fables they heard. He says they annoy him.’’

Visenya smiled at the image that formed in her mind, but her aunt had not finished ‘’Do not worry though niece, he will be more caring and loving when the time comes.’’

Her smile faded instantly ‘’What time are you talking about Helaena?’’

‘’It is going to rain soon Visenya. You better be prepared.’’ Was the last thing she said before getting up and leaving her there without further explanation. Slowly turning to look up, all Visenya could see was a clear sky, definitely nothing was indicating a storm was coming.

Once she was back in her chambers, exhausted by the long day but deeply satisfied, Visenya soaked in the copper bath tub a smile on her face. She spent most of her day riding Vermithor and her whole body was sore. Flying for so many hours, especially after a brutal sword fight under the enemy’s eyes all while being sleepless for two days has taken a toll on her. Closing her eyes she sighed and let the healing water sooth her aching muscles. She had the time to discuss the morning’s events with Daemon but she was certain her mother would want to talk with her and of course Ser Harwin. She hadn’t missed his concerned eyes when she walked to Aemond Dark Sister at hand ready to spill blood. The strongest man in the Realm, the one everyone called Breakbones was scared for her. Maybe he wouldn’t approve of the way Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon chose to raise her but this was her now.

A knock on the door made her turn her head ‘’Who is it?’’

‘’A maid my Princess.’’ Announced the guard at her door ‘’Should I let her enter?’’

‘’Yes.’’ She replied waiting for the maid to make her appearance.

The young girl did not raise her head as she walked inside, she just stood there her hands in front of her balled to fists. ‘’Well? What are you here for?’’ finally said Visenya, the girl’s silence irritating her.

‘’P… Prince Jacaerys sent me my Princess. He… he wishes to meet you in the library.’’ She muttered her head still lowered.

‘’And why did he…’’ Visenya began but never had the chance to finish her question.

‘’May I leave now please?’’ the maid stuttered balancing from one leg to another. Visenya decided to spare the frail thing and with a wave of her hand the girl left the chambers almost running.

Jace wanted to hear all about the morning duel, she thought, any chance to listen to their uncle’s defeat a balsam to his soul. She smiled and stood from the bath tub. Grabbing her robe she quickly put a dress on and let her hair loose, her luscious chestnut curls falling to her back. Who would be around the castle’s corridors at such hour to see how she left her rooms. It seemed odd to her that her brother had summoned her at such hour and especially in the library, but her tired mind refused to examine it further.

The guard outside her chambers moved to follow her but she dismissed him ‘’There is no need Ser. I will be back shortly. I am only going to meet my brother.’’ With a nod he resumed his position at the doors and she took off. The air was crisp tonight giving her goose bumps and she sped up eager to see what Jace wanted and return to her featherbed.

No guard was stationed outside the library and that made Visenya hesitant at first. Her brother never wandered without his guards, especially here in this Green infested castle. Straightening her back, she pushed the heavy doors and entered the vast room she once used to spend most of her time in. At first she thought she was alone, the dim light not helping her notice the tall figure casually leaning on the selves by the alcove she used to favor.

‘’Hello niece.’’ Aemond’s warm voice helped her focus more on him.

Standing her ground, Visenya crossed her hands in front of her, her voice neutral when she spoke ‘’I knew something was amiss. Jace would have come to my rooms if he wanted to tell me something instead of calling me here.’’

His eye flashed dangerously at her words ‘’Disappointed I am not your beloved brother Visenya?’’ he spat before slowly walking to her ‘’Or maybe you prefer the company of a true Targaryen Prince, say Prince Daemon?’’

‘’You are vile.’’ She said to him disgust evident in her voice. Turning to flee the room, no longer interested in learning why he summoned her here, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him.

Visenya was quick to break free of his hold and push him to the nearest self. He allowed her the power move and once his back hit the self making the scrolls rattle, he burst out laughing manically ‘’You get cozy with your mother’s husband and I am the vile one?’’

‘’He is my father you loathsome c*nt.’’ She shouted unable to remain calm when he accused her of such a thing.

Aemond shook his head ‘’Some would disagree on that niece. You are your mother’s daughter after all. Engaging in such treasonous activities is in your dirty blood.’’ He mocked.

Visenya felt her heart beat faster at his hateful words. Suddenly Jace’s words came to her mind and she found she agreed with him. Her emotions were harder to control around her uncle, the way he spoke to her and then the way he acted around her not helping either. She would be damned however if she let him know how much he hurt her. His eye left no room for denying how much pleasure he derived from insulting her.

Gritting her teeth she moved forward and placed her arm to his throat, effectively restricting his airway. The gleam vanished instantly from his eye and he tried to break free from her hold. She was faster though and placed her knee to his groin, a clear message that if he moved she would strike. ‘’If you ever talk to me that way again I won’t hesitate to hurt you uncle.’’ She applied more pressure to his throat ‘’You know I can.’’ Then whispering ‘’I am not a little girl anymore.’’

‘’I am aware niece, fear not.’’ He groaned, his voice coarse ‘’You know, if you wanted to touch me you could have said so.’’ He continued and then proceeded to grasp her hands and reverse their position. Within seconds, Visenya found herself being the one pushed over to the hard self, his strong arms caging her.

All she could do was remain unmoving lest she touch him. Something told her that once their skin touched the dam would be broken and then Visenya would be in deep trouble. Her body was frozen, unable to perform any maneuver that could set her free from his arms. The one eyed Prince lowered his head and leaned it towards her curls. One of his hands was raised then, picking a lock of her hair and bringing it to his nose. She gasped as he breathed in.

He took another step closer to her practically diminishing any distance between them, their bodies now touching and then inclined his head a little lowering it enough to reach her neck. Her breath was ragged and suddenly all she could do was surrender to him. It was so intimate, the position she found herself in that she didn’t know how to act. Her previous experience with boys was just quick pecks and some awkward fumbling, all of them from when the fire inside her raged and her fingers could not satisfy her. Visenya always knew only a Targaryen could give her what she craved, only a Targaryen could match her passion and need. The fact that said Targaryen was Aemond always seemed to make her shiver and push the thought to the back of her mind.

‘’Aemond…’’ she whispered when she felt his teeth graze her neck.

‘’Yes?’’ his low voice sent a thrill down her spine. Visenya felt one of his hands on her calf caressing her skin and then trail her body sensually gliding over her waist and breasts before finally grasping the back of her neck.

‘’Please…’’ begged the Princess.

Aemond chuckled but never stopped placing kisses to her neck ‘’Please what niece?’’

‘’Please just…’’ but her words were cut short as the one eyed Prince nipped at a sensitive spot and she moaned.

‘’There.’’ He muttered with a heavy voice and bit her again, this time adding pressure to her lower body.

Visenya gasped when she felt his hard member on her stomach. He was all over her, his mouth ravishing her neck, one of his hands caressing her sides while his other was possessively gripping the back of her neck as he rocked his erection slowly to her middle, his lower body practically rubbing to hers ‘’Do you have any idea what a sight you made today?’’ he inquired, his low voice doing wonders in her c*nt ‘’A beautiful Princess ready to fight, Dark Sister at hand. A true Visenya.’’ He moaned before rubbing his co*ck to her harder ‘’And all mine.’’

He had molded his body to fit hers and the mere thought of it made her eyes widen. He was aroused by her, just as she had craved his touch. As his lips became more insistent on their assault, Visenya moaned again and one of her hands moved to his head, her slender fingers tangling in his long hair gripping tightly.

Aemond let a moan of his own and pushed his hips a little harder against her body. She fisted his shirt with her free hand and tried to pry his hungry mouth from her neck to kiss him. He didn’t seem to understand her intentions though, as he groaned and bit her hard. Visenya hissed and tried again, desperate to gain the upper hand and finally taste him. He stopped then touching his forehead to hers, both of them had their eyes closed and breathed heavily.

Yet again, Visenya moved forward to capture his lips, but he turned his head avoiding the contact. She tried again and the one eyed Prince refused her once more. Groaning, she rubbed her thighs together eager for some friction in the place that burned the most. Her body was on fire needing release more than ever. He noticed of course and chuckled before ducking his head to place a kiss on her cheek letting his lips linger and she thought she would faint when he nudged her with his nose. Taking the opportunity, Visenya turned her head the opposite side he wanted to finally connect their lips, but he was faster and pulled back chuckling.

‘’Patience niece’’ he said his voice filled with lust. She was certain if she spoke now her tone would mirror his ‘’When you return to your chambers I want you to touch yourself.’’ He whispered.

And then abruptly without saying anything else or ever sparing her a last glance, Aemond took a step back, turned and left the library leaving her there alone in the Keep’s library flushed and in complete disarray. She had never hated him more than this moment. Visenya cursed his name all the way back to her chambers, thankful for the empty corridors of the castle. The knight standing guard outside her doors tried to hide the way he looked her up and down and lowered his head when she scowled at him ‘’Not a word to anyone’’ she commanded ‘’Except if you want to guard the Wall instead of a Princess’s doors.’’ And then she stormed into her chambers baring the heavy doors.

How dare he humiliate her like that? Visenya was furious as she paced her room thinking why did she allow him to come this close to her, to make her feel like that. Make her surrender to his desires and believe he craved her just like she did only to abandon her. She shivered when she remembered the way his hands caressed her, the way he bit her neck only to leave kisses on the same spot after. The heat spread yet again in her body despite her previous big words of hate for her uncle.

Cursing him again, the Princess got rid of her dress and took a look in the large mirror. The young woman staring back at her was beautiful. Long chestnut curls that touched perk tit*, nipples already pebbled and chest rising up and down, all indicating her arousal. Her stomach was taut, as were her arm muscles from years of daily training. Visenya’s eyes traveled down to her c*nt, bare as she liked it, her lips swollen, nub aching for attention.

Slowly she raised a hand and placed a finger in her mouth licking it thoroughly. Her eyes followed the movements of her tongue and once it was wet enough she traced the same finger down in a path starting from her neck trailing down her breasts until it reached her sensitive nub and she hissed at the contact. On her way to her chambers she was hell bent on disobeying him. Now though, just the thought of him did weird things to her body.

Moaning, she slowly walked to her featherbed and laid down. The moment her back touched the soft mattress her fingers were back to her c*nt, opening her lips eager to find and rub her nub. A deep moan escaped her mouth and she traced her erect nipples with her other hand, pinching and pulling them, wishing it was Aemond’s hand teasing her and not hers. The thought of his rough and calloused hands kneading her tit* sent shivers down her spine and she arched her back a little as she let two of her fingers inside her hole while a third rubber her cl*t in furious circles.

She thought of his mouth, the wicked edge to his grin, the sinful way he would touch her. All Visenya wanted right now was for her uncle to devour her, to spread her on her featherbed and lick every inch of her body before finally taking her, making her his forever. Pumping her fingers fast enough to draw an org*sm out of her, Visenya’s sight blackened as she finished with a silent moan ‘’Aemond’’ she whispered and closed her eyes. At the same time the candles in her room flickered before extinguishing plunging the room in the darkness.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

‘’Higher Vermithor’’ commanded Visenya sternly ‘’Higher.’’ They have been flying for a while now, soaring high above the clouds. Her long hair streaming behind her like a banner, she had refused to spend another minute inside the castle’s walls to braid her hair. As soon as dawn broke, the princess wore her riding leathers and fled to her dragon. The sun was high enough now but she still didn’t wish to return, instead choosing to remain atop her magnificent beast, his bronze scales gleaming in the sunlight. The wind whipped through her face but Visenya could still feel uncomfortable. Not physically but emotionally. Last night she had allowed Aemond to win. She let him play her and in the end she had succumbed to the fire he lit inside her.

The need to feel his hands on her body festered in her mind. Her fingers the night before had only scraped the tip of the iceberg that was her lust, and he hadn’t even kissed her. ‘’Dracarys’’ shouted the very frustrated Visenya projecting her ire to her dragon pushing him to his limits and all the while reveling in his excessive body heat as he opened his giant mouth to breath fire. A different dragon roared behind them making the princess turn, only to see the formidable Blood Wyrm breathing fire as well. The Rogue Prince was atop him, urging his great beast to gain speed.

Sitting straighter on the saddle, Visenya pushed Vermithor to his limits. Having company was not what she wanted that moment, not when her mind still reeled and her c*nt was desperately empty.

‘’Land.’’ She heard Prince Daemon scream loud enough to be heard.

He was still behind them, the red dragon unable to match Vermithor’s speed but still trying his best. Visenya urged her mount to fly lower and once they were below the clouds she felt him decrease speed. Soon Caraxes flew almost beside them and when she turned, the Prince was already staring at her ‘’Don’t you think it is enough?’’ his voice still louder than normal.

Sighing, Visenya commanded her beast to land noticing her step father did the same. Their dragons spiraled in the sky for a while letting playful sounds like the times they used to dance over Dragonstone. Daemon did not even let her put her feet on the ground before beginning his verbal onslaught ‘’What the f*ck do you think you are doing?’’ he said, clearly outraged.

Standing tall, Visenya turned to look at him placing the mask of indifference he had taught her on her face ‘’I believe it is called flying father.’’

He scowled at her before spitting next to him ‘’Do not talk to me like that girl.’’ His voice low enough to be considered threatening. He took a few steps toward her ‘’Have you got any idea how worried your mother is? How worried I was? You left at dawn and never returned.’’

‘’You never worried that much at Dragonstone.’’ She tried to act nonchalant around him, but it was impossible to fool such a man.
‘’This is no Dragonstone Visenya.’’ He hissed ‘’There are dangers you are not aware of in King’s Landing.’’ He lowered his voice yet again ‘’Dangers that are closer than you expect them to be.’’

A thunderous roar was heard from above them and the ground shook beneath their feet. She knew if she turned her head upwards she would see Vhagar soaring the sky. Despite her heart aching deeply, she did just that.’’ I know.’’ Was all she said as her eyes followed the large dragon.

It seemed that Daemon had done the same, his voice startling her ‘’Do not trust him. He is after something, I know it.’’

‘’I don’t think he has it in him.’’

‘’You always saw the good side of him daughter, but I can tell you with certainty that Aemond is not the same boy he used to be back then. Especially after Driftmark.’’

Visenya closed her eyes tightly and sighed. She knew her uncle was heavily influenced by his grandsire the Hand and his mother the Queen, but to plot against his own blood, against her? It seemed absurd to her. She opened her eyes and took a long minute to observe her step father. The man who took her hand when she was a pathetic lonely and quiet little girl and molded her into the warrior she was today. Prince Daemon was a reckless and impulsive individual. Always quick to anger and sometimes even going as far as act without thinking through the consequences.

This time though, Visenya could sense that he actually took time to observe and scheme. Surely his spies in King’s Landing providing him with crucial information had played a part in this. She wasn’t sure if she preferred that Daemon to the impulsive one. He seemed more lethal now when no one knew what was on his mind.

‘’While I am aware that Prince Aemond has indeed changed, and trust me father it is with great pain that I admit that, I continue to believe that he will do nothing to harm me.’’ She hardly thought his wandering hands posed a threat to anyone really. Noticing Daemon was ready to retort, Visenya beat him to it ‘’But since you worry so much, I will be cautious around him.’’

‘’Being cautious is not enough Visenya. I want you to stay the f*ck away from him. He is dangerous.’’ He willed her to understand.

‘’They call you the same word father, but I have yet to see your bad side. You have been nothing but kind and good with us.’’ Then smirking at him ‘’Or maybe mother really tamed you.’’ She half jested, the Rogue Prince’s love for Princess Rhaenyra legendary.

She saw him draw a deep breath and release it slowly ‘’It is not the same daughter. Aemond does not feel for you the way I feel about your mother.’’ He stared deep into her eyes ‘’You should not have such feelings for him.’’
Something inside her wanted to scream at her father, why were such feelings forbidden? Why did she have to stay away from the man she had feelings for? Why couldn’t they be together? How could Daemon know his intentions? Could he not see that Visenya may be the only one to bring him to their side? If she was patient enough with him and show him what they could be together maybe then Aemond would see the fault of his grandsire’s and mother’s words. Instead of voicing her thoughts though, Visenya sighed and nodded ‘’I will try to stay away from him.’’

Daemon shook his head ‘’You will not try. You will stay the f*ck away from him. I do not want to repeat myself girl.’’ She knew that tone. It was the second time her step father was warning her and he certainly wouldn’t appreciate doing it a third time.

‘’I understand.’’ Was all she gave him. Despite being frustrated because of her uncle, that didn’t mean would abandon her plan to earn his trust and friendship back. Her heart yearned for his love, for the burning passion that she knew matched her own and she was certain they would burn together one day.

‘’Good. Now let’s go back.’’ Without waiting for her reply, he mounted Caraxes and took off. Visenya did the same and soon they were back at the Keep, Daemon quickly abandoning her to visit the city and her crossing the training yard to finally enter the castle. He was there of course, training with Ser Cole, mercilessly hitting the knight with his long sword. Without noticing it, her steps halted and she stood there watching him. Taking him in, as if his tall and proud frame commanded her attention, Visenya raked her eyes up and down his form.

His light hair, long and sleek was loosely held behind his head, a few strands falling to his face as he moved. His remaining eye, a brilliant shade of violet, gleamed with intelligence and confidence. Sweat was dribbling from his forehead to his strong jaw line and his thin lips were curved into an arrogant smile. He was going to win and he knew it.

She felt her heart beat faster in her chest as her eyes moved lower taking the rest of his body in. While most of his pale skin was covered by his clothes, Visenya knew his body was sculpted from the years he spent training. Prince Aemond was tall and lean, though his aura was of a man who could handle anything that was thrown his way. She watched as he delivered the final blow to his mentor and screamed in victory. His voice, raw and thick, did weird things to her and Visenya’s c*nt unconsciously clenched needing something inside.

As if sensing her eyes on him, Aemond turned and winked at her, that blasted smirk never leaving his scarred face. She felt her cheeks heat up instantly and immediately averted her gaze embarrassed that he caught her observing him. Finding the will to move again, she coughed and turned to leave, her steps taking her fast to her mother’s chambers.

She found Princess Rhaenyra conversing with her sworn shield, everything in the picture they made indicating that they were talking heatedly. They were far too close to one another, their distance far from being considered appropriate. Closer than what Daemon would have certainly liked, she thought. Visenya allowed herself a moment to observe them together now with the eyes of a young woman. She couldn’t hear what they were talking about so she took a few steps their way neither of them noticing her. ‘’I am tired of this Harwin. All these years and the scheming won’t stop. I thought that after all this time, after our absence to Dragonstone things would calm down.’’ There was anguish in her voice and her eyes were glued to Ser Harwin as if he was her anchor.

‘’We will get through this together Princess.’’ He smiled at her lovingly ‘’I want you to remember that there is nothing I would not do for you and for our children.’’ Her father said lowering his head to touch her forehead. Princess Rhaenyra sighed and placed both of her hands to his cheeks.

Visenya was enthralled at the sight they made, two people worlds apart from one another, being like this after all these years and two marriages separating them ‘’They are growing so fast’’ he chuckled ‘’It feels like yesterday they were tiny babes snuggling in my arms.’’ Ser Strong’s voice was full of emotion as he spoke of his children, and Visenya clutched her chest. She knew she had to make her presence known, but the chance to hear from her father’s lips what he felt for them could not be wasted.

‘’I know’’ smiled her mother ‘’It is hard to believe.’’

He kissed one of her palms ‘’You raised them well Princess, more than well. I look at Jace and see a strong and courageous young man destined for greatness.’’ His eyes were passionate as he spoke of his eldest son ‘’When I see him with the sword my heart swells with pride. I swear to you my love, I will do everything in my powers to help him prepare for the future and secure his claim to the Throne.’’

Princess Rhaenyra smiled brightly at him and nodded ‘’We will have to be there for the children, help them control their feelings and actions. Sometimes I fear we ask too many from them. They are still children after all.’’

Ser Strong took her palms in his big hands and placed a chaste kiss to them ‘’I will stand by their side for as long as you allow me Princess and gladly give my life for them. Although I cannot publicly acknowledge them as my own, know that I love them dearly.’’

‘’It is Visenya I worry for most’’ admitted her mother ‘’Daemon took his role as her father too seriously and I am afraid he influenced her more than what’s considered appropriate for a princess.’’

Ser Harwin laughed warmly ‘’Like you were acting like a prim and proper Princess back then? I can still remember the day you came out of the woods, blood all over you… The things you did to my body. The things you still do…’’

Visenya saw her mother blush, but still nuzzle in his embrace ‘’It is not the same Harwin. I did not wield a sword like a knight and wear riding leathers all day. Visenya has become just like Daemon so much that sometimes I wonder if she still is the sweet little girl she used to be before we moved to Dragonstone.’’ Then staring into his eyes ‘’While it cost me you for ten years, I do not regret my marriage to Daemon for it gave me two more children. But I promise you Harwin, once we return home we will find a way to be together in a way Daemon will allow.’’ She said placing her hands over his heart.

‘’I know my love, I would never hold it against you. Prince Daemon may be volatile and unpredictable, but he raised them well. Look at our daughter. She is a true warrior, skilled in combat, a great dragon rider and caring to her loved ones. I could not be prouder of her.’’

The emotion in his voice brought tears to Visenya’s eyes, and then she decided she had heard enough. Composing herself, she took a few steps back and knocked on the door while looking at her parents. They distanced themselves immediately ‘’Where have you been Visenya?’’ there it was, she thought, a mother would always worry about her children even if they rode giant beasts that breathed fire.

‘’I am here now.’’ She answered.

She saw her mother’s eyes harden ‘’This is no Dragonstone. You see how they want to play this game of thrones. I worry about you my love.’’

Visenya moved to them ‘’It was not my intention to cause you worry mother’’ then looking at Ser Harwin ‘’I am sorry.’’

Her father then opened his arms wide to receive her ‘’All is well Princess, just do not make a habit of it.’’

She snaked her arms around his huge frame, basking in his attentions. His scent was the same as she could remember from her childhood, and she closed her eyes tightly trying to go back. Trying to feel like the girl of six years she was running in the castle, Ser Strong chasing her, their laughs echoing in the cold corridors. ‘’I missed you.’’ Was all she said, whispered really in his embrace not even sure he heard her.

He tightened his hands around her, the only indication he had heard her. They would have to talk once the right time came. Yet again she cursed the situation they found themselves in, obliged to stay in King’s Landing playing a very dangerous game. Visenya pulled back eyeing her mother. The Targaryen Princess had a warm smile on her beautiful face as she watched them ‘’Ser Harwin would you please give us a moment?’’

He nodded and winked at Visenya before leaving the rooms ‘’I will be right outside.’’

Once they were alone, Princess Rhaenyra took a seat by the fire and motioned for her daughter to sit across her ‘’Now, tell me everything.’’

Visenya huffed as if annoyed ‘’Mother there is nothing to talk about. I needed to leave for a while to decompress. The situation in this blasted castle is not ideal. You saw how Jace reacted the other day, why don’t you call him as well and…’’

Her mother’s sharp eyes was all it took for her to shut her mouth. Princess Rhaenyra observed her daughter before answering ‘’You are too much like Daemon young lady, but lucky for me I have spent far too many years in his company to know all the tricks he uses when he wants to avert the topic from him.’’ Then looking at her intently ‘’Talk to me Visenya, what weighs on you?’’

The worry and love that mixed in the face of her mother convinced her to confide in her ‘’It is Aemond.’’ She uttered lowly, mentally preparing herself for her mother’s harsh reaction.

Instead, the heir to the Iron Throne sat back in her armchair and sighed ‘’It is always Aemond with you.’’ Her tone was not judgmental or negative, just accepting ‘’When you were a babe it was in his arms that you calmed, and later as you both grew older you quickly became inseparable. It was really sweet watching you two disappear for hours in the library or the godswood, but later on the Queen expressed her dislike on your friendship.’’

Visenya felt her anger rise but did not dare disrupt her mother ‘’I was distant when my siblings were born you know, I let my anger and frustration rule me and lead me away from them. But when you came, when I first held you in my arms I saw the error of my behavior. Your strong friendship with my step brother made me propose marriage between the two of you and while the King was agreeable at first, the Queen was adamant. From then on, Alicent did everything she could to put distance between Aemond and you.’’ By the end of her speech, Princess Rhaenyra had allowed the sorrow she felt show on her face.

‘’He danced around the topic of our parentage even then mother, when we were just children. One time he told me his mother did not want for us to be friends anymore.’’ The bitterness she felt then was still present souring her mood.

‘’Queen Alicent spoke to me as well’’ confessed her mother ‘’She summoned me in her chambers and bluntly ordered me to keep you away from her son.’’ Visenya sighed, the weight on her heart heavier than ever. She couldn’t afford to let her thoughts carry her back then, not when her mother had finally decided to confide in her. But as everything in life, this too came with a cost ‘’I was seven and ten when I gave birth to you and Jace, but the concept of love and lust was not new to me.’’

Visenya turned to look at her mother sharply, almost intrigued at the turn of the conversation until she grasped her mother’s words ‘’As you can understand, I was no stranger to the way men looked at me, and of course to the things my body craved.’’

‘’Mother please…’’ she coughed awkwardly, adjusting herself uncomfortably in her armchair.

‘’What I mean to say is that I have seen the way my brother looks at you and I believe you think of him the same way.’’ And just like that Visenya felt naked. Had she been so transparent to her parents? For if the Princess knew, Daemon was aware as well for sure. Shame coursed through her and she felt her cheeks redden.

‘’My uncle and I have always been proper and…’’

‘’Visenya save that talk for the pious Queen. I am your mother and all I want is for you to trust me with what happens in your life.’’

‘’Alright then. It is no secret that since I was a little girl I favored Prince Aemond, and I admit I still care about him. Even before the events of Driftmark we had began drifting apart, the influence of his mother and grandsire great but after…’’ she gulped uneasily ‘’Mother, it was Rhaena that brought that blasted knife in the fight, not Luke and I fear Aemond will never forgive me for not stepping in for him.’’ Her voice was desperate now, all the pent up emotions bursting free after so many years. She hated the weakness that seeped from her, but this woman in front of her was her mother ‘’I sent raven after raven to him but he never bothered enough to answer and then we came here and he is changed. A practical stranger to me and I struggle so much to get to know him again.’’

Princess Rhaenyra watched her daughter closely taking it all in ‘’He is angry and vindictive and we have the Hand and the Queen to thank for it. They have molded him to be the defender and the protector of the Greens. I don’t know if you can reach him Visenya.’’

She said her next words without caring for her mother’s reaction to them ‘’He approached me twice already. The first time after Daemon beheaded Ser Vaemond, and then last night.’’

Princess Rhaenyra rose from her seat and stood by the fire playing with the rings adorning her fingers ‘’The first time he lead me through the crowd to the library. He provoked me, we quarreled and then I fled the room to come find you.’’

‘’And the next time?’’ inquired her mother.

‘’Last night a maid came to my chambers to inform me that I had been summoned at the library by my brother Jace. My first thought was that it could not have been Jace, but I still went and he was there waiting for me. Aemond was there.’’

‘’Did he touch you?’’ her mother’s tone was harsh, dangerous.

‘’He did, but not in the way you may think. There was tension between us I admit it, and somehow we ended up far too close one to the other, but nothing happened mother.’’ Leaning forward Visenya gazed at her mother intently silently pleading her to understand ‘’I burn for him.’’

Princess Rhaenyra sighed ‘’The only thing I will ask of you is to be careful and by no means follow my example.’’

‘’You don’t mean…’’

‘’I am not talking about my relationship to your true father Visenya. The four of you are the product of our love and I will never regret the bond I share with him.’’ She averted her gaze from her daughter as she spoke again ‘’What I do regret is the mistake I made with a man before your father. It is that I think when I ask you to be careful.’’

‘’What I feel for Aemond is no mistake mother.’’

‘’Let me have my reservations about him. He used to be a sweet boy, but so many years under the influence of Otto Hightower are doomed to have an impact on him.’’ She approached her daughter once more ‘’All I ask is for you to be cautious around him, stay alert. Do not trust him blindingly.’’

Visenya smiled at her ‘’I will mother, do not worry. And who knows, maybe we will ride back home together with another dragon when the time comes.’’ She said smiling widely. The Princess’ sad smile though indicated her mother did not share her optimism.

She spent the rest of her day with her brothers and sisters, free from the burden of her secret feelings for her uncle. Somehow, after confiding in her mother and reassuring her and her father made her feel lighter and justified her decision to approach Aemond and reconnect with him. The only thing in her mind as she walked back to her chambers was how she was going to approach him. Striding to him in the public with the whole court witnessing them conversing was out of the question.

Absent mindedly bidding the knight outside her doors goodnight, she entered the dark room finding it weird that only a few candles were lit, leaving the room in dim lightning. Her instincts kicked in a second later when she heard a faint sound from the deepest part of the room. Stealthily taking her dagger from her leathers, she moved forward ‘’I don’t think you need it niece.’’ Aemond’s eerily calm voice made her halt her steps.

More candles were lit then by the one eyed Prince and then she could see him clearly, sitting by her table staring right at her, a casual smirk on his face. ‘’What are you doing here uncle?’’

‘’What? I cannot visit my favorite niece?’’

‘’I thought Jaehaera was your favorite niece Aemond.’’ She countered sarcastically, annoyed that anyone could enter her chambers without the guards noticing them.

He motioned with his hand raised in the air as if the mere thought of the small child irritated him ‘’I do not enjoy the company of children.’’

‘’Yes, Helaena told me you always find ways to avoid them. How sweet of you to do such a thing to your sister’s children.’’ She said to him enjoying the game they began.

Snorting he got up from his seat but did not approach her ‘’Well they are Aegon’s children too, so…’’

‘’While I understand where you come from, they are still your sister’s children. You should be friendly to them.’’

Raising a perfect eyebrow at her he countered ‘’In that case maybe I should work on getting closer to the children of my other sister as well. I think I will start with you.’’

‘’How did you enter my chambers unnoticed uncle?’’ she asked approaching him, their proximity making her heart speed up.

One of his fingers was tracing an opened scroll she had on the table, a scroll that was closed when she left her rooms she recalled. He was here for a long time it seemed. ‘’ Who said I entered unnoticed?’’ he said innocently.

Her eyes widened at that ‘’You fool! Entering a lady’s chambers that hour of the night and letting the guard see you. What is on your mind Aemond?’’ she yelled at him. This could ruin her reputation, ridicule and endanger them all.

‘’You.’’ Was all he said before circling her waist with his hands and swiftly turning her towards the table only to cage her in with his tall frame.

Her hands grasped his robes in order to maintain her balance and unconsciously Visenya leaned in to inhale his scent. Leather and sweat and it made her feel lightheaded. ‘’Release me.’’ She uttered unsure if she wanted him to unhand her.

He smiled darkly at her ‘’I don’t think so niece. Last night we started something that only made me want more.’’ His low voice did weird things to her. Things that no other male’s touch had ever done to her body.

The moment he bent his head to her neck and began kissing her, she moaned grasping his robes tightly ‘’ Uncle…’’

He bit her then in the sensitive spot he had located the night before ‘’My name Visenya.’’

The way his hips pushed her to the table harder had her mind go blank ‘’What?’’ she managed to utter pathetically. He was so insistent on his onslaught to her neck while his hips and hands worked that it did not help with her concentration.

‘’Concentrate niece. I told you to say my name.’’ he groaned, lust lacing his low voice. She could come just from hearing him talk to her.

His hands moved to her riding leathers quickly undoing her laces and buttons opening her undershirt to reveal her breasts to him. Standing straight in front of her, Visenya saw his eye widen as he paused his ministrations to stare at her chest. His breath was heavier as he opened his mouth to lick his lips enticingly. ‘’Beautiful’’ he uttered ‘’And all mine.’’ Was all he said before lowering his head to take a nipple in his mouth.

Visenya’s lips opened in a silent cry the moment his wet mouth landed on her tit as his hand moved to the other squeezing a little. Her own hands flew to his upper arms grasping them tightly when he suddenly began sucking ‘’Aemond.’’ She moaned leaning her head back, unable to stand straight.

Taking his hungry mouth from her now wet breast he looked at her, his eye dark, almost black from lust ‘’That’s it. It is me doing this to you.’’ And then he proceeded to lick her other nipple while his hand was still grasping the same tit. His wet tongue traced circles around her sensitive areola driving the Princess crazy with want.

‘’Aemond please…’’ she cried tangling her fingers in his hair, pushing his head closer to her bare chest as he finally closed his mouth over her nipple and began sucking. She kept begging him until he took pity in her and pushed her trousers down to her ankles in one swift move. Her c*nt was literally dripping by now, but the only think she cared about was that he was still not touching her where she needed him most.

As if reading her thoughts, Aemond withdrew from her enough to look at her, a wicked and predatory gleam in his eye that shot straight to her core. He pushed her softly to recline on the table and then lifted her up to sit on it. Pulling her trousers completely off her, she laid there in front of him naked as the day she was born while he was still fully clothed. She should feel ashamed, she knew, but no part of her was ashamed right now.

Visenya supported herself on her elbows and lifted her body enough to seek his mouth. He denied her again and she faintly felt his rejection as a strike to her heart. He didn’t give her the time though to ponder on why he wasn’t kissing her mouth, as he kissed a wet path down to her navel, then hovered over her blazing core, his hot breath against her skin. She wined and wriggled in his grasp, but his strength was like iron as he kept her open to see her. ‘’Aemond please…’’

He chuckled as he took a seat in front of her open thighs and began circling her swollen nub with his thumb ‘’I do enjoy the way you plead niece. I could tease you all night.’’

‘’No more teasing uncle, please…’’ she moaned arching her back as he inserted a long finger inside her drenched hole. ‘’Gods yes…’’

She was so far gone now, closing her eyes to give in to these new sensations that she did not see Aemond lick his lips before dipping his head between her open thighs and take her cl*t in his mouth. The moan that escaped her throat was unearthly and she thought for a moment if the guard outside had heard her. But then Aemond began sucking on her swollen cl*t while grasping one of her thighs to bring her body closer to his mouth and she lost the ability to think.

It was madness, really. The picture they painted right now was of a starved man enjoying a feast after a very long time. What would anyone think if they saw them right now? Before her mind could try and grasp the idea of how dangerous this thing was, Visenya felt Aemond insert another finger in her and begin pumping them purposefully all the while sucking at her cl*t. It wasn’t long until she org*smed, her body shaking with tremors and her hand at her mouth to silent her screams of pleasure.

Not even giving her the time to recover and possibly return the favor, Aemond withdrew his drenched fingers from her and stood up. His eyes raking her naked form shamelessly, a dark smirk on his face. Then he proceeded to place his wet finger in his mouth and suck, all the while staring at her. He made no move to fix his crumbled clothes before leaving her rooms only turning around to say to her ‘’ Until next time niece.’’

As the last candle died out and right before the room was plunged to darkness, Visenya laid there naked and still breathing erratically thinking what the f*ck had just happened.

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Visenya’s heart raced with excitement as she crept through the narrow, dark passage. When Daemon had revealed to her this secret of the Red Keep, she couldn’t wait to have the time to explore its potential. This current tunnel she was walking was barely wide enough for her to squeeze through and she had to duck her head to avoid the low hanging ceiling. But she didn’t mind. She was too focused on the adventure ahead of her. The need to map as many hidden passages as she could in the time they stayed here, prompted her to dive into the castle’s secrets. This and the need to avoid thinking of the way Aemond made her feel two nights ago.

Shaking her head to clear her mind of such thoughts, Visenya continued, her footsteps echoing in the silence. The only light came from the flicking torch in her hand, which cast eerie shadows on the stone walls. The air was cold and damp, and Visenya could hear the sound of dripping water somewhere in the distance.

In the two days she had been doing this, she had come across empty rooms clearly vacant for many years, secret chambers and even dead ends. She was certain there were more paths to be mapped though, and so she continued. The way things progressed between the Blacks and the Greens, it was inevitable that her family would one day near need a quick and safe escape and Visenya was going to find it.

After what felt like an eternity, she came to a dead end. Standing there for a moment disappointed, a small hole in the wall caught her attention. Peering through it, Visenya saw another passage beyond and without hesitation she pushed the crumbled stones until they fell to fully reveal a new path. Tightening her hand around the torch, she breathed deeply and marched in this new tunnel. The dripping water she heard before was now more clear to hear. After a while, she found herself in a large chamber. The walls were covered in ancient symbols and runes. In the center was a small pond, its water crystal clear, almost looked emerald.

Gasping in amazement, Visenya approached the pond and dipped her hand in the water. It was hot, yet surprisingly refreshing. Sitting down on the shore, she closed her eyes and let the sound of the water calm her racing heart. She felt completely at peace. Opening her eyes, she looked around with curiosity. Getting up, Visenya walked to the closest wall and traced a finger over the symbols. Strangely they felt warm to the touch. What was this room? Had her ancestor King Maegor Targaryen built it, and what was his intention? Those symbols were nothing like she had seen before. Maybe Daemon would know, she thought absent mindedly, and even if he did not know he would definitely be interested in seeing them.

Deciding to come back once she had the time, Visenya returned to her rooms through the secret passage she had found just yesterday. She had spent a great deal of time inspecting every corner of her chambers until she found it. In the corner of her room, a large bookcase stood tall, its selves filled with scrolls of all kinds. Beside the grand bookcase, was a dusty sconce. Visenya found that once she pulled it downwards, it would move the bookcase and behind a secret door would be revealed that led to a dark passage. It was that same passage that she was walking right now in order to return to her rooms.
It was still early in the day once she returned and even though the blood in her veins was running fast with adrenaline, finding Daemon right now was out of question since he was going to be visiting the town with her mother and twin brother in order to interact with the common folk. Apparently it was important to her mother to let the people feel close to her, make her more approachable to them. As if a Targaryen could be degraded such way. They were closer to Gods, not people. Alas, what her mother wanted, her loving husband provided.

That gave Visenya free reign to her day, and she decided to make good use of it by visiting her grandsire. She knew her mother had been with him already twice, but she had yet to visit him. The thought of his rotting body made her heart ache. The guards outside the King’s chamber’s nodded upon seeing her and moved to open the heavy doors for her to enter.

The first thing that caught her attention once the doors closed behind her was the strong smell. The sharp piney scent of burned rosemary invaded her senses and she struggled to identify what it was burned with. Sage maybe, she thought. The woodsy aroma did not make a good mix with rosemary and the both of them made the atmosphere in the dim lit room suffocating. Walking inside the vast room, Visenya could not dismiss the grand handmade sculpture of Old Valyria that was in front of her. The intricate model of the Valyrian Freehold was made of obsidian and was carved with exquisite detail by the King himself. A memory came forward then, of her spending time in this very room observing her grandsire as he carved the figures all the while he patiently explained the glory of Old Valyria to her.

‘’Is it something you want Princess?’’

The Queen’s disapproving voice brought her back, and Visenya instantly took a step closer to the King’s featherbed ‘’I want to see my grandsire.’’ She said, voice calm and steady.

‘’The King’’ corrected Queen Alicent ‘’Does not feel good today. It would be for the best for you to leave him rest.’’

Clicking her tongue Visenya narrowed her eyes at the woman in front of her ‘’Maybe you should focus more on finding new Maesters to care for him than being his gatekeeper’’ and then bowing her head slightly continued ‘’My Queen.’’

She saw the older woman flinch at her snarky reply and then narrow her eyes, but chose to remain silent. Instead of calling the guards on her, she moved aside to allow Visenya to reach the featherbed ‘’If I were you I would not stay for long.’’

Swallowing a sassy reply, Visenya moved to approach her grandsire. He was laid in his featherbed, his body frail and his breath coming in short gasps. Bandages covered half his rotting face. Not for the first time, Visenya wondered how much time he had left. Kneeling down beside him, she took his hand. It was cold and clammy.

‘’Grandsire.’’ She said softly ‘’I am here.’’

The King opened his remaining eye, trying hard to focus on her face. She didn’t think it possible, but he smiled when he saw her ‘’Visenya, my sweet granddaughter.’’

‘’I missed you my King.’’ She said sorrow laced in her tone. She felt her eyes water and quickly brushed her eyes with the back of her hand.

‘’Do not grieve my dear’’ said the King ‘’My time has come.’’ He paused for a moment, catching his breath, then he continued ‘’I have lived a long life, I have seen and done much. Not everything I did was for the best, but I tried my girl. Gods know I tried.’’

It was obvious to her, he was talking about something that weighed him down. The greatest regret of his life, the death of his beloved wife Aemma. The death that he had decided believing it would finally give him his precious male heir. ‘’My only regret…’’ he moaned tiredly ‘’I should have chosen her, I should have never let the Maesters do that to her.’’

‘’Grandsire please…’’ begged Visenya grasping his hand tighter.

‘’I was a fool’’ he whispered to himself. Closing his eye, the ailing King breathed deeply ‘’I will not make the same mistake again’’. Reopening his watery eye he stared deep into her soul ‘’I will protect my family, no matter the cost.’’ He vowed.

‘’All will be well grandsire, just rest.’’

‘’Rhaenyra….’’ He mumbled

Sighing, Visenya noticed with her peripheral vision the Queen approaching. Had she been a better person, a kinder one, she would have avoided her next words. But Visenya had no time for pleasantries with the enemy ‘’I am Visenya your Grace, the child of your beloved daughter. The daughter you openly supported days before in front of the whole court. The daughter that loves you grandsire. ‘’ she leaned to his frame ‘’I love you grandsire, and I miss you terribly. Please come back to us.’’

With great effort, King Viserys lifted his hand and traced her cheek ‘’My dear Visenya… Blood of my blood, you must stand by your mother’s side. Dark times are coming and the House of the Dragon must stay united.’’

Averting her gaze a little to glance at the Queen that had approached them more ‘’Our family will always stay united grandsire. And in the end, everyone will witness the power of the dragon.’’ She saw the Queen scowl and step closer.

‘’I believe it is time to let the King rest.’’ She said, voice laced with poison.

Visenya turned to her grandsire again ‘’I will come back soon to read to you. Just like you read to me when I was little.’’ Then placing a soft kiss in his forehead ‘’I love you grandsire.’’ Getting up she didn’t even spare the other woman a glance before marching out of the King’s chambers, her back straight and rigid.

She had taken a few steps in the corridor when she heard the Queen call her ‘’Princess Visenya.’’

Turning, Visenya saw the Queen walk slowly towards her, her hands in front of her, a scowl marring her face as she stared at the young Princess ‘’Why don’t you walk with me to the Sept Princess?’’

Visenya contemplated her options. Queen Alicent’s tone clearly indicated that she was not asking. Inclining her head a little, she smiled ‘’Of course my Queen.’’

They walked side by side without talking, the guards mere steps behind them. The streets of King’s Landing were crowded and bustling, but the Queen paid no attention, taking great care to avoid her gaze from falling to the people that had gathered to look at them. Visenya on the other hand, having been raised by the Rogue Prince had learnt from an early age to observe, take in her surroundings and those in her line of vision. The faces of the common folk were curious, they had obviously not seen much of their Queen. Most of them were impoverished. She took in each and every one of them. An old woman with a weathered face and gnarled hands probably lived all of her life on the streets dressed in rags, her eyes filled with despair was pushing outstretching her dirty hands to them but could not pass through the guards. A group of men stood nearby, their shoulders hunched over, one of them had a deep scar on his cheek, another had a missing finger. They were probably street rats, criminals assessing whether the two women were possible targets or not. A few children played in the dirt nearby, their clothes torn and their faces filthy. They were too young to understand the full extent of their poverty, making silly faces to one another trying to forget their hunger.

Suddenly it was clear to the Princess what her mother and step father were doing when visiting King’s Landing people. Wanting to learn about the lives and struggles of the less fortunate people she were to govern one day was going to offer her the necessary knowledge in order for her to help those in need. Princess Rhaenyra, as her daughter knew her, always showed empathy and compassion, always minding her people’s well being in the meetings she held in Dragonstone. For Daemon on the other hand, their visit to the slums of King’s Landing meant gaining insight about his brother’s reign and maybe a few more spies for his grand network.

‘’The King in his graciousness allowed you and your family to stay in the Keep for a while longer.’’ The Queen talked then making Visenya’s attention shift to her ‘’It would be for the best for you to stay in your chambers as much as you can. It is not proper for a Princess to interact with men, especially in the training yard when everyone can notice.’’ She said not even looking at Visenya.

‘’His Grace demanded our presence at court my Queen. Maybe he wanted familiar faces around him in such trying times. ‘’ while her voice was sweet and collected, Visenya let ire lace her tone ‘’And while I understand the ways of the faith of the Seven, you have to know that dragonlords of Old Valyria raised their children differently. My father chose to bring me up in the old ways and I cannot thank him enough. You of all people should know of the legacy of Targaryens considering you married one.’’

‘’Regardless, you should be a proper Princess if you want to secure a match with a respected Lord.’’ The Queen insisted as if she hadn’t heard Visenya at all.

‘’I am certain my mother will chose a perfect match for me when the time comes.’’ She let out, trying to mask her displeasure at the matter. The day her mother would announce her betrothal to a man she did not know, was going to be a dreadful day for her.

The Queen huffed arrogantly ‘’Yes, your mother would indeed try to find a perfect match for you.’’

Visenya chose to remain silent thinking that she had provoked her enough. It would do no good to anyone to openly argue with the Queen, especially in the open. The two women walked silently the rest of the way to the Sept of Baelor and Visenya couldn’t but marvel at the statue of Baelor standing tall and serene upon his plinth. As they walked closer, she had the time to examine the Sept’s intricate architecture. The towers made of white marble, and the beautiful crystals of different colors.

Entering the Sept, she marveled the nave, vast and airy with a high vaulted ceiling. The colors everywhere around her we decorated with colorful tapestries and stained glass windows. ‘’Beautiful, isn’t it?’’ said the Queen not really looking at her.

‘’I admit it is a beautiful Sept my Queen.’’ She decided on a diplomatic answer. She was not a believer of the Faith of the Seven and the Queen knew this.

‘’You know, it was an ancestor of yours that built that Sept.’’

‘’King Baelor the first or Baelor the Blessed as they called him. He was a pious man.’’ Visenya was aware of his story, the first Targaryen King who did not bend to his heritage’s will and despite marrying his younger sister, he never consummated their marriage.

‘’You should learn from his example Princess. Maybe you should light a candle to the Maiden since we are here.’’

Turning to her sharply, Visenya imagined all the things she had to say to the Queen, all the things she could do to her. All of them were sinister and involved her blood spilled on the perfect marbled floor. Instead she chose to smile at her, thinking the effort her mother was doing ‘’I worship the Old Gods of Valyria my Queen, as a true Targaryen. But thank you for taking the time to think of my purity and innocence.’’

The Queen smiled at her ‘’My son Aemond understands the superiority of the Seven and chose to worship them instead of the dead Gods of Valyria. He prays to the Warrior daily. May the Seven always be with him.’’

At the mention of his name Visenya tensed. It was obvious Queen Alicent brought her here to talk to her about something, and the Princess now understood that the topic was the one eyed Prince. She made sure to act indifferent, almost bored. It would do them no good to have the Queen’s eyes on them or even pressure Aemond yet again to stay away from her. Especially now that he seemed to want to be with her in an intimate way. Absent mindedly, she wondered what his mother would say if she knew what her pious son did to her mere days before. How wickedly his tongue had moved in her body.

‘’So you understand that nothing good would come for anyone from this.’’ The Queen concluded and made Visenya think she missed a part from her speech.

‘’I am sorry my Queen, I am afraid I misheard. What is it that would not do any good to anyone?’’

She saw the older woman huff and walk to her, eyes gleaming with hate ‘’I will say this once Princess so you would do well to listen. I do not want you to get close to my children.’’

Could she really be that upfront with her? Who did she think stood in front of her? The little Princess that used to cower and cry whenever someone told her off was long gone. ‘’Your children are my uncles and aunt and I have no intention to avoid them because you said so.’’ She was seething now, her ears buzzing with the audacity of the Queen. She knew that years before she had warned Aemond to stay away from her, but repeating the same words to her now was absurd.

‘’I will not repeat myself girl.’’ She said gripping her elbow but not really putting much pressure. ‘’Nothing good will come from this.’’

‘’Are you threatening me?’’ asked Visenya genuinely. What was the good and pious Queen capable of doing?

‘’I am merely warning you Princess.’’ She let her elbow and took a few steps back, her face transforming back to one of a kind hearted woman ‘’I have a daughter too and I would not want for anything vile to befall on her.’’

‘’Then maybe you should pay more attention to her instead of threatening me.’’ Spat Visenya and turned to leave the Sept.

The cool air hit her face but did little to cool her heated cheeks down. She was positively furious at the open threat of the Queen. Had there been someone else, Visenya would have cut her through with her sword and be done with it. No one talked to her like that, no one threatened her. The statue of Baelor that had previously seemed to her serene and peaceful was now staring back at her mockingly.

Cursing, Visenya took off the dirty streets of King’s Landing wandering aimlessly. The town was bustling with activity, but the young Princess felt invisible, a ghost among them. She passed by groups of people talking and fighting, all of them dirtied and pitiful and thought what could have possibly happened for such a big and vibrant town, the capital of Westeros to become a pit full of starved people fighting each other. The King was obviously incapable of taking care of his people, but the Hand that had taken his stead? The Queen that had so brazenly walked the streets to visit her beloved Sept? Could they really not see the situation their people are in?

Delving deeper in the bowels of the town, Visenya walked and walked until she reached the Street of Silk. Her step father’s words echoing in her head ‘’It is a dangerous place Visenya, but also a place where you can find anything you want. Or anyone.’’ He had said smirking at her knowingly. ‘’Thieves, murderers, whor*s…. spies. Remember Visenya, if you have a coin you can buy anything or anyone you want.’’

Visenya had never set foot to this district of the capital, but she felt like she had been here before. As she walked, she passed by beggars pleading for alms and street performers entertaining the crowd. whor*s flocked outside brothels inviting passersby in. The air was thick with the smell of perfume, sweat and incense and while it should have made her turn away and go back to the castle, she found herself entering deeper in the muddy streets.

Suddenly, a hand grasped her arm tightly and pulled her in a small alley. Visenya cursed and made a move to untangle herself from his tight grasp before noticing a stray silver lock of hair falling from the man’s hood. She allowed him to manhandle her deeper into the alley until they were far away from the commotion and once he was satisfied enough he let her free and began pacing in front of her.

‘’What the f*ck are you doing here?’’ he growled looking at her. The menacing sound sending a thrill straight to her core, half fear and half pleasure. His scarred face was set in a hard scowl, positively livid at finding her in such a notorious part of the town.

‘’I believe it is called taking a stroll uncle. The sun is still high and I decided to explore the town.’’

Turning to her fully, he marched toward her ‘’Strolling? Ιn the Street of Silk? You cannot be that ignorant niece.’’ Aemond spat, his violet eye never leaving her face.

Huffing, she rolled her eyes at him ‘’I was perfectly fine until a man’’ she said pointing a finger to his hard chest ‘’Decided to drag me here.’’

‘’That proves my point Visenya. You should not wander in this part of the town. It is dangerous.’’

‘’I recognized you Aemond. Trust me, I can handle myself. Growing up with the Rogue Prince has its perks after all.’’ She jested trying to lighten the mood.

Prince Aemond though clearly was not sharing her emotions as he was staring at her as if she was stupid. When he decided to talk, he pushed her to the wall completely encompassing her body with his ‘’Look at me Visenya. You are never to come to this f*cking place again. Do you understand?’’

Taking a daring step forward, one that was enough to close the distance completely between them, she answered ‘’No, I do not understand uncle. What are you going to do about it?’’

She saw his face transform before his hands reached down to pull her hips flush to his lean body. Visenya felt every inch of him touching her, every hard muscle, every breath he took, his hard erection poking in her abdomen. He was on fire, she could tell. ‘’The things I could do to you niece… You can’t even imagine.’’ He rasped, rubbing his forehead to hers, his hands fisting her hips possessively.

‘’Or maybe I can.’’ She whispered as she lifted her head a little to nip at his neck.

Aemond hissed and pulled back to look at her. ‘’Do not test me niece. Tell me, who let you leave the castle on your own? Where are your guards? Who should I punish?’’

Her hands were now roaming freely to his broad chest, taking everything in, provoking him to do something. It was unimaginable to her, the lust he ignited inside her. The fire that he so easily lit in her aching body that had her almost begging for his scorching touch. But despite her efforts, the one eyed Prince did not touch her further, it was as if there was something keeping him behind.

‘’It was rather easy’’ she said uncaringly ‘’I did not exit the castle on my own. It would be totally improper to abandon my company, so….’’ Then extricating herself from him ‘’I must return now uncle.’’

His eye widened at her words, the scowl returning to his face ‘’Who brought you here? Tell me and I will end them.’’ He growled as if he were a feral animal.

Visenya smiled at him ‘’Your mother.’’

She saw him straighten his back instantly and quickly avert his gaze ‘’The Queen would never bring you here.’’ He countered, voice entirely void of emotion.

‘’No, but she brought me to the Sept of Baelor in order for me to pray for my sins and beg the Maiden to guide me in a more chaste and pure road than the one I am already walking.’’ She took perverted satisfaction in the face he made at her words. Good, she thought, make him see what a bitch his mother was.

‘’Maybe you should do as she said then.’’ Was his laconic answer.

‘’I am sorry, what?’’ she said surprised.

Walking to her slowly he lifted his shoulders ‘’You heard me niece.’’

Feeling her hackles rise at the underlying insult, Visenya furrowed her brows ‘’Do you think I have strayed from the right road Aemond?’’

He looked at her as if he was bored ever the mercurial man he was ‘’Well, look at where I found you.’’ He them motioned around ‘’Wandering around the Street of Silk among whor*s and thieves.’’

‘’Then what does that make you uncle? After all, you are here with me. Are you looking for a whor* or maybe are you one of the thieves?’’ she teased him, though the mere thought of him with a whor* made bile rise in her throat.

‘’I have no need for whor*s niece’’ he said smirking ‘’Or for thieves for the matter, nor am I one of them. I am an esteemed Prince of the Realm, the rider of great Vhagar and a skilled warrior, so I have no need for the likes of them. You on the other hand… What would someone say had they seen you here? The daughter of Princess Rhaenyra among whor*s.’’ Arrogance seeped through his tone, the belief he was the perfect Prince was coming from deep inside him. She wanted to hurt him for thinking so low of her.

‘’I am a Princess uncle, the only daughter of the heir to the Iron Throne and third in line for the Throne after my mother and brother. Both my parents are dragon riders, and I myself ride the Bronze Fury.’’ Each of her next words were laced with malice, something she never thought would use against him but she was far too gone after his insults ‘’And you? A second son, heir to nothing, so far down the line of succession that you cannot even see the Throne, let alone sit on it. You have nothing on your name, only that you ride Vhagar. I wonder uncle, are you ever going to stop cowering behind her?’’

His reaction was instant and much awaited. The same fire that burned in Visenya burned inside him as well after all. Aemond was quick to let a growl and push her violently to the nearest wall, the stones scrapping her back without mercy but she didn’t care. The only thing that matter now was that she had made him show emotion. Both of them were out for blood, the thin line between hate and passion blurring between them.

‘’I could end you right now Visenya. No one would even be suspicious of me. They would find your dead body here, in the slums of the worst part of this Gods damned town and they would all assume one of them recognized you and killed you.’’ His mouth was near her ear as he whispered those words of treason to her. Instead of threatening him or hurting him, Visenya breathed deeply, grasping his forearms to bring him closer.

‘’Do it then uncle. Do it and be done with it, for this thing between us is torturing me.’’ She whispered back ‘’I burn for you Aemond.’’

Her words took him by surprise. He leaned his head back and stared at her his expression unreadable, but did not utter a word. Visenya sighed dejectedly at his lack of answer, disappointed that he did not have anything to say, and moved to step away from him. ‘’Don’t.’’ he groaned tiredly, his eye focusing elsewhere. ‘’You can’t roam these streets alone. I will escort you back to the castle.’’

‘’There is no need uncle. I can find my way without any assistance.’’ She protested, the idea of walking close to him when she knew he wanted nothing to do with her disturbed her greatly.

He turned then, his glare angry and feral ‘’I did not ask you.’’ He grasped her hand and moved to exit the alley ‘’Move.’’ He commanded and she followed, uncaring that she had surrendered to him.

They walked in silence, him never leaving her hand but never turning to glance at her. The wave of disappointment she felt washed over her and made her feel like a fool. She had thought that he felt the same way about her since he first engaged her in carnal acts. She was clearly wrong though. Prince Aemond may have felt an attraction to her, but it most certainly was something fleeting. Forcing her emotions aside, Visenya stood proud and determined. He was not going to see her weak and frail. Head held high and back straight, the Princess walked along with her uncle the last steps to the Red Keep and moved in front of him as they set foot in the godswood ‘’Thank you for accompanying me back uncle. Have a good day.’’ She said nodding to him before turning to leave.

‘’Keep walking until you reach the White Sword Tower.’’ He told her looking at her intently as if trying to convey a secret message to her. Seeing she hesitated he continued ‘’Now Visenya, I won’t repeat myself.’’

She obeyed, curious to why he wanted them to visit the Tower. They walked the slender four storey structure and just before reaching the Round Room, the one eyed Prince whispered behind her ‘’Here.’’ And motioned for her to follow him in a dusty corridor. It was completely empty, clearly no one had walked here in a long time. Aemond walked in front of her, his hand on the wall as if tracing the stone beneath. Just as she was about to express her ire, he let out a huff and stopped walking.
Visenya was amazed when he pushed the cold stone and it retreated, leaving an opening for them to enter. ‘’Ladies first’’ was all he said, smiling at her. Nothing in this smile was kind though. It was a wicked smile. He was looking at her like a predator would look his prey.

She entered first, but he was quick to get in front of her, walking a short distance before finally opening yet another door, a smaller one. Visenya paused and huffed annoyingly before following him. It seemed she and Daemon were not the only ones who knew about the secret passages. How many of them did Aemond knew though? Willing to learn more, she stepped inside the room, only to be pulled from her feet in a tight embrace and then be thrown to the nearest wall.

‘’Aemond what…’’ he didn’t even give her the time to complete her sentence before kissing her full on the mouth. He was everywhere all at once. His hands we sliding around her body, effectively tugging her to his strong chest as he moaned in her mouth ‘’I have tortured myself with dreams of these lips.’’ As their lips met again, it was like a dam was broken. He kissed her with hunger, as though to consume her body and soul, all reserve thrown to the wind. The kiss was fervent, as if he was afraid this was his only chance at tasting her lips. And then Visenya snapped and kissed him pack. She’s been denied this for so long, she thought she might burst. He was relentless in his pursuit as he licked into her mouth, learning her taste and touch.

Without thinking of it, she begins grinding her lower body to his fully erect co*ck gaining a bite to her lips. His hands then began roaming to her backside and grasp her behind tightly probably leaving bruises to her. With his hands grasping her, his mouth mercilessly kissing her and his lower body pushing her to the wall, Visenya felt like he was worshipping her.

The need for air tore them apart, but Aemond didn’t release her, only nuzzling his head to the throat leaving open mouthed kisses there. ‘’Is this what you’ve been aching for?’’ he whispered between kisses. His hardened member rubbing mercilessly in her abdomen and she moaned unashamedly, her hands grasping his long hair and further pushing him to her throat. He didn’t have to say it, Visenya knew he wanted to take her.

‘’Aemond I want you.’’ She moaned, her eyes closed in rapture.

He moved then from her throat to her jaw, brushing his lips there, sucking on her skin before biting down. She pulled his mouth back to hers, desperate to feel him again. Pushing her more to the wall, he moved his hands between their bodies to unlace her dress, his fingers trembling as he pulled them to undress her ‘’I’ve wanted to rip your clothes from you the moment I saw you enter the training yard.’’ Needing to feel his skin everywhere, Visenya mirrored his movements tearing his linen shirt apart and marveling at his alabaster skin that was exposed to her. ‘’You… you haunt my every thought. What sort of enchantment have you put on me?’’ he moaned, his voice low. She opened her mouth to speak, unsure if she meant to answer to him or to beg for more.

It was all lust from then on. Aemond walked her to the feather bed of the room and laid her there while he kneeled between her open thighs. Sparing only a few seconds, he descended upon her like a wild animal tearing at her dress while she tried to rid him of his leathers. When they were completely bare, Aemond leaned back, taking her in. Visenya looked at him straight in the eye, never hesitating, and rose to her elbows ‘’ I want you Aemond.’’ She hoped those words and her presence here with him would be enough for him to understand how much she wanted him, how much she cared for him.

Wasting no time, he lowered himself between her thighs and nuzzled her c*nt before he began suckling on her cl*t. Visenya moaned loudly and her hands fisted his hair, pushing him to her core. He didn’t seem to mind, as he ate her out with abandon pushing first one and then two long fingers inside her sopping hole. The sounds coming from her mouth were unholy as Visenya had never felt like that before. She was on fire, and her twin flame was with her stark naked, his erect manhood heavy between them.

‘’Enough with this uncle’’ she moaned breathless ‘’Please....’’

Raising his head from her c*nt, Aemond looked feral. His mouth was glistening from her arousal ‘’Patience niece, I am not done tasting you.’’ He said smirking and dove back to her core.

After a rather strong bite to her cl*t Visenya gasped ‘’If you are not inside me in the next second I swear to you uncle, I will leave this room and f*ck the first knight I will find.’’

Time stood still as he rose from his position from between her thighs. The look he gave her was deadly, his eye dark ‘’What did you just say?’’

‘’You heard me uncle.’’ She persisted absolutely loving the possessive way his hands tightened their grip in her calves.

Aemond said nothing back to her, he just slithered himself over her letting their naked bodies rub together. She arched to kiss him, but the Prince grabbed her jaw and turned her head sideways before biting hard on her neck. ‘’Aemond…’’ she moaned as she lifted her hips to feel his co*ck rub against her.

One of his hands went down between them, and Visenya tried to see what he was doing but to no avail. The angle he had her in could not allow her such thing. Moments later though she understood, as she felt the blunt head of his co*ck tease her wet entrance. She gasped ‘’Yes.’’ When he was satisfied he had teased her enough, he looked at her one final time ‘’I have held myself back for so long. I must have more of you.’’ And then he thrust all the way inside her, burying himself to the hilt. Visenya’s eyes widened at the sudden intrusion and she hissed as he stretched her to the limit.

She was well aware from her younger years that riding a dragon would rid herself from her maiden head, though despite the barrier not being there it didn’t mean she did not feel a slight pain. Aemond gave her a few breaths to adjust before pulling back almost all the way out and then thrusting inside her again. Her hands were tightly grasping first his broad shoulders and then his waist, her feet embracing his waist as he thrust deep. ‘’You think I would let anyone else touch you?’’ he said, voice hardened almost foreign to her ears. ‘’You have no idea Visenya.’’

‘’Don’t stop…’’ she begged as she felt the heat inside her rising.

He chuckled darkly ‘’You are mine.’’ He said possessively, each word punctuated by a sharp thrust of his hips. ‘’I will kill the man that dares touch you.’’

She didn’t answer. She couldn’t focus enough to form a simple sentence. Instead, she closed her eyes and chose to just feel. The broad plains of his unblemished back was entirely left to her mercy as she dragged her fingernails up and down, marking him as best as she could. ‘’Tell me you are mine…’’ he ordered her, but she couldn’t utter a word.

The abandoned room was filled with her cries, Aemond’s groans and the wet sounds their bodies produced. When his thrusts began being more erratic and his pace unsynchronized, Visenya found herself on edge. The need to have him deeper insider, harder and harsher was so intense, she pushed his butt with her heels. Aemond groaned louder before guiding one of his hands between them to rub her cl*t. ‘’Please uncle…’’ she begged as Aemond’s unstoppable rhythm drove her to the edge

He grinned, slow and savage ‘’Not until you beg for it.’’

‘’I want all of you Aemond.’’ She moaned then.

Visenya’s body reached its peak soon after, and the one eyed Prince followed her almost instantly ‘’f*cking take it.’’ He cried out before plunging as far inside her heat as he could and then finished within her.

She was speechless, the sheer pleasure depriving her of the ability to think and speak. Eventually the tremors subsided and they curled together, tired and sated. Visenya could only trace her trembling fingers on his sweaty back. In return, Aemond mumbled something unintelligible and nuzzled in her neck, his body covering hers in a protective way she reveled in. She could die at the moment, and she would be content for she was truly happy. Aemond had given himself to her, had shared her affections, he had chosen her. Visenya smiled, thinking that with him by her side the future of their House was secured.

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

She was warm, like very warm. More than she normally was. While Visenya was used to her temperature running hotter that average, this was something else. Waking up from her slumber and trying to get up from the featherbed, she realized she couldn’t even lift her body from the position she was. Quickly opening her eyes, she came face to face with a broad pale chest. She felt her panic rise instantly, her breath quickening when a groan was heard from above her head. Lifting her head a little, Visenya saw Aemond eyeing her while groaning as he tightened his arm around her middle.

‘’You fell asleep.’’ He said, his voice deep with sleep.

The events that had taken place came into her mind, a whirlwind of moans and wet sounds that would have made her blush had she been a shy girl. Instead, Visenya smiled seductively and ran a delicate finger in his pectorals ‘’You tired me out uncle.’’

Aemond chuckled before replying ‘’That I did niece.’’

Before she had the time to tempt him in another round of lovemaking, he disentangled himself from her and got up. He didn’t bother with clothing, instead walking towards the table of the room stark naked, allowing her a glimpse of his magnificent body. They didn’t have the time before, they were frantic to become one in the most carnal of ways to stop and enjoy each other’s naked forms. It was a shame, she thought, that the table was not farther from the featherbed. The short distance he walked only allowed her a little time to admire him. Her eyes roamed from his rounded ass and strong hips to his perfectly sculpted back, seeing his muscles move as he reached for something.

The one eyed Prince turned then and returned to the bed to join her, but not before Visenya saw his member standing straight and proud below a silver thatch of hair. If she wasn’t wet enough before, she certainly was now. ‘’Here.’’ He said, offering her a cup before reclining on the bed, placing his arms behind his head.

Visenya turned to the cup he had given her ‘’What is this?’’ and lifted it to her nose. The smell was new to her. It was nothing bad, it was just something she would not have preferred to drink.

‘’Moon tea.’’ He said and when she turned to look at him, he was staring back at her intently. His face was dead serious, as if he would not accept her denial.

She didn’t even blink as she downed the content of the cup, not even thinking to ask him how he acquired it. Visenya was well aware that war was brewing, and a child had no place in the midst of war. Especially a child that their parents would be in different sides of said war. Even if she managed to bring Aemond to their side, it would still be prohibitory for her to be with child in such times. They would have all the time in the world to have children once there was peace in the Realm.

‘’And now that we have that covered.’’ She said smiling seductively at him ‘’Why don’t we make good use of it?’’

Aemond smirked at her and flexed his arms before slowly lifting his body and grasping the back of her neck ‘’Gladly.’’ Was all he said and then proceeded to bite the side of her neck.

Visenya moaned at his ministrations but pushed him away enough to look at him ‘’Lay back uncle. I want to taste you first.’’

She watched thrilled as his eye widened and his breath began coming out faster. He looked magnificent as he laid back, his alabaster body lean as a sculpture and all hers. Aemond didn’t bat an eye as she kneeled between his open thighs. Diverting her eyes to his fully erect manhood, Visenya licked her lips. She wanted to spend hours in that position, with him in her mouth as she devoured him. Using a hand to gently grasp him, she tugged his member a few times experimentally, his deep moans giving her the courage she needed to rush forward. Her tongue darted out to catch a stray drop of precome that had gathered at the tip of his hard co*ck. Groaning as the taste flooded her mouth, lapping at him again and again as she felt her puss* twitch and clench.

Aemond then grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed her to his groin ‘’Open niece.’’ He demanded.

Visenya looked at him with dark eyes, lust clouding her brain, and opened her mouth wide to receive him. She kept her eyes on him as she took him in and marveled at the way he threw his head back and moaned loudly. She closed her lips around the warm hard flesh and hollowed her cheeks moaning at the same time. Suddenly, his grip tightened and his other hand found its way behind her neck pushing her harder to take more of him, before thrusting lightly into her mouth. Her eyes widened but she welcomed his intrusion with pleasure sucking and using her tongue to massage his co*ck. The act was filthy and she absolutely loved it.

Working on instinct, she worked her throat and gave as much suction as she possibly could, taking him deeper and deeper. His co*ck was long and could not possibly fit all in her mouth, but she would be damned if she did not try. Keeping her hands to his thighs, she used them as leverage for her movements. Picking up her pace, she felt her uncle rocking his hips to match her rhythm. ‘’I am close.’’ The Prince warned her, but did nothing to push her from his groin, Visenya though felt his grip on her head reducing.

Bobbing her head up and down, Visenya found she was mirroring his desire. While sucking him off, she had managed to build her own appetite that needed to be satiated. Hollowing her cheeks yet again, she felt him thrust his hips a little harder and pushed him down with her hands. The hand he had in her hair tried to pull her back, but she was not having it. She needed to taste him, feel him as he exploded in her mouth. She wanted to have his seed in her mouth. Visenya gulped and watched him as he hissed and pulled her harder, this time succeeding, and then shooting his warm seed over her breasts.

He was heaving and shaking, but his hands did not leave her body. Visenya traced a hand over her chest, gathering some of his seed and proceeded to put it in her mouth. Aemond watched her the whole time and growled as she licked her lips and moaned. ‘’You will be the death of me niece.’’ He muttered, utterly exhausted.

‘’And what a death it would be uncle.’’ She said as she fell next to him on the featherbed. Her aching core demanded release too, and she lowered her hand to her cl*t, intent on pleasuring herself to completion.

Aemond pushed her hand and replaced it with his own ‘’Let me’’ He said smirking. Looking down, she saw his slender fingers trace a path from where his seed had landed, down to her navel until it reached her c*nt, all the while making sure he was painting her skin with his spend. I was filthy and possessive, but Visenya took pleasure from the sight. It was as if he was marking her in more ways, his earlier attempts in bruising her body clearly not enough to him.

When he reached his destination, Aemond drew lazy circles in her cl*t and increased his speed according to her moans. Grasping the sheets of the featherbed, Visenya arched her back a little and screamed her release. The Prince did not even let her regain her breathing before plunging first one and then a second finger inside her hole. ‘’Uncle I am sore.’’ She wined over stimulated and exhausted. The times she used her fingers on her body could not compare to the onslaught of Aemond’s co*ck inside her.

He didn’t answer, but stopped and then placed a light kiss on each of her thighs before getting up and beginning to redress. She allowed herself a few minutes to regain her strength and composure, and then got up to retrieve her clothes. Once dressed again, Visenya turned to find the one eyed Prince staring at her. ‘’What are you thinking uncle?’’

He sighed and walked to the door of the hidden room ‘’We should get back. Your mother will be worried about you.’’ And just like that, the cold Aemond was back. The scowl was yet again on his face, and the look he was giving her was telling her he wanted to leave this room right away.

Feeling his sour mood begin to affect hers, she walked to the now open door and stopped right in front of him ‘’I thought we could spend some time here. Besides, my mother is used to me being absent for hours back in Dragonstone.’’

‘’And were you on your own then Visenya?’’ he spat, his earlier possessiveness coming back.

‘’Are you asking if I had company on my retreats from the castle?’’

‘’Yes.’’ His voice was lower, almost a whisper and his eye was trained on her, dark and persistent.

She put a hand over his heart ‘’Sometimes Prince Daemon came with me…’’ she let her voice linger knowing full well that he was jealous of the Rogue Prince ‘’But most of the times it was just me. Vermax cannot match Vermithor’s speed and my boy does not have the patience to slow down for a younger dragon.’’ She smiled remembering the few times she tried flying with her twin brother and Vermithor was loud to inform her of his irritation on their much slower companion.

‘’Well as of now every time you feel the need to fly with company you will tell me. Vhagar is more than capable of flying along your mount, dare I say flying faster than him.’’ He said arrogantly as they moved through the narrow corridor.

‘’I believe your lady is old enough for such competition.’’ She teased him.

Abruptly halting his steps, Aemond turned to look at her ‘’We will see about that sweet niece.’’

The endearment he used made her widen her eyes and stop walking, shocked enough to proceed. Her heart skipped a beat at the word. Never in her life would she imagine Aemond calling her that. ‘’Are you coming or not?’’ he said suddenly, his deep voice bringing her back to reality. They walked the rest of the way in silence and once back in the central body of the castle, they parted not wanting to raise suspicion. She didn’t want to be seen with him much fearing his mother’s reaction would force his hand yet again to pull away from her. Now that he had clearly shown his interest in her, laid with her, the Princess was sure he wanted her as much as she wanted him. If they were careful enough, then they would have no one to hide from in the near future. She smiled at that though all the way to her chambers.

Her heart had not stopped beating rapidly even when she was in her rooms, hours later preparing to go for a flight with Vermithor. Visenya knew her uncle took to the skies daily, and with luck she could find him and fly together.

Days passed and all Visenya seemed to do was fly with her dragon, spar in the training yard, dine with her family and spend her nights with Aemond. Vhagar and Vermithor made good companions, both great beasts content with soaring the skies together and even competing which would fly faster. Most of the times, they landed on secluded places to allow their riders respite from the bustling castle. They spent most of their mornings fervently coupling as if they would not be together at night in the safety of their chambers. Visenya thought his animalistic way of showing his possession on her was enticing, and every time he pushed her to Vhagar’s side and hastily got rid of her clothes before plunging inside her she rejoiced. She liked this side, Aemond’s side of showing how much he wanted her.

The one eyed Prince could not keep his hands to himself even in the castle, which made Visenya extremely uncomfortable since she knew they would have to be discreet if they were to continue their clandestine relationship. Aemond was constantly touching her, pulling her inside dusty alcoves to have his way with her and while she mirrored his appetite, Visenya understood the absolute need for tactfulness. They had to hide not only from the Queen and the Hand, but also from Prince Daemon. He knew something was going on, but he was biding his time. She knew it, so she took to revealing to Aemond a place she thought was unknown even to her step father.

‘’Are you sure we are not lost?’’ Aemond’s irritated voice broke the silence and made her turn to him.

‘’We are almost there uncle. Be patient and you will be rewarded.’’ She smiled seductively at him.

He walked closer to her and brushed his nose to hers ‘’We could always go back to my rooms.’’ His hands had wandered to her hips, grabbing the flesh there and squeezing.

Visenya moaned when his mouth found hers, but pushed him back enough to see his violet eye ‘’Please uncle, do as I say.’’ She said smiling.

Aemond sighed but pulled back and motioned for her to walk in front of him, guide him to the place she had found. It was easy to make him follow her in the rambling secret tunnels of the Keep, since the Prince was more than eager to enter her chambers every time he wished. The first time she showed him, his eye was gleaming with the ancient wisdom that was uncovered to him. As they ventured deeper in the bowels of the Red Keep, Visenya felt her heart quicken thinking at the ways he would react. Aemond always loved and cherished everything concerning their heritage and she was certain he would be enthralled by the runes on the walls.

Finally, they reached the hidden chamber, Visenya making sure to watch the Prince’s reaction. Aemond was awestruck by the sight that greeted him. The walls were covered with symbols and runes, intertwining in an intricate dance of ancient knowledge, just as she remembered from her first time here. Slowly and with steady steps, he delved deeper into the vast chamber approached a wall, tracing a rune with his fingers ‘’How did you find this place?’’

‘’ I was exploring and stumbled upon it.’’ She said shrugging.

Aemond turned to look at her ‘’I was searching for years and you just stumbled upon it?’’ he said exasperated.

‘’Yes uncle, I found this chamber by accident. ‘’ then approaching him ‘’Do you know what these are?’’ she said pointing to the runes.

‘’Not exactly, but I know they are from an ancient Targaryen ritual. I have read scrolls describing a ritual being performed by our ancestors in Old Valyria and I remember some of these runes and symbols were drawn in the pages.’’

‘’What kind of ritual did the scrolls describe?’’ she asked intrigued. Maybe she had to bring Daemon here too. If Aemond knew something about them, then her step father would definitely had more information.

She watched as Aemond shrugged and moved to inspect more of the runes ‘’Uncle…’’

‘’Hmm…’’ was all he answered, too enthralled with the ancient magic.

Sighing, she began taking her dress off, starting with untying her laces. If Aemond wanted to explore and unveil the mysteries of their ancestors, Visenya would enjoy a dip in the pond. Before she had the time to get rid of her outfit, a strong hand grasped her arm and pushed her back to the stone wall. Her uncle’s eye was now focused on her, dark and demanding and Visenya knew what he wanted. Without exchanging a word, she allowed him to lift her up and wove her legs around his waist, as she simultaneously unlaced his trousers and pushed his breeches low enough to free his straining manhood.

His mouth attacked her neck while she took him in her hand and began stroking him. Soon, the room was filled with their moans and rapid breathing as he quickly undressed her. A particularly loud moan left her mouth when the head of his large co*ck teased her sopping entrance, forcing her puss* lips open as he rubbed it up and down her c*nt to gather the wetness that was there.

As always, there was no easing in. He was inside her all the way in one sudden thrust and she loved it. The stretch was divine, and she felt fireworks erupting every time he pulled out and dragged every inch inside her again and again. She could feel every throb of his pulse, every vein in his magnificent co*ck as he pistoned in and out of her eager body. He kept pushing her more and more on the stone wall, the hand that was not supporting her weight was on the wall over the ancient symbols. Aemond was trembling with the effort and she felt like exploding too, suddenly overwhelmed by foreign sensations. Every move, every thrust he gave her was like a new experience to her, and she imagined for him too if his labored breathing was something to take account for.

His eye then focused on the wall behind her, and she turned her head as best as she could to see what had caught his attention. The symbols pulsed with an ethereal glow, illuminating the chamber with an otherworldly light. She felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, a connection to something far beyond her understanding. She was no longer Visenya Velaryon, the man inside her was not a Targaryen Prince. They were two young lovers, pledging their bodies and their devotion one to another. A woman and a man, being one.

It was then she understood that Aemond had slowed down and was not violently thrusting inside her. His head nudged hers to make her face him yet again, and once she did he looked at her with an intensity that brought tears to her eyes. He tentatively kissed her then, never stopping his hips from moving and they climaxed like that. Two souls becoming one. The symbols around them shining bright one last time before returning to normal.

‘’What was that?’’ she asked later, once her breath was back to normal.

He did not answer her, he just tightened his hold on her, and though Visenya knew he had a better idea about this place than her, she kept silent. He would tell her when he was ready, when he trusted her enough with whatever he had in his mind. After all, day by day, she kept winning place in his heart, she knew that. All this time they spent together was not for nothing. She was certain the old Aemond was coming back to her.

‘’I will accompany you to your rooms.’’ He insisted after spending some more time there.

‘’There is no need Aemond. The guards at my door and maids that are in my service have noticed how many times you come to my rooms. You know I want to be discreet. I wouldn’t want to give anyone the opportunity to besmirch my name.’’

He laughed at her ‘’Trust me niece, everything will be fine. I am just accompanying my young niece back to her chambers, making sure she is safe and sound.’’

‘’After you thoroughly f*cked me on the wall.’’ She smirked not even turning to look at him.

‘’ Sagon careful mandianna lo ao ȳdra daor jaelagon naejot jiōragon f*cked isse naejon hen zirȳ’’ he said unabashedly, as if he talked of the weather.

She laughed at his crude words and allowed him to walk beside her, never touching her, to the door of her rooms. The guards standing there nodded at the Prince and opened the door for the Princess to enter. ‘’See you later niece.’’ Said Aemond and took off, completely unaware of the way he made her heart beat.

‘’Jace asked me to fly together tonight.’’

Baela’s excited voice took Visenya by surprise, making her flinch and gasp ‘’Gods Baela you f*cking scared me.’’

‘’You wouldn’t be scared if you were not daydreaming about a certain one eyed Prince.’’ Her step sister said smiling mischievously.

Suddenly alarmed, Visenya moved deeper in the room to take her dress off and change. ‘’I don’t understand what you’re talking about.’’ She said hoping Baela would stop pestering her.

‘’I am talking about the tall and always grumpy looking one eyed Targaryen Prince that gave you these hickeys.’’ She said pointing to Visenya’s neck.

She practically ran to the nearest full mirror and looked at her neck ‘’Right there.’’ Said Baela again, shoving a slender finger to Visenya’s neck.

‘’f*ck.’’ She hissed and cursed her uncle for not being careful enough. He was getting more and more careless these days. People were already starting to notice them walking the castle’s corridors and exiting each other’s chambers. But this was something else. This was physical evidence that someone had been intimate with her.

‘’Is he good in bed?’’ inquired her step sister, casting her curious eyes on Visenya’s horrified ones.

‘’Baela stop talking!’’ she pleaded turning around yet again to assess the damage and think of ways to cover the purplish marks.

‘’Oh please sister, we are way past this. I know you two are meeting and I am quite certain you are f*cking.’’ The casual way the Targaryen Princess discussed what was on her mind would not bother Visenya under different conditions, but now it was getting out of hand.

‘’ Could you at least please be more discreet?’’ she asked, admitting defeat. Aemond was getting careless, people were starting to notice, and she would need help if she wanted to continue seeing him. ‘’We are together…sort of.’’

‘’What do you mean sort of?’’ asked Baela buffled ‘’He comes and goes from your room, you from his as well, you ride your dragons together and you are sharing a featherbed. You are together Visenya.’’

‘’What I mean is we haven’t discussed this matter. We just do all the things you said and that’s it. I suppose we are together, we just don’t label it a relationship yet. With the gap between our families it is difficult.’’

‘’You are right sister. But, if you want my opinion you need to be more careful.’’ She said approaching her ‘’Those love marks I can help cover, but if someone catches you two together I don’t think this will end well. Father will lose it and I am sure the Queen will throw a fit.’’

Visenya sighed ‘’I know sister, I know. I am trying to be as discreet as possible, but sometimes it is quite difficult with him.’’

‘’Are you taking moon tea?’’ it was in times like these that Baela resembled her father most. This sense of practicality she shared with Daemon was a feature Visenya learned too.

‘’Aemond provides me with a cup every day. Do not worry.’’

‘’Good, that’s good. Now let’s see what we can do.’’ She said before taking a small compact mirror. Once opening it, Visenya saw it had place for a powder inside. Baela applied some to the purplish marks on her sister’s neck ‘’There. As if they never existed.’’

‘’I cannot thank you enough sister.’’ Said Visenya hugging the other Princess tightly. ‘’Now tell me all about you and Jace.’’

She watched as Baela’s face lightened and she immediately began talking of how Jace approached her after their morning walk to the godswood to offer her to fly together at night ‘’Do you think he will make a move?’’

‘’Jace is courteous. I highly doubt he will do more than take your hand tonight.’’

Baela huffed and grimaced ‘’It seems then I will have to do all the work in our relationship.’’

Both girls burst out laughing, unaware of Prince Daemon entering the rooms ‘’I am always happy to see my girls in high spirits.’’ The Rogue Prince walked to them and caressed their heads before giving each of them a kiss. ‘’I came for you earlier Visenya and your guards told me you were not in your rooms.’’

The Prince’s inquisitive gaze was trained on her, demanding the truth. She had told Daemon that she would try and stay away from Aemond, but she did exactly the opposite. ‘’Father I was…’’

‘’She was with me in my chambers. Jace asked me to fly together and I asked her to come in order to help me find the proper riding leathers.’’ Baela lied smoothly to their father, not in the least worried if he believed her or not.

His eyes did not move from Visenya though and instead of staying on the matter, he nodded ‘’Very well. In that case let me inform you both that tomorrow morning we will be leaving for Dragonstone.’’

He continued watching her, as if willing her to talk, to object ‘’Perfect.’’ She said instead ‘’I will tell the maids to prepare everything.’’

Prince Daemon nodded once more and duck his head to kiss her cheek, his mouth near her ear ‘’Maybe this will put a stop to you two f*cking all around the castle.’’

Visenya did not lose her cool and smiled at him and then at her sister ‘’So, do you want me to actually help you with choosing your riding leathers for tonight?’’

Baela left soon after, taking Visenya’s good mood with her. The Velaryon Princess paced the room, thinking how would she and Aemond would meet after they were separated. Sure, they would be able to meet somewhere since they had their dragons, but it would be quite difficult to leave Dragonstone and the Red Keep every day. Maybe Aemond would want to come with them. That thought brought a smile to her face. Daemon would be hard to agree, Jace too, but her mother would definitely want her step brother with them. She would have to speak more of the advantage Vhagar would give them, but if it would mean Aemond would be able to come back with them so be it.

Using the tunnels to visit him the same night, she was certain he would want to follow her. The hours they spent together, the things they did, the ways their bodies now knew each other. It would be impossible for her to be without him ‘’Uncle.’’ She whispered as she stepped inside his rooms. The secret door was hidden behind a heavy curtain that obstructed her view from those inside the chambers, and Visenya was thankful for that right now. Aemond was relaxing in his bathing tub, his head back and his arms out of the tub almost reaching the floor. He had his eye patch off and Visenya was intrigued. Never in those weeks had he taken the blasted piece of leather off his face no matter how much she had begged him.

Walking in the tips of her feet, Visenya approached the back of the tub and kneeled. Lifting a hand, she caressed the side of his head and watched as he opened his eyes and grasped her in one strong move, almost throwing her off balance. ‘’Lyks Aemond’’ she whispered, her hand finding its way in his scarred cheek.

Only then did he seem to remember he had the eye patch off and got up to look for it. Visenya gently grabbed his hand and guided him back to the tub. Although being too rigid, he allowed her to do so and so he sunk back into the scalding hot water. She took her place at the back of the tub and began stroking his long her, untangling it while humming an old Valyrian lullaby her mother used to sing to her.

His broad shoulders were next, and she took extra care to drag her hands to every expanse of skin she could before intertwining her hands around his neck ‘’Allow me uncle.’’ She muttered in his ear. Without waiting for his reply, Visenya sunk her hands into the water and caressed his chest getting lower and lower until she reached his pubic hair. He gasped and she paused her moves, intent on teasing him. Instead of continuing, she began placing tender kisses to his neck, using her teeth when she felt his pulse quickening.

Aemond made a sound and moved his hand to hers, guiding her lower. Visenya smiled and touched his co*ck. It was already hard and ready for her. She began pumping him lightly, until he lost his patience and turned to grab her and bring her together with him in the tub. She laughed at his impatience as his lips found hers. It was not a tender kiss, but it was exactly what she needed. The way Aemond kissed her, all fire and anguish made her crave him more. She quickly got rid of her clothes and re entered the tub, this time allowing him to guide her over him. She could feel his manhood between their stomachs and feeling daring enough, she licked the lobe of his ear before seductively whispering to him ‘’Take me uncle.’’

And that is exactly what he did. They moaned as he lifted her up enough to position her opening over his co*ck. As they joined, he held her eyes and she swore she could see every emotion crossing his mind that moment. They didn’t move immediately, instead they gazed each other, his hands caressing her waist and her own caressing his face. Not once did he try to hide the scar her brother had given him. She marveled at the shining sapphire that adorned his eye socket ‘’Issa gevie.’’ She said smiling at him.

Aemond did not reply, but began moving her up and down. At some point she got lost in the haze of their passion and closed her eyes moaning. Lolling her head to the side, she groaned as he stopped moving and she tried wiggling. He held her tighter, and once she opened her eyes to tell him to keep going she saw him gazing at her neck ‘’Why did you cover them?’’ he asked, clearly irritated.

‘’Do you seriously want to have this conversation now?’’ she said exasperated.

Scowling deeply, Aemond began thrusting yet again, this time though more purposefully. His hand never left her neck, instead it remained there squeezing ‘’Why Visenya?’’ he asked again, voice soft and deadly.

‘’Don’t stop.’’ She moaned.

‘’I will stop if you do not answer me sweet niece.’’

Groaning her frustration she dug her nails to his shoulders soft enough not to leave any mark ‘’People would notice.’’

‘’Let them.’’ He said as his thrusts became deeper. He was reaching a part inside her that was making her tremble ‘’You are mine Visenya. Let them all know.’’

‘’Yes.’’ She moaned loudly as she climaxed, burying her head to his neck. He followed her quickly, coming inside her as deep as he could.

The water was getting lukewarm when he pulled her tighter to him and got up from the tub, moving them to his featherbed. He took great care to dry her skin with a towel first, and then himself. After both of them were dressed, Visenya took his hand and led him to the roaring fire guiding him to sit and finally sitting on him ‘’We are leaving tomorrow.’’ She said calmly.

She saw him furrow his brows ‘’I thought the King requested you to stay longer.’’

‘’He did, but apparently mother or Daemon persuaded him to let us go back. I don’t know what happened uncle, they just told me.’’

He looked elsewhere, his face closed now, not a single emotion shown. He was quick to get up, find his eye patch and secure it to his face ‘’Go and tell my sister that you will stay longer then.’’

‘’But I don’t want to stay here Aemond. Dragonstone is my house. Our house if you want.’’ She smiled at him, waiting for him to understand. Wishing for him to accept.

‘’You want me to come with you?’’ he said surprised.

‘’Yes uncle. Mother would like that, I know. We would be free to do as we wish there.’’

He huffed smirking ‘’Daemon would skin me alive if he saw me touching you Visenya. Your twin would grasp every opportunity to fight with me and don’t get me started with Lucerys…’’ he growled her brother’s name, malice lacing his tone.

‘’They would respect my decision Aemond. They are your family too.’’

‘’They are not my family.’’ He exploded. His eye was full of hate again, shuttering all hope of him coming with her to Dragonstone ‘’Why don’t you stay here Visenya? This is your place too.’’

‘’It is not the same and you know it.’’ She countered, already accepting defeat.

‘’How so? Your grandsire is here, your beloved father is here alive and well, I am here.’’ He screamed the last words. Her heart constricted at the way he loudly called Ser Harwin her father thus admitting her bastardy. ‘’Aren’t we enough for you? Am I not enough for you Visenya?’’ he spat at her, his arms open wide in a mocking way.

Shaking her head she turned and left his rooms from the secret door making sure to slam it as hard as she could. She could feel her heart breaking, the ache in her chest becoming greater with each step she took. She desperately wanted for him to chase her, to make sure they were okay after their fight. But he did not. Visenya entered her chambers and called for her maids to pack her things. She offered him a way out of this f*cked up place, out of his mother’s and grandsire’s manipulation and he denied her. She would not cry for him.


Sagon careful mandianna lo ao ȳdra daor jaelagon naejot jiōragon f*cked isse naejon hen zirȳ = Be careful niece if you don't want to get f*cked in front of them
Lyks Aemond = Peace Aemond
Issa gevie = You are beautiful

Chapter 13


Happy holidays everyone. Merry Christmas!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The vast expanse of the Blackwater Bay stretched out beneath Princess Visenya’s eyes as she soared through the air, Vermithor propelling her towards the familiar silhouette of Dragonstone. The wind whipped through her brown hair, mingling with the smoke that billowed from her mount’s nostrils. Her face, though set with determination, held a hint of relief as she neared her ancestral home. After spending what felt like an eternity in the stifling confines of the Red Keep, Visenya yearned for the rugged freedom of Dragonstone.

The island was a stark contrast to the bustling castle of King’s Landing, its volcanic landscape a constant reminder of the power that lay dormant within the Targaryen bloodline. Here, amidst the windswept cliffs and the ever-present threat of dragonfire, Visenya felt truly herself. As Vermithor descended, she gazed down at the castle. The fortress, perched precariously atop a rocky promontory, seemed to rise from the very heart of the island to welcome its Targaryen rulers.

Visenya dismounted, her Valyrian steel boots echoing against the cobblestones as she took a few steps to stand beside her step father that had just dismounted Caraxes. She turned to watch Syrax touching down, her mother, Princess Rhaenyra getting off her golden scaled dragon, regal as ever, a future Queen, her presence commanding respect and admiration. One by one, her siblings landed on the large courtyard and waited for the castellan to greet them ‘’Welcome my Princess’’ said the elderly man bowing first to her mother, then to Prince Daemon ‘’My Prince.’’

Each step Visenya took in the grand fortress brought her farther and farther away from Aemond. While she felt relief the moment Vermithor took to the skies, the hollowness inside her was burning her alive. Aemond didn’t even try to approach her the night before. She had stayed awake in her rooms, laying in her featherbed, eyes focused on the secret door, waiting for him to come. But he never came. Reaching her chambers, she was finally able to exhale the breath she had been keeping inside. Her hand instantly grasping her tight leather jacket, eager to take it off. Flying here gave her the time to go from cursing his name to already missing his hands on her.

Suddenly, she felt light headed and reached for the nearest armchair to lean on. It must have been due to the flight, she reasoned, the strong winds making their journey tiresome. ‘’Princess, are you well?’’ the voice of the maid was distorted in her buzzing ears. Everything was spinning around her, and she closed her eyes tightly, willing this wretched feeling to pass. A small hand grabbed her elbow and forced her to sit on the armchair she was grasping tightly ‘’Princess, do you hear me?’’ her feet were then lifted and placed somewhere high. That seemed to do the trick, and soon Visenya was able to open her eyes to see the worried face of Talisa, her personal maid, gazing at her.

‘’I am well now.’’ Said Visenya, worried herself as in all the years she had been flying it had never come to this, despite the bad weather or the long hours atop her dragon.

‘’Let me fetch the Maester Princess, I beg you.’’
‘’Do not worry Talisa. I promise, it was nothing.’’ In the ten years she knew the maid, Visenya had never seen her so worried.

Days later she found herself in the library, the company of the ancients scrolls a small comfort to the darkness inside her. Doing things they used to do together, offered her some kind of consolation, and reading ancient Valyrian scrolls was their favorite past time back then. She refrained from riding Vermithor these days, the light headedness was plaguing her still and she was afraid that if feeling faint while in the skies she could fall to her death. Sighing, she returned to her scroll, the tales of Valyria taking her mind off such things.

The opening of the heavy doors startled her, and she gasped as Baela entered a grand smile on her face and a letter hanging from her hand ‘’It took me an embarrassing amount of time to take it without the Maester noticing, but here it is.’’

Visenya squinted her eyes to see the letter in her sister’s hands better, but Baela was shaking it in the air as she approached her ‘’Could you please stop doing this? It is making me nauseous.’’ She groaned.

Baela stopped then and sighed ‘’You are no fun anymore sister. Here’’ she said giving Visenya the letter.

She took her time to observe the envelope in her hands. The only thing inscribed on it was her name. Could it be from him? Was this his way of resolving whatever had transpired between them back at the Keep? She was afraid to open it. Different scenarios were passing through her mind, all of them ominous. ‘’For the love of the Gods Visenya, open the damned thing.’’ Looking up at Baela, she smiled tightly at her. Thankful for her presence.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she carefully tore open the envelope, taking her time to unfold the single sheet of paper within, the weight of it in her hand sending a shiver down her spine. She knew it was from him, she was certain now. Unfolding the letter, she saw only a few words written ‘’Rhaenagon nyke rȳ Claw Isle hemtubis ñāqatubis’’.

Her heart sped up instantly and she bit her lips to refrain from smiling ‘’Do you know when it arrived?’’ she inquired Baela.

‘’A few hours ago. I was with the Maester when the guard brought the letters to his chambers.’’

Nodding, Visenya got up and walked to the door. She needed to return to her rooms immediately. Her feelings were all over the place right now, and she knew she couldn’t control them. One moment she felt thrilled that he had sent her a letter, asking her to meet, and the other she feared he was going to ask her to end whatever that was between them. Feeling her eyes watering she cursed herself for her newly found sensitivity and bolted for the door ‘’Wait! Is it from him?’’

Visenya felt terrible for not even answering to her sister but she had no choice. It was either her leaving the library or staying and letting Baela see her cry over a letter from Aemond. Back in the safety of her rooms she reread the few words of the letter and allowed herself a few tears. It was really frustrating since Visenya rarely cried anymore. She prided in managing to remain calm and collected at all times, despite how dire the situation was. And now here she was, feeling overwhelmed over a letter.

Hours later, when all of them were gathered at the grand Hall to dine, Visenya took time to observe her family. Baela, since learning of her betrothal to Jace, was approaching him more and more each day. She was now seated beside him at the table, talking animatedly to her twin Rhaela. Both of them were laughing loudly at their inside joke and paid no mind to the others. Luke was seated beside her and was chatting with Ser Harwin, probably analyzing the best training tactics. The Knight had arrived the day before and had fallen quite fast to their routine. They had yet to discuss his new role in their family, but Visenya was more than happy to see him dine with them all, join them in their training sessions and be more than just her mother’s sworn shield.

Turning her head from them, Visenya looked at her mother and step father. Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra were as always enamored one with the other, the Rogue Prince’s hand grasping his wife’s and staring right in her eyes. Her smile turned sour at the thought that she was never going to have this. A man that loved her so dearly that allowed nothing to separate them. All her previous thoughts about charming Aemond to their side went out of the window. Their meeting tomorrow was going to be a bitter epilogue to their short romance, she thought. Whether it was for the best or the worse, she knew not.

‘’Are you well sister?’’

She turned to her left, Jace’s voice bringing her back to reality ‘’Yes brother.’’ She said smiling at him.

He frowned at her ‘’We are back home for almost a week Visenya and you haven’t been yourself. You do not ride Vermithor any more, you trained with us only once and you prefer being on your own. I worry sister. Tell me, what is troubling you?’’ He said placing his hand over hers in her lap.

Interlacing their hands under the table, Visenya tried keeping her voice calm ‘’I am stressed brother. It may seem like nothing has changed and everything is back to what it was before, but you know it is not the case. Yes, we are back home away from the Greens, but you saw what has happened at the castle under their influence. We have work to do brother if we want to win the war that is coming. We should not rest on our laurels here in the safety of Dragonstone.’’ She wished that leading Jace’s mind to a topic that she knew was on his mind too would distract him. They would eventually sit down and talk about the Greens and what course of action they would have to follow, but she knew from her mother that she wished for Ser Harwin to arrive first. With him being here now, Visenya was certain that talk would happen soon.

‘’I’ve been talking with Lord Cregan Stark for some years now and I am proud to consider him a dear friend. The Starks have always been loyal to the Crown Visenya, so I am hopeful that he will reaffirm this loyalty to mother when needed.’’ He said, passionately explaining his own plans.

She smiled at him and nodded ‘’That is good Jace, you did well. We will need all the support we can get, and the North is a formidable ally.’’

‘’I was thinking though…’’ he coughed awkwardly ‘’I want to speak to mother about my betrothal to Baela.’’ He said looking at his plate.

‘’Do you wish to hurry marrying her?’’ she said wishfully. She was well aware of her step sister’s infatuation with Jace.

‘’The opposite actually.’’

‘’Jace you cannot be serious. Baela adores you. You would without doubt make a fine couple and fill the Red Keep with beautiful children for me to coddle. You cannot want to dissolve your betrothal.’’

Jace scowled at her, stealing a glance at his betrothed ‘’I did not say that Visenya. Just that it would be better if mother postponed the marriage for some time.’’

‘’Whatever for?’’

‘’This is not the time for a marriage. We are already betrothed, there is no time to plan and hold a wedding now. There have more important things to focus.’’

‘’What is more important than keeping the Velaryons as our allies Jace? You know better than me that Princess Rhaenys would like to see her favorite granddaughter wed as soon as possible.’’

‘’Luke is betrothed to Rhaena just like I am to Baela. We are already their allies.’’ He said exasperated.

‘’Calm down, we are not alone.’’ She gritted her teeth ‘’I implore you to reconsider brother.’’

Jake huffed and shook his head ‘’I will sister, for your sake.’’

She felt as if something was weighing on her heart, so much that she could not breathe. Her separation to Aemond, the bad blood between them, the brewing war and now Jace deciding it was a good time to act rebellious were all casting a dark shadow over her heart. She felt pressured from every possible side. That night when she returned to her chambers, Visenya walked to her window and prayed to the Gods of Old Valyria that her meeting with her uncle the next day would be a pleasant one. She didn’t think she could take another blow right now. It was already having an impact on her health. That nausea and dizziness were for sure from the constant stress she was feeling.

Early the next morning, Visenya wore her riding leathers making a mental note to order new ones in the castle’s seamstress as they were too tight for her, and walked to where she knew Vermithor rested. He laid massive and unmoving on his cliff top perch, his scales gleaming like polished metal in the first sunlight. She smiled and approached him with a mixture of reverence and affection ‘’ Wake bē ñuha valītsos, issa jēda naejot sōvegon’’ she said softly stroking his rough head.

Vermithor’s eyes flickered open, their molten gold pools gleaming with ancient wisdom. He rumbled deep in his chest, a sound like thunder rolling through the mountains, and shook his humongous body as if to stretch. She climbed onto his back, settling into the familiar contour of his leather saddle. The dragon flexed his wings, sending a gust of wind whipping through Visenya’s hair. She laughed, the sound echoing through the silent hill. With a powerful heave, Vermithor launched himself into the air and the Princess prayed to the Gods that whatever ailed her would not return during this trip.

The world fell away beneath them as they soared higher and higher, the wind rushing past them like a living thing. Visenya closed her eyes, letting the sensation of flight wash over her. She felt the deep connection to Vermithor come alive stronger than ever, as if they were two halves of the same whole. It seemed to her that he emanated more heat than usual, but then again she didn’t feel like herself these days. The trip to Claw Isle was not a big one and as the distance shortened with each flap of her mount’s wings, she felt her heart beating faster. Soon they reached the small island and her eyes scanned the shoreline, searching for the familiar figure of her uncle. Her heart pounded with anticipation, a mix o excitement and nervousness fluttering within her chest.

From the heights above, she spotted Aemond, his tall and imposing form standing proudly against the backdrop of the cerulean sky. His silver hair, kissed by the golden rays of the sun shimmered like a crown upon his head. Beside him, perched majestically, was Vhagar, the largest of all dragons. As Vermithor descended towards the shore, Visenya’s gaze focused on Aemond. His face, etched with determination and a hint of mischief, held a familiar warmth that eased her anxieties. His eye, deep pool of violet, sparkled with something resembling affection, but Visenya was hesitant to believe her uncle held such emotions for her.

With a graceful sweep of Vermithor’s wings, Visenya guided him to a gentle landing on the sandy beach. As he settled onto the ground, she dismounted, her movements swift but elegant. They stood still for a few moments, neither moving forward to be close to one another. They just stared at each other. Then Aemond moved, he approached her, his footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. His eye ever left her face, his expression closed. As he drew closer, Visenya could feel his warmth, the familiar scent of his skin, a mix of leather and jasmine.

She didn’t dare move, lest he stopped and decided this wasn’t what he wanted. All she did was stare at him and wish he kept walking towards her. And that he did. He only stopped when he reached her, close enough for his hands to meet her cheeks, drawing her closer to him ‘’ Hēnkirī rȳ mōrī’’ he whispered, his mouth over hers.

He kissed her then, all passion and possessiveness, his hands never leaving her face. Visenya moaned in his mouth and grasped his wrists, never wanting to let go. But now that her heart settled, finally understanding that he didn’t call her here to end their clandestine relationship, her mind wanted answers. Gently, she pushed him away from her, but he didn’t allow them to separate. Instead, he groaned and pulled her hard to his warm body not willing to part from her. ‘’Aemond…’’ she tried when he moved his mouth to lavish her neck. His hands were now possessively gripping her waist as he brushed his already hard member to her stomach.

‘’Aemond wait…’’ her resolve was waning with every nip at her neck.

‘’I do not want to wait any more. I refuse to part from you Visenya.’’ He raised his head from her neck enough to stare into her eyes and the Princess gasped. She had never seen him so unraveled. Aemond was not the controlled and poised young man she knew him to be. He was looking at her as if it was the last time they would see each other. She watched him lick his lips before recapturing her mouth in a hard and demanding kiss. Visenya let him have this, she let him feast on her until he was sated enough for them to talk. Surrendering to his onslaught, she carded her fingers to his long hair and deepened their kiss.

It wasn’t enough for him though. In one swift move, Aemond took off his cloak and laid it to the sand bellow before proceeding to slowly bring both of them down. He shushed her weak protest and angled his hips so he was looming over her, his strong arms bracketing her on either side ‘’I want you Visenya.’’ He moaned her name in reverence .

‘’You have me.’’ She said, her heart ready to burst. When it was clear enough he planned to take her there, Visenya tried to reason him ‘’Aemond we should go somewhere else.’’

The one eyed Prince cut her off with a brush of his lips to her own, his hot mouth travelling south to nip at her chin, then her jaw, her ear, all the while his hand was sliding possessively down the curve of her ass and he pressed down hard making her gasp ‘’Say you want me.’’

‘’I want you Aemond.’’ She managed to say throwing caution in the wind ‘’Hard and fast.’’
With a low growl, Aemond flipped her over and pulled her back against the solid wall of his body. Visenya felt his hard co*ck through her leathers and closed her eyes tightly. She would give everything she had right now to feel his co*ck inside her puss*. With one hand he gripped the nape of her neck and pulled, exposing her tender skin to his teeth. His other hand dragged down her stomach until his deft fingers unlaced her riding leathers and pulled the offending garment down to her knees. Visenya helped remove them and tried to rid him of his leathers as well.

When they were naked from waist down, his fingertips returned to her body, eager to find the dampening need between her legs. She was more than ready for him, already weeping and achingly empty. Visenya arched into him, desperate for his hard touch. Her world spiraled down to the fell of his mouth on her skin yet again, and excitement filled her as one of his hands disappeared from her body to reach between them and grasp his co*ck.

‘’Say my name Visenya.’’ He commanded, voice strained and demanding.

‘’Aemond…’’ she begged, moving her ass closer to his body, feeling him tease her slit with the head of his leaking co*ck.

And then he thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt inside her. Aemond made a sound that was caught somewhere between a moan and a guttural growl as he leaned over her back, his hand gripping her hips tightly. Visenya wiggled as best as she could, more than willing for him to start moving. It was torture to finally have him inside her and him denying her this. ‘’Move uncle, please.’’ She begged him and she groaned as he laughed.

‘’Patience my sweet, I want to savor this moment.’’ Came his reply, his strained tone though betrayed the physical effort he made to keep still.

She was ready to retort when he dragged himself out of her almost entirely, before thrusting again making sure to drag his length slowly all the way in. They moaned in unison and he soon set a rhythm that matched his personality. Hard, steady and passionate. His lips, his teeth, his tongue, his clever hands, they all worked and teased her mercilessly and all she could do was moan and shiver underneath him. Yet, there was nowhere else she’d rather be right now.

‘’Harder uncle, give it to me harder please.’’ She let out, not even recognizing her own voice. It was too much, and yet nowhere near enough.

‘’I love to hear you beg niece.’’ He rasped not even breaking the brutal pace he had set. Visenya could hear the slap of their skin over the noise the waves made as they hit the shore, and she desperately hoped her uncle burned in the same inferno he had condemned her.

Suddenly, the Prince withdrew one of his hands from her hips only to move it to her swollen cl*t. ‘’Gods yes.’’ She cried out and turned her head as best as she could to look at him. And what a sight he made. His long and pristine hair was now wet from sweat and sticking to his alabaster skin. His cheeks were red from the overexertion and his eye, oh his eye, it was gleaming with determination. Aemond was so beautiful it made her fall in love with him again.

His wicked fingers worked her nub quickly, drawing out sweet torture for what seemed like hours, until every touch felt electric. She was nearing her climax fast and she reached her hand back to fondle his balls, eager for them to finish together. Aemond moaned loudly and his thrusts became erratic. Completely at his mercy, soon all she could do was ride the waves of pleasure until finally they overtook her. He followed her almost simultaneously, holding her close and crooning in her ear as he shook from his org*sm ‘’That’s my good Princess.’’ He managed to whisper in her ear before turning his head and kissing her cheek.

They stayed like that for a while, until their heartbeats slowed down and almost synchronized, and to Visenya it was pure magic. Despite their previous couplings, this time Aemond did not let her from his tight embrace, his arms only leaving her body to readjust them and throw his cloak over them. Visenya took advantage of his tenderness and nuzzled his neck ‘’I missed you uncle.’’

‘’Then do not leave me ever again.’’ He retorted, his slender fingers tracing her curls.

Visenya supported her body to her elbows and elevated herself enough to look in his eye ‘’I cannot come back to King’s Landing Aemond, you have to understand.’’

‘’Why the hell not? You are a Princess of the Realm, everyone would be happy to have you.’’

‘’Even your mother?’’ she mocked him unable to keep her bitterness in.

She saw Aemond frown at the Queen’s mention and get up to put his clothes. She mirrored his moves and they dressed in silence. ‘’It would be a pleasure for the Queen to have you in the castle.’’

‘’Would it be her pleasure too if we made our relationship known?’’ she inquired interested at the turn of their conversation.

He looked at her then, his eye darker in a sense she did not acknowledge, and then quickly averted his gaze ‘’We cannot reveal our relationship now.’’

‘’Why not?’’

‘’Because Visenya now is not the time. The King is not well and a marriage between us…’’

‘’A marriage between us would serve as a means to unite our families uncle. Don’t try to convince me you do not know of your grandsire’s plans to usurp my mother’s claim to the Iron Throne.’’

She saw him widen his eye and flinch as if she had slapped him ‘’What nonsense are you talking about?’’ his voice was frantic, almost a whisper.

‘’You know he fueled Ser Vaemond’s wish for the Driftmark throne, and he practically encouraged him to publicly humiliate mother and us, do not try to deny it.’’ She almost yelled the Hand’s treasonous plans.

Aemond just looked at her for a few moments, his chest heaving, eye never leaving her face, emotions closed ‘’It has not come to my knowledge that he did such things. The Hand is loyal to the Crown and would never betray our family.’’

Visenya shook her head feeling her heart squeezing. Just how many times was she going to allow him to lure her in his arms before finally choosing the Green’s side? She felt like a fool for always falling for him. Visenya used to take pride in her integrity and wit, but with the one eyed Prince she clearly became someone else. A gullible girl that fell for a handsome boy’s charms. ‘’If that is what you believe uncle, then we have nothing more to say. I have to go back, please never contact me again.’’

‘’Wait.’’ He cried out, grasping her hand and bringing her to his chest. His hands hugging her tightly ‘’They do not have to come between us Visenya. We can be together without them knowing, at least not now. Please give me some time and I will fix everything.’’

‘’What are you talking about uncle? What are you going to fix?’’ to say she was confused was an understatement.

She saw him lick his lips before answering ‘’I meant that I need some time to make my mother see reason. That us two being together is a good thing. Maybe if my sister, Princess Rhaenyra was more understanding to the situation and renounced her claim to the Throne…’’

Gaping at him, Visenya pushed him away from her and raged ‘’My mother is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, and your treasonous words right now prove my previous point. Your grandsire plotting against her to later give the Crown to that incompetent Aegon. You truly are despicable Aemond, and I was a fool for believing you changed.’’

‘’Visenya no, listen to me.’’ He raised his voice too ‘’He is better suited to rule, don’t you see?’’ the desperate hue to his voice fueled her anger more.

‘’Prince Aegon is the worst possible choice for the Throne Aemond, you can’t be this blind to believe otherwise.’’

She saw her uncle grit his teeth ‘’He is the first male Prince born to the King.’’

‘’Just because he has a co*ck hanging between his legs does not mean he will be a good ruler.’’ She spat at her uncle, already marching to Vermithor.

‘’That it the way of the things Visenya, we can’t change the course of things because your mother is the firstborn.’’ He tried reasoning her, following her steps before blocking her way with his body.

‘’The King named my mother his heir and even after having not one, but three sons he chose to keep her in this position. I am sorry uncle, but if you support your grandsire’s and your mother’s claim to such treasonous ideas we cannot keep meeting.’’ Her head felt heavy, the usual dizziness returning and she cursed the Gods for choosing this moment to remind her of her recent ailment. She quickly walked away from him to her dragon.

‘’Do not turn your back at me niece.’’ He roared furiously.

‘’Or what? Are you going to smash a rock to my face as you tried doing to my brother at Driftmark?’’ mentioning that blasted night was a low thing to do, but she was angry and tired. Their earlier activities, their fight and her flight here had exhausted her.

‘’No’’ he said threateningly, his voice low, a smirk plastered on his marred face ‘’I will throw you to Vhagar, take you back to King’s Landing and tie you to my bed forever.’’ She watched as he walked to her slowly as if she was his prey, and maybe she was after all ‘’You are mine niece and I will never allow you to deprive me of your presence.’’

He was close enough to kiss her now, and kiss her he did ‘’I will not be a pawn to your grandsire’s games Aemond.’’

‘’You won’t be.’’ He promised, his lips ghosting hers.

‘’Promise me you do not participate in any plan your family has for my family.’’ She said tracing her fingers to his scar.


‘’Promise me Aemond, or I will ride Vermithor and you will never see me again.’’

His arms tightened around her and he kissed her hard ‘’I promise my sweet.’’

So they continued meeting like that, always in secret and never for far too long, lest they raised suspicion to their families. Visenya was getting more and more tired of the nature of their relationship, the casual f*cks and a few hours in Aemond’s arms were not enough for her anymore. The situation in Dragonstone was not getting any better too. Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon were carefully considering the political landscape and making strategic moves to gain more allies within the Realm in order to strengthen her claim to the Iron Throne. Influential nobles, powerful merchants and respected leaders were coming and going to Dragonstone. Gaining the support of the common people was easy for the Realm’s Delight, but still the Princess made sure to visit the least fortunate, her sworn shield always by her side. In this perfect projection of the ideal ruler, Visenya and her siblings had a clear role. Always be in their best behavior and act according to the etiquette of their station. A loving couple of Targaryen Princes with their eight children. What a perfect picture they were painting.

Behind closed doors though, they were anything but a normal family. Visenya could still remember the day their mother gathered all her children together, along with Prince Daemon and Ser Harwin, to tell them that there would be a secret wedding between her and her sworn shield. Jace was the first to express his question on the matter, voicing her own query as well ‘’But you are already married to Prince Daemon.’’

‘’And I shall wed again Jace, this time to your father. The Gods of Old Valyria allow for our people to take a second wife or husband. We will have a Valyrian wedding by the end of the month.’’ Announced their mother, placing a hand to a smiling Ser Harwin.

‘’Don’t you think this is a bold move to be made right now?’’ Visenya had to voice her concerns. Her parents being officially together was a good thing for her, but she had to think of the political cost that move would have. Prince Daemon was also another of her concerns. Her step father was known for his possessiveness and in the ten years they had lived together, Visenya was a witness to the love he shared with her mother. She had learned that he was her mother’s first love and they would have been married years before had a list of unfortunate events had not happened.

‘’We have thought about it thoroughly daughter ‘’ answered Daemon ‘’It will be done as your mother has announced.’’ He nodded at her, in his eyes she could see that he wanted for them to talk, and Visenya was grateful that he took her feelings under consideration.

‘’We can always talk more of our decision and explain why we want to do it, if that makes you comfortable of course.’’ Said Ser Harwin looking at them all.

That talk took place the next day, when Princess Rhaenyra found the young Princes in the Great Hall. Jace and Luke were practicing High Valyrian, while her and the twin sisters happily conversed about Baela’s and Jace’s wedding. ‘’My loves, we would like to discuss our decision.’’ Her mother’s smile and calm tone did little to her nerves, but how could she deny their happiness? Even if they objected to this wedding, they would have to learn to accept it.

‘’Yesterday I announced my wedding to Ser Harwin. As you well know, I had been in love with Prince Daemon since before I was your age. The bond I share with my uncle goes beyond the ties of marriage. It is a bond forged in fire and blood, in shared dreams and unyielding love. Our love is not one that conforms to the expectations of the court or the traditions of the Realm. ‘’

Visenya exchanged glances with Jace, his eyes curious, her own pained. Jace could not fully understand what their mother said for he had never felt like that for a woman. She felt bad for Baela then, stealing a look at her, she saw her sister nod at their mother’s words. ‘’Despite the years and the hardships that tore us apart, our love grew stronger with each passing day. But that does not mean that we have stopped loving those who were in our lives in the meantime and helped in bringing you to life.’’ Said the Princess.

‘’You are children of love, all of you never forget that. I know this is difficult to understand, but I believe that this is the best decision for all of us. It is a blessing from the Gods that Ser Harwin is alive now, and I have no intention to disregard that.’’ Turning to Baela and Rhaena she continued ‘’You are my daughters and I love you the same I would if you came out of my womb. I want you to know that I love your father dearly and I will continue to do so even after this marriage.’’

‘’We know muna.’’ Smiled Baela hugging her. Rhaena was quick to mirror her twin.

‘’I don’t understand, how can you love two people at the same time?’’ Luke’s question, laced with childish hue brought laughter to Visenya.

‘’You can do it by respecting both partners Luke and by having genuine connections to both of them. Honesty and communication are key, plus there are more things to consider, but since you are children I will leave it out of this conversation.’’ Princess Rhaenyra took the time to observe all of her children ‘’This changes nothing between us my loves. I am still your mother and I love you dearly.’’

Visenya, suddenly feeling overly sensitive, got up and hugged her mother ‘’I am happy for you muna.’’

Wanting to see the man that molded her to the woman she was now, Visenya searched for her step father. It was not hard to find the Rogue Prince, his affinity for combat an easy giveaway of his location. Prince Daemon was sparring with a knight from the Kingsguard, fully focused on their dance it took him minutes to end the battle in his favor. She waited for him to pat his opponent on the back before he sheathed Dark Sister and approached her ‘’Finally you show yourself in the training yard. Do you want to spar with me daughter?’’ the usual gleam in his eyes tempted her, but since she felt exhausted all the time now she shook her head.

‘’Another time. I have come to talk to you.’’ It was hard for her to broach the subject; his possessive nature would have surely not taken Princess Rhaenyra’s second wedding well.

‘’You came to discuss your mother’s wedding to your father.’’ He was closed, void of emotion. He never resembled of Aemond more than now.

‘’You are my father too. I was just an angry kid when you took my hand and lead me to this. Ser Harwin sired me, yes, and I cannot lie when I tell you that I love him, but I do not differentiate you two. You and Ser Harwin are the most important men in my life, and always will be.’’

It was a rare sight, Prince Daemon smiling wide, and she felt proud for managing to achieve such a feat ‘’And you will always be my daughter.’’ He said placing a hand to her shoulder.

‘’Their marriage, it doesn’t bother you at all?’’

‘’You know me Visenya, I am a possessive man. But even I can see the love your mother has for her sworn shield. He gave her four children after all.’’ Then smirking at her ‘’Not to mention the political advantage this marriage will have.’’

She could feel the wheels in her brain working fast at his words. Of course, how could she not think of it ‘’It would provoke them to make the first move. It would make them act recklessly.’’

Prince Daemon hummed ‘’It would make it easy to see who had taken the Green’s side. Formally introducing the man that everyone believes fathered you and your brothers as the Princess’ consort would make the rats come out, and then Visenya we will come out to play, we will show them our power. The things us Targaryens can do in order to defend our name.’’

She didn’t know what she expected of him. A man like Daemon always sought out the best in every move he made, and in allowing his wife to take a second husband while giving a blow to his possessive nature, also gave an advantage to them. It was like Ser Harwin’s presence beside them in the Red Keep. It would clearly state that he was their father. In a way she felt bad for using him to gain political advantage, but she could not put aside Daemon’s logic. ‘’I understand.’’ She finally said.

Daemon nodded and hugged her with one of his arms ‘’When will you stop mopping around for him?’’ the last word practically spewed from his mouth.

‘’I am not mopping around father. I just need some time to readjust here.’’

He eyed her for a long moment, as if trying to figure her out and he finally nodded ‘’When you need me Visenya I will be there. Always remember that.’’

Visenya nodded, missing doing things with him . Vermithor was getting more and more agitated as the days passed, and he even took to growling and moving threateningly to her brothers when they visited their dragons together. The constant dizziness and the nausea were having a toll on her body, and she felt she has had enough. Entering Maester Gerardys’ chambers later that day, she felt her head numb at his words after she explained her symptoms ‘’When did you have your courses last Princess?’’

Her mind raced. The familiar buzzing in her ears returning. The room was spinning and right before she fell to the stone floor, the hands of the old Maester grasped her and brought her to the featherbed he used for his patients ‘’If you would let me examine you Princess…’’

‘’Do as you must.’’ She managed to utter, letting the man do as he said, while she closed her eyes and prayed.

After, when Maester Gerardys instructed her to sit, Visenya took a deep breath, ready to hear what she knew he would say ‘’Princess Visenya, you are with child.’’


Rhaenagon nyke rȳ Claw Isle hemtubis ñāqatubis = Meet me at Claw Isle tomorrow morning
Wake bē ñuha valītsos, issa jēda naejot sōvegon = Wake up my boy, it is time to fly
Hēnkirī rȳ mōrī = Together at last

Chapter 14


Please check the updated tags. This story will take a dark turn, but I promise it will have a happy ending. We will build to a redemption arc for Aemond and an eventual happy ending but there's gonna be a lot of angst first, especially for Visenya. If this story makes you uncomfortable, please do not put yourself through it. I wish everyone a happy new year.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Visenya looked at the Maester’s face, her heart pounding in her chest. It had to be a mistake, she could not be with child. Either it was a mistake the old man made, or she had finally succumbed to exhaustion and she was dreaming. There was no other f*cking option. She blinked a couple times, willing herself to wake up. It was no use, she was still in Maester Gaerardys’ chambers, sitting in his examination featherbed and said man was looking at her, a calm expression etched on his face.

‘’Princess, are you feeling well?’’ he inquired, her silent response to the news making him worry about her.

‘’I think I heard you say I was expecting.’’ Visenya said, voice trembling.

The old man threw her a sympathetic look and nodded ‘’You are Princess.’’

She got up abruptly then and started pacing ‘’No, I cannot be expecting Maester.’’

‘’My child, please sit down.’’

‘’Because I have been taking moon tea religiously after every encounter I had.’’ She was not even listening to him anymore. In her mind she tried recalling every time her uncle gave her a cup of moon tea after they had spent their time coupling. Even in the days they came together while she was in Dragonstone, Visenya had been given a flask with moon tea by her uncle. It was not possible she was expecting.

A soft hand to her shoulder brought her back to reality ‘’Are you certain it was moon tea?’’

‘’Yes of course’’ she said. Why would Aemond trick her into drinking something that would not prevent a pregnancy. He was adamant she drank the blasted tea every f*cking time.

She saw the old Maester shake his head and pat her shoulder ‘’I am afraid this does not change the outcome. There is a babe growing inside you Princess.’’

His fatherly tone was the only thing keeping her from weeping right now, her hand already over her belly touching her still flat stomach. She had not even realized she was doing it. A babe. Her first reaction was panic, sheer numbing panic. Her mind could not process the overwhelming news. ‘’There are ways to cleanse your body from the babe if you wish it. It is still early.’’

Turning her head to the Maester, she frowned at his words. As he told her of her options, all Visenya felt was a strange sensation, a stirring deep within her. Her hand moved more firmly to her abdomen, a protective gesture over the life growing there. She couldn’t help but think of the tiny heart beating inside her, the delicate fingers and toes forming, the eyes that would one day open to the world. The thought of ending this precious life filled her with a profound sense of sorrow ‘’No.’’ she said, her decision clear ‘’I am keeping the babe.’’
The Maester nodded, a knowing look in his eyes. He understood the heavy weight she would carry on her shoulders from now on since she was an unwed Princess, but the real challenges that lay ahead were only for Visenya to face. On one hand, she couldn’t suppress the flicker of excitement, the surge of anticipation that swelled within her. The prospect of nurturing a new life, of carrying within her the child of Aemond was undeniably thrilling. Yet, amidst this surge of excitement, a torrent of apprehension threatened to drown her. The weight of her babe’s father identity added another layer of complexity to her emotional turmoil. An unwed and expectant Princess Visenya would be a problem. An unwed and expectant Princess Visenya carrying Prince Aemond’s child was going to make her family erupt. She would be forever tainted in the eyes of the Realm. A whor* that spread her legs to her uncle and had gotten with child. A bastard.

But this child would be a part of her and Aemond. An embodiment of their love, the perfect little Prince or Princess that would take after him and her. Absentmindedly, she thought of the babe’s features. Would they have her blue eyes or his violet ones? Their hair would be as pale as his, or would they have her chestnut curls? She smiled at the possibilities before turning to the Maester ‘’I ask for your discretion Maester Gerardys.’’ The old man nodded at her and led her to the doors.

‘’Daughter, can I have a little of your time?’’

In her hurry to her chambers, Visenya had not seen Ser Harwin marching towards her in the cold corridors of the castle ‘’Can it wait father? I was going to visit Vermithor.’’ She was in a hurry to change in her riding leathers and fly to King’s Landing. She had to let Aemond know. She had to see his reaction.

Ser Harwin smiled at her ‘’I will not keep you for long.’’

Visenya nodded and led him to her rooms. As soon as the doors closed behind them, her father coughed to attract her attention ‘’I already spoke with your brothers, but I want to hear your opinion too.’’

‘’On what matter?’’ she inquired? Of all the times her father had to approach her, it had to be now. She wanted to be patient, but the tingling of anticipation was spreading in her body. She was getting antsy.

‘’I am talking about my marriage to your mother.’’ He was standing tall and broad, his stance intimidating, but not to her. To Visenya this massive man was just her father. She owed it to him to give him the reassurance he craved, because she knew it. Had any of his children expressed their objection to this marriage he would reconsider it.

‘’I am happy for you father, truly happy. Your love deserves to be publicly acknowledged, and since Daemon is not rejecting this idea I am more than ecstatic for you.’’ She said sincerely ‘’When word came that you had perished in that dreadful fire, mother was shattered. She tried keeping up appearances for us, and the court of course, but I remember her holding your cloak to her chest and cry. I cannot even begin to understand how her heart can hold two people at the same time, but what truly matters to me is that the three of you are happy and our family stays united.’’

‘’All will be alright my daughter. Your mother, Prince Daemon and I have discussed the matter thoroughly, and I assure you nothing will change. You will just have one more person to openly love you.’’ His smile was so bright that made her wish her own child would have such a fatherly love in their lives. There was always the chance that Aemond would not take responsibility and leave her face this on her own. Visenya did not want to think that he would act like that. No, Aemond was so warm towards her, so possessive and loving that such a possibility was not even registering in her mind. She had to go to him as soon as possible.

Sensing her impatience, her father shook his head and turned to the doors ‘’I will leave you to get ready. It is nice seeing you find yourself again. Be safe my child.’’ He kissed her head before leaving her alone to change.

Her hands were trembling as she fastened her leathers. Thoughts of her uncle beaming at the news of his impending fatherhood, his hands caressing her belly, even the two of them flying atop their dragons, a small babe secured in her embrace. Visenya bit her lower lip and smiled in anticipation. No one would dare deny their marriage now, the Queen would have to announce their marriage and finally accept Visenya as her son’s wife. A Valyrian marriage could be held in the shores of Dragonstone and then they would be free to live as they wished. United at last, and with a youngling waiting to hatch.

Vermithor was getting antsy as she approached him, and nearly ran her over in his attempt to reach her. She laughed when he curled around her, his huge head laid in front of her body. Visenya was not ignorant; she recognized his need to protect her, shield her from anything that could harm her and her unborn child. Her dragon knew she was with child and took to protecting her. He growled when she pet his long neck ‘’ Nyke gīmigon ñuha valītsos. Iksan excited tolī.’’ His snout followed her body as she climbed to his saddle and only took off when she had secured herself.

As Vermithor diminished the distance fast, his wings flapping in big swipes, Visenya became more and more anxious. She had to be discreet if she wanted her visit to remain unknown. Only Aemond had to be aware of her presence at the Keep, at least until she spoke to him. Together they would sit and decide how they were going to proceed. To Visenya, it was clear enough. They would have to talk to her mother first; she would be more amenable for sure. Then the Queen and the King would have to be notified. There would be disagreements of course, since they were going to lose Aemond’s support in their treasonous plans, but the Queen could not do anything.

As Vermithor reached Aegon’s High Hill, the giant beast looming over an abandoned tower near the Keep, Visenya guided him to land atop a secluded battlement, her arrival shrouded in secrecy and silence. Dismounting, she stroked his bronze scales and instructed him to wait for her. Then, she quickly ventured into the labyrinthine depths of the Red Keep, her footsteps echoing softly against the ancient stone walls. She navigated through the network of hidden passages and secret tunnels, her familiarity with the castle’s hidden corners guiding her towards Aemond’s chambers.

The air grew thick with anticipation as Visenya approached the secret door she knew led to the one eyed Prince’s rooms, her heart pounding like a war drum. With a deep breath, she gently pushed open the door, her eyes searching for the familiar sight of her beloved Prince. He was there, by the hearth, but he was not alone. Aemond was conversing with his grandsire, the Hand. Taking a step back, Visenya decided to stay hidden until Otto Hightower left. She took advantage of the heavy curtain that Aemond had put in the opening of the secret door, and remained there.

‘’You failed your family Aemond. You failed me.’’ Otto Hightower’s voice was cold, devoid of emotion. Visenya frowned, why would Aemond’s grandsire talk to him like that?

‘’Nothing is over grandsire. I have her exactly where I want her. Just give me some time and…’’

‘’We do not have time boy. The King is in his deathbed, Princess Rhaenyra is still his heir living happily and thriving in Dragonstone with her wretched family and you spend your days between her daughter’s legs f*cking her like the two of you are a couple. You are a disgrace to your name.’’ the Hand’s voice echoed through the room and made her heart stop.

Aemond had betrayed her. From the moment they stepped in King’s Landing he had been playing her. All this time, all the times they spent together, reading to each other, flying together, blissfully making love, it was all a lie. She felt her heart break, her knees buckling, but she held strong. She would have to face the consequences of their actions later, but until then Visenya had to learn the magnitude of his betrayal.

‘’It is not my fault they left King’s Landing.’’ The Prince’s tone, laced with a sinister undertone, sounded angry.

‘’No, but it is your fault Princess Visenya did not stay behind.’’

‘’What would you have me do grandsire? Force her to stay here when her family flew back to that f*cking island? Tie her to my bed?’’

‘’If need be yes. We only needed a few more weeks and then everything would have gone as planned. That entitled bastard would be forever painted as the Realm’s whor* and her mother’s reputation and honor would be ruined. They forgave her for bringing to life four bastard children, but there will be no way back from this. No noble lord of the Kingdom would follow such a ruler. Along with our other actions, this would help us greatly in Aegon’s ascend to the Iron Throne.’’

‘’I tried. I still try. Do you think it is easy for me to lay with her? Play the love struck fool in order to get her to open her legs to me? I feel disgusted every f*cking time.’’ Aemond spat at the Hand, hate laced in his voice.

‘’All you had to do was keep her in your bed long enough for a maid I would have paid for that reason to enter your chambers unannounced and catch you two together being indecent. I had it all planned Aemond, every f*cking detail and you ruined it.’’

Visenya’s heart sank like a stone. The words she had so carefully chosen, the happiness she had longed to share, were replaced by a chilling realization. Aemond, her beloved uncle, was not the man she thought he was. He was a pawn in a ruthless game of thrones, a tool in his grandsire’s treacherous plot to ruin her mother’s claim to the Throne. Her mind raced trying to comprehend the depths of his betrayal. She had trusted Aemond with her heart, and now she discovered that he was a willing participant in a scheme to destroy her reputation and honor. Suddenly, everything was clear to her. The night he entered her chambers through her doors letting this way the guard stationed there see him. The lovemarks he left on visible parts of her body, the way he never straightened his clothes after he left her chambers. Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she held them in. She had been deceived, her trust shattered like fragile glass. The man she had loved, the man she had envisioned a future with was nothing more than a traitor.

With a surge of anger and determination, Visenya dried her eyes and retreated in the shadows, not willing to hear more. Her footsteps were heavy with a newfound resolve. She would not be their pawn, their plaything. She would expose their treachery, reclaim her honor and protect her unborn child even if it meant facing the world alone. Daemon was right, she thought as she mounted Vermithor. Her father had always been right when he told her not to trust him.

A cold fury began to rise within her. Visenya’s eyes narrowed, a steely glint entered them. She was no longer the naïve girl who had fallen in love with her uncle. His memory as a loving child, a strong Prince and a perfect lover forever destroyed now. She was a woman scorned, and she would not be trifled with. Prince Aemond Targaryen was dead to her. From now on, she would live for her child and she would make sure her mother was the one to sit on the Iron Throne.

A storm was brewing around them as Vermithor soared the now dark sky, but Visenya paid no mind. Her heart was as turbulent as the tempest waiting to burst. Her loyal mount, sensed her anguish, his roars echoing through the clouds like mournful cries. The weight of Aemond’s betrayal pressed upon her as the first raindrops landed on her cheeks, beautifully resembling the tears she had yet to spill. She could still remember his words, laced with deceit and malice, they were still ringing in her ears, each syllable a dagger piercing her soul.

The storm was now raging around them as they approached Dragonstone, Visenya’s body betraying her too, the life she had been nurturing within her ebbing away. Sharp cramps gripped her abdomen, waves of pain washing over her like the relentless ocean waves beneath her. She clutched her stomach and groaned loudly, the sound lost in the howling wind. She knew what was happening to her body. The child she had loved so dearly, the child she dreamt of raising with Aemond was slipping away. Vermithor, sensing her distress, swooped down, his landing to the stone floor sending tremors through the ground. Visenya tried getting off of him, a hand still clutching her abdomen, but failed. Right before collapsing onto the cold stone, she felt arms grasping her and supporting her weight ‘’My girl, what has happened to you?’’

‘’Mother….’’ She muttered, the pain too much to bear, before looking down to her leathers to find them soaked in blood. Then, she surrendered to the darkness, her spirit broken by the cruel hand of fate.

The last word she heart before closing her eyes, was that of her mother crying and screaming ‘’Guards!’’

Her eyelids felt heavy as she tried opening her eyes. Visenya groaned in her attempt straighten herself on the featherbed. ‘’Be careful my love, let me help you.’’ Her mother’s tender voice made her sigh.

Princess Rhaenyra’s soft touch was a balsam to her aching soul, and Visenya opened her eyes to stare at her mother. After allowing her to help her in a seated position she took a deep breath and prepared herself ‘’I lost the babe, didn’t I?’’

She watched as Princess Rhaenyra closed her eyes and sighed ‘’You did. I saw Vermithor approaching the castle and something screamed inside me that you needed me. The moment I reached the courtyard you were struggling to dismount your dragon and I had barely any time to catch you before you collapsed.’’

Visenya nodded and looked outside the window. The wind was howling and the storm was still raging. The faint roars of dragons could be heard, despite the thunders striking. ‘’He betrayed me.’’ Then turning to look at her mother’s inquiring gaze ‘’Aemond betrayed me. I should have listened to you all when you tried to warn me about him.’’

‘’My child do not be so hard on yourself. You couldn’t have known.’’

‘’Father warned me.’’ Spat Visenya, her anger taking the best of her ‘’He told me Otto was planning something and he was certain that Aemond had a part in this plan. But I didn’t f*cking listen. I never listen…’’ the tears she had managed to rein in before came crushing now. She tried to appear strong in front of her mother, to keep her emotions at bay, but the feeling of her empty belly, the blood leaking down her thighs left no room for her to compose herself.

She gulped audibly when she felt her mother’s hand pull her in a tight embrace, her other hand stroking her hair ‘’Let go Visenya. Cry for what you lost, because it is the only way to grieve and move on. And then, when the tears will finally dry, you will rise and be the strong Princess we all know.’’

Those words, spoken with love, warmed her wounded heart. The damage was irreparable, she knew, but her mother was right. Once she had grieved her child and the love she thought she shared with her uncle, it would be the time to show them all who Princess Visenya Velaryon was. For now though, she allowed herself to break down in her mother’s warm embrace. She closed her eyes and wept, more tears coming when Princess Rhaenyra rocked her back and forth before beginning to softly sing a lullaby she used to sing to them when they were small children. Soon, she let her mother’s calming voice lull her to a dreamless sleep.

Princess Rhaenyra was still by her side when she opened her eyes again ‘’How long have I been sleeping?’’

‘’Not long. Your siblings can hardly wait to see you, Baela is having a hard time keeping them away.’’

‘’Does Baela know?’’ asked Visenya, anxious to know the answer. She had hoped that apart from her mother no one else knew of her pregnancy.

‘’She saw the guards carrying you to the Maester’s chambers.’’ Princess Rhaenyra moved uncomfortably ‘’The blood was too much for her to not understand…’’

Visenya sighed then, averting her eyes from her mother ‘’What did you tell the others?’’

‘’Just that you fainted. You had a long ride with Vermithor, the weather was bad and everyone knew that you have not been yourself these days. Maester Gerardys is to be trusted, do not fear.’’

Her mother’s soft touch to her cheek made her face her again ‘’You have nothing to be embarrassed about my love. Aemond manipulated you into trusting him and then betrayed you. I am not going to ask how you fell pregnant, I am aware of how children are sired, all I want to know is if he forced this on you.’’

Visenya shook her head ‘’He always provided me with moon tea. I spoke the truth when I told the Maester I do not know how I got with child.’’

She saw her mother nod, then get up and speak a few words to Maester Gerardys. The old man nodded and left her rooms quietly. ‘’All will be well Visenya, I promise you this. It may take some time to smile again and feel like yourself, but I promise you my child, you will find happiness one day. And whenever you feel ready, I want you to tell me what happened today.’’

They sat in silence for a while, the comfort that brought her mother’s presence soothing her wounded soul. Soon, the Maester reentered her chambers and approached Visenya ‘’Princess, would you please smell this and tell me if you recognize it?’’

Visenya took the small cup in her hands and brought it to her nose. The smell was foreign to her, nothing she had drank before ‘’I do not recognize it.’’

She saw the old man share a look with her mother ‘’This is moon tea Visenya.’’ Announced Princess Rhaenyra.

‘’Impossible.’’ She gasped raising herself more on the featherbed ‘’I have been drinking moon tea for over a month, it never smelled like that.’’

The betrayal of her uncle cut deeper as she understood more parts of his deception. No one said a thing, but she understood what had happened. Aemond had never really given her moon tea. He had intentionally wanted to get her with child so the stain he put to her was bigger. The disgrace of an unwed Princess found in bed with her uncle would be grand; adding a babe to this would make it so much worse. She snickered at the webs that were weaved unbeknown to her. What an absolute fool she had been. Prince Aemond and the Hand must have laughed at her stupidity. Too bad their plans were now ruined. Her child, a sacrificial lamb in this sinister ploy had been the first victim. She vowed then that she would make them pay. Each and every one of them would face the consequences of their actions.

The doors to her rooms opened then, a sorrowful Baela entering ‘’Sister, how do you feel?’’

‘’I will be fine Baela. Come sit with me.’’ Visenya motioned for Baela to come further inside.

‘’I will leave you to talk.’’ Said their mother ‘’If you need anything tell the guards outside and I will be with you immediately.’’ And then leaning to kiss her head ‘’I love you my girl.’’

As soon as the door closed behind the Princess, Baela turned to Visenya ‘’What did he do? Did he force you to drink anything? Did he touch you? I swear to the Gods Visenya if he did this I will end him.’’ Her voice was rough, dead serious.

Visenya smiled tightly at her sister ‘’I overheard him talking with the Hand. His grandsire was chastising him because Aemond did not manage to put me in a shameful position that would make it seem I was a whor* like my mother had been. The child was just another ploy of them, another innocent victim to their plan. They didn’t even see me Baela, I flew back here and that’s when I started cramping and bleeding.’’ She put a hand over her chest. It was getting harder and harder to breath suddenly.

Baela abruptly stood and began pacing ‘’I will take Moondancer, fly to King’s Landing and burn them all. How dare they do this? How could he deceive you like this Visenya? Even I thought that he had changed after you two got together.’’

‘’We never really got together. I heard him say he was disgusted he had to lay with me.’’ She held her head high, the ghost of Aemond would not hurt her anymore.

‘’The nerve of that c*nt.’’ Spat Baela furiously ‘’What do you want to do? Whatever Visenya, just tell me and I will do it.’’

Visenya took a deep breath and exhaled ‘’Nothing.’’

‘’What do you mean nothing sister? He made you fall in love with him, bedded you, forced a babe in your womb and then betrayed you. How can you say nothing?’’ Baela’s bewilderment would have made her laugh had she not been in this situation.

‘’Everyone will face the consequences of their actions sister, fear not. Aemond, Otto Hightower and even the Queen will reap the seeds that they sowed. And make no mistake, I will be there to see it all.’’

The silver haired Princess shook her head ‘’Had I been in your position I would not have been able to wait.’’

‘’Patience is bitter sister, but its fruit is sweet.’’ Smirked Visenya, for she was not going to rush into this and face the possibility of them winning. No, from now on Princess Visenya would dedicate her life to bring them down. She would not rest until her mother sat on the Iron Throne and the traitors were hanged.

‘’Sometimes you remind me of father. I am telling you Visenya, with you two we are bound to win this war.’’

Aemond sent her raven after raven since that day, but she never answered them. Most of them she threw in the roaring fire, the flames engulfing them seemed to echo her inner turmoil dancing and flickering with a savage intensity, but there were times when she succumbed to the temptation and read them. She hated herself after, and always made sure to defiantly toss them into the inferno, taking great pleasure as they disintegrated under the searing blaze. Aemond spoke of his love to her, of the things he would do to her when they finally joined. His words of deception were not making her legs quiver anymore. Her heart not speeding up for it was already dead.

In those few letters he wrote her, the one eyed Prince begged her to meet him again and questioned her lack of answer to his ravens. Time went by and Visenya focused on her family. She spent her mornings in the training yard altering between sparing with Prince Daemon and Ser Harwin. During the day she gravitated around her mother, now yet again with child, and her siblings. Her parent’s wedding had taken place sometime ago in the ways their Gods demanded, the Valyrian ceremony taking her mind elsewhere, in a place now forbidden to her. Seeing Ser Harwin carefully cut her mother’s lip with the small dragon glass piece made her heart clench. This could be her and Aemond, she fleetingly thought before shaking her head and exhaling. No, Visenya’s destiny was to wed a foreign Lord in the ways of the Seven, his cloak falling heavy on her shoulders. It didn’t matter anymore. She would do as her mother commanded. Love has failed her after all, now it was duty that would guide her steps.

Her nights were dedicated to Vermithor. Sleep eluded her since that day, and instead of twisting in her featherbed, she chose to fly high, the thrill making her heart beat faster, making her feel alive. It was easy to stop thinking up there, her mind in perfect accord to Vermithor was clear of dark thoughts. Thoughts that used to scare Visenya when they first came, but now they where her new friends. While on the ground, she tried putting them aside for the sake of her family. She felt it was sick to think of sticking her sword to Otto Hightower’s heart while she helped her mother, now heavy with child, lean back to her chaise. Or when she sat with Baela and listened to her complain about her delayed wedding to Jace. Her twin brother was adamant to spend time with her after that day, never asking, never judging her for not telling him the truth. Sometimes they flew together, and others they just silently drank Dornish wine while watching the moon. She felt that, that darkness inside her would taint them, make them like her. Dark and twisted, cold and dead. So, taking to the skies and clearing her mind from those dark thoughts was her escape. At least until she managed to control them. They would come, she knew, and they would help her survive the pain. Maybe they already did.

On the day Princess Rhaenys came to Dragonstone atop Meleys to announce that King Viserys had died and Prince Aegon had been crowned King, all hell broke loose. Visenya had hardly any time to feel shocked from the news. Her mother had doubled over the Painted Table, grasping her protruding belly and was moaning in pain. Ser Harwin was instantly by her side, holding her elbow while her other hand came from under her dress drenched in blood.


Nyke gīmigon ñuha valītsos. Iksan excited tolī = I know my boy. I am excited too

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

In the flickering candlelight of the birthing chambers, Princess Rhaenyra gripped the bed sheets, her face contorted in pain as labor pains wracked her body. Her belly, swollen with the weight of her unborn babe, heaved and trembled with each contraction. One of the midwives held her hand, gently guiding her through her ordeal. Visenya grasped the other hand and held strong as her mother cried out after another painful contraction. ‘’It won’t be long now Princess.’’ Announced Maester Gerardys. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, blood and the faint tang of incense, a desperate attempt to mask the harsh realities of childbirth.

Ser Harwin, the babe’s father, remained outside the room along with the children and her mother’s other husband, Prince Daemon. She had wanted only for Visenya to be by her side this time, and while being with her mother while she birthed yet another babe was what she too desired, she could not help but feel weird. This could have been her had the babe quickened in her womb. Alas, the Gods decreed it was not the time for Visenya to have a babe. Dark thoughts entered her mind once again, ones that whispered to her that Aemond’s bad seed was so tainted by Hightower’s manipulation that it would never take inside her body. Years and years under the influence of his mother and grandsire had clearly taken a toll on him.

‘’Push.’’ Ordered the Maester and Visenya was brought back to reality. Princess Rhaenyra’s cries echoed through the room, each one a testament to the strength of her will. The midwives reassured her, urged her to push, to bring forth this new life.

She turned to observe her mother, the Princess’ face contorted in a mask of pain, her body slick with sweat. The Maester’s brow was furrowed in concentration, his bloodied hands moving deftly over her swollen belly. Visenya could feel the tension in the room, the weight of expectation pressing down on them all. Finally, with a final agonizing cry, Princess Rhaenyra gave birth to her newest babe. Maester Gerardys passed the small infant to the midwife and she held it up, the babe’s face screwed up in a grimace, its skin a deep shade of purple. Visenya let out an audible sigh, her body trembling.

‘’A girl.’’ Announced the old man tiredly before returning his attention to her mother.

‘’I want to hold my daughter.’’ Princess Rhaenyra’s voice was weak yet persistent.

‘’Let the midwives clean her up Princess while I tend to you and then you will have all the time in the world to hold her.’’ His tone was calm and steady ‘’Push now, you have to deliver the afterbirth.’’

Just as the Princess finished pushing, with less intensity this time, the afterbirth, the midwife’s voice was heard, loud and frantic ‘’Maester, the babe is not drawing breath.’’

The old man was quick to his feet despite his age and grasped the babe from her hands. Princess Rhaenyra’s cries echoed through the birthing chambers as the Maester slapped the newborn babe on the back, trying to induce the first breath. Visenya held her breath as she watched, unable to even think what would happen were the babe to die. She felt her mother’s hand clench her own and turned to look at her. The look on her face was one of pure agony.

The moment the babe began squealing every single person in the room exhaled. Visenya laughed while wiping the tears from her eyes and her mother extended her hands to receive her newborn daughter. Her face was radiant with love, her exhausted eyes sparkling when Maester Gerardys handed her the babe. Visenya looked down at her tiny sister, a moon premature yet quite a loud babe now that she finally breathed. Her fingers were closed in tight fists as she wailed. She felt a surge of protectiveness, a fierce determination to protect this precious child from the dangers of this world. Taking a closer look at her baby sister, Visenya chuckled loudly. The Gods had definitely a sense of humor. This new babe, yet another proof of the love Ser Harwin Strong and Princess Rhaenyra shared, was light to the skin, fair haired and her eyes had a vibrant purple color. There was no question, the child while a Strong carried the looks of a Targaryen Princess. She couldn’t help but think how their lives would have been, had her and her siblings were born with white blond hair and purple eyes just like this babe.

‘’She is beautiful mother.’’ Said Visenya, tears of joy threatening to spill from her eyes.

Ser Harwin burst into the room then, his face beaming with pride and love. He rushed to the bedside and Visenya got up to give them space. She watched his eyes fixed on the tiny bundle in Princess Rhaenyra’s arms ‘’A girl Harwin. Little Aemma.’’ Her mother said smiling.

‘’My beautiful daughter.’’ He whispered, his voice trembling with emotion ‘’You are a miracle.’’

Soon, the room was filled with the sounds of laughter and celebration as the news of the new Princess spread throughout the castle. All of her siblings have come to see their new sister, and even Prince Daemon had visited. Visenya was skeptical at first, how this triangle of a marriage would be, but whatever had been discussed between them only brought love forward. Never troubles or rivalry. Her mother and two fathers had managed to keep their family united and loved.

‘’How do you feel?’’

Visenya turned and saw Baela beside her, her eyes focused on her father holding the infant ‘’Me? Shouldn’t you be asking mother that question?’’

Baela laughed ‘’I know how she feels. Sore, fatigued and the list goes on.’’ Then turning to her ‘’It’s you I am worried about Visenya. Witnessing this, while it could have been you in this featherbed. It must be hard.’’

The sympathy in her sister’s voice may had brought forward tears in her eyes before ‘’I feel nothing sister. Absolutely nothing.’’ And she was telling the truth. Aemond’s betrayal had left a void in her soul, her psyche now permanently damaged. People were ecstatic around her and Visenya could feel nothing. Seeing her infant sister brought a warmth to her, but that was all. She should have felt extreme joy, excitement. No, only a certain warmth came that made her want to protect her sibling.

Baela’s hand fell on her shoulder ‘’Do not close yourself from us sister. Not from me, please. I am here for you.’’

‘’I know.’’ Smiled Visenya ‘’I appreciate it Baela, really.’’

Her sister nodded and went to see the babe. Visenya noticed the Rogue Prince pass the babe to his daughter and after placing a kiss to Princess Rhaenyra’s forehead leave the room. She made quick to follow him. They walked the cold corridors of the ancient castle side by side, a comfortable silence between them. They passed the arch of the Dragon’s Tail and soon they reached Aegon’s Garden. Slowly walking among the wild roses, the Prince never turned to look at her as he spoke ‘’You should spend more time with your mother and your newest sibling.’’

‘’I was there when she was born.’’

‘’It is not enough. Your mother worries about you Visenya.’’ Then turning to her ‘’I worry too.’’

She smiled at him, a sad smile ‘’There is no need father. I may seem a little off, but I promise you I will be fine.’’

Prince Daemon ceased his steps ‘’I know what happened back then.’’

It was her turn to stop walking ‘’You know?’’

He nodded, his eyebrows furrowed ‘’I knew you were with child. Lady Leana had the same symptoms you did when she was expecting the twins.’’

Visenya bit her lips until she felt blood in her mouth ‘’He betrayed me father. He intentionally got me with child in order to humiliate me in front of the court and further besmirch our name.’’ she felt close to tears. Baela and her mother had tried to get her to cry all this time, they tried to get her to decompress but to no avail.

‘’When the time comes, know that I will kill him. Otto f*cking Hightower too.’’ The approaching her ‘’I will make them pay Visenya.’’

She broke down then. His words a catalyst, a balsam in her battered soul. The weight of the betrayal now pressed heavily upon her shoulders as she sat across from her father, her eyes looking intently his. It had been moons since she’d last opened up to anyone, moons since she allowed herself to face the pain that had consumed her. But who would understand her better than Daemon? In her father’s hard gaze she found herself again. Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to spill as she recounted the story of Aemond’s betrayal, his cruel manipulation and ultimately the devastating miscarriage that had left her numb. Daemon listened to her without interruption, his expression solemn. When she finished speaking, her voice trembling, he reached out and engulfed her in his arms. His touch was warm and reassuring, a lifeline in the storm of her despair.

‘’I can’t imagine the pain you’ve been feeling.’’ His compassionate voice changed then ‘’But I can imagine the pain they are going to feel. I promise you Visenya, they will beg for a swift death, but I will only provide them a long and painful one.’’

The tears were now streaming freely down her cheeks. His words a balm to her festering wounds. The old Visenya wouldn’t have reveled in such a promise, but the Visenya Aemond had created took comfort in his words. ‘’You are stronger than you think daughter’’ he continued ‘’Get up from the pit he threw you and let’s give them hell.’’

Just days after the birth, a ship docked in Dragonstone. In the midst of the escalating tension and the looming threat of civil war, Ser Steffon Darklyn arrived on the island bearing a crown that would change the course of Westerosi history. Beside him, Ser Erryk Cargill was standing vigil. Visenya marveled at the crown, originally worn by King Viserys, now presented to her mother.

The air was thick with anticipation as the doors to the room of the Painted Table swung open, revealing Ser Steffon carrying the crown of Westeros in his hands. The weight of it seemed to press upon the very air, the gold and rubies casting a fiery glow that illuminated the expectant lords and ladies. Ser Steffon approached Princess Rhaenyra, the crown resting upon his outstretched arms like a sacred offering. His eyes were fixed on the woman in front of him, a woman who had awaited so many years for this moment. Visenya watched as her mother’s eyes burned with a Targaryen fire as she made no move towards him.

Ser Steffon kneeled before her, ‘’Princess Rhaenyra’’ he said, eyes cast down ‘’I present to you the crown of Westeros. May it sit upon your head with pride, and may you rule with justice and wisdom.’’ At her mother’s side, her husband Prince Daemon stood tall and proud, his eyes never leaving the crown. Then, he stepped forward and with great care took the crown from Ser Steffon Darklyn’s hands. Without wasting a moment, he turned to face his wife and with a gentle touch he lifted the crown above her head and placed it on her head proclaiming her Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. As the echoes of Prince Daemon’s proclamation reverberated through the vast room, Visenya released a long breath. The usurper may sit on the Iron Throne now, but her mother would soon claim her rightful place.

Weeks passed from that day, ravens coming and going from the island. Lords and Princes visited them to pledge their support to Princess Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne and promise their banners to her. They spat the usurper’s name and swore to follow the rightful Queen of the Realm. In the grand hall of the castle, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen stood amidst a throng of her most loyal supporters. The air crackled with anticipation as the weight of their shared cause settled upon them. Her mother’s regal bearing radiating determination, addressed her assembled forces with a voice that echoed with conviction.

‘’My lords and loyal friends. ‘’she began, her gaze sweeping across the faces of those gathered before her ‘’I gathered you here today, not as mere subjects, but as the rightful claimant to the Iron Throne. My claim, bestowed upon me by my father, King Viserys Targaryen, is just and true. I am the rightful heir to Westeros, and I will not abandon my birthright.’’

Visenya observed as a murmur of affirmation rippled through the crowd. ‘’The usurper, my half brother Aegon Targaryen and his treacherous allies have sought to deny me my birthright. They have twisted the truth of my father’s words, sowing discord and uncertainty among the Realm, but I will not allow them to succeed.’’ She paused then, lowering her head before straightening again ‘’I have been informed that Lord Lyman Beesbury was killed by the Greens for supporting my claim. His death will be avenged and his name will be remembered as the first casualty of this war.’’

‘’I heard the Lannisters have officially declared for the Greens my Queen.’’ Lord Staunton announced with a shake of his head. The elderly Lord of Rook’s Nest was one of the first who had come to pledge his allegiance to her mother.

‘’As well as master of laws, Jasper Wylde.’’ Said Daemon, a dangerous glint to his eyes ‘’Alan Beesbury sent a raven my Queen declaring for you, Alan Tarly and Lord Buckley of Bronzegate too. We have allies too Rhaenyra.’’ Then turning to the rest of them ‘’The time for talk is over. The Iron Throne, the birthright of our Queen is under threat. We shall not stand idly by while the usurper seizes what is not his.’’

In the midst of the murmur of assent to his words, the loud and clear voice of Jace was heard ‘’We should send envoys to the Lords that had not yet declared for you my Queen.’’ Visenya could practically see the wheels in her twin brother’s head turning. Jace was always the one to think of the peaceful solution to any dispute. But this war was not going to be fought with ravens and envoys, she knew that and she herself craved blood. Aemond’s ravens had stopped coming, and she came to the conclusion he had understood his deception was over.

‘’This is no way to win a war boy.’’ Said the Rogue Prince irritated ‘’We have strong allies and dragons, and I personally will not stand idle exchanging ravens with indecisive Lords over a matter that could be resolved with fire and blood.’’

‘’Mother please, see reason. There is no need to spill blood if this can be resolved otherwise.’’

Queen Rhaenyra looked at her son before taking a deep breath ‘’Lord Hand, what is your opinion on the matter?’’

Visenya saw her grandsire, Lord Corlys Velaryon take a glance at Princess Rhaenys before answering ‘’While I have fought many wars in my life and always wanted to resolve such matters in combat, this time I find that I agree with Prince Jacaerys. Let us not prolong this strife and bring further devastation upon our Land. Let us try the diplomatic solution first.’’

His words, a stark contrast to his character, puzzled Visenya. It was clear enough to anyone who knew the sea snake that the words leaving his mouth were his wife’s ‘’Peace at the expense of my mother’s rightful claim?’’ she couldn’t help but interject.

Prince Daemon stood beside her ‘’The realm has seen enough of the weak and indecisive rule of my brother under his Hand’s influence.’’ He said ‘’We will bring the Iron Throne into the hands of a true Targaryen, one who will restore justice and order to the Realm.’’

Everyone turned their heads to the Queen ‘’We will send envoys to the Lords that have yet to declare for us. ‘’ at her consort’s huff of annoyance she tried again ‘’I do not feel inclined to kill any of my brothers Daemon. We share the same blood.’’

‘’They are Hightower scum Rhaenyra, and while you sit here and order for a war of ravens and envoys to begin, your dear brother has declared himself King and right now sits his worthless ass on a throne that is rightfully yours.’’

‘’The Queen has spoken Prince Daemon.’’ Interjected the Hand, then bowing to her ‘’With your permission my Queen I will go to my rooms and begin writing the letters.’’

Visenya saw her mother nod, the lines in her face deepening. When Lord Corlys along with Princess Rhaenys left the room and the other Council members had followed him, Jace spoke ‘’We could personally deliver the letters my Queen. Dragons fly faster than ravens.’’

‘’Yes, by all means let’s show them how desperate we are.’’ Mocked Daemon before hitting his fist on the table and leaving the room.

Jace flinched at the sound of the heavy doors closing forcefully, his head bent down. ‘’Do not mind him Jace. Daemon never shielded away from violence. We will make a different approach this time.’’ Visenya understood their mother’s need to reassure him. Having recently declaring Jace her heir, it was crucial to listen to his input on such matters and include him in decision making.

‘’This drive to battle won the Stepstone’s war.’’ Visenya decided it was time to speak.

‘’We are not facing the Triarchy Visenya.’’

‘’Exactly.’’ She deadpanned ‘’Do you think Aegon will sit and watch as we roam the Realm for allies? Do you think he will give the crown easily? Think again Jace.’’

‘’We have dragons Visenya.’’ He got up from his chair and pointed a hand outside to where they all knew their beasts were flying free.

‘’They have dragons too brother. And while I think Vermax is a great dragon, I do not believe he can take Vhagar in battle.’’ It hurt even to think that Aemond would lead his dragon to a battle against them. Blood against blood. Him against her.

‘’I will kill him if I have to sister. Be sure of that.’’ He said threateningly.

‘’The Black Council has chosen a different first approach and we will respect this decision.’’ Came Ser Harwin’s steady voice. Like Visenya, he used to sit back and listen, only giving his input when he knew his thoughts were needed. When he had listened enough to form an opinion. He put a hand over Jace’s shoulder just as Queen Rhaenyra stood from her seat ‘’Visenya please. Envoys first, and if this plan fails I promise we will change course of action.’’

‘’I fear it will be too late mother.’’

Days later, just when Lord Corlys had finished writing the letters that would be sent all over the Realm, Aegon the usurper sent terms through Grand Maester Orwyle. Those generous, as the Grand Maester has called them, terms demanded Princess Rhaenyra to acknowledge him as King and make obeisance before the Iron Throne. In turn, gracious King Aegon would grand her possession of Dragonstone, later to be inherited by her first born Jacaerys upon her death. Lucerys would still be recognized as the rightful heir to Driftmark and the lands and holdings of House Velaryon. Young Princes Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys would be given places of honor at court, Aegon the King’s squire and the others his cupbearers. The newest Princess would be raised until a certain age by her mother and then she would be sent to Harrenhal to be wed to a Lord the King would decide. Princess Visenya was to remain to her mother’s side until the King found a respectable match for her.

The Rogue Prince cackled as the old man recited the terms. Visenya felt her blood rise and made to get up from her chair, before her step father’s hand on her bicep stopped her. She turned to look at him but his steely gaze spoke volumes, so she chose to remain silent. ‘’Those are the King’s terms Princess Rhaenyra.’’ Concluded the Grand Maester.

‘’Queen.’’ Corrected Ser Harwin ‘’You should address your Queen right Grand Maester.’’

‘’I only recognize one true King Ser Strong, and he is King Aegon the second of his name.’’

‘’Well go and tell him that I would rather feed my sons to Caraxes than send them off to that c*nt to serve him.’’ Spat Daemon and abruptly got up from his chair.

Visenya saw the old man take a few steps back and swallow ‘’I have strict orders to convey the answer of Princess Rhaenyra.’’

Everyone in the room turned to look at Queen Rhaenyra. She was peacefully looking at the old Maester, a small smile on her face. ‘’I believe both of my husbands have given you my answer. Tell my brother that I will never recognize him as a King. In turn, I will do everything in my powers to take what is rightfully mine.’’ And then with a delicate flick of her hand she dismissed him.

‘’Do you still insist on sending ravens?’’ Daemon asked the Queen.

‘’Jace will fly to the Eyrie to remind Lady Jeyne Arryn of our shared blood through my mother, Luke will fly to Storm’s End as a messenger to Lord Borros Baratheon and Visenya will fly to Winterfell to make sure Lord Cregan Stark still supports my claim.’’

Visenya reeled at her mother’s words. She knew of her brother’s missions, but her own departure was news to her. Deciding to approach her mother once they were alone she played with the rings on her hand and remained quiet. ‘’This is a waste of time.’’

‘’I have decided Daemon.’’

The Rogue Prince nodded ‘’Then I will fly to Harrenhal. That cripple that now serves as Lord of the castle has allowed Harrenhal to become a rallying point for potential supporters of the Greens in riverlands. We know of House Tully remaining neutral because of the disagreement between that old bat Lord Grover and his grandson. I will not allow this anymore.’’

Visenya turned to look at her father’s reaction. After all, the grand castle Daemon wanted to assault was his ancestral home ‘’Father, what do you say?’’

Ser Harwin sighed ‘’I can help with insight for the siege Daemon. We will do what we must.’’

Both men nodded at each other before starting to make plans for Daemon’s departure. With her brothers vividly conversing with Lord Corlys, most certainly for their mission, Visenya found the time to approach her mother ‘’You could have talked to me before announcing this in front of everyone.’’

‘’Your Queen has required this of you, will you deny me Visenya?’’

She took a moment to really look at her mother. Radiant and regal, as always, Queen Rhaenyra was forced to take decisions she did not necessarily like. Visenya imagined sitting on a throne with a crown on your head, and much worse being at war with your half brother over said throne was weighing on her mother ‘’I will do as you say mother. I just wished we had discussed this earlier. I think I should be the one to visit the Eyrie. Jace can go to Winterfell, he is friends with Lord Stark after all.’’

‘’My decision is final Visenya.’’ Her mother was not looking at her now.

Visenya’s mood soured when she finally understood the true reason behind her traveling North instead of Jace. ‘’There is no letter for me to deliver.’’

‘’No, there is not. You will offer your hand in marriage to Lord Cregan Stark.’’

She nodded, swallowing the bitterness she felt ‘’Tell me mother, is this how you felt when grandsire announced to you that you were to marry Ser Laenor? ‘’ her mother’s head turned abruptly to her ‘’Did you feel betrayed by your own blood? Did you feel alone in this world? Willing to obey for the good of the family, and miserable for being tossed around like a plaything at the same time?’’ she whispered her next words ‘’Because that is exactly how I feel right now.’’ And then bowing deeply, she left the room. The Queen’s voice calling her did not make her steps falter. No. Visenya would fly to Winterfell, marry the Stark Lord and obediently play her part in this war. And she would curse Aemond’s name every day for the rest of her life.

‘’Visenya wait… wait.’’ Baela’s loud voice made her stop and close her eyes. She really wanted to be alone right now ‘’Why did you leave like that sister?’’

‘’Why do you think?’’ she was difficult and she knew it ‘’I am sorry Baela, I just feel weird right now.’’

‘’Understandable.’’ Her sister said taking her hand in hers ‘’Come, let’s walk together.’’

They walked side by side until they reached the grand balcony that oversaw the sea. For many long minutes there was just silence. Visenya knew Baela was giving her time to digest the news and ready herself in order to speak ‘’I am to wed Lord Cregan Stark.’’ She said gulping the bile in her throat ‘’And while subconsciously knowing my fate since I was just a little girl, I naively had thought that when the time came my mother would allow me to take whoever I wished.’’ With the back of her hand, Visenya wiped her eyes ‘’Deep inside, I believed that when I went to her, Aemond holding my hand she would have allowed us to wed. That he….’’ And then she began gasping for air, her hands flying to her throat.

Baela turned Visenya to face her and began tracing soothing circles on her back ‘’It is okay Visenya. Let it all out. You are safe here.’’
But Visenya’s heart was pounding, her ears buzzing. She was feeling light headed and grasped the railing for support ‘’What is going on here?’’ came a frantic voice.

More hands were on her, steadying her, supporting her and Visenya recognized Jace’s scent ‘’Breath Visenya. Look at me.’’ He prompted her, guiding her head to his face ‘’Focus on my voice sister.’’

She did just that, trying desperately to let him guide her to a lighter place. ‘’I am scared.’’ She admitted her voice a whisper only for him to listen.

‘’I know my love, I know.’’ Jace said ‘’But you are going to be okay. Just keep breathing with me.’’

After many long moments, Visenya’s heart steadying and her breathing slowed down. Jace never left her side, and when she focused on his blue eyes he smiled tightly before embracing her. Baela soon joined them ‘’You are one of the strongest people I know Visenya. You will get through this. We will get through this.’’

With cautious and steady movements, Jace took a few steps with Visenya in his arms ‘’Are you feeling better?’’

Lifting her head to look into his eyes, Visenya was nodded ‘’All these emotions, all this time. I am sorry.’’ Her hands tried to dry her tear desperately, but Jace was there for her. With tenderness one would think impossible for such a young man, Jace wiped her tears while murmuring an old lullaby their mother used to sing to them. Baela stroked her hair allowing her warmth to seep through her like a balm.

‘’You have nothing to be sorry for sister.’’ She whispered.

They stayed like that for a long time, a tangle of limbs holding each other, comforting each other. It was not only Visenya that hid her emotions until the dam broke. Jace too was emotionally taut, the weight of being the heir to the Iron Throne, going to battle for his claim. It was not easy for him too. Visenya knew that Baela’s mind was troubled with thoughts of war as well. It was not easy for them.

When she opened her eyes the next morning she saw Jace on the bed next to her. He was sitting, his back to the feather bed’s headboard and he was looking at her. ‘’Did you sleep here?’’

Jace nodded ‘’I did not want to leave you alone after last night. I only left you long enough to escort Baela to her chambers and then I came back here.’’

‘’You didn’t have to brother. It was just an outburst, I am fine now.’’

He was silent for a few moments ‘’I do not know what happened that made you close off and led to this, but I want you to know that I am here for you. We all are. Luke worries too, he is afraid of this war Visenya. We have many things going on right now and each and every one of us feels different about them, but the only way to stay alive and sane is if we stick together.’’

Visenya took one of his hands in her palm and squeezed it before bringing it to her lips to kiss it. ‘’I promise you Jace, all will be well.’’ She saw him nod before bringing her to his warm embrace. They stayed like that for some time before getting up to prepare for their journeys. While Jace and Luke’s seemed easy, her own mission seemed insufferable to her. How could she mount her dragon and fly all the way to Winterfell in order to offer herself to a Lord she had never seen. Jace had previously reassured her that Cregan Stark is a good and honorable man, but to Visenya he was a stranger. Someone that would hold her hand as they exchanged sacred vows, cloak her and expect heirs from her womb. She would have to accept that the grey direwolf would be her sigil from now on. As Vermithor ascended to the skies marking the beginning of their long journey, Visenya felt like a gravestone had been placed upon her chest. And that gravestone had only one name written on it. Hers.

Chapter 16


Yet another chapter from Aemond's point of view.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Being with her could only compare to flying with Vhagar. The raw emotions she evoked in him unsettled Aemond and made him act irrationally. He prided in always being able to control his emotions and actions, so feeling so shaken every time they were together rattled him. Visenya was everything he never knew he wanted. After leaving King’s Landing he was trained to despise her, think of her as an arrogant self absorbed girl that posed a threat to his family. He wanted to prove how wrong she was to feel entitled; he wanted to shatter her confidence.

Aemond remembered her to be fragile and delicate. Her frame always draped in dresses, her long dark her braided in childish ways. The rosy hue flush that painted her cheeks every time someone paid attention to her, eyes sparkling with intelligence as they practiced their ancient language. The picture of innocence and fragility, a delicate flower in a world full of thorns. Seeing her again after so many years proved how right he was to cut all ties with her. How right his mother had been in burning her first letters and then insisting until he stopped trying to convince her to allow him to read and answer them. The delicate flower had easily morphed into a thorn, that he had understood the moment she had stepped foot at the Keep again.

It was easy at first, tricking her into believing he was enamored with her. Aemond found it was quite simple to delve into his grandsire’s plan. At first he thought his scheme was bound to fail, with Visenya acting as if he didn’t exist. As he carefully proceeded though, and she began trusting him more and more, it was child’s play. Behind the stone faced Princess, the arrogant looking young woman was an intelligent and hard working dragon. She was relentless, daring, driven and absolutely devoted to what she believed in. The way she bested him in combat, hell the way she wielded the legendary Dark Sister may had angered him beyond measure at that time, but later back in his chambers Aemond had taken himself at hand and cummed harder than ever at her display of power. Visenya was no longer the little girl that cowered and hesitated. This Visenya held nothing back, wielded a sword better than any man he knew and could hold her own against everything that was thrown at her. She was a menace and he was falling hard for her.

When his grandsire had discussed his wretched plan with him and demanded his participation, Aemond was thrilled at the opportunity he had been given to prove himself to his family. To be useful and help his mother and the Hand give his brother, a true Targaryen Prince, the Throne he deserved. He saw it as poetic justice as well for the eye he had lost at Driftmark due to her brother. It was perfect, really, to completely ruin her, ruin her reputation and her family’s claim to the Throne. Show everyone who they had bent the knee to. His whor* of a sister and her bastards were not fit to have any claim on his father’s Throne. To find a Princess, the only daughter of the heir naked in his bed, writhing in the throes of passion as he drove into her willing body would completely destroy her. It would be very easy from then on for his grandsire to continue the work.

Aemond would do his part, earn the satisfaction of knowing he was the one to ruin her and have the opportunity to take her in his bed in the meantime. Feel her soft skin, her plush lips on his, spend himself inside her, own her. He would sample the forbidden fruit he secretly craved all those years. It would be his absolute delight to see her tear stained face when she had finally understood his deception. Aemond imagined the exact moment her blue eyes would open wide and look at him, really look at him for who he really was. At first he drew pleasure from imagining this, his mind playing different scenarios with him always laughing at her. As the days passed though and he became closer to her, it became more and more difficult to imagine her hurt and broken, especially if he were the one to cause her torment. She would be betrayed by the man she trusted, the man she once used to know and be friends with. He felt sick the more he thought of it.

He had taken to the skies with her atop their dragons, showered her with attention, given her pleasure and he had seen the moment she fell in love with him, the moment her eyes began shining when she saw him. And now here he was, holding her close, feeling her heart beat against his. He had been so focused on this plan to ruin her that he hadn’t realized how much he would come to love her. So blinded Aemond was by his anger and hate, that he had missed out on the opportunity to experience the most powerful emotion in the world. Suddenly, his grandsire’s plan did not sit well with him. It sickened him to even think of her crying over his betrayal. He didn’t wish for a maid, paid by his grandsire, to see her naked in his bed and then taint her name. Visenya was his to hold and cherish and deserved none of this. But if he put an end to this plan, if he stopped trying to bring the Blacks down, what would that make him? A traitor to his family.

All Aemond wanted was to be useful to his people, a devoted soldier willing to die for the cause. So finding himself infatuated with the enemy was troubling for him. The mounting tension between Aemond’s genuine feelings for her and his commitment to his family led to a crisis of conscience. He began to question the Hand’s motives and morality of their actions. He wondered if his desire for power was overshadowing the wellbeing of the Targaryen dynasty. He was well aware that Aegon was incapable of ruling the Realm, the spoiled and entitled halfwit that the only thing he did best was drink wine until he passed out and sink his co*ck into whor*s. But he was his family. He was a true Targaryen and now he had two Targaryen Princes to give to the Throne.

Unaware of his internal turmoil, Visenya roused from her slumber and squirmed from her place in his chest. He tightened his arm around her middle, not ready to disentangle himself from her. ‘’You fell asleep.’’ He groaned, finally withdrawing his arm as she moved.

‘’You tired me out uncle.’’ Visenya’s voice was seductive and teasing, prompting him to start yet another round of lovemaking.

‘’That I did niece.’’ He said chuckling, but instead of ravishing her again as he had intended, he remembered something far more important and quickly got up walking to where his clothes were on the table. Aemond wasted only a few moments to look at the small vial before emptying its contents into a cup. Thoughts of a smiling Visenya, her hands protectively caressing her swollen abdomen invaded his mind, but he forced them away. Such thoughts would never come to life. Visenya would eventually find out the truth and she would want nothing to do with him. A babe would be the last thing in her mind. And while it should be the last thing on his mind too, for a tantalizing moment, all Aemond could think was his beautiful Princess with child, his child. Their babe would be without a doubt a great dragon rider and he found that he was willing to put aside Visenya’s lineage for such a future. But now was not the time, in fact the time for them would never come. So he took a deep breath and gripped the cup that he had filled with moon tea as he walked towards her. His grandsire was adamant she took it after every encounter they had. Aemond was certain he insisted in fear of her falling with his child. A bastard, just like her.


‘’What is this?’’ she inquired lifting the cup to her nose.

‘’Moon tea.’’ It was the only words he provided her with, not willing to dwell on the fact that he was battling with himself to rip it from her hands and toss it to the farthest corner of the room. Instead, he put the hard mask on his face trying to look stern. He watched as she downed the cup and proceeded to seduce him. She took him in her mouth and drove him higher and higher in ecstasy. All he could think was her. How her wet and velvety mouth enveloped his aching co*ck. The sounds she made, the way she hollowed her cheeks were driving him closer and closer to completion. She was inexperienced, he could tell, and it brought a fresh wave of possessiveness over him. Visenya had never touched another like that, never took anyone in her mouth, inside her body. And she never would, he promised that to himself. Aemond would not allow another man to touch what was his. All he had to do, was find a way for him to keep her and proceed with the Hand’s plan at the same time.

He didn’t even comprehend his own moves as he opened his eyes and found his hand grabbing her hair, pushing her to his groin. She was relentless, sucking him eagerly, taking him deeper and deeper ‘’I am close’’ he warned her, waiting for her to pull back and let him finish on his own. The thought of his seed landing on her face, painting her in his essence, marking her as his made him groan loudly and push her away before shooting jet after jet of his seed over her breasts. It was bliss from then on. Aemond had lost count on the times they f*cked. He could barely keep his hands to himself. He would drag her in alcoves and sink to his knees, feasting on her c*nt like it was the altar in the Great Sept. They would meet in secluded corners of the castle and he would barely give her time to greet him before he picked her up and ravished her on the wall. He was an animal in his pursuits, but he couldn’t f*cking hold back. Aemond was addicted to her, his grandsire’s plan long forgotten now, tossed in a far corner of his mind.

They were practically spending every day together, either riding their dragons or being indecent wherever he spotted her in the castle. He didn’t give a f*ck about who saw them, in his mind Visenya was already his and the more he thought of it the more he entertained the idea of them being together in the end. He was walking behind her in a dusty tunnel she had insisted he followed her to, not really looking around but rather admiring her body. Clad in a tight black dress, his Princess was like a ripe fruit to his eyes ready for him to grasp it and sink his teeth to it. She kept walking though and he was getting more irritated by the moment he was not allowed to touch her. ‘’Are you sure we are not lost?’’

Turning to him she graced him with a smile, her gleaming eyes making his heart race ‘’We are almost there uncle. Be patient and you will be rewarded.’’

‘’We could always go back to my rooms.’’ He suggested as he traced his hands to her body.

Rewarding him with a moan, Visenya pushed him when he kissed her ‘’Please uncle, do as I say.’’

Aemond’s mind close circuited the moment she called him uncle, the word declaring their kinship doing weird things to his body. How he wanted to push her to the stone wall, lift her dress and f*ck her hard and fast, bury his seed inside her womb. He would take her to his rooms then and f*ck her again and again. Coat her insides in his seed, cover her body in his marks, let every man see who she belonged to. That feral and possessive part of him awakened only with her, making him more sure as the weeks passed that he would not let her go.

He continued following her until Visenya turned and motioned for him to enter a new chamber. Aemond gasped in awe as he stepped inside the room, his eye wide with wonder. The chamber was a treasure trove of Valyrian ancestry. The stone walls were adorned with intricate, shimmering runes. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, sending shivers down his spine. He stepped closer to the nearest wall and traced a rune with his fingers. It was just as the scrolls had described. It was magnificent. ‘’How did you find this place?’’ he managed to ask, astonished by her achievement.

‘’I was exploring and stumbled upon it.’’ She said shrugging.

He turned to look at her bewildered ‘’I was searching for years and you just stumbled upon it?’’

‘’Yes uncle, I found this chamber by accident. Do you know what these are?’’ she asked pointing to the runes.

‘’Not exactly’’ he said carefully ‘’But I know they are from an ancient Targaryen ritual. I have read scrolls describing a ritual being performed by our ancestors in Old Valyria and I remember some of these runes and symbols were drawn in the pages.’’

She said something more to him, but it was lost to Aemond. All he could do was observe the ancient runes on the stone walls. After spending many years trying to find this very chamber and failing every single time, he was certain that the narratives he read on those scrolls were false. How did she manage to stumble upon it? The rune felt alive under his fingers and Aemond gasped. He thought back to the scroll that described the ancient bonding ritual the Targaryens used to perform when they wished to bond man and woman in eternity. The couple who wished to merge their souls until the end of time, joined in a sacred place with an unspoken promise. They stood before the ancient stone altar, its surface adorned with intricate runes and joined their bodies. If the Gods accepted their joining, the runes would illuminate thus indicating their eternal bonding. Aemond recalled the scrolls refer to a priest being present in the ritual, chanting the ritual’s invocation.

Visenya was talking to him again, yet his mind was miles away imagining them both naked as the day they were born and covered in runes. He would draw them all over her body, health, fertility, life and she would draw his, strength, wisdom, devotion. He would take her hand then and guide her to the altar, softly lower her over it before finding his place between her thighs and taking her, burying his seed so deep inside her even the Gods would not dare deny their eternal union.

‘’Hm…’’ he was too absorbed to reply.

The Princess did not talk to him again, and Aemond turned to look at her. Visenya had already unlaced her dress and was readying to take the blasted garment off. Hot, unbridled fire erupted inside him. The usual urge to claim her returned and Aemond practically ran to her, grasping her arm and pushing her back to the nearest wall. He was going to have her there, pushed to the very same runes their ancestors used to pledge their life to one another. For the time being it was the only thing he could offer her. Visenya may not know the true meaning of this sacred room yet, but Aemond would make sure their Gods blessed their union, bound them together for eternity.

He was sure he looked feral with the look of determination he had in his eye. He lifted her up and felt her legs instantly weaving around his waist. The air crackled around them but she seemed oblivious, it only served as a motivation to him though. To Aemond, the Gods already approved. A smile graced his face, his trembling hands reaching to unlace his breeches all too eager to free his aching co*ck. With one swift move he entered her willing body and began the most ancient dance. It was euphoria being inside her. Visenya seemed to always know how to bring him to his knees, how to make him pant over her and still want more. His thrusts were relentless and he knew that had he been like that with any other than her it would have been painful for them. But this was Visenya, his Princess, his other half taking his co*ck like she was born to do it, and Aemond knew she was born for him. They were two souls that had finally come together and today, right in this sacred room he would make sure they joined as they should.

He was close now, with the brutal pace he had set completely unable to go slower. Visenya was moaning and panting, grasping his biceps and biting his earlobe, a feral little Princess, and all his. Feeling a tingling to his spine, he lifted his head from her neck to look at the runes behind her. In his mind he tried recalling the priest’s words, repeating them We come here, under the watchful eye of the Gods to forge a bond between two souls, a connection that transcends time and space. It was all he could remember and he chanted it in his mind with great difficulty. Visenya was writhing in his tight embrace and he was so close to finishing, that remembering the exact words was almost impossible. But he managed and in the end he was rewarded by the Gods. Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy, hot and comforting, coursing through his body and watched as the runes illuminated. Willing to prolong their coupling, Aemond slowed his thrusts and kissed her tentatively, trying to tell her with this kiss all the things his mouth couldn’t utter.

For the first time since Driftmark, Aemond’s eye welled with tears. Raw emotions were coursing through him, wrecking havoc in his mind and body. He could feel it in his bones, this time was different. The way their bodies joined was different. No devious scheme mattered from now on. His grandsire had grand plans for the Blacks, but he would have to face Aemond’s wrath before hurting his Visenya. A different plan started forming in his mind, a deviation of the original one and he smiled to himself. He would still continue pursuing her, keep his grandsire believing he followed the plan, only in the end he would keep Visenya to himself. No one would be able to deny him once Rhaenyra’s claim was revoked and Aegon sat on the blasted Throne. He would demand to wed Visenya. Yes, he could make it work.

Hours later, after he had escorted Visenya to her chambers, he sat in the library searching through the selves for a certain scroll. He heard the door open but did not turn to see who had entered. The light footsteps echoing in the vast room gave him a good idea to who was searching for him. ‘’I knew I’d find you here.’’

Sighing, he abandoned his search and turned to face his mother. The Queen stood a few feet from the large doors, back straight and stance regal as always. Her hands were clasped tightly in front of her, her mouth a tight line, eyes hard. It had been days since Aemond had seen her, now choosing to spend most of his days with his niece. He found it easier to breath these days when he wasn’t in her domineering presence anymore. At first he thought it odd, but the more time he spent in the company of Visenya, the more he found himself feeling lighter. He could never believe before that breaking his fast with his mother and siblings would feel like a burden to his chest.

‘’Do you need me mother?’’ he inquired turning his full attention to her.

The Queen took a deep breath and exhaled ‘’I hardly see you these last few weeks my son.’’

‘’I am sorry mother. I have simply been very busy.’’

She took a step closer to him, her eyes piercing his soul ‘’I know I may not have always been a good mother to you, but you are precious to me. You are precious to our family Aemond.’’

‘’I know mother.’’ It was all he could say. The love and devotion he had for his family was unmovable. Aemond was always taciturn and preferred actions to words, and he believed that was cultivated by his family. Never in his life had his father sat down with him and his siblings to either talk or even include them in councils. It was always him and his siblings, and when they grew up each of them chose a different path. It was not like they communicated before though. Aegon was too absorbed in drinking as much as he managed before passing down and then left as fast as he could to find a maid to f*ck and Helaena was in her own world catching spiders and worms. His mother was never speaking much, always fretting about her first born, salvaging the mess he left behind.

Aegon, the drunkard that he was, spent his days in his feather bed with whor*s and his nights in the slumps of the Street of Silk watching white haired children fight to their deaths. All with the blessings of his mother that never put a leash on him, never really put a stop to his depravities. Aemond could still remember her bribing the maids and offering them moon tea in a desperate attempt to keep the name of her first son clean. Aegon was to be a King after all, and he had to be the perfect Prince in order to do so. The despise he felt for his older brother, urged Aemond to be better, to be the salvation of his family. Daeron could do nothing from Oldtown and with Aegon digging himself deeper and deeper each day in whor* puss* and wine, Aemond was all the Greens had left.

‘’Your grandsire insists you are well and I needn’t worry, but I am your mother Aemond. I gave you life, and it saddens me to watch you spend your time with those unworthy of your attention.’’

It was a hint to him spending more and more time with his Princess, but he was not going to give her room to lead the conversation there ‘’It would do you well to listen to the Hand mother.’’

He saw her nod ‘’He knows best of course, and always acts in the interests of our family, I know. But it feels different this time my son.’’ She was in front of him now, her soft hand caressing his marred cheek. Aemond leaned to the touch, always starved for his mother’s attention ‘’The task he has assigned to you… I don’t think I like it.’’

Aemond did not dare breathe as her hand traced the leather strap of his eye patch. He saw her frown as she abruptly pulled it from his face and proceeded to look at him with pity ‘’Look what they did to you my son. They scarred you forever. My once beautiful Prince now marred and forced to be with a bastard whor*.’’ Her tone once soft and velvety, now laced with malice ‘’My father tells me you are willing to do what must be done, but I understand if you want to stop. Who would want to taint themselves with the likes of her anyway?’’

A shiver ran down his spine, and Aemond fought the urge to pull from her touch ‘’I will do as my grandsire asked of me mother. There is no reason for you to worry.’’

‘’Is there not?’’ she inquired, both her hands coming to his face now, pulling him to her level ‘’Your sister talks with fondness of Princess Visenya and the amount of time you dedicate on her is alarming my boy. I would not like it if she uses the same spells she does on your sister to you too.’’

He wanted to scream, shout his frustration at the position he found himself in. While his grandsire was easy enough to fool, only reassuring him of his actions going according to their well constructed plan, his mother was more attuned to his emotions. Aemond blamed it on his brother, with Aegon constantly needing their mother to clean his mess it was easier for her to detect something going on in his behavior. Had Aemond been in a different situation he would have reveled in the way his mother looking after him. Now though, with the Hand’s breath on his neck and Visenya deeply etched in his heart, his mother’s attentions to him were not appreciated ‘’You have nothing to fear mother, truly. It should be Aegon the one on your mind right now, not me. After everything is done, he must be ready to do his part.’’

‘’And he will be.’’ She recoiled not really happy with her beloved son’s name being in question.

The Queen placed his eye patch back to his face, taking great care to touch him as little as possible ‘’I am sorry if I upset you my son. You know how much I worry for us all. The era of taint Rhaenyra has condemned us will soon end with your precious help and everything will be as it should. I am sure your brother will reward you for the things you are forced to do once he takes what is rightfully his.’’

The moment the heavy doors closed, Aemond released the breath he had been holding. The pressure he had been feeling on his shoulders just added now with his mother taking notice of feelings were new even to himself. He felt the noose closing around his throat and the new emotions Visenya evoked in him hitting him all the while. From his point of view, his sister had to be thrown out of the race of succession in favor of his brother. And while to his grandsire Visenya was the key to this, Aemond now only saw two options. Either he would continue with this plan to humiliate her and in the end force her to stay in the Keep and demand of his brother as soon as he was declared King to wed her, or he would deflect to the Blacks and beg his step sister to give him Visenya to wed. You could call Aemond all the vile things and he would deserve them, but traitor was not something he was willing to be called.

It was with these thoughts on his mind, now back to his rooms and submerged in scalding hot water that Visenya found him hours later. The soft hand that caressed the side of his face from behind brought him back to the cruel reality as he swiftly turned and grasped her ‘’ ’Lyks Aemond’’ she whispered as her hand fell to his scarred cheek.

It was easy to lean on her touch, his eyes closed and let the serenity of this to lull him to a better place. But as soon as the tip of her finger traced the scar near his lost eye, Aemond tensed and made to get up, frantic to put the eye patch on. It took him years to be self conscious about his missing eye, and it had never really bothered him as much as it did now. Thoughts of Visenya with her bright blue eyes and infectious smile invaded his mind and brought shame with them. How would she react if she saw him like this? His moves were halted by her soft touch, and Visenya gently guided him back into the tub. Never faltering, she positioned herself behind him and proceeded to stroke his long hair all the while murmuring a Valyrian lullaby unknown to him.

Her moves became more and more daring as he felt her hands roam to his chest and then sink underwater as he spread his legs wider for her to touch him more. Aemond gasped when her lips found the scorching skin of his neck and took her straying hands to his, guiding them lower and lower until she grasped his co*ck and began pumping slowly. He had never been a patient man, and he certainly would not start now, so soon enough Aemond brought her into the tub with him and connected their lips in a hungry kiss.

‘’Take me uncle.’’ She whispered once their mouths parted for air and he could not but comply, all too eager to feel her c*nt around his aching member. They moaned in unison as he positioned her hole over his co*ck and pulled her to him, impaling her to his flesh. He watched with renewed confidence as she observed his sapphire and then after a moment whisper to him ‘’Issa gevie.’’

He could not reply, his raging emotions at her words choking him. Instead, he chose to show her the magnitude of his feelings, the passion he harbored for her. He was ravenous as he took her hard, the water splashing around them and outside of the tub, but he didn’t care. He watched as she lolled her head to the side, deep in the throes of passion and he would be satisfied with the sight she made had he not seen the marking he had given her covered ‘’Why did you cover them?’’ he asked irritated as his fingers traced the now covered marks.

‘’Do you seriously want to have this conversation now?’’ her voice was out of this world, a mix of lust and exasperation.

Dead set on punishing her for obscuring something he had given her, Aemond brought his hand to her neck and squeezed while he once again set a torturing rhythm to his thrusts ‘’Why Visenya?’’

‘’Don’t stop.’’ She pleaded breathlessly.

‘’I will stop if you do not answer me sweet niece.’’ Though he was not sure he would follow his threat. He would not be able to part from her pulsing puss* even if it was a life or death situation.

‘’People would notice.’’ She groaned.

‘’Let them.’’ He rasped reaching deeper inside her ‘’ ’You are mine Visenya. Let them all know.’’

He watched as she reached her climax and soon he erupted inside her, filling her with his hot seed. They did not speak as he lifted her from the tub and brought her to his feather bed. They silently put their clothes back on and Aemond patiently waited for her to say whatever she came here to tell him. He knew her after all this time, she had come to announce something ‘’ ’We are leaving tomorrow.’’ She finally said.

‘’I thought the King requested you to stay longer.’’

‘’He did, but apparently mother or Daemon persuaded him to let us go back. I don’t know what happened uncle, they just told me.’’

He had thought that it would come to this. Either his step sister or her deranged husband would beg the King to allow them to leave King’s Landing, but after time had passed that scenario had left his mind. ‘’Go and tell my sister that you will stay longer then.’’

Parting from her was not something he was willing to do. Visenya could not leave him, she was his now. A part of him and he wanted her to stay. The only beautiful thing in his life was finally here with him and they wanted to take it all away. Aemond would never allow it to happen.

‘’But I don’t want to stay here Aemond. Dragonstone is my home. Our home if you want.’’ She smiled at him, waiting for him to do the unthinkable. Betray his family and fly away with her and her wretched family. How could she even think something like that? Aemond leaving the Keep and following them all to Dragonstone to live among the whor* of his sister and her bastards? No, he had no place there and if Visenya couldn’t see it he would make her do so.

‘’You want me to come with you?’’

‘’Yes uncle. Mother would like that, I know. We would be free to do as we wish there.’’

He huffed at her words, trying to imagine a world where they all existed together in that blasted island. Him and Visenya flying together, sharing a room, f*cking to their heart’s content, being together. Prince Daemon lurking in the shadows expecting one wrong move to put Dark Sister to good use, her bastard brothers mocking at him at every chance they got and his dear sister Princess Rhaenyra looking at him warily as the man who had defiled her daughter. All of them expecting him to betray his true family when the time came ‘’Daemon would skin me alive if he saw me touching you Visenya. Your twin would grasp every opportunity to fight with me and don’t get me started with Lucerys…’’ he growled out loud.

‘’They would respect my decision Aemond. They are your family too.’’ She said, her eyes pleading him.

‘’They are not my family.’’ He exploded then, his fury choking him now ready to overtake him ‘’ ’Why don’t you stay here Visenya? This is your place too.’’

The wheels on his mind were turning to a different direction as the words got out of his mouth. His beautiful Princess clad in a rich green dress, her delicate figure tall and poised as she waited for him to take her hand and lead her to the Great Hall where his family was expecting them. His mother and grandsire would sure see the benefit of her prolonged stay and in time accept her as his wife.

‘’It is not the same and you know it.’’ She said demolishing in a single sentence his daydream.

‘’How so? Your grandsire is here, your beloved father is here alive and well, I am here. Aren’t we enough for you? Am I not enough for you Visenya?’’ He screamed at her, letting his fury rule his mouth. Had he been in his right mind, Aemond would never utter such words. Admitting that Ser Strong was her real father was a blow he hadn’t meant to deliver, certainly not to her. While he had accepted her poor lineage and her bastard blood, he was willing to forget about it all had she given her heart to him. And he had believed she had been truly his, that she wanted to stay by his side, until she had proposed that ridiculous idea.

He saw her shake her head before leaving his chambers, before leaving him. Aemond took a few angry steps to follow her, but thought better. It would not end up well for the both of them if he went after her right now. He would let her fly back to Dragonstone and then approach her. The distance would make her miss him, make her more amenable to him, and maybe then she would agree to come back to him. Though as the days passed, all Aemond could think was her. How he missed her smile, her eyes staring to his soul, the way she caressed his hair and whispered his name while he was balls deep inside her. He lost count to the times he took himself in hand, finishing with her name on his lips and when he couldn’t take the longing any more he wrote to her, urging her to meet him.

Desperation flooded his veins when he first saw Vermithor that day, and he did not spare a moment before taking her in his arms. Joining their bodies in an animalistic way felt like heaven and her sweet scent made him promise things he couldn’t fulfill, all in favor of keeping her. What had began as a scheme of his grandsire, as a way to end the Black’s claim to the Throne turned to Aemond being completely and irrevocably in love with his niece. It pained him deeply to lie to her, it tore his psyche to pieces, but he had no choice. Later, back in his chambers at the Keep, Aemond laid exhausted in his featherbed. His body was sated and his mind reeled from their earlier coupling, but his heart raced at the webs that he had helped be weaved around her. It was not fair for either of them, he thought, being trapped in this world of lies and deception.

Days later, as he strapped the scabbard to his waist, the doors to his rooms opened to reveal his grandsire. Aemond tensed immediately as the Hand’s cold eyes fell on him. Stranding tall and intimidating, the Prince forced the cold mask to his face ‘’Is it something you need grandsire?’’

He watched as the man silently assessed him from head to toe. It was awkward to say the least, this habit of the old man to observe those he thought less of him ‘’I gave you a few days to do something, but it turns out you are as incompetent as I thought you would be.’’

Aemond grit his teeth but held his mask on. It would do no one good if he broke his composure now and did something stupid like forcing the Hand to choke on his words. He had to be smart, and for once in his life think before acting. Exposing himself to his grandsire would only result in him suspecting him and utterly excluding him from any information about his plan for Visenya. No, he needed to play the part he had been given and make him believe he was still a willing participant ‘’What do you mean?’’ playing the fool would get him nowhere, but it certainly bought him enough time.

Otto Hightower growled at him then and went as much as to grab a handful of Aemond’s shirt in his fist. The proximity of the two men only made their differences more profound. One old and wrinkled, while the other stood tall and virile right at the beginning of his life. Despite that, the Hand did not seem to notice and stood in front of Aemond in a threatening stance ‘’What I mean Aemond is that I believed in your mother’s words that with your history it would be easy to fool that bastard. Contrary though, you have proved to be yet another disappointment, just like your brother.’’

It would be so easy, Aemond thought, to wrap his hands around the man’s neck and squeeze, deprive the old fool of air and watch as his face turned red until he drew his last breath. Hearing him speak so lowly of him, spat his name and curse the day he trusted him with something so important broke something inside him. The family he held close to his heart all these years seemed to fail him again and again these past weeks. Aemond grit his teeth before replying ‘’I have done as you said…’’

‘’You failed your family Aemond. You failed me.’’

‘’Nothing is over grandsire. I have her exactly where I want her. Just give me some time and…’’

‘’We do not have time boy. The King is in his deathbed, Princess Rhaenyra is still his heir living happily and thriving in Dragonstone with her wretched family and you spend your days between her daughter’s legs f*cking her like the two of you are a couple. You are a disgrace to your name.’’ Aemond tightened his fists at his sides at his grandsire’s words. No one was allowed to talk like that about his Visenya. No one. Yet he put reason first, the Hand had to believe that he was still a pawn at his game.

‘’It is not my fault they left King’s Landing.’’ He said irritated.

‘’No, but it is your fault Princess Visenya did not stay behind.’’

‘’What would you have me do grandsire? Force her to stay here when her family flew back to that f*cking island? Tie her to my bed?’’ he said exasperated. The demanding tone of the older man was starting to irritate Aemond further and he found it hard to control his already raging emotions.

‘’If need be yes. We only needed a few more weeks and then everything would have gone as planned. That entitled bastard would be forever painted as the Realm’s whor* and her mother’s reputation and honor would be ruined. They forgave her for bringing to life four bastard children, but there will be no way back from this. No noble lord of the Kingdom would follow such a ruler. Along with our other actions, this would help us greatly in Aegon’s ascend to the Iron Throne.’’

‘’I tried. I still try. Do you think it is easy for me to lay with her? Play the love struck fool in order to get her to open her legs to me? I feel disgusted every f*cking time.’’ It was the vilest thing he had forced himself to say, and he cursed himself for having to utter such lies. Being with her, breathing the same air with her was the single most precious thing in his life. Aemond was disgusted beyond measure with himself right now, but the Hand had to be reassured. He told himself that later, when he was inside Visenya’s writhing body he would worship her in order to atone for this sin.

‘’All you had to do was keep her in your bed long enough for a maid I would have paid for that reason to enter your chambers unannounced and catch you two together being indecent. I had it all been planned Aemond, every f*cking detail and you ruined it.’’ He spat before pushing Aemond away from him in a disgusted gesture.

‘’Do you want her to suspect I am lying? Do you want her to see the truth and expose us? Because that is what is going to happen. She is not stupid you know.’’ His resolve was waning, the exhaustion of their conversation wearing him down.

‘’She is f*cking besotted with you, you fool.’’ He spat ‘’It is nauseating the way she looks at you.’’

His right hand moved instantly to his sword, amazed at himself for being ready to spill his family’s blood for her. ‘’I said I have her where I want her to be. Give me some time and I will do as we agreed.’’

The Hand shook his head ‘’Have your time Aemond, do as you wish, but know that the time we have is limited.’’ And with that he left his chambers not even bothering to close the doors.

The weeks that followed resembled those after Driftmark to Aemond. The only difference was that the pain he felt now was not physical. Visenya was no longer answering his ravens, all his attempts to contact her and plan a meeting with her were fruitless. He had lost count on the times he rode Vhagar to Dragonstone, being careful not to approach close enough to alert the Blacks. It didn’t matter what he did, Visenya was not answering his pleas. When he decided he could no longer take her absence from his life, and prepared to fly to her, his brother came to his rooms and announced their father’s death. Aemond could not find it in his heart to mourn the dead King, all his thoughts were on her.

How would these news affect her, how would they affect them all now. It seemed that their time was limited and he had to act before his grandsire put any of his plans to motion. During these months, the Hand had excluded him from the councils and his scheming, spending more and more time with the Lannister c*nt and the Clubfoot. All he did was watch as his crying brother was dragged from the floor of his chambers by Ser Criston Cole, his pleas for help falling on deaf ears. Aemond did not care for Aegon’s desperate attempts at fleeing the responsibility of the crown. All he cared for was Visenya. He had to see her, he had to make sure she was safe. And once he had the opportunity to flee King’s Landing he would go find her. And this time he would stay by her side if she would have him.

It didn’t take long for the opportunity to come. Just a few days after his brother’s coronation, his grandsire summoned him to assign him a mission. Aemond was to ride Vhagar to Storm’s End and negotiate a betrothal between his brother Daeron and a daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon. A match to secure the Baratheon army to the Green’s side. It was easy, he thought, to fly there pretend he cared enough in order not to arise suspicion and then fly to Dragonstone and beg Visenya to be with him.

What he didn’t think of though, was that his sister would too send envoys on her name to negotiate allies. And while Aemond had no intention to kill Lucerys that day, he would do just that. It didn’t matter how many times he yelled at his dragon to stop pursuing Lucerys’ dragon. All the old dragon seemed to do was snap her jaws at the youngling until she finally managed to catch him. Aemond would never forget the terrified look on his nephew’s eyes as Vhagar cut his young dragon in two and condemned him to death. His throat was raw as he yelled at her, at Lucerys and at the Gods for the cruel fate that they had planned for them. The storm was raging around them mirroring perfectly the way Prince Aemond felt at the moment. Cold, raging and dead inside. There would be no way back from this.


Lyks Aemond : Peace Aemond

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

Vermithor was flying for hours now under the vast, star studded sky, diminishing the long distance between Dragonstone and Winterfell quickly. They had begun their long journey during the day, and they had already crossed half the Realm while traveling. The colossal beast, its scales shimmering like beaten gold in the moonlight, did not hold back his strength and carried the young Princess towards her fateful destination, his wings beating powerfully in the night sky. It would be a few more hours until they reached the ancient seat of House Stark, but Visenya did not want to stop and rest. She feared if they stopped now, even for a few hours rest, she would listen to her tired mind’s protests and head back home. But they could not afford that. Her mother needed the Stark’s support, needed him to bend the knee just like his father had done, and offer his army to her. Even if that meant Visenya would have to sacrifice herself for the cause. She didn’t have anything to lose after all, she thought for the hundredth time since taking off. Aemond had betrayed her in the most possible way, their babe was gone and her mother needed the Warden of the North’s allegiance. Plus, Jace had promised that Lord Cregan Stark was a good and honorable man. All Visenya would have to do was let him cloak her with his sigil and then open her thighs for him to plant his seed in her womb until it took.

She took a deep breath at the turn her thoughts had taken and sighed. How was she going to allow another inside her body after she had been with her uncle? How was she supposed to let him touch her, kiss her and ultimately receive his seed and carry his babe? Tears welled in her eyes and for the first time she let them fall. She tried imagining herself chasing a laughing toddler inside a cold castle, his gurgling voice guiding her to him as he ran in the long corridors. Visenya was laughing too at her son’s childish games as she chased him, willing to have him in her arms. But when she finally caught him, his hair was almost white as she carded her fingers through them. Then the boy turned to look at her, his violet eyes shining with mischief. Her eyes opened at the vision of the son she would never take in her hands. The image her mind conjured every time she thought of her future children always taking this form. It was pure torture for Visenya, especially now as she flew to a strange man’s castle to offer herself to him.

It wasn’t until hours later that see saw Winterfell, the formidable fortress of ancient stone, loomed ominously in the distance, its silhouette etched against the backdrop of the rising sun. Visenya, her heart filled with a mix of apprehension and determination, guided Vermithor towards the castle, his fiery breath illuminating the icy landscape below. As they approached the towering gatehouse, a massive portcullis, fashioned from thick iron bars, slowly creaked open, revealing a courtyard teeming with guards bearing the Stark sigil. Visenya directed her dragon over the giant walls, his imposing form casting a long shadow over the courtyard. A hush fell over the guards as they watched the magnificent creature land with a graceful thud.

Visenya dismounted with the poise of a seasoned warrior, a gust of icy wind swept through the courtyard then tousling her hair and sending a shiver down her spine. She was clad in a fur lined cloak, its deep crimson color a cacophony against the backdrop of the snow covered castle. Her blue eyes scanned the courtyard, taking in the towering walls and the guards standing vigilant in their grey cloaks. A sense of anticipation hung in the cold air, the weight of her arrival and the tension that came with her in the air. She took a few determined steps towards the line of people that awaited her in front of the huge castle’s entrance. Her thick cloak was billowing behind her like a crimson banner. The guards that were brave enough to approach them eyed her with curiosity and a hint of apprehension, those that cowered at the sight of her dragon stayed behind. As she walked, her head held high, Visenya had in mind that she was no meek Princess, but a descendant of strong dragon lords, a dragon rider herself and her presence commanded respect even in this formidable stronghold of the North.

It was impossible not to notice him. Lord Cregan Stark was a man of imposing stature, his body honed by years of riding and fighting the creatures beyond the Wall, but his face was almost soft. Everything in him exuded an aura of authority and power. He was clad in a black fur cloak, its thick pelt contrasting with his piercing grey eyes. She halted her steps in front of him and found herself standing straight, trying to look as imposing as he. At first he regarded her with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Visenya found herself doing the same thing, silently accessing whether this man was worth her sacrifice or not. Mere moments later, his stony expression faltered and he smiled at her ‘’Welcome to Winterfell Princess Visenya.’’ His deep voice echoing through the courtyard ‘’I trust your journey was a pleasant one.’’

Visenya lowered her head in acknowledgement and then lifter her eyes to stare at him ‘’Lord Stark’’ she replied, her voice firm ‘’I am honored to be here.’’

Next to him stood a young woman, her grey eyes lowering the moment Visenya turned to her. She felt Lord Stark take a step forward and turn to her ‘’Princess Visenya may I introduce you my sister Sara Snow.’’ A bastard then, she thought. Looking at the elegant woman under another prism now, Visenya noted she was wearing the clothes a noble woman would wear and the fact that she was standing next to her Lord brother spoke volumes of the way the bastards were treated in this part of the Realm. The Warden of the North had introduced her formally as his sister, not hiding her in the castle or bringing her in a difficult position by putting her with the servants.

She smiled warmly at the woman in front of her ‘’It is a pleasure to meet you.’’ She said kindly. Maybe they could become close once Visenya settled here, the void of Baela never to be filled but still Sara could be her confidant. The woman smiled back hesitantly at Visenya and curtsied ‘’It is a pleasure to have you in Winterfell my Princess.’’

Next to her, Visenya saw the small figure of a child. Sara was grasping his tiny hand tightly ‘’And this little rascal is my son, Rickon.’’ The boy was barely four years of age, his bright grey eyes identical to his father’s. He pulled out of his aunt’s grasp and approached her daringly, holding out a small hand. Visenya smiled widely and did not hesitate to shake his hand.

‘’Is that your dragon?’’ he asked pointing at Vermithor with wide eyes.

Visenya bit her lip to stifle a laugh ‘’Indeed, he is. His name is Vermithor.’’
Rickon made a sound with his mouth that left her unable to hold her laughter any longer. Soon Lord Stark mimicked her, but Sara nervously grasped her nephew back to her secure hands ‘’Be careful Rickon, remember what we talked about going close to the beast.’’

‘’I assure you my Lady, Vermithor will not touch anyone if I do not command him to do so. Unless of course he feels I am threatened.’’

Lord Stark took another step in her direction effectively entering her personal space in a way only Aemond had ever done ‘’No one would dare even think of threatening you here my Princess. You have my word.’’ His voice was steady and calm, reassuring her and calming her nerves.

Before Visenya had the chance to reply, Rickon moved forward again and pulled at her cloak ‘’Will you let me ride him?’’ his bright eyes shone with wonder and Visenya could not find it in her heart to deny this gentle soul a thing. Would it feel like that had she given birth to her child? It didn’t matter now, she thought, though her heart continued bleeding.

‘’You would have to ask your father first young man.’’ She said smiling. Maybe she could be the boy’s mother after all. How bad could it be to be his mother when he looked at her with eyes full of trust and wonder? She had been in this cold castle less than an hour and the boy was already smitten by her and Vermithor.

‘’Why don’t we first let the Princess rest Rickon and then we will discuss this again.’’ Cregan motioned for his son to follow them as he extended his arm for Visenya to take and lead them inside.

‘’Let me take him inside my Lord.’’ Came Sara’s tense voice. She was anxious about something, thought Visenya. She understood that a foreigner, a Princess of the Realm in such times were a civil war was about to begin, and her dragon pushed some people to their limits, and clearly Sara was not comfortable with Visenya’s presence.

Lord Stark did not grace his sister with an answer, instead smiled at Visenya as she laced her hand with his, little Rickon grasping her other hand and together they entered the Great Hall of the castle. She felt the watchful eye of Sara follow her inside and made a mental note to try and ease the woman’s worries. They were to live together after all if the Warden of the North accepted her proposal.

‘’I hope you enjoy your stay at Winterfell Princess Visenya’’ came Cregan’s loud voice from next to her, warm and welcoming ‘’We are humble people, but we will do our best to make you feel at home.’’

‘’I appreciate it my Lord. Thank you for your hospitality. If you would be kind enough to spare a few sheep for my dragon I would be indebted to you. It was a long journey to Winterfell and Vermithor is exhausted.’’

‘’Is it true you bond with your dragons?’’

His question took her by surprise. Never had any other asked such a question to her. Most of them would cower in front of Vermithor and never want to learn a thing about the giant beast ‘’It is my Lord. The dragons choose us and if they deem us compatible to them we bond. I can feel Vermithor’s emotions and he can feel mine. We are one.’’

‘’Fascinating.’’ Was all he said, and Visenya could see he meant the word, it was not just to make her like him ‘’I will tell the servants to bring a dozen sheep to your magnificent beast.’’

‘’Thank you my Lord.’’

‘’Cregan.’’ He said as they reached the table and he pulled the chair next to him for her to sit.

‘’I am sorry, what?’’ she asked as she took a seat.

‘’I want you to call me Cregan. I think we are past the formalities. I know the way of the court, but I will have you know that here when we host a friend we leave the formalities outside the door.’’

‘’Am I your friend already Cregan?’’ she dared, fascinated by the man beside her.

The robust man smiled at her words and took his time before answering her, filling her plate. The intimate gesture did not escape her notice, though now was not the time to analyze all the details ‘’You are the dear sister of my good friend Jace. You traveled day and night on dragon back to come here and grace us with your beautiful presence. Of course you are my friend.’’

‘’You honor me with your kind words Cregan.’’ It was the only answer she could give him right now with the impatient gaze of his son and his sister’s distrustful eyes on her. She suddenly felt overwhelmed. So far away from home, parted from her family and with a mission that would cost her her freedom. The man laughing beside her was kind and welcoming to her, maybe too welcoming for her likeness. But Visenya was tired and mentally exhausted to care.

Cregan stood then, addressing his court ‘’We gather here today in this table to welcome Princess Visenya Velaryon to Winterfell.’’ And turning to look at her ‘’It is my great hope that she enjoys our hospitality and decides to stay for long.’’

The Lords and Ladies of Winterfell raised their cups and wished her a pleasant stay. The merry atmosphere continued for hours, until Visenya could barely keep her eyes open. Sara had long before taken young Rickon to his chambers, the boy crying in her arms not willing to part from the beautiful Princess, as he had called her. It was only with her and his father’s promise that she would take him for a ride with Vermithor that the boy kissed her goodnight and let his aunt lead him to his rooms.

‘’Allow me to escort you to your chambers Princess.’’ Cregan’s voice still held the warm tone and betrayed nothing.

Visenya nodded and took the hand he offered her. They walked in a comfortable silence as they paced in the intricate corridors of the huge castle. She tried memorizing the way to her chambers for later use but to no avail. The cold was something she had never had to endure before and Visenya began shivering. Cregan must had caught her body trembling and stopped in front of an alcove, his hand fast to unclasp his thick cloak and drape it over her shoulders. It was yet another intimate gesture and Visenya gasped taking a step back.

Unbothered by her flinching from him, Cregan motioned for her to look outside to the full moon ‘’My father, late Rickon Stark, did not ask me when he brought here Arra Norrey with the intention of making her my betrothed. He did not leave me the choice to choose my bride, my other half, the mother of my children.’’

Visenya felt her heart constrict at his words. Looking at his face she found sorrow and pain. His grey eyes were hooded, but he kept talking ‘’I did not dare deny him and disrespect his will. I did as he ordered and took Arra to wife. Not long after she fell with child and moons later she died in the birthing bed, leaving Rickon behind. Sara took it as her unspoken duty to raise him as her own son, soothing him when he had night terrors and kiss his wounds when he fell.’’ He returned her gaze then ‘’But she is not his mother. She never will be. And she is not the Lady of Winterfell.’’

No words came out of Visenya’s mouth. And what could she say to him? She found they had more things in common, their families having sold them for their own gain, never asking them, never taking their feelings under consideration. He had come very close to having his own family, but in the end fate had deprived him of his wife. Visenya could not but feel for him, for she herself had lost someone she thought she could have a life with.

‘’I know why you came here Visenya.’’

‘’Jace wrote to you?’’

‘’He did not. But I can understand the reason of you being here.’’ It was as if he was challenging her to say it out loud.

Visenya was never one to mince her words, and she had come here for a specific reason ‘’My mother ordered me to come here and offer my hand in marriage to you if you reaffirmed your loyalty to her.’’

She saw him nod ‘’And what do you want Visenya?’’

The huff left her mouth before she could contain it ‘’It doesn’t matter what I want.’’

‘’It does to me.’’ He said softly taking her hand in his ‘’I cannot say I harbor romantic feelings for you Visenya, but I can see us getting there. You are a fine Princess, a good soul, a fearless dragon rider and a very alluring woman. You will make a perfect Lady of Winterfell and if you want it, a great mother to Rickon and to every child you are willing to give me.’’

His straight forwardness was something Visenya admired and respected. While it was difficult to see herself as Lady of Winterfell, she knew there was no other way. She knew that she had to do this for her family. Maybe Cregan’s personality would help in feeling welcome here, but she felt she could not lie to him. ‘’I want for my mother to sit on the Iron Throne as is her right. ‘’ She watched for his reaction to her words, but he did not even flinch ‘’If you promise to pledge your support to my mother, I will in turn pledge my life to you. I will wed you and stand by your side as Lady of Winterfell.’’

Cregan graced her with a small smile, his gentle eyes dancing on her face. Ever so slowly, he lifted her hand and brought it to his lips, the chaste kiss he gave it a promise ‘’House Stark is an honorable House Princess, and one that always remembers a promise. When Queen Rhaenyra was named heir, my father pledged fealty to her. I am more than willing to do the same.’’

‘’My mother will be pleased to hear this Cregan.’’

‘’Are you though? Knowing that you will have to move here, wed me, lay with me and bear me children, are you pleased with all these Princess?’’

She didn’t allow herself time to ponder on her answer, she didn’t have the luxury of doubting ‘’I will be. In time, I promise you Cregan I will be pleased. Know that I will never do something to disrespect you or your noble House. I will strive to be a good Lady of Winterfell.’’ And she would, she did not lie to him. If the Warden of the North was willing to march to battle for her mother, Visenya would not dishonor him.

‘’You will be, I am certain of it.’’ They began walking again, and when he stopped in front of her chambers, Cregan kissed her hand yet again ‘’I wish you a good night Princess. May your dreams be good.’’

Visenya nodded at the man and turned to open the doors before taking a deep breath and averting her gaze to him again ‘’Visenya.’’
She saw him furrow his brows ‘’What?’’

‘’I want you to call me by my name. We will be husband and wife after all.’’ Was all she said before smiling tightly at him and then softly closed the door. The last thing she saw, was the bulky man smirking at her.

Closing her eyes tightly, Visenya let herself fall to the floor, her back sliding at the doors. The weight of the day settled heavily upon her. She was tired beyond measure, eager to fall to her featherbed and close her eyes, but for some reason her legs were not willing to obey her. Instead, Visenya opened her eyes to observe the room she had been given. Its walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of the Stark family’s history, their victories and defeats woven into the fabric of the castle itself. Among these tapestries, one stood out, a depiction of a direwolf across the frozen plains of the North. Visenya observed that more direwolves were in every tapestry, rendered with lifelike detail, their fur almost gleaming under the glow of the hearth fire.

More direwolves adorned the room. The bed’s frame carved from dark, polished oak, intricate carvings of the Stark emblem, their sigil all over it. The fearsome creatures with the piercing eyes seemed to leap from the wood, their presence filling the chamber with an aura of strength and nobility. The cackling fire called for Visenya’s attention, as she continued with her observation. The hearth, a large open fireplace set into one wall, crackled with welcoming fire, its flames casting dancing shadows across the room. The warmth of the fire, combined with the soft glow of the tapestries, created an intimate atmosphere, a place of comfort for Visenya. This unexpected feeling pleasing her.

She sighed as she stood and walked to the featherbed. Absent mindedly, Visenya wondered if Lord Stark chose this room for her on purpose. The room was heavy on symbols of the Stark legacy and she thought that maybe Cregan’s purpose was to make her feel surrounded by him. It was overwhelming to her though. Visenya missed the smell of the sea that surrounded Dragonstone. She missed the heat the volcanic island provided, and the roars of the dragons hosted there. When she married him, she would have to get used to the cold and desolation of this place. Snow covering everything and the tapestries all around her depicting direwolves, the only remembrance of her blood would be Vermithor.

Her hands had already begun unlacing her leathers when a firm knock was heard. Visenya paused immediately and turned to the doors ‘’Who is it?’’

‘’It is me my Princess, Sara. May I come in?’’ the woman’s voice was tight and wary and reminded Visenya to be more cautious around her.

‘’You may.’’

Visenya watched as the young woman entered the chambers, her head hanging low, her hands at her sides in tight fists ‘’I came to help you undress my Princess.’’
‘’There is no need Sara, but thank you for the thought. I understand today had been tiring for you too, you can retire.’’

Sara took a shaky breath and lifted her head to look at Visenya’s eyes, her gaze never faltering ‘’If your journey here was tiring to you, why did you come?’’

Visenya’s eyes widened at the young woman’s hostility. Maybe she had underestimated Sara when thinking they could be confidants, even friends. She seemed like she didn’t want her in the castle, close to her family. And thinking back to their introduction, Visenya could remember her trying to keep Rickon away from her ‘’Is there a problem with my presence at Winterfell Sara?’’ she felt her hackles rise at the woman’s tone and pose. Despite Cregan recognizing her as his sister openly, Sara remained a bastard and Visenya would never allow someone below her talk to her like that. She was a Princess after all.

Sara coughed awkwardly and leaned on her other foot ‘’I noticed your discomfort as soon as you landed with that beast of yours and then at the feast held in your honor you barely said a word.’’ Steeling her glare on her ‘’You do not want to be here.’’

While she spoke the truth and had expertly read her, the Princess felt her eyes close in slits before answering ‘’My feelings and wishes are no concern of yours Sara.’’ Then starting to walk closer to the woman ‘’It would do you well to remember that I am a Princess of the Realm and not your equal.’’ And there it was, she thought, all thoughts of being cordial to her betrothed’s sister evaporated just like that.

‘’Winterfell is quite far from King’s Landing Princess, though words of a civil war amongst the Targaryens have reached us.’’

Visenya allowed herself a few moments to assess the woman in front of her under a new prism. Her dull brown hair were braided conservatively behind her head into an updo, her grey eyes identical to her brother’s shone with anger and her clothes were plain, just like her. All and all, Sara Snow was a girl of barely nine and ten years that held an aversion to Visenya for reasons the Princess could only assume. So Visenya did what Daemon had taught her to do in order to get a better grip at her opponent, she gave her more time to open her cards as she waited and observed ‘’You do not want to be here’’ the young woman repeated ‘’You came here only for your family’s interest.’’ Visenya remained silent while Sara spat her last words, her chest heaving ‘’You came here to wed my brother and become Lady of Winterfell while he marches to a battle that is not his.’’

‘’Are you quite finished?’’

Visenya saw Sara nod before fixing her with an icy glare that could match the snow outside ‘’Good. Because now it is my time to speak, and if you dare interrupt me Gods be good, I will feed you to Vermithor.’’ She saw her face drain from color and then smiled at her ‘’I understand that you love your family Sara, believe me I do, and I admire your devotion to your House. I myself, as you so bluntly said, have come here in hopes to aid mine. Yes, I will marry your brother because my mother needs his support, but I will not sit here and play the role of the Lady of Winterfell as he marches to battle. I will be with him in every battle he fights, in every corner of this Realm he takes his formidable army and I will fight along his soldiers for the same cause. Because Sara, the moment his cloak falls on my shoulders, my mother’s cause, my cause, will be his too.’’ She saw the woman lower her eyes in shame and she relented softening her voice ‘’I came here today because my mother, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, ordered me to, but I promise you that I will honor your brother and your House.’’

Recognizing Sara’s resentment for what it truly was, fear, Visenya took the woman’s hands in her own ‘’I have no wish to push you away Sara. Cregan told me you stood by his side when his first wife died and then helped raise Rickon. I appreciate what you did and I want you to know that you will be in our lives in any capacity you want.’’ Then wanting to lighten the mood ‘’As I am sure you know, I have eight siblings and two fathers. Trust me when I say I love being part of a big family.’’

‘’I just… I am scared Princess. When our father brought Arra and ordered Cregan to wed her, he did. But he was never able to find happiness in this union. I guess I wished for him to find a wife of his choosing this time, a wife he had feelings for and she mirrors them, but I saw it in your eyes Princess… you love another.’’

Visenya tensed at Sara’s words. Had she really been so easy to be read? ‘’You were looking at my brother but your mind was elsewhere. On someone else. You have to understand me Princess, the only thing I want is the good of my family.’’

‘’Isn’t it what we all want after all?’’ she retorted in a sad voice. Her mother had married Ser Laenor for the good of her family. Aemond had sacrificed her and their child for the good of his family, Visenya was now standing in this cold castle so far away from her home, ready to wed a stranger for the good of her family. ‘’You have nothing to fear Sara. I will honor your brother and his name, I will be a mother to Rickon and I will strive to maintain the greatness of the noble House Stark.’’

Sara smiled at her nervously ‘’I owe you an apology for my earlier behavior Princess. My sincerest apologies for the thoughts I had and the way I treated you.’’

‘’All is forgiven.’’ She said and once again began unlacing her leathers.

Sara understood this was her indication to leave and moved to the door ‘’I am looking forward to seeing you as Lady of Winterfell Princess. I can tell my brother is already smitten by you.’’ And with a gentle smile, she closed the door behind her.

Though it was meant as a comment to lighten the mood, Sara’s last words haunted Visenya all night. She tossed and turned in her featherbed unable to find sleep. Since it was easy for Sara to see through Visenya, it would be equally easy for her to understand her brother’s emotions. She herself had seen the way Cregan’s eyes roamed over her body, how his hand lingered in her waist as they shared a dance and the way his lips remained on her hand mere hours before. It had taken everything in Visenya to stop her body from recoiling from his touch and flee the North. Her mind was still reeling from her uncle’s betrayal, the wretched way he had used her for his grandsire’s sinister plan was hurting her in a way unimaginable to her. She knew it deep inside that they would never be the same after this, that there was no way back for them. The harsh words he had uttered and the blood of their child would forever taint them both, it would forever divide them.

But while her heart still bled from his betrayal, it was extremely difficult for her to move on. Cregan Stark would be her husband, but Visenya knew that she would never love him. Tolerate his touch maybe, or even after many years learn to crave his attention but never love him. She would never again feel the fierce and burning emotions her uncle evoked in her. The white haired boy with the violet eyes would be born with brown locks and azure eyes and it would not resemble the one eyed Targaryen Prince. She prayed to the Gods for this war to end quickly so she would not have to see him again, not have to face him in battle. Visenya was not sure she could rein her emotions in if she saw him again, the dark thoughts would consume her and make everyone see what she had become because of him.

She had a long way ahead of her, she thought sighing. Despite what she said to herself, she knew this was not the end of them. Riding Vhagar made Aemond the number one warrior the Greens would unleash in this dance of the dragons. And naturally, with her riding Vermithor there would be no one else that could take him. One way or another it would come to them, and Visenya felt her blood boil at the thought. Dark emotions suddenly overtook her, the need to see his blood spilt arose in her mind, and she felt her hand itch to grasp her sword and slice his slender neck. Absent mindedly she wondered if Daemon would allow her to wield Dark Sister again, the poetic justice of Aemond falling from the sword he was fascinated about clouding her mind. The things she wanted to do to him were all painful and all lead to one thing, his death by her hands. It was the only way in her mind to avenge her child, the innocent life he stole.

When finally the first rays of sun hit the windows of her chambers, Visenya rose from her featherbed and got ready for her first day to Winterfell. Soon the Warden of the North would arrive to escort her to break their fast and then they would seal the agreement they had concerning their betrothal. And that is exactly what they did, the time passing pleasantly with an overly excited Rickon jumping up and down in anticipation to their promised flight.

‘’Not that I do not trust you Visenya, but please be careful.’’ Said Cregan eyeing Vermithor with uncertainty.

She chuckled as she stroked her dragon’s maw ‘’I would never do anything to put this young man to danger. Right my boy?’’ Vermithor let a low rumble and flexed his wings.

Visenya saw Rickon’s eyes widen and his mouth hung open ‘’Come on Rickon, Vermithor is waiting.’’

The boy wasted no time and sprang from his father’s arms, landing in her embrace. She tentatively helped him climb to her dragon’s saddle and secured him with the chains as she took her seat behind him. ‘’Be safe.’’ Urged Cregan and Visenya was astounded to see him closer than any dragon less man had ever been to Vermithor. She watched in amazement as he daringly stretched a hand to pet the beast and smile at her ‘’I trust you Visenya.’’

She nodded back and smiled as she commanded her dragon to take off. The world below them shrank, transforming into a tapestry of white and brown, dotted with tiny figures of people and the castle ‘’This is amazing!’’ exclaimed Rickon excited.

‘’It is, isn’t it? The world looks so different from up here.’’

The boy’s face lit up as he recognized familiar landmarks and Visenya admired those too before urging Vermithor to turn. They returned to the Stark stronghold and the boy reluctantly dismounted walking to a smiling Sara ‘’Thank you Princess.’’

‘’You were very brave up there young man. I am proud of you.’’ She said smiling warmly. Inside her, her gaping heart was bleeding unable to stop the pain this little boy brought to her.

‘’Princess Visenya, would you do me the horror to walk with me?’’ Cregan’s voice brought her back to reality, making her sigh but take his hand.

They walked to the ancient godswood and as Cregant took to explain to her the history of the huge castle complex, Visenya admired the dense canopy that housed the weirwood with the face carved into it. ‘’And this is the door to the crypt.’’

This attracted Visenya’s attention back to him ‘’Us Targaryens burn our dead and scatter the ashes. I wonder, what will happen to my body after I die? Will I be buried in this crypt or Vermithor’s fire will light my pyre?’’

‘’Let us not talk about such things Visenya. You have many years to live a wonderful life. ’’

She looked at the huge door that lead to the crypt ‘’We are entering a war Cregan, you can never know.’’

Before he had the time to answer, a guard approached them ‘’My Lord, a raven came from Dragonstone.’’ He side glanced at Visenya, but his attention was solely on Lord Stark.

‘’It is probably for me.’’ She said ‘’The Queen would likely want to know if I arrived safely.’’
But the guard was not looking at her, only at Cregan ‘’My Lord…’’he said giving him a scroll.

Visenya’s heart pounded for reasons unknown to her as he read the scroll. She saw him roll it closed as soon as he finished and turn to look at her. His mouth was a tight line, his eyes a storm ready to rage ‘’Visenya I want you to remain calm.’’

‘’My brothers.’’ She uttered. Deep in her heart she knew it was one of her brothers. They were sent to missions just like her, and Visenya felt stupid for not taking the time to consider their wellbeing ‘’Something happened to my brothers.’’

Cregan gently grasped her bicep but she recoiled ‘’Tell me.’’ She yelled at him, Vermithor roaring loudly from afar, his rage matching hers.

‘’It is Lucerys.’’ Said Cregan, his voice laced with sorrow ‘’I received news from Maester Gerardys that Prince Lucerys was killed at Storm’s End by Prince Aemond Targaryen.’’

And just like that, when Visenya thought her heart could break no more, she was proven false.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

Her heart was pounding in her chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she read the words scrawled across the parchment ‘’Prince Aemond Targaryen has killed Prince Lucerys Velaryon at Strom’s End. Please notify Princess Visenya immediately.’’ The letter declared, its stark simplicity only serving to amplify the horror of the message it carried. The news of her brother’s death hit her as she read the lines again and again, shattering the tranquility of her visit to Winterfell. Visenya’s mind reeled, trying to comprehend the enormity of the loss she had just suffered. Her younger brother Luke, the kind, gentle soul who had been a source of comfort was now gone, murdered at the hands of their uncle. How could Aemond commit such a heinous act?

With a surge of determination, Visenya straightened her spine, her eyes blazing with a newfound resolve. She would not allow Aemond’s treachery to go unanswered. She had stepped back after his betrayal, but this… No, she was done waiting for the time he and his f*cking family would be brought to justice. She would avenge her brother’s death along with the death of her unborn babe, and she would bring justice to those who thought they could threaten them.

Without a word to her betrothed, she quickly marched to Vermithor, her blood boiling in her veins demanding justice. A strong hand grasped her wrist to stop her ‘’Visenya wait.’’

She tried breaking free from the tight grasp, but the man did not relent ‘’Don’t touch me.’’ She spat venomously, turning to see Cregan Stark looming over her. There was no one right now that could stop her, nothing that could stand in her way of revenge. The Stranger could stand in front of her and she would spat at their face.

‘’I do not want to stop you Princess.’’ His voice was calm yet stark ‘’I merely want to tell you that I will be with you in this path. I will personally do everything in my powers to bring the Greens to their knees. We are together in this.’’ And then releasing her ‘’Fly safe my Visenya.’’

She barely nodded before turning and mounting her dragon. The mighty beast roared in response to her emotions as he ascended to the skies, already sensing his rider’s fury. The journey back to the ancestral castle of the Targaryens was long and unforgiving. Visenya pushed Vermithor to his limits, urging him to fly faster, her tormented mind consumed by the events that had transpired. Thoughts of her brother engaging in a brutal duel with Aemond with their uncle ultimately slaying him plagued her mind. Pictures of Lucerys’ lifeless body, the shock and pain etched on his face ate her alive. All ended with Aemond’s smug satisfaction at his deed fueling her rage, driving her to push her dragon to his absolute limits.

While her journey to Winterfell seemed endless, flying back home was considerably faster to her. Upon reaching Dragonstone, Visenya dismounted Vermithor her boots hitting the ground with a resounding thud. For a dreadful moment she stayed put. The vast courtyard was painfully empty for the first time and it sent a chill to her bones. Taking a shaky breath, she strode towards the castle, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls, her presence miserable. The guards stationed at the entrance bowed low as she passed, their eyes cast down. Visenya stormed into the great hall searching for her mother. For anyone really who would dare speak the words she read on this letter to her face. Normally she would know that the Maester’s words were not to be questioned, but her clouded mind desperately sought another truth, one in which her baby brother was still alive.

The great hall was painfully empty, no sound was heard in the entire castle and that mere fact brought tears to her eyes. The castle of Dragonstone was always full of voices, laughter, and commotion. Walking in empty corridors, not a sound to be heard chilled her soul. Her eyes were already leaking stray tears as she approached her brother’s chambers. In her mind, Luke was inside his rooms nagging at Jace for something trivial. If she concentrated enough she could hear him complain about their mother not allowing him to fly Arrax too far from the island. Suddenly, a new thought entered her mind. Where was Arrax? The young dragon would have gone feral at his rider’s pain or ultimate death.

No guards were stationed outside his chambers, and Visenya put her hand to the doors and waited a moment before pushing them open. Jace was inside, crouching by the featherbed, his hands in tight fists clenching the linen ‘’Where is Luke?’’ she uttered lowly unable to hold back the tears.

Jace did not turn to face her, yet his back shook as sobs racked his body. Approaching him slowly, Visenya wiped her eyes furiously, her eyes scanning the room ‘’Jace, where is our brother?’’

At the mention of his name, Jace turned his head to look at her. His blue eyes were red rimmed and swollen, his cheeks streaked with tears. The world seemed to spin around her then, and she took a step back. Her twin let out a sob and lurched to her, engulfing her trembling body in a tight embrace. They stood like that crying for what seemed like hours when she heard Jace whisper ‘’He is gone.’’

Visenya closed her eyes tightly, trying to remain standing. She felt her body draining, her ears buzzing and she let go. Strong arms kept her upwards and moved her to sit ‘’Visenya, please…’’ Jace was still crying, his face crestfallen.

‘’I can’t Jace…. I can’t.’’ she whispered trying to unlace the first rows of her dress to f*cking finally breath. She got up and reached the window, taking deep breaths but the air did not seem to enter her lungs ‘’I can’t breathe…’’ she muttered clutching at her dress over her chest.

Jace was there, as always, a soothing figure by her side ‘’Look at me sister.’’ But this time she did not respond to his voice, she could not. ‘’I said look at me.’’ He urged sternly, his fingers on her chin, forcing her to raise her head and look at him ‘’Luke is dead.’’ He said angrily, his eyes still releasing tears ‘’Aemond killed him.’’ She tried averting her eyes but he kept her head still ‘’No, you will listen to me Visenya. Our brother is dead, mauled by Vhagar at Aemond’s command.’’
This new piece of information was all it took for her to come back. During her long journey home, Visenya always pictured her brother falling to Aemond’s longsword. Never in her thoughts had she thought that their dragons fought. Arrax was a small dragon, by no means capable of battling with the mighty Vhagar. Jace’s words were a dagger to her already bleeding heart. For one desperate moment she thought how much was her heart going to take.

She felt her grief quickly being replaced by a burning rage that coursed through her veins like a wildfire. Her blood shot eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a snarl. She vowed not to rest until each and every one of them were brought to justice. ‘’Where is mother?’’

Jace shook his head ‘’In her chambers, but she is not good Visenya. Maester Gerardys gave her something to calm her nerves.’’

Visenya nodded and got up slowly walking to the doors ‘’I hope you understand now that this war of ravens and envoys has come to an end.’’ She said to him before exiting the room.

It was a long walk to Queen Rhaenyra’s chambers, and Visenya made sure to walk slower prolonging the time she had in order to properly control her emotions. If she had felt like dying when her unborn babe was expelled from her womb, she could only imagine what her mother felt right now after losing her son. Guards flocked outside her chambers, but they all made way for her to enter. The first thing she noticed was the smell of burnt lavender in the air, and something akin to jasmine.

She watched as Maester Gerardys helped her mother drink from a cup and then gently stroke her hair. Taking a few steps towards the featherbed, Visenya was stopped by her father’s voice ‘’Let her rest. The Maester just gave her something to sleep.’’

Ser Harwin’s voice was deep, sorrow etched not only on his face but in the way he spoke as well. The tall and broad man the Realm called Breakbones was a mess, his shoulders hunched, his eyes red and his body ready to collapse. Visenya tried to think of the bond he shared with Luke, having only spent a few years with him at the Keep until they were forced apart for a decade. These few moons they were together again, they had been almost constantly together, sparring and training and talking• sharing bits and pieces from their lives the years they spent apart. It must be extremely difficult for him to even stand at his feet, thought Visenya sorrowfully. Finding your child after so many years, only for them to be ripped from your hands. It was torture.

‘’Murderer’’ her mind screamed inside her head ‘’Kinslayer’’ it roared and Visenya had to take a few calming breaths in order not to break every single thing inside this blasted castle. No, she had to rein her rage in. She had to be there for her family, and later when the time was right she would unleash all these dark emotions that demanded to be let out and create carnage.

‘’Are you well father?’’ as soon as she voiced her question she felt like a fool. Here she was, asking her father if he is feeling well after learning his son had been murdered. Shaking her head she rephrased ‘’What can I do for you father?’’

The Ser Harwin she knew would smile at her and stroke her hair before answering her, but this man in front of her was dead inside ‘’There is nothing you can do Visenya. Our Luke is gone.’’ She took his hand and gripped it tightly trying to make him see that he was not alone.

‘’We will avenge him father. I will make sure of it.’’

His head shot up at her words, eyes serious ‘’You will do nothing, do you hear me? I will not lose you too. All of you are to stay inside the castle and not be involved in this war. Do you understand me Visenya?’’ he raged and then she saw him for the man he really was. She saw the strong Knight everyone feared and cowered at his strength. Ser Harwin Strong would not live to see another of his children die in this game of thrones and it made her heart soar at his fatherly love.

But deep inside her she knew the truth. She knew that each and every one of them were to get involved. They were expected to fight and win. They wanted to prove their worth, to do the right thing, to bring justice. Visenya craved the moment that she would see the decapitated head of Otto Hightower impaled on a spike, she lusted after the spilt blood of Queen Alicent and longed to put her sword through Aemond. But her father was not ready to hear this, he was not ready to face the cold reality. Almost all of his children would fight in this war. One was already lost.

Nodding softly, Visenya hugged him and moved to her mother’s sleeping form. She bent enough to reach her level and kissed her hair. Before straightening, she whispered in her ear ‘’Rest mother, but do not fear. Luke will be avenged. You have my word.’’

On her way out, her father stopped her ‘’Promise me you will stay.’’ His red eyes never left hers.

‘’I promise that I will not leave Dragonstone until I am ordered otherwise.’’ She said, completely unwilling to just sit and wait. She would mount Vermithor and burn King’s Landing to a crisp. Lying was her only choice now, she would have to atone for it later.

‘’Can I trust you?’’ he persisted.

Unable to blatantly lie to his face again, Visenya tried to force a tight smile on her face. She buried herself in his arms and inhaled his musky scent. If this was the last time she were to be with a family member let it be with him. She drew courage from his warmth and closed her eyes tightly in order to prevent more tears from falling. No one would benefit from a hysterical Princess right now.

She turned and left the rooms, her father’s voice calling her but she did not turn. Ser Harwin, ever the devoted and loyal husband he was, would never leave his wife’s side. Especially on a day like this. He would stay with her, be her rock and offer his undying love to her, heal her.

Quickly visiting her chambers, she changed into fresh riding leathers and braided her hair in a way Daemon would say spoke of battle. The sword she had left behind while in Winterfell was now safely fastened in her waist. She spared a moment to look at herself in the mirror. The girl staring back at her was someone she hardly recognized. Her once beautiful eyes were sunk inside her skull, red with dark circles under them. The fire that raged inside her carved her chapped lips in a tight line. The girl she was moons ago would cringe at the image of her now. But Visenya did not give a f*ck about that girl’s opinion. The naïve pathetic fool she had been was long dead.

Not wanting to include Jace or Baela in her quest, Visenya walked to the caves where she knew Vermithor would rest after such a long journey. Her dragon would have to make one final flight for the day, but she knew he would understand. As she climbed the rocky cliff, she saw Daemon conversing with two men. One was tall, muscular and hulking, his stance completely intimidating, and the other was the exact opposite. His short and skinny frame was standing far too close to her step father making her cringe at the sight the three of them made. Her curiosity spiked when Daemon took from his leathers a pouch and gave it to the tall man. His eyes briefly fell on her, but she did not cower. Patiently waiting for them to leave, she stood still as her step father approached her.

Caraxes’ shadow was cast above her, the Blood Wyrm crouching over her in the taller cliff above their heads ‘’And what exactly are you doing here?’’

It was no use to try and fool him ‘’I will fly to King’s Landing and burn them all.’’

As soon as she finished speaking, Daemon burst out laughing. His mockery irked her and she pushed past him to find her dragon ‘’Take one more step and I will order Caraxes to hunt you down all the way to this sh*thole of a capital and force you back.’’

‘’You would never do that.’’ She spat at his face.

‘’Wanna bet?’’ he retorted, face equally contorted in anger.

She screamed then. Howled in the wind, like a hurt animal. Visenya let her pain free, her open wounds leaking freely, and just roared. Hot tears were spilling to her cheeks as sobs racked her body. She could never come back from this pain. Daemon stood beside her and gazed at the angry sea. He did not move to touch her, comfort her in any way. He let her exhaust herself and unleash her emotions. When she had nothing else to give, Visenya huffed and wiped her eyes. Steadying herself, she moved to stand beside him, her own gaze following his ‘’I want them to pay.’’

‘’They will.’’ Laconic as ever, Daemon provided only what he thought was needed, nothing more.

‘’Who were these men?’’

‘’Do not concern yourself with them daughter. Go back to your mother, be with her.’’

‘’I want to burn them all. See their flesh leave their body, their mouths open begging for mercy.’’ Her soul was open now, bared to the only man that could understand her.

‘’Would you grand them mercy Visenya?’’ he had yet to look at her.

Her answer came instantly ‘’No.’’

Daemon nodded before finally turning to face her ‘’Good. Remember that, because there will come a time when you will have to make difficult choices.’’ His hand caressed her cheek and she leaned to his rare gentle gesture ‘’Return to the castle, mourn your brother and console your mother. When the time comes, I will come to you and give you what you want.’’

How could one console a mother that has lost her child? What could Visenya do to take her mother’s pain and heal her own wounds at the same time? They were all hurting, every single one of them. Ser Harwin took to discussing military plans and with the other knights of the Queensguard, fortifying the island from a possible intrusion while Prince Daemon along with the Hand and Princess Rhaenys discussed battle plans. The skirmish to claim Harrenhal was delayed for a few days, since Daemon wanted to secure that Dragonstone would be left with a dragon to defend them. Visenya wanted to remind them all that while Moondancer and Vermax were young and small dragons, Vermithor was more than capable to destroy their enemies. But her mother had yet to leave her chambers, and her father absolutely prohibited all of the children from taking part in any way.

‘’Princess Rhaenys will remain here. I will not be able to return for at least a moon from Harrenhal, so Meleys is needed stationed here.’’ Daemon’s voice was firm and steady as he vocalized his decisions; his hand moving the pawns over Harrenhal was carved in the Painted Table.

Visenya saw Princess Rhaenys turn her head towards him, eyes squinting ‘’You would leave Driftmark undefended?’’

‘’A small fleet will be stationed at Driftmark’s shores, ready if need be.’’ Intruded the Hand. Visenya knew her grandsire was never the one to shy away from battle or power, and right now Daemon guaranteed both.

‘’I will be gone to Harrenhal, Rhaenyra is no way close to taking to the skies, do you expect the unclaimed dragon’s to come to our aid?’’ mocked the Rogue Prince.

‘’I expect the other three claimed dragons to be ready if there is an intrusion. I intend to bring Raela with me to Driftmark.’’

‘’My daughter will remain here, and so will you.’’ He glowered at her, his words not to be dismissed.

‘’Prince Daemon is right Rhaenys. They are mere children, what help can they be?’’

‘’Our son was about their age when he fought the Triarchy Lord husband.’’ Retorted the elder Princess ‘’They will be defending their mother, their rightful Queen.’’

Never in her life had Visenya thought that she would side with her grandmother. The authoritarian Princess Rhaenys never spent much time with them, always favoring the twin girls, and while in the beginning this fact brought Visenya sadness later in the years when she had finally learned the truth, she understood ‘’Grandmother is right, Vermithor is more than capable to defend Dragonstone and I hardly believe they will sent all their dragons here.’’

‘’They have Synfyre, Dreamfyre, Vhagar and let us not forget Tessarion.’’ Counted Daemon ‘’I will be in Harrenhal for a while and that leaves us Meleys, Vermithor, Syrax, Vermax and Moondancer. Of them only Meleys is capable of fighting.’’

‘’We are capable too father ‘’urged Jace ‘’Vermax is strong enough to…’’

‘’Did you not learn anything from the last days Jacaerys?’’ the meaning behind his words was clear. The ghost of their brother’s death was still among them, reminding them all that while they outmatched the Greens in dragons, only two of them where ready to combat and one of them would be away.

Jace grit his teeth but remained silent, his hand tightly clenching hers below the table ‘’Helaena is not capable of flying to battle, Daeron is most likely hiding in Oldtown still squiring for Lord Ormund Hightower and the usurper will most likely not leave King’s Landing to fight us. That leaves just one dragon for us to face if need be.’’ Visenya concluded, trying hard to keep calm and collect her thoughts. Up until a few days ago she would not believe her uncle would fly his dragon to Dragonstone intent on killing them. Now though…

‘’Since that Dragon is Vhagar, allow me to want to be prepared daughter. That old hag is still capable of terrible things.’’

Didn’t they know it already? ‘’There is no point in discussing this matter further’’ said Princess Rhaenys ‘’I will remain here while Prince Daemon sieges Harrenhal. My presence may help our Queen feel better in these dark times, after all I know what she feels right now.’’

Visenya lowered her head, words of defiance dying in her mouth. It was becoming increasingly easy to relate to another’s pain. Looking around, she thought that each and every one of them in this room had lost someone. Queen Rhaenyra lost a son just as Princess Rhaenys did years ago. Just like Visenya had many moons back. And let us not forget Lady Leana. Even her father, Ser Harwin had lost his father at that fire that almost claimed his life too. Visenya feared there would be more.

‘’Very well. I will depart tomorrow morning.’’ Said the Rogue Prince, then turning to her and Jace ‘’I want you to be careful. Do not leave the island and by no means mount your dragons to any battle that may occur.’’ His eyes were now on her ‘’Remember what I told you.’’

With a nod of her head, Visenya watched as he left the room. Jace rose from his seat and left without saying a word. She knew he would walk straight to their brother’s chambers. It was a habit of his these days to stay in Luke’s rooms day and night. Herself and Baela had tried to pry him from the dim lit room many times, but Jace had raged and sent them their way. In the end, Visenya left him to grieve in his own way. Baela had focused her energy on her sister, sweet Rhaena desolate after her betrothed’s demise. She had visited their mother a few times, but Queen Rhaenyra seemed to be in her own world. The only thing she cared about was little Aemma, her newborn babe. Visenya did not know what would have happened if Aemma was not with them. She feared the darkness would have devoured her mother whole.

She walked the long corridors of the castle intent on visiting her mother, a tightening in her chest forcing her to rub the place over her heart. She had woken this morning like this, something inside her pestering her to the point of physical pain. It was as if something was about to happen. Suddenly, a thunderous roar reverberated through the stone walls of the castle making her halt her movements. Her hand instinctively reached for the hilt of her sword. She knew that dragon. It was the same dragon that had killed her brother. Scowling deeply, Visenya practically ran to the courtyard, and soon the roar was followed by the unmistakable sight of Vhagar.

Upon reaching the courtyard, Visenya waited, her hands crossed in front of her chest. Vhagar descended from the sky, her massive form dwarfing the castle walls. Aemond was quick to his feet and landed in the stone floor with a thud. He did not move though, he just stood there staring at her. His face was hard, difficult to decipher, but Visenya could bet he had not come here to gloat about his heinous act. Dark circles marred the skin below his eye, his hair was unbraided and full of knots from the wind and his hands were trembling. The one eyed Prince was a mess. Still, all Visenya could feel was hate.

He took a tentative step towards her and the Princess was quick to draw her sword from its scabbard. The only eye he had left followed the movement and halted ‘’I have come to seek your forgiveness.’’ He said loud enough to be heard in the vast courtyard.

Visenya eyed Vhagar warily, the old beast having already found her place farther away from them. If Visenya was to run her sword through him, his dragon could not have the time to intervene, though after she was certain chaos would ensure. Poor little Arrax did not have the time to avenge his master though; Aemond had not given him that right. She tried compartmentalizing her thoughts, regain her composure, think clearer. Daemon was still in Dragonstone, Princess Rhaenys too and then there was Vermithor. If she killed Aemond now and Vhagar attacked her, those three dragons were more than enough to take her. Yes, Visenya would die, but justice would be served. Luke and her unborn babe would be avenged. All she had to do was get closer to her uncle.

‘’Forgiveness? For what uncle?’’ she did not recognize her own voice, calm, cold, deadly.

Aemond flinched and lowered his head. She waited for him to answer to her, talk back, defend himself, call her and her brother bastards as he always did. But Aemond did not talk. His fists were trembling at his sides, she saw him grit his teeth before facing her again ‘’Visenya…’’

‘’For what?’’ she asked again louder ‘’ For betraying my family? For betraying me? For slaying my brother?’’ she practically roared, Vermithor’s mind reeling inside her own. She was out for blood and so was her dragon.

‘’I tried to stop her.’’ He defended himself ‘’She didn’t listen.’’ His voice was anguished, his face a mask of pain.

‘’Lies.’’ She spat venomously, her fury great enough to destroy them both.

‘’I tell you the truth Visenya, I ordered her to stop, to let him leave, but she did not obey me.’’ He took a few steps towards her, his hands outstretched as if to touch her.

Visenya raised one hand to make him stop. How did he expect her to believe that Vhagar could not obey her master, the man that had claimed her years before and bonded with. It was all lies he said to free himself from the miasma of slaying a family member ‘’Kinslayer.’’ She spat.

‘’Please forgive me.’’ The stark contrast to the man she knew and the one standing in front of her was too much for her to handle. She took in his slumped shoulders and sorrowful expression and tried feeling something other than resentment. Digging deeper in her soul though, Visenya found that the only thing that would calm her storm would be his death, preferably by her hands.

‘’I wonder uncle, for how much longer are you going to cower behind your dragon? How much longer are you going to blame her for your crimes? I never took you for a coward Aemond, but then again I was wrong for many things concerning you, wasn’t I?’’

His violet eye focused on her, there was pain there that much she could tell, but then again he had managed to deceive her already once, Visenya would not allow him to do so again ‘’I admit I began provoking him while we were still in Lord Borros’ castle. I was there to offer Daeron’s hand in marriage to one of the many daughters of Lord Baratheon and then when Lucerys came….’’

‘’Do not say his name.’’ she shrieked taking another step closer to him.

‘’He came and his mere presence was mocking me, he dared look me in the eye and say you were to wed another.’’

‘’So you decided to kill him.’’ She countered, the fire inside her burning brighter with every word he uttered.

‘’No.’’ he yelled ‘’He mounted his dragon and I followed him to the sky, I chased him but I never commanded Vhagar to attack. Please Visenya trust me, I would never kill your brother.’’

‘’But you did.’’ She whispered.

‘’She didn’t listen to me, she just…’’

But she didn’t let him finish. Visenya could not hear him say how his f*cking dragon killed her brother. Instead she grit her teeth and moved towards him. Her hand was raised even before she understood it did and with a swift motion she slapped him across the face. Aemond flinched, his eye patch falling to the stone floor, but he did not retaliate ‘’You have taken everything from me Aemond. Trust me when I say I will do the same to you.’’

With a deafening roar, Vhagar arose from her slumber and moved to attack Visenya, her jaws agape ready to strike. Instantaneously, Aemond brought Visenya behind his back and yelled at his dragon ‘’No Vhagar, dohaere.’’ Visenya heard her father shouting from somewhere behind her but the sight in front of her demanded her undivided attention. She stood tall, ready to die just like her brother had, she almost welcomed it, until Vermithor appeared from their side and with one decisive move closed his giant jaws around Vhagar’s thick neck before carrying her away from Visenya and Aemond.

The sight was truly magnificent. In the heart of the sky, two colossal dragons engaged in a fierce battle. Their scales shimmered like jem stones catching the sunlight. Two enormous dragons fighting to their death. Their battle raged over the castle, Vermithor unleashing torrents of scorching flame, while Vhagar already wounded tried to defend herself. She tried to reach back and strike Vermithor, her neck already heavily bleeding as she flew over the castle. The Bronze Fury circled her in the air, beating his wings furiously, his teeth ready to tear her apart. And that is exactly what he did the moment he had the chance. Once again, he used his giant body to crash into her mid air and then when she tried to bite his wing, he lunged forward closing his jaws around her throat, this time tearing it apart with a sickening crunch.

Visenya watched mesmerized, her eyes wide as she smiled at the scene unfolding in front of her. Aemond was on his knees crying openly now, the bond he shared with his dragon forever broken, severed like the lifeline of her brother. Vhagar’s humongous body fell from the skies like a meteor to the earth below, her dying screeches still lingering in the air. Vermithor, the victor to this battle, flew in circles above them, roaring and spitting flames.

She finally turned to look behind her, the voice of her father form before urging her to acknowledge the crowd that had gathered. Prince Daemon was tightly grasping Ser Harwin, not allowing him to get to her, while he was smiling from ear to ear. Give it to the Rogue Prince to find happiness in a carnage. Guards were beside them, afraid to interfere but all too eager to do so if need be. And then there was Aemond, her uncle was still on his knees, tears falling from his eye at the sight of his decapitated dragon.

‘’Maybe now you will feel the bare minimum of the pain you put me through.’’ She spat at him before turning to the guards ‘’Take Prince Aemond and put him in a ship to King’s Landing. Do not harm him. Am I understood?’’

The commander of the Queensguard nodded and moved to grasp Aemond’s arm to help him stand. It was a pathetic sight, she thought. Her uncle, a young man that once used to taunt her and make her feel inferior, now stood there utterly defeated and broken. He was dragon less once more, having returned to the state he was ten years ago, only this time she would not plead for her friend back. She would not grovel at his feet to talk to her or beg him to reply to her ravens. This time Aemond was all alone, because she was certain his family, the family he betrayed her for, would cast him aside the moment they learned the great Vhagar was dead.

His eye never left her face as he walked, the sapphire in his empty socket glistening in the sunlight. She thought she would see resentment there, fury, rage; instead Aemond was looking at her softly, almost pleadingly. A dream she had years before while she was still a small child back in King’s Landing came to her mind. What she was incapable of understanding then was crystal clear now. Looking at Vhagar’s blood on her feet, Visenya remembered the night she thought she saw a nightmare with severed dragon limbs, blood and a man screaming. No longer bearing to look at his face, Visenya walked to her fathers. Ser Harwin was fast to take her in his arms ‘’What were you thinking Visenya? Why did you do that?’’

‘’I don’t reckon she gave it a thought.’’ Daemon smirked at her before taking her in his arms and squeezing ‘’You are a true Visenya, the blood of the dragon.’’

The pride in his voice touched her deeply, offering a small consolation to the last grim days ‘’Have you any idea what she has done?’’ continued Ser Harwin.

Daemon huffed before turning to look at the other man ‘’She took the greatest thorn to our side out. That’s what she’s done.’’

‘’Visenya!’’ everybody turned at her mother’s frantic voice.

The Queen ran to her daughter and pulled her from her step father’s embrace. She checked her body up and down for injuries and released a breath ‘’I am fine mother. Do not worry.’’

Queen Rhaenyra’s arms came around her and her mouth kissed her hair ‘’Thank you.’’ Was all she said to Visenya before pulling back to stare into her eyes. Purple to blue, they exchanged unsaid emotions and promises that meant the word to them both.

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

The Rogue Prince delayed his departure for a few days after Queen Rhaenyra expressed worries of retribution. When his spy network in Oldtown confirmed days later that Prince Daeron and his dragon Tessarion remained in his uncle’s castle, he began organizing the assault on Harrenhal yet again. They were gathered around the Painted Table, her mother having fully returned to her duties and her step father completely ready to annihilate the Realm in order to achieve his goal. Lord Corlys, her mother’s Hand, was currently on his way to Driftmark, his physical presence mandatory in order to do what he had planned. Closing the Blackwater Bay sounded an easy feat, but it was not, especially since the Driftmark fleet was huge in numbers and closing the Gullet demanded time.

‘’The usurper anointed my brother as Master of Whisperers.’’ Announced Ser Harwin folding the scroll back.

‘’A fitting position for that worm.’’ Spat Prince Daemon ‘’Who better than the nosy Clubfoot to unveil the mysteries of King’s Landing and beyond.’’

‘’Will he be a problem to us?’’ the Queen’s voice betrayed her fear, the fear of losing a child would not fade that easily and with every new piece of information trembled at what might happen.

Prince Daemon was quick to sooth her nerves, reaching for her hand and brushing her wrist with his thumb ‘’I will not allow him to become one. As you very well know niece, I have an excellent network of spies in the entirety of the Realm.’’

Visenya saw her mother cringe, probably thinking the same as her. Despite never having met her, Mysaria was always a thorn to her mother’s side. She could still remember the screams that came from their chambers years ago when her step father had moved to Dragonstone. Apparently, him marrying the love of his life did not mean he would cut all ties with his past, and Lady Misery had the best spies in all King’s Landing. It took weeks for her mother to accept him back to her chambers, but the information Mysaria provided them concerning the situation in the Keep was useful.

‘’Yes Daemon, we all know how well you know the scum of King’s Landing.’’ In her mother’s jealous tone, the Rogue Prince answered with a low chuckle.

Then, turning to her father ‘’Who is the current castellan of Harrenhal?’’

‘’Ser Simon Strong.’’ Answered Ser Harwin ‘’He is our great uncle, an old man bound to his honor. I do not believe he poses a threat.’’

‘’We will find out soon enough. Let’s hope Caraxes will convince him to surrender the castle. It would be a shame for the largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms to be destroyed, because remember my words if that old hag does not bend the knee I will continue what the Conqueror started.’’

Her father nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes ‘’Do as you must Daemon, had I been the Lord of Harrenhal the Targaryen sigil would have been hanged beside the Strong one moons ago.’’

‘’You will be restored as Lord of your ancestral home Harwin’’ interjected the Queen ‘’As soon as this wretched war is over, Harrenhal will be yours.’’

‘’Yes, well if that is all I would like to announce that I will be leaving shortly. Are there any questions so far?’’ Daemon stood tall looking each and every one of them, as if daring them to question him.

‘’I want to come with you.’’ She said, all the heads in the room turning to stare at her.

‘’That is absolutely out of the question’’ raged her mother, while her father got up from his seat instantly at her words ‘’Do not even think of it.’’

But Visenya had her eyes locked on the man that had stood by her side when she did not even acknowledge herself, when she was just Visenya. Daemon’s deep purple eyes studying her, trying to analyze the merits of this possible alternation to his plan ‘’No’’ he finally said ‘’At least not now.’’

‘’And why the hell not? Do you not think me worthy enough to fly to battle with you?’’ she raged, completely baffled by his rejection.

‘’Please sit down.’’ Begged Jace from his seat beside her, his hand lifted to reach her.

But she was not ready to sit, she was not ready to calm down and she was certainly not ready to stay in Dragonstone sheltered from this reality that was closing in on them. She had flown to Winterfell and back, she had sacrificed herself for this, hell she had killed the oldest dragon. Why did they look down on her?

‘’I know what is going on in your mind right now, but the reason for not wanting you to join me is not that.’’

‘’Then what is it? Because it seems to me that despite the things I have done you still do not put your trust in me.’’ She exploded throwing her chair behind her, stance completely feral.

‘’Visenya sit down.’’ Ordered her mother, her voice laced with the authority not only the crown in her head gave her, but her relationship with her too.

She obeyed her Queen, though on the inside she was fighting a war. No one would understand her need to flee Dragonstone. The ghost of Luke still lingered in every corner of the castle, his scent, his laugh, the pranks he pulled on her and on Baela, everything in this island reminded her of her little brother. Rhaena had left already, choosing to reside to Driftmark from now on and Baela had taken to consoling her betrothed. Little Joffrey nowadays was always in the company of Aegon, Viserys and Aemma, never really spending time with his older siblings. And Jace… Jace was lost in his own world, Luke’s death having affected him most. Visenya could understand it, the bereavement being one of the most difficult experiences anyone can have and every human being grieved in their own way. But she could not understand why they did not feel her, feel her need to dissociate herself from them even for a while. The assault on Harrenhal seemed the only way out of Dragonstone right now, but they denied her.

‘’You are needed here my child.’’

‘’To do what?’’ she was well aware her tone was defiant and not proper to the Queen, but her breath was already shallow and her throat was closing again. She had to leave.

‘’I need you here.’’ Yelled her mother, already at her feet ‘’I will not lose yet another child because of the whims of that fool they put on my Throne.’’

Visenya lowered her head at her mother’s words, her hand finding its way to her aching chest. Yes, her mother still grieved her boy and was unable to part with her other children. Not even killing Vhagar made her see what Visenya was able to do. How easy it would be to fly with Daemon and Meleys in King’s Landing and burn them all. Instead of voicing those thoughts, she shook her head and addressed the Queen ‘’I thought you understood me mother.’’ Then bowed her head and left the room.

She made a run to her chambers, a hand on the stone wall to support her weight. It was getting harder and harder to breath, but she could not let it consume her now. She had to get to her rooms. ‘’Sister wait.’’ She closed her eyes at Jace’s deep voice.

His feet echoed in the corridors as he approached her, and soon his hands grasped her waist and let her lean to his tall frame ‘’I’ve got you.’’ He whispered leading her to her rooms.

Upon arriving, he helped her take a seat by the roaring fire and sat across her. They did not speak for a while, just stared at the dancing flames ‘’I lost a babe moons ago.’’ She whispered already feeling the weight being lifted from her chest ‘’Aemond’s babe.’’

In his sharp intake of breath, Visenya turned to look at a gaping Jace. His mouth was open, his blue eyes wide and staring at her ‘’What?’’

‘’We were together back at the Keep. Day and night I would find an excuse to be alone and then I ran straight to him. I lost count of the times we became one, like a husband and wife would join, and the day before we departed we fought because I almost begged him to come to Dragonstone with us and he denied me.’’ Jace was speechless at her confession, he just slumped in his seat and listened ‘’When I thought that we were over, he sent me a raven, asking me to meet him.’’

‘’You went to him.’’ Jace muttered knowing his twin sister better than anyone else.

Visenya smiled tightly ‘’I did. I will spare you the details as I am sure you can imagine what happened between us and what continued to happen in the next weeks.’’ She closed her eyes momentarily, suddenly tired at having to relive it all, but Jace deserved to know why she could not stay ‘’Do you remember when I was not feeling well?’’

He nodded at her ‘’You were a completely different Visenya. You were always tired and never wanted to leave your chambers.’’

‘’I was with child Jace, and I didn’t know it. When Maester Gerardys confirmed it I flew to King’s Landing to tell Aemond.’’ A hysteric laugh left her, but she continued non the less ‘’He was there, in his room discussing with Otto Hightower their plan to taint my reputation beyond measure in order to weaken our mother’s claim to the Throne.’’

At her words Jace was on his feet cursing. He was old Jace again, passionate and alive, ready to challenge anyone that threatened his family and what was right ‘’That f*cking c*nt ‘’ he raged ‘’I will f*cking kill him, I will annihilate him. ‘’ he was trembling with fury ‘’I promise to you Visenya, he will pay for everything he has done to our family.’’

Not feeling strong enough to get to her feet, she outstretched her hands to her brother. Jace instantly responded taking her hands in his and kneeling at her feet ‘’ The babe?’’

‘’I lost it soon after I came back the same day.’’

She saw him nod ‘’I remember Baela trying to keep us away, telling us you had a difficult flight and wanted to sleep. I didn’t believe her Visenya, but I gave you the space you needed.’’

‘’And I appreciate it brother. The reason I am sharing this with you is because I want you to understand me. Why I need to leave for a while. When we came in this island I was filled with sorrow for the two fathers we had lost, I struggled to find myself and when I finally did everything crumbled around me yet again. I lost my babe and my brother, mother almost lost herself while you closed off and we all plunged in a war that should not have began.’’ Lowering her head to his level ‘’Tell me Jace, do you understand me?’’

‘’It pains me deeply that you feel this way sister, but I understand you. Maybe more than you think.’’ He placed his head on her thighs and closed his eyes. Visenya smiled and began stroking his chestnut locks. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, her chest already lighter after their talk, when a thought crossed her mind.

‘’Would you have accepted the babe?’’

It was a difficult question for her to even utter. In what universe would Jace accept Aemond’s babe? How could she ever expect her dear brother to look at the product of such a union every single day, care for the babe and nurture it to become a Prince or a Princess? After everything, how could Visenya think that they would all accept that babe had it been born? But then Jace, her perfect twin brother, caught her by surprise ‘’Of course Visenya. It would have been your babe. How could I not love it? How could our family not want it?’’

She broke into tears again, her heart bleeding not for the first time but now it was of happiness. While her babe would not be born and Jace’s sweet words would never come to life, it meant everything for her to listen to them. To think that a child of hers and Aemond’s would feel loved and be cherished in Dragonstone among them all. Adjustments would have to be made of course, but her babe would be welcomed.

‘’I would have married you if there was need, but know sister that had the babe were to be born it would not bear the stain of a bastard.’’

Visenya knew that Jace did not harbor romantic feelings for her, and she most certainly did not love her brother that way, but knowing that he would be willing to shackle his life to her just for the babe to have a name and a father meant the world to her. Carding her fingers through her brother’s hair, Visenya felt a weight lift from her chest, finally after almost a year breathing came easier to her. They stayed like that for a while, tangled in a mess of limbs, nothing but pure love between them.

After awhile, Jace lifted his head ‘’I will fly to the Bite tomorrow, we need to gain House Sunderland’s support too.’’

Her mind went blank ‘’Aren’t they already sworn to House Arryn? You already made them swear their loyalty.’’ Even the slightest possibility of Jace facing danger sent her mind in overdrive.

‘’I need to make sure sister, they need to see us, see our dragons and since our grandmother persuaded mother to allow me this journey I have nothing to lose. We need to show them we are not afraid after everything. They should be the ones to fear us .’’ seeing her frown he continued ‘’It is not the same with you flying to Harrenhal. Daemon is flying to battle, I am just a messenger.’’

‘’You will make a great King one day brother.’’ She smiled at him tightly. And while she understood that as heir, Jace was to be on the front of this part of the war, she could not help but feel a pang of jealousy at the freedom her twin enjoyed.

Days later, Visenya found herself in a steep cliff staring at the angry sea of Blackwater Bay, her grandsire’s long ships barely visible in the distance as they lazily cruised ready to defend the island if need be. Vermithor was behind her ravaging a sheep he had hunted. He was gnawing on the carcass, snout covered in blood, his eyes glowing as she turned to look at him ‘’I am glad you are here with me Vermithor.’’ She said softly ‘’I don’t know what I’d do without you.’’

The massive dragon abandoned the dead animal to let a low rumble, as if in agreement. Visenya reached out and stroked his bloody snoot, not even the least discouraged or disgusted by it. The surge of warmth below her fingers brought her comfort. The bond between her and her dragon made her feel lighter, even calmer.


Turning, Visenya saw one of the guards her father had appointed to her trying to reach her. The tall man was clearly intimidated by the Bronze Fury and kept his distance, opting to call her instead of approaching them. She sighed ‘’What is it Ser Bentley?’’

‘’The Queen requests your presence in her chambers. If you would follow me…’’ he seemed impatient and even unwilling to stay there in the open longer.

Visenya waved him off ‘’I will join my mother immediately. There is no need for you to accompany me.’’

Ser Bentley shifted in his feet awkwardly ‘’I cannot disobey the Queen’s order Princess. Please follow me. It is not safe for you to stay here.’’

That drew Visenya’s attention instantly ‘’Why is it not safe Ser Bentley? I have been roaming the island for more than ten years and nothing has ever happened.’’

‘’The Queen will explain Princess. Please follow me.’’ He motioned for her to go to him and she did willing to know more about this new development.

As soon as she entered her mother’s chambers, Visenya saw the Queen tuck baby Aemma in her crib near her featherbed. She had heard the maids in the Keep when they still resided there that the fact that Princess Rhaenyra chose to feed all her children from her breasts and sleep with them until they got old enough to have their own guards was not something Ladies of the court did. They even compared her to Queen Alicent that handed all her babes in wet nurses right after birthing them. To Visenya, watching her mother fasten her robes and tuck the now asleep babe in the cradle next to her was something ordinary.

‘’She fell asleep at last.’’ Said the Queen staring at her newborn ‘’She was being fussy all day. Only my milk soothes her.’’

Visenya approached the crib and smiled at her baby sister ‘’She is perfect.’’

‘’All children all perfect Visenya, and they have to be protected at all costs.’’

She raised her eyebrow to her mother’s enigmatic words ‘’What do you mean mother?’’

‘’All I want to say is that you are precious to me. With Luke gone I feel I did a poor job at protecting you. This is something I need to rectify.’’

‘’Is Jace alright?’’ dark thoughts clouded her mind at the Queen’s words, but she shook her head.

‘’Jace is perfectly fine and on his way here as we speak.’’

‘’But he just left. Mother please, tell me has something happened?’’

Queen Rhaenyra approached her and took her hands in hers ‘’Daemon did something without consulting me.’’

At those words Visenya felt her blood go cold in her veins. She knew her step father better that anyone, well maybe except her mother, and she was certain that the thing he did was not something good. The Rogue Prince thrived in violence, he craved blood and fire in every step he took, everything he did resulted in pain for the one opposing him. She let her mother continue, unable to predict. The Queen took a deep breath and wiped her eyes to rid of the stray tears that had pooled there ‘’He sent two men in King’s Landing to kill one of the usurper’s son.’’

Visenya felt the air leave her lungs and she doubled over, a hand clutching her chest while the other flew in front of her mouth in a desperate attempt to hold the bile in her throat. It was impossible though, and only moments later the Princess threw up all over the plush carpet. Her mother’s hand was tracing shooting circles on her back, but it made her recoil ‘’How could you? They were children the age of Aegon and Viserys.’’

‘’I would never allow Daemon to proceed had I known of his plan. You know I tried Visenya, you know I did. We were still in King’s Landing when I tried approaching them and you know it. But I would never allow your father to kill innocent children.’’

‘’Not even after killing your son?’’ said Visenya, her voice low and angry.

She saw her mother recoil at her words ‘’I would never do such a vile thing. Never, do you hear me? Daemon knew I would object and not give him permission that is why he hid this from me.’’

The wheels in Visenya’s mind worked in overdrive. The two men she had seen a while ago with her step father, they had to be those that killed the child. She had seen him give them money after all, and then refused to talk to her about them. He had denied her to accompany him to Harrenhal as well, maybe in fear that the Greens would relate her to him if they were in the same place. Everyone knew after all how close Prince Daemon and Visenya were. She prayed to the Gods that he had never done something so vile. Something worth hating him for.

‘’Who told you this? Could it be slander?’’ she voiced what she hoped was true. Because if Daemon really did this, it would be extremely difficult for Visenya to forgive him.

The Queen shook her head ‘’He sent me a letter confessing it all. He did it to avenge Luke.’’ She said sorrow lacing her tone.

‘’I should have avenged Luke.’’ She yelled ‘’I would have flown to King’s Landing atop Vermithor, found the usurper and burn him until only his ashes have remained.’’ As soon as those words left her mouth, Visenya understood how hypocritical her words were. Had she been allowed to do this hundreds of people, possibly babes and children amongst them, would have perished. She knew she would lose herself at the raw power of her dragon and her desire for revenge. Aegon would not have been enough. But her rage demanded to be quenched and this was the only thought that had been in her mind. Daemon’s revenge had far less casualties, but had resulted in a young child’s death and while Visenya resented the usurper with a passion, she would never wish harm on his children. She was a fool, she understood. This was war, and in such dire situations everyone was in possible danger. Deep down, she knew she wanted to be the one to bring them pain.

‘’Jace is on his way home and he will not leave Dragonstone until I will say so. You will remain here as well daughter. Syrax and Meleys are more than enough to defend us now that Vhagar is gone.’’

At the mention of Aemond’s dead dragon Visenya cringed. In her uncontrollable rage she had wished for him to die to, for either Vermithor to devour him or her run him through her sword. In the end she did nothing, just stared at him feeling pity at the image he painted. A once formidable young man, rider of the oldest dragon, a great fighter. Suddenly, she wondered what he was doing back in King’s Landing. How did his beloved mother and grandsire treated him now that he was dragon less.

‘’You fear Aegon will seek revenge.’’ She concluded, her previous train of thought having dragged her away from the conversation with her mother.

‘’I know he will. And we will be prepared.’’

Visenya did not stay longer with her mother, she was not willing to be in anyone’s presence at the moment. The truth now lay heavy in her. Somewhere in the Keep her aunt, sweet Helaena was mourning her son. She felt disgusted at what Daemon was capable of doing, and at the same time she felt disgusted at herself for having similar if not worse thoughts for their treasonous family. She had to see him, look at him in the eye as he admitted this wretched plan was his. With that thought in mind, Visenya used the secret passages of the castle to outsmart her guards and soon found herself in the cliff she previously left Vermithor.

The journey from Dragonstone to Harrenhal was not a long one, but it was one Visenya had never made before. The world stretched out beneath her, a tapestry of sea and then land, all bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. She soared through the air, the wind whipping through her hair, tangling them but she paid no mind. Vermithor’s powerful wings beat rhythmically, carrying them swiftly towards their destination, the formidable fortress of Harrenhal. As they approached, Visenya could make out the imposing silhouette of the castle, its jagged towers piercing the sky like the teeth of a monstrous beast. She allowed the Bronze Fury to circle the humongous castle a few times before clearing her mind of all thought and commanding him to finally land in the grand courtyard. She reveled in the knight’s screams of fear and made a spectacle of dismounting her dragon.

‘’Where is Prince Daemon Targaryen?’’ she said making sure her voice held the authority of a Princess. She knew of course that her step father had easily conquered the great castle. Ser Simon Strong had surrendered Harrenhal and his banners to Daemon upon seeing Caraxes at the top of Harrenhal’s Kingspyre Tower. If anything, she wanted to match his impressive arrival.

The guards exchanged uneasy glances, their hands hovering near their swords. But they knew better than challenge the will of a dragon riding Princess. They stepped aside, allowing her to pass through the gates and into the very heart of Harrenhal. As Visenya walked through the castle’s charred corridors, the air felt thick around her with the scent of damp stone and old blood, a reminder of the castle’s violent past. Absent mindedly she wondered about her father’s life here before his own father, the late Lord Lyonel Strong took him in King’s Landing. She would take her time to admire the massive building later, for now Visenya wanted answers.

A scrawny servant that had been leading her through the maze of the corridors turned to look at her and lowered his head when her gaze found hers ‘’The Prince is in here Princess, in the Hall of the Hundred Hearths.’’

She had to refrain from gasping when the servant opened the tall doors. The cavernous room was by far larger than the Throne room of the Red Keep. Huge hearths were arranged along the walls every ten feet or so, Visenya counted thirty some of them, no fires had been lit though. There, in the far end of the vast room, was Daemon sat in a small Throne, his eyes already staring at her, a smirk plastered on his face.

‘’Visenya’’ he said, his voice deep and resonant making the people in the room stop their muttering ‘’What brings you to Harrenhal daughter?’’

‘’I heard of your success in securing the Strong banners for our Queen and came to congratulate you in person father. May I speak with you privately?’’ She would never allow the peasants around them doubt their power. No, every disturbing matter she had to discuss with him was not for their curious ears. Not when spies lurked in every corner of this Kingdom.

Daemon’s smirk widened, his eyes glinting with mischief ‘’What my daughter wants, my daughter gets.’’ He said looking around at the people surrounding him, all of them laughing at his jest.

Soon the crowd dispersed, only her and her step father remaining in the large room ‘’And now that the sheep have finally left, why did you come here Visenya?’’

He would never cease to amaze her. The Rogue Prince was what they described him and more. A charismatic and skilled warrior, a fierce dragon rider and a cunning strategist, but he was also impulsive, reckless and driven by a thirst for power. A formidable opponent, defeating many of his enemies on the battlefield. Maegor come again, as some Lords called him. But to Visenya he was her father, so she asked him one question and let him talk without interrupting him ‘’Why?’’

He didn’t pretend he had not understood her question, instead stood from his seat and marched towards one of the huge windows motioning for her to follow him. She did. ‘’Do you see that tower? It is called the Tower of Dread, the name given to it after our ancestor Aegon the Conqueror burned this castle. Four more Towers of this massive beast of a castle were burned by Aegon that day, all of them remaining bent, lumped and cracked from the melting of the stone due to Balerion’s flames. All of them burned because Aegon wanted revenge on the Storm King Argilac Durrandon for daring to think they were equals.’’ Then turning to her ‘’You know why.’’

In his beautiful violet purple eyes, almost indigo, Visenya saw determination, wrath and something that scared her, no sign of remorse ‘’He was a child father. A little boy.’’

‘’As was your brother and your unborn babe. Do not try to think of it differently Visenya. This is war.’’ He spat venomously.

‘’I agreed with you in every step of this war father, but this…’’ she shook her head, her heart heavy with sorrow. ‘’Those men I saw you with killed him, didn’t they?’’

‘’Blood and Cheese. A butcher, once a serjeant in the City Watch, and a rat catcher, both of them capable enough to navigate in the secret tunnels of the Keep and reach their target.’’ He looked outside the window again ‘’I didn’t choose which son to kill, I just told them to be creative. And they were.’’

Bile was yet again rising in her throat; she already knew what her father’s creativity entailed. ‘’I do not think I can forgive you for this.’’ She muttered.

‘’There is no need for you to forgive me Visenya. I do not seek anyone’s forgiveness or even absolution. I did what I thought was right and I do not regret my decision.’’

She nodded ‘’I will stay for the night if you allow this, Vermithor needs to rest.’’

Daemon graced her with a smile ‘’This castle is yours Visenya, not mine. You don’t have to ask for my permission to stay.’’

‘’Harrenhal is my fathers, and then one day it will go to Aemma’s hands. I have nothing on my name.’’ the blunt truth crossing her mind not for the first time. As she allowed Daemon to guide her to the rooms she would stay, Visenya pondered over her life. A Velaryon Princess, first daughter of the Queen, rider of the Bronze Fury and a betrayed soul. A puppet in the hands of her mother, a bargaining chip in this game of thrones. She had once called her uncle a second son, heir to nothing, a man with nothing on his name, only Vhagar to gloat for. She had taken Vhagar from him, just like he had taken Luke from her. But in the end they were the same. Visenya just like Aemond would never sit on a throne. She would not have a castle to rule, only by her husband’s name. And though Daemon’s words that Harrenhal was hers brought a warmth to her, she knew it was not the truth.

‘’These chambers are yours daughter. I have been told that here resided Ser Harwin’s mother. I think you will be comfortable.’’ His eyes never left her as she entered the room. Just before she shut the heavy doors to his face the Rogue Prince said one last time ‘’You may not want to think me as your father anymore, but I will always love you and care for you Visenya.’’

Closing the door, she let her body slide to the floor and contemplated his words. Love was something Visenya thought had in abundance everywhere around her. She had a mother who loved her dearly, a doting father, siblings who were always beside her and for some time her uncle. As time passed, she lost some of those people but gained others, all of them forming a universe of affection around her, building a secure world for her to thrive. And it was all crumbling now. One after another either disappointed her or left her life. Her mother tossed her to Lord Stark in order to gain an ally, just like her father had done to her years ago, her step father had done the most vile thing she could think of and her uncle, her beloved Aemond had betrayed her in the worst way possible not only breaking her heart but depriving her of her babe.

Getting up she decided that it would be pointless to try to sleep. She secured her cloak around her shoulders and ventured to explore Harrenhal, hoping that strolling in her father’s castle would bring her a sense of serenity. Visenya passed the Hunter’s Hall and made for the Towers. She reached the Kingspyre Tower first, the tower where Vermithor had landed first and crossed the stone bridge to the Tower of Ghosts, where she took a few moments to admire the huge yet ruined sept. The Widow’s Tower was next, and while she crossed the bridge to reach it Visenya could hear the agonizing cries of the prisoners kept in the great cell underneath the tower. The night sky was ablaze with stars, and the moon cast an ethereal glow upon jagged stones of the fortress. Visenya stopped in the middle of the bridge and closed her eyes inhaling deeply, filling her lungs with the cool night air, and felt a sense of connection to her father’s castle. There was something about the castle’s history and its imposing presence that drew her in.

As she gazed out the ruins Visenya thought about the stories their father used to tell them of this castle and his memories from when he was a child. The curse of Harrenhal was one particular story he did not share often with them as he did not believe it to be true, the old tale of the castle leading each family owning it to their doom seemed ridiculous to him, though it proved true years ago when his own father perished in that dreadful fire that almost took his life too. Visenya chose to believe the Greens had taken advantage of this old tale when they caused that fire.

Shaking her head to clear away those dark thoughts, she turned and started down the winding stairs, her footsteps light enough to not disturb the silence of the night. As she descended to the bottom of the tower, she stepped out into the courtyard that led to the godswood of Harrenhal. Prince Daemon waited her there, his hands crossed in front of his body, eyes almost sparkling in the moon light. She joined him and they remained there, near the heart tree until dawn broke. Visenya noticed the slashes over the angry face of the weirwood but knowing her father she chose to remain silent. She counted thirteen before the sun set and she walked to Vermithor without a word. Arriving at Dragonstone, the first thing she saw in the hill her dragon landed was a cloaked figure waiting for her. The long black cloak billowed behind his tall frame; his long almost white hair bending to the air’s power, and when he turned to face her, his eye bore a resolute expression, the sapphire gleaming dangerously.

Chapter 20


TW: There is a brief mention of abortion in this chapter. Nothing graphic though.

Chapter Text

The silence stretched between them, filled with unspoken words and regrets. The years they spent together, the years they spent apart, the betrayal that had torn them apart, and the tragic death that had left her brother’s memory forever etched in her heart. Aemond stepped closer, his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. Visenya flinched at his touch, her body recoiling from the memory of their last encounter, the fiery clash of their dragons that had ended in Vhagar’s death.

His eye clouded with pain, his fingers withdrawing ‘’I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness’’ he said, his voice filled with regret ‘’I have failed you Visenya, in more ways than I can say.’’

Visenya’s gaze fell to the ground, her eyes hard ‘’You took my brother from me uncle, you took more from me than you can even fathom.’’ She whispered exhausted ‘’How could I ever forgive that?’’

Aemond’s shoulders slumped, his expression etched with despair ‘’I know.’’ He said, his voice barely audible ‘’I have lived with the weight of my actions every day since that day and it is torture. I know I can never undo what I have done, but I beg you Visenya, please give me a chance to prove myself.’’

She raised her eyes to meet his, searching for sincerity in his gaze. There was yearning for redemption there, something genuine, but Visenya was far too hurt to let her stare linger enough to identify his thoughts and emotions. Her heart ached for the man she had once loved, the man she had lost to the destructive path of ambition and vengeance. ‘’I can’t forgive you Aemond.’’

The one eyed Prince’s eye lit up with a spark of desperation ‘’Please, let me prove to you that I am not the man I used to be.’’ He pleaded ‘’Let me earn your trust back Visenya. Let me make amends for the pain I have caused.’’

She stood silent for a long time, torn between her anger and her grief. Without wanting to, her mind brought forward images she hadn’t witnessed herself. Lucerys’ dismembered body washing ashore, Arrax’s cry before plunging into the angry sea, the blood leaking down her thighs as her mother took her riding leathers from her unconscious body ‘’Leave uncle before I decide that killing your dragon wasn’t enough.’’

She turned to leave but his hard voice made her halt her steps ‘’Are you going to wed the Stark mutt?’’

Facing him then was the easiest thing she had done in a while. The smile she gave him was sinister ‘’My betrothal to Cregan does not concern you uncle.’’

Aemond bared his teeth to her ‘’Do not say his name Visenya.’’ His stance was aggressive, a feral animal ready to strike.

She smirked at him, a low chuckle leaving her mouth ‘’He is my betrothed Aemond, I can call him however I want. We are soon to be wed after all.’’ It was too easy to rile him up. Seeing him on edge brought a sick satisfaction to her.

He moved threateningly towards her, his fists clenched at his sides trembling ‘’The f*ck you will.’’ Then violently grasping her arm ‘’You are mine Visenya, only mine. I will not allow someone else to touch you.’’

‘’I was yours until you chose to lie to me, until you killed my brother.’’ She yelled pushing his hand away.

The grip he had though on her was unrelenting ‘’I told you I didn’t kill him. I tried to stop her but she didn’t f*cking listen to me. I f*cking tried Visenya.’’

‘’I don’t believe you.’’ She yelled. Feeling her eyes blur, she understood she was crying. She raised her hands to her face and angrily wiped her eyes, but the tears did not stop ‘’All these years you allowed them to manipulate you against us, against me and you killed him Aemond, you killed us.’’

She felt his calloused fingers wipe her eyes and gasped. Her body became rigid, her eyes widened staring at him ‘’I am sorry. I know my road to redemption is long and arduous, but I will earn your trust and love back.’’ He was crying too now ‘’I will do whatever it takes and in the end I will prove to you that I am worthy of your love Visenya.’’

And just like that, this one word brought her back to their sad reality ‘’Love?’’ she cackled ‘’Do you even know what love is Aemond?’’

‘’I do. You taught me what love is.’’ He despaired as she pushed his hands away from her face.

‘’And then you proceeded to ruin everything.’’ Shaking her head, Visenya steeled herself for what was to come ‘’Even if you magically managed to earn my forgiveness uncle, we would never be together again. The day you killed Luke I was in Winterfell offering myself to Lord Cregan Stark.’’ She watched his dark gaze as she gave the final blow ‘’And he accepted.’’

‘’You will not wed that mutt niece, I will not allow it.’’ His cold voice brought to her mind images of a possessive Aemond, images of him f*cking her on a wall in a hidden part of the Keep, just because a Lord of the court dared to turn his head and gaze at her.

‘’Pray tell uncle, what are you going to do to stop it?’’ she said snickering.

Aemond did not breathe, did not even blink before answering ‘’I will mount Cannibal and raze this f*cking island, Winterfell too. I will leave no Stark alive.’’

He was dead serious, that much was clear ‘’Cannibal?’’

He nodded ‘’We bonded not long ago.’’ He didn’t gloat though, did not smirk at her trying to make her admire his feat. No, it was as if he was ashamed of saying this to her. At her loss of words he continued ‘’The day Vhagar fell and you ordered the guards to accompany me to King’s Landing I broke free of them and wandered on the island, waiting for an opportunity to find you. He found me then and while I was certain he would eat me alive, we bonded.’’

‘’Does your family know this?’’ it was the first thing that crossed her mind. The leverage they thought they had over the Greens was now gone. The once untamed beast that roamed the volcanic isle of Dragonstone for years, a grotesque aberration that preyed upon livestock and dragon eggs, burned peasant huts and even attacked other dragons, earning its fearsome appellation now had a rider. Aemond managed to claim him.

‘’You are my family Visenya.’’

‘’You don’t know what you are talking about. Take your dragon and go, never show yourself to me unless we are in battle, and always remember this uncle, I already killed your first dragon. I will not hesitate to do it again.’’

‘’I mean it Visenya’’ he said at her retreating form ‘’If you dare even think of marrying him I will do as I said.’’

Visenya turned and looked at him, really looked at him. From his tangled hair, to the stormy depths of his piercing purple eye, every aspect of her uncle bespoke an intensity of emotion that mirrored the turmoil within him. His face, chiseled with the sharp lines of youth, bore the imprint of a life lived on the edge, marked by both reckless abandon and a deep seated longing for redemption. His body, lean and sinewy, was a testament to his physical prowess, fueled by the burning desire to prove himself worthy to those around him. His movements were always swift and fluid, like a predator stalking its prey, his every gesture exuding an aura of barely contained desperation and impatience. Yet, beneath the veneer of bravado lay a heart that was raw and wounded, a heart that still yearned for the love he had so carelessly discarded once. Aemond was a man at war with himself for so long, torn between the destructive path he had chosen and the hope of reclaiming the love he had lost. His actions, driven by a relentless hunger would be as unpredictable as they would be extreme, that much Visenya knew. Aemond had never resembled Daemon more.

‘’You will do nothing.’’ She spat at him, a last effort to call his bluff.

Aemond did not answer to her; instead he inclined his head to the side. The ground slightly trembled beneath her as the large beast approached his new master, his massive dark form almost gliding from the cliff to come rest behind Aemond. Cannibal was a fearsome sight, his black as coal scales shimmering like polished obsidian under the sun. His horns curled menacingly, and his eyes glowed with an eerie green light. The air crackled as Cannibal drew closer, until he finally reached his master and lowered his head enough, his eyes meeting her gaze. Visenya’s ears were buzzing but she refused to show her fear. ‘’Lykiri’’ commanded Aemond, obviously sensing his mount’s sinister thoughts.

Then, with a thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of the island, Cannibal leaped into the air, his wings carrying him high above the cliff ‘’He will not harm you niece. He will not harm anyone unless I tell him to.’’

The double meaning of his words was not lost to her ‘’What do you want.’’

‘’You.’’ He said looking right into her eyes ‘’I only want you Visenya.’’

‘’Would you be a turncoat Aemond? Leave your family behind and join me here, join the Blacks? Because I would rather walk right into the arms of Morghul before I went with you back in King’s Landing.’’

‘’I told you before niece, you are my family. Wherever you go, I go. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it.’’

‘’Would you kill your brother for me Aemond? Your grandsire? Would you be a kinsalyer again?’’ she knew her words would cause him pain, but she uttered them non the less. The times where she valued his emotions were long gone. If Visenya took him back, it would not be due to love or forgiveness.

He grit his teeth but remained collected ‘’I would do as my wife asked of me.’’

His choice of words surprised her ‘’Your what?’’

‘’Did you think I would come here and be your mother’s prisoner? The moment I would step inside the castle Rhaenyra would have me put to the dungeons, Gods know what torture Daemon has in mind for me.’’ He took a few steps closer to her ‘’I will join the Blacks only if you will wed me Visenya. The only thing I want is to be with you.’’

‘’You are delusional if you think I will wed you. I am promised to Lord Stark.’’

‘’f*ck him.’’ He roared ‘’I will not allow another man to even think of you, not wed you, touch you and put his seed inside you.’’ A trembling hand was raised then and softly caressed her cheek ‘’I will be the only man who has touched your beautiful skin, kissed those perfect lips and been inside you. No one else Visenya, no one else.’’

‘’I cannot guarantee they won’t throw you in the dungeons. You killed my brother after all.’’ Her tone was laced with malice. No, Visenya Velaryon would not fall without fighting first.

‘’I just want to be with you.’’ It was as if he hadn’t listened to her ‘’To lay in the same featherbed, close my eyes at night and the last face I will see will be yours, only to wake the next morning to your radiant face. I want to ride our dragons to the skies, read High Valyrian together as we used to do, have a family and grow old together.’’

The life Aemond was describing was the life she had wanted all that time ago. She dreamt spending all of her days with him, laughing and f*cking to their heart’s content and then when they were old enough lay on their featherbed one last time together and sleep forever. But those were just dreams, their reality would never allow for them to come to life. They would most certainly die until the end of the war.

‘’I accept.’’ She said, thoughts of Cregan and Winterfell entering her over exerted mind. She would have to write to him, probably fly back to Winterfell and explain her reasons, but the most important thing was what would take for Cregan to continue his support to her mother.

A big smile graced Aemond’s face and he moved to embrace her ‘’No.’’ she said raising her hands ‘’I will wed you uncle, but you have to understand that I cannot forgive you for what you’ve done.’’

‘’I will wait Visenya. I will wait and I will do everything for you to understand how sorry I am for everything.’’

She nodded and turned to leave, not before motioning for him to follow her. The walk to the castle was not a long one, and gave little time to Visenya in order to prepare her speech. With Daemon being away, still in Harrenhal, she had a better chance to appeal to her mother. But what could she say to a mother that had lost her child? The guards stationed at the castle’s entrance tensed upon seeing the company of the Princess, but they said nothing as they moved to allow them inside. Visenya guided Aemond to the room of the Painted Table where she was certain the Queen would be with her advisors.

As soon as they reached the oak doors she turned to him ‘’I will talk to the Queen. When I tell you to leave the room you will obey. Am I clear Aemond?’’

He smirked at her ‘’I like it when you get authoritarian niece.’’

‘’Shut up.’’ She muttered and opened the heavy doors. Her mother, as predicted, was there in front of the hearth conversing with Princess Rhaenys. Jace was the first to see them and bolted immediately ‘’What is he doing here?” he roared and moved to attack Aemond.

‘’Jace please, wait.’’ She urged standing in front of their uncle, hands raised ‘’Listen to me first, Jace!’’ she screamed at her brother, but he was far too gone.

‘’You c*nt, what the f*ck are you doing here?’’ he spat while trying to move past Visenya to get to Aemond.

Having had enough, the one eyed Prince pushed Visenya behind him and came face to face with Jace ‘’It would do you well to listen to your sister Jacaerys.’’

‘’Enough with the two of you’’ yelled Visenya getting between them. Aemond’s arm immediately snaked in her waist and she pushed it away at her brother’s disgusted expression ‘’Mother a word please.’’

All this time, Queen Rhaenyra stood there observing them not making a move ‘’You brought him here Visenya, the murderer of your little brother. How could you?’’ in her eyes Visenya could see the same images that she herself had seen before. She was reliving Luke’s death.

‘’Will you please let me speak?’’ she pleaded again.

‘’My Queen it would be wise to allow Prince Aemond to speak. Maybe he has something important to say.’’ Rationalized Princess Rhaenys.

‘’Yes, he came all the way here to declare for us.’’ Jested Jace, the disgusted expression still etched on his face.

‘’That I did nephew.’’

Everyone in the room turned to look at him as if he had grown a second head. Jace was the first to burst in a fit of hysterical laughter, while Princess Rhaenys grasped the Queen’s hand and looked at her intently. Queen Rhaenyra stared at her brother in a way Visenya did not know what to think of ‘’Everyone out now.’’

‘’You can’t be serious mother.’’ Objected Jace.

‘’What is going on here?’’ Ser Harwin was breathing hard as he entered the room, probably from having to run here. He halted his steps upon seeing Aemond and for a moment Visenya thought he was going to lunge at him like Jace did. Her father though locked his eyes to Aemond’s and mere moments later, the one eyed Prince lowered his gaze in shame.

‘’Husband would you please escort my brother to the Great Hall and wait for me?’’ they silently communicated with each other and then Ser Harwin nodded before motioning for Aemond to follow him. Her uncle looked at her before going after her father.

‘’Jace I trust you can find your way to your chambers without a guard escorting you.’’

‘’He killed Luke mother, you can’t expect me to let him live.’’ His words made Visenya close her eyes, her heart clenching painfully.

‘’To your chambers now Jacaerys.’’ She commanded.

Visenya only opened her eyes when she heard the doors close. The Queen laced her hands in front of her body and addressed her ‘’I will not scold you for leaving Dragonstone while I had commanded you to do the exact opposite. I will not scold you for flying to Harrenhal without telling me first. But for the love of the Gods Visenya, explain to me why is the man who killed my son is in my castle right now?’’ the calmness in her voice made the hair in Visenya’s hands rise.

‘’He was on the island when I arrived’’ she began, watching her mother for any reaction ‘’He wishes to wed me and join us.’’ She exhaled shakily after finishing.

The fire crackled behind, the roaring flames doing nothing to sooth Visenya’s anxiety. Princess Rhaenys spoke first ‘’Did he give you information about the Greens?’’

Visenya shook her head negatively just as her mother spoke ‘’As if it matters. He killed my boy Rhaenys, my son.’’

‘’I know Rhaenyra but please think beside your grief. A member of the Greens, our rival, their asset has come here wishing to join us. We can benefit from that.’’

‘’He is not an asset anymore Rhaenys, Vhagar is dead. They probably sent him here to gain intel and help them win.’’ And she could not have been wrong, thought Visenya. It would not be the first time that he would betray her after all.

‘’He has claimed Cannibal.’’ Both women turned to look at her instantly ‘’I don’t know how he achieved it, but he did. I saw it myself.’’

‘’He has claimed that beast and he is still here? He hadn’t flown back to King’s Landing?’’ Princess Rhaenys’ questions were the same Visenya herself has wondered about.

‘’This is yet another plan of them. I will not allow them to hurt us anymore.’’ The Queen was quick to reach her ‘’This man will never hurt you again my love.’’

‘’He has Cannibal mother and he will use him against us if we will not be wed.’’

‘’Did he threaten you?’’ the dangerous gleam in her eyes forced Visenya to rephrase.

‘’If we deny him he will fly back to King’s Landing, to the Greens and they will gain one more dragon mother.’’ Grasping her hands she mutters ‘’We can win this war.’’

‘’Princess Visenya is speaking wisely my Queen. With Aemond on our side this war will end faster and things will finally be as they should.’’

‘’I do not trust him.’’ The Queen voiced her opinion.

‘’None of us trusts him’’ retorted Princess Rhaenys ‘’But we will monitor him all the time. He will be with one of us or a guard at any time of the day.’’

‘’She is right mother; we can’t risk him going back to the Greens. Not with Cannibal.’’

‘’I can’t force you to wed him daughter.’’ Visenya held back the snarky comment at her mother’s words. She wanted to remind her of the way she ordered her to go and offer herself to the Stark Lord but she refrained. Her mother’s resolve was waning already, she was ready to cave in.

‘’It will never again be the same between us mother. Not after everything he has done.’’ She promised first to herself and after to her mother.

Queen Rhaenyra sighed and shook her head ‘’Your father will rage about this.’’

‘’Then it is a good thing he is in Harrenhal.’’ Visenya could imagine the Rogue Prince’s anger at the news. It was good he was not in Dragonstone at the moment.

‘’Very well. You will wed my brother in the Sept tomorrow. You can go tell him that if he dares betray us again I will personally kill him with my bare hands.’’

She found them, her uncle and her father, conversing at the Great Hall. They were in deep conversation and from her perspective, Aemond was trying hard to make Ser Harwin believe him. Not wanting to intrude, Visenya stayed put and for the sake of her father she allowed them the time to try and make amends. But how could Aemond ever justify killing his nephew, who could ever forgive him and trust him again? Certainly not her.

Ser Harwin noticed her first and was quick to his feet, his hand resting for a moment at Aemond’s shoulder as the older man passed beside him ‘’I trust you.’’ Was all he said to her before leaving them together in the vast room.

‘’He heard me out.’’ Aemond said, still seated and not turning to face her ‘’He actually allowed me to describe what happened and was willing to try and forgive me.’’ Then finally turning to her ‘’Ser Strong did not lash out on me, did not kill me once it was the two of us Visenya. Your…’’ he paused before his tongue slipped.

‘’Say it uncle. You didn’t bother back then, why are you hesitating now?’’

‘’Your father.’’ He muttered somewhat relieved ‘’Your father looked at me and did not judge.’’

‘’Ser Harwin is a unique man, though remember uncle not everyone in this castle shares his beautiful mind.’’ Not wanting to discuss her father with him any further, Visenya changed the subject ‘’The Queen has agreed for us to wed on the sole condition that you bend the knee to her.’’

The one eyed Prince stood and faced her ‘’I will do it only if this is what you want, not my sister.’’

‘’I want what my Queen wants.’’ This was a complicated sentence in so many ways, but Visenya did not want Aemond to know that she disagreed in many levels in her mother’s demands.

‘’So be it.’’ He agreed ‘’When will we be wed?’’

The tightening in her chest kept her from answering immediately. Her wedding to her uncle was once her dream. Now thought it seemed like a nightmare ‘’We will be wed at the Sept tomorrow.’’

Aemond’s brows furrowed ‘’I will not wed you in a Sept Visenya. You will become my wife in the eyes of the Gods, the Valyrian way.’’

‘’Are you mad?’’ she exclaimed furiously ‘’I will not bind myself to you that way. Such a bond is sacred.’’ Visenya had watched her mother wed her two husbands in a Valyrian ceremony, the eerie atmosphere traveling her back to the ancient times when their ancestors thrived.

‘’Did you think a cloak around your shoulders would be enough niece?’’ he stepped impossibly close to her ‘’I want you to bear my mark on your lips, I want you to taste my blood. I want you to be mine forever.’’

‘’I thought you worshipped the Seven.’’ She retorted taking a few steps back. She desperately needed space to breath.

‘’We are Targaryens Visenya. There is no other way for us to wed.’’

She wanted to laugh at his words. Spew back to him the words he used to make her cower when they were children. Most of the times she and her siblings were bastards to him, and when he was in a good mood they were just Velaryon Princes. Never Targaryen ‘’What would your mother say about you now uncle? Coming to Dragonstone on your own free will, begging for my forgiveness, bending the knee to her sworn enemy and ultimately taking me to wife?’’ a savage smirk appeared on her face. No, she was not going to go easy on him.

Aemond flinched at her cruel words but did not recoil ‘’I am a man grown and I have made my decisions. It does not matter what they say.’’

She took a quick step forward then and grasped his half hard co*ck squeezing ‘’If you dare betray me again uncle I will end you. I will not wait for my mother or my father to do it. I will kill you myself.’’ She whispered in his mouth, her lips barely touching his.

‘’I will gladly accept even death from your hands my love.’’

It was getting harder and harder for Viseya to get used to this new Aemond. The young man she left that day in King’s Landing was a cold and always measured Prince that never showed emotion. Even in their most intimate moments he was possessive of her, wanting to mark her, but never did he openly expressed his emotions. The girl she used to be would purr and fall deeper in love with him at his declarations of love. But Visenya had left that girl behind long ago. It was impossible for her to trust him, unfeasible to believe he suddenly loved her now after she had killed his dragon. In her mind, there was something else that was going on, something she had to find out but for now giving in to what he wanted meant that he and his mongrel would remain in Dragonstone within their reach and away from the Greens. Even if another scheme was in motion, Aemond would be so close monitored that it would be impossible for him to act on it.

They spent the night apart, Visenya in her childhood chambers that would soon become his as well, and Aemond in chambers close to hers but with no secret tunnels that allowed him to wander during the night, four members of the Queensguard standing vigilant by his doors and occasionally entering to make sure he was still inside. The next day, when the wedding would take place, Baela and Queen Rhaenyra entered her chambers both women wearing ominous expressions on their faces. ‘’I am allowing him to wed you in our ancestor’s customs for the sole reason you asked this of me Visenya. This is the last thing I want, believe me.’’

Visenya nodded solemnly ‘’I know mother. It is the last thing I want too, trust me, but there is no other way. With a beast like Cannibal at his command this war will be far more bloodied and after Luke I wish for this situation to just end.’’

Baela put her hands on her shoulders and squeezed ‘’No matter what, always remember that we are here and we love you.’’

‘’Your sacrifice will not be forgotten my daughter, and I personally promise to you that once this wretched war is over I will evaluate this marriage again. You will not be shackled with him for more than needed.’’

It was a foreign concept for her for a union like that to be nullified, but Visenya would take everything that would free her from Aemond. Even the thought of seeing him every day for the rest of their lives caused a tightening in her chest. Those dark thoughts that flooded her mind since learning about his betrayal were coming more and more since facing him again. She feared she would not be able to contain herself much longer, and losing composure now that he was that close to pledging to the Blacks something like that was simply not allowed.

On the shores of Dragonstone, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, Princess Visenya Velaryon and her uncle Prince Aemond Targaryen exchanged vows according to Valyrian customs. The ceremony was held under the watchful gaze of Vermithor, Syrax and Vermax, Cannibal commanded to stay in a distance, forever tainted with the stigma of his name to never be trusted among the other dragons.

Visenya, clad in a gown of shimmering white silk, stood straight facing Aemond, his eye burning with intensity. Ever since seeing him again, he foregoes the eye patch allowing the sapphire to gleam in the rays of the setting sun. He wore the black armor he arrived in, the dragon sigil emblazoned on his chest. Visenya had not asked for the traditional attire this ceremony would require, she would be a hypocrite to do so. She wanted for this to end as soon as possible, not play the perfect Valyrian bride. She was not, and neither was her soon to be husband.

The High Priest of the Old Gods, a weathered figure with long white hair and piercing blue eyes led the ceremony with grace. He chanted in the ancient Valyrian language, invoking the Gods to bless this union. The flames from the torches beside them danced eerily luring Visenya’s attention to them. She was woken by her daydream by the High Priest softly taking her hand and weaving it with Aemond’s for a moment before placing a shard of dragon glass in his palm. They cut each other’s lips with it, marking their temples with the blood. After, first Aemond and then Visenya cut their palms and united them, letting their blood mix and then fall to the cup the High Priest held bellow them while he still chanted in High Valyrian.

She drank first, the slightly iron like taste of the wine not repulsive to her. She watched him the whole time, his face wore the expression of satisfaction and absolute bliss. After drinking from the cup as well, Aemond slowly took a step forward and placed his hand in the back of her neck gently pulling her to him. The first kiss was chaste, just their lips touching, smudging the blood over them. When she drew back, she saw the fire in his eye ready to consume him. He pulled her to him again, this time with more force and kissed her hungrily. She did not have the time to think of her parents and siblings being present, Jace being the only one choosing to stay in the castle. The passion he put to the kiss made her gasp, allowing this way his tongue to enter her mouth and ravish her in a way only he knew. With reluctance, she pulled back, her breath heavy. She didn’t know what to expect from him, but certainly Aemond lowering his head to her forehead, eye closed in reverence while his one hand stayed in her neck, the other on her waist, certainly was not one of them.

A dragon roaring from somewhere near made her turn her head; the Blood Wyrm was casually laying a few feet from them observing them, just like his rider atop him. Prince Daemon made no move to dismount. He stared at her for many moments before commanding his dragon to ascend to the sky and fly away from them all. He would come for her, she knew it. Without exchanging a word with the others that were present in the ceremony, Visenya mounted Vermithor and waited for her uncle to do the same with his dragon. They flew together for a while, finally landing in a small uninhabitated island near Dragonstone and dismounted.

She felt Aemond approach her, his warmth instead of comforting her made her want to recoil. She took a calming breath and forced the dark thoughts away. The moment she felt his soft touch on her skin she could contain herself any more. She hissed and turned to look at him ‘’We may have been wed now uncle, but this means nothing to me.’’

She saw him flinch but he expertly stood his ground ‘’I meant what I said. I will wait and I will fight tooth and nail to make things the way they were before. I love you Visenya.’’

The dam broke at his words ‘’I was with child.’’ She said staring at him marveling at the way his eye widened, his mouth opening, but she did not give him the time to talk ‘’When we left King’s Landing I was expecting a babe uncle. Your babe.’’

‘’Wh.. What?’’ she had never heard him stutter or even look as disorientated as now. Prince Aemond Targaryen stood in front of her completely broken, an open wound, and she reveled in the sight he made as she twisted the knife.

‘’I found out a few weeks later though. I was not feeling quite well and went to the Maester. When he told me a babe was growing in my womb I immediately flew to King’s Landing. I came to you Aemond. I came to tell you that I was carrying our babe.’’ She smiled sadly ‘’I stupidly believed that this babe was a blessing sent from the Gods to put an end to this family feud that was meant to tear us apart. Can you believe my idiocy uncle?’’

Aemond was openly crying now, his body shaking, hands playing awkwardly with the ends of his armor, but his eye never left her ‘’Visenya…’’

She nodded at him ‘’So imagine my surprise husband when I stood in the secret tunnel of your rooms, waiting patiently for you to finish your conversation with your grandsire to come in and tell you my joyous news, only to hear you two talking about his brilliant plan of besmirching my reputation at court and that apparently it was not really going as expected while you reassured him that I was soon going to get what I deserved.’’

Letting all the hate she had accumulated inside her show in her face and voice she continued her verbal onslaught. No, there was no way she would stop now. ‘’I sat there, in the dirty tunnel, for Gods know how long listening to you and your grandsire plotting the accidental entry of a servant in your chambers while we would be still together in bed. You uncle seemed rather impatient to end this farce of a relationship I believed we had, while the respectable Hand wanted to be sure of my humiliation in front of the court.’’ A small chuckle escaped her mouth as she made a circle around herself like a caged beast.

Risking a glance at him, she found him lowering his head, surely knowing what was about to come. ‘’I remember you saying that you wanted this all to end as quickly as possible since you were disgusted to play pretend to enjoy my company. To take me to your bed. To be with me.’’ Her voice was rising with every syllable but she was far too gone to even care. ‘’Bedding me must had been a chore to you uncle, my deepest apologies for your inconvenience.’’ Then pointing a trembling finger at her head ‘’ Those words, your words, are engraved right here, forever reminding me what a complete halfwit I’ve been to put my trust in you. To let you inside my body, to give you the chance to ruin me’’

Noticing the weather worsening, a storm was brewing for sure, Visenya took a tired breath and looked at him for what she hoped was the last time today ‘’I believe you can now understand how your words, both of your words, made me take the decision that I finally took. ‘’ mere seconds after her words left her mouth he lifted his head and his stare pierced her soul. She could not find remorse there, she tried, for the sake of the time they spent together she really tried. Yet all she could see was a vacant glare. ‘’Maester Gerardys was hesitant at first to provide me with the tea that I needed in order to expel your babe from my body, but in the end he gave it to me. And while I spent the next three days bleeding out the remnants of you out of my body, all I could think was how much I hated you. Hated you for what you did, for what you made me.’’

Her chest felt so much lighter now, and despite having lied to him about the outcome of her pregnancy, Visenya enjoyed the anguish in his eye. She took great pleasure at seeing him almost doubled over, a hand rubbing his chest while he tried to breathe. Good, a voice inside her mind told her, let him feel the pain he caused you. He deserves this and more. ‘’If you thought that this marriage would ever be a normal and romantic affair let me tell you something husband’’ she mocked him ‘’You are in for a wild ride. While in your little mind shackling me to you was a good idea, let me tell you that you will suffer a thousand deaths until you will be begging to join my brother in the afterlife.’’

Then without wasting another moment she turned and walked to her dragon. Vermithor was agitated, smoke leaving his nostrils and as she approached him she noticed his amber eyes lock in her blue ones. As soon as they were up in the sky, over the clouds and safe from the brewing storm, only then did Visenya allow herself to break down and soon tears fell from her eyes. Tears that quickly turned into sobs leaving her body convulsing uncontrollably. She was the monster she was accusing him to be and she knew it. But she had to do it, she kept telling herself. It was the only way to move on now after every vile thing he had done. And it f*cking hurt her psyche.

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Visenya had long stopped counting the time she flew aimlessly before finally deciding it was time to return home. Only when she saw Dragonstone did she begin wiping away her tears, taking deep breaths in order to calm her heartbeat. The castle’s grim appearance only served to make it look more imposing and intimidating with the storm. To Visenya, Dragonstone was her home. Her only home. The one she used to go to and find her family, those who loved her and never judged her making her feel like a small girl again. Free from the pain, the real gut wrenching pain. Suddenly she wished she was ten years of age again, playing with her brothers, having her hair brushed by her mother and being called a bastard being her only problem.

By the time she was in her chambers she had managed to get a grip and only when she felt all her dark thoughts recede in the back of her mind did she call for the maids to ready her a bath. She desperately wanted to sink in the scalding water, it felt like this would ease the slight tremors that had remained and most certainly were from the cold weather of the island. And that was exactly what she did mere minutes later, submerging herself in the peace and tranquility provided but the hot water.

‘’So you came back.’’ Visenya’s eyes opened instantly. ‘’It’s just me dear sister, your favorite brother.’’ Jace said lifting his hands up in a surrendering gesture and smiled tightly. ‘’Peace.’’ Visenya sent him a humorless laugh and submerged deeper in the water. She didn’t know how long she had been there, but the water had become tepid. She would have to get out soon.

‘’What is it Jace?’’

‘’I was at the Stone Drum heading to the chamber of the Painted Table when I saw you landing and practically running inside.’’ His brows furrowed ‘’Where is your husband?’’ he spat as if the word offended him greatly.

‘’Outside flying with this mongrel he calls a dragon.’’

Jace was now walking towards her, settling in his knees behind her and gently taking her long hair out from the tub. ‘’ Why did you accept to wed him?’’ He said as he put her favorite jasmine oil in his hands and began rubbing her scalp soothingly ‘’You used to tell me everything Visenya.’’ she sighed before forcing herself to relax. When it was clear that she was not going to answer he rinsed her hair and got up to fetch her a robe. He then tactfully averted his eyes and took a seat at the nearest settee closer to the roaring fire the maids had the mind to light before.

‘’What were you doing at the chamber of the Painted Table brother?’’ she asked as she walked behind the partition to dress. Changing the topic of their talk was necessary if she wanted to keep her composure. Jace would understand that something was not right. He had done it before after all.

‘’I was going to meet with father. He wanted to talk to me about the situation you put us in. My guess is he wants me to act civilly to your husband’’ His tone was absolutely disgusted. Her older brother always wanted to be the best Prince, heir to the Iron Throne, son and brother, but she feared this time Jace was going to disappoint their father and maybe some of the Lords.

‘’ Things will be as they should have been soon brother’’ Visenya reassured him. Then she approached the vanity and sat, brushing her hair, she was willing to do really everything that could distract her mind from Aemond.

He threw her a disbelieving look but remained silent.

‘’ Sister, please tell me, why were you in such dire condition when you came back. Where were you? Were you with him? Did he do anything to upset you?’’

Just when her throat was beginning to tighten, the doors to her chambers burst open and both of them turned to see their mother enter. ‘’ Muña’’ said Visenya getting up hastily.

‘’Jace would you please leave? I want to talk to your sister?’’ her beautiful eyes were soft, always soft when it came to her children.

‘’Yes mother, of course.’’ Before leaving, he cast his sister a glance that could only mean that their conversation was far from over.

When the doors closed, Queen Rhaenyra approached Visenya and motioned for her to sit in front of the vanity. She then started brushing her long hair with care. ‘’You have the most beautiful hair my daughter. I really hope Aemma takes after you.’’ She said caressing them ‘’Soft, like velvet. Just like Lukes’ hair. You are beautiful my girl, you know that right?’’ by now she had left the brush down and motioned for her to stand. Placing her hands on her shoulders she continued ‘’You are a Princess of the Realm. A precious gem. And no one has the right to break your heart.’’ She then engulfed her in a hug and whispered in her ear ‘’Did you talk to him?’’

‘’Yes’’ there was no point in lying to her or obscuring the truth. Her mother knew everything after all ‘’We flew to the neighboring island, and while it was not my intention to reveal this to him, I couldn’t hold back.’’ Her tone was now frantic ‘’I wanted to hurt him mother. I still do. And as he stood there broken and defeated I took pleasure from the sight he made.’’

‘’Please calm my love.’’ Her mother said stroking her tear stained cheek.

Nodding, Visenya continued, relieved that she could confide in someone ‘’As soon as he landed, he approached me with promises of love and words of deception.’’

Gulping, she closed her eyes and tried not to think the warm way he looked at her.

‘’And then you told him what had happened.’’ The Queen’s tone was soft and held no hidden emotions.

‘’I told him and then I flew back here. That’s when Jace saw me and came here to question me. He didn’t take Aemond’s arrival here and our wedding well.’’

‘’Jace is still trying to comprehend what had happened with Luke. And while every one of us still grieves, Jace has yet to learn another lesson about ruling a kingdom. He will get there Visenya, do not worry.’’ Taking a deep breath she continued ‘’How did my brother react?’’ it was difficult for her to refer to Aemond, Visenya understood that. Housing the man that killed your child and watch him wed your daughter was difficult for her mother, but she took Princess Rhaenys’ advice to heart and waited. Visenya knew the dam would break sometime soon though.

‘’He said nothing. Well, I didn’t give him the chance to say anything, so…’’ Visenya felt the earlier tightening in her throat return. Why was her mother insisting so much?

‘’Are you sure he said nothing? You want me to believe that Aemond with the character he has said nothing when you told him you miscarried his babe?’’ taking a step back, she looked at her daughter in disbelief ‘’How did he react Visenya?’’

Visenya tried averting her gaze, but her mother’s hand shot out to softly grasp her chin thus forcing her to look at her again ‘’Please my daughter, tell me the truth. His reaction may indicate if he is still a pawn to the Hightower’s game.’’

She hadn’t thought of that of course. In her chase to relieve her soul and feed the beast inside her, Visenya had not thought that Aemond’s reaction to what had happened with the babe would help them understand the real purpose behind him coming to Dragonstone. Her mother seemed to be one step in front of her in that matter ‘’I told him I took a tea to expel the babe from my womb. I had to lie to him mother, I had to see him in pain.’’ She wanted desperately for someone to understand her reasons and justify her. Why had she lied so smoothly in his face, why she wanted him to believe that she had killed their babe with no remorse.

Queen Rhaenyra sighed and walked to the window ‘’When Daemon came in the middle of the night to tell me Luke had died I was nursing your sister. I held her as she fed from my breast, and pushed her closer to my chest after the news. Daemon had the right mind to take her from me soon after. I will spare you the details, but know that I lost my mind and was in no condition to function.’’ She slowly turned to her ‘’Losing a child, a grown and thriving child, is something that can destroy you Visenya. There is no going back from this; there is no hiding your emotions.’’

Visenya nodded and willed her mother to continue ‘’I think we can understand a lot about Aemond from his reaction to these news.’’

The Princess walked to her mother and leaned in the windowsill ‘’He was shattered. I have never seen him like that, not even when he lost his eye all these years ago. He clutched his chest and cried. It was as if he was grieving.’’

Queen Rhaenyra nodded at her daughter and turned to look outside the window. Visenya mirrored her and both women said nothing more as they watched the dark scaled dragon roam the skies spitting fire and roaring. She knew how the bond between a dragon and a dragon rider worked. She knew perfectly well that Cannibal was feeling pain right now, Aemond’s pain. They were together in this, flying until they were both exhausted enough to finally rest.

‘’I can’t forgive him mother. I look at him and I feel absolutely nothing. Where did the love go? Will I be able to feel again?’’

The Queen took her in her arms and squeezed ‘’I can’t forgive him either Visenya. I don’t think I ever will be able to forgive him.’’

They stayed like that for a while. Mother and daughter holding each other tightly, crying and soothing one another with comforting words, their outburst long overdue. Some time later, when a maid arrived to call for the Queen, Visenya was left alone watching Aemond draw circles over Dragonstone again and again. He was up there for hours until her deemed it was enough and finally just before dawn broke he entered their shared chambers.

For a moment all she could do was observe him from her seat beside the fire. Gods, it felt like she hadn’t seen him in eons. His long straight hair that she once loved carding her fingers through were pulled at the back of his head in a tangled braid, his hands were both falling at his sides lifeless and his gait… His gait that always indicated he was a man demanding and devoted to something was now showing a man defeated. He was marching toward her in slow strides and when she risked a glance at his eye, all she could see there was despair.

Visenya watched as Aemond approached her, looking nothing like the predator she knew he was. A dark prince marching to battle, ready to draw blood. He could be beautiful, she thought, if he was not a monster. When he reached her, he spared a moment to look at her. She was sitting and he was standing, his looming form towering her should be intimidating to her, but she had the higher ground and she knew it. They stayed like that for a while, and while Visenya waited for him to lash out at her, even physically attack her, Aemond did the exact opposite.

The one eyed Prince knelt before her and reached out to grasp her hands but she pulled away, her eyes filled with disgust ‘’Do not touch me.’’ She hissed and tried to push him from her. She was no match for him though and the only thing she earned was Aemond falling more prominently over her and burying his head to her belly. His strong hands circled her and gripped her waist tightly.

‘’I will not ask you why you did it for I already know.’’ His voice was distorted by his tears and from the way his mouth was pressed in her belly ‘’But know that I forgive you. It is my fault that led you to this decision. If someone is to blame here that is me.’’

‘’You are a fool if you think I want your forgiveness uncle.’’ Her cold voice was matching her emotions. Having to relive the time when she had lost her babe was torture, and she had never compartmentalized harder in her life. To someone else she could be a stone sculpture, but Visenya was dying inside.

When he finally rose to his feet, the sight he made was dreadful. The light had gone out of his eye, replaced by a cold, hard desperation. He took a seat opposite her and yet again reached for her hand. She rejected him once more. Aemond sighed and looked at the raging fire as he spoke ‘’My heart raced when you stepped foot in the Keep’s training yard that first day after so many years. I knew you would come and I waited to see a poor looking young woman dressed in a pretty gown her mother chose for her, waiting behind her brothers, cowering behind them. I though you would still be a shy and quiet Princess that found solace in the shadows and preferred her solitude.’’ He smiled at a memory ‘’How wrong I was. You entered the training yard astride your horse, back straight, eyes full of fire, and you wore an expression that screamed confidence.’’

Visenya noticed tears were falling from his eye, but did not dare interrupt him ‘’Then you dismounted and approached us, that deranged f*cker Lord Flea Bottom beside you making my blood boil. He was f*cking his niece after all, why would he stop to her? Then you walked towards us and completely ignored me. It was as if I did not exist for you and it made me rage. I wanted to draw your attention so desperately that it became painful after a while.’’ He laughed and turn to look at her ‘’I had never craved for anything in my life more than I craved for you that moment. And to consider I spent my childhood whishing for a dragon of my own and my father’s affections that means a lot.’’

His sad smile died soon and he continued reminiscing their time together ‘’Every time we spent time together you proved to me that you are my equal in everything, my other half. You did not flinch at the sight of blood that blasted day in the Throne room, you held your ground when all hell broke loose the same night and you bested me in combat. Hell Visenya, you wielded Dark Sister like she was made for you. I was mad at you at first, but after I understood that you were brilliant. A true Visenya.’’

His expression darkened then ‘’It was not my plan, I want you to know this. I never wanted to hurt you that way. Even in my darkest days all I wanted was to belittle you, show you that you were nothing special, just a bastard ‘’he flinched at his own words, the scowl never leaving his face ‘’He… He told me to approach you, make you trust me and develop a relationship with you.’’ It was getting harder and harder for him to speak now ‘’He thought that tainting your name would show everyone that you were your mother’s daughter. A Princess that could not keep her legs closed birthing bastards and failing the Court. He would propose Aegon to take the Throne as the most suited to rule after King Viserys.’’

‘’Did he force you to do it?’’ she spat at him ‘’Did he threaten to kill you if you disobeyed him?’’

‘’No.’’ instead of placating her, his defeated voice made want to push him more.

‘’Then why did you f*cking agree Aemond? What sin had I committed that was grave enough for you to punish me that way? We used to be friends.’’ She yelled at his face ‘’I used to trust you blindingly. And that was my doom.’’

‘’I am sorry.’’ His head was still bowed, his voice hollow.

‘’Was my humiliation of being found in your bed with you not enough that made you force a babe in me?’’

His head shot up ‘’I did nothing of the sort Visenya. I always gave you moon tea after we were together.’’

‘’I was a fool back then uncle, but thankfully I changed. My mother, clearly more exposed to your grandsire’s wiles all those years at the Keep, asked Maester Gerardys to prepare moon tea for me to smell. To my surprise, it smelled nothing like the tea you had offered me so many times. Then again, I don’t really know why I was that surprised after all. You had already tricked me to open my legs to you, why not get me with me child and force a bastard on me as well?’’

He abruptly got up and screamed. He was like a feral dragon, raging and destroying everything that was closer to him. Visenya had never seen Aemond that out of character before and it scared her. When he turned to her she recoiled at the sight he made. His chest was rising rapidly trying to draw breath, sweat was glistening over his forehead and his braid was ruined letting hair fall over his head. He was a mad man hell bent on destruction ‘’I promise on my life that I did not know Visenya. He gave me the vials, Otto Hightower, I trusted him enough to take them.’’ He rasped, his voice coarse from screaming.

‘’Your promises mean nothing to me Aemond. I don’t trust a word that leaves your mouth anymore.’’

She got up then intent on leaving him to his rage, but with one long stride he was in front of her, crowding her to the wall ‘’I would never force a babe in you. Never Visenya. And I would most certainly never allow a child of mine to be born a bastard or abandon them.’’ He took her face in his trembling hands and leaned his head until their foreheads touched ‘’I would have loved and cherished any babe that came from our union. In my darkest, most egoistical moments I let my mind create a world in which there were no scheming and hate. Only love and understading. And in that world Visenya we were together and thriving with our children.’’

‘’I guess it is safe to say uncle that this world will never come to life. Because you made sure of that with your actions.’’ She pushed him away from her and marched to the door connecting her chambers to the next one opening it ‘’You will be sleeping in the next room. Now please go, I am exhausted and I would like to rest.’’

Aemond looked at her one last time before he walked to the door she held open. As soon as he stepped foot in the other room, Visenya slammed the door closed and cursed him. Not bothering to change into her shift, she laid in her featherbed and closed her eyes tightly. She let the exhaustion of the last days lull her to a most welcome dreamless sleep.

The sun was shining brightly when she opened her eyes again. The fire was still roaring and her chamber was tidied up. Had she slept that soundly that she had not been bothered by the maids coming in? On second thought, she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep after Luke had died. Aemond’s presence still loomed in the room, even the thought of him laying in the next room disturbing enough for Visenya to quickly get up and change into a dress, all too willing to put as much distance between them as possible.

She walked to the Great Hall, where everyone else were already seated and breaking their fast. Visenya searched for Prince Daemon as she took a seat, the Rogue Prince absent ‘’Where is father?’’ she inquired.

‘’Daemon returned to Harrenhal, he said he had unfinished business there.’’ Her mother’s voice was did not leave space for further questions, ones that she knew Visenya would ask. There was no unfinished business in Harrenhal, Visenya had been there, the Strong Lord had already declared for the Blacks and there was no other threat looming.

‘’Where is your husband sister?’’ asked Jace, a mocking smile contorting his face.

‘’Jacaerys.’’ Warned Ser Harwin, the look he shot his first son withering.

‘’What father? Can I not ask my sister if her husband will join us?’’

The doors opened then to reveal Aemond marching with confidence to the table. The one eyed Prince approached Visenya, bent to place a quick kiss over her head and proceeded to take a seat beside her ‘’I am right here nephew. Did you miss me?’’

‘’Feel free to leave now and spend the next decade away from us so I can have the time to ponder over missing you or not uncle.’’

Jace’s voice was laced with malice, foreign to Visenya ‘’Jace please, let us eat in peace.’’

‘’Fantastic idea nephew. I will take my wife and wander the world.’’ Aemond grasped her hand tightly in a possessive move that did not escape Jace’s eyes.

‘’Do not forget to visit Winterfell uncle. I am sure Visenya wants to see Cregan again. In his last raven he told me they became very close during the time she spent in his castle and he cannot wait to see her again.’’

Aemond’s hand left hers and he hit his fist in the table before getting up ‘’Sit down.’’ Roared Ser Harwin. Visenya had never seen her father that mad ‘’Jacaerys I would mind my tongue if I were in your position. Pettiness is not a desirable trait for the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.’’ Then turning to Aemond ‘’And you, learn to control your temper. I will not tolerate such disrespectfulness in this castle. Am I clear?’’

Visenya’s eyes locked with her mother’s. She had expected to hear her voice yelling at them, but apparently the Queen did not want to even address her brother ‘’I received word from my husband my Queen. He will arrive tomorrow.’’

‘’Thank you Princess Rhaenys.’’ Then turning to her step brother, barely looking at him ‘’When the Hand arrives at the castle you will be fetched to us. We have things to discuss.’’

‘’I have nothing to say. If you think Otto Hightower and my brother included me in councils you are mistaken. After… Sometime after you left King’s Landing and after Aegon was crowned they stopped asking for my presence in the councils.’’

That was news to Visenya. Why would they exclude Aemond from their schemes? He still had Vhagar back then, he was still an asset in their hands and far too powerful to simply ignore him ‘’And you expect us to believe it?’’

‘’Yes sister, I expect you to believe it, because I am f*cking telling you the truth.’’

‘’You will address your Queen properly Prince Aemond or you have no place among us.’’ Yet again, Ser Harwin put the fuming Aemond in his position, his hard eyes pining him to his seat.

Visenya leaned to whisper in his ear ‘’If you ever as much as disrespect my mother or any other member of my family I will hurt you. Do not test me uncle.’’

‘’Husband. I am your husband now Visenya.’’ He whispered seductively in her ear.

‘’I cannot bear his sight any longer and pretend we are a happy family enjoying our breakfast. I ask to be excused my Queen.’’ Jace was on the verge of exploding already, being that close to Aemond causing his blood to boil. Visenya could easily relate to him right now. She was only tolerating his presence for the sake of keeping him in Dragonstone and away from the Greens.

Queen Rhaenyra nodded at her son, and Jace almost bolted to the door ‘’I will go see if he needs something.’’ Muttered Baela and left the room too, but not before throwing an apologetic look at Visenya.

‘’Well, since there is no point in pretending to be eating together I will go and supervise the Knights.’’ Ser Harwin turned to Aemond ‘’Come with me.’’

‘’I prefer to stay here, thank you.’’

‘’I did not ask.’’ Said Ser Harwin, his voice strong, eyes hard.

The staring match between the two men was a long one, but in the end Aemond got up and tried to kiss her again before leaving. She was faster now, easily avoiding him and averting her eyes to her mother. The Queen was observing them intently, her mouth a hard line. Aemond sighed beside her but relented and finally followed Ser Strong outside. The moment the doors closed, Visenya sighed heavily and placed her head in her hands ‘’I can’t take it anymore.’’

‘’Did you bed him?’’

‘’Rhaenys!”’ exclaimed the Queen to the Princess while Visenya gawked at her grandmother.

‘’No, of course not and I do not intend to do so. I despise him.’’

‘’All I want to say is that we have to keep him here. And with the way everyone is treating him Prince Aemond will soon return to the Greens.’’

Good riddance, thought Visenya but said instead ‘’Let him try grandmother, I will be there to stop him.’’

‘’Regardless, my Queen I think you must speak with Jace. He must not come at him all the time, irritating Aemond will not do us any good.’’

Visenya saw her mother grit her teeth before answering ‘’Jace and Visenya lost their brother because of Aemond and I lost a son. You Rhaenys lost a grandson, the heir to Driftmark. How can you talk like that?’’

‘’We need him to stay the f*ck here Rhaenyra. I know there is something you are not saying to me’’ she said to them both ‘’and I do not care to learn what it is. But Aemond must stay on our side. I will not sit here and be petty and risk lose yet another family member to this war. Without Vhagar they are nothing, and they know it. Why do you think there is no word from them after everything? We can end this if we act smart.’’

Getting up, Princess Rhaenys bowed her head to Queen Rhaenyra and left the room ‘’She is right.’’ Sighed Visenya ‘’But it is very hard for me mother.’’

‘’I know Visenya. It is equally hard for me too. It is unbearable for me to be in the same room with Luke’s murderer, and to now he is your husband.’’ Rhaenyra shook her head.

‘’He told me he didn’t want to kill Luke.’’ She chose her words carefully ‘’I did not trust him at first, but mother the day Vermithor killed Vhagar I saw it with my eyes. She did not obey him.’’

Queen Rhaenyra locked eyes with her daughter and pondered her words ‘’Could he be telling the truth?’’

‘’I have no way to verify his words, but I can’t help but think of it.’’ And it was true. Since witnessing a desperate Aemond yell at Vhagar to stop and she just brushing him off, Visenya was plagued by thoughts of Aemond trying to stop his dragon in a different battle, one resulting in her brother’s death.

‘’It doesn’t matter.’’ Spoke the Queen ‘’The outcome is the same. Our Luke is dead. Had my brother not followed him up in the skies, Luke would be alive and here with us now.’’

She found them in the training yard. Her father and husband were engaged in a sparring match, both of them sweating heavily and blasting their swords hard one on the other. To Visenya it was more than a sparring match. They were trying to find a way to communicate, to exist in the same place. Aemond never hesitated to belittle Ser Harwin when he had the opportunity back at the Keep, but the Knight never answered. Years later, Aemond added to his earlier attitude the murder of the man’s son and the betrayal to his daughter. Visenya could never understand how could her father stand Aemond’s presence without killing him. But the feared man everyone called Breakbones was the most kind hearted man Visenya had known. The real problems would arise when Daemon returned.

She stood there, patiently waiting for them to end their match but it seemed they were hell bent on exhausting each other. The heavy doors to the training yard opened to reveal the Queen’s Hand. Visenya’s brows furrowed as her grandsire approached her ‘’Grandsire ‘’she greeted the man ‘’Princess Rhaenys said you were to arrive tomorrow.’’

The old man smiled at her and gave her a tender kiss on her cheek ‘’Is it that bad for an old man to return to his family faster? I missed you my Visenya.’’

She lost herself in his open arms and welcomed his salt scent that she had loved in her younger years ‘’It is good you came earlier. Things here have changed drastically.’’ She said motioning to her father and now husband.

‘’Rhaenys informed me of your marriage to him’’ he grunted ‘’I cannot say I was delighted with the news, but we must act smart.’’

Visenya nodded and sighed ‘’They are at it almost over an hour.’’

‘’Let them my child. They have many things to work on. This is the only way they know how to do so.’’

She found this to be true and finally abandoned the training yard to return to her chambers. Hours later Aemond entered her chambers, sweat glistening on his skin and leathers utterly ruined ‘’Why are you here uncle?’’

‘’I just want to rest Visenya.’’ he was utterly spent, she could tell. Without exchanging another word, Aemond began taking off his dirty gear as two maids entered and filled the tub with scalding hot water. As soon as they left, Aemond took off the remaining clothes and moved to her. His naked body marching towards her with confidence made her look at him up and down, practically shoving at the back of her mind thoughts about scoffing at his appearance and leaving the room. He was glorious, his alabaster skin glistening with sweat, his flaccid co*ck hanging between his thighs. She was shameless at her inspection of his body, his chest raising evenly as he extended a hand to her.

Visenya took it and even without talking, she understood he wanted her to join him. His eye focused on her and she nodded, giving him her silent consent before his hands began working on her laces. When the last article of clothing fell to the velvet carpet, Aemond intertwined their hands and guided them to the tub. He helped her in first, and only when she sat down did he follow her. They sat opposite one from the other, and stared at each other for a few moments. Then the Princess reached over and took his eye patch off, wanting to see all of him, all of the man that had killed her brother and all the warm feelings inside her. Aemond allowed it and closed his eyes at her faint touch.

They did not speak as they washed themselves, taking all the time in the world to wash their sins off their bodies. When Aemond deemed they were clean enough, he got up and brought her a fresh gown for her to wear. Gently helping her dress, he remained stark naked as he fretted over his wife, making sure to brush her hair and then guide her to bed. He let her sit first and then he laid beside her and put his head on her lap. Visenya allowed him this and even brushed her fingers in his wet hair, her mouth unconsciously opening and singing the same lullaby she had once sang to him. The very same her mother used to sing to them when they were small children. His hands found their way around her waist and enveloped her in a tight embrace ‘’I am sorry.’’

Visenya bit her lips and sighed. It was getting more and more difficult for her to be with Aemond in the same room. Even now that her fingers were carded in his hair, all she could think was ways to cause him pain. Yet, she allowed him close. His constant need to touch her and apologize to her only served to irritate her. She would have found a way to forgive him, she thought, had he only plotted against her and her family. If this was the only thing he had done Visenya would have given him hell and made him pay, but in the end she may have forgiven him, especially if he proved to be useful for the Blacks. But there was more between them now, the blood of her unborn child that she still felt trailing down her thighs and Luke’s death hanging over their heads made it all impossible. So she took a deep breath and made to move ‘’The Hand wishes to see me.’’

‘’Please don’t go.’’ His eye focused on her, the anguish inside rattling her. What reasons could make Aemond act like this. Act like a dependent child, like a love sick fool with her.

‘’You will come too uncle. We will discuss war plans.’’

He rose from the bed and stood in front of her ‘’I will do as you say Visenya, I will tell you everything, but please do not make me stand in front of them while they take turns on me.’’

‘’Put something over you Aemond.’’ she ordered him unable to continue talking to him in his state of undress. He was a murderer yes, a kinslayer, but he was a young man too, virile and good looking, and while he was on her lap with her caressing his hair, his co*ck had already hardened enough to distract her.

‘’You desire me.’’ He smirked, merely stating a fact ‘’Say it Visenya, say you want me.’’ He walked to her turned to her back and embraced her. Her weak attempts to break free from his touch only spurred him on, and soon Aemond was slowly thrusting his now fully hard co*ck to her bottom ‘’We are the same niece. We are two Targaryens who desire what is forbidden to us. But in the end, our very same name means we are allowed to have what we want.’’ The slow timbre of his voice made her shiver, yet his words brought her back to reality.

She pushed herself free and turned to look at him ‘’I am a Strong uncle, like you so much loved to accuse me, do you remember? And I most certainly do not desire something forbidden to me.’’ She brought her mouth to his ‘’You could be the last man on this blasted Kingdom and I would still chose to walk a lonely road. Now move out of my way, we have to go.’’

He dressed quickly and followed her without a word choosing to walk beside her, their arms almost touching. It was maddening to Visenya, her body’s response to his proximity. Her mind might scream at her to kill him and be done with it, but her body told a completely different story. Aemond had been in her mind for years, and having felt what it meant to have him inside her, over her, kneeling at her feet as he feasted on her c*nt only made her treacherous body want him to touch her. She tried purging such thoughts as they entered the room of the Painted Table, finding them all waiting for them.

‘’Thank you for joining us Visenya, Prince Aemond.’’ Her grandsire’s voice lacked the warmth it had earlier when he spoke to her, his hard eyes staring daringly at the one eyed Prince.

But Aemond was not one to retreat in any kind of battle, so he smirked at the Sea Snake and pulled a chair for Visenya to sit ‘’Now that we are all here’’ he continued ‘’Prince Daemon is still in Harrenhal’’ said the Hand, his fingers bringing the dragon pawn over the castle of Harrenhal ‘’We have the Riverlands support at last, but the Westerlands…’’ he let his words drag without continuing.

‘’It is known the Lannisters are loyal to the Greens. Am I correct uncle?’’ spat Jace with malice.

Aemond took her hand in his and answered in his most cold voice ‘’Tyland Lannister that once served as Master of Ships, now under my mother’s command has the title of the Master of Coin.’’ He was being frugal, Visenya could not believe this was the only information he had to give them.

‘’And?’’ she prodded sinking her nails to his hand, taking pleasure in his hiss of pain.

‘’And right before I fled King’s Landing it came to my knowledge he had seized the royal treasury and divided it into four parts. No one really knows where those parts are though.’’

‘’Lies.’’ Spat Jace getting up from his seat ‘’Are we going to sit here all day and listen to him lie to us?’’

‘’I am not lying.’’ Yelled Aemond from his seat beside her.

‘’Are we supposed to believe you? Like it wasn’t you that betrayed my sister and killed Luke?’’

‘’Jace please sit down.’’ The Queen ordered her son, then turning to Aemond ‘’I was aware you participated in the councils brother.’’

‘’I did.’’ He said laconically, leaving the part he was not always called to them unspoken.

‘’Then I am certain you know where the royal treasury has been shipped to.’’ Her tone was low and threatening as she stared at Aemond’s eye.

‘’I was telling the truth about not knowing where they are. I was long ago stopped being called to the councils my Queen.’’

‘’How so?’’ inquired the Hand ‘’You were the Green’s most useful member, their asset.’’

Visenya saw Aemond grit his teeth ‘’I do not have to answer that. Just know that I am not lying.’’

‘’Very well. As I said before, the Westerlands have declared for the usurper; that means that we need to make a move. And now I am not talking about an envoy.’’ Lord Corlys announced.

‘’Do you suggest an armed invasion? A dragon attack?’’ asked the Queen.

‘’I was thinking of intimidating them first, and if this fails, well they will bow to you my Queen no matter that.’’ He concluded.

‘’We have to consider their army before sending anyone, especially troops. Tyland Lannister has twelve thousand Lannister men under his command.’’ Provided Aemond.

‘’Their fleet also consists of thirty cogs, carracks, galleys and dromonds. We have to take everything under serious consideration.’’ Added the Hand.

‘’And let us not forget the treasury. It is most certain the Lannisters would be taking money for their benefit.’’ Spoke the Queen as she moved a delicate finger over Casterly Rock ‘’We can’t send men. It is way too far, and they are way too many.’’

‘’I will go.’’ Visenya spoke up.

‘’The hell you are.’’ It was Aemond that spoke up, his voice hard and full of emotion ‘’I will not allow you to fly all the way there and fight the Lannister army.’’

‘’I am sorry, you will not allow me? Just who do you think you are Aemond?’’ she raged ripping her hand from his grip ‘’You will not tell me what to do.’’

‘’I am your husband in case you have so conveniently forgotten dear niece and if you think I will let you fly there and play hero you are sorely mistaken.’’

She was about to rage back at him, but the Hand intervened ‘’If you will Prince Aemond, Vermithor spitting fire all over Casterly Rock would help great convince them to become our allies.’’

‘’And you think Tyland or Jason Lannister have not seen Vhagar or Synfire? You are a fool Lord Corlys if you think I will let this happen.’’

‘’Do you seriously compare Synfire to Vermithor?’’

Aemond turned to her, his eye burning with a blazing fire ‘’Read my f*cking lips wife, you are not going to the Westerlands. You are going nowhere.’’

‘’You absolute…’’ she began before being interrupted by her mother’s booming voice.

‘’Enough! All of you enough. I am tired of having to make impossible decisions. I am tired of being in constant fear over my children.’’ Then turning to Visenya ‘’You will fly to Casterly Rock and put some sense in them, and you ‘’ she said turning to Jace ‘’you will go with your sister.’’

‘’Of course mother.’’ Said Jace pleased.

‘’I will go with Visenya.’’ Interjected Aemond, his steely gaze falling on her mother ‘’Please.’’ He grumbled.

‘’No one here trusts you enough to let you go on such a mission One Eyed. Who will guarantee you will not betray her once again?’’ asked Jace finally facing his uncle.

‘’I will.’’ Said Ser Harwin ‘’I will go with them and make sure Visenya will be fine and Aemond does not stray.’’

The look Aemond exchanged with her father was one of gratitude. There were things between those two men that still remained unspoken, but Visenya could understand they had begun the long road of forgiveness. Aemond had to atone for many things he had said and done and Ser Harwin being the most kind hearted man she knew would allow Aemond to repent. She found it comical that the man her uncle used to shame and then killed his son was the first to approach him and even be willing to forgive him. She was certain it put Aemond to a greater shame.

‘’Harwin you cannot possibly propose that. You know very well Prince Aemond must stay here.’’

‘’I will be with them my Queen’’ retorted her father as he reached for his wife’s hand ‘’Nothing will happen. I will not leave our daughter alone.’’

‘’I do not need a chaperone and most certainly I do not need a deranged dragon with me. We want to inspire fear not ridicule ourselves. If that mongrel becomes feral…’’

‘’I have him under my control wife, fear not.’’ Aemond interrupted her ‘’No harm will come to you, I promise.’’

‘’Like you had Vhagar under your control?’’ she was being petty and she knew it, but she was tired of having anyone trust her with important things.

The one eyed Prince grit his teeth and turned to face her mother ‘’I have Cannibal under my control my Queen. I assure you, no harm will come to my wife if I am there with her.’’

Queen Rhaenyra locked her eyes to Aemond as if assessing him, as if she was debating if he was sincere or not ‘’I will allow it, on the sole condition that Ser Harwin will join you.’’

‘’Thank you.’’ He said, a tight and hesitant smile gracing his face.

‘’Father you will fly with me atop Vermithor.’’ Visenya offered not trusting Aemond with her father’s life.

Ser Harwin nodded and turned to his wife ‘’Everything will be fine Rhaenyra, I can understand your fears and I promise you we will come back safe and sound.’’

Visenya watched her parents smile tightly at each other, loving looks shared between them reassuring and comforting and she felt sad at the thought that she would never have this.

‘’Very well, if it is fine with you I propose you depart in a few days time. Casterly Rock is a long way from here. I will sent men immediately and expect them to arrive just after you. It would do good to not only show our dragons, but our arms as well.’’ Concluded Lord Vorlys looking at the Queen.

The next few days before their departure, Visenya focused on learning as much on the Lannisters as she could. Jace was avoiding her while Aemond seemed hell bent on being her shadow. It was as if he wanted to become her personal guard, always staying by her side, never straying too far away. It was most annoying at first, but as the days passed Visenya found comfort in his constant presence. Despite sleeping in different rooms, she swore she could feel him through the door and she despised herself for it. As they ascended to the skies days later, she took great care to stay in a good distance from Cannibal, not trusting his deranged dragon. But as they quickly reached their destination, the unfamiliar land above them made Visenya look at the black beast and his rider with a sense of familiarity.

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

The sun beat down mercilessly on them as Visenya rode Vermithor to Casterly Rock. Her father was behind her, his hands clutching her waist, securely sitting at the large saddle of her dragon. She had insisted on chains for him, fearing Ser Harwin stranger to riding dragons as he was, was going to fall to his death. She knew that the man everyone feared and had given him the nickname Breakbones had a deep fear for dragons. Aemond accompanied her atop his own dragon, the black beast called Cannibal making loud whining noises during most of the trip. She couldn’t blame him though. He had never left Dragonstone, and was by no means used to flying such long distances.

The two dragons were casting long shadows across the mountains they passed, and were without a doubt a formidable sight, an intimidating display of Targaryen power that were meant to sent shivers down the spines of anyone who beheld them. And that was exactly their goal coming here in the nest of the Greens. The Lannisters prided on being fiercely independent, but in this case they had their own interests to consider, especially since Tyland Lannister took the royal treasury under his care.

As they drew closer to Casterly Rock, Visenya could see the imposing fortress rising out of the side of the Rock, its towers and ramparts gleaming in the sunlight. The massive castle was a symbol of Lannister power and wealth, and Visenya knew that it would not be an easy feat to convince the Lords to abandon the Green’s side and join them instead. Turning to look at Cannibal, she smirked. If the Lannister Lords did not want to listen to them talk and resolve this matter peacefully, well then it was time for their beasts to convince them.

She stole a glance at Aemond, his hair billowing freely behind him as he held Cannibal’s reigns tightly in his hands. He was the epitome of masculinity at the moment, a savage Prince flying to battle ready to maim. Circling the castle, she decided on landing in front of the gates, giving them the illusion of friendship. They would surely be more amenable if two large dragons landed in front of the castle and not over some tower spewing fire. Aemond followed her lead, making sure to look very much the arrogant Prince she knew him to be when he dismounted.

A large group of Lannister guards gathered in a good distance in front of the gates, their heavy armors glistening in the sun. They were armed and wary, their eyes fixed on the two dragons that towered over them all. Visenya took a few steps forward, and soon she felt Aemond’s presence beside her ‘’I am Princess Visenya Velaryon. I have come along with my husband Prince Aemond Targaryen to see the Lord of this castle.’’ She announced in a clear, strong voice.

The guards exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to respond. One of them stepped forward, his hand on the hilt of his sword ‘’Lord Jason Lannister is at King’s Landing. Turn around and go see him there if you think you can.’’ He said curtly, and soon laughter erupted from his fellow men.

Aemond tensed on her side, his hand drawing his sword ‘’Show your Princess respect or face my wrath you pathetic scum.’’
The guard looked Aemond up and down ‘’I do not take traitor’s words to heart.’’ He spat at his feet evoking yet another round of laughter from the other guards.

‘’We are delighted that our presence here made you all joyful, but don’t you think it is time for us to be a part of the joke?’’ she said sweetly while motioning to Vermithor to approach.

The huge beast roared loudly, shaking the ground and opened his giant maws to the guards ‘’Since there is no Lord to this castle, then I guess I will have to take it down.’’ She said uncaringly ‘’Vermithor…’’

‘Wait!’’ cried the man, his hands raised in a pleading gesture ‘’I will call Lady Johanna Lannister. She is standing in Lord Jason’s stead for as long he is at the capital.’’

Visenya did not answer to the trembling man, but instead turned to pet Vermithor’s jaws. If they did not respect her, then they would fear her, she thought. The lessons Daemon instilled in her all these years came in hand now, and she found it easier to listen to the dark voice inside her head and let it take over. ‘’There is no use trying to take them on our side, let’s just raze them to the ground.’’ Aemond was always quick to anger, even in his youth, but now despite Visenya sharing his emotions she chose to use her wiles instead.

‘’We will do what me must, but first we will talk.’’

Soon, the gates opened and Lady Johanna Lannister stood before them. Visenya studied the woman in front of her, from the expression of disdain in her face to the rich and plush red gown she was wearing. Every single finger on her hands was adorned with multiple rings and the gem stones in her neck sparkling in the sun. Her raven hair was pulled back in a tight and scruffy braid framing her pale face that looked both striking and intimidating. Her eyes, a piercing shade of blue held Visenya’s gaze for a moment before traveling to the dragons and then at the men in Visenya’s side. She had her ladies in waiting at her sides, four women equally clad in impressive gowns and bearing scared expressions.

As she addressed Visenya her voice was as hard and cold as the rocks of Casterly Rock ‘’Welcome to our Castle Princess Visenya. To what do we owe your visit today?’’

‘’Don’t you think it shows lack of manners to let us wait for you here my Lady?’’

Lady Johanna tensed ‘’It would be impossible to host two large beasts inside the castle. No matter how big and welcoming Casterly Rock is, dragons will never have a place in our lands.’’

Visenya raised an eyebrow ‘’Ready to test that?’’ she smirked.

‘’Are you threatening me Princess?’’
‘’Of course not. I am merely suggesting for you to surrender to us and bend the knee to your real Queen.’’

‘’My Lord husband is at King’s Landing as we speak serving King Aegon as is his brother Lord Tyland Lannister. Since their departure I rule this land and I can assure you I will never surrender my castle to you, a mere bastard nor ever support your whor* of a mother’s treasonous claim to the Throne.’’ She was heaving by the end of her speech, hands shaking.

Aemond moved towards her threateningly when Visenya placed a hand to his bicep ‘’Peace husband.’’ She muttered to him sweetly ‘’Why don’t you show our dear friend Lady Johanna here how convincing Cannibal can be?’’

The look of fury in Aemond’s eye swiftly became one of delight. Much like the Rogue Prince, her uncle had a feral side, a murderous streak that sought blood. Aemond smirked at her sinisterly, nodding at her before planting a kiss on her hand. He strode to his dragon, the wild beast stepping here and there impatiently. With a swift move, Aemond took his seat in Cannibal’s saddle and quickly ascended to the skies.

‘’You wouldn’t dare.’’ Spat Lady Johanna.

‘’Wanna bet?’’ she smiled widely at the woman in front of her.

With a deafening roar Cannibal circled the huge castle before swooping down and blasting fire at one of the high towers, his fiery breath engulfing one of the towering battlements in a blaze of destruction. Screams were heard from the castle and panic soon arose. Lady Johanna’s ladies in waiting screamed in fear and one of them threw herself to her Lady. The look they shared was one of utter despair. ‘’I am willing to listen to you Princess Visenya, just stop him.’’

‘’You will surrender your castle to us and declare for the one true Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.’’ Said Visenya completely unbothered by the screams and the fire that Cannibal had ignited at the castle.

Lady Johanna threw her a withering look and nodded ‘’I will.’’

Visenya looked at the sky, easily finding Aemond looking at her as Cannibal continued wrecking havoc. She motioned for him to come to her and he, like an obedient soldier, did as she demanded. His eye was gleaming from the moments of being able to release his fury and for a moment she envied him. She had yet to cave in her dark thoughts; she had only allowed herself to lick the surface of her true emotions.

She looked at Lady Johanna in front of her, the woman in complete disarray after their display of power ‘’Before we get inside, I would request a fast horse for Ser Strong. ’’

The woman curved her mouth in an expression of disdain but said nothing back. She turned her back to Visenya and the two men and motioned for the guards to open the doors. Visenya turned to her father ‘’The armed men the Hand sent must have arrived. I want you to go and see them in the place Lord Corlys has pointed out. Stay there and wait for us.’’

Her father nodded at her ‘’Be careful.’’ And then turning to Aemond ‘’Take care of her.’’ The look he gave him making her feel uncomfortable. Ser Harwin stared at the one eyed Prince with trust, urging him to protect and cherish his daughter. She didn’t know how did he find it in himself to forgive him or trust him with anything. The only thing she was certain was that she was no way near trusting Aemond.

‘’I will protect her with my life.’’ Aemond swore to the man, his voice strong and resolute. And then, out of nowhere, the Targaryen Prince took one step and embraced her father. Visenya gasped at the gesture and watched as her father squeezed her uncle’s shoulder once before stepping back ‘’Thank you.’’ Whispered Aemond and then turned to take his place one step behind her.

They strode through the Lion’s Mouth, the main entry to Casterly Rock, and Visenya admired the enormous natural cavern that reached over two hundred feet high. She took in every single corridor and hall they passed on their way to the Great Hall. Everything was either covered in gold or in gem stones. The Lannisters were famous for their gold, but such opulence was provocation. ‘’I knew House Lannister was rich, but this…’’ Visenya said motioning around them ‘’How did you manage to achieve such wealth Lady Johanna?’’

The woman tensed and paused her steps ‘’The gold mines of Casterly Rock have continually allowed us such wealth Princess.’’

‘’I thought the mines were long empty.’’ She retorted smoothly. She was not the fool Lady Johanna might think.

‘’I can assure you they are not.’’

‘’In that case I think the Queen would benefit from them. Tomorrow you will take us beneath the Rock to see them.’’

Lady Johanna gulped awkwardly ‘’I am afraid I cannot do so my Princess. I have no authority to take you there. Only my husband can…’’

‘’All in good time my Lady. Let us continue to the Great Hall. There are a few things I want to discuss before resting for the day.’’

Upon reaching the vast Great Hall, Visenya broke the silence ‘’You have wisely decided to surrender the castle and support the rightful Queen.’’

Lady Johanna bared her teeth at her ‘’It was not a decision that was taken willingly, I assure you.’’

‘’It does not matter.’’ Visenya said dismissing the Lady ‘’The only thing that matters is that this decision remains solid and for that I will take some precautions.’’ She turned to one of the ladies in waiting ‘’Would you be kind enough to fetch me Lady Johanna’s children?’’

‘’No.’’ screamed Lady Johanna ‘’You have no business with them. I have already surrendered the castle and I swear to you that the Lannister army will fight for Queen Rhaenyra. What more do you want?’’

‘’Reassurance that you will keep your word.’’

‘’I will, I swear on my life that I will.’’

Turning to the other woman again ‘’Fetch the children now.’’ Her cold voice left no room for the young girl to disobey her. They had all seen the dragon display after all.

‘’Visenya don’t you think that is enough?’’ Aemond’s tone was laced with worry, not for the children, but for her. After all the time they spent together, he was now beginning to grasp the changes in her.

‘’Did you not think it was enough when you hunted down and ultimately killed my brother?’’ spat Visenya.

Aemond recoiled from her as if she had slapped him and averted his gaze. Now was not the time to show everyone that the situation between them was hostile. They had to appear united, strong together. She would find the time later to put him in his place.

‘’My Princess I beg you, leave my children out of this. They are innocent.’’ Begged the now tear eyed Lady Lannister.

‘’Do you know what the usurper you supported planned to do to my brothers? To me?’’ she asked. Lady Johanna shook her head ‘’Let me enlighten you then. The self declared King Aegon, sent his terms to my mother demanding for her to surrender, my younger brothers to be sent to him in order to serve him, while I would be wed to a man of his choosing. My older brothers were to remain in their stations.’’

‘’Those seem reasonable terms Princess.’’ Dared Lady Johanna.

‘’They would have been, had they indeed been true. You see, my dear uncle had different plans for each and every one of us. Plans that our spies at the Keep were kind enough to reveal to us. The usurper, after your brother in law’s urging, had decided to murder my brothers Jacaerys, Aegon the younger and Viserys, and send my Velaryon brother Joffrey to the Wall with everything that entails.’’ Then turning to Aemond ‘’As for me, he planned to take me as his second wife.’’

She saw Aemond widen his eye and stare at her with bewilderment, his fists clenched at his sides. No one was surprised when they had received Mysaria’s news of Aegon’s sinister plans. She had tried remembering the true intentions of the Greens for her family when she learned of Blood and Cheese, but in the end it was impossible. Daemon had managed to allow his fury to cloud his mind and then act accordingly, but for Visenya had not yet come the time to flip the switch. She held on the last thread of sanity left for dear life.

‘’Princess…’’ tried the Lannister Lady.

Visenya raised her hand ‘’I do not wish to hear you. I merely wanted you to see what man you supported. But in the end it was a relative of yours that played a part in this scheme, right?’’

‘’Tyland would never propose such a thing.’’ Said Lady Johanna crying.

‘’But he did.’’ Deadpanned Visenya.

Before the woman had the time to reply, the heavy doors of the Great Hall opened to reveal the still upset lady in waiting and two young girls. Visenya approached them slowly and smiled at them ‘’Hello. I am Princess Visenya. What are your names?’’

The girls looked at each other before speaking ‘’I am Cerelle’’ whispered the taller girl ‘’And I am Tyshana’’ said the other more boldly. Both girls wore rich red gowns adorned with gems, their blond hair falling free to their shoulders, pearls hanging from their necks. Two sets of forest green eyes stared back at her curious about the newcomer.

‘’You are beautiful.’’ Said Tyshana smiling at her.

‘’Thank you my sweet, so are you and your sister.’’

‘’Can I ride your dragon?’’ said the girl pleadingly.

‘’No.’’ yelled Lady Johanna ‘’You will not go anywhere near those beasts.’’

‘’Why the fuss my Lady? Vermithor will never harm anyone unless I command him to do so.’’ Said Visenya smirking at the trembling Lady.

‘’I said no. My children will stay away from your dragons.’’

‘’All of your children or just those two?’’ inquired Visenya looking around ‘’Because I have yet to see your son and heir. What is his name my Lady? Loreon?’’

Lady Johanna paled at the mention of her son’s name ‘’I…I just…’’

‘’First you deny me access to your castle and refuse to declare for my mother, then you lie about your children. That is no way to start a good friendship Lady Johanna. I wonder, are you hiding anything else from me?’’ had Daemon been here with them, he would have been proud of her. Even she did not recognize what she had become.

‘’No my Princess. I swear to you, please do not harm my children.’’ She was openly crying now, desperate enough to leave her emotions on display.

‘’Where is the gold your brother in law has hidden?’’ demanded Visenya as she walked towards the throne of the Hall.

‘’I know nothing about the gold Princess Visenya. Tyland would never steal from the royal treasury.’’ Her voice was trembling as she moved to hug both her girls and place them behind her back.

‘’I never said anything about the royal treasury Lady Johanna, but thank you for being kind enough to mention it.’’ Said Visenya smirking ‘’Now, since I feel quite generous today, I will give you one more chance to tell me the truth. Where is the gold Tyland Lannister took from the Keep?’’

‘’I do not know my Princess.’’

Visenya nodded and took a seat at the throne ‘’Guards’’ she ordered at the men stationed at the doors ‘’Bring me Loreon Lannister immediately.’’

‘’No, no!’’ screamed Lady Johanna as she launched herself to the guards that were now retreating from the room ‘’Please no.’’

Aemond was quick to forcefully grasp her arm and pull her to him ‘’Shut up woman.’’

She fought him, elbowing him hard and trying to step on his feet, but she was no match for his strength. Visenya watched her and tried to feel pity for the crying woman, but it never came. They have brought this on themselves, she thought. Soon, the guards returned dragging a young boy by his robes. He was barely a boy of four years of age, small and as Visenya understood deathly scared.

The guards brought him in front of her and pushed him to his feet. Visenya stood from the throne and kneeled before the boy, gently taking his chin in her hands, lifting it to look at her ‘’Hello Loreon.’’ She greeted him ‘’You have nothing to fear, everything will be absolutely fine, and soon enough you will be running around the castle playing with your sisters.’’ Then turning to his trembling mother ‘’Right Lady Johanna?’’

The woman cried harder and nodded ‘’Everyone get out now except for Lady Lannister and my husband.’’ Ordered Visenya ‘’Guards, take all three children to their chambers and do not allow anyone to enter. I don’t care what they say, the only one allowed to be with the children will be me.’’

They nodded, and soon the three of them were the only people left in the Great Hall. Visenya took her seat at the throne again and turned to Lady Johanna ‘’I will give you one last chance to save your children. But first know that their death will not come from my hands, or by our dragons that you so much fear. The moment you open your mouth to lie to me again I will let Lord Jason Lannister know that those three children are not truly his but in fact are fathered by his brother.’’

He saw the woman tense and gawk at her ‘’How do you know? I’ve never told anyone.’’

‘’I have my ways. Now tell me, where has your lover hidden the royal treasury? Speak another lie and condemn your children and yourself to death, because that is what is waiting for you if Lord Jason Lannister learns of your treachery.’’

Lady Johanna sighed and lowered her head ‘’It is at the Golden Gallery.’’

Visenya smiled widely and got up ‘’Thank you for your cooperation my Lady. The Queen will be thankful once she learns that you returned the gold where it belongs. Now would you be kind enough to show us our chambers?’’

The raven haired Lady nodded dejectedly and soon Visenya was left alone in a vast room with a very solemn looking Aemond. She had no intention to discuss the earlier events, already tired from the day and more than eager to finally rest. Her uncle though had different ideas ‘’Was what you said true?’’ he was still standing, having not made a single move since entering the chambers.

‘’Yes, the children are Tyland Lannister’s spawns.’’

‘’Visenya.’’ He spoke loudly and only then did she turn to look at him. His expression resembled Lady Johanna’s so much. Dark circles under his eyes and a look of utter dejection painting his scarred face.

She huffed at him ‘’You really want me to believe you had no idea about your brother’s plans? Like you weren’t aware about your grandsire’s scheming as well? Do you really think me that daft uncle?’’

Aemond tensed at her verbal lashing but this time he did not back down ‘’I will ask you again. Was what you said before true? Did my brother plan to wed you had your mother surrendered her claim to the throne?’’

Visenya looked at him right in the eye ‘’Yes.’’ She uttered ‘’And I am really wondering uncle, did you expect something different from your brother? That poor excuse of a man practically lives to drink and f*ck. Do you think he would miss the opportunity to propose such a thing?’’ she snickered.

She saw him close his eye tightly, his fingers massaging his temples ‘’I did not know.’’

‘’Yeah right, I am certain you were completely unaware Aemond. Just like you did not know of the schemes your grandsire was putting in motion.’’ Then making a shocking sound ‘’Oh wait, you were completely aware of one specific plan right? You know, the one in which I ended up with a bastard babe in my womb and with a stain in my reputation the size of the whole Westeros.’’ She was practically screaming now, the blood in her veins boiling.

He was at the feet of the featherbed instantly ‘’I told you I thought I was giving you moon tea. Had I known you were with child I would have…’’

‘’You would have what Aemond? You would have what?’’ she spat scowling at him ‘’Would you have come back with me to Dragonstone and wed me? Would you have abandoned your wretched family to join mine? Would you have scorned your grandsire and came to me?’’

‘’Yes.’’ He said desperately, his hands grasping the bed posts ‘’I would have f*cking flew with you to Dragonstone and taken you to wife, vowing to worship you for the rest of my life and anxiously waiting for our babe to arrive. I love you Visenya. I am deeply and irrevocably in love with you.’’ He gulped loudly, his eye never leaving hers ‘’I think I always loved you, since we were children at the Keep, and even when you left for Dragonstone I still cared for you, missed you terribly. After Driftmark it took me moons, years to forget you, to hate you and even when I thought I had achieved that, you came back and proved how much of a halfwit I was to believe I didn’t want you.’’ He approached his face to hers ‘’I love you Visenya, truly.’’

‘’I don’t believe a word coming out of your mouth.’’ She said back, unable to even comprehend what he had said ‘’I heard you saying to your grandsire how difficult it was for you to play the love struck fool to me and how disgusted you felt every time we were together. I f*cking heard you Aemond, do not dare deny it.’’

He closed his eye tightly and curled one hand at the back of her neck bringing their foreheads together ‘’I had to tell him that, I had to lie Visenya. He came to me weeks prior, the day you arrived at the Keep, and demanded I helped him. I couldn’t…’’

‘’Yes, yes, you’ve said that before uncle. I heard you the first time. Do you have anything new to say?’’ she was beyond tired and not ready to have this conversation, especially on enemy ground.

‘’I was reluctant at first, but I agreed.’’ She scoffed but he raised his voice enough to make her listen ‘’You have to understand I was raised like this Visenya, raised to believe you and your family were not like us. I was raised to believe you were the usurpers and most of the times in my childhood I witnessed that fact. My father never spent time with me and my siblings. Left Aegon on his own to take the wrong path, never really dealt with Helaena’s dragon dreams as a true Targaryen would do, scorned me all my life even when I claimed Vhagar and finally shipped Daeron somewhere else without a second thought. I saw you spend your days with your siblings together with your mother and Ser Laenor loving and laughing. Being a family. That man Visenya was not even your real father and he loved you so much that it physically hurt me every time I saw you with him. Your mother dared having children with a man that was not her husband and strolled through the castle as if she had done nothing, while my mother was forced to wed and bed a man her father’s age and remain faithful to him.’’ He was breathing hard now, trying to put years of caged emotions to words.

‘’I love you so much that it kills me that you do not believe me saying this to you. I despise myself for having to say those wretched words that day, but I had to make him trust me, make him believe I was still a part of his plan. I had to make it believable Visenya and I do not take anything back, because if I hadn’t agreed then he would have done something much more sinister. Something more vile and wretched.’’

Her mind reeled at this new piece of information, at this part of Aemond unseen to her until now. She recalled the unnecessary possessiveness that overtook him when they were intimate, the glint she saw in his gaze every time their eyes caught each other in a room, the way Vhagar completely ignored him that day in Dragonstone when she openly attacked her, and now… Now he was staring right at her after having bent the knee to her mother, demanded to wed her, flown to the enemy’s castle and defended her. Anguish was written all over his face, but Visenya still burned.

She tilted her head a little, enough to touch his lips. Aemond sighed when he felt their mouths connect and gripped the back of her neck tighter. She traced his lips with her wet tongue and he gave in immediately, opening his mouth for her. Their tongues battled for dominance and before long, Aemond groaned and pushed her back on the featherbed. He was relentless in his pursuit, his hands tracing all over her body trying to rid her of her riding leathers. She allowed him this, even helping him and soon she was stark naked under him. The one eyed Prince stood on his haunches and breathed deeply at the sight she made ‘’You are perfect Visenya. A true goddess’’ he leaned in to kiss her languidly ‘’And I intend to worship you thoroughly.’’

He discarded his leathers quickly and returned in his place between her thighs, his erection standing proud already leaking pre cum ‘’Step back uncle.’’ She whispered while pushing him from her body.

Aemond squinted his eye at her ‘’Visenya…’’

‘’I won’t repeat myself’’ she said as she slithered a hand between her breasts, taking great care to circle a nipple while her other hand traced her navel before finally reaching her cl*t and began rubbing.

The Prince’s gaze focused on the hand in her sex and then he suddenly reached to touch her ‘’I said step back.’’ She said a little louder. He groaned but obeyed, and stood from the bed to sit in a seat right in front of her open thighs.

She watched him intently while she grasped a tit in her hand and squeezed. Her other hand was still stroking slow circles around her cl*t as she moaned loudly, leaning her head to the side to watch him from a better angle. Soon, she slipped a finger in her hole and began pumping in and out. Aemond was a wreck in front of her, his hand at his swollen co*ck pumping furiously, his mouth wide open at the sight. Visenya slid another finger inside her and curved them. The delightful moan that left her mouth was absolutely sinister, and she increased the pace of her fingers even adding a third one. The hand fondling her breast switched to the other and the Princess pinched her erect nipple until she finally climaxed, her eyes all this time focused on Aemond. They finished almost simultaneously, her uncle only ejacul*ting after she had released her last moan of pleasure, his hand covering the slit of his co*ck depriving her of the sight of the hot ropes of cum.

They both breathed heavily for several moments, but neither made a move. He continued to stare at her, though now it was with something akin to anticipation ‘’I want to sleep right next to you tonight.’’ He uttered completely spent.

‘’Just tonight?’’ she inquired teasingly.

‘’Forever.’’ He whispered and moved to the bed. She did not push him away this time and almost reveled in his warmth as he took her in his tight embrace. Almost. Aemond covered them with a fur and spooned her from behind, his head buried in the back of her neck and for a moment Visenya swore he sniffed at her. He sighed and pulled her body even closer to his. She allowed him to bring their stark naked bodies together, to weave their limbs and place feather kisses on her shoulders. She allowed all these just to try and feel the spark he used to evoke in her. But in the end they were just that. Two naked bodies woven in a tight embrace and nothing more. At least to her.

Chapter 23


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, Visenya stood silently on the balcony leaning heavily over the railing. Her eyes were fixed on the two men locked in a fierce sparring match, their fluid movements a mesmerizing dance of steel and skill. Her father, a seasoned warrior having spent years defending King’s Landing streets and later her mother, delivered blow after blow to his opponent. Aemond deflected each blow with ease, his eye sparkling with something akin to exhilaration. He had long abandoned his eye patch, allowing the sapphire to glint freely in the sunlight. The sparring match intensified, both men were sweating heavily yet they refused to yield. It was common for them to start their day that way since the day they arrived at Casterly Rock. They rarely spoke, they would just meet at the courtyard and draw their swords out, eager to engage in a sparring match.

‘’Were they always like that?’’ asked Lady Johanna. The woman took to being in Visenya’s company more and more each day. The Princess thought she wanted to keep a close eye on her, to make sure her children and her secret were safe.

‘’Like what?’’ she inquired never allowing her eyes to stray from the two men currently being in her life in the most bizarre of ways.

‘’Like father and son.’’ Replied the Lannister Lady.

Visenya turned to look at her astonished. It had never occurred to her that Ser Harwin and Aemond acted like father and son. Actually, it was the last thought she had concerning the two of them. She knew her father had offered Aemond the opportunity to explain himself and try to atone for what he did, but never had she thought that they had such a deep bond. She had witnessed her father scold her uncle many times, especially in the presence of others, and look at him disapprovingly. She turned her eyes to them again, this time really looking at the two men.

Aemond was fighting with everything he had, pushing his body to its limits and trying his hardest to overpower his opponent. Under the prism Lady Johanna offered her, Visenya saw Aemond fight with purpose, his movements a flurry of energy as he sought to impress Ser Harwin. The clash of steel echoed across the courtyard as they exchanged blows. Her father moved with the grace of a Knight that knew what he was doing and had nothing to prove. But as she observed him more, she saw that he held back his strength and instead strove to help Aemond improve his stance and movements. The screaming she thought she was hearing all this time was in reality instructions Ser Harwin yelled at Aemond to follow. They were not really letting off some steam. They were not just working their anger out. They were actually bonding.

It unsettled her in a way she couldn’t understand, the sight they made. The easiness of her father to forgive the murderer of his son was unthinkable to Visenya. How could he stand in the presence of the man that had hunted down and ultimately killed his child? She could hardly tolerate his presence, the few times her body protested and she allowed him close to her a torment to her soul. The ephemeral pleasure of his touch a heavy price for her psyche to pay for the blood of her brother. She watched as they put an end to their sparring match, simultaneously lowering their swords and laugh at each other as they shook hands heartily.

Visenya averted her gaze and looked at Lady Johanna again ‘’You will take me to the Golden Gallery today. I have spent enough time here. Once this matter is resolved we will depart immediately.’’

The raven haired Lady scowled but nodded ‘’As you wish Princess.’’

Just as Visenya moved to return to her chambers, the other woman grasped her wrist ‘’Just remember that I had nothing to do with the gold coming here. Tyland never told me what was going on.’’

Visenya looked at the hand grasping her and then back at Lady Joanna ‘’I find it hard to believe that your lover hid such a thing from you. Do not fear my Lady, as long as our banners are fluttering in the wind beside yours and the royal treasury is returned where it should be your children and your secret are safe.’’ Turning to leave, she halted her steps and faced the woman again ‘’But if you ever touch me again, I will kill you.’’

She found her way to her assigned rooms easily, the guards her father had ordered to follow her around always a step behind her. The batch of men the Hand had ordered to come to their aid were here and they proved more that capable to keep the Targaryen sigil of her mother flying high at Casterly Rock. There would be no threats even after they flew away from the Westerlands. She was about to enter her rooms before the voice of the Maester stopped her ‘’My Princess, a raven arrived for you from the North.’’

She eyed the humpbacked Maester for a moment and motioned for her guard to retrieve the scroll from the old man’s hands. Once it was in her hands, Visenya inspected the direwolf seal at the scroll and nodded at the Maester before retreating in her chambers ‘’Thank you Maester Creylen. I appreciate your discretion.’’

The sight of the now familiar Stark emblem over the scroll sent a jolt of emotion through her, a mix of nostalgia, pain and a tinge of guilt. She had not expected to hear from Cregan so soon after leaving Winterfell, and especially after betraying their vow to wed only for her to take Aemond as her husband. She was beyond embarrassed and dreaded the words the Warden of the North had put to this letter. Visenya’s marriage was a political necessity, a union that brought her mother closer to her rightful place, it would help bring stability and peace to the Realm faster and with less deaths. But she had promised herself to another, to an honest man that took a vow to support her mother and her claim, fight for her cause. Visenya’s thoughts went to Sara too. The young woman, already distrustful to Visenya, would now despise her for sure. It did not matter now.

The Princess sighed as she broke the direwolf seal and finally rolled the scroll open. As she read Cregan’s words, her chest felt heavy. While she waited for unkind and hurtful words full of hatred and betrayal, all Visenya saw was a letter filled with warmth and affection, a testament of the man she came to know in Winterfell. He spoke of his understanding of the situation that had led to her marriage, acknowledging the political realities that had forced her hand and emphasized that he was still adamant on supporting her mother. Yet, amidst the understanding, there were words of a lingering hope, a promise of patience and unwavering affection. ‘’I will wait for our time Visenya, for I know that it will come.’’ He wrote and just before closing his letter, Cregan expressed his wish to fly together atop Vermithor, a wish he shared with an equally eager Rickon. She smiled at those last words and sighed yet again.

Visenya knew that the time Cregan spoke of in his letter would never come. She was now a woman wed and the Valyrian ceremony her uncle had demanded allowed no way out for either of them. Aemond would have to die for her to take another husband, and while such an outcome would bring her pleasure, she was certain she did not want to wed Lord Stark after. While he was a nice and kind man, Visenya harbored no romantic feelings for him and only agreed on marrying him for the sake of her mother. Her time as Cregan’s betrothed had long ended, but maybe a true friendship could be built. She was folding the scroll closed as the doors to her chambers opened and Aemond walked in.

He was still breathing heavily, his hair matted by sweat as he strode inside the room paying no attention to her while he disrobed. It was a new habit of his to undress in front of her and flaunt his well toned body for her to see. She kept her composure every time, her lapse their first night at Casterly Rock never leaving her mind, making her stay as far away from him as she could. The moment they left this blasted castle she could yet again have her own chambers and keep a respectful distance from him. Aemond, completely unaware of her inner turmoil he had created, continued to undress slowly, never turning to glance at her as he graced her with the sight of his toned back. His broad shoulders and thin waist were there for her to see, touch and taste, and Visenya had to close her fists tight enough for her nails to break skin in her palm in order to remain seated.

So, instead of lunging at him, she placed Cregan’s scroll at the small table beside her and focused on the back of her uncle’s head ‘’You seem to be in high spirits today uncle.’’

‘’I have every reason to be wife.’’ he said emphasizing on the last word ‘’We are wed, you are warming up to me, your father and I are cordial, and I finally begin to see an end to this war.’’

‘’You know Aemond it always amazed me how easy it was for you to interpret a situation according to your wishes and not reality.’’

At her words he turned to look at her. He was ready to pull his pants down, his fingers having already unlaced his breeches but her eyes remained in his face ‘’We are wed because you forced me to take such a decision and not because I wanted to tie my life to you. I am most certainly not warming to you, the other night was just a way to release tension and you were just there, so…’’ she said making a gesture with her hand as if to shove an insect away from her face ‘’My dear father is being his usual kind self taking pity on you and trying to make you feel wanted, and as for this war that is on its seeming end? Well, it was your family that started it all uncle so if I were you I would not brag about it.’’

He grit his teeth at her speech and took a few steps towards her ‘’Trust me when I say that each and every one of us will never forget you killed Luke. Not my mother that has unwillingly accepted you to Dragonstone, not my father, and most certainly not me. You are nothing to us Aemond.’’

That made him halt his steps ‘’You don’t mean that Visenya. You wouldn’t have wed me if you didn’t feel a thing for me.’’ His voice was low and anguished and she reveled in it.

Making Aemond feel pain and watch as his face contorted with agony was her favorite thing these days and he had only himself to blame ‘’I would gladly slay you right where you stand and fly to Winterfell had it not been for that mongrel you call your dragon.’’ She spat, her eyes drifting to the scroll next to her.

His clever eye followed hers and he was faster than her when he lunged forward to grasp it ‘’He sent this to you?’’ he spat venomously ‘’Is this what you’ve been doing here all this time? Reading the letters of this mutt?’’

Visenya raised her brows completely unbothered by his words ‘’He is my betrothed…’’

‘’He was your betrothed.’’ Roared Aemond, violently opening the scroll to read it. He paced up and down the room, his eye scanning the letter over and over again. Finishing, he threw it to the hearth with a scream, only then turning to look at her ‘’You are my wife now Visenya, mine, only mine. He is nothing to you.’’

‘’We are still at war uncle, you said it yourself. Who knows when one will perish? Maybe a day will come that you will fall to your death and then I will be without a husband.’’

He knelt in front of her, his body intruding her personal space as he forced himself between her thighs ‘’Even in the afterlife I will haunt you Visenya. I will be with you in every way I can and you know why? Because we are one. We are two pieces of one soul. We bonded in front of the Gods and they accepted our union to eternity.’’

‘’How so? Did the blood of my brother seal our union or maybe it was the blood of our babe husband?’’ she provoked him, her blood singing in her veins.

‘’Enough with this already.’’ He yelled standing straight again ‘’Your brother’s death was a regrettable accident, one I did not intend to do and you f*cking know it. I had more than enough opportunities to end Lucerys than wait to do it when no one would be present to see it. To see me finally take revenge. But I never did it Visenya. I only wanted to scare him.’’

‘’Get out of my sight right now.’’ She yelled at him getting up to match his stance ‘’I despise you.’’

‘’No you don’t.’’ he whispered tracing his fingers over her bicep before motioning to the roaring fire ‘’That letter is dust now, as your betrothal to this mutt is over. If he ever tries to approach you again I will go to him and teach him a lesson. A lesson of blood and fire, be sure of that.’’ And then just like that he grasped her head with both his hands and kissed her fiercely, not even giving her the chance to pull away before he ended the kiss and proceeded to completely undress ‘’Now get over here and rest with me. Your father told me we are to visit the Golden Gallery in the afternoon.’’

She wanted to rage and disobey him, curse him and yell profanities at him but she was so utterly exhausted and her lips were still tingling from the kiss and the words he kept repeating about that night were making her head hurt. Visenya closed her eyes as she fell on the featherbed and sighed the moment she felt his hands envelop her in a tight embrace. His breathing lulled her in a dreamless sleep, one that she very much needed after so many nights of torment.

The air in the depths of Casterly Rock was cool and still, heavy with the scent of damp stone and the faint, musty aroma of old gold. Lady Johanna led Princess Visenya, her husband Prince Aemond and the Knight Ser Strong through a maze of winding corridors, their footsteps echoing off the ancient walls. As they descended deeper into the castle’s underbelly, the air grew heavier, the silence more profound. Aemond never left her side, his right hand always at his sword’s handle, his eye never leaving the guards movements. Her father stood at her other side sharing Aemond’s restlessness.

Finally, they reached the Golden Gallery, a vast chamber carved into the living rock beneath the castle’s foundation. The vault was a treasure trove of gold, silver and jewels, a testament to centuries of Lannister wealth. Piles of coins laid stacked high, their gleaming surfaces catching the faint light from the torch Lady Johanna carried. Diamonds and rubies, emeralds and sapphires, glittered like stars scattered across the floor. Visenya stood in the center of the grand chamber and sighed ‘’So this is where the royal treasury is.’’

‘’This is the wealth of Casterly Rock.’’ Lady Johanna said, her voice low and resigned. At Visenya’s sharp glare she continued ‘’It is yours now Princess Visenya.’’

‘’This is the gold your good brother stole from King’s Landing my Lady.’’ Answered Visenya, her gaze sweeping over the glittering piles ‘’And now it will return to its rightful owner.’’ She observed the opulence of the room before turning to her father ‘’Ser Harwin fetch your men and load the gold and any other thing deemed valuable and ship them to Dragonstone. I want you to lead this delicate mission.’’

As her father nodded, Lady Johanna protested loudly ‘’There is Lannister gold in this vault Princess, our people need it to survive.’’

‘’Then maybe you and your household should be more careful about what you wear, especially around your subjects.’’ Visenya said smiling brightly at the woman in front of her ‘’All this luxury’’ she said motioning to Lady Johanna’s jewelries ‘’ will do you no good.’’ Then turning to her father ‘’A word Ser Strong.’’

She exited the grand vault, her father mere steps behind her ‘’Maybe you should reconsider Visenya. We can send the royal treasury to Dragonstone with Ser Steffon leading the mission.’’ He took a step closer ‘’I don’t want to leave you.’’

‘’I can defend myself against Aemond, do not fear.’’

‘’I was not talking of Prince Aemond Princess. I don’t want you to stay here among these people while I will be gone.’’

‘’We will not stay here for long father. The royal treasury is ours now, Casterly Rock has our banners and I hold the Lannister’s allegiance in my hands. We will return home soon.’’

Ser Harwin nodded, yet his face was still pensive. He guided her outside to the vast courtyard and waited until they had put a respectable distance with the guards following them ‘’Have you given your husband the opportunity to say to you what he wishes to say?’’

Visenya frowned at his words ‘’I have no desire to listen to any lie that comes from his mouth.’’

‘’Visenya allow him to speak. Give him the chance to atone.’’ His meek tone irked her immensely, but she chose for his sake to reply calmly.

‘’There is nothing he can do or say in order for me to forgive him.’’ Then taking a step closer to her father ‘’He killed my brother, your son. How can you forgive him?’’

Ser Harwin furrowed his brows, yet his tone remained calm. It was in times like this that Visenya saw Jace in his face ‘’I have not yet forgiven him Princess. But I gave him the chance to talk to me, to explain the choices he made and the incidents in his life that led to what happened that fateful night. Please, give him the same chance.’’

Many possible replies passed through Visenya’s mind, but she chose the most subtle ‘’I cannot. Not now, and if I am honest with myself not ever. There are things you do not know Ser Harwin, things that he did and ruined me beyond measure.’’

He looked around before turning to look at her again ‘’I know Visenya. He told me.’’

‘’About what?’’ her heart beat faster in her chest, mind reeling from Aemond’s grit to reveal something like that to her father without her knowledge.

‘’About the babe.’’ At her widening eyes he made haste to continue ‘’He was shattered Princess, completely ruined at what happened.’’

‘’He doesn’t know what happened.’’ She hissed looking around to make sure they were alone. The courtyard was blessedly empty save for the guards that kept a respectful distance from them.

‘’You might not think he cares about you my girl, but he does. And having to hear from your lips what happened nearly killed him. He doesn’t judge you, he doesn’t put the blame on you. He curses himself for not choosing the right side when he had the chance.’’

‘’Do you judge me father?’’ his opinion on what he thought she had done mattered to her. He was her father, the man she loved and cherished.

Ser Harwin shook his head ‘’I could never judge you for taking a decision that concerns your body Visenya. It was your choice and no one else’s to what you wanted to do with the babe in your womb. Aemond had the right to know, but that is all.’’

She didn’t know what she expected to hear from him. Her father always stood by her side one way or another, he loved them all irrevocably, but still the thought that he believed she had killed the babe in her womb did not sit well with her ‘’I did not forcibly expel the babe from my body father.’’ She said lowly, sorrow filling her heart once again ‘’I lost it the same day I found out about Aemond’s betrayal.’’ The wound was there gaping open, bleeding profusely.

Her father looked at her for many moments, his eyes glistening with tears ‘’I want to take you in my arms right now my child, but it is not wise.’’ He whispered, voice trembling.

Visenya nodded ‘’I know, I understand.’’

‘’You shouldn’t. I promise you, that a day will come that we will not have to hide. We will be free to do as we please, show everyone that we are family.’’ He vowed smiling at her.

She smiled back at him, the waves of love she felt for this man threatening to choke her. It was her own wish too, her siblings’ also, to be able to love each other freely. To be able to call him father, hug him and smile at him in the open without having to look around for unwanted attention. Jace was closer to him that she was, training with their father daily, consulting him in every matter that troubled him and always finding time to spend time with him just to stroll the castle and talk. While she was closer to Daemon, the father she came to love after the bad blood between them, she never thought of Ser Harwin lesser. The thought of Daemon brought a fresh wave of sadness and she sighed. It was difficult to make peace with what he had done, the heinous act wretched enough to make bile rise to her throat yet again.

‘’You have to tell him my child. You have to sit down and talk with him, let him explain everything at his pace and after, you should let him know.’’ Her father’s voice brought her back to reality.

‘’Now is not the time. We are in the middle of a civil war that has already claimed lives, I hardly believe it is the right time to sit with Aemond and listen to his lies.’’

‘’Visenya…’’ Ser Harwin started, but was disrupted by Aemond’s voice.

‘’Our men are already loading the gold to the carriages and I put more guards to accompany them to the harbor. I will personally ride with them to the ships to make sure everything will be done smoothly.’’ His voice was strong and void of emotion, a dedicated soldier, a man hell bent on doing what needed to be done. If she were to evaluate his performance all this time he had been on their side, Aemond would paint the picture of the perfect man that served the Blacks. Riding Cannibal to a possible battle, intimidating the Lannisters to obedience, helping her stake the Queen’s claim at Casterly Rock and now managing matters of the Crown. She would be impressed if she cared enough for him and his effort.

‘’I will accompany them Prince Aemond. You should stay here with the Princess.’’ Ser Harwin did not wait for either of them to reply. He bowed at her and then nodded at the one eyed Prince before departing.

Aemond was staring at her patiently, his mouth a tight line. They stood there, in the vast courtyard of Casterly Rock gazing at each other. Visenya tried to open her mouth and invite him to their chambers. Offer him a chance to redeem himself, to openly discuss about the decisions he made in his life that led to what he had become. She had gotten bits and pieces out of him, but there were some parts she didn’t understand truly. In the end she couldn’t do it.

‘’We leave for Dragonstone tomorrow. Gather the remaining men and instruct them accordingly. I want some of them to be stationed here, I do not trust Lady Johanna enough to let Casterly Rock without our presence.’’

He didn’t move to leave; instead he remained there looking at her, his mouth a tight line. They were two sides of the same coin now, two Targaryens bound by blood and destiny, yet separated by an abyss of pain and hatred. Their love, once a forbidden fruit that had blossomed in secret and nurtured by stolen trysts and stolen glances was now dead and gone. At least for her, because she could see it in his eye that he still craved her touch. She didn’t believe for a minute that Aemond loved her, no. But he craved her body, her touch, her passion. The political turmoil, the Green’s manipulation and the bitter struggle for a throne that wasn’t even theirs had torn them apart, transforming her feelings to an inferno that threatened to consume her whole.

His gaze was filled with unspoken longing and regret, yet Visenya could not find it in her heart to forgive him. There was so much pain in his eye, his rugged features etched with the fear or constant rejection, that for a moment she longed to reach out to him, to bridge the chasm that separated them, but her own pain held her back. With one last glance, Visenya turned and left, walking towards their chambers hell bent on avoiding his piercing gaze.

Two days later, and after many hours of flying, Visenya finally saw the familiar castle in the island of Dragonstone. They had departed from Casterly Rock only after securing the castle leaving many soldiers behind to defend the Black’s claim if need be. Ser Harwin had departed before them, accompanying the ships carrying the royal treasury, his journey a long one. She desperately wanted to follow him with Vermithor, make sure he was safe, but she did not trust Aemond and his beast to fly back to Dragonstone unattended. Whether she liked it or not, she was his jailor now. She only hoped that after the war ended a permanent solution would be found, preferably with him in a place far far away from her.

Vermithor landed first, his massive body rattling the stones beneath him. Visenya had yet to dismount as Cannibal landed beside them, the abnormal beast taking the chance he got and attempting to bite Vermithor’s wing. Visenya almost fell from her dragon’s saddle as her mount moved violently to avoid the other beast’s jaws and roared at him.

‘’Cannibar dohaere!’’ screamed Aemond scowling at his mount.

Cannibal let out a loud roar, expressing this way his displeasure, but obeyed his master instantly. Visenya’s heart raced in her chest at the incident and did not make a move to dismount. She felt considerably safer atop Vermithor, her dragon showing his teeth at the other beast, ready to take him down. Aemond dismounted and with sharp voice commanded Cannibal to fly away before turning at her, his hand outstretched to help her ‘’Come wife.’’

She took a moment to observe him. Aemond had approached Vermithor without a care in the world, and while to any dragon rider this would not mean anything, to Visenya was something worth noticing. Since Visenya’s miscarriage, Vermithor was too protective of her and did not allow anyone near her. Not even Jace could get close to her now if her dragon was present. She furrowed her brows when her uncle bent his outstretched hand and stroked the Bronze Fury. The giant beast let a low rumble and allowed the gesture. Aemond smiled tightly and averted his gaze to her, their eyes locking. She swallowed and made to dismount, completely ignoring his helping hand.

‘’Keep your dragon away from us uncle, or else…’’ she let him guess her next words as she walked to the castle.

‘’I have him under my control, do not fear wife.’’ He replied, his voice laced with mirth. It was obvious that he was enjoying far too much the time they spent together, and did not seem bothered by her constant sour mood.

‘’It is you that should be afraid. I have done it already once, I will not hesitate to do it again.’’ She deadpanned turning to look at him. His smile never faded despite her words.

They reached their chambers in a comfortable silence, no one dared mention that their earlier banter was just words devoid of heated emotions despite what was said. She had lost count at the times she had threatened to kill Cannibal now, making the words sound a jest even in her own ears. Visenya turned to the guard stationed outside her rooms ‘’Inform the Queen we have arrived. Tell her I am in her disposition whenever she pleases.’’

As soon as the heavy doors closed Aemond was all over her. He cornered her to the vanity she had moved to let her braid down ‘’Allow me.’’ He whispered from behind her. She did not answer but took a seat and looked at him through the mirror. His long fingers worked deftly to separate the strands of her hair while he combed them softly. Soon, Visenya closed her eyes and relaxed as his hands worked on her hair ‘’ Aōha ōghar iksis gevie’’ he said lowly in her ear.

She opened her eyes and saw him bent over her, his mouth placing delicate kisses behind her ear ‘’ Sesīr lo issa daor Targārien timpa?'' she countered back at him.

Aemond smiled at her reflection and continued his work ‘’ Ziry gaomas daor matter dombo.’’

‘’There was a time it mattered though.’’ She said returning to common language ‘’What changed?’’

‘’I did.’’ He said firmly, as if it was not up for question.

They stared at each other for a long moment before the doors opened abruptly and Jace entered completely unbothered. He spared only a glance at them and proceeded to take a walk and ultimately stay perched at the windowsill. Visenya was at her feet instantly, grasping Aemond’s hand keeping him in his place.

‘’What are you doing here Jace?’’

Her brother raised a brow and looked at her indignantly ‘’What? I can’t visit my dear sister?’’

‘’You can Jacaerys. Just make sure to knock first.’’ Aemond’s voice was low and dark, his expression stern.

‘’You don’t get to tell me what to do One Eyed.’’ Spat Jace from his place, his hands fisting the railing.

‘’Oh but I do nephew, except of course if you want to be a witness in more delicate scenes.’’ Smirked Aemond, his hand circling Visenya’s waist before pulling her hard to his chest.

She saw Jace stand straight and scowl at him and instantly gasped ‘’Aemond shut up.’’

‘’It should be him the one to be scolded wife, not me. I am in my chambers in the company of my wife while he’’ he said pointing to a heavy breathing Jace ‘’entered said chambers unannounced while we could be indecent.’’

‘’She would never…’’ started Jace fuming.

‘’But she did.’’ Interrupted Aemond and seconds later Jace lunged at their uncle, his fist already in the air before the Targaryen Prince quickly shoved her aside.

They were fist fighting now, rolling in the plush carpet, administering punch after punch one to the other and she did nothing. Visenya was utterly exhausted and made no move to separate them, only took a few steps back and sat on the armchair by the hearth. Their blows echoed through the room, the clash of their fists against each other a stark contrast to the stillness that had settled before Jace entered the chambers. Aemond’s eye was blazing with fury as he moved with feral intensity, his attacks swift and merciless. Jace was flushed with anger, yet he countered every blow with a surprising agility, his blows landing with surprising force. Visenya sighed at the two men at her feet, fools the lot of them as every man with a co*ck hanging between his legs.

The doors to her chambers opened yet again, this time a frantic Baela entering ‘’By the Gods, what is going on here? The commotion can be heard from outside.’’ she shrieked at the sight of Aemond and Jace hitting each other on the floor.

Visenya lifted her shoulders ‘’A piss fight sister. Those two decided that it was time for a brawl in the middle of my rooms after a long journey.’’

Baela screamed for them to stop but they didn’t even acknowledge her presence. She tried to intervene then, to stop this senseless fight, but her pleas and attempts had fallen on deaf ears. Soon she abandoned her efforts and made for the door to call the guards. Four sturdy looking men entered the rooms then and put an end to this display of raw strength and unrestrained aggression. The guards accompanied a bloodied Jace and an angry looking Baela outside while Visenya remained seated observing Aemond from head to toe, a scowl etched on her face. His knuckles were bloodied, his face bruised but his eye was the one that attracted her attention. It held a whirlwind of emotions, rage, pain and enjoyment. Pure bliss was written all over his bruised face and it made Visenya close her eyes and sigh. It was as if seeing Daemon right in front of her.

‘’Are you satisfied now uncle?’’

‘’Immensely.’’ He said laughing, showing his bloodied teeth to her. She watched as his smile soon turned sour ‘’Did he do that often before we were wed?’’ at her raised brow he continued somewhat irritated ‘’Did he use to barge in your chambers unannounced?’’

‘’He did. We are siblings after all.’’

Aemond cursed in High Valyrian and used his hand to wipe the blood from his face ‘’We are Targaryens wife. Do you know what you just confessed makes me think?’’ he growled at her menacingly.

‘’I thought we were Strong bastards uncle. At least that was what you used to call us.’’ She verbally pushed him, though she was not ready for yet another fight.

‘’I was wrong.’’ He roared ‘’Is it what you want to hear? That I was a fool that listened to his mother’s manipulative speeches and believed the foul things my grandsire whispered in my ears all the time?’’ he was in front of her instantly, helping her stand ‘’I had paid the price of my stupidity. I still do.’’

It was all he said before he bent his head and kissed her. The kiss was not like the others, fierce and urgent. This kiss was soft and quiet, as if Aemond was shy to touch her and seek her lips. Visenya pulled back but kept her face pressed against his, her eyes closed tightly. A war was waging inside her mind, the blood between them screaming at her to run away from him and never look back, but her heart said otherwise. She was burning for him as he was clearly burning for her. Her lips eagerly sought out his and his arms slipped around her waist to pull her closer. Soon, his mouth moved to her neck nibbling and kissing her all over.

‘’Do you want me to stop?’’ he breathed huskily into her neck between kisses.

‘’No.’’ her answer was almost lost between her rapid breaths.

Aemond tore himself away from her to look into her eyes as if the one word she uttered was not enough for him. It was as if he wanted her to be sure. The burning in her core demanded to be satiated and her body knew from past experiences that Aemond could give it to her. It would mean nothing, she reasoned in her mind as she nodded at him and grabbed his shirtsleeves pulling him closer to her.

His trembling fingers soon found the laces of her riding leathers as he still kissed her. Visenya did the same with his clothes, now certain of her moves. Once they were naked, Aemond pulled back, smiling as he took in her in the firelight, enjoying every inch of skin he could see. He pulled her in, urgently as his mouth once again found hers. Her hands found themselves behind his neck before he slowly walked her to their featherbed and slowly lowered her down to it, resting himself on top of her.

‘’You have no idea what it did to me to see you touch yourself.’’ He whispered, his face inches from hers.

‘’Did you enjoy the show uncle?’’ she smirked at him lasciviously.

He did not answer, instead guided his hands down the length of her body until he reached the place between her legs. Visenya gasped as he started to stroke her faster and faster. She felt slickness leaking out of her hole as waves of pleasure coursed through her trembling body. Aemond played her expertly, his body pressed now more firmly against hers.

‘’I need you closer…’’ she gasped between moans as he her pleasure grew, unable to focus on anything besides Aemond’s hand and co*ck that rubbed at her thigh.

She felt him shift above her, felt him press against her more firmly and then he kissed her again. It felt as if he tried to convey his feelings, his need for her without words. He withdrew his fingers from her heat and moved to balance himself on his forearms caging her between his arms, his co*ck pressing at her entrance. His eye was locked on her, mouth drawn in a tight line, anguish and longing mixing in a beautiful blend all over his face. Visenya was ready to give in to him, just this time, only to feel alive again. She wanted so desperately to feel the thrill of pleasure again, to feel her heart beat with a purpose different than seeking revenge. All she wanted was to feel again, feel something.

She mewled and lifted her hips high enough to notch the head of his co*ck inside her. Both of them moaned in pleasure, his mouth instantly falling to her neck biting her tender flesh and she grunted as more of his hard co*ck entered her. Suddenly, a loud knock was heard from the doors and she immediately tensed trying to break free from him.

Aemond held her tightly beneath him, withdrawing from her but not allowing her to move ‘’Ignore them, please Visenya.’’ He pleaded, his voice low and soft tickling her ear as he spoke.

For a moment she considered it, not answering and finding her pleasure with her uncle in this very featherbed, but as she began to relax in his arms a loud voice was heard from outside the chambers ‘’My Princess the Queen has requested your presence. It is an emergency.’’

Aemond groaned from his place above her and fell to his side. Letting a loud sigh, she got up and dressed quickly all the while her uncle observed her from the featherbed ‘’Are you not coming with me?’’ The urgency in her voice betraying the underlying fear of something bad happening.

‘’She didn’t ask for me.’’ He said simply, the dejection evident in his voice.

Visenya approached his side of the featherbed and raised her hand at him ‘’Come with me uncle.’’ She urged him.

He hesitated only for a moment before offering a smile and getting up, hastily putting his robes on. Visenya waited for him by the door and took his hand when he offered his elbow to her. Together they walked to the chamber of the Painted Table where she hoped the emergency did not concern another part of her family.


Aōha ōghar iksis gevie = your hair is beautiful.
Sesīr lo issa daor Targārien timpa? = Even if it is not Targaryen white?
Ziry gaomas daor matter dombo. = It does not matter.

Chapter 24

Chapter Text

They gathered at the room of the Painted Table, the massive expanse of carved ivory etched with the outlines of Westeros’ Kingdoms and principalities loomed between them like a living map, its surface reflecting the flickering candlelight and casting long ominous shadows across the faces of those in attendance. The Queen sat at the head of the Table, regal and determined as ever, observing the pawns scattered over the map. Princess Rhaenys was by her side reading a scroll, her brows furrowed as she read the lines.

‘’The Hand faces little trouble with the blockage at Blackwater Bay. He says that the rebellions have been quelled and he also requests your permission to sail to Driftmark for a few days before returning here.’’ Princess Rhaenys folded the scroll she held close and turned to move the boat pawn over Blackwater Bay.

‘’Very well. He has my permission, provided that he will come to Dragonstone next. There are matters requiring his attention.’’ Answered Queen Rhaenyra. Then turning to look at them ‘’Where is Jace?’’

Visenya sighed ‘’Probably at the Maester. He had a row with my husband earlier.’’ She said turning to Aemond. And while she thought he would at least seem apologetic, her husband smirked triumphantly.

‘’He deserved it.’’ He said laconically and Visenya tensed at her mother’s glare at her step brother.

‘’Pray tell brother what did he do to deserve a beating from you?’’

Aemond stood straight and did not even blink as he answered ‘’He entered our chambers unannounced and proceeded to mock me. I say this to you too sister, I will not tolerate anyone barging in our rooms unannounced.’’

His provocative stare did not escape the Queen ‘’It would do you well to remember that the only reason you are still in this island is because my daughter and Princess Rhaenys insisted. It is me that tolerates your presence in my house, not the other way around brother.’’ Her words were sharp; her tone had an edge that Visenya knew that was only evident in her mother’s voice when she talked to Aemond.

She watched as her uncle grit his teeth and lowered his head, his hands clenched at his dress robes. It was difficult for him to meld his former life with his new reality. For most of his life, if not for all of it, Aemond was taught to think they were lesser. A taint in the great Targaryen name, the shame of their House. Visenya recognized it was immensely hard for him to accept that the sister he used to curse and despise ordered him around and demanded things from him. Then again, it was really hard for them all to see him strolling around the castle every day.

‘’I called you here to inform me about your mission to Casterly Rock. I received the letter you sent me after settling in, but I want all the details.’’

Visenya nodded at her mother and stood to move the dragon pawn over Casterly Rock ‘’It was relatively easy my Queen. Lady Johanna Lannister agreed to declare for us as soon as Cannibal was up in the sky and showing them what a dragon can do. The royal treasury is on its way here as we speak, Ser Harwin Strong is accompanying the ships to the safety of Dragonstone. I estimate they will arrive within the week.’’
‘’She degrades herself when she says it was an easy feat.’’ Spoke Aemond ‘’Cannibal was just our way inside the castle. Lady Johanna was adamant that the Lannisters were in the Green’s side and only relented when Visenya expertly threatened her to submission.’’ His voice held the pride and satisfaction he held for her and never voiced until now. He was boasting like a proud husband, gloating about his wife’s feat, not scowling at the praise going to someone else other than him.

‘’You threatened her?’’ asked her mother ‘’With what?’’

‘’With her children.’’ Answered Visenya ‘’I knew a secret that had it been uncovered it would cost her and her children’s lives. It was easy after that to agree to my demands.’’ She concluded raising her shoulders.

The Queen smiled tenderly at her daughter ‘’Well done my child, I am proud of you. Be sure to write a letter to inform your father of your success. You know how much he hates the Lannisters, your news will certainly make him rejoice.’’ Then turning to her step brother ‘’As for you brother, I feel the need to congratulate you as well. When you first came here I confess I was distrustful and thought it was yet another plan to take us down. I am starting to believe it was not the case. Just do not make a habit out of provoking my son.’’

Visenya nodded and turn to look at Aemond. Her uncle was openly staring at her mother as if hanging from her mouth. It must have been the first time someone praised his efforts, she understood and observed him closely as he nodded at her mother before lowering his head again. The tight fists had balled his hands in before were now open fingers splayed at his robes, playing awkwardly with the ends of his coat. The heavy doors opened then to reveal a clearly overwrought Jace accompanied by Baela. He was obviously tended by Maester Gerardys, some of his cuts stitched and the blood wiped from his face.

‘’Did you partake in a brawl son?’’ inquired the Queen trying to stifle a smile.

‘’It was an accident during training.’’ He muttered taking a seat, Baela rolling her eyes beside him.

‘’I told her the truth nephew. No need to lie to the Queen.’’

‘’Are you seriously trying to take the upper hand in this kinslayer?’’ spat Jace turning to glare at Aemond.

‘’I already have the upper hand Jacaerys. You entered our chambers unannounced and provoked me.’’ Aemond said gritting his teeth.

‘’Would you please stop this?’’ yelled Visenya ‘’I apologize mother.’’ Said Visenya looking at the Queen.

‘’If you think you cannot control your emotions I will ask you to leave immediately. Jace it is unacceptable to behave this way, you are my heir, the future King of Westeros and a young man old enough to know better than entering your sister’s rooms without announcing yourself.’’ She turned to look at them all ‘’We are deep in a war that threatens to annihilate our house. It would do well to all to think about it rather than being petty with each other.’’ She concluded looking at Aemond.

‘’Now that Jace and Baela are here, I want to convey to you all the news Ser Steffon Darklyn brought to me earlier today. Lord Samwell Blackwood sent raiders a few days into Bracken lands a few days before in order to conquer their lands and make the Brackens surrender to us. The Brackens though, having the support of the Greens, marched on Blackwood territory under the command of Ser Amos Bracken. In the battle that ensured near the Red Fork Ser Amos slew our friend and ally Lord Blackwood.’’

‘’Did Ser Amos conquer Raventree Hall?’’ inquired Princess Rhaenys ‘’I can fly to the riverlands and retake the castle on your name.’’

Queen Rhaenyra shook her head ‘’Ser Amos was later slain by a weirwood arrow. Some say that it was Samwell’s sister Alysanne that fired it. The point is that the Bracken survivors were led by Ser Raylon Rivers back to Stone Hedge to escape Alysanne’s fury, but the seat of House Bracken had already been taken.’’

‘’By whom?’’ asked Jace bewildered.

‘’Daemon.’’ Muttered Visenya, sure her step father was behind this conquest.

‘’Yes Visenya. My consort had flown in the meantime to Stone Hedge and sieged it atop Caraxes.’’

‘’Yet another ally that leaves the Green’s side and comes to us.’’ Exclaims Princess Rhaenys laughing ‘’This might prove easier than we originally thought my Queen.’’

‘’Weren’t those two the ones that quarreled when you visited the Trident in your tour mother?’’ asked Baela.

Queen Rhaenyra sighed ‘’Yes my child. Those fools came to ask for my hand and ended up dueling in front of me over their House rivalry. Who knew that they would finally solve their differences all these years later.’’

‘’I received a raven from Lord Cregan Stark.’’ Jace’s voice broke the high spirits of them all ‘’He wishes to come in Dragonstone to offer practical support to our cause.’’ And just like that, the calm and compliant Aemond tensed and turned to look at Jace sharply.

‘’You called him here.’’ He accused the other Prince, his voice lowering dangerously.

Jace did not even reply to him, opting to stare at their mother ‘’He is willing to bring a great number of his soldiers with him.’’

Queen Rhaenyra turned to look at the hearth behind her, Princess Rhaenys quick to follow her. It was clear to Visenya that she was trying to compose her thoughts, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of Lord Stark’s presence in Dragonstone. ‘’I do not want him to come here.’’ Grumbled Aemond at her side.

‘’Did you not hear my mother’s words earlier? We are in the midst of war uncle. If Cregan wishes to come here and help with his army then he will come, and you will not do a thing.’’ She spat at him menacingly.

‘’He is Lord Stark to you.’’ He scowled at her ‘’If I ever hear you say his f*cking name again I will tie you to our featherbed and make you scream my name so many times that you will forget his.’’ The sheer determination he exuded made her sit back and avert her gaze from him. She turned to Baela who in turn was scolding an apathetic Jace.

The Queen finally turned and retook her place at the Painted Table ‘’We will wait a few days for the Hand and your father to arrive to take such a decision. But while I am inclined to him departing from the North to come to our aid, I am just not certain he is needed here.’’

‘’Don’t you think we owe an honest explanation as to why his betrothal to Visenya is cancelled?’’ prodded Jace ‘’Cregan is a dear friend of mine and out of respect to this friendship as well in his great House I want to host him in Dragonstone.’’

‘’I will write him a letter explaining everything to him Jace. There is no need for him to come here. Lord Stark and I have an understanding, I am certain he will find my explanation enough for the dissolution of our betrothal.’’

‘’I wish to be alone.’’ The loud voice of their mother left no room for disagreements. Jace that had already opened his mouth to argue, scowled at Aemond one last time and rose from his seat to leave.

‘’I will talk to him, do not worry. He is still hurting.’’ Muttered Baela as she patted Visenya’s shoulder on her way out.

Sighing deeply, Visenya shook her head and left the room in a hurry. Vermithor was roaring in her mind feeling her anger and frustration that begged to be let free but she couldn’t risk to let her dark emotions loose. Riding her dragon right now might end in her flying somewhere else, away from this situation that burdened her. Instead, she ignored Aemond shouting her name and made for the library. Maybe the old habit of hers to delve into old Valyrian scrolls would calm her raging heart, cleanse her mind and offer a distraction from the world crumbling apart in front of her.

She couldn’t believe the situation they were in anymore. Her step father, the man that sculpted her the way she was, being away sieging castle after castle, ordering the slaughter of innocent children, her dear brother dead by the hand of her now husband, her mother practically a mess after the death of her father, child and her brother usurping her throne and finally her uncle, the man she used to love had betrayed her and forced her to wed him. Jace was affected too, she thought. His once calm and peaceful demeanor now had formed a new personality. Her twin had become a brand new person, a vindictive one that picked fights and was being petty at every reason given. She had heard the knights whispering about his erratic behavior, his screaming and now short temper. He was not her Jace anymore. But then again who had remained the same after everything?

The heavy doors of the library opened to reveal a furious Aemond searching the room for her. She was casually leaning in a self, her hand absentmindedly stroking a scroll as she pondered what they had become. ‘’I told you not to turn your back at me.’’ He rasped as he closed and barred the doors.

She huffed and averted her gaze ‘’Can you please leave me alone?’’

‘’No’’ he said approaching her ‘’I cannot. I want to be with you all the times of the day, I want to be able to smell your enticing scent and touch you whenever I please, I want to feel your lips on mine and I desperately want to feel the way your body spasms around mine.’’

She felt her face flush at his words ‘’You want many things uncle. I am not sure I want the same though.’’ She said, yet her traitorous body reacted immediately. Visenya felt the heat rise inside her, wetness seeping from her core.

Aemond walked slowly towards her, his eye focused on her alone. She took a step back and hit her back at the ladder behind her. The one eyed Prince leaned on her ‘’Visenya ‘’ he whispered ‘’You consume my thoughts completely. The things I am willing to do for you…’’

Visenya wrapped her left hand around one of the ladder’s sides to steady herself, feeling her resolve waning more and more at each of his words ‘’Get out uncle.’’ She whispered, her voice barely audible.

‘’Do you really want me to leave Visenya?’’ he asked, mirth lacing his tone as his mouth peppered velvety kisses at her throat.

His wandering hands trailed a path from her neck to her breasts, caressing and evoking low moans from her until they reached her waist. His strong hands circled her waist and lifted her up enough to one of the ladder’s rungs and knelt at her feet opening them enough to place his face between them. He then proceeded to lift her dress and softly trace her leg, starting from her ankle nipping at the skin here and there. Soon, he deftly moved one of her legs to rest on his shoulder. Visenya trembled as images of him mouthing her c*nt hungrily invaded her mind from their time back at the Keep.

‘’Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.’’ He said from his place between her thighs. He was clearly waiting for her to consent to this and she gave it to him nodding almost frantically, desperate to feel his hot mouth on her ‘’Use your words Visenya. I want to hear you.’’

‘’Yes Aemond, please.’’ She practically begged, her voice foreign even to her. It had been far too long for her, and the anticipation was killing her.

All thoughts practically left her as he kissed the sensitive skin of her thigh, his tongue tracing a sinister path on her skin. He teased her with kisses for a while and when she was a sopping mess at his hands, only then did he relent and placed his mouth where she wanted it. Visenya moaned loudly as he licked her cl*t and grasped the ladder tightly. The feel of his tongue on her swollen bud, his long fingers circling her sex before finally entering her hole made her gasp and moan again.

‘’Stop.’’ She ordered just before she reached her climax.

Aemond stopped immediately at her cry and looked at her. The sight he made, his mouth glistening with her juices, his eye open wide, lust written all over his face made her want to ride him to oblivion. But right now she wanted him to take her there, right there as she was perched over the ladder. As soon as he was standing tall again, Visenya pulled him in a demanding kiss, the taste of her on his lips driving her mad with lust. She hastily moved her hands to his trousers finding him rock hard and pulled the laces frantically to free him. Aemond eagerly fumbled with his breeches and soon the offending article of clothing was pushed just far down as was needed.
He gasped as Visenya grasped his co*ck and jerked him a few times. Aemond’s hand pushed her own that was pleasuring him away ‘’I am close niece and I will be damned if I spend my seed anywhere else than your c*nt.’’

‘’Now, please.’’ She urged him, reaching to take him in her hand once more, this time though she guided him in her opening, already wet from his mouth and her own juices.

Aemond looked deep in her eyes as he pushed inside her slowly. The pleasure and the longing in his eye shocked her, but she didn’t have the time to ponder on these emotions as he finally sheathed his co*ck as deep inside her as he could. Both of them moaned loudly at finally being joined after all this time. It was madness after that. He spared barely seconds before setting a brutal pace, forcing her to grasp the ladder tighter to support herself. The scrolls were rattling behind her from the force her body hit the self but she didn’t care.

He moved faster and faster inside her, mumbling unintelligible words to her ear, never stopping never slowing down. ‘’Aemond…’’ she moaned, her climax was fast approaching and she found she wanted him to join her.

‘’Visenya…’’ he responded with a primal hunger as he pulled his head back to stare at her. His hand left her waist and found its place between her legs, to the place that ached more right now. He began stroking her bud at the same speed he moved in and out of her. Everything spiraled from then on, the punishing pace her uncle had set brought her to climax embarrassingly fast. Visenya bit his shoulder to stifle her moan and came on his co*ck, her body shaking from the aftershocks. Almost instantaneously she heard Aemond roar his own release, emptying himself inside her. He held her tight in his chest, the frantic beating of his heart in complete synchronization to her own.

She could tell he was reluctant to pull away from her, but she was starting to get uncomfortable. Visenya softly pushed him and he slipped outside from her, his seed along with her own release dripping down her thighs. She looked at him and found him mesmerized by the mess between her legs, reaching a hand to push his seed back inside. At her hiss he looked at her ‘’I am sorry.’’ His expression though was anything but apologetic.

They adjusted their clothes quietly stealing glances and moving uncomfortably around the library. When they were decent again, Visenya was the first to move to the doors. Now that her lust had been sated, guilt began settling in. Her mind was still buzzing at the pleasure he had given her, but she knew that later she would hate herself for allowing this to happen. Aemond followed right behind her, his hand reaching for her waist. She allowed the simple touch, her mind still reeling at what they had done. He guided them to their chambers and soon they were at the doorstep ‘’Please call for my maid.’’ Visenya ordered the guard stationed outside.

‘’I know it probably meant nothing to you’’ Aemond started as soon as they were inside ‘’But it was everything to me. The road to redemption is long, but I will do it Visenya. I will prove to everyone that I am worthy of their forgiveness, worthy of you. I will make you see that I have changed.’’

She didn’t answer, instead made to discard her dress. Soon, the maid knocked on the doors and entered ‘’Fill the tub with hot water’’ ordered Visenya ‘’And tell the Maester to prepare me moon tea.’’

While waiting for the maids to come and fill the tub, Visenya refrained from looking at him. Aemond had not uttered a word, instead slowly undressed and waited by the hearth. As soon as the maids left the room, Visenya sank in the scalding water letting a sigh as the water soothed the soreness from their earlier encounter. He followed her, sitting opposite from her in the tub, his face a mask of devastation.

‘’You were right before; it meant nothing to me.’’ Her voice was calm and steady as she tried to express what her mind roared inside her ‘’There was a time when my heart was bursting with love for you, that seeing you made me smile and want to touch you. Every time you put your hands on me, kissed me and made love to me I felt like we were one. Twin flames finally becoming one. But then you showed me your true self. The true Aemond Targaryen everyone warned me about but I was too love struck to hear them.’’

She watched as he closed his eye and lowered his head ‘’I travelled all the way to Winterfell with a heavy heart to offer myself like cattle to a man I had never seen because of a war your brother started. Because you chose to support his treasonous claim and participate in a wretched scheme that killed me Aemond.’’ She said practically whispering ‘’Cregan was straightforward with me, clarifying from the start that he didn’t harbor romantic feelings for me but he could see himself get there if I gave him the chance. I stood there, in the cold castle so far away from home, and listened to a man I saw for the first time in my life offer me kind words and an honest marriage while you Aemond only offered me lies and betrayal. The moment I wanted you most by my side you turned your back on me in the worst possible way.’’ She sighed, the words leaving her mouth like a torrent.

‘’I wanted to kill you first, the years I spent under Daemon’s wing making me want to taste your blood, the wish to run you through my sword was there for a very long time. But I never let my dark thoughts consume me completely; I always held them back at my expense. My relationships with my siblings, with my parents and most importantly my mindset were damaged irreparably but I f*cking held myself back. I thought that when the time came I would face you on the battlefield, possibly fall to my death right after I ended your life. But then Aemond you went and killed my brother.’’ She cried out, stray tears falling from her eyes ‘’and with Luke, you killed me too. I lost a brother because of you, I lost my child because of you, I was forced to give myself to a man I didn’t know because of you, I hate myself because of you.’’ She ranted unable to stop her verbal onslaught ‘’And apparently all these were not enough for you; you came here and demanded to wed me, shackle me to you in a bond unbreakable even by the Gods. Rest assured uncle, it really meant nothing to me.’’ She said taking the cup with the moon tea that was right next to her and gulped it down. ‘’You truly were a wonderful experience uncle. Thank you for every lesson you taught me.’’

Aemond hung his head, his shoulders slumped as if he was ashamed of himself ‘’I know that I cannot undo the wrongs I have done’’ he said pleadingly, his voice filled with despair ‘’But I beg you to understand. It was foolish to allow them to poison my mind, and make me believe you were not worthy of me; I lost the most precious thing in my life as a result of all these years of lies and manipulation.’’ His eye focused on her now, a new resolution written all over his face ‘’The heart wrenching ache of losing you had been my constant companion since pushing you away. Every hurtful word, every insult I levied against you killed me inside but in the end I always told myself that it was worth it; that my family was protected this way.’’

At her huff he continued ‘’I remember my step sister trying to be close to me and my siblings when I was just a kid. It was the little gestures I remember mostly; Rhaenyra sneaking me the candied apples I favored but my mother forbade I ate, her delicate fingers braiding my hair in intricate Valyrian braids that my mother hated, the stolen moments she tried to help me with my High Valyrian when my grandsire instructed me not to bother. And then she gave birth to you Visenya and granted me the best gift I could ever ask of her. Still she tried to stay close to us, urging her children and my siblings to spend time together and asking for us to join her meals. Aegon was older and didn’t truly care about forming a bond with her, but he didn’t hate her; I swear this Visenya. He just wanted to spend his time deep in what pleasured him, making mother and grandsire focus on his proclivities instead of filling him with hate. Helaena was always in her own world, caring more about her insects, mother never really paying attention to her. But when it came to me…’’ he laughed humorlessly ‘’she and the Hand spent hours upon hours drilling into my mind how incompetent Rhaenyra was for the Iron Throne. What a whor* she was for spreading her thighs for a man that was not her husband and had the grit to bare him four children. Imagine hearing accusations and spiteful words for someone your whole life, what image will you paint over the years for that person.’’

‘’You had me and my mother uncle. You could come to us and talk.’’ She said back, her voice almost a whisper.

‘’And tell you what? That my mother, the Queen, spoke words of treason? Every single thing she said about the matter was accompanied by her fear of being heard, of being accused of betraying the crown. I was a child Visenya and I loved my mother dearly. I would never do something to put her life in danger. The ravens you sent me when you went to live in Dragonstone never came to my hands. She and Otto made me sit in front of the hearth and watch as they threw them in the flames. They would say you cursed my name in those letters, spewing lies about my family and they wanted to protect me from your hateful words. Day by day it was getting easier to hate you and your family. And then Driftmark happened. The most joyous day of my life and the most painful at the same time, because Visenya that day I gained a dragon but I did not only lose an eye but you as well. Since then, my mother’s and grandsire’s words against your family became poison in my veins, they burned me to the core making me want to humiliate you, belittle you and your whole family.’’

Then he smiled widely at her and reached to touch her cheek wiping the tears she didn’t know were falling from her eyes ‘’I’ve told you before, but I feel I need to say this again. The moment I saw you again that day in King’s Landing I realized what a fool I’ve been to think I hated you. You came and erased every malicious thing they told me against you. Day by day you made me understand that I love you and I was wrong to participate in my grandsire’s plan. I had decided that I wanted no part in it, but in order to keep you I had to play along. I was too late to tell you the truth.’’ She sighed heavily as his hand left her cheek to fall to her flat belly and rub the soft skin there.

Visenya could not bear it anymore, the anguish and utter desperation in his voice urged her to tell the truth ‘’I didn’t take the tea the Maester offered me to get rid of the babe.’’ She finally revealed her truth.

Aemond lifted his head instantly, his eye wide open filled with hope ‘’The child is…’’

‘’The babe died in my womb the same day I heard you talking with your grandsire.’’ She rushed, lest his hope for a living child of theirs start to affect her own bleeding heart ‘’When Vermithor landed in Dragonstone I collapsed from blood loss, my mother found me and brought me to Maester Gerardys. It was him that later told me that extreme stress and emotions can have a negative impact on the body and increase the risk of miscarriage.’’

‘’I will kill him.’’ He said gritting his teeth, his face contorted with a hate that only matched her own ‘’I promise you Visenya I will skin him alive and offer his body to the hounds to feast.’’

She took his trembling hands in her own ‘’He is mine to kill uncle. Don’t you dare interfere with my revenge. His death will come by my hands.’’

‘’He… He must pay Visenya. They all have to pay.’’

‘’I know uncle.’’

‘’I have to pay.’’ He said completely dejected ‘’I allowed them to do this to us.’’

Aemond got up from the tub and walked to his robes. Visenya followed his every move, curious as to what he had in mind. The moment she saw him grab his scabbard and unsheathe his sword she rose from the tub and practically run to him screaming ‘’What are you doing?’’

The one eyed Prince turned to face her outstretching the hand holding the sword, giving it to her ‘’Take it and kill me. Do it Visenya, I plead you. End my pathetic life and take your revenge for I am the one that deprived you from your happiness. I took Lucerys from you, I took our babe from you… Kill me and be done with it.’’ He yelled, tears falling from his eye.

She was quick to take the sword from his hand. He sighed relieved and brought his hands on her cheeks ‘’Allow me this before you take my life.’’ He whispered kissing her lips softly ‘’I will wait for you in the afterlife my love.’’ He said before closing his eye waiting for her to strike.

A thousand thoughts crossed her mind as the heavy sword remained in her hand, yet none of them was to kill him. She had thought of ending his life before, many times and in different ways, but now that the possibility was right in front of her, Visenya hesitated. Her father wanted her to listen to him, and that is exactly what she did, allowing him to open his soul to her, offer her a different approach. Yet there was still something he had not touched ‘’You didn’t command Vhagar to kill Luke.’’ She ultimately said.

Aemond sighed opening his eye ‘’My mistake was taking his bait that night. I provoked him while we were still at Lord Borros’ castle and he talked back to me saying that you were to wed the Stark. I lost it and followed him to the skies. His dragon was fast and agile and Vhagar could not easily find him in the clouds. In the years I claimed her she had never disobeyed me, until Lucerys’ dragon snapped at her. I lost her then, no matter how many times I screamed at her to stop and obey me she didn’t listen.’’

Visenya drew a sharp breath and closed her eyes momentarily. Her mind was reeling at what she heard, her heart a mess ‘’Do it please. Save me from what I have done.’’ He urged her in anguish.
She raised the hand holding the sword and saw him close his eye again. Gritting her teeth, Visenya tried to do it, for the sake of her dead brother and her babe she tried killing him but she couldn’t. The noise the heavy sword made when it fell on the floor stunned Aemond and he opened his eye looking around ‘’You will not find redemption this way uncle, and certainly not from me. You will either live to try and rectify your actions or you will continue like that tormenting your soul for your past actions until Morghul takes you. The choice is yours.’’ She said draping a robe over her naked body and marching to the adjacent room that was meant for him.

Chapter 25


An early update, since I wouldn't be able to post this new chapter on Monday.
TW : There is a torture scene in this chapter. I have added the tag, but I still felt the need to write this here.
Next chapter is going to be from Aemond's POV and it is going to be an extra long one. Also, it will be posted earlier, probably next Saturday.
Thank you for leaving comments, it really warms my heart and makes me keep writing.

Chapter Text

In the following days, when the normalcy had seemingly returned, Visenya found herself in her mother’s chambers trying to calm a distressed Aemma. The squalling babe was crying for hours now, her mother unable to tend to her since no one dared interrupt her council with the Hand. Princess Rhaenys and Ser Harwin were in attendance too, making the matter all too difficult, since the little girl became red as beet at the hands of nursemaids. Baela, bless her soul, had tried calming her down before finally breaking and asking for Visenya’s help.

‘’She won’t stop crying. ‘’ despaired Baela shaking her head ‘’I tried changing her, making faces at her, even wore one of mother’s robes so she could smell her scent. Nothing.’’

‘’Maybe she is teething.’’ Offered Visenya, her little sister tossing in her arms non stop. The babe’s once pale face was now red from crying her lungs out.

‘’I tried giving her a frozen carrot to bite but she pushed it from her mouth. I am at my wits end. Aegon and Viserys never cried that much.’’

‘’Aegon and Viserys always had mother when they needed her’’ said Visenya, memories of their mother cuddling her brothers coming to her mind ‘’I think we should take her to mother.’’

Baela shook her head ‘’No, they do not wish to be disturbed. Plus, we are two women grown, we can take care of a squalling babe.’’

Little Aemma cried harder from her place in Visenya’s arms as if she disagreed by her sister’s words ‘’Let’s take her for a stroll. Maybe she wants to see something different from these walls.’’ The Queen’s paranoia that the Greens would retaliate for the death of Prince Jaehaerys had led to her ordering them all to stay within the castle’s walls. Poor little Aemma was to remain in her mother’s chambers all the time.

‘’I don’t know, mother will be cross with us if she returns to find us missing.’’ Contemplated Baela.

Visenya huffed and got on her feet ‘’In that case tell her it was my idea.’’ Exiting the room, she strolled aimlessly in the long corridors Baela hot on her heels. The babe had somewhat calmed, but she was still fussing and letting shrill cries here and there. They stopped by a window that overlooked Aegon’s Garden ‘’Look little one, can you see the leaves dancing as they fall from the trees?’’ Aemma stopped struggling and blinked.

‘’She likes the view.’’ Said Baela hopefully ‘’What if we get her to the garden?’’

‘’Let’s do this. If she doesn’t stop crying after this, I am going to mother.’’

Upon reaching the garden, Visenya pulled the blanket tighter in Aemma’s body, shielding the babe from the chilling wind ‘’Look at the leaves my love. They are having fun with the wind.’’ she smiled lovingly at her sister as the leaves flew around them caught in the wind as the sun was setting creating a beautiful scenery.

The babe’s cries hiccupped, her gaze trying to follow the leaves with wide, curious eyes. Her small hand lifted then, her fingers closed in a tight fist, and then she started wailing again ‘’For the love of Gods’’ muttered Baela ‘’I am calling Jace.’’

A laugh escaped Visenya ‘’Good luck with that sister. Jace was the first to leave the rooms every time little Joffrey cried.’’

‘’Maybe I can help.’’ Offered a deep voice behind them.

Both girls turned instantly, Visenya pushing Aemma deeper in her embrace, while Baela stood in front of them defensively.

‘’Peace’’ said Aemond lifting his hands in the air ‘’It is only me.’’

His one eye, usually sharp and assessing, softened as he took in the scene. He was gazing at the babe lovingly, and when he lifted his focus to her, Visenya saw longing written in his face. It was only natural, she thought, she herself was thinking her deceased babe more each time she saw and held Aemma. The possibilities endless in her tormented mind. Aemond was having similar thoughts seeing the babe in her arms.

‘’What troubles the little one?’’ he asked, his voice surprisingly tender.

‘’We don’t know.’’ Answered Baela ‘’She won’t stop crying so we brought her here for a change of scenery. It is getting difficult for us all to stay indoors all the time.’’

Aemond hummed and approached Visenya, his movements slow and deliberate. He invaded her personal space without a care in the world, bringing memories of naked limbs tangling, sweat and heavy moans forward. A faint smile played on his lips as he looked at the babe, and soon he reached out a single finger brushing it against the babe’s cheek. The touch, surprisingly light, seemed to work its magic. The cries subsided, replaced by whimpers that gradually dissolved into soft hiccups.

‘’May I?’’ he asked outstretching his arms to take Aemma.

Visenya hesitated for a few seconds. She knew her mother would probably kill her if she saw Aemond holding her babe. The thought of him harming yet another child of hers was still on her mind, that Visenya knew, but in that moment and after seeing Aemma calming with just his touch, she made her decision. Softly, she placed babe in her uncle’s waiting arms, marveling at the smile he offered her.

He took a few steps away from them and began humming a tune, a low, rhythmic melody that she had once sang to him all these months ago at the Keep. She couldn’t resist, and soon she followed him, Baela right beside her ‘’Do you see that? We’ve been trying for an hour and he just comes and calms her with a caress.’’

Visenya could not answer to Baela’s comment for she was mesmerized at the sight in front of her. Aemond was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, the babe nesting peacefully in his strong arms. His usually guarded expression was now softened by a tenderness she had a difficult time to process. His single eye was fixed on Aemma, his gaze filled with an emotion she couldn’t quite name. Perhaps it was pride, watching the tiny Princess slumber so soundly in his hold. Or maybe it was a hint of longing, a glimpse of the protector he could have been for their babe. The father she would never allow him to be.

Her heart was swelling with a mixture o emotions. She could never fathom he was capable of such gentleness. Fleeting images of a light haired babe with violet eyes running in the very same garden, Aemond chasing him around as the boy ran around laughing came to her mind. A stray tear fell from her eye at the dream of a future that would never come. Those stolen moments meant nothing, she thought scolding her mind for the images it conjured. She and Aemond would never have a babe, the light haired boy would never run in Aegon’s Garden and her womb would forever remain empty.

A hand wiped her tears then and she turned to see Baela looking at her with love. Visenya smiled at her sister and hugged her tightly ‘’Thank you.’’ Was all she could say to her.

From the corner of her eyes, Visenya saw their mother observe them from the corridor of the castle overlooking the garden. She withdrew from Baela instantly and gazed at her mother. Baela followed her eyes and hissed ‘’Quick. Take Aemma and come inside. I will go talk to mother. Let’s hope she will not kill us all.’’

But in the end, before Baela had the chance to move, Queen Rhaenyra moved towards them in slow steps. Visenya turned to look at Aemond, the young man completely focused on Aemma in his arms, singing her the same lullaby, his body swaying softly. Visenya’s heart beat rose as her mother approached them and made to take the babe from his arms. The Queen lifted a hand to stop her and she paused. There was no way they would escape a punishment, she thought. Taking the babe outside, allowing Aemond to hold her for sure guaranteed being scolded or worse.

Queen Rhaenyra averted her gaze from the girls and focused solely on her half brother. It was practically impossible to decipher her mother’s emotions at the sight in front of them. They watched amazed as the babe gurgled and reached for Aemond’s eye patch, her chubby fingers brushing against the rough leather and let a cry. The one eyed Prince chuckled, a rare sound, rich and rumbling, and shifted the babe so his good eye could meet the babe’s. In that moment, the weight of their fractured family, the whispers of betrayal seemed to fade. All that remained was the picture of tenderness, an unsettling truce signed in cooing laughter and the shared blood of the dragon. Yet, beneath that fragile peace, a serpent stirred, reminding Visenya that such moments were fleeting shadows in the brutal dance of the dragons.

Then Aemond turned, the smile in his mouth falling when he saw the Queen staring at him ‘’She was fussing and I thought…’’ he began but never finished his sentence. The Prince walked to his step sister and placed the babe in her waiting hands.

‘’Thank you brother.’’ Queen Rhaenyra nodded at him, turned to scowl at Baela and Visenya and left.

‘’I think I will retire for the night.’’ Said Baela hesitantly. The Princess was not eager to remain in Aemond’s presence for long lest she expressed her aversion for him out loud. She had not given Aemond the opportunity to make amends.

‘’I will retire too. Good night uncle.’’ She said not even sparing a glance his way. Aemond made no move to stop her or even talk to her and she soon entered her chambers and fell to her featherbed exhausted. She didn’t hear him enter moments later, nor did she hear the door to the adjacent room open and close. Sleep came to her almost immediately, her lids closing, dreams of green valleys, dragons flying high in the sky and children’s laughter filling her mind.

The next time she opened her eyes it was to gut wrenching screams. A gasp escaped her lips, jolting her awake instantly. The scream, sharp and sudden, pierced the silent night and made her rise to her feet, her heart beating fast in her chest. Visenya’s hand instinctively reached for her sword, the steel always right next to her featherbed even when she slept. At the same time, the door to the rooms Aemond slept in opened and hit the wall with a thud. The one eyed Prince, equally startled, his eye wide with alarm ‘’What was that?’’ she whispered, her voice barely audible.

‘’Most likely an intruder.’’ Aemond replied, his hand a tight fist around his long sword. He was almost naked, his lean chest heaving, his expression grim ‘’Stay here.’’ He commanded her, his gaze meeting hers for a fleeting moment before he turned and strode towards the source of the screams.

‘’The f*ck I will.’’ She roared and made to follow him.

‘’I told you to stay the f*ck here Visenya. Listen to me.’’ He yelled at her while grasping her bicep and forcing her back inside the room. She staggered from the force of his push and almost fell to the floor. It was enough for Aemond, and the Prince was quick to close the door behind him as he exited the rooms and yell at the guard stationed there to bar the door and not let her leave her chambers.

Visenya screamed and yelled, throwing her body at the door cursing the guard outside, the Gods and Aemond for locking her up in her own rooms when there was an intruder in the castle. Her mind was racing at the endless possibilities. Aegon had possibly sent someone to kill a member of her family. Young Aegon or Viserys probably, or even Aemma. Daemon’s phrase a son for a son coming back at them to haunt them. She raged then, clenching her chest at the tightness that settled there. The moment she saw Aemond again she would…

The doors opened then and he entered. His sword clean of blood, chest and face unharmed, yet his fists were bleeding. He was breathing heavily, his eye gleaming by the heat of the battle. Suddenly, she had the weird urge to take him in her arms, previous thoughts of hurting him all gone. ‘’What the f*ck happened?’’ she asked, voice loud and demanding.

Aemond took a deep breath and ran a hand through his long hair ‘’Ser Arryk Cargyll infiltrated the castle and tried to assassinate Jacaerys.’’ At her sharp intake of breath he hastily continued ‘’Ser Harwin acted quickly though and disarmed him. Your brother is safe Visenya.’’ He rasped putting his hands on her face.

‘’Where is Jace? I need to see him.’’ She said not completely believing her uncle. She made to go to the door, only to be stopped by him.

‘’Put something over you and we shall go. I secured the corridors on this wing of the castle. Members of the Queensguard are patrolling the castle and more men are scouting the island.’’

She did not want to waste time becoming decent, her brother was the only thing on her mind right now, a deep need to see her twin gnawing her insides ‘’I have to make sure he is alright. I need to see him.’’ She repeated as she made for the door.

Aemond scowled at her ‘’You shall not leave this room dressed like that.’’ He said irritated, then turned to look at his bloodied hands and her face ‘’I stained you with his blood.’’ He mumbled and moved to wet a cloth and wipe her cheeks.

She was quick to put a robe over her trembling body and as soon as she grasped her sword they left their chambers hastily. Aemond led her through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle expertly, nodding to the guards they passed by even barking orders to some to move to other parts of the castle. He was in total control of the situation, she thought, a lord of Dragonstone handling a tender situation.

They found Jace sitting in front of the hearth, Maester Gerardys sewing his eyebrow. Visenya gasped at the sight of her brother, his face had a major laceration starting from above his left eye and ended just below his ear, and another smaller one above his lips. He was still clad in his sleeping robe, the cloth creased and torn in a few places. The room was a mess, things were broken all over, the table tumbled over and the window wide open. Even if she did not know what had really happened, it was not difficult to guess. Jace hissed at the Maester as the old man finally finished pushing the thread through her brother’s skin.

‘’I will go now my Prince and I will make a calming drought for you to take. The incident must have caused you distress.’’

Her brother was on his feet the moment Maester Gerardys stepped back from him ‘’Do not bother Maester. I want to have a clear mind for what is to follow. Please go see my mother, she is the one in need of this drought.’’ His voice was tense yet strong. He was clearly affected by the assassination attempt on his life but tried desperately to hide it.

As soon the old man left the rooms, Visenya sprung forward and fell in her twin’s waiting arms ‘’The screams woke me up, but I couldn’t get to you until now brother.’’ She said from her place in his arms, her voice muffled by his robe.

A soothing hand rubbed circles in her back ‘’It was for the best. I would not want you to get injured.’’ Then looking at Aemond in the corner of the room ‘’You did good on not letting her come.’’

Visenya scowled at her brother’s words and lifted her head to look at him ‘’How do you know he had barred be inside our rooms?’’

‘’He was the only man that could stop you from coming and possibly hurting yourself.’’ Muttered Jace, his eyes never leaving Aemond.

‘’Tell me what happened tonight brother.’’ She urged him then, immensely irritated that they shared something she was not aware of.

‘’I retired early in my rooms and fell asleep almost immediately. A blood curling scream woke me abruptly and the first thing I saw upon opening my eyes was Ser Erryk above me, a knife raised ready to strike me. We fought for a while’’ he said motioning to his fresh scars ‘’ And then Aemond entered the chambers and pulled him off of me. Soon father came in and they brawled; Guards came after and together with father they took Ser Erryk to the cells. It was then that I learned it was not really Ser Erryk the one who attacked me but his twin brother Ser Arryk.’’

‘’He infiltrated the castle and roamed amongst us pretending to be his brother, killing a maid that probably understood he was not Ser Erryk, until he found the right time to strike.’’ Spat Aemond ‘’He is currently in the cells being interrogated by Ser Harwin and Ser Erryk Cargyll.’’

‘’Let us go then.’’ She said already striding towards the doors.

‘’Just where do you think you are going niece?’’ Aemond’s loud voice startled her enough to halt her steps.

‘’To the dungeons uncle. I wish to participate in the interrogation.’’

‘’Like hell you are. It is unseemly for a Princess to be present in interrogations. Things will get ugly for sure, the tortures the traitor will suffer will be gruesome. I forbid you to enter the dungeons.’’ He talked back at her, certain she would be disgusted at the mental images he described her.

Jace laughed from his place behind them ‘’Good luck trying to keep her away.’’

But Visenya did not even listen to her brother, she was solely focused on Aemond ‘’Just who do you think you are to forbid me to do something? If I want to go to the dungeons and witness an interrogation I will go. You don’t have to allow me anything.’’ She yelled at him, her finger pointing at his still naked chest.

Aemond closed the already minimal distance between them and put his hand on her bicep ‘’I am your husband Visenya. It would do you well to remember that and f*cking obey me. You will exit this room and walk straight to our chambers, lock yourself there and wait for me to come back. Am I understood little wife?’’

She felt her ears ringing, the blood running faster in her veins ‘’Do you listen to him?’’ she said flabbergasted to a smirking Jace ‘’He believes he has the right to tell me what to do.’’

Jace shrugged and tossed a robe to Aemond ‘’Put this one and let’s go. From my experience from all these years of living with her I tell you that she will do as she wishes no matter what others say.’’

Aemond huffed but did as he was told. The three of them walked silently down the turnpike stair and the smooth stony passages that lead to the cells beneath Dragonstone. The warm walls echoed Ser Arryk’s screams as they approached the cells and Visenya’s heart thumbed in her chest at the cries of pain of the man. She knew that he would not come out of these walls alive, it was a matter of time for him to leave his last breath. His jailers were just waiting for him to reveal every last detail he knew of his plan to assassinate Jace.

The sight she was welcomed with upon the metal doors opened was gruesome. The man that was identical to Ser Erryk was barely standing, hands tied together over his head, the chains barely holding him upwards. His face was lowered, the long light brown hair matted with his blood. He wore a guard armor, the brass chest plate covered in blood and dented in some places. The once white cotton cape now thrown carelessly by his side was covered in filth. He had multiple cuts all over his arms and his wrists were a mess in the places the restrains dag in his skin.

His twin brother, Ser Erryk, was beside him scowling at the sight his brother made. Blood covered his fists, his armor was too covered in blood but it was probably not his ‘’I thought you had honor.’’ He yelled at the restrained man ‘’I thought you were a decent man. But then again you serve the usurper.’’ He spat at his brother’s face before raising his first to strike him.

Ser Arryk tried to wrench his arms free, the narrow straps digging into his flesh harshly and he hissed in pain ‘’I did as I was told brother.’’ He said, his voice low. The breaths he took came rasped and seemed painful, but he spoke again ‘’I prayed to the Mother for forgiveness before coming here.’’

‘’Who ordered you to assassinate the Prince?’’ asked Ser Harwin. Visenya gasped at the sight her father made. The broad man was more animal than man. He was covered in blood, his brown locks a tangled mess, his clothes bloodied and torn in some places and his face… He had gone feral for sure at the sight of an assassin trying to murder his son. To witness something like this after having another of your sons murdered was enough to beat the man to a pulp.

‘’No one.’’ Rasped the man defeated. He was going to die anyway, he was not going to give them the answers they wanted.

‘’Very well.’’ Answered Ser Harwin. Then, the man the Realm called Breakbones came at him with a force Visenya had never seen in a man. Her father landed a ferocious punch to the man’s head that had him falling to his side, only the chains holding him upwards. Then came another and another, until Ser Arryk spewed blood all over the floor and his armor ‘’Maybe you want to share a name now lad.’’

Ser Arryk shook his head ‘’I told you I have nothing to say to you. Kill me and be done with it.’’

‘’I have something better in mind.’’ Said Ser Harwin before opening a small wooden box that was beside him. Visenya counted ten long, thin black spines neatly lined up inside the box. She gasped when realization hit her as to what her father was going to do to Ser Arryk.

At her father’s step towards the bound man, Aemond turned to her and pushed her to the door ‘’Get out Visenya. This is no place for you.’’

‘’You think this is my first time?’’ she asked him ‘’You think Daemon let me live my life blissfully unaware of the things a man can do to make another confess his sins?’’ she smirked at her uncle ‘’I have seen what the insides of a traitor look like uncle, I have seen how fast one talks after the knife is plunged deeply in his sides and trust me when I say I have heard the song of blood being spilt from unworthy men. My father made sure I was ready for what was to come, so do not even dare tell me again to go to my chambers because such a sight might be disturbing for me.’’

‘’Last chance brother’’ they turned to see Ser Erryk grasping his brother’s shoulders tightly, as Ser Harwin took a spine between his fingers and stepped in front of the man and took in his left thumb in his hands.

‘’Who ordered you to assassinate Prince Jacaerys?’’ reiterated her father, voice low and deadly.

The bloodied man just smirked and shook his head. Ser Harwin took a deep breath before jamming the urchin spine between the flesh of the man’s thumb and the nail covering it, pushing the object deeper into the finger. A howl left Ser Arryk’s lips then, the man thrashing to break free from his restrains. Visenya lost track of time as her father made the exact same question with every spine he pushed in the other man’s fingers. When the wooden box was empty, he reversed the process and removed the spines from his fingers one by one. Ser Arryk was in the brink of death, barely hanging from a thread as his brother took Ser Harwin’s seat in front of him.

A scream was heard then and both of them turned to look at Ser Erryk driving his dagger to his brother’s side ‘’Confess and your death will be swift.’’

The bloodied man whispered something unintelligible ‘’Louder.’’ Yelled Ser Harwin kicking at him again and again.

‘’Ser Criston Cole.’’ He said and groaned in pain as Ser Harwin’s fist landed on his swollen face.

‘’That absolute f*cker.’’ Commented Jace before spiting on the floor and leaving the cell.

She turned to look at Aemond ‘’I thought it would be your brother.’’

‘’Make no mistake niece, it was Aegon that gave the command.’’ He said emotionlessly. His face was hard, his eye never leaving the assassin from his sight. It must be difficult for him to watch what his brother had become, how he would command the death of his nephew. A nephew who did nothing to deserve such fate. Then again, little Jaehaerys did not deserve his fate either, alas this civil war came with heavy consequences.

Visenya turned to the gruesome scene in front of her and stepped forward ‘’What are you doing?’’ Aemond tried to stop her, but she brushed his hand and continued.

No one made a move to stop her as she approached Ser Arryk. Visenya leaned to his ear whispering ‘’I will do you the kindness of offering you a fast death. It is more than you deserve.’’ And then she grasped the dagger his brother had stabbed him with and still protruded from his sides and sliced his abdomen from side to side. The man groaned loudly as his intestines left his body and soon he took his last breath.

She took one last look at his body and turned to leave the cell. On her way out she heard her father order Ser Erryk to dispose the body immediately ‘’No’’ she interrupted ‘’Offer his carcass to Vermax.’’ She said at last.

Passing by a shocked Aemond she turned to him ‘’Poetic justice and all…’’ and then marched to her chambers to continue her sleep.

She was tossing her robe at the armchair by the hearth when Aemond joined her in their chambers ‘’You killed a man down there.’’

Visenya turned to look at her uncle, his eye focused on her glinting with desire ‘’I did.’’ She said noticing his mouth form a sinister smile, his gait turning predatory as he approached her.

‘’You were a true dragon, a true Visenya.’’ He said, one hand grasping her chin to tilt it upwards for a kiss.

It was really no surprise to her that he deepened it, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her as close to his solid chest as he could. He smelled of sweat and a hint of blood, and she found she loved this new scent on him. The image of Aemond saving her brother’s life mere hours before, his hands covered in the blood of the assassin made it hard for her to contain a whimper of pleasure. She allowed him to walk them a few steps back until the back of her knees hit the featherbed.

The noises she made seemed to encourage him, and she was not surprised to feel his wet mouth on her collarbone placing open mouthed kisses in every inch of skin he could find. ‘’Visenya…’’ he murmured her name entranced, nipping lightly, sending shivers down her spine.

‘’What is it uncle?’’ she half whispered as another moan broke from her mouth when his tongue tasted the sensitive skin under her jaw. Aemond’s thighs were pushing her more and more to fall on the featherbed, the feel of his hard co*ck pressing against her stomach making her shake in pleasure.

‘’What were you doing when I entered?’’

‘’I… I was about to go to sleep.’’ She tried answering, but was completely distracted by his hands falling to her bottom and angling her so that he thrust against her lightly. She wasn’t even tired enough to sleep anymore.

‘’Are you really that tired niece?’’ he moaned in her ear, his hips never ceasing their thrusts.

‘’No?’’ she uttered, only to listen to him laugh at her answer.

‘’Then sleep can wait for an hour, don’t you think?’’ then one of his hands left her bottom and came to rest at her sopping core right under the layers of silk she wore. At the deft strokes of his hand, Visenya inhaled sharply, her head falling back and her core clenched.

‘’An hour?’’ she asked again, not even comprehending what came out of her mouth anymore.

Aemond hummed ‘’Maybe two.’’ He said as his lips returned to her mouth.

Then he gently pushed her to the featherbed and was quick to follow her. His hands went immediately at the laces of her night gown, making quick work to rid her of it while her trembling hands practically tore Jace’s shirt from his body. The Prince spared a moment to admire her naked body before tracing his fingertips over her breasts. He bent his head then and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking greedily. She let out a loud moan as his hand palmed her other breast, fingers playing with her nipple, pinching and pulling until she could bear it no more and stretched her hand to palm him and begin slowly pumping.

‘’Gods Visenya.’’ He groaned into her neck, his fast breath tickling her sensitive skin there, sending goosebumps across her body.

Aemond only pulled back momentarily to find a better place between her legs, using his hands to spread them apart enough for him. They looked at each other then, the unsaid question there, not falling from his lips ‘’Kiss me uncle.’’ She said almost pleadingly.

He dove into her like a starved animal, his face lowering towards her center, placing fervent kisses in the inside of her thighs as his wandering hands traced paths all over her trembling body. Huffing at not getting what she wanted, Visenya reached out to push his head right where she ached most ‘’More.’’

‘’More what niece?’’ he teased her while he pulled her nipple in his mouth and bit.

‘’More kissing.’’ She hissed at him.

‘’Here?’’ he innocently asked as his lips tenderly touched her other breast.

‘’Aemond...’’ She groaned as his fingers teased her cl*t slowly.

‘’How am I supposed to know what you want if you do not say it Visenya?’’ he said teasingly ‘’Did your step father not teach you how to command the soldiers?’’ he said before kissing her in the mouth ‘’Command me.’’

‘’Kiss my c*nt Aemond, f*ck me with your tongue, with your fingers, with your co*ck. I want it all.’’ She commanded him and watched as he smirked at her, his eye gleaming.

‘’As you wish Princess.’’ He said before returning to his place between her thighs and wrapping his mouth around her swollen nub. He alternated between sucking and biting all the while his long fingers f*cked her drenched hole. Visenya held back her moans, lest someone decided to come to their chambers to discuss the events, but soon she could hold them no more.

‘’Please…’’ she whispered as her org*sm drew closer and he stopped lifting his head to look at her. He was a sight to behold, she thought, his eye playfully looking at her, his mouth wet with her juices as his fingers lazily pumped in and out of her.

‘’You are perfect’’ he said as he slipped his co*ck inside her ‘’And mine.’’

They groaned in unison at their bodies finally joining, the feeling never ceasing to amaze Visenya no matter how many times they had laid together. Her hips rose to meet his thrusts, trying desperately to steal kisses and he gave in. Always gave in. At a practically hard thrust, she hissed and dragged her fingernails down his back, not soft at all but all the more pleasurable for him. He was pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust, making her moan loudly as her head hit the headboard. Soon she was clenching around him, making his fast rhythm stutter before increasing again. Not long after, Aemond’s cries of pleasure matched hers as they simultaneously reached their peaks. The one eyed Prince spilling his seed inside her, just as he had always done.

Breathless and sated, he fell to the side, leaving one of his arms to rest across her abdomen. They were quite for some time, the only sounds in the rooms being their labored breathing as it slowly became normal again ‘’Thank you.’’ She began once her heartbeat stopped racing ‘’For saving Jace.’’

He didn’t reply, he only looked at her eyes first before averting his gaze to the hand over her abdomen. The gesture made her cringe and she was fast to her feet, putting a robe on and making for the door. They did not speak for the remaining of the night but neither fell asleep again. Visenya gulped moon tea down and laid back on the featherbed, while Aemond looked at her briefly before walking to the window and staying there until dawn broke. Cannibal was roaring outside.

Chapter 26


This chapter is from Aemond's POV, and it is an extra long one. Thank you for reading my story and taking the time to comment.

Chapter Text

The world swam in a haze of grey. Aemond felt the prick of stones at his leather boots, the cold spray of the sea a mockery of the inferno that had consumed Vhagar. The Black guards flanked him, the hateful looks they were giving him doing nothing to make his soul feel. Each booming step felt like wading through mud, his breaths shallow and raged. They had been dragging him towards the harbor for a while now, Visenya’s orders clear enough. He was not wanted there. Visenya; the woman he loved with everything he had, the woman he had betrayed like she meant nothing to him. He’d seen the hatred flicker in her azure eyes as Vermithor, her colossal mount, had sunk his teeth into Vhagar’s neck, ending her long life.

It was that exact moment the bond to his dragon, or rather what had remained of it, had been severed. Their bond, the very essence of a dragonrider gone forever. Vhagar, the magnificent beast that was the oldest alive, his companion since childhood was now gone. He felt a phantom ache in his own limbs, a hollowness mirroring the emptiness where his dragon had soared. The dull throb of her loss echoed the dying cries of his mount. The guards, oblivious to his internal storm, hauled him forward violently. He stumbled again, his legs leaden. The sturdy men snarled at him, yanking him upright ‘’Not so high and mighty now eh?’’ they mocked him.

Aemond offered no resistance and did not talk back. Where was the fire he was known for, the Targaryen fury? It seemed it had died with Vhagar. No, he thought again. It had died the moment Vhagar had closed her giant maws over the young dragon of his nephew effectively killing them both. Regret. It was a viper coiling in his gut, tightening with every ragged breath he took. He hadn’t wanted Luke dead. The boy was a nuisance, the reason he had one eye left, but not someone he wished to see devoured by Vhagar. But it was done now. His blood stained the sapphire waters of Shipbreaker Bay, a stain that mirrored the one blooming on his conscience. He hadn’t meant for it to go so far. Lucerys’ youthful arrogance and his taunts were never meant to get into Aemond’s fueled mind. Vhagar had grown too old, unpredictable, a wild beast clad in leathery wings and he dared speak to no one about their withering bond. Ever since his grandsire had devised his wretched plan about Visenya, ever since Aemond was made to participate, a piece of his soul left him and with it a piece of his bond with his mount. They were not the same after that.

Then, a sound pierced the dull thrum of his existence. A roar, long and powerful, laced with a primal fury that resonated deep within him and made him hope. It tore through the fog, a beacon in the desolate landscape of his soul. Aemond stumbled again, wrenching his arm free of the guards grasp. More hands clamped on him, but a wild fire ignited in his chest. Something was there, and he had to go see for himself what sang to him.

‘’Let go.’’ He roared, the sound a guttural echo of the one that called him. It surprised even himself, the raw power surging through his voice, momentarily pushing back the numbness. He fought. Not a battle, but a desperate struggle against the tide of well meaning restraint. A guard stumbled under his unexpected ferocity, the others momentarily thrown off balance. It was enough. Aemond bolted, sprinting through the plains, his ragged breaths tearing at his throat. The roar came again, closer now, urging him on. He pushed his body beyond its limits, fueled by a primal instinct he couldn’t quite explain. It reminded him something from his past, something hidden deep inside him.

Reaching a ridge, he gasped. Below, nestled amidst the smoldering ruins of an ancient dragon pen, laid a colossal form. Black as night, scarred like a battle map, its crimson eyes burned with an intensity that mirrored the storm gathering in Aemond’s chest. Cannibal. He approached, a hesitant dance on the precipice of madness. The dragon’s head snapped towards him, nostrils flaring, a low growl rumbling from its depths. Each step forward was a gamble, a defiant act against what he knew was impossible. He stopped, yet even from this distance he could feel the pull. A wild empathy, a potent co*cktail of rage and resolution. Aemond raised his chin and steeled his gaze at the dragon. He held out a hand, not in dominance, but in offering. The tension stretched, a predator sizing up prey. Cannibal’s massive chest rumbled, a low growl vibrating the very stones. Then, with a slow deliberation that stole Aemond’s breath, he blinked and leaned his head. It was all Aemond needed to move forward. He stopped, a breath from the beasts head, and for a moment, the world held its breath.

Then the Prince reached out and touched the dragon, feeling the scales rough and warm beneath his fingers. Cannibal didn’t flinch. They didn’t need words as their bond formed. A bond forged in blood, in loss, in desolate cry of two souls adrift. It was a recognition; two lone spirits having committed sins that condemned their souls. As Aemond climbed onto Cannibal’s back, a warmth, faint but undeniable spread though his numb core. Together, they rose into the bruised sky and only turned back to see Dragonstone becoming a dot in the horizon. The vast emptiness beneath them dwarfed the familiar sting of loss. Vhagar, his magnificent mount, the only remaining glory of Old Valyria now gone, dead by the very hand he holds most dear.

Yet, resentment found no root in him. Love, a fierce and possessive thing, eclipses all else. Visenya’s reasons for allowing Vermithor to kill Vhagar completely justified in his mind. His dragon had killed her brother, it was only fair for her to want retribution. Cannibal roared beneath him, reminding him the raw power that was thrumming inside him. This monstrous beast was no Vhagar. Cannibal was untamed, a whirlwind of fury and hunger. Yet, there’s a thrill in the danger, a spark that ignites a flicker of defiance and power in Aemond’s heart. All that mattered now was to become a rider worthy of the beast, worthy of Visenya. He had something to offer to her now. With Vhagar dead, he knew he was nothing in this war. Just a Prince, a second son. But now…

As Cannibal let out a bone chilling roar, the sound echoing across the desolate landscape, Aemond steered him further out to the sea. The first tentative flight was just the beginning of their journey. He’ll soar through the skies again, a Prince reborn, a dragon rider redefined. A man worthy of Visenya’s love, and why not her husband. New possibilities were now opening in Aemond’s mind and made him smile. No, he had absolutely no wish to return to King’s Landing. He would never again be his grandsire’s pawn. They could all go to the Seven Hells for all he cared. The only thing that mattered was Visenya. And for her to forgive him about his involvement in Lucerys’ death, Aemond had to make her see he regretted taking to the skies that day his nephew goaded him. He should have stayed put until his mind stopped reeling from the boy’s taunts about Visenya becoming Stark’s wife.

He spent the next few weeks in Duskendale, the large port town off the coast of Blackwater Bay close enough to Dragonstone and King’s Landing so if there ever was a skirmish to the island he would be quick to fly to Visenya to help. The Darklyns supported his sister’s claim to the Throne, so it would be easy to catch information had anything happened. It was torture not to be close to Visenya, especially after her brother’s death, but he had to be certain Cannibal obeyed him blindingly. There would never be another incident of disobedience like Vhagar’s. So, they spent their days and nights strengthening their bond until Aemond was certain that his mount would never even think of straying from his commands. And then one night under the dark sky’s shroud, Aemond mounted Cannibal and flew to Dragonstone, taking every precaution to stay hidden until he could see her. He didn’t have to wait long. He was gazing at the sea when a glint in the distance caught his eye. A flicker of bronze against the leaden sky. Cannibal, from his side, let out a low grumble but remained there, his frustration echoing Aemond’s emotions. He shouldn’t have come now. Not like this. Not after what had happened. A memory flickered then; Lucerys Velaryon mocking him about taking his eye, gloating about his sister letting another man cloak her and f*ck her like Aemond would never be able to do. Then his nephew’s terrified eyes as he saw Vhagar’s jaws closing on him and his small dragon before death came.

Visenya wouldn’t see it the way things happened. When Vermithor’s shadow fell across the cliff, vast and ominous, Aemond moved lower until Cannibal was not visible to her and waited. With a jarring screech, the beast landed and allowed Visenya to dismount. She had seen him of course, his Princess was always vigilant and careful of her surroundings. Just a few weeks have passed since he had seen her, yet she never ceased to steal his breath. When he raised his eye to hers, her face was hard with an icy fury that made his back go rigid. He wasn’t the impetuous boy she once knew, but neither was she the playful and always smiling girl who braided his hair and confided her dreams. The weight of death and war had forged them anew.

He made to move, to close the distance between them and cradle her face, but she recoiled. It was to be expected though ‘’ I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness. I have failed you Visenya, in more ways that I can say.’’ He could never reveal to her his grandsire’s scheming and his part in it, but Lucerys’ death would forever remain between them.

‘’You took my brother from me uncle, you took more from me than you can even fathom.’’ She whispered tiredly ‘’How could I ever forgive that?’’

‘’I know’’ he whispered ashamed ‘’I have lived with the weight of my actions every day since that day and it is torture. I know I can never undo what I have done, but I beg you Visenya, please give me a chance to prove myself.’’

Her steely gaze met his ‘’I can’t forgive you Aemond.’’

‘’Please, let me prove to you that I am not the man I used to be.’’ He pleaded ‘’Let me earn your trust back Visenya. Let me make amends for the pain I have caused.’’ He was desperate to prove to her that he had changed, that he would never intentionally kill her brother, that he planned to join her and her family long before Vhagar killed her brother.

She remained silent for long before answering him ‘’Leave uncle before I decide that killing your dragon wasn’t enough.’’ And then she turned to leave him.

Rage overtook his senses and he spat at her ‘’Are you going to wed the Stark mutt?’’

Her sinister smile froze his blood ‘’My betrothal to Cregan does not concern you uncle.’’

‘’Do not say his name Visenya.’’ He retorted baring his teeth to her. The Stark’s name in her tongue along with the word betrothal in the same sentence did weird things in his mind.

‘’He is my betrothed Aemond, I can call him however I want. We are soon to be wed after all.’’ She was smirking now, all malice and vindictiveness. What had she become?

He moved threateningly towards her ‘’The f*ck you will.’’ Then violently grasping her arm ‘’You are mine Visenya, only mine. I will not allow someone else to touch you.’’

‘’I was yours until you chose to lie to me, until you killed my brother.’’ She yelled pushing his hand away. And she was right of course, how did he dare to even speak to her.

But he was blinded by his jealousy ‘’I told you I didn’t kill him. I tried to stop her but she didn’t f*cking listen to me. I f*cking tried Visenya.’’

‘’I don’t believe you.’’ She yelled ‘’All these years you allowed them to manipulate you against us, against me and you killed him Aemond, you killed us.’’

Her trembling voice broke him and he lifted his hand to wipe her eyes tenderly ‘’I am sorry. I know my road to redemption is long and arduous, but I will earn your trust and love back.’’ He was crying too now ‘’I will do whatever it takes and in the end I will prove to you that I am worthy of your love Visenya.’’

‘’Love?’’ she cackled ‘’Do you even know what love is Aemond?’’

‘’I do. You taught me what love is.’’ He tried reasoning with her, but she already pushed him away.

‘’And then you proceeded to ruin everything. Even if you magically managed to earn my forgiveness uncle, we would never be together again. The day you killed Luke I was in Winterfell offering myself to Lord Cregan Stark.’’ He watched as she focused on him before delivering the final blow to his heart ‘’And he accepted.’’

‘’You will not wed that mutt niece, I will not allow it.’’ The viciousness and the possessiveness in his voice did not surprise him for Aemond was a true dragon. He was a possessive creature ready to bath in the blood of his enemies as long as what was his never left his side. There would be no Cregan Stark holding Visenya’s hand for as long as he breathed.

‘’Pray tell uncle, what are you going to do to stop it?’’

‘’I will mount Cannibal and raze this f*cking island, Winterfell too. I will leave no Stark alive.’’ It came as easy as saying his name. And he f*cking meant it.

‘’Cannibal?’’ she inquired, her voice betraying her surprise.

‘’We bonded not long ago. The day Vhagar fell and you ordered the guards to accompany me to King’s Landing I broke free of them and wandered on the island, waiting for an opportunity to find you. He found me then and while I was certain he would eat me alive, we bonded.’’

And while he waited for her to express her distrust on the news, or even laugh at him, Visenya surprised him ‘’Does your family know this?’’

‘’You are my family Visenya.’’ It was all he could say to her at this moment, and it was his most sincere truth.
‘’You don’t know what you are talking about. Take your dragon and go, never show yourself to me unless we are in battle, and always remember this uncle, I already killed your first dragon. I will not hesitate to do it again.’’

‘’I mean it Visenya’’ he said when he saw her leaving ‘’If you dare even think of marrying him I will do as I said.’’

She turned and looked at him then ‘’You will do nothing.’’

Aemond decided that all he had to do in order for her to believe him was to make her see. And what better way than calling for Cannibal. The black beast moved eagerly to his rider taking extra time to glide down the cliff and come to a halt behind Aemond ‘’Lykiri’’ he gave his command as soon as he saw her eyes widen. Visenya was with dragons her whole life, even rode a large beast, but Cannibal had earned his name fair and square and everyone knew to stay away from him by now. Then, letting a loud roar, Cannibal took off ‘’He will not harm you niece. He will not harm anyone unless I tell him to.’’

‘’What do you want.’’ It was not a question.

It had a simple answer though ‘’You.’’ He said looking at her ‘’I only want you Visenya.’’

‘’Would you be a turncoat Aemond? Leave your family behind and join me here, join the Blacks? Because I would rather walk right into the arms of Morghul before I went with you back in King’s Landing.’’

Her thoughts were his thoughts these days. Aemond spared hours bringing forward memories from his life, trying desperately to find one that would make him climb atop Cannibal and fly back to King’s Landing offering himself yet again to his family. But in the end he couldn’t even call them his family. He recalled a time that he thought keeping Visenya in the Keep was a good idea and cringed. No, she would never set foot in that blasted castle until all of the Greens were eliminated ‘’I told you before niece, you are my family. Wherever you go, I go. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it.’’

‘’Would you kill your brother for me Aemond? Your grandsire? Would you be a kinsalyer again?’’ her words reminded him of a similar thought he had but had banished as soon as it appeared. He would do anything for her.

‘’I would do as my wife asked of me.’’

‘’Your what?’’

Her astonishment of his request irritated him ‘’Did you think I would come here and be your mother’s prisoner? The moment I would step inside the castle Rhaenyra would have me put to the dungeons, Gods know what torture Daemon has in mind for me.’’ He took a few steps closer to her ‘’I will join the Blacks only if you will wed me Visenya. The only thing I want is to be with you.’’

‘’You are delusional if you think I will wed you. I am promised to Lord Stark.’’

‘’f*ck him.’’ He roared exasperated ‘’I will not allow another man to even think of you, not wed you, touch you and put his seed inside you. I will be the only man who has touched your beautiful skin, kissed those perfect lips and been inside you. No one else Visenya, no one else.’’

‘’I cannot guarantee they won’t throw you in the dungeons. You killed my brother after all.’’

He saw it then; she would do as he wanted. She would agree to be his wife ‘’I just want to be with you. To lay in the same featherbed, close my eyes at night and the last face I will see will be yours, only to wake the next morning to your radiant face. I want to ride our dragons to the skies, read High Valyrian together as we used to do, have a family and grow old together.’’

How many times had he dreamt of such a life by her side. They were happily together raising their children away from the pain and loss and most importantly, away from war. He almost did not hear her as he daydreamed ‘’I accept.’’

Aemond finally smiled feeling a flicker or hope ‘’No.’’ she said raising her hands ‘’I will wed you uncle, but you have to understand that I cannot forgive you for what you’ve done.’’

‘’I will wait Visenya. I will wait and I will do everything for you to understand how sorry I am for everything.’’ And he meant it with everything in him.

Together, they walked to the castle. The ancestral seat of Targaryens for the first time revealing its beauties to Aemond. The ancient stone archway loomed before them, but he did not hesitate. Inside the intimidating castle, the air hung heavy with the damp smell of sea and the faint scent of woodsmoke. Torches sputtered on the walls, casting long shadows across the tapestries. The Targaryen sigil was everywhere, a stark contrast to the Keep where his mother had managed to replace it with the Seven Pointed Star. It was weird, but he felt like home.

Visenya halted in front of the large oak doors and turned to him ‘’I will talk to the Queen. When I tell you to leave the room you will obey. Am I clear Aemond?’’

His nerves finally caught up with him, so he resorted to the only way he knew to calm down his rapidly beating heart ‘’I like it when you get authoritarian niece.’’

‘’Shut up.’’ She muttered and disappeared inside the room making him follow her lead.

His good eye scanned the vast room, taking in the banners and the people gathered there. His sister, now Queen Rhaenyra was sat at the head of a great table that Aemond recognized as the legendary Painted Table Aegon had commissioned. Her long silver hair catching the flickering firelight and looking like a net of moonlight. Her aura screamed of a woman ready to strike at any given moment, a true Queen. Her face, etched with lines of pain and the weight of the crown she wanted, held a flicker of surprise at his arrival. Beside her were people Aemond recognized more or less, Jacaerys’ resentful face topping them all.

‘’What is he doing here?” he screamed and attacked Aemond.

‘’Jace please, wait.’’ Urged Visenya as she stepped in front of Aemond ‘’Listen to me first, Jace!’’

And it was chaos after that. Aemond pushed Visenya to his back, ready to face the Velaryon Prince until Visenya requested to speak with her mother. His sister ordered everyone to vacate the room, wanting to talk to her daughter alone, and Aemond wondered what his fate would be as soon as the doors closed behind them and he was left with the rest of the Blacks. Then the doors opened again to reveal the man the whole Realm called Breakbones.

Time hadn’t dulled the knight’s imposing presence. His broad shoulders strained the seams of his doublet, his form once a familiar sight in tourneys and training yards, seemed even more formidable now. Aemond felt a pang of something akin to awe but it was quickly buried beneath a tide of coiling guilt. Lucerys. Everything revolved around him it seemed. The memory of their brief fight above Storm’s End was a recurring nightmare. He looked at Ser Harwin again and thought that it would be way too easy for the man to break him in half. He couldn’t avoid their encounter though and he did not wish to. He wouldn’t cower in front of the man whose son he’d taken. He’d face the consequences, whatever they might be because he owed it to him to give him the chance to avenge his son.

‘’What is going on here?’’ asked Ser Strong, his eyes scanning the room before finally falling to Aemond. He went rigid and gazed at the one eyed Prince for a long moment.

‘’Husband would you please escort my brother to the Great Hall and wait for me?’’ Aemond only heard his sister address the man, but did not dare take his eye off him.

The broad man nodded and motioned for Aemond to follow him outside. A tense silence hung heavy in the air as Aemond entered the Great Hall of the castle. Ser Strong entered the vast chamber after him, moving forward until he reached a windowsill and leaned on it. He turned to look at Aemond and inclined his head in a curt nod ‘’Prince Aemond.’’ His voice, though gruff held no malice.

‘’Ser Harwin. Or should I address you with your new title?’’ he asked having noticed the way his sister called him earlier. That piece of information never reached the Keep, but it seemed Rhaenyra had taken a second husband, the father of her first four children.

‘’You can address me however you choose. I matters not to me.’’ Replied the knight. At Aemond’s lack of answer he continued ‘’We meet again under less than ideal circ*mstances.’’

Aemond closed his eye and gulped ‘’Indeed. I wanted to…’’

‘’Vengeance is a dish best served cold, they say. But grief…’’ Ser Strong sighed ‘’Grief is a fire that burns brightest in those who seek solace in the past.’’

Aemond stared at the man taken aback. This wasn’t the accusatory tirade he’d expected. The man in front of him held a strange power, a quiet wisdom that resonated with the guilt that gnawed at Aemond. He opened his mouth to speak, but the man spoke first.

‘’The past cannot be changed Prince. But the future…’’ he trailed off, his gaze distant ‘’The future can be a new path, a way to redeem ourselves and honor those who are gone.’’

Aemond felt a flicker of something unfamiliar deep inside him. Here in the presence of the man he’d wronged most, a sliver of a chance for redemption seemed to glimmer ‘’Tell me what to do.’’ He said desperately.
Ser Harwin offered him a sad smile and motioned for him to take a seat at the nearby table ‘’Live.’’ Was his simple answer as he took a seat opposite from him ‘’Live a life worthy of the legacy your name carries, a life that honors those who fell, no matter how they fell, no matter friend or foe. Give a chance to yourself Prince.’’

Aemond felt his eye water but held the older man’s stare ‘’I killed your son.’’ There it was; the phrase Aemond had not uttered since the incident that had taken his nephew’s life. It hurt to say those words out loud, it hurt to bring back the memories, but he owed it to the man in front of him ‘’My dragon disobeyed me and tore Lycerys’ dragon in two condemning the both of them to a painful death. How can you tell me to give myself a chance?’’

‘’Regret is a heavy burden Prince...’’

‘’Aemond, please call me Aemond.’’ Somehow it was important for him to have Ser Strong call him by his name instead of his title.

The man in front of him smiled at him and nodded ‘’Sometimes, even from the ashes, a seed of good can grow Aemond.’’ He said squeezing his shoulder and then got up.

Aemond turned and saw that Visenya had entered the room, his mind in a haze after his short talk with Ser Strong. From then on everything was a blur until the next day, the day of their wedding. Aemond had demanded a Valyrian ceremony, the only way to bind their souls for eternity. He was careful not to slice her lip deeper than necessary with the dragon glass and spread as much blood as he could to her temple. The moment they drank their mixed blood he smiled widely. He couldn’t resist any longer and pulled her in for a demanding kiss, one she allowed until it was time for them to separate. He watched her mount Vermithor and he did the same with Cannibal, eager to take his first flight with her as husband and wife.

As soon as they dismounted after a short flight, he made to touch her, the need to feel her skin on him great. She recoiled from his touch though and turned to spat at him ‘’We may have been wed now uncle, but this means nothing to me.’’

Steeling himself for yet another verbal lashing he replied ‘’I meant what I said. I will wait and I will fight tooth and nail to make things the way they were before. I love you Visenya.’’

And then she uttered the words that completely ruined him ‘’I was with child.’’ She said staring at him ‘’When we left King’s Landing I was expecting a babe uncle. Your babe.’’

‘’Wh.. What?’’ he had never been more lost in his life. His head was numb, his ears were buzzing and his heart… well his heart was threatening to break free from his ribcage.

‘’I found out a few weeks later though. I was not feeling quite well and went to the Maester. When he told me a babe was growing in my womb I immediately flew to King’s Landing. I came to you Aemond. I came to tell you that I was carrying our babe.’’ She smiled sadly ‘’I stupidly believed that this babe was a blessing sent from the Gods to put an end to this family feud that was meant to tear us apart. Can you believe my idiocy uncle?’’

‘’Visenya…’’ was all he could utter at this moment of complete devastation. There were no news of the Princess being with child or giving birth to one when he was at the Keep. His grandsire’s spies or the clubfoot’s network would have known, unless…
‘’So imagine my surprise husband when I stood in the secret tunnel of your rooms, waiting patiently for you to finish your conversation with your grandsire to come in and tell you my joyous news, only to hear you two talking about his brilliant plan of besmirching my reputation at court and that apparently it was not really going as expected while you reassured him that I was soon going to get what I deserved.’’

When he thought this could not get worse, she spoke again and proved him wrong. Aemond opened his mouth to say something, deny it, but the words died on his tongue. He couldn’t, not with the truth hanging heavy in the air. Shame, acrid and suffocating filled his lungs and he gasped trying to breath. She knew; that was why she stopped meeting him and replying to his ravens.

‘’I sat there, in the dirty tunnel, for Gods know how long listening to you and your grandsire plotting the accidental entry of a servant in your chambers while we would be still together in bed. You uncle seemed rather impatient to end this farce of a relationship I believed we had, while the respectable Hand wanted to be sure of my humiliation in front of the court.’’

At her continuous onslaught, Aemond felt he could not face her anymore. His heart was hammering against his ribs, a frantic bird trapped in a gilded cage. So he lowered his head and waited for her to finish ‘’I remember you saying that you wanted this all to end as quickly as possible since you were disgusted to play pretend to enjoy my company. To take me to your bed. To be with me. Bedding me must had been a chore to you uncle, my deepest apologies for your inconvenience.’’ Then pointing a trembling finger at her head ‘’ Those words, your words, are engraved right here, forever reminding me what a complete halfwit I’ve been to put my trust in you. To let you inside my body, to give you the chance to ruin me’’

‘’I believe you can now understand how your words, both of your words, made me take the decision that I finally took. ‘’ at those words, Aemond raised his head abruptly and stared at her somehow already familiar with what she would reveal ‘’Maester Gerardys was hesitant at first to provide me with the tea that I needed in order to expel your babe from my body, but in the end he gave it to me. And while I spent the next three days bleeding out the remnants of you out of my body, all I could think was how much I hated you. Hated you for what you did, for what you made me.’’

He felt the breath leave his lungs. The child; their child. He hadn’t known, hadn’t even dared to dream. He used to picture them together in a distant future, happily married and with a bunch of children enough to fill the Keep. She would be the best mother and he would strive day and night to deserve her. He fought with himself every time he gave her moon tea to drink. Now, the weight of his actions crushed him, a monstrous thing coiling around his insides tearing him apart.

He fell on his knees and clutched his chest trying to breathe ‘’If you thought that this marriage would ever be a normal and romantic affair let me tell you something husband’’ she mocked him ‘’You are in for a wild ride. While in your little mind shackling me to you was a good idea, let me tell you that you will suffer a thousand deaths until you will be begging to join my brother in the afterlife.’’

He flew with Cannibal endless hours that night. Visenya’s words echoed in his head, a hollow drumbeat that resonated with a soul deep ache. Their babe gone. Eradicated by her own hand. The sting was worse than any physical wound. Her words combined with her actions spoke volumes of the young woman he had helped create. He’d seen her fury before, a storm in her blue eyes, but this cold, calculated loathing was a new depth. Aemond who craved her fire, found himself drowning in its icy depths. The very idea of her taking their child’s life ripped a fresh wound across his already battered heart. It was his own fault, he knew that. He could never blame her for taking that tea. It was not her hand that brought the vile concoction to her mouth, it was his. He squeezed his eye shut, the image of a tiny hand wrapped around his finger as the babe drew his first breaths flashing behind his eyelid. A whimper escaped his lips then, a sound so raw and vulnerable it shocked him. He would never see her with a round belly asking for his hand as she got up from their featherbed, he would not have the privilege of holding her hand as she brought their child to life, he would never feel the babe’s precious weight in his trembling hands. Aemond let out an inhuman scream, Cannibal mirroring his despair.

But even in the depths of despair, he found he could not hate her. Love, like a stubborn weed, refused to be uprooted. It twisted around his insides, a tangled mess of protectiveness and desire as he pictured her contorted in pain from his betrayal and he felt a primal urge to shield her, even from himself. He had betrayed her in the worst of ways, he had destroyed her and now he had to reap the seeds he had sowed.

He had tried to explain to her, when he returned that night, that he did not blame her for the babe, that he loved her beyond measure and that no matter the manipulation he had endured for years from his family, he still longed for her since the moment he saw her again that day at the Keep. They talked, rather they fought, many times since then with her slipping him new information about how good of a manipulator his grandsire was. Aemond would never in his life have thought that the f*cker would lie to him about giving her moon tea. It shook him to the core the depths Otto Hightower would go to see his enemies destroyed. In his tormented mind, Aemond could only begin to understand that he was a pawn even to his family and felt more and more disgusted as the weeks went on.

While everyone in the castle seemed keen on avoiding him, except of course for the knights and guards that were always following him around, Aemond tried hard to stay away from Jacaerys’ way. The Velaryon Prince and Aemond had a deep heated rivalry from early on. With their families being sworn enemies and Jacaerys always siding with Aegon in their younger years as they came together to torment him, their history of conflict only escalated to constant screaming matches and hostility between them at every given chance. The Velaryon Prince loved to throw in Aemond’s face the familiarity between Visenya and the Stark mutt and Aemond’s possessive nature always urged him to fight back. There was always a voice in the back of his mind that told him to just shut up and take everything they threw at him, that he deserved everything and more, but he was Aemond and he preferred to scream back at Jacaerys than allow his guilt and pain forward and let them see his anguish.

He strove to find ways to be useful, to help his sister claim the throne that was hers. He always knew Aegon was incompetent and would make the worse King the Seven Kingdoms have ever seen. But everyone in his ears whispered him that Rhaenyra was not worthy of the gift her father had given her, that she was only interested in opening her legs to everyone willing enough to bed her. First her uncle, then Cole and then Breakbones. He could still remember his mother gathering them all around the hearth as she paced up and down her chamber spewing hateful words for her former best friend while the Hand commented that Aegon was the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Then Rhaenyra’s children came and the curses were levied against them too, bastards everyone called them, some ladies of the court even in front of them. Jacaerys’ egg hatched very early, Lucerys’ and Joffreys’ too, only Visenya’s remained cold. He used to think that it was the only thing that brought them closer to each other, but as they grew older, his mother’s hateful words against Visenya bothered him. The only time he dared speak back and defend his friend, Aemond received a beating from his mother and a lashing from Ser Cole as his grandsire watched. After some years, his mind was wired to think of them as the unworthy Targaryens, the abominations of their great name.

But now he knew better. Now Aemond had opened his eyes and had finally seen who was the worthy one. In the days he had spent in Dragonstone, he witnessed war councils and the knights training, he saw how the Queen behaved towards her children and her inferiors, even her servants. It urged him to be like her, to be like them all; full of kindness instead of rage. So when the opportunity arrived in the form of helping the Blacks force the Lannisters to bend the knee, Aemond was more than willing to be a part of the mission.

He marveled at the sight Visenya made as she tricked Lady Johanna to obedience. His niece was a cunning little Princess that took her job seriously and did not hesitate to threaten her enemies to submission. He could take her then, right in front of them all, even in front of her father. She was perfect, a real Visenya riding her dragon to enemy land and conquering it with wiles and fire. He felt his grandsire’s betrayal run deeper still when Visenya informed him that his brother indented to kill her brothers and take her as his second wife. Aemond knew Aegon would never want the boy’s death or exile to the Wall and that it was certainly Otto’s idea. Marrying Visenya though, yes it was Aegon’s disgusting demand.

He had opened his thoughts to her the same night, the atmosphere in Casterly Rock different than the one in Dragonstone, the rush he felt in his blood, the one she felt too, made him bold enough to touch her, kiss her and it was pure bliss. It was more than a kiss. It was a bridge, a fragile thing built across a chasm of time and pain. He didn’t know if it would hold, but in that moment, suspended between past and future, he held onto her with everything he had. The taste of lilac and starlight, a promise whispered, a love rekindled, a lifetime condensed into a single, searing kiss. All gone after she pushed him away from her flushed body and made him watch as she pleasured herself.

She played him again, making him believe she had opened her heart and body to him, only for Visenya to take pleasure from his eager body. It was torture to have her that close again all the while knowing she was just using him. Yet he allowed it out of fear that she would seek elsewhere the release she needed. Aemond did not care who the man was, he knew that he would skin them alive were they to lay a finger on his wife. So he let her touch him, tease him and watch his body surrender to her even if it killed him on the inside.

When the threat was imminent enough, when his thoughts of Stark coming to claim her started to become a dreadful reality, only then did Aemond snap. He watched as she stormed out of the room of the Painted Table after the Queen had gathered them all there to inform them about the recent news of the war. He had tried really hard to keep himself from lunging at Jacaerys as the Velaryon Prince talked of his plans to allow the Stark mutt to come in Dragonstone, and he had succeeded. But the only thing he could not control at the moment was his need to make sure Visenya was his. She marched away from him ignoring him calling her back.

He was quick to follow her into the library, the only place he remembered calmed her since she was a little girl ‘’I told you not to turn your back at me.’’

‘’Can you please leave me alone?’’ she said not even turning to look at him.

‘’No’’ he said as he approached her ‘’I cannot. I want to be with you all the times of the day, I want to be able to smell your enticing scent and touch you whenever I please, I want to feel your lips on mine and I desperately want to feel the way your body spasms around mine.’’

‘’You want many things uncle. I am not sure I want the same though.’’ Her words were meant to deter him, show him she wasn’t interested, but Aemond knew she wanted him.

‘’Visenya ‘’ he whispered walking towards her ‘’You consume my thoughts completely. The things I am willing to do for you…’’

He saw her grasp the ladder she was perched on tighter ‘’Get out uncle.’’ She whispered.

‘’Do you really want me to leave Visenya?’’ he asked her, though he knew what her answer would be. He let his hands roam her body for a while, marveling at her beauty and then Aemond knelt between her legs, and lifted her dress up moving one of her legs over his shoulder ‘’Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.’’ He asked and at her lack of response he elaborated ‘’Use your words Visenya. I want to hear you.’’

‘’Yes Aemond, please.’’ She begged him, her breath coming labored from her chest.

He teased her for a while until she was a writhing mess and only relented and took position between her thighs at her demand. He was quick to free his aching co*ck and Visenya was quicker to grasp him in her palm jerking him a few times ‘’I am close niece and I will be damned if I spend my seed anywhere else than your c*nt.’’

He was telling the truth. There was absolutely no other place Aemond would spill his seed other than inside her body. Aemond could weep the moment they joined. He had to grasp her harder, lower his head enough and recite old Valyrian poems in order to force himself not to spill and ruin their first time after so long. The pace he set was brutal, but he knew she could take him. He planned to savor their coupling the next time, for this time it was all about pent up tension and longing. They finished almost instantaneously, and Aemond wished she had let him stay inside her for a little longer. The sight of his spend leaving her c*nt, dripping down her thighs made him frown and instinctively he gathered his sem*n with his finger and pushed it back inside. He would never shake this primal need off, that much he knew. Especially after learning that his seed had already taken once. Before his thoughts took a dark turn, Aemond mirrored her and put his clothes back on, following her back to their chambers.

‘’I know it probably meant nothing to you’’ Aemond started as soon as they were back inside ‘’But it was everything to me. The road to redemption is long, but I will do it Visenya. I will prove to everyone that I am worthy of their forgiveness, worthy of you. I will make you see that I have changed.’’

Instead of answering him, Visenya ordered the maid to fill the tub and bring her moon tea. It was a strike straight to his already bleeding heart, but what could he say to her? He understood that their passionate coupling was nothing more than her taking her pleasure from him yet again, and now she wanted to make sure she would not fall with his child again. The thought made Aemond’s mind buzz, a heavy burden adding to the already existing in his chest. They took their clothes off and sank into the boiling water, and all Aemond could do was sit and listen to her narrating her life from the time she fell in love with him to the time she found out about his betrayal. It was torture for him to listen to everything she had to go through until he forcibly came back to her life. He tried explaining his poor reasons, his sh*t life back at the Keep, the abandonment he felt despite living in the same castle with his family, the sliver of love he sought in his manipulative mother.

But the moment she opened her mouth to reveal to him that she hadn’t taken that blasted tea to kill their babe, and that their child’s death was the outcome of his grandsire’s scheming and his participation in it, Aemond lost it. Dark and deadly emotions filled him, and they were targeted towards him too. How could he live after learning that his child’s death was his fault? How could he draw breath? He had unwittingly killed her brother and her child. His child. How could he atone for such sins? In a move of desperation, he lunged for his sword and begged her to end his torture. He would never be able to wash this blood away. There was no other way for him.

Her final words to him before leaving him alone with his demons made him want to redefine his life, change Aemond and make him someone worth loving, someone worth believing in. He carried them within days after, and only pushed them to the side of his mind when one morning he witnessed Visenya trying and failing to sooth her infant sister in Aegon’s Garden. He stood cloaked in the shadows observing her with a sad smile on his face. Even from that distance, he could hear her calming voice, a lilting melody meat to appease her fretful sister. He adored the way Visenya, so fierce with a sword and her dragon, could melt into such a tenderness around a babe. A warmth bloomed in his chest, a yearning so intense it almost hurt. He closed his eye, picturing Visenya not with Aemma, but with their own babe. He saw the curve of her belly straining her dress, the way her hand would rest unconsciously upon it, a smile playing on her lips. A fierce possessiveness made him tighten his grip around the hilt of his sword; he needed an anchor, something to keep him afloat. This vision, this future, it would never come. Not after what he had done.

A whimper from Aemma’s lips tore him from his daydream. Without even acknowledging what he was doing, Aemond moved forward and asked to take the babe in his arms. The weight in his arms was pleasant, a comfort to his aching heart, and Aemond found he liked baby Aemma’s comfort. He avoided Helaena’s children, little demons that they were, but now he craved the weight of Aemma’s little body, the warmth it offered him. She was a beautiful babe and Aemond could easily pretend she was theirs. Her silken white hair resembled his so much, and her eyes, Rhaenyra’s eyes could fool anyone that were his as well. Fleetingly, he wondered what a child of his and Visenya’s would look like. What their late babe would look like.

He smiled as the babe tried to touch his eye patch and turned to look at Visenya. Instead he came face to face with his sister, the Queen looking at him with an indecipherable look as he placed her daughter in her arms ‘’ ‘’Thank you brother.’’ She said before leaving. Baela and Visenya were quick to leave too, abandoning him yet again as his heart burned with a new intensity. Sometime during the night, a blood curling scream woke him and made him bolt to Visenya’s chambers next to his ‘’What was that?’’ she whispered, her hand already at her sword.

‘’Most likely an intruder.’’ He said back and was quick to exit the chambers and leaving her inside and ordering the guard stationed outside to not let her out. He could hear her screaming at him all the way down the corridor as he ran to the main source of the ruckus. The hall nearby echoed with the clang of steel, the metallic shriek sanding a shiver down his spine. He knew whose life was being threatened right now, whose chambers were in that hall. He held his sword tighter in his arm and burst into Jacaerys’ chambers, the room a whirlwind of thrashing limbs and glinting blades. Jacaerys, his face pale and streaked with blood and sweat, was locked in a desperate dance with a cloaked figure. The assassin wielded a dagger dangerously close to the Velaryon Prince’s face as they brawled. Aemond lunged, tackling the assassin from behind. The force of the impact sent them both crashing to the ground. A choked gasp escaped the man as the air whooshed out of his lungs. Aemond slammed his knee down the man’s wrist, the dagger clattering across the stone floor. The assassin cursed and fought back, landing a punch at Aemond’s jaw, but the one eyed Prince was stronger. He easily pinned him down and raised his head to look at Jacaerys.

The Velaryon Prince was panting, scrambling to his feet, his gaze locking with Aemond’s. Recognition flared, then a flicker of gratitude. Never in his life had Aemond dreamed of Jacaerys looking at him with gratitude in his azure eyes. Hate and distrust he was used to, but this… The sound of pounding footsteps grew closer, a welcome thunder in the tense silence. Ser Harwin nearly broke the hinges of the door as he entered and halted for a second, taking in the scene. Then, he was fast to move to Aemond and nod at him, taking his place as he grasped the man and raising him up with a single hand. All of them froze as the man revealed to be Ser Erryk Cargyll. But then Ser Erryk entered the chambers too and exchanged a look with the assassin before spiting down at his feet.

‘’Are you alright Jace?’’ rasped Ser Harwin while he took another hidden dagger from the offender’s leathers.

The Prince was shaken up, his voice trembling as he answered ‘’I am father. I was sleeping when he entered and tried stabbing me. Aemond barged in and saved me.’’ Even his voice was hesitant; it was as if he could not believe his own words. Aemond could not blame him for that. Never in his life had he done something good for his nephew.

‘’I will go see Visenya. I locked her inside our chambers before coming here, she must be furious.’’

Jacaerys laughed while wiping blood from his cheek ‘’Furious you say? I would not go back there if I were you Aemond.’’

And just like that, Aemond felt something inside him shift. Maybe it was the way he sprinted to save the boy’s life without caring for his, or maybe it was the way Jacaerys was now looking at him, conversing with him and calling him by his name like they were friends, like he hadn’t killed his brother. He tried smiling at him, but Ser Harwin’s voice interrupted his thoughts ‘’I will take him to the cells. Ser Arryk will be our guest for a while. I will make sure he will talk to us about his mission tonight.’’ His eyes were glinting with determination; he needed to find out more about the plan that wanted his son dead.

Ser Harwin with Ser Erryk and his bloodied twin brother left the chambers and before Aemond made to follow them, Jacaerys’ voice stopped him ‘’Thank you.’’ it was neither whispered nor said loud enough, so Aemond turned and looked at his nephew ‘’Thank you for coming to my aid.’’ Said Jacaerys again, louder this time ‘’Had it not been for you I would be dead now.’’

‘’Ser Harwin was on his way.’’ Aemond said back awkwardly, not used to talking with his nephew civilly ‘’You would have been just fine.’’

Jacaerys shook his head ‘’I was sleeping, my sword was not even close enough. I would have been dead had it not been for you.’’

Aemond nodded and pulled a shirt from a nearby chair offering it to Jacaerys ‘’You have blood all over your face. I will call the Maester to tend to you.’’

His nephew took the shirt and patted his face with it ‘’I am trying Aemond. For the sake of Visenya and for the good of the family, I am trying to accept you. I do not know if I will ever be able to forgive you, but I will try. I know that sometimes I am difficult to be around but you have to understand what you did to me, what you did to us.’’

Shame filled Aemond yet again ‘’I deserve whatever you will throw to me. Just please do not involve Visenya to it. Whatever you want to do to me, I am fine with it. Punish me however you see fit, fight me, but do not ever again come between us again.’’ He knew his tone was a mixed blend of request and threat but Jacaerys seemed to understand.

‘’Fine, fine I will not enter your chambers unannounced again.’’ He said, mirth lacing his voice ‘’Besides who would want to see your pale ass?’’

Aemond raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to answer, but the Velaryon Prince visibly cringed and gasped ‘’Forget I ever said that, I do not want to know the answer.’’

Both young men laughed and Aemond left to alert the Maester and inform a very upset Visenya about what had happened. She was beyond furious when she saw him, the sight of blood on his torso making her hesitate for a moment, but she was quick to rage again before she demanded to go see her brother. The three of them marched to the dungeons where Ser Harwin was already torturing Ser Arryk Cargyll for information. The sight was gruesome, the man was already on the verge of dying, but Ser Harwin was relentless. Aemond tried dragging Visenya outside but she was adamant she stayed. Soon, Aemond understood why she wanted to stay. She watched enraptured as her father de nailed Ser Arryk and the man screamed before confessing that it was Ser Criston Cole that had given him the command to assassinate Jacaerys.

But what happened next made Aemond’s blood go cold in his veins. His wife, his little Princess, his niece marched forward, grasped the dagger Ser Erryk had stabbed his brother with and sliced his abdomen from side to side. The man let a last scream and fell forward as his intestines left his body. Aemond did not know what he expected of her. She was not a little Princess anymore. The little girl he used to watch braiding her hair in girly braids, the girl that used to wear opulent dresses was no more. In her stead stood a mighty Princess, a ferocious dragon rider, and the love of his life. He could not admire her more if he tried, the pride in him for her bursting at the sight she made.

‘’Offer his carcass to Vermax.’’ She said decisively before leaving the dungeons.

Aemond, entranced as he was, followed her blindingly back to their chambers, no longer able to deny the need to be with her again. He had to have her, he had to be inside her, become one with her, and he was certain she burned with the same need. He came at her like a rabid animal in heat, covering her body with his, kissing her with an unmatched passion, filling her and finally spending himself inside her. And she accepted him. Even better, Visenya matched his energy in a way he reveled in. She was his equal in everything. She was his everything. After, and while Aemond was still basking in the glorious moments they had just shared, Visenya yet again showed him in her own way that his road to redemption was not only long, but also lonesome. He watched as she gulped down moon tea and felt his chest heavy with the weight he knew he would carry until the end of his days. He only prayed he would learn to live with it one day.

Chapter 27

Chapter Text

‘’Daemon sent a raven.’’ The Hand’s deep voice announced to them all ‘’The usurper has anointed Ser Criston Cole his Hand. There is information that he will adopt a more aggressive strategy than the former Hand. House Velaryon and House Celtigar are unreachable, House Rosby and House Stokeworth though… Aegon will seek their submission. He would like to retake the Crownlands.’’

Ser Harwin’s fist hit the table with a force that rattled the pawns all over it ‘’And we will be there to crush them before the Greens make a move.’’

‘’I could go my Queen, Meleys will be enough to remind them where their loyalties lie and scare the Greens away from the Crownlands.’’ Princess Rhaenys said eyeing the dragon pawn currently standing above the crownland Houses loyal to the Blacks ‘’I could bring them scrolls signed by you.’’

Queen Rhaenyra shook her head, mouth in a deep scowl ‘’No, no Rhaenys I do not want you to fly there. The risk is great if we take Daemon’s word to account. The Greens may have already moved an army there.’’

‘’We have to do something though. The more time we spend trying to guess their next move the more time they have to execute their plans.’’ Insisted Princess Rhaenys.

‘’What do you say Prince Aemond?’’ at her father’s words everyone turned to look at her uncle.

Aemond was no longer awkward around them and as the days passed participated more actively in the councils. He coughed before standing and addressing them all ‘’I believe they will sack Duskendale.’’

‘’That is preposterous!’’ exclaimed Lord Gunthor Darklyn, the head of House Darklyn and Lord of Duskendale was out of his chair instantly at Aemond’s words ‘’The usurper will not dare step foot on Duskendale and even in he does he will have to kill me first to put his banners in our castle.’’

‘’Prince Aemond do you have any further information to strengthen your claim?’’ the Queen was solely focused on her step brother.

He shook his head ‘’I do not my Queen, but having Cole as my mentor all these years, I think I know where his thoughts and efforts will be. To the eyes of my mother and the Greens in general Cole is a brave and loyal servant of the Crown, though now after things I have seen I can tell you he is a cruel and ruthless Knight who will stop at nothing in his way.’’ Then lowering his voice ‘’He is responsible for the death of many innocent people since the moment the war started, maybe even before that.’’

After an awkward silence, the Hand spoke again ‘’I agree with the Queen for Meleys to remain here in Dragonstone, at least until we have proof that the Greens move against the Houses of the Crownlands. I suggest we send men to defend each castle and gold to further aid their armies.’’

‘’I can fly to House Duskendale with Cannibal and stay there to be closer if anything happens.’’ Offered Aemond.

‘’I do not want a turncoat and a kinslayer in my castle.’’ Roared a still enraged Lord Darklyn.

Aemond scowled at the man ‘’Then be prepared to face an invasion Lord Darklyn, for I am certain my brother will come to you soon enough.’’

‘’Let him’’ yelled the Lord ‘’I will be prepared. But you will not step foot on my lands.’’

‘’Lord Darklyn take your seat and cease yelling.’’ Ordered the Queen ‘’We ought to take every opinion into account and right now Price Aemond’s information may prove to be useful.’’

‘’Aegon will never attack the Crownlands, it would be madness. As the Hand has already said Houses Velaryon and Celtigar are definitely out of his mind, and the lesser Houses of the Crownlands will make no difference to the Greens. It should be you to be afraid. He can attack Dragonstone with his dragons.’’

‘’Every proposal will be evaluated Lord Darklyn. Yours too, but please remember you have the Queen in front of you and a Prince. Mind your tone.’’ Said Visenya, the Lord’s harsh words and assumptions finally getting on her last nerve. The last days were nothing but war plans and councils, and while she was more than eager to devise a plan to kill every Green that came her way, they had to keep an open mind and be careful. The Greens had already lost Aemond and his dragon and several strong House’s support. They were bound to act carelessly.

Lord Gunthor growled but said nothing more. Everyone turned to look at the Queen yet again ‘’Our dragons will remain here, Lord Darklyn I empathize with your wish and I assure you Cannibal will remain in Dragonstone. But ‘’she emphasized ‘’ if there is an assault by the Green’s dragons will come to your aid. Until then, Ser Harwin together with the Hand and Prince Jacaerys will confer to organize an army to be at the ready.’’

Then motioning with her hand, everyone got up from their seats and began vacating the room. Visenya was not in favor of staying sheltered in Dragonstone and waiting for something to happen. She craved the route Daemon had chosen, her step father opting to conquer castles in her mother’s name, making more progress than they did in this blasted war. Her hands were itching to grasp Vermithor’s reigns and fly with him to House Wylde and raze the Rain House to the ground. The Lannisters were easy prey for her, her cunning tongue making them yield immediately. But Visenya wanted to feel the blood of her enemies on her sword, she wanted to see the melted flesh of them, and until then she was restless.

‘’Do you really think your brother will attack the Crownlands?’’ she asked Aemond as they walked in the long corridors of the castle.

‘’I know he is desperate right now. When the war began he was not taking his duties seriously. Otto and mother were always in councils with their allies, Cole and the Clubfoot at their side like every faithful mutt would be. Aegon was his usual drunken self, spending his nights with whor*s and drinking wine until he passed out. One of my duties was to find him and bring him back. Until recently, I was always invited to these councils, never allowed to have opinion though, I just listened.’’

‘’Why uncle, you were being assigned missions too.’’ She said back to him unable to keep her comment to herself.

‘’That was the only time the Hand told me to do something.’’ He rasped turning his face from her ‘’Apart from that, all they wanted me to do was to fetch Aegon from the brothels and make sure he was alive and well to put his seal in formal documents. Practically every decision the Green Council took was Otto’s and my mother’s.’’

‘’You said before that they did not let you into those councils after some time.’’ Interrupted Jace from somewhere behind them. He was apparently following them all along, listening to what was told ‘’What part of your speech do you want us to believe.’’

‘’They stopped inviting me to the council after you left King’s Landing. Otto was suspicious of me and even when I tried to reassure him I was still on their side he saw right through me.’’

‘’And what exactly did he see uncle?’’ pushed Jace, though his tone was not accusing.

Aemond grit his teeth ‘’He had long suspected my feelings for Visenya were true, but I guess he made sure when my emotions went haywire after Lucerys’ death.’’ He stopped then eyeing them both warily ‘’When I came back from Storm’s End they were conversing. Mother did not utter a word while Otto rejoiced at the news. He said it was the first true step made to finally begin this war and congratulated me.’’

Jace spat to the ground and took a few steps away from Aemond. The pain in Visenya’s heart intensified at his words, but she needed to hear more ‘’And then?’’

‘’Then I spent days trying to find a way to come to you, trying to find the words to make you understand me. You were already not answering my raven for moons, and I did not know what made you keep yourself from me.’’ His eye darkened at the mention of her finding out the truth about his grandsire’s plan and his participation in it ‘’When they began discussing sending me and Vhagar to Dragonstone to kill you all, I mounted Vhagar and came here to you. I would have come either way Visenya, the guilt of contributing to Lucerys’ death was eating me alive and knowing you hated me for it made me unstable.’’

‘’And maybe it made Vhagar unstable too, if we believe your words that she did not obey you that night.’’ Jace spat at him yet eager for their uncle to continue his confession.

Aemond shook his head ‘’Our bond withered long before. I don’t know what was to blame and I don’t know why but Vhagar was distancing herself from me. The few times I flew to Dragonstone just to get a glimpse of Visenya after she did not answer my ravens, she was becoming restless, easily deviated from my commands thus making me refrain from flying her here again. When they ordered me to fly to Lord Borros I saw it as an opportunity to finally leave them and come to you, but it didn’t happen as I expected.’’

‘’You killed Luke.’’ Accused Jace staring at Aemond, voice void of emotion.

‘’And I am deeply sorry for it Jacaerys. While it was not what I wanted that night, and I do not blame your little brother for goading me, know that killing him was never my intention. I knew Vhagar was unstable, I knew there was the possibility of her not obeying me and I still took her to the skies after Lucerys. As I said to Visenya and Ser Harwin before, I will dedicate my life to atone for my sins.’’ Turning to Visenya ‘’For all my sins.’’

‘’I do not think I will ever forgive you.’’ Replied Jace, and Visenya could identify with her brother’s feelings. It was immensely difficult for her too ‘’But I will try to accept you.’’

‘’I will still wake up every day and pray to the Gods to allow me to be worthy of your forgiveness.’’ Their uncle deadpanned.

Without another word, Jace nodded and left them alone ‘’I want to take a walk to Aegon’s Garden’’ she suddenly said ‘’Would you like to accompany me uncle?’’

Aemond smiled hesitantly and followed her as they made their way to the lush garden of the castle. The serenity of the place overwhelmed Visenya and she felt she needed some time surrounded by birds chirping and the sound of waves heard from afar. Her blue eyes were fixed on the tangled hedges that lined the path they took, Aemond beside her, the silence between them speaking volumes, a gulf of lies and deception and simmering tension.

It was clear that for Aemond love bound them together, a love forged in fire and tempered by steel. For her, their union was born of necessity, for the good of her family. In truth, it was a union born of duty and power, a tangled knot of passion and resentment. The weight of their legacy, the memories of the past and the whispered accusations hung heavy in the air between them.

The one eyed Prince never left her side, always her shadow. He followed her to their chambers without uttering a word, helped her undress and allowed her to lower his trousers before pushing him to the nearest armchair. Aemond let her take her pleasure from his eager body and only grasped her waist tight as she rode him harder and harder. They climaxed together, Visenya allowing him to place kisses all over her collarbone and neck. After, he watched from his place in the very same armchair as she downed the cup with moon tea, a sharp pang hitting his chest at what could have been and would never come to their life. All because of his fault. He closed his eye and cursed.

Not even a moon had passed and Visenya found herself training with Ser Harwin, the clang of swords next to them as well as the grunts meaning that Jace and Aemond were still sparring. The clang of steel echoed through the training yard making it hard for Visenya to focus. While she was certain Aemond would not deliberately harm her brother, she could not say the same for Jace. They were still not on speaking terms, though Jace seemed to avoid their uncle instead of picking fights with him all the time. ‘’We can stop if you want.’’ Suggested her father kindly.

‘’It is just that I don’t trust them together.’’

Ser Harwin smiled at her ‘’Boys will always be boys Visenya. Let them bleed their frustrations out. It will do them good.’’

She turned to watch them again. In the center of the training yard, a whirlwind of motions unfolded. Each parry, each riposte carried a weight beyond mere practice. She stood beside her father unconsciously twisting the fabric of her dress in her fingers, her gaze flickering between the combatants, anxiety twisting her gut. Aemond’s movements were sharper, honed by a relentless drive to prove himself, his white hair whipping through the air as he lunged forward, his single eye locked on Jace’s every move.

Jace on the other hand, broader than their uncle fought with a measured calm, deflecting the other Prince’s attacks with practiced ease. Yet beneath the controlled exterior, Visenya sensed a simmering anger, fueled by years of Aemond’s taunts and ever present tension between their families. Suddenly a misstep; Aemond’s blade found its mark, drawing a gasp from Visenya. At her move to go to them, Ser Harwin grasped her hand and held her back.

A thin line of red bloomed across Jace’s arm staining the pristine white of his practice doublet. The yard fell silent then, tension crackling in the air and no one dared speak. Visenya’s heart pounded against her ribs, torn between rushing to Jace’s side and watching frozen for the next move. But Jace reacted with surprising calmness. He pressed a hand to the wound, acknowledging it with a grimace, but his eyes never left Aemond’s face ‘’Good strike uncle.’’ He said voice laced with a challenge ‘’But not good enough.’’

With renewed fire, the duel resumed and Visenya watched mesmerized, captivated by the sight they made as the dance of steel continued. A knight approached her father then ‘’Ser Strong, a raven arrived from the Crownlands. I have already delivered it to the Queen and she requests your presence immediately. Yours too my Princess.’’

Partly relieved, Visenya broke their battle and they all walked together towards the room of the Painted Table ‘’I hope nothing bad has happened.’’ Murmured Jace, his hand absentmindedly rubbing the wound Aemond had given him.

‘’Maybe you should see the Maester first nephew.’’ Advised Aemond, mirth lacing his tone.

‘’You should worry more for our next sparring match uncle.’’ Replied Jace laughing at him.

They heard Princess Rhaenys before they entered the room ‘’I told you this was going to happen. Aemond warned you as well, you should have listened.’’

‘’What happened?’’ inquired Visenya as they entered and observed the room. Her mother was pacing up and down as the Hand rubbed his forehead.

‘’Criston Cole marched from King’s Landing with a hundred knights, five hundred men at arms and three times as many sellswords to House Rosby and House Stokeworth and demanded they declared for the Greens.’’ Said the Sea Snake frowning.

‘’Their answer?’’ asked Ser Harwin as he moved to take his place beside the Queen.

‘’They joined them in order to avoid a public execution.’’ Finished the Hand.

‘’Cowards.’’ Spat Visenya venomously ‘’They should have fought him.’’

‘’They would have died Visenya.’’ Said Aemond ‘’They chose to live and serve the usurper, but in the end they will answer for their treachery.’’

‘’They should have died like any noble man would have.’’ Jace’s voice was hard, almost unrecognizable.

‘’What is the current situation?’’ asked the Queen.

‘’Their army was slightly under three thousand men in strength when they marched to Duskendale. Lord Darklyn was caught in surprise and quickly fell to the usurper’s forces. He was beheaded for treason and most of his remaining knights swore their swords to Aegon. Only a few chose an honest death.’’

‘’Mother please, I beg you, allow me to fly to Rook’s Rest and defend the Cronwlands. Let me defend your name and our honor.’’ Jace was in front of the Queen now, his hands taking hers in his own, eyes pleading.

‘’I will go with him’’ Visenya interjected ‘’Aemond will come too.’’ She said stealing a glance at her uncle seeing him nodding.

Queen Rhaenyra shook her head ‘’No, no. You will remain here.’’

‘’Don’t you see this is going to end disastrously? Lord Staunton is loyal to us mother, he is willing to defend your claim, we have to help him.’’ Said an exasperated Jace.

‘’And we will.’’ Announced Princess Rhaenys ‘’My Queen please grant me permission to fly to the Rook’s Rest and defend House Staunton.’’

‘’Rhaenys please let’s consider other options.’’ Said Lord Corlys at his wife’s proposal.

‘’There are no other options Lord husband. Lord Staunton foreseeing Cole approaching closed the gates of Rook’s Rest but was unable to prevent the Hand of the usurper from burning the fields surrounding it, killing his smallfolk and livestock. We need to act now. Without any intention of belittling you grandson, Vermax is neither big enough nor ready for such an open battle. I do not trust Cannibal enough for this and maybe only Visenya could come with me, but I do not wish for my granddaughter to face such danger. I am capable enough to scare Cole’s army away.’’ Then turning to Queen Rhaenyra ‘’Do I have your consent?’’

The troubled look in her mother’s eyes spoke volumes, the Queen probably sensing that the dance of the dragons was truly going to begin now ‘’You have it.’’ She spoke ‘’I will write to Daemon, we need him here.’’

Princess Rhaenys bowed to the Queen and left the room hastily. It was not long after that Visenya stood by her window watching Meleys taking to the skies, her grandmother atop her clad in her armor, the red metal gleaming in the sky ‘’We should have gone with her.’’ She mumbled irritated. As the Red Queen disappeared completely from her line of sight, Visenya closed her eyes and sighed. Princess Rhaenys was an accomplished Princess and she could have been a great Queen had she not been passed over for the throne in favor of her male cousin Viserys due to westerosi tradition favoring male heirs. The stain of ‘’the Queen who never was’’ was a heavy one to carry, but Princess Rhaenys did so with grace and pride. She had married Lord Corlys Velaryon, strengthening this way the Targaryen and Velaryon alliance and has given her House two children. Her escape from King’s Landing during Aegon’s coronation only served to make her seem greater in Visenya’s eyes. The more she thought of her grandmother’s mission, the more she made up her mind. Soon, Visenya found herself putting on her riding leathers and reaching for her sword.

Aemond found her like that upon entering their chambers ‘’So you will follow Rhaenys to Rook’s Rest.’’ he said looking at her up and down ‘’I am coming with you.’’

‘’No you are not. You will sit right here and tell them I am in our chambers resting.’’ She objected fastening her boots hastily. Rhaenys had a good head start and would arrive soon in Rook’s Rest, Visenya had to act quickly if she were to aid her.

‘’There is absolutely no way I will let you fly to battle Visenya.’’ He practically lurched to her side, grasping her hand tightly ‘’They will already be there, waiting to fight.’’

‘’They are just men Aemond, nothing two grown dragons can’t face and defeat.’’ Then shaking his hand off ‘’Do not delay me further.’’

He followed her hastily, cursing all the way to the hills of Dragonstone. The wind howled a battle cry in Visenya’s ears, whipping her chestnut hair into a frenzy that mirrored the storm raging within her. This was going to be her first real battle and her emotions were haywire altering from anticipation to exhilaration. Beneath her, the Bronze Fury echoed the sentiments with a deafening roar, his vast wings beating the air with the force of a hurricane. He was anxious to reach the battle fast. Flying beside them, Cannibal ridden by Aemond, elicited screeches, his true emotions escaping her.

Upon reaching their destination, the sight made Visenya’s blood go cold in her veins. The sky above Rook’s Rest shimmered with scales and fire. Princess Rhaenys, her grandmother, astride the Red Queen danced a desperate ballet with Aegon and his golden mount, Sunfyre. Crimson flames licked at the castle’s battlements, mirroring the fury in Meleys’ roars. Bellow, Cole’s archers and scorpions were firing at Meleys continuously. With a scream, Visenya ordered Vermithor to fly to her grandmother’s aid, the Bronze Fury a titan of living metal, dwarfed Sunfyre forcing her to fly away from them.

‘’Are you well?’’ yelled Visenya to Princess Rhaenys, the old woman breathing heavily, her hand only leaving the saddle of her dragon to grasp her arm. She groaned at the touch.

‘’Cole was prepared, he knew we would come with dragons.’’

Visenya turned and sought Aemond to the skies, the thought of him betraying her yet again more present in her mind than ever. He was nowhere to be found, making her heart lurch. Screaming her fury, she guided her dragon to the field were the Green’s soldiers were gathered, already directing their weapons to her. Vermithor razed the ground, his scorching fire leaving no man alive. The blood in her veins sang to her the most wonderful song she had ever heard, and she thrived in it. ‘’Visenya to me!’’ her grandmother’s voice brought her back.

Meleys was already mid flight, ready to clash with a small blue dragon. The dragon’s dark cobalt wings flapped furiously and Visenya gasped at the recognition. This was Tessarion, Prince Daeron’s she dragon and he was atop her yelling commands. She grit her teeth and urged Vermithor to fly higher in a small circle, intent on circling the she dragon and scare him away. The Greens had thought long and hard on this, calling the young Prince back home and bringing the usurper as well.

They were quick to descend right in front of Tessarion, blindsiding the dragon as she had only seen Meleys. Daeron looked absolutely frightened above her, trying desperately to guide her away. But while Meleys was made by Princess Rhaenys to turn to the army on the ground, Visenya chased after Daeron, his small she dragon trying but failing to escape. Vermithor was faster, much faster and easily reached her, lowering his long claws to her back scraping her back, only inches away from the Prince. Tessarion screeched in anguish, quickly losing height and trying desperately to fight back. She was by no means capable of confronting Vermithor, the older dragon easily sinking his teeth in the base of her tail and biting hard. The wounded blue dragon released another screech and began falling from the sky, Daeron abandoning her saddle and diving to the sea below in a desperate attempt to survive Visenya’s wrath.

She was going to kill him, she decided, had she not heard two different dragons screeching not far from her. There was Aemond and Aegon, their dragons dancing viciously. It was a compelling sight, black to gold trying to claw each other, jaws snapping and blood spilling. ‘’Visenya’’ yelled Rhaenys now back to her ‘’It is three against one, we can take him down.’’

The young Princess nodded and urged Vermithor to fly to her husband, a sudden emotion akin to pride threatening to overtake her at Aemond’s choice. He chose them this time, he chose her. And then Sunfyre somehow managed to stick her claws in Cannibal’s side and the black dragon roared flying higher to escape. The usurper followed him suit clearly intent on finishing him. Visenya, ever the strategist, understood the battlefield in front of her instantly. ‘’Now.’’ She yelled at Princess Rhaenys and with a flick of her reigns she directed Vermithor towards them, Meleys following right beside her.

The sight all four dragons made was sure one in a lifetime for those observing from the ground. Black to gold and red with bronze all tangled up and trying to finish the civil war that had started. Aegon had a sinister look on his face, his mouth scowling, eyes as if laughing at them ‘’I will end you.’’ He yelled loud enough to be heard ‘’All of you, one by one.’’ And then he turned and attacked Meleys.

The Red Queen clearly did not expect this, as Sunfyre was closer to Cannibal, thus falling over the she dragon with his jaws open wide. Despite the sudden change of target, Meleys closed her powerful jaws around Sunfyre’s neck. The golden dragon roared in pain and tried to shake the other dragon off her. Visenya already at her wits end ordered Vermithor to attack Sunfyre and he did just that, blasting her with scorching fire and making her move more erratically deepening the wounds from Meleys’ teeth. She breathed fire then, effectively hitting the Red Queen’s wing and that was when all hell broke loose.

Sunfyre was quick to ascend to the skies, Vermithor and Cannibal hot on her heels, but she was faster despite her wounds. In a move that no one expected, Sunfyre fell upon Meleys from above as she spit fire. Visenya yelled as the two dragons fell and finally crashed to the ground, the clash being earth shattering. Cannibal was quick to prove his name and upon descending beside them tore one of Sunfyre’s wings and ate it in two bites. Aemond did not even have the time to dismount as his dragon tried to cannibalize yet another part of his brother’s dragon, while Visenya still atop Vermithor screamed ‘’Dracarys.’’

Cannibal was fast to fly away as his rider yelled desperately for Visenya to stop. It was too late though, his mount was already descending upon the battlefield like a plague. His skeletal form, wreathed in an unnatural chill sending shivers down the spines of the warriors unlucky enough to be in his path right before he devoured them alive. His snapping jaws and razor like teeth leaving a trail of screams and carnage in his wake.

Vermithor’s fire had managed to finally kill Aegon’s dragon, he himself suffering severe burns and what looked like broken bones. He was barely conscious as his eyes turned to her ‘’Spare me…’’ he whispered before closing his eyes, head lolling to the side.

Aemond came running to her just as she was dismounting and practically pushed her to the ground with the force he took her in his arms ‘’Are you alright?’’ he said his eye frantically searching her up and down.

Visenya pushed him away and ran to where Meleys had fallen a few feet from them. The Red Queen, once a proud and strong dragon, laid there taking her final breaths, half her body burnt by Sunfyre’s final flames as she descended upon her. The young Princess screamed as she fell to her knees at the sight of her grandmother. The blackened body of Princess Rhaenys was right beside her mount, charred and unrecognizable. Visenya wept long and hard, her heart clenching at the sight.

Her hand trembled as she tried touching the body of the woman she loved, the heat beneath it making bile rise in her throat and she retched. She thought it was pathetic, vomiting at the sight of her dead grandmother and her also dead dragon as Aemond rubbed circles on her back. He tried getting her to stand, but her feet could not hold her anymore. ‘’I will end him.’’ She uttered.

Aemond went rigid instantly at her laced with hate words ‘’Let us take the body of the Princess back to Dragonstone Visenya. He is as good as dead already.’’

She pushed his hands away ‘’I said I will kill him.’’ She yelled again falling to the dirty ground, her mind still reeling.

A new screech, a different one yet familiar to her was then heard from above them. The Blood Wyrm descended from the sky then, a monstrous shadow falling over the carnage. His scales shimmering like polished onyx, dulled by the crimson haze as he settled beside Vermithor. His rider, the mighty Daemon Targaryen bore a mask of cold indifference. Visenya though knew better. He dismounted with practiced ease, his boots crunching on the remaining wing of Sunfyre and he turned to stare at the unmoving Aegon. Without sparing a second thought and with a speed she always had admired, the Rogue Prince unsheathed Dark Sister and plunged it in Aegon’s stomach. The fallen Prince screamed yet remained on the ground unmoving.

Visenya saw Aemond shake beside her and grasped his hand. Whether it was for fear of him attacking Daemor or wanting to comfort him she didn’t know. Daemon wiped his legendary sword in his crimson cape and turned to them ‘’You’’ he said pointing to the one eyed Prince ‘’Go find your brother in the sea, I saw him trying to reach the sore and bring him to Dragonstone alive.’’ And then turning to her ‘’And you my daughter help me bring Princess Rhaenys back home.’’ And with that he unclasped his long cloak and moved to the charred body. Together they wrapped her grandmother as best as they could and moved her to Caraxes. The dragon, as if understanding his sacred mission, lowered his head and howled as Daemon secured the body atop him.

‘’Fly to Dragonstone, I will be right behind you.’’ He ordered, and at her hesitation he urged louder ‘’Now Visenya, do as I say.’’

Vermithor dipped through the clouds, the wind whipping Visenya’s hair now a tangled mess around her tear streaked face. Grief, raw and potent, threatened to consume her whole. Her grandmother, this strong and overbearing woman was gone, snatched from the sky in a flash of scorching red fire and screams. Visenya clutched the saddle, knuckles white. Below, Dragonstone loomed, a jagged silhouette against the churning sea. It offered no solace, only a harsh reminder of the Targaryen’s power, of the dance of the dragons that had already consumed two people she held dear. The now familiar sting of tears blurred the world around her as she dismounted, making room for the guards rushing to her side. She waved them away and turned to see Daemon dismounting too, calling for them to aid him with Princess Rhaenys’ body.

Soon, they were all gathered in Maester Gerardys’ chambers, as three servants cleaned and prepared the charred body as best as they could before putting on the shroud. Lord Corlys, the late Princess’ husband, stood by her head grasping the table tightly, his head held high. He had lost a daughter, then a son and now his wife. To Visenya, it seemed like the Gods had withdrew their favor from House Velaryon. It was like a plague had fallen on them, the harsh reality of war leaving no side unaffected.

Chapter 28

Chapter Text

The wind howled like a restless dragon, whipping salt spray from the churning sea bellow, tugging at the cloaks of the figures gathered atop the windswept hill. The castle of Dragonstone loomed behind them, a silent sentinel to the gathering tension. Queen Rhaenyra, her long silver hair whipping about her face, stood at the forefront, her gaze fixed on the pile of wood in front of her. Her normally vibrant purple eyes were clouded with pain and despair, the weight of her crown and the precariousness of her reign etched upon her features. Beside her stood her husband, Ser Harwin tall and intimidating holding her hand tightly as he too gazed at the place Princess Rhaenys’ body was laid. A few feet from them was Lord Corlys Velaryon, the Queen’s Hand wore a solemn expression on his face.

Visenya along with her brothers, her step sister Baela and Aemond stood behind them, each of them a reflection of their Targaryen and Velaryon heritage in their own way. Jace, the eldest of them all, held himself tall and stoic, his stance mimicking his true father’s. Young Joffrey was beside Aegon in front of their brother, both brothers looking around awkwardly. Baela was sobbing hysterically, her body mostly supported by Jace. Her betrothed’s attempts at soothing her useless, as the young Princess was barely able to hold her tears.
Viserys squirmed in Visenya’s arms and buried his head in the crook of her neck.

She put her arms tighter around her brother’s body and placed a tender kiss at his head ‘’I am scared.’’ He whispered.

‘’Do not be my love.’’ She said back making sure her tone was smooth and loving ‘’We are here to say our goodbyes to Princess Rhaenys.’’

A hand caressed his silver blond her then, tender and soft, a feather like gesture meant to comfort. Visenya turned to see Aemond looking at Viserys, an undecipherable look on his face, his eye holding unknown emotions ‘’You are a Targaryen Viserys, do you not want to say farewell to great Princess Rhaenys as she starts her way to the afterlife?’’

Young Viserys nodded at his uncle’s words and turned to look at the sight in front of them. The long plinth was now covered with logs and twigs, Princess Rhaenys’ shrouded body placed atop, flowers scattered all over. Moondancer loomed over waiting for her rider to give the command. The slender pale green dragon huffed and took a few steps forward, as if impatient to end this pain. No one dared talk, no one dared move as the wind continued howling around them. It was as if they wanted to have Princess Rhaenys for a bit longer with them, even like this.

Then, Queen Rhaenyra turned and looked at Baela, her hands outstretched to receive the crying girl. The Targaryen Princess practically flew to her step mother’s arms and remained there until she took a shaky breath and turned to her dragon ‘’Dracarys.’’ She said tonelessly.

Without fanfare, the slender dragon dipped her head, a plume of smoke dancing from her nostrils. A low rumble escaped her throat, barely audible over the wind. Then, she released a single and focused blast of fire from her maw. It wasn’t a destructive inferno, but a precise tongue of flame aimed at the shrouded body of Princess Rhaenys. No sound was heard as they all observed the pyre of the Queen who never was burning bright and strong; just like Princess Rhaenys Velaryon always was. Visenya felt her heart constrict in her chest, the sight of her grandmother dead and gone, burning to ashes right in front of them leaving her with a numbing feeling.

They were never close with each other, maybe the fact that Visenya and her brothers were not Ser Leanor’s true born children played a role, but Visenya loved her grandmother. The late Princess was quite intelligent, ambitious and cunning, all traits that Visenya liked to believe she had too, and while the older woman never really favored her, she didn’t push her aside. Princess Rhaenys was at her side whenever Visenya needed her, supported her ideas and believed in her. They loved each other in their own way.

Lord Corlys was the first to leave the site, his wife’s pyre still burning. When he passed by Visenya, she saw his eyes glistening with unshed tears, his brows furrowed as he tried hard to contain himself. The Sea Snake was a proud man, carved in the hardships of war and pledged to a cause for years now, even before any of them were even born. Set to become Queen consort had the late King Jaehaerys named Princess Rhaenys his heir and not his grandson Viserys thus placing the Princess far down the line of succession. But Lord Corlys Velaryon did not stop his pursuit in greatness, securing a marriage between his son Leanor to the heir Princess Rhaenyra. Nearly two decades later he had lost said son, his daughter and now his wife, all in the hunt of a seat the nearest possible to the Iron Throne.

She sighed and moved towards Baela. Young Viserys mumbled something from his place in her embrace and opened his arms for Aemond to take him. At her rising eyebrows, her uncle shrug his shoulders, took the boy in his arms and nodded at her. Visenya reached Baela and took her in her arms from behind. The Targaryen Princess’ body was shaking from the sobs and she let a heavy sigh as she leaned on Visenya. Time seemed to melt away, leaving only the rhythmic rise and fall of their breaths and the muffled thrum of Baela’s sobs. Visenya held her gently, offering no empty platitudes, no forced cheer. She understood the hollowness of words in the face of such deep grief. Instead, she traced slow circles on her step sister’s back, a silent mantra of I am here, you are not alone.

Finally, the sobs subsided into shaky breaths. Baela pulled back, her eyes red rimmed but holding a sliver of gratitude ‘’Thank you.’’ She whispered, voice thick with emotion.

Visenya offered a small smile, the kind that reached only her eyes ‘’Always.’’ She replied simply.

‘’Jace left.’’ Offered Baela, obviously disappointed by Jace’s early departure.

Visenya cursed her brother in her mind ‘’He is reminded of Luke’s death sister.’’

Her step sister shook her head ‘’He should have stayed, he should have held my hand. Do not justify his behavior Visenya. He just does not care about me enough.’’

‘’No. Do not think such things Baela. Jace loves you.’’ She tried reasoning. Visenya knew very well that her twin did not harbor romantic feelings for Baela and recently he had no problems showing it.

‘’Yes, like a sister.’’ The silver haired Princess responded ‘’Not the way a woman wants to be loved by a man.’’

Not entirely comfortable with the subject, Visenya gulped and tried again ‘’Baela, my brother…’’

‘’Not like he loves you.’’ The Targaryen Princess interrupted her, her eyes falling on Aemond ‘’I mean, I know he took part in this wretched plan his grandsire devised but look at him; really look at him. Aemond adores you, worships the ground you walk, he… he has this look in his eye every time you enter a room that speaks of utter devotion.’’ Shaking her head, Baela turned to Visenya again ‘’Jace has never and will never look at me like that. Now I know.’’

Visenya observed her husband under a new prism. Prince Aemond stood tall and intimidating, an unmoving mass of a robust body, eye furrowed and a look of determination etched on his scarred face that would make any one who did not know him believe he was plotting murder. To her, Aemond was a man dead on the inside, barely hanging from a thread that was now in her hands. He had lost his family; the family he trusted for all of his life. His dragon was dead, killed by Visenya’s mount. He was ridiculed among the Realm, a traitor to his family, a turncoat and a kinslayer. Those surrounding him eyed him with suspicion, his every move was monitored and finally, the woman he said he loved kept him at an emotional distance. Yes, Prince Aemond Targaryen was a man struggling to keep his head above water, but it was entirely his fault.

They staggered inside the castle, Baela heavily leaning on her and Aemond not far behind them when they came across Jace. He was leaning on the door frame of the Grand Hall, his eyes focusing on her ‘’The Hand wishes to talk to us all.’’

Visenya nodded and made to guide Baela inside ‘’I will retire sister.’’ Said the silver haired Princess.

‘’Lord Corlys requested all to be present Baela.’’ Insisted Jace not even making a move to reach her.

Visenya groaned at her brother’s behavior. Jace had become more and more distant from Baela these past weeks, and it was not only her that had noticed. She knew her mother had talked to him about this and he insisted there was nothing worth discussing. To anyone, Jace was distancing himself from his betrothed, leaving Baela in a constant sorrow mood, now magnified by the death of her grandmother. She widened her eyes at her brother, willing him to understand, but Jace averted his gaze.

‘’You too uncle.’’ He said nodding to Aemond.

Visenya watched as Aemond gave a now asleep Viserys to the wet nurse that was following them and turned to stand beside Jace. She groaned at the sight they made; both Princes insufferable to her eyes that moment, their silent truce irritating her ‘’Maybe you should accompany your betrothed to her chambers first Jace, she had a tiring day.’’

‘’We all did’’ he retorted but moved to gently take Baela’s and ‘’But you are right. You need rest Baela.’’

She watched as they left the corridor, her brother close to Baela but in truth miles away ‘’You really shouldn’t force her to him. I mean, he doesn’t want to be with her that way.’’

Visenya turned to look at Aemond incredulously ‘’Since when do you know what my brother wants?’’

‘’Since living with him.’’ He moved closer to her ‘’Jacaerys does not wish to wed her Visenya, even a blind man can see this.’’

‘’It does not matter what he wants. You knew I didn’t want to wed you, yet you forced me to do so. Mother did not ask whether I wanted to go live in the North and wed Lord Stark or not, and certainly Luke was not asked when he was announced his betrothal to Raena. We do not have to like what we are told to do uncle, trust me I have learnt it the hard way.’’ She said to him, her tone letting all her annoyance show.

Aemond was quick to grasp her hand ‘’It is not the same with us. We love each other.’’ The look he gave her, it was a desperate one. It was as if he was searching the truth in her eyes, willing her to see the truth of his words.

‘’I loved you uncle, and then I learnt you had turned your back at me years ago.’’

‘’I did not...’’

‘’What are you doing still out here?’’ came Ser Harwin’s voice as he opened the heavy doors, waiting for them to enter.

Visenya took her seat and waited for everyone to arrive. Soon, Jace entered the room and then the Hand began ‘’I have been informed that the heads of Lord Staunton and my late wife’s dragon Meleys were taken to King’s Landing, a spectacle for the people of the capital.’’ He said this, his voice never wavering, never breaking ‘’I will spare you the sordid details, but I will say that they use them to spread news about their great victory.’’

‘’What victory?’’ Daemon’s loud voice disrupted Lord Corlys’ words ‘’I killed their so called King.’’

‘’Aegon is not dead.’’

Everyone turned to look at Ser Harwin instantly. What he had just said made them all uneasy, especially Visenya who had been there when her step father had plunged Dark Sister in the usurper’s body. She felt Aemond go rigid beside her, his stance resembling more of a statue than of a man.

‘’I don’t know where you heard that from Strong but I ran that f*cker through my sword. Visenya was there, she can attest to that.’’ Daemon’s arrogant tone was getting louder and louder at being refuted.

She was quick to nod her head before her father continued ‘’Aegon suffered from burns that cover half his body, a broken hip and numerous broken ribs, and the wound you caused him of course. He is practically a living dead as we speak, the Maesters feeding him milk of the poppy constantly to keep the pain away.’’

‘’This cannot be.’’ Daemon spat, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. He then slammed his fist against the rough hewn oaken table, the sound echoing through the sparsely furnished chamber. The air seemed to crackle with his barely contained anger.

Queen Rhaenyra rose, her movements measured and deliberate ‘’Perhaps the reports were exaggerated’’ she offered, her voice a soothing balm as her hand reached for his.

Daemon scoffed and withdrew his hand as he turned to Ser Harwin ‘’Who told you this?’’

Her father took a deep breath and steeled himself ‘’My brother.’’

‘’Lord Larys?’’ asked Visenya bewildered while Aemond stood from his seat instantly.

‘’No.’’ he yelled ‘’You cannot trust him, we cannot trust him.’’

Daemond cackled as he moved to place a hand over Ser Harwin’s shoulder ‘’I understand he is your blood, but make no mistake Breakbones, he is lying to you. For years I have received word that he is salivating over Alicent and now you want me to believe he turned sides?’’

‘’Cross check it then.’’ Said Ser Harwin ‘’Talk with your spies in King’s Landing and see if he lies.’’

‘’It does not really matter if the usurper lives or not’’ interjects Jace ‘’We have to act wise and quick. Even if Aegon lives, he is incapacitated which means we can strike them.’’

‘’I agree.’’ Spoke Aemond from his place beside her ‘’If we use Ser Strong’s intel wisely we can end this once and for all.’’

Jace nodded at his uncle’s words as the Hand spoke again ‘’What do you propose my Prince?’’

Everyone turned to look at Jace then, Visenya herself holding her breath ‘’I propose to recruit dragonseeds.’’ When no one commented, he continued ‘’We should call all dragonseeds, all Targaryen bastards and their descendants here and let them try claim the dragons that reside in Dragonstone and have no rider. We can promise them knighthood, lands and wealth if they manage to claim a mount and bend the knee to you mother.’’

The Hand spoke first ‘’That is a good idea, but we should consider all aspects of such an endeavor.’’

‘’This is madness.’’ Said Daemon ‘’We won’t know them, we won’t know how they will react to the power a dragon can offer. I propose we try and claim them ourselves.’’

‘’We already have claimed dragons father.’’ Said Visenya, the thought of riding a dragon that was not Vermithor making her feel uneasy.

‘’We should try.’’ He said again ‘’How do you know they won’t turn their backs on us as soon as they claim the dragons? They are common people after all, they are not like us.’’

‘’Well we have to do something.’’ Spat Jace.

‘’What do you say my Queen?’’

The Hand’s words made Queen Rhaenyra sigh ‘’I will allow this.’’ Then turning to Jace ‘’You will lead this my son. Call dragonseeds, knights, men and women you think have the potential and have them try. There are still unclaimed dragons in this island, even one more on our side will make the difference.’’

‘’There is still the matter of Prince Daeron my Queen.’’ Continued the Hand ‘’The Prince is still incarcerated in the dungeons.’’

Visenya felt Aemond flinch beside her, he had dragged his brother from the angry sea himself and was reluctant to hand him in the hands of the guards to be thrown in the dark cells. But Aemond did it, he allowed the guards to pull the young Prince roughly to the castle’s bowels as he screamed and cried to be released. Aemond did nothing but stare at their retreating figures, his fists bailed at his sides.

‘’I will interrogate him.’’ Announced Prince Daemon, his eyes gleaming with violence. The news of Aegon still being alive had stirred something deadly inside him and Visenya feared he would exhaust his anger in Daeron.

‘’I want to be present.’’ Demanded Aemond as he got up from his seat and steeled himself ‘’Daeron was in Oldtown for years, he knows nothing of this war and its machinations. I want him to be treated fairly.’’

Daemon scoffed ‘’His blood is diluted by the Hightower blood boy, and just because I tolerate your presence here and in my daughter’s life it does not mean I will tolerate him too.’’ Then he walked towards Aemond threateningly ‘’He will say everything he knows.’’

Aemond stood his ground, his pose mirroring Daemon’s ‘’He knows nothing.’’

Visenya felt her blood run cold at the tension between them. She got up and placed her hand in Aemond’s bicep effectively pushing him an inch back, carefully inserting herself between them ‘’Father please.’’ She said almost desperately ‘’Now is not the time.’’

She watched as the Rogue Prince clenched his teeth and close his eyes to slits; the resemblance to his mount increasing by the seconds. If she looked hard enough, Visenya was certain she would see smoke leaving his nostrils ‘’You will not interfere’’ he spat looking at Aemond ‘’If you even as much as do something to lead him, you will find yourself beside him.’’

Not long after, Visenya followed the Rogue Prince, Ser Harwin and her husband to the castle’s dungeons. They wandered the dark corridors until they reached the cell holding Prince Daeron. He was sat slumped in a rough hewn chair, his posture broken once and for all. His silver gold hair was matted all over his forehead, his face wet from sweat and his tears. Visenya could see his violet eyes blinking fast dulled by fear, they were reflecting the flickering torchlight with a haunted glint.

‘’Daeron Targaryen’’ began Daemon as he stood in front of the terrified Prince ‘’Look at the little Hightower whelp.’’ The young Prince cried harder then, but in only served the Rogue Prince to get more excited ‘’When did you leave Oldtown?’’

‘’Gra… Grandsire sent me a raven a week ago to fly back to King’s Landing. He… He said that Aegon needed me now that Aemond had betrayed us and chose the Strong whor*.’’

Visenya heard the resounding slap before she had the chance to speak; her step father finally allowing free rein to his fury ‘’If you ever speak about my daughter like that I will kill you. Am I clear mutt?’’ he spat as he put his hand around Daeron’s throat and choked him.
Then Daemon turned to Aemond ‘’Did you hear what your dear family thinks of your wife?’’

Aemond grit his teeth and made to approach them. Visenya was quick to stop him, placing a firm hand over his bicep ‘’Do not fear my wife, all is well.’’ He reassured her before placing a soft kiss at the top of her head.

He moved to stand beside Daemon and looked at his brother ‘’Visenya is my wife Daeron and it would do you well to respect her, or else…’’ he let his words hung as he drew his sword. Daeron flinched and lifted his head to look at his brother.

‘’You raise your sword to me? To me brother? Over her?’’

‘’She is my niece, your niece too Daeron and my wife. I will not allow you to speak ill of her.’’ Then after taking a deep breath he continued ‘’Tell us what grandsire told you.’’

Daeron closed his eyes ‘’He sent me the first raven after you never returned to King’s Landing following your mission to Storm’s End. He had not requested anything of me, but it was clear he needed me back home. After… After it was apparent that you would not return to them and they learnt of Vhagar’s demise he sent me a raven ordering me to fly back. I only spent days in the Keep before they told me to fly to Rook’s Rest and aid them in the siege. The rest you know.’’ He said wiping his eyes and nose.

‘’What is the situation at the Keep?’’ asked Visenya from her place by the door. She had zero interest in participating at the interrogation of Daeron, the young Prince was a pathetic excuse of a man, a mundane person of no interest to her. Still there were things to be learnt and the interrogation was not going as she hoped it would go.

Daeron turned his red eyes to her ‘’Helaena was deeply depressed after Jaehaerys’ death, she is sinking into madness refusing to eat or drink never leaving her chambers anymore. Mother was rigid and in a constant state of uneasiness. She served as Aegon’s consultant in the single Council I attended before the fight.’’ He said quickly as if trying to say what they wanted to hear.

‘’Do I look like I care about them boy? Tell me about the Hightower c*nt and your brother.’’ Spat Daemon, his patience finally waning.

‘’Our grandsire is completely casted outside by Aegon, the King doesn’t trust him after he failed in gaining an alliance with Qoren Martell; Ser Criston Cole is the new Hand.’’ Said Daeron hurriedly.

Daemon took his sword out and made a move to approach the terrified Prince ‘’It seems the Hightower whelp has nothing new to say. We don’t need him anymore. What do you say Prince Aemond?’’ asked the Rogue Prince turning to Visenya’s husband.

She turned to look at him too, only to see him shrug his shoulders and nod earning a gasp from her. Sure, she cared little about whether Daeron was dead or alive, but to see Aemond act cool about his brother’s imminent death was something else.

Daemon smiled ‘’Since your brother agrees with me then…’’

‘’Grandsire reached out to the Kingdom of the Three Daughters, the Triarchy, to form an alliance.’’ Rushed Daeron, desperate to say something new to them to save his life.

‘’Now that is new.’’ Said Daemon smirking ‘’Anything else boy?’’ he asked the sobbing Prince in front of him.

At Daeron’s refusal, the Rogue Prince fled the room, Ser Harwin hot on his heels, leaving Aemond and Visenya in the cell. Aemond took a few steps and kneeled in front of his brother ‘’Thank you for cooperating brother, you did good. I will make sure you will leave the dungeons and be given a room.’’

He got up then, took Visenya’s hand and moved to the door, Daeron’s voice stopping them ‘’And you brother? Have you forgotten our father’s legacy? Aegon is our father’s true heir.’’

Visenya was ready to talk back to him, to remind him that all this bloodshed was because of this exact suggestion that Aegon was King Viserys’ true heir. Aemond beat her to it though ‘’Our sister is father’s true heir Daeron, not Aegon. It took me an awfully long time to finally understand that. Now I fight for the Realm, for the true Queen and I hope that in time you will come to realize that this is the way things should have been from the start.’’

They left the dungeons walking side by side, never touching but Visenya’s skin itched at the proximity ‘’Thank you’’ she said to him once they were in their chambers.

Aemond did not respond, instead turned his back to her and moved to the window ‘’He thinks I am a traitor too. You and your family believe me a traitor and now my brother has the same opinion about me.’’

She approached him slowly, tentatively lifting her hands to place them on his shoulders ‘’You spent enough time with us in Dragonstone uncle, helped me in Casterly Rock, then in Rook’s Rest’’ at his flinch Visenya grasped his arm to turn him enough to face her ‘’You are part of our family Aemond.’’ She said truthfully before lifting her head enough to place a kiss at his lips.

He leaned to her touch and moved to retake her lips as soon as she withdrew the first time ‘’All I want is to be with you my love.’’ He whispered in her lips and for the first time after so many moons Visenya gave herself to him ultimately, allowing him to love her the way he wanted, the way he used to do; she allowed herself to feel again.

Days passed since Daeron spoke of a renewed Triarchy, now allied with the Greens and the castle was in an agitated activity. Daemon spent his days in councils with the Hand and the Queen while Jace along with Ser Harwin enabled his plan to recruit dragonseeds. And so it began, the Sowing of the seeds as they called it. Squires, scullions, sailors, men at arms, knights, mummers, and even two of the castle’s servants made attempts to tame and claim the rider less dragons of Dragonstone. Visenya watched as most men were burned and maimed by the untamed beasts. Lord Gormon Massey of Stonedance made an attempt to ride Seasmoke, the late Laenor Velaryon’s mount, but was burnt to death. Silver Denys, supposedly a bastard of son of King Maegor Targaryen was maimed when Sheepstealer tore one of his arms off, and was devoured along with his sons after they made an attempt to claim Cannibal. Aemond was beyond furious at them trying to approach Visenya that he hinted they tried their luck with the black dragon. The look in his eyes as his mount gulped them down made her smile despite the massacre that he had just caused.

Her days were spent in the slopes of the island, watching the poor men and women try to wedge their way to the Targaryen greatness only to either get devoured or burned. Her nights though always found her sweaty, panting and utterly sated. Aemond had made it his personal goal to ravish her to the point of not being able to open her eyes the next day, his insatiable appetite difficult to sate these days. As they laid in their featherbed one night, heavy breathing and completely spent, Visenya looked at him and wondered when had she began allowing this. When had Aemond found an opening and had reentered her life. When did the lines blur?

The next day Visenya found herself in the training yard watching as her father was busy training with the Black Guard and Jace instructed the freshly arrived men where to find the unclaimed dragons. Daemon was already in the skies, observing the process from above and keeping a vigilant eye at Blackwater Bay as Lord Corlys gave them news earlier that the Greens had allied with the Triarchy.

‘’I knew I would find you here niece.’’

Aemond’s voice startled her and she frowned before turning to face him ‘’And where else was I supposed to be uncle?’’

‘’In bed’’ he said shrugging his shoulders ‘’Naked and under me.’’ He said taking a lock of her hair and placing it behind her ear.

He was in a good mood, she thought, having f*cked her all night long made him joyous and pleasant to be in his company. She allowed this between them; she saw it as a means to escape from their daunting reality. A pleasurable way to forget the threat looming over their heads, the war they were in and of course a way to sate the need he caused to her body. Visenya was a young woman barely ten and eight and she craved a man’s touch in her willing body. So what if that man was Aemond. He was her husband after all, it was his duty to satisfy her needs. And that was exactly what he did, as Aemond had made it abundantly clear to all of them what a possessive man he could become. Since all these men arrived in the island intent on claiming the dragons, the one eyed Prince became feral. He resembled the Aemond he used to be back at the Keep, always snatching her in dusty rooms, deserted corridors or even in plain sight to show her who she belonged to. Sometimes when he felt petty enough he even pulled her to him and kissed her for the whole world to see. Still, Visenya allowed it. The fire had yet to light inside her again, but she allowed him to pull her in their chambers every night and f*ck her senseless.

‘’Train with me Visenya.’’ He said bringing her back to reality.

Gods, she was wet again just from remembering their trysts ‘’Are you sure you can handle me uncle?’’

He did not answer, he just smirked and fixed his stance, readying to fight with her; his sword already at his hand. She sighed and pulled out her dagger, quickly advancing at him. Aemond easily blocked her and deftly moved his sword at the side as he took his chance and advanced on her. Visenya let out a huff as her muscles strained and cursed him for tiring her the night before. Surely, his appetite had to wear him out too. But Aemond was smiling at her, their training session clearly over in his mind as he suddenly lunged forward and snaked an arm around her waist pulling her to his hard body.

‘’We are training Aemond.’’ She protested pushing his arm away.

He laughed at her words and relished some of his pressure on her. His other hand quickly found its way to her thigh and snaked upwards ‘’Here’’ he instructed ‘’Is where you should strike your opponent to end his life fast.’’ He mumbled in her ear as he traced her artery ‘’I would never let a man that close to you of course, but I want you to be prepared just in case.’’

Visenya trembled at the timbre of his low voice ‘’I know where to strike a man Aemond.’’

‘’Do you?’’ he inquired as he pushed his hips to her rear, his co*ck impossibly hard inside his leathers.

She twisted in his arms and relished herself from his embrace and turned to look at him ‘’You are impossible uncle.’’ She said and pushed her dagger back in her boot ‘’And I am tired.’’ She said as she walked back to the armory, her eyes gleaming ‘’You tired me out.’’

‘’That I did.’’ He said seductively and followed her.

They were children again, she thought, back the Keep running happily in the vast gardens of the castle laughing and jesting with each other. Just two children being oblivious to the webs that were weaved around them and were about to suck them in soon enough. Aemond raced after her, like he was a boy of ten again chasing her gleefully through the roses. But when he caught her in his strong arms and pushed her hard in the rows of swords and other weapons, he was a man grown and she was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted.

‘’You are doing a poor job in escaping your enemy niece.’’ He whispered in her ear seductively as he took her earlobe in his mouth and bit; his hands roaming to the front of her body until finally grasping one of her breasts.

Visenya moaned and pushed her rear to his groin ‘’Maybe I wanted to be caught uncle.’’ She said as she turned and sunk to her knees in front of him.

‘’Visenya?’’ he asked incredulously ‘’What are you doing?’’

‘’Is it not obvious uncle?’’ she asked teasingly as her fingers worked frantically trying to unlace his trousers and tug them down until they reached his ankles.

She salivated at the sight of his already hard co*ck and was quick to take his member in her hands and begin pumping him ‘’Not here.’’ He said breathing hard, one of his hands grasping a nearby counter to help him remain standing.

‘’Right here.’’ She said back before delving forward to lick his co*ck from the base to the top.

Aemond’s other hand soon finds purchase in her unbraided hair grasping a handful tightly and pushing her closer to his crotch ‘’If anyone enters this f*cking room while you are on your knees for me I will have to kill them.’’ He moaned as she put his hard co*ck in her mouth and sucked.

Her aching c*nt was soaked while she bobbed her head trying to take more of his co*ck in her wet mouth. It was taking everything in her not to shred their clothes and have him take her from behind right in this dirty room where anyone could see them. A loud moan escaped her throat and Aemond groaned loudly at the vibrations of her mouth on him, thrusting his hips forward in a desperate move to find release. Visenya continued sucking, even opening her mouth wider, trying to take more of him in her.

‘’Visenya… Gods you are perfect.’’ He moaned as she gripped his hip with one of her hands to take him deeper.

At his words, Visenya doubled her efforts and increased her pace, her other hand coming to rest at the base of his co*ck and tease his ball sac.

Aemond was quick to pull her hair and try to pry her from him ‘’I will not last niece. Get up.’’

She ignored his weak attempts and grasped his balls softly playing with them. It was all it took for Aemond to lose the little control he had and find his release inside her mouth with a loud groan. Visenya eagerly swallowed his seed making sure he watched as she did so and then put his softening co*ck back in his breeches.

He helped her stand and engulfed her in a tight embrace instantly ‘’What has gotten into you today?’’ he rasped, still trembling from the aftershocks of his org*sm.

Visenya just shrugged, ignoring her own desire to be filled; there would be time later. After all, Aemond was over eager these last days ‘’Is it bad that I wanted to please my husband?’’ she asked with a fake innocence that earned her a raised brow from him.

Before he had the time to reply, something snarky for sure, the doors to the armory opened wide to reveal a gleaming Jace ‘’And now that the show is over come and see our newest dragon rider.’’

They scrambled out of the armory to the open yard just in time to see Silverwing, the silvery she dragon, whipping her wings unfurling them and finally taking to the skies. She had little time to see her rider, only the man’s short silver white hair as he clutched his dragon’s scales for dear life ‘’His name is Ulf the White’’ said Jacaerys as if sensing she had questions ‘’He is a man at arms here in Dragonstone and I believe he is Baelon Targaryen’s bastard son.’’

Aemond hummed beside them, his eye following the ascending dragon ‘’He could be. Grandsire was widowed and Prince of Dragonstone for years. The time fits.’’

‘’What is he like?’’ asked Visenya more concerned of the man’s character than his heritage. They were giving power to unknown people after all, they would have to be careful around them.

‘’He is a drunkard fool that has no sense of propriety.’’ Spat Aemond turning to look at her ‘’I want you to stay away from him.’’ He said looking at her sternly.

‘’Add immoral and debauched to that.’’ Interjected Jace before she had the time to speak ‘’I caught him yesterday trying to corner a maid.’’

‘’Father was right, we should never have allowed such people to gain that much power.’’ She said exasperated and at her brother’s eye roll she continued ‘’We don’t know them Jace, their loyalty is frail, we cannot trust them with such power.’’

‘’Have some faith in me sister, please.’’ Jace looked deep into her eyes as if he tried to make her see who he really was, who he wanted to be; a worthy heir, a good fit for a King.

Visenya sighed and nodded ‘’If anything goes wrong…’’

‘’All will be well, trust me.’’ He said again, this time taking her hands in his and squeezing.

‘’Don’t you think it’s enough?’’ grumbled Aemond from his place beside them, his eye falling to their hands.

‘’For the love of Gods uncle, I just…’’

‘’No.’’ interrupted Jace as he pulled his hands from hers ‘’Do not finish that sentence. In fact, I do not believe you made me witness that sister.’’ He said making a disgusted face.

Aemond smirked and placed a hand at Jace’s shoulder, and for a moment Visenya held her breath. While in the back of her mind she had allowed Aemond to be present and play a role in her life, she couldn’t say the same about Jace. Her brother still kept his distance and made sure to everyone that Aemond living with them was not something he agreed on, but he made effort. They often trained together, even if it ended in blood being shed, and even managed to finish a meal without insulting each other. She was hopeful until Aemond put his hand at her brother’s shoulder. But then Jace surprised her and laughed allowing the touch and even sharing the same merry mood their uncle was in. She let a small smile grace her face and looked at them with hope. She was not ready to forgive Aemond for betraying her and killing Luke, but something had definitely changed inside her; and it seemed that something had changed for Jace too.

‘’Princess, my Princes’’ a Knight said approaching them ‘’There is a man requesting to see you.’’

‘’Who is he?’’ asked Visenya.

‘’He says his name is Addam of Hull.’’ Then hesitating ‘’He claims he is a dragon rider.’’

Chapter 29


I wanted to thank each and every one of you that has taken the time to read my story and leave a comment. Your comments mean the world to me, so thank you! I hope you enjoy this new chapter. There are probably 5-6 left in this story as we are nearing its end.

Chapter Text

The heavy oak doors of the Great Hall creaked open, revealing a figure hesitantly entering the vast room. A young man, seemingly barely more than a boy, stood awkwardly, his gaze fitting nervously between the polished stone floor and the imposing figures before him. Visenya, perched beside Aemond on the raised dais, took him in. He was slight, his shoulders hunched defensively. His hair, a pale silver that caught the flickering torchlight, was cropped short yet curled at the ends leaving a hint of curls to imagine. His clothes, though obviously new, hung loosely on his thin frame as if tailored for someone bigger, someone older. He couldn’t be more than five and ten, she thought absent mindedly as he slowly moved towards them. The boy halted his steps soon, leaving a good distance between them.

‘’Please, raise your head boy. State your name and reason for coming here.’’ She managed to remain smiling for his sake, her voice holding a soothing tone.

The boy gulped and raised his head hesitantly, finally giving them the chance to see his eyes. Two beautiful purple orbs stared back at her, the youngster quickly averting his gaze from her the moment Aemond coughed loudly, clearly irritated ‘’My Princess, my Princes, I am Addam of Hull.’’ His voice barely audible ‘’At your service.’’

She turned to look at Aemond, her husband ever the blooding one studied the boy with an air of detached dislike ‘’Speak louder boy.’’

Addam raised his head to look at Aemond nervously before repeating himself, louder this time ‘’ I am Addam of Hull, son of Marilda of Hull, brother of Alyn of Hull and rider of the dragon called Seasmoke.’’

‘’Seasmoke?’’ Jace’s surprised voice made her turn to him. Her brother was obviously shaken by this new piece of information ‘’He is… was my father’s dragon.’’

‘’I am aware my Prince. That is why I wanted to come to you first. I understand this is a delicate matter.’’

‘’And whose bastard are you?’’ interjected Aemond, clearly bored of the topic of Seasmoke’s former rider.

‘’Uncle!’’ cried out Visenya at her husband’s bluntness.

‘’My mother claims that me and my brother are the Hand’s children.’’ He said hesitantly as if the very notion of coming from the seed of that man brought shame to him.

‘’A Velaryon bastard then.’’ Announced Aemond completely unbothered ‘’It matters not. What matters is that you ride a strong dragon, a dragon that has seen war and came back a victor. Do you pledge yourself to the one true Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen?’’

Addam then held his head high and with a clear voice declared for the Black Queen ‘’I stand before you today to pledge my unwavering loyalty and support to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. I will serve her with honesty and dedication, and I will strive to promote the well being of the kingdom and its people. I am hers to command.’’

‘’Your vows are highly appreciated Addam of Hull.’’ Spoke Jace ‘’You will be presented to the Queen shortly. I want to inform you though that your supposed father is here in Dragonstone.’’ At Addam’s sharp intake of breath Jace continued ‘’Will there be a problem?’’

The boy shook his head ‘’No my Prince. I do not intent to cause a scene or disturb his family with my presence.’’

‘’Can I see Seasmoke?’’ asked Visenya, the longing to see her father’s dragon again strong in her. The pale silver gray dragon had vanished after Ser Laenor Velaryon’s demise and Visenya always kept him in her thoughts. Their father used to take her with him while flying many times when she was a child, never denying her or admonishing her when she expressed her wish to be close to the beast.

‘’Of course my Princess.’’ Said Addam hastily, nodding his head and smiling hesitantly at her.

‘’Had I known you wanted to see a dragon I would have brought you to Cannibal niece.’’ Whispered Aemond in her ear as they all walked to the hill Addam had left his mount.

Visenya detected her husband’s ire and was quick to reply in kind ‘’If I want to see a dragon uncle I have my own, in case you have forgotten. Seasmoke was my late father’s dragon and I have many fond memories with him. If I wish to see him you have no say in the matter.’’

Aemond huffed but said nothing more, his eye never leaving the Velaryon bastard, already suspicious of the young boy. Soon they reached the steep hill the dragon was perched; the beast letting a screech at the sight of his rider. Visenya watched as Addam smiled broadly when Seasmoke hurriedly walked towards him and finally nudged him with his large snout. He was as she remembered him to be; His scales gleamed a pale silver gray, shimmering like moonlight on a stormy sea. Compared to the larger and more fearsome dragons like Vermithor and Cannibal, Seasmoke wasn’t the biggest or most ferocious, however his build and broad wings promised swiftness and agility in the sky. Visenya knew that Seasmoke was capable of such feats, the many hours she spent with her late father in his back a testament of this.

She smiled at the sight they made, dragon and rider, memories of the late Ser Laenor flooding her mind and she sighed. Jace placed a hand at her shoulder and squeezed ‘’It is like he is here with us again.’’

‘’He even looks like him Jace.’’ She dared utter in a low voice lest the boy heard her.

‘’Well he is his father’s bastard so…’’ grumbled Aemond shrugging his shoulders ‘’The Hand will not take his arrival well. And I know it is not a sensible thing to say, but it is for the best that Princess Rhaenys is no longer with us to witness this.’’

‘’Really smooth uncle.’’ Said Jace looking at Addam and Seasmoke ‘’But no matter the inconvenience Addam may bring, we need him. Seasmoke and Silverwing are good additions for our cause and if another dragon seed manages to claim Sheepstealer it will be even better.’’

‘’I just don’t trust them enough with such power brother.’’

‘’He seems an honest man.’’ Jace insisted.

‘’He is but a child Jacaerys.’’ Interjected Aemond.

‘’And we are what uncle?’’ Jace talked back ‘’Me and Visenya are barely three years older than him. Are we children in your eyes too?’’

‘’Your sister certainly not’’ began Aemond but was quickly shut up by Visenya’s hard glare.

‘’Child or not he has claimed a dragon, just like Ulf. We have no other choice than to trust their good intentions and proceed.’’ She said averting her gaze to the young boy who was still petting Seasmoke.

‘’You can approach him if you want.’’ Called Addam from his place beside his dragon.

Something inside Visenya made her heart clench, her eyes watering instantly as the dragon looked at her and let a loud roar. It was magnetic, really the pull that made her walk towards them. Addam’s wide and proud smile made her hesitance leave her body and she extended her arm to touch the silver scales of the dragon. She heard Aemond telling her to be careful, but it was impossible for her to draw her hand back. Seasmoke practically purred at the contact and closed his eyes.

‘’He remembers you.’’ Said Addam smiling at her.

‘’You think?’’ she knew her voice betrayed her wishes for the dragon to at least accept her in a sense but she didn’t care.

‘’I know it.’’ He continued ‘’He recognizes you still as his former riders kin.’’

Visenya felt overwhelmed at the raw emotions that threatened to choke her and was quick to withdraw her hand and take a step back ‘’Thank you Addam for allowing me this.’’

The boy nodded and offered her a kind smile. The walk back to the castle was quiet but not awkward; each and every one of them had their own thoughts to delve into and ponder and by the time they reached the castle a guard informed them that the Queen and the Hand requested their presence. Visenya saw Addam tense and take a deep breath, the young boy probably fearing meeting his sire more than claiming a fire breathing beast.

Queen Rhaenyra was seated at the head of the Painted Table conversing with Lord Corlys while Daemon observed the pawns over the carved table. He was the first to notice their entrance and raised a brow as soon as his eyes fell on Addam ‘’What do we have here?’’

‘’My name is Addam of Hull’’ announced the boy ‘’My mother is Marilda of Hull and I am Seasmoke’s rider.’’ He then approached the Queen and kneeled by her feet ‘’As I said before my Queen, I pledge my fealty to you and to you alone. I am yours to command.’’

Visenya steeled her gaze to her grandsire; the old man widened his eyes when the name Marilda was heard. She saw the surprise etched on his face as he connected the dots and came to the result that they already knew. The young boy in front of him, currently on his knees at the Queen’s feet, was his illegitimate son. He was quick to avert his eyes ‘’My son used to ride Seasmoke.’’

Addam flinched but did not move from his seat. Queen Rhaenyra nodded and smiled tightly at the boy ‘’Seasmoke was my late husband’s dragon. I am pleased to have him with us once more.’’

‘’Prince Jacaerys will appoint a room to you.’’ Announced Daemon observing the young boy; his eyes trying to judge his character and his intentions ‘’I want to see you with the dragon. Rest for now.’’

She could understand the mistrust he felt for the newcomer, the Rogue Prince never really agreed with Jace’s idea to attract dragon seeds in Dragonstone and have them try to claim dragons. He was a firm believer that dragon seeds and their unknown origin of a supposed Targaryen ancestry were not to be trusted. They were untested, they could prove to be disloyal and switch sides to the Greens. Visenya had the same concerns with her step father, but for the sake of her brother she was willing to give the idea a try.

She waited for Jace and Addam to leave the room before she spoke ‘’His bond with Seasmoke is true, I have seen it.’’

‘’Then we have gained yet another dragon. This is good news.’’

‘’We have gained two new dragons, whose riders we do not trust and lost a loyal member of this court and her dragon. My wife was loyal to you my Queen’’ said the Hand, his voice cold and distant ‘’We don’t know them.’’

‘’Well, his mother sure knows you Lord Corlys.’’ Said Daemon smirking at the older man ‘’The boy holds a great resemblance to you, and I am not only speaking about his eyes and hair. Everyone with eyes in this room can tell he is your bastard.’’

‘’How dare you.’’ Screamed Lord Corlys and made to attack Daemon.

‘’I am just stating a fact Sea Snake. Hull is awfully close to the castle after all, and your late wife could not bear any more children after Laenor.’’ The smirk Daemon’s face infuriated the Hand and made the Queen move her hand to her husband’s bicep; an indication to make him stop.

Aemond chuckled at her side, his mind aligned with his uncle’s for sure, making Visenya glare at him ‘’Do not push it uncle. Remember all the times you used to call me and my brother’s bastards. Remember what happened a few moons back.’’

He turned to look at her instantly; her harsh words and their meaning behind them making him frown ‘’It is not the same.’’

‘’Whether Addam and his brother are my children on not is not of your concern Daemon. Maybe you should deal with more pressing matters such as training the new dragon riders and keep a close eye on them.’’

Visenya had never seen her grandsire that furious, especially targeting his ire towards Daemon ‘’I think it would do us all good to take a step back and calm down. I understand that having two new dragon riders we are not acquainted with makes you uncomfortable father, it is the same with me’’ she said looking at Daemon ‘’and that having your past transgressions thrown to your face is not ideal especially right now’’ she continued now looking at her grandsire ‘’but we can take something good from this.’’

‘’Visenya is right. Daemon I want you to keep an eye at them both and help train them. I will speak to Jace to be mindful around them and I expect the same from you two as well’’ said the Queen eyeing Visenya and Aemond ‘’Lord Hand I trust you can be civil around Addam.’’

Lord Corlys nodded and took a deep breath ‘’I will keep my distance from him, you have my word.’’

‘’You don’t have to. After all he is your son. The only thing I request of you is not to make that boy’s stay here unwelcomed.’’

This was the moment Visenya’s last suspicion that Addam was not her grandsire’s illegitimate son crushed. The man did not argue with her mother’s choice of words, instead gave a curt nod, bowed and sat back down to gather his thoughts. She saw her step father nod at her and turn to her mother, giving her the chance she wanted to leave the room too. Aemond was beside her instantly, his face indecipherable as she swayed on her feet. The need to ride Vermithor and fly somewhere far away overwhelmed her, these past days with today’s highlight urging her to distance herself even for a while. But then her father entered the room hastily, his mouth a thin line, a testament that something had happened.

‘’We are not the only ones that gained dragons.’’ Said Ser Harwin hastily making them all turn to him ‘’I have information that a man approached the Greens claiming he is the rider of Grey Ghost.’’

‘’What?’’ spat Daemon ‘’Who is he?’’

‘’He calls himself Hugh Hammer.’’ Added Ser Harwin.

‘’The blacksmith’s bastard.’’ Exclaimed Daemon ‘’I know him, he used to live in Dragonstone. That f*cker is worse than scum, how did he manage to claim such a dragon?’’

‘’And most importantly why is he on their side?’’ the Hand asked the most important question.

‘’We have to reconsider our moves, our thoughts on every matter. We have to think of everything differently.’’ Stressed the Queen.

Feeling her head hurt from all these, Visenya moved to the doors ‘’I will take Vermithor for a flight.’’ She announced to Aemond barely looking at him. Her previous words to him in order to shut him up brought forward forgotten emotions and old grievances.

‘’Cannibal would like a flight as well. We will come with you.’’

‘’There is no need. I wish to be alone.’’ She insisted. There was no way in hell she wanted Aemond to see her like that; wounds open and bleeding.

He grasped her hand then, forcibly turning her to him ‘’We have two new men in this f*cking island that ride two large dragons. They are currently full of themselves at having achieved such a feat and they probably believe they can conquer the world. We know nothing of them, what they truly want and where their loyalties lie. You are a fool if you think I will let you out of my sight niece.’’ His eye held all the passion she knew he had inside him and the fierce protectiveness she grew to tolerate and even just a little crave.

Now was not the time though ‘’Maybe I am a fool indeed Aemond for agreeing to marrying you.’’ Then poking him in the chest with her finger ‘’Then again I had no choice, did I?’’

She saw him furrow his eyebrows and shake his head ‘’I thought we were past this Visenya. What the hells has gotten into you now?’’

Choosing to ignore him, Visenya saw Vermithor flying circles around the castle and descend as soon as he saw her in the courtyard ‘’I do not want to talk to you right now Aemond.’’ She said to him, already getting atop her dragon.

He stood there, looking dumfounded and surprised at her outburst and for a moment she thought he would argue and force her to dismount. Aemond shook his head and left her there, atop her mount ready to take to the skies. Vermithor sensed her displeasure at the turn of events and after leaving a loud roar he ascended to the sky, his strong wings flapping fast as he quickly gained height. They wandered for a while before finally landing in a distant shore at Driftmark. She remembered her late father, Ser Laenor, bringing her here with Seasmoke as they enjoyed taking long walks while he told her old tales of his family. Visenya dismounted and began pacing the shore trying to calm her heartbeat. It was strange to her too, that irrational anger that had filled her mind upon learning of her grandsire’s illegitimate affairs and their products. She knew of course that she was the last person to speak of the matter, her and her brothers having lived the same fate, forever seen in the Realm as Harwin Strong’s bastards, but this time it hit her differently and she couldn’t figure out why.

A loud roar turned her attention to the sky. She sighed at Cannibal trying to land, Vermithor screeching at him obviously not wanting the other dragon anywhere near him. Soon the black dragon was back in the sky and his rider was walking towards her. The salty sea breeze whipped at Aemond’s cloak as he crunched across the coarse sand, his sapphire gleaming in the setting sun. She felt her heart beating harder as he approached her and by the time he was in front of her, Visenya had to look elsewhere and force her breathing back to normal.

‘’You took off.’’ He said accusingly ‘’I had to hunt you down; Cannibal was not eager to leave Dragonstone though, he sees all these new people as potential food. It was hard to drive him here. But he obeyed Visenya. Do you know why?’’

She sighed and refrained from answering. It was getting harder and harder for her to speak to him ‘’He obeyed because he and I share a strong bond; a bond that allows him to know that I burn for you my love and I will hunt you down wherever you go.’’

The moment his hand touched her wrists the tears that had been welling up started spilling over, tracing a damp path down her cheeks. She tried to blink them back, to maintain some semblance of composure in front of him, but a sob escaped making her lower her head. Aemond’s hands were around her instantly bringing her to his chest as he traced soothing circles in her back.

He let her cry until there we no more tears left to shed, but he did not release her from his tight embrace ‘’I am here my love. I am right here.’’ He repeated again and again, his lips placing chaste kisses at her head.

When she felt her breath returning to normal and her heart stopped beating like it was going to burst, Visenya lifted her head and looked at him ‘’This is all your fault.’’

He took a step back without releasing her and smiled at her ‘’Do you want to explain to me what exactly is my fault and I swear to you I will make everything in my powers to make it right.’’

She pushed him back and began pacing ‘’You… You made me believe we were friends before you abandoned me and then you completely disregarded me and all my attempts to approach you. And I tried Aemond, I truly did, for the sake of our long friendship I sent you raven after raven and never received word from you. And then aunt Leana died and you came to Driftmark to show me how much you’ve changed. You were distant and arrogant and vengeful and then you tried to kill my brothers all the while you cursed us…’’

‘’Visenya…’’ he tried stopping her verbiage, but she was nowhere near finishing; her most hidden thoughts and emotions finally loose surprising even her; the trigger lost in her mind.

‘’And it f*cking killed me Aemond. The way you pushed me aside like it was easy for you, like I meant nothing, like I was just another inconvenience in your life. It was so damn easy for you to call me a bastard and then ignore me. It took me years Aemond, f*cking years to come back from the place you threw me. My father had just died, then Ser Harwin died too and we were forced to leave our home and you weren’t f*cking there. Had it not been for Daemon I do not know if I would be here now.’’ She said gasping for breath.

She saw him widen his eye and tried to touch her but she took a step back ‘’I was a wreck Aemond, yet I moved on. I learnt to live without you and became someone I was proud of. I remember thinking the Gods hated me when my mother announced to us we were to fly back to King’s Landing because guess what. Your mother and her father decided it was time for my mother’s claim to the Iron Throne to be threatened. So we came back only to see everything had changed. From those blasted tapestries to the f*cking seven pointed star that was all over the place. I felt trapped inside the castle’s walls Aemond, it was like I was being watched constantly and do not dare tell me otherwise.’’ She moved to stand in front of him then, her voice softening ‘’And then you came along, pretending to be my friend once more, making me trust you, making me believe you fell in love with me and trick me enough to fall right into the trap you and your grandsire set for me.’’

Her eyes closed again as tears fell from them ‘’I f*cking fell in love with you uncle. Daemon, Jace, mother and even Baela warned me that you were planning something but I didn’t listen. I never listen.’’

He was watching her intently, but never made another attempt to touch her. Aemond just stood there and listened to her rumbling about all the repressed feelings she had, all the bitterness she harbored and had just decided to surface. So instead of making any move towards her, Aemond nodded at her to continue ‘’You broke me that day uncle. Everything went downhill from then on. In the days that followed, all I could do was curse you and your family. Curse your mother, your grandsire and even my mother when she sent me in Winterfell to offer myself in exchange for Lord Stark’s loyalty. I cursed you again when I learnt of Luke and then I cursed Daemon for ordering the death of an innocent child. Jace decided that he did not want to be engaged anymore, hurting Baela in the process. You decided to come back then, demanding what you thought was your right without caring that I was already carrying a huge weight on my shoulders. I agreed to wed you to help my family, to do something f*cking right for once in my life. Grandmother died and now more people, strangers, are invading our lives all for the good of the family.’’

Her voice was trembling now but she had to continue in order for her soul to finally calm ‘’The only semblance of a good family I had died today uncle.’’ She licked her lips, trying to concentrate, trying to put the words in the right order for him to understand; she wanted him to understand ‘’When we were just children back at the Keep, I kept hearing maids and ladies of the court call me and my brother’s bastards. I did not know what that word meant, and I didn’t really care until you called us that. It took me an awful amount of time to finally understand that what my mother chose to do condemning me and my siblings in a life of ridicule and now danger. She married the wrong man while loving another and ultimately had children with her sworn shield.’’ She shook her head ‘’When years later mother took Daemon as her husband I thought that I had finally found my place in a family. Ser Harwin came and I was so f*cking happy to see him again, to be able to be close to my sire, and then mother took him as her second husband and our family shifted again. I love them all truly and fiercely Aemond, but I cannot find my place. Until today the Velaryons were the family I aspired to have one day.’’

‘’And then Addam came.’’ Whispered Aemond and she smiled. She thanked the Gods that he had understood her babbling.

‘’He came and he ruined what I thought was perfect. The last hope I had to create a family one day that would be normal, now is gone.’’

With those last words, Visenya released a heavy breath and let herself fall in his arms. She found comfort in his strong arms, inhaling as much of his soothing scent as she could in order to stop her mind from reeling ‘’I will never betray your trust the way your grandsire did.’’ Aemond’s voice made her bury her head further in his lean body and she sighed.

‘’I cannot trust you Aemond. I do not think I will ever trust you again.’’ She said with a sincerity that came from her already bared soul ‘’The things you did, even under your family’s manipulation and the things you did thinking you wanted to protect me ruined my trust in you.’’ She raised her head to look at him ‘’I want to be able to trust you.’’

He bent his head and captured her lips ‘’I know that you now understand why I did all these things and I am thankful for that. I know that it doesn’t erase the pain I caused you, the broken trust, but I want you to know that I will do anything to prove that I can be the man you deserve.’’ He looked deeply into her eyes ‘’Actions speak louder than words, don’t they?’’ he said smiling ‘’I am trying Visenya, please give me a chance. I can’t lose you.’’

‘’I know, I know uncle. I just… there is something inside me that does not allow me to move forward.’’

Aemond did not answer, he just tightened his arms around her and they remained there in the shores of Driftmark staring at the angry sea as the waves crushed ashore. It was a fool moon tonight, and the celestial light showed them the way to the castle, her grandsire’s Keep that they would spend the night. Visenya stepped into the cool stone interior of High Tide, Aemond beside her, her hand curled in his. The familiar musk of the sea and the scent of burning wood greeted them, a stark contrast to the salty wind whipping at their faces moments ago. The castellan was happy to welcome then, remembering the times the Princess had visited with her late father.

‘’Princess Rhaena has flown to the Vale as I am sure you know my Princess. I will be your host for as long as you stay. You will use your old chambers on the west wing.’’ The old man said smiling kindly at her.

A servant, a young woman that lowered her head as soon as she saw Aemond, scurried forward to guide them, offering a silent bow. They followed her, their steps echoing on the stone floor. As they ascended the grand staircase, the weight of their earlier words and their uncertain future seemed to press down on them. Soon, they found themselves in her old chambers; the room she spent only a few nights in bringing forth no warm memories. Only pain and loss. She looked at her uncle, sensing his unease ‘’If you want we can leave tonight.’’

He shook his head ‘’As long as you are with me nothing fazes me.’’

They stared at each other; blue to dark purple ‘’Make love to me uncle.’’ She said, her words merely a whisper.

He looked at her for a few moments before diminishing the distance between them and crushing their lips together in a matter of seconds. Aemond’s fingers dug into the delicate skin of the back of her neck as he kissed her more insistently. His breath caught in his throat as his lips moved from hers across her jaw to her neck, nipping at the skin there, at the soft spot he knew was there ‘’You are mine.’’

She could not find her voice to answer to him, all she managed was a loud moan as he bit her harder. Visenya allowed her hands to roam his back until they reached the end of his shirt and pulled it free from his pants enough to drive her hands under it and caress his back. He pulled back from her momentarily to pull the offending garment off of him, giving her more skin to touch. Feeling the lust take over, Visenya leaned on him and placed kisses all over his chest, laving the soft skin with her tongue, her fingers tracing the vast expanse of his back.

‘’I will never leave you.’’ He promised her, his mouth returning to her lips as his feet moved them towards the featherbed.

They stumbled on the table on their way, Aemond cursing in Valyrian while Visenya laughed and kissed him again. She was unhurried and hell bent on taking as much pleasure as she wanted tonight, but her uncle had a different mind. Aemond hoisted her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist while his hands gripped her ass tightly, his mouth finding her neck yet again. They stayed there for a while, distracted by their passion, when Visenya began grinding against his stomach, her empty c*nt clenching around nothing, making her whine.

The one eyed Prince smiled in her mouth and then he moved; carrying her to the featherbed allowing her to fall back on the mattress with a soft thump. He stood tall above her taking her in, adoration and love written all over his face ‘’Uncle please…’’ she cried out desperate to feel his body over her.

His clothes were removed hastily as Visenya did the same with hers, and soon he found his place between her open thighs. Time stood still as he gazed deep into her eyes and all she could see was a young man ready to worship her, love her and give himself to her completely. Her hands slid up to his face and cradle his cheeks ‘’Take me Aemond, I need you.’’

‘’I know my love’’ he said back ‘’I need you too.’’

Impatient as always, Visenya wriggled slightly so her neglected c*nt was pressed against his thigh. The contact of naked flesh made them both gasp and he answered in turn pressing her further down the mattress rocking against her eager body.

‘’Fill me.’’ She urged him again ‘’I need you inside me.’’

He kissed her neck again, alternating between licking the skin there and biting, breathing her in. Visenya felt the weight of his heavy co*ck between his legs as he moved slightly, sliding between her folds coating himself in her arousal. Her breath hitched as he, mere moments later thrust inside her, burying his co*ck in her hole in one go. Visenya cried out in pure pleasure at the perfect fit of him inside her. She felt like she was made to take his co*ck, like he was built just for her pleasure. Aemond held her down as he made love to her, his deep thrusts forcing her mouth open, moans and whimpers escaping her each time he entered her. She could feel his touches all over her flaming body and it was still not enough.

With every thrust of his hips, she felt herself growing tighter, nearing the edge she craved so much since their dance had started ‘’I am going to fill you with my seed Visenya’’ he groaned before he attacked her mouth ‘’Look how good you take my co*ck.’’

After a rather deep thrust, Aemond sent her over the edge all the while he mumbled in her ear ‘’You are the only one for me. There is no other. Never was, never will be. You are mine and I am yours.’’

He came inside her right after her, making good on his earlier promise to fill her. Visenya thought she felt his hot seed spurt inside her channel spurt after spurt, filling her to the brim until she could take no longer and began leaking in the bed sheet. Aemond had yet to lift his body from hers, but she reveled in his weight over her; she felt safe and protected in some way. She felt him soften inside her and he made to move, but the Princess was quick to wrap her hands around him again and pull him to her ‘’Not yet.’’ Was all she said.

Aemond smiled at her and let his body relax over her in a way that did not completely crush her ‘’I am not going anywhere.’’ Were his last words as Visenya closed her tired eyes finally sated. It was the first night after so many moons that she was able to sleep peacefully and without a heavy heart.

Early the next day they departed for Dragonstone, stealing glances all the while flying back home. Aemond helped her dismount and she did not withdraw her hand from his, instead pulled him to her and kissed him on the lips. Never one to back down, her uncle pulled her to him more firmly and groaned in her mouth when she bit his tongue.

‘’Not that I am not happy that you two have finally gotten back together and sh*t, because I am f*cking delighted’’ mocked Jace ‘’But we have pressing matters that need your attention.’’

‘’Are you jealous Jacaerys?’’ retorted Aemond in the snarky way he knew best.

Jace scoffed ‘’Of you? As if.’’

‘’What is it that you wanted brother?’’ asked Visenya not liking where their conversation was going.

‘’Allyn of Hull, Addam’s brother, tried to claim Sheepstealer last night and was almost burned to a crisp. In a great display of the bond he now shares with Seasmoke, Addam commanded his mount to drive Sheepstealer off. Grandsire and Daemon were there, witnessed the whole incident.’’

‘’How did our grandsire react?’’

Jace lifted his shoulders ‘’He was the first to leave the lair of the dragons after, but…’’ he dragged the words with a smirk ‘’He was also the first to run there when word came that Allyn was going to enter the dragon’s lair.’’

‘’Well at least he is alive.’’ Said Visenya ‘’Thank the Gods Addam was nearby.’’

‘’There is more.’’ Said Jace more solemn this time, the smile gone from his face.

‘’What is it?’’ groaned an annoyed Aemond.

‘’Daemon caught an assassin last night inside the castle. He managed to apprehend him and throw him in the dungeons.’’

Visenya knew there was more to this story ‘’And?’’

‘’And he confessed he was sent by Aegon with clear instructions to kill the children and Visenya.’’ He said looking at Aemond.

She saw Aemond’s lips twist in a cruel way ‘’Where is he now? I will f*cking kill him.’’

‘’I am afraid you won’t have the chance. Daemon beheaded him as soon as he confessed.’’

Aemond was practically shaking. Jace eyed Visenya and took a step towards her ‘’I think you should go.’’

‘’What?’’ she asked ‘’Go where?’’

‘’To Winterfell. I already wrote to Cregan to expect you.’’ Then taking her hands in his ‘’I want you to be safe Visenya. I will not allow anything to happen to you.’’

‘’You have your own woman to worry about Jacaerys’’ roared Aemond furiously ‘’Visenya will not leave Dragonstone and she certainly will not go back there. I will protect her with my life if need be.’’

Jace continued as if their uncle had never spoken ‘’I have proposed in front of the Council for the children to go in safer locations. Father was hesitant and said something about Otto and the Triarchy but…’’

Visenya’s mind was not prepared for something like this ‘’What are you talking about Jace. We only left for a night. When did all these things happen?’’

‘’Mother is scared Visenya. After Luke and the first attempt on my life, everyone is scared. Look at how close they are still able to get.’’

‘’And you think the children will be safe if they are away?’’ asked Aemond.

‘’Yes. Joffrey will depart today for the Vale along with his dragon Tyraxes and three dragon eggs, and Aegon and Viserys will sail for Pentos to remain under a friend of Daemon’s care for as long as this war will continue.’’

‘’Mother would never allow such a thing.’’ She said trying to grasp the notion of the things that had happened as she enjoyed her uncle’s body last night.

‘’She already did. The servants are preparing the things as we speak. Grandsire is at the docks supervising the Pentosi cog that will carry Aegon and Viserys and the seven warships that will accompany them.’’

‘’I have to go to mother.’’ She said already fleeing the courtyard. This was madness; the thought of dividing their family like this. Literally anything could happen on their way there, and with the alliance Otto Hightower had most certainly sealed with the Triarchy, Visenya feared for the worst. And Joffrey… He was way too young to fly all the way to the Vale. A boy of three and ten should not be left alone to fly such a distance in the middle of a war.

Visenya quickly reached her mother’s chambers, the guards stationed outside allowing her to enter. She found the Queen seated by the window, rocking Aemma to sleep. Visenya approached them slowly, marveling on the sight her mother made with her babe in her breast as she sang the same Valyrian lullaby she used to sing to them too. The Queen saw her approaching and turned to her smiling softly. When the babe was finally asleep, she got up and moved little Aemma in her crib before motioning for Visenya to follow her in the solar.

‘’You didn’t return last night.’’ She admonished her softly.

‘’I am sorry mother. We were in Driftmark and since it was late we decided to stay there.’’

‘’Thank the Gods for the castellan’’ said her mother ‘’For having the mind to sent me a raven.’’

Visenya cringed at her mother’s words ‘’I had to step away for a while.’’

Her mother nodded ‘’I can understand that, but you must understand me too Visenya. Look at what happened. An armed man entered the castle and it was by luck that Daemon found him before he found your brothers first.’’

‘’So you will sent them away.’’

‘’I have to. Things are getting worse Visenya, and they leave me with no choice. Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys must leave and if Aemma was a little older she would be in the same ship with her brothers today. Jace’s proposal is the best option we have right now.’’

‘’At least allow me to fly with Joffrey. I will see him to the Vale and then return immediately.’’ She urged her mother to take the right decision.

Queen Rhaenyra nodded ‘’Yes of course, you are right. You should go with him. Tyraxes is not ready to defend Joffrey if need be. He will be safer with you and Vermithor.’’

Visenya nodded and hugged her mother ‘’I promise, he will arrive safely.’’

Hours later, they were all gathered in the vast courtyard after having sent the younger Princes off, Visenya watching Gay Abandon sailing away, her heart heavy with a feeling she couldn’t place. Joffrey was engulfed in their father’s arms, Ser Harwin having a hard time saying goodbye to his son after Luke. But it was necessary, a voice in her mind reminded her.

‘’I don’t want you to leave.’’ Whispered Aemond in her ear.

‘’You know I have to. Joffrey is too young to make such a journey alone. Not to mention the threats he could possibly encounter.’’

‘’At least let me come with you.’’ He insisted as his hand found hers ‘’Please.’’

Visenya shook her head ‘’I will be back within the day uncle.’’

‘’I will not rest until you come back in my arms.’’ He said kissing her.

She allowed him to ravish her mouth and then she stepped back and got atop Vermithor. Tyraxes seemed miniscule beside her massive dragon, swaying from side to side eager to take his rider on his back and fly. They said their goodbyes, some tearful and heartbreaking and then they finally took off. And while they were still gaining speed in the beginning of their journey, Visenya turned to look behind her in the opposite direction towards the ship that carried her brothers and was sailing the Gullet only to see two squadrons with a flag she could not distinguish from that distance entering the Gullet. Her blood ran cold as she finally grasped what was about to happen. Turning to Joffrey she screamed at him to fly back to Dragonstone before she herself commanded Vermithor to fly as fast as he could towards the Gullet. Her father’s and Daeron’s warnings of Otto’s alliance with the Triarchy finally filling the puzzle her gut warned her about.

The Webs We Weave - EJMoore (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.