The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

240 OFFICE-DESK SPACE 244 STORES FOR RENT H-C "TAMPA TRIBUNE 250 SCHOOLS 300 ADMINISTRATIVE 300 ADMINISTRATIVE ,7,,, rairsday; Sept. II, 1S7J M0C1E H0MESITES FOR RENT NICE Trailer Space and Patio. Btoominadote Troiler CI. 626 219 NORTH Tampa 600 Sntinr ft In Store-or office. AC.

SI3S. 758 1732 NOW RENTING! PRESTIGE New Office Space 135. fnterbay Area, rooms, suites, VETERANS Your Gl But may be running out. Train in Electronics t.i BRANCH OPERATIONS Business Men's Clearing Hous' 6586. nil N.

Westshore MAN or woman able to manSse Service Station, must hove me-' chanical abilities. Good references reauired. Salary open. Apply in person. 01 E.

Fletcher. A WATERFRONT Mobile Home Community Apotto Beach. Flo. 645 LARGE Private 1st. West of Mango.

S60 month. Phone SERVICE SUPERVISOR Business. Men's Clearing House" 1311 N. westshore I79-31S1 BUYER 110.212 $12,896 yr. I vrs.

college LARGE Space in clean, quiet odutt park. Near Temple Terroce. Sentry tights, patio, garbage pickup and water pet, nt- 2324. 205 APTS. FOR RENT II kfestyie fe Hum cirefret coriMMMiffli witi Mk ipn spKM.

trees, rtcru-Iim twit dMiccs a lariirtiwi. Mti.lwjeica. Icrracelioaes, tMvnftoiMi Prt-coaplctiH prices tow rinee 95'. finucwf Suet IM. I ii M.Easl((56UiSL.

.8841171 y. epeti totty 10-8. A 210 HOUSES FOR RENT ST. Joseph Hospital area, very duplex, turnshed, 3 bedroom. nice, AC.

MT TAHO VILLAGE "Where Living Is A Pleasure" Hwv 60. Volrico Ph. 689-9423 SHADY Acres on Lehman Rood. blocks East of Williams Rood. Wcourses in Bus.

Adm. -f 4 vrs. exp. in large scole buying 4V merchandising. 4 4.

APPLY: 4th Floor. CHy Bolt TAMPA CIVIL SERVICE BOARD i monthly. Small trailers welcome. 620-2754, 254-2311. ACCOUNTANT Business Men's Clearing House 1311 N.

Westshore 79-3 1Sti' LARGE Choice Lot. USF. 1-75 Area. Adults. Petless.

971-1497. 971-8762. PONDEROSA Mobile Home Estates Now Renting Spaces. Lots 50x80 Landscaped. Patio Slobs.

Water tor pcica. eiiess oauits. S14S. B-I4X 3 BEDROOM Furnished hmiu. Moole Lone, 5160 month, first iost mown, loll tjcola.

237-3826. 4 ROOAA 247-1719. cottage, furnished, Mm SEMINOLE-Jurnisned, clean. SUPDBfflENDENTS PROJECT MiANAGERS FOREMEN Ooen Shoo Design-Build firm has immediate openings. Submit com pter resume, salary requirements, and' availability to W.

Yaxley, Marthews 5644 N. Date Maorv. I am pa. MANAGER Trainee to receive exec utive training tor leading finance company, we want high school graduate. Business experience helpful but not necessary.

Must hav cor, to leasing personality, mental alertness ability to meet the public. Car allowance good salary to start. Increases ft advancement ossured with those with obi I it y. Approved Veterans Training. Apply to Mr.

Webster at Beneficial Finance 1308 S. Dale Mabry. Tampa. 253-0607. WANTED married couple or single inatvtauots to be broup Home Parents or relief supervisors.

Persons must have maturity experience in supervising children either gained from raising own children or from working with children in activities organizations, plus experience in household management. Must be willing able to live in while on duty. Call San Antonio Boys Village for appointment, 904-588-3483. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Must hov boohhMpi'ng experience in ac counts re obi ond accounts payable, payroll, Ifwng mutt. Good otory ond Company benefit for right uvpvnoaBw person oppiy ALPAUGH PLUMBING 7700 Florida Ave.

ph. 236-2521 Restaurant SIZZLER Shiler Steak im t. Minnenono. Petless odults FOUR bedroom home, 1155 monthly. 2 BEDROOrnt unfurnished, Britton PloMt 1160 monthly.

839-4033. near Coll BZAUTIFULLY Furnished. 2 bedroom home. Utilities, lovely yard. Must be 'seen to be appreciated.

No children, references. No pets. $300 monthly. for appointment, 839-6979. TWO BR Spotless! AC, WW, kitchen equipmentiW5.

Security. 872-8833. 3 BEDROOM House, 1200 monthly. 977-4833. 1 BEDROOW furnished, Temole Ter-roce ared.

couple, no pets. 988-0982. i- r-K ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTANT Retofl chain has accounting position avaiioDie in romoo main -oftice ADpucanT snouia De a self mottvof ed, comoonv minded individuot. Accounting degree reauired 1-3 years public or private accounting experienced aesirea. iend resume wtin satary requirements lo Tri pune-nmes oox u-06.

MANAGER JOS SHOP Campeiefe supervision production too snop. Musi nove experience drilling, tapping Sub-assembly work. 10-20 employees, mostly women. Excellent company. Long 4erm contract.

Salary $11,700. Send lonipieie resume including refer-ences to Tribune-Times Box H-071. ASSISTANT shop superintendent tor lampa pacKaaina mnrhmArw inc. 'tory. if vou can shoulder responsi- uhmv ona nove practical engineer ing oockground, here is real opportunity.

Generous benefits, attractive salary and opportunity far advancement. Send resume to Tri- uuiic i imes pox C-U6i. PART ACCOUNTING Clerk. Exoerienced In uavroii. Dining, general ledger entrees.

Excellent pav. hours flexible. vuii mi. uougios. B-535I.

CONSTRUCTION Purchaser. Gener ui cunuacior neeas individual ex- u7iieiicea in commercial Multl FamilV. tO take OU.r nn.rhne.nn deoortment. Preferoblv with estimating experience. Salary commensurate with ability experience.

Send resume to ftnx 15116, Tamoa. 33614. or mil (ihailn of 67-7483. MANAGEMFMT TCAINFF NATIONAL Company in dealer and Lwisunwr creotr, offers a career oooortunitv to an indiwituni executive abilitv. College or business exoerience is desirable.

Prior experience in finance not desired. Starting salary competitive, plus company car and expenses. Excellent opportunity far Must be willing to relocate after one rnone 6vy-Z223. LOAN OFFirp Business Men's Clenrina Hniiu 1311 N. Westshore 879-3151 CPA Firm with Miomi Sarasota Offices seeks Accountants, minimum 3 yea rs recent aualitv auhiir experience.

Send resume, location preferences to O. Shapiro wain aarasora. f-io. jJir. ASSISTANT.

Cafeteria Monoger for college room, experience needed In preparation and account ing, contact Mr. Kavulia 904-388- 2352. To 116,000. FEE PAID SR PUBUC ACCOUNTANT OUTSTANDING growth possibilities vmn Tiveii-estaDiisneo, rapidly-ex-ponding CPA firm. Certification Is not mandatory.

FANNING PERSONNEL 1311 N. Westshore 872-4831 FINANCIAL ANALYST Assist VP, finance in budgets, cosh tmg financing insneifer industry. Fee paid, to 6,000. See Mr. St urn.

1211 N. Westshore Suite 100 872-1853 CONTlfiENTAL EXEC. SEARCH ASSOC. 9450 Gondv Blvd. Su.

101 St. Flo. 33702 Tampa Line 225-4041 To 114,000. FEE PAID CONST ESTIMATOR EXPERIENCED estimotor capable of taking commercial oroiects from take-off thru price-out. Would, consider minimal exp.

If technically degreed. FANNING PERSONNEL 1311 N. Westshore 872-4831 ei' 300 I I 1 1 1 1 I mi i mi i ii i ii ii oruraiiing, HJ iwr tor into. Seairbes Course Professional Preporation for NASD or Florida License Ex ominations. 2 day course.

Seot. ivin, jutn, yam to m. For complete information write or call conecf collect. BERT RODGERS SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE PIC. Lake lienor ur Orlando Florida 32809.

IJUll B)-344t. Dale Carnegie Sales Course Call 253-370 to learn haw you can become a more professional salesman. Presented bv Florida Institute, Inc License Law REALTY COURSE PREPARATION rot) SALESMAN EVENING COURSES 1 evening per retk sttrt anytime SHORT COURSES 4 days prior to ACH state examination frT BERT RODGERS SCHOOLS OF REAL ESTATE For complete information calt COLLECT (305) 855-5441 6990 lake Ellenor Drive Orlando, Florida 32809 FOR information on administrative I jvteatcai Assistant, call The Sawyer School, 872-2711 270 DfVrCJNG, MUSIC DRAMATICS KAYE Gavle, Professional will teach you Piano Modern Chord Method in vour home. Adults or Children. Also vocal coach.

Phone between 1-1 K.M. 884-8398. 285 PREPARATION FOR EMPLOYMENT BECOME A NURSES AIDE No experience necessary. No age I or educational requirements. We I win train vou.

call 879-0960 today tor appointment, Medical Business I Lemer, ymi Henderson Blvd. WARD CLERK TRAINEES experience necessary. No oge I or eaucationai requirements. We I win rrain you. T.ait ey-0960 today for appointment.

Medical Business I -enrer, aui Henderson Blvd. lecepiwnisi-Secretary TRAINEES way of a new training oroaran we are now offering, vou can start work immediately ond be trained as a Receptionist or Secretary ot me same time. Limned openings. no experience required, no age nimi. ror personal interview.

Cad 223-1745 Hillsboro Business Center VETERAN INFDRMATIfiN SIZZLER is a rapidly growing division of Collins foods, an NYSE listed company. Our immediate needs art for Managers aarqsoio, oner 3 STORES for rent with additional parking space. Newly renovated, excellent location, reasonable ren- IOI. VJJ-5JI STORE SPACE Over 2000 people walk by this store eacn aav. Located in beautiful Terrace Village Shopping Center.

H. 56th St J. Whiteway. CalT Frank Morro, 988-4131. 245 mJETOUSES FOR RENT MASONRY mom thor- oughfare.

dock height, RR, 800 amp, $400. 839-3425 anytime. Warehouse For Rent. Will complete to sun. Bu.euo

30 high ceiling. Zoned heavy Mfg. Call 626-7940. 30,000 FT. WAREHOUSE or manufacturing spat en 1.1 in lnblanl tie.

tilt per foot Reply Tribune SI i Times Box 1-150. DALE Mobry ft Buffalo 1.000-1,250 Sauare feet. Call 837-2006. WAREHOUSE for Lease, Downtown Warehouse 25,000 plus Sa- ft. with 10,000 sq.

ft. adiacent parking yard, rail and truck dock high loading, 80 fence $1.00 sa. ft. depending on term of lease. Call 279-OAfll nr 229-8555.

5: WAREHOUSE or Shop plus office, AC, carpet, panelled. Drew Park. 879-3209. OFFICE WAREHOUSE AVAILABLE NOW IN TAMPA'S UritNl MULTI TFISfiNW PfilUC minures irom lampa international airport, attractive new building. Aft offices desianed to vour needt.

Warehousing ond light manufacturing from 1600 sq. ft. ft up. DSJ DEVELOPMENTS 813 886-3229. MINI-WAREHOUSES 12x2? $45 12x30 $52 per mo.

You keep key. Fireproof building, 'Store anything. 3 mm. from Dn. Town.

1-4 4 1 St. Ph. 245-5151 MINI spaces for storage, workshop" noooy, office, Tampa's finest. No tease reauired. Your own key.

5400 wfuiers, aoo-JJVH. WAREHOUSE Space. 12.000 feet each floor. Concrete, Sprinklered, Roil 710 Bell 223-688? 22,000 SO. FOOT WHSE.

OR FACTORY IN DREW PARK Reasonable lease ail or oorr loii bod lownsend. Associate Off: 872-9331 Eve. 835-8861 Keoity Exchange, inc. Realtors Cumberland 9000' $650 Adamo Dr. 3750 to 15000 ft.

Side 10 to 30,000 NEW Hanna 51st St 8000' or more. St. Area 4765 sa ft NEW Whiting 6400 ft $400 Church 1250ft NEW Idlewlld 5200 sq ft NEW toil 1UM 3H be AN 229-1861 JAY HEARIN. INC. Realtors 1 jite 800 Marine Bank Building WAREHOUSE OR LIGHT MANUFACTURER SPACE FOR LEASE 69,000 SQ.

FT. SPRINKLERED RAIL ACCESS DOCK HIGH HI-CEILINGS FENCED KRAUSS ORGANIZATION REALTORS 876-4102 No By I 2501 6400 We no For PREPARATION FOR EMPLOYMENT I WOMEN WAlUTED! No Experience Required Trainees for Medico! and General Office Employment WE NEED WARD CLERKS NURSES AIDES MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTS LEGAL SECRETARIES WE OFFER 1 I 1 I Complete training with day. or eveing nours avanaoie. ran or lull time. Opportunity to earn while in train ing.

No age or experience educational requirements. CALL CAREER 229-8381 For appointment interview COURT REPORTING TRAIN FOR POSITIONS AS: Executive Secretary Convention Reporter Medical-legal Secretary Court Reporter Technical Scientific Secretary Student Loans Available Miono: 877-0583 BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA 4023 N. Armenia, Tampa IUDICAL SERVICES CONCENTRATED TRAINING GIVEN IN THE FOLLOWING FIELDS: Medical Assistant Medical lab. Tech. medical Secretary Meditnl Trantrrihar Paramedical School Student leans Available Phone: 877-0583 BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA 4023 N.

ARMENIA, TAMPA -300 ADMINISTRATIVE WANTED-PROJECT MANAGER-RES DENTIAI ncuci iuucuV TAMPA-CLEAR WATER AREA. vm.mwc vwuriuniry to airect oevel-dPhient in Tompa-Clearwater area: miii pe in cnarge of oreo for Nationa Home RnilriinM I tion. Wil also be in charge of land uuuian.uii. Development, construe-1 tion, and marketing. Potential tol company: send resume! Box 1114, West Palm Beach, EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT MANAGER Pn- 932- GENERAl ArrnuuTiu ci'imIT- 285 I 1 I Employment 300 399 Jllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillll" I.

in me lampa ana jr. rororsburg anas. Future expansion is nationwide. If you are interested in something better real opportunity and have management experience in the fast foods 1 industry, let's get together, You are invited to personally 1 training, salary, benefits and AC, Lounae. Janitor, corner Manhattan-El Prodo.

Rea sonable rates. 837-5475. APPROXIMATELY 650 Sa. Ff. Floog Space, utilities furnished, lease $215 Monthly.

356 W. Hillsborough. 1498 tasi of Kiver. yjj-jM. YOUR OFFICE IS READY Just your size, from 300 to 1200 sauare feet of space, air condi tioned, free parking, all utilities.

lanttor, tram $100 per month, UP. Centrally located. Call 253-0061. DESK Space with telephone, recep tionist service available. Convenient Westshore Location.

Close to Airport. Phone 879-6290. 2 145 2 EXECUTIVE Type offices for lease. At 3111 w. Kennedy Blvd.

Call M. SAULS, REALTOR 876-3728 223-7047 8910 NORTH DALE MABRT EXECUTIVE CENTER 10.000 General Office Space tor leas. (W Dmde, Att Condi! ranj-d Ample Porinq free Water and Sc-wat. io noni mu mmr HARMON INSURANCE AGiNCT 33-o7l 032-3441 EXECUTIVE Office. Suite close to Airport, fcxceuenr westsnore Loca tion.

Includes Receptionist Area with 2 private offices, wall to wall carpeting, all utilities furnished. Con be rented on monthly basis with no lease. 879-6290. DALE MABRY Angeles AC Corpet unities inc plenty parking $75 Mo. 253-2846.

lOFFICE Space, Newly decorated. Carper, utilities lanttonal, free parking. 1220 S. Dale Mobry. 253-2874.

OFFICES 2nd Floor. Air conditioned 4925 E. Broadway. Coll Don 248-6193 AC 1 or more Office ft warehouse Space S75 month up. Nr.

1-4, answering service available. 1600 W. Plot! At. 257-7211; eves 257-0401. SHOPPING CENTER SPACE I OFFICES FOR RENT IU Encf nrmuinm nr-AA tAiith Temple Terrace on 56th St, Cardi nol Shopping Center, 7628 N.

56th 5t. information can be obtained bv calling Howard Development Inc. 988-5747. 350' sa. ft.

carpeted. Directory sign Plenty of parking. Henderson and Dale Mabry area. $125. 879-5440.

NEW OFFICES 300 Henderson Kinnedy 355 Henaerioe Sterling S01 W. KMibor. at the THE ATHAN CO. MCHIfia-tUtDn-OWNU 872-8589 872-8706 NEW OFFICE Sooce available Near St. JoseDh HosDifal.

Habana Medi col 8. Professional Bldg. 229-8507. RE AS. Oowntown offices.

Air rand All services. Will remodel. Theater oiao. 709 Franklin St. 223-3214 NEW COMPLETELY MOriFRN PRIME N.

Fla Ave location. 1 Blk 5. of 1-75 Bearss Ave. office store space front rear parking B.J. WtbKi, Kb ALe OK 14910 N.

Fla Ave 933-6785 2 RM Pvt Bath, Cent caroets crapes, near no. side Bank, si 35 mo. vw-jys. TERRACE VILLAGE sPa available by office or suite. Call Frank Marro.

4131 or come bv 10912 N. S6lh St. 242 BUSINESS SPACE AC office suites far lento Close-in S.W. sec. Off-st.

pk 1 1 a.r. s4umo. 4500 S.F. J1500mo. Or build to suite.

Anv size. High rise or low. Brokers Co-oo 43I-30JU jw urew, BK.r 251-2560 STOVALL BLDG. Ideol for lawyers, real estate offices, etc. Next to court house.

Call Mr. Nesbitt, Realtor 225-6881 for appt. to see ADJACENT VALET PARKING INCLUDED CERTIFIED EQUITY MANAGEMENT, INC. lOFFICE and Storage, 1204 W. Plott, oquare Feet.

$125. 251-0321. IPERFECT location for Beauty Shop earner snop, new Dunaing. will give rent allowance to outfit store. Air cond.

Plenty of parking. 9123 Memorial Hwy; 884-6868. PARKING Lot for lease or rent. t-ranmin at Henderson. 886-6432.

'Sa. Ft. Fully Air Conditioned Luxurious Ofcs. 7 separate Ofcs, parking, 1 large Ofc. for 10 to 12 people.

Stage, meeting 315 ji.uuu mo. La ii uopp, 831-1581. NEW WAREHOUSE FOR LEASE da. 40,000 SQ.FT. uui Diviae Irom 3,000 Sq.

Ft. 100 SMtMKlfltED DOCK HIGH 4 utMlfll ILEAKARU ON MAIN HIGHWAY KRAUSS ORGANIZATION I REALTORS i I Ph. 876-4102 1 4 1 Ph. 406 East 56tn 813 4422 5114 West suit 000 or Drew 42,000 crete Call write advancement. FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION Call for an appointment: Mr.

Doug Eifrid Thurs. or Fri. Sept. 13 and Sept. 14 9 a.m.

to 6 p.m. (813) 872-7919, Tampa ASST. PROJECT MANAGER OANCL ConttrucAon Co. hai immediate opening for OHtttont protect monooer en chtfiMcal condruciMm pcofexl in controt iSortdo. fngjneenng deareo fcautred.

Prefer at Itast 10 years ecpertento in respons-bi UH position in comlrwction Or mduitrtal operation, -Deluding 3 years apertone as assistant protect inanogor of SSO mJbon range profecl or equivalent fodrviduoJ wiH assist protect ntonog-er et overall dtrecl-on of engineermg A construe hem operations for several corv actor subcontractors. Showld be self starter A mature Duimosi admmMrotw. Saiary comrnensurate wtftt eipertence A obeli ry. far comidefarion 4 inlerview, call Personnel Manoger of (813) 428 2531. or send resume te personnel manager, Daniel Construction P.O.

Box 378, Mulberry, Flo. 33860. An fauol Opportunity Employer. IS TOPS! Family Houses and confidentially check out rPu'i'ion, growth, opportunities for personal tmfhftt mt si' PER WORD PER DAY on 10-DAY ORDER 'iM' $11 i' If 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 II I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ii 4 fii! Mwnwitr i jm riijiinda i ii in ii i ii in in 1 1 rj Attend classes mornings, receive 10W COST, ''RESULT-PROVEN WANT ADS 3 BEOROOM House, $175 monthly. 977-4833.

NEWLY redecorated. 3 bedroom, l'j Darn, renceo, dock yard, stove. refrioerotor.Leto area. Avoilable now. oner 5.

3 BEDROOM, 1 bath, Florida room, stove, refrigerator. Town Country area. Available October ISt. 884-5666 Otter 5. 2 BEDROOM.

$130. unfurnished, $100 Nebraska. 235-9004. THREE bedroom house, furnished, $150 mdhthjji. 412 W.

North Bay St. 234-2964: GANDY Areor 3 bedrooms, unfur-nished, $175 monthly. Days, 229-1469. Evenings. 835-5011.

2 BEDROOM-Duplex $145 2 Bedroom house $125. 971-1000 weekdays. 2 BR furn troiler on wotertront, $150. Furnished cottage. 3 BRs, utilities week, on wotertront.

Coll BOB ANDERSON, Assoc. Ofc. 884-J4Jmyes. 884-2958. VLARENCE NAHM.

Inc Realtor 7510 W. Hillsboro Ave. FURN. 2 BR HOME Rlverview, area. $150 per ma ELD RIDGE REALTY, REG.

BKR 677-6737, 677-1812 WORKING emole to share house with same, month, utilities Included. 977-5084 971-1988, 5-12 pm. 2 BEDROOHWurntshed, central air heat, utilities, (urn, USF area V-I465. 215 MOSLE HOMES FOR RENT 35' TRAuEBnear U.S.F., sale or rent, details, 1-441-2187 Evenings. 2 BR, AC, carpeted, in small family pork.

iou. month, tib-yii. SMALL, -furnished trailer, water front. Town Country area. One aauir.

o4-oov. TRAILERS for rent. Near Palm River. AC, clean, petless. 626-v517.

LARGE or small rural near Town anai-4. 626-5372. ONE bedroom $25, $35 weekly. reness aauits. 1-566.

2 BR, 2 Bath, Carpet, USF areo. reness. yi-i4v, yi-862. accepted. Two bed rooms, one bedroom trailers.

No pets. VB8-858I. FAIR Credit, rent, $200 down, lyj nomes, eaier, V4V-I72. 2 BEDROOM, Furnished. Children okay.

NpjPeiB. Deposit required. OB3-Z44, 12 44 FtiRNISHED Trailers, all electric, AC. Jio pets. 971-2455.

TWO Bedrooms furnished, AC, lone ninfant, pay weekly. $40 VM Kki Welcome Modern aincond. all electric, furn'd. Park has playground ft fishin' lake. Close in.

Ublk off 1-4, 7101 E. Buffalo. 626-M22; 626-3345. AC Furnished, Mobile Apts. Close to USF.

1 BR, $105; 2 BR, $150. 1112 E. 142nd, Ave. 977-4833. EXTRA nice 2 bedroom, reasonable, mile N.

1-4, adults, near Mongo. 626-2626, 626-5615. NEAR Brandon, 12X52, 2 bedroom, AC, petless odluts. 689-91 1 7. 6612 S.

MocDill Ave. Near AFB. Modern Spaces, accom. 8x35' Patios. Apts.

Trailers rented. Children 2 BEDROOM, 12X60, Weekly. 3746, After 6 PM. 920- AODERN Mobile Home Rentals, AC, Nice Pork. City Limits, 626-4661.

10' 12' Wide. AC. Adult Section, 8'wide 2 BR children's sect. No pets, no space. 3101 W.

Hillsboro. FURNISHED-Trailer S60 monthly and up. 'Adults and infants. Scarab Trailer lork. 689-3011.

NEW Mobile Home, 24X46, Central oir tSSLm2 bedrm, 2 bath, furnlshe8Tlr Fla. Downs. 855- 40. THREE ledges. Lakes.

droom, Lakefront orlvi- jmit 2 children. Land NEW, 2 bedroom Mobile Home for rent. In Cpuntuy. Children welcome. TRAILER-, rentals.

New Late woaeis.utiiies Furnished, Children Aoeeoted. Reasonable Rates. Near Hooker's Point. DeSoto Mobi le Home Park, 108 S. 28th St.

u-uyjl. I BR, WW. AC. furnished, no oetc. 1 or 2 adults only over 45.

In park on it cast, tan alter ohm, yss- uyju. ONE 2 Brand one 3 Br trailer for rem, lotto Lokes, 96-2118. REASONABLE RATFS in NEW, Clean, 2 BR ACI Furn Mobile Homes, uuiet Shady Lots. Clbson- ron. Aduns Only.

677-0109. TWO bedroom. 2 children. Utilities rurnisneoi Deposit. 244-6051.

TRAILER FOR RENT! Also large lots, uwy yyater. Keas. Rates! tKlK5W4 5. 248-6736. NEW 3 Bfdrdofn trailer, 12x70.

Rl- verviewr 677-6996. FREE Mobile Home rent, "man or couple, Jo assist growing business. MOBILE Wome-wlth Lake privileges. 1973 2 BEBROOM, Carpet, air, near Temple -Terrbce. Adults.

$37.50 vn mo. av. from va, or 2 nights wbck ana receive Vll mo. TAMPA COLLEGE W. Kennedy Ml.lnll E.

Columbus 621-3549 BERN'S STEAK HOUSE Walter Trainee must be 21 Apply after 10 PM MEN WOMEN TRAINEES NEEDED Become a Professional Barmaid or Bartender supply complete mixologist bar inuiiugemenT training. Absolutely previous experience necessary. personal interview. Cafl 223-1745 National Bartending Center Div. of Hillsboro Bus.

Center COMPUTER PROGRAMMER TRAINEES NEEDED Furn! Nite Lights. 949-5278. Village -Tlunpa Tampa' Xeu-est Mobile Home Park Pool Sport Area largo Clubhouse large landscaped lots Gty Sewer-Woter-Ges Central TV Und.rgr.ond UtiL 2 -Car Pave! Orivewoyt MODELS ON DISPLAY and call 1201 E. SKIPPER ROAD 10-6 Daily 97M310 230 BEACH RENTALS MADEIRA Beach, 2 Bedroom Ou- olex. Central Air, wall-wall snog.

71-579X (Tamoa) MINI VACATION 3 f't 1 nifflrts rreol.r. Woiid Waltrfnul IHkknty Aparlmls $30, 2 pMple. children frte Call 363-9832 far rsrvotioni ST. Petersburg Beach, new, large luxury motel apartments. S5 weekly.

360-7817. GULF Front. 1 bedroom $22 weekend $75 week. 391-0948. SPECIAL! 1 Bedroom or Efficiency 3 nights S40 FOB 2 MOST BRINE THIS 10 BEACHFRONT Efficiencies.

AC. S8 iu per aav. jvi-vsij Madeira oeacn. AVAILABLE luxury exclusive 3 hed. I Biunir.

SSTcL 232 VACATION PLACES FOR RENT Cypress Lodae with rentals hv linu. wees or momn. swimming, lots of good fishing, and booting on Lake Tsala Aoopka. On Hwy 44 East, nivei ness. YU4-o-IZ2.

NORTH CAROLINA Completely furn. mountain home with spectacular view. Blue Ridge Mountains. Available Sept 15-Oct. See Fall color.

Near Synva. 988-2891 Homiter. 240 OFFICE-DESK SPACE NEW OFFICE SPACE 4812 E. Busch Blvd. 236-1811 OFFICES-ldeal for lawyers, realtors.

ui, cic. uuu sa. offices, reception area, conference area, locked store room, paneled air conditioned arnnnri flnnr aniinhi October lst-1200 month. Northside. r-iiune CROWN BUILDING 15,000 General Office space for bese.

(WH Divide). ANr Cendi-Honul, Full Maintenance, free fork in J. Moderately priced. CROWN BUILDING U2S Heedem. Uvd.

876-3131 Executive One-Miin Office Secretarial service. Phone answering service. Reception loom. Parking. Copying Service.

And more. Barnfll Bank Office Building MM IsMfv Drivf PHONE: 223-5679 Talk to the owner! Ill Call today for one stop shopping for office space in 8 different buildings. Ask for Mr. Rubio qt 229-0874 412 Meanon St. Suite 1100 917 230 7207 316 CERTIFIED EQUITY MANAGEMENT, INC.


FLORIDA BLDG GAC BLDG. 1010 FLA. AVE. BLDG. Suite 1000 1361 244 Call RAY NESBITT, Realtor at 225-6881 or ON THE BAY vive Air Retail Ettwetn 1-75 and Tampa sa.

international Airport S5I0 GRAY StSEEJ Ixecutlvo Squaro Offic. Park Abundant parking Interiors designed to your specifications near shopping and restaurants Walter H. Semoyn, CPM Ph 877-0487 A dtvthpmtnt of Momnt0l 9, rroprMM 0t int. I Shangrci-UiT Motel I Directly on Gulf of 7 Mexico. 19218 Gulf Blvd.

Indian Rocks Beach (South Shore) (813) 595-7635 or 5550 I I 4410 East Kennedy 308 Marine 7227 Call JAY 41 iv Mabry uon OFFICE left. PERFECT jKetaii It Ik Ample "I Absolutely no previous experience Shore Area 15,000 sq. ft. ware 0 necessary, no age limit. High School graduates.

We will train Vou. Call Hillsboro Business Center, 223-1745 I UUniUXIKf IfHIIKW Mill Gen'' e(0 supervisory house space under construction Avail. Nov, 1st, Att or part- To vour needs. Ph 872-6265. sa.

zoned Oowntown location, excellent condition, lease Buy, Call George Thomas, Associate WILLARD THOMPSON, INC ncunuis Planf Avenue 253-8843 WAREHOUSE 1000'. SI50 Mo. Absolutely te be ran ee censecuttve ieyi (tt telie ees only) 10-WORD MINIMUM When we Hart your od on our thrifty 1 0 day flan you con concel it any time before I P.M. tor the net doy'i poper ond pay only the rate earned ot the time of cancellation. No cancellation! on Solurday for Sunday.

Open Saturday 8 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Sunday 10 'til I P.M. far corrections ond kill only. To kill on ad, to correct en od, for odiuVnwnti, co*k 2247901.

necessary, no age or educational I reauiremenrs. we wi i im unu Coll 223-1745, Hillsboro Business venter, in t-ranKiin, suite 912. VETERANS train at Business University of Tampa 4023 N. Armenia Ph. 877-0583 Park Area.

4708 W. vn. 23V-H6I. C0MMERCIAL-WAREH01ISE sa. ft.

north of airport. Con if ft it it I 4, necessary. FffdMr I EHMADn' 3une mu iJ Service Representative over billing and collection operations for municipal electric, water and sewer f.inrtin Processing experience pre- w'ary, ona excellent fringe benefits. Apply Personnel office city Holl Bartow school 10 WORDS FOR 10 DAYS CONSECUTIVE DAY RATES INCLUDE RATES Adi Hot Set Solid) line per Day line per Ooy line per Day line per Day mmem construction, 26 ft. ceilings, sprinkled dock height, RR sidings.

Mr. McDonald, 253-0618, or P.O. Box 3306, Tampa, Flori TborCity 5500', M-1 Ha. Ave. C-2 Andersen Id.

te Mett St $400 Me. Adamo Dr. te UOO', WRel test Side 3,700 to New N. Sen St led Cvpnm-OsMi Metre Downtown Wloil Ded- Are WReil WILLARD THOMPSON, INC Realtors FiF3 315 Plant Ave fl NEW WAPFMnilP NUMBER OF DAYS THAT AD RUNS 10 DAYS 7 DAYS 4-5 or 6 DAYS 2 or 3 DAYS 1 DAY $1.00 Minimum LINE (For SSc per 70c per 75c per OOc per 2 linee Lois office AC Gate 19X80 AC Blvd. S65 AC Rates Apply Only in State Tampa St Bldg S80 on uo Bank Bldg.

Office Space Nebraska 40X40 AlC BOX NUMBER CHARGE $2 Must Be In Our Office by Concrete tilt slab construction over WORD RATES (Set Solid Alt Only) lie per Word per Day 14c per Word per Day I 5c per Word per Day lie per Word per Ooy 20c per Word per Day Minimum SO Wordi Consecutive Day BLIND Ads to START SUNDAY USE IMtOetaNt i ihii I START DATE Number of Remittance encloied I I I ADDRESS. MOBILt? HOMES FOP RFklTi head doors. Ground level. Near I Mirpon, immeaiate occupancy. Franklin 3000 ft.

Bullord Pkwy Temple Tef Nebraska 2700 ft. Franklin 840 ft AC TOM SHEEHAN 229-1861 HEARIN. INC. Realtors 800 Marine Bonk Building SQ FT S175 mo Dibbs Plaza ounn hwv 1 blk of Dole Ample Parking 932-4782. S.

78th St. Air conditioning, Call 24tj-6iyj. STORES FOR RENT THIS HANDY OtELTNT," ni 3.3UU IO JU.UUU Sa. TT. Kh.

2J6-1811. COLD STORAGE PACKING HOIISF cavaan -ill In lh. f.ll l.ikatia-Timai Children WeleShie! Camper Spaces! or y4y-60B SPACES" 3 "MOBILE HOMES FOR 7" RENT! CHILDREN WfcLLOJylE! Ph. 920-2510. 12X60', XWOHbedrooms.

AC, furnished. ,540 weekly. No pets. 626- QUO. NICELY 2 bedroom, AC, i-4.

JuiraauiTS. petless. 932-4709. mli to iifiCfi Facts. On sale at bookstores, newstands." supermarkets, drua stores and our public service counter.

ONLY $2.00 Clocton CnWv flMnl.ll Storage 60x80x20', 125 tons of refrig-l AD FOR 10 CONSECUTIVE DAYS eronon. vyv0 numiaity. packing I house 72x160', 2 lines of packing I mwipmeni easily converted to cit-1 rus or vegetable. On US 98, 5 miles or Store Space in New Mini .3 BEDROOM Trailer, AC, corpet, near Brandon. No pets.

Call 685- or erooKsviiie. Grady Sweat, fl, 1813)634-3778. wis SQ FJ Dock Ht, exc nice offices. 12x60', 2 538-6057 BEDROOM, 2 bath. Cypress St.

Near Airport, I carpereo, ONE bedroom, utilities furnished. ar h. Shopping Center-only 3200 Sa. Ft. 14621 Nebraska 971-5294.

easr 3200 STORE SPACE IS 5,000 Sq. Fl. available att Slit St. Fowler he. 56th St I22U St 151k St.

Fletcher kit 56th St Adj. Twice 56th St Whiten, Or. Contact flint Mun. 9814131 247 3 CAR i- i mi PQim, 5146B BUILDING nice rur- eiaeny couple. 971-9514.

2 BR $135 PLUS DEPOSIT. 2 CHILDREN LIMIT. WORKSHOP OR STORAGE Garage, $20 monthly, 109 S.J uirvwuuu, 45 1 per line per Day of Florida NOON FRIDAY Jf-i 1 I I I I I I I I I NUMBERS I I I I I I I 1)0 I in I li PH. 677-1086 NEW 12- wide In Thonotosasjto. bedrooms.

$45 Week. 986-3105. C-2 zoning, good location, I kmu 250 TWOHBedrOoms. Rural. Nenr Chnn.

TOWN IPRINT WANT AD HERE (Please. use pencil) Horn. School. CWeo ping, scjjogls, park, 1 child. 689-1 4iuu inaniniy.

i3t-t4. SCHOOLS Write Clarification mm LIKE Neiifcirisedroom. AC. or. vA location tor Beauty Shop Please Include Address As Part of Ad 35' TRAILER near U.S.F., sale or rent.

Details, 1-441-2187 Evenings. oar oer anop, new Dunaing. will rum allowance to outtit store. cond. Plenty ot parking.

9123 acre, $140 mo. No children. Also tor 6PM. MOBlbB-HOME RENTALS 1 ft 2 BR MODELS PH. 977-4833 USING TRIBUNE-TIMES BOX lyiemonqi nwy.

B84-686B. Allstate Construction College Brandon, Fla. 33511 401 Cronberry Lone store for rent. Approx. 9,000 ii.

4i3j-uuui. OPTION To buy, 2 bedroom, iy2 bath, trailer in park. Partially lurnisnei yi-egyj. 1 AND 2Bedroom Mobile Homes, SCAdacotaS rurntsnea, utilities Paid, ram- ny parw lueuj wepraska. REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Join the Successful Ones! Salesman-Broker Real Estate license law course.

Continuous classes. Thursday 7-10 a.m. Roma-da Inn, 1-75 Busch Blvd. Enter anv Thursday, Call Mr. Wiggins.

238-3177 Eves. 932-8390 SCHULSTAD HUFFMAN, INC WESTSIDT, Furnished Trailers, clean. Jeposlt reauired. Ander ADD 5 WORDS WHEN Moil to TRIBUNE.TIMSS Wdr.1 Showroom 6,000 Ft. Warehouse 4,000 ft.

(Can Be ixttndtd) 219 Real Estate School 820 East Rusch Bnulevard. THE TAMPA TRIBUNE sons, 4ei beorge Kd. BB4-5524. WOSaf H0MESITES 2 FOR RENT nelf i VA. Large Lots, Water furnlshe 971-7608.

971-9554. Peritinleatiful luiM-S AC lights Peneled 1 I aL. I 0 I ABC Shorthand NEAR TRAILER.6poce-Vlclnltv 1-4. Lra. lot.

sewer, garbage, $45 mo. 621-1785; CAU 921.154 Si Ad P.O. Box 191, Tompa. Flo. 3360IJ torn Keypunch, Boofcfceepn Kbtlplfi om Ktrypunch, Bookkeeping, 3 Tompq ArQ School any time Hour to Suit Free Trial Ution tttit weed only Sttjft NEW WOODED Adult Mobile Home Pork.

Close-In. 145 mo. South on Williams- Rd. from US 92, left at lOPM-HPM IPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! II I first street jp 11102 Old Hllisbor-sugh Avenue. 981-4928.

879 2581 Nadmoitr 877-3397 y- i ii 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 a 1.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.