The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour (2024)

early fifth mood

for an anonymous denied walter mondale appears headed for a big victory in new jersey in the persian gulf the saudis with american assistance down to iranian planes and london over the reagan there to talk about the persian gulf another matter to the summit partners and in washington the supreme court upheld a strict standard for getting political side of the united states on the newshour tonight will be concentrating on today's primary elections former candidate george mcgovern is with us to assess what today means to each of his former rivals and we have an interesting sideline to the california raise them and

managing the bitterly fought hard mondale struggled turn out to be law partners and close friends we take it to berlin for a documentary report on the changing relations between east and west germany and rejoin the new debate over vocational education critics say it's a dumping ground for the poor supporters say the kids in school you'll hear both sides the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations first results from today's dramatic finale to the long struggle for the democratic nomination appeared to favor walter mondale early returns show mondale leading into of the day's five primaries new jersey and west virginia three commercial television networks and the two men wire services rejected a clear victory for mondale in new jersey as a diehard appear to be doing well in new mexico and south dakota of the networks said their polling data made to

close to project a winner this early in california is the biggest prize of all where the polls are not yet closed an actual numbers here is how the vote count looks at this moment to getting a new jersey with thirty four percent of the precincts reporting mondale has fifty percent of the vote a diehard thirty four percent and jesse jackson sixteen percent in west virginia with one percent of the precincts in mondale appears to be leading our just thirty eight percent of the vote for second place and jackson six percent of the vote or more the projections are that do well in west virginia and in south dakota are the only other state we have results from so far thirteen percent of the precincts reporting it is leading with forty six percent of the vote a mano with forty four percent is second and jackson is getting five percent of the vote in these early returns altogether four hundred eighty six delegates are at stake in today's five primaries walter mondale who already has seventeen hundred and thirty delegates

predicted flatly denied but by noon tomorrow he would have the nineteen hundred and sixty seven needed for the nomination but gary hart who had hoped to stop mondale with victories in california and our new jersey continue to say he would fight mondale all the way to the convention in any case you're our export our panelist tonight on this last primary go around is a man who has been through it all and sell twice once in nineteen seventy two when he won the democratic nomination and again this time when he ran forward until march fourteen when he dropped out of the race he's george mcgovern the former senator from south dakota senator mondale victories in new jersey in west virginia is that enough for him it may not be an outfit very significant lead frankly has carried new jersey by a bigger margin than i anticipated at the projections on west virginia hold up that's very impressive two it would mean that in those two states the first ones we've ever a rating on monday or would have had that half the votes maybe a little better than half of both

the material it just reminded us that mondale has a possibility of getting four hundred and eighty six votes today if you get them all but even if we get half of them the only needs two hundred and thirty five delegates to reach that magic total of nineteen hundred and sixty seven it gets half of the votes or a bird grabs today he's gotten california still not an enough someone will have to watch during the question around from character gary hart's point is that gary hart was not when california later tonight is at the end of this line you think i would say it's the end of that but i think gary if he were here would be the first to say it will be almost impossible to put together if you lose both california and new jersey even if her dairy were to carry south dakota and new mexico which now appear to be my least bit by a narrow margin he's probably get to that carry california in order to really make a horse race out of it between now and the convention listen to listen ii let's

say that we know that mondale's launchers and let's say that hart wins california and where i think it's still an undecided race i think will go all away to the convention before we know that nominee will be walter mondale appears very confident when he says he'll have locked up by now and the moral and that's possible when you consider that he needs less than half of the votes at stake that day and they're probably five hundred their delegates going to their convention that are up for grabs the carefree the vote is a seat that it's probably not excessive confidence and mondale's apart this a monologue about that more known but i would never say that myself with those california both still undecided california is the biggest at the onion the polls will close out there for another hour i might add i have a personal bias against projecting what voters are going to do until a vote that year let's so let's do some low for discussion purposes that that it that

it ends with heart wayne in california one they'll wins new jersey and and west virginia as he's done this and they're going to be terrifically on your former campaign manager senator gary hart go quietly now there will be a whole lot of party leaders obviously want this slang that sided with gary hart a very determined man and we've seen that over the course of the last year he was counted out of this research all times i remember when i came in last september he was about to present in the polls i never expected him to take off like you really surprised when i was a baby i was surprised that i have to think maybe gary was a little surprised when he came out of iowa as well as he did and went on to win a new hampshire by the biggest margin it is anyone's ever taken that as day but i would say that while he probably won't fold up after a california via fifty one zip then mondale wednesday's other states and we mentioned that it's

still going to be very much up health for the simple reason that mondale has a big lead on the delegate totals you can't take away from the fact that he's several hundred votes ahead courses in all the you know the delegates are not bound legally to these talks and that the you know the strategy has been the heart of the niche writing at some along they'll delegates to defect in saturday think that would be a successful way to go after this well the gary hart strategy and if he comes out of out of the day let's say is accountable to watch out about people of money and his strategy is to say that we can't have a nominee who's dropped eight or nine out of the last ten state tests we need somebody who's coming on strong at the time of a convention now whether or not he can make that case with mondale having won decisively today at new jersey are here's to be winning decisively winning in west virginia the president projects and hold up is another question

all i can say to you a gem is that gary hart's going to have an uphill fight from here on out no matter what happens in california by the ones in california it's a little less up the hill if the if you would come new has served as the elder statesman of a party for him weisel would you advise him to do in that situation well i'd tell him first of all that his own career in the well being of the party depends on cooling the rhetoric between hardened and mondale i think that's not a handicap that both of them i think that has prevented that either one of them from discussing some of the best issues that we have again president reagan they've been so involved in this maneuvering with each other much of it on a personal basis rather than broader issue bases that they have and the president has escaped that kind of close in examination his policy should've had and i wonder jake gary

hart and fritz mondale from here on to the convention they began devoting a major part of their time they're laying out the case on the issue that's awful hard to do when you're jockeying for delegates are still undecided but i think nasa said you see any signs that these two men are gonna color i think they will you give the fritz mondale of gary hart about three days' rest i'm hopeful they'll go fishing or whether they were organized to be saying what they most need right now is to a three days' rest the chance to kind of think things through look at the large picture of the national actors the chances of the democrats have to do it take the white house that year think those things over carefully and then began to look for the common ground i hope that all that you don't smell sixty eight their campaign their convention whether to think it's not going to be sixty eight absolutely got sixty eight we had the country in flames over they have vietnam war we had literally in flames over some of the racial issues in the

country the assassination of martin luther king and robert kind of robert kennedy this was a time of great turmoil and division in the country that says not true to now these divisions between hardin mondale or not insoluble is a certain amount of personal better and it's there that he showed on your program here earlier the hard and mondale managers in california other law partners and see each other every day at the office but that's the kind of the feeling for us that i think is going to take over everything i don't like very much today was the halfway point of president reagan's ten day european trip he and mrs reagan had an easy day highlighted by lunch with the queen dinner with prime minister margaret thatcher has a report on the president's activities by jim gibbons upi radio news as walter mondale gary hart and jesse jackson waiting for the results of the final primaries ronald reagan was arriving at buckingham palace to have lunch with the queen of england today setting is much more real and the menu

is believed to have been more elegant later the president went on to ten downing street for a pre summit meeting with british prime minister margaret thatcher the two are kindred souls politically they share essentially the same economic program but mrs thatcher hasn't had as much success as mr reagan and reducing unemployment and she's known to feel high us interest rates are a big part of the reason the rapidly escalating iran iraq war was another issue of concern and as a result of the president's visit to ireland ways of ending the violence and ulster was also on the agenda at the reagan thatcher meeting white house aides are delighted with the contract ended they planted this way ronald reagan seen as statesman and diplomat at a time when his political rivals are in the final throes of a butterfly voting for the democratic nomination the president's presence on the world stage shows up a political liability for him doubts about his grasp of foreign policy of course he has some other problems the abuse controversy and rising interest rates are among ones which come to mind

but those problems will be pushed to the background join a colorful celebration the fortieth anniversary of the d day invasion of france and breaching of hitler's atlantic wall i'm leaving back and callousness as reagan said that had a quiet little lunch with the queen and prince philip the president of the queen talk about courses and that d day anniversary ceremony will both attend on the normandy beaches tomorrow mrs thatcher got are going over in the british parliament by members incensed that reagan bodyguards were on last week's scotland yard said no bodyguards accompanying heads of state to the economic summit meeting in london would be permitted to carry arms as rigid gun control in britain and british police armed only on special occasions yesterday scotland yard said to reagan secret service men would be allowed to carry handguns opposition members accused the government of caving into washington says that to refuse to discuss it but said no precedent as being broken

there was drama in the skies of the persian gulf the day and when it was over two iranian planes had been shot down and the united states had an edge they step further into the tents explosive situation their government sources american and saudi arabia were quoted and fast moving wire service reports the second round but to saudi and fifteen fighters attacked two iranian and for pound fighter bombers we've aired air missiles and saudi airstrikes that build or any employees were hit and destroyed and most crucially for american interests the saudi point were guided and re fueled by us air force planes man by us personnel usa wax reconnaissance planes to the guiding us tanker aircraft in the repeal it the report also said there was almost an even larger dogfight after the iranian planes were shot down iran scramble three more of its jets cause and the saudis to do the same and each side match the other until more than twenty points in all were flying all observed by radar only usa wax why but after a few minutes the

iranians withdrew returning to their base in iran without further incident in washington prince bandar the saudi ambassador to the united states explain his nation's actions we have resisted every effort to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in the gulf while avoiding a mormon on our part we have appealed to the world community from different channels and housework have a cozy with members of the gulf states the government would prevent an escalation in that area there's not going to be bought in the vault however we will continue to defend our territorial integrity will mother admission but not at the expense of our national interest also the pentagon said today it's for a wax radar planes in saudi arabia including the one involved in today's action will be replaced by a newer version of the surveillance planes the first of the new a wax arrived in the gulf today it

has the ability to track shipping and slow moving lines as well as quick line jets and finally in the fighting between iran and iraq iraqi planes bombed an iranian villages it was holding a celebration to mark a nineteen sixty three uprising against the former shop around radios says at least three hundred people were killed hundreds more wounded the official iranian radio set eleven iraqi cities would be bombed in retaliation for today's attack in india today indian army troops tightened their armed cordon around members of the sikh religion sect army units brought in heavy artillery and tanks and surrounded thirty two seed temples in india's punjab state and there's more gunfire today the six religious center of the golden temple of them reads are at least two were reported dead for wounded india has sealed the borders of the entire punjab state where sikhs have been waging an increasingly violent campaign for political autonomy gerard willems of as news filed this report and political groups and every official word strange

buildings with that the life of the more than five i think is the african union troops they hold their fire for many hours the evacuation of the whole league the pre two hundred people are known to let the building i think for the army put out the remaining fig before entering the temple thought that the struggle between the radical the item on the indian security forces school being deployed the moment three hundred people have died in the content follow the beginning of this year two west german newspapers reported today the east germans and sought asylum in the west german mission in east berlin a group of seventeen eighteen or nineteen people reportedly include a former army captain and five schoolchildren reports that the german government is refusing to allow safe passage out of the country this is the latest in a series of apparently conflicting actions by the communist east

germans in recent months while cold war tensions increase between washington and moscow they paradoxically seemed to relax between east and west berlin what follows is a report on the evolving situation from special correspondent edward here are they yates and commuter train from frick restaurants are given say a board a rather special passenger was him and krueger is not his real name five minutes ago he led his country and a city and five minutes' time you arrived in a new country but the same city girl in a divided city wanna have control by the allies the other half of the soviets' the western sect is forming a remote enclave in common as character a twenty three years ago this event's built a wall a hundred miles long shutting off the east from the west an act of political aggression which reached the free world altering ended earlier and then

talk to the brain and they were in the meantime last still stands the concrete tribute to the cold war as of yesterday but there are other memorials for those seventy people or more who tried to escape today the watching war goes on observation towers in the east she controls the west berlin security still remains a shared responsibility of all the war powers unique opportunity for contact or conflict the berlin that no longer catches a cold when moscow sneezes nowadays things seen much quieter on the eastern front of control is to show the flag and to show our presents germans and the soviets with it is a contact all the towers along the wall

you have to tell thank you what is that saves it is a game you play back and forth we have binoculars tape recorders cameras that the same thing is so typical like exercising their wartime rights soviet military observers make regular tours of the western sectors just as the allies can enter the soviet sector or so the necessary ritual of mutual surveillance and mouse goes on as it has for over two decades the endless obscenity of

the wall is a graphic expression of superpower tensions past and present but if today moscow and washington are talking amazingly to germany's on the latest chapter in a book entitled good neighbours story of unfinished family businesses are started by billy grant fifteen years ago and these people are living proof of the new improved relationship between the two germanys over the last four months no less than twenty five thousand views german citizens have been permitted to enter the west legally more than at any other time since the wall there could be up to another half million people's wish to leave since the exodus as follows they could be in for a very long wait but even enlightened self interest has to be paid for and the price is high west germany is literally buying freedom for these people at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars money which is germany is only too happy to accept

in order to modernize its industries so is west germany simply buying favors that as the cynical but true the description of the policy and the religion that we have we want them unattended leaves from the other parts for their people and for our people we want more human contacts more free movement between the two countries and they want our economic and financial support and so we make a kind of the da why do you think they sent me about these people to be legally maybe i was the first one is they have despite of their own official remarks they have an unemployment rate there and getting people opting that they can diminish their own unemployment rate but that is probably the smallest or the two major reasons are one they want to make that signaled they want to

get a signal to the western government that they have little less their own system that they are in favor of doing things that we expect them to do and thirdly i would say they want to get rid of an opposition a very live at the the opposition in their own countries salmon is one member of the lively and the opposition they decided to get rid of the thirty one year old construction engineer it's the end of a seven year long struggle to leave society which had branded him a troublemaker to some of the east this is called the golden west land of liberty and opportunity the truth is of course just a little different high unemployment and economic recession have seemed to the at that to him on the guarantee of human rights and freedom of expression is for the time being more than enough as with so many others emma made

an official application to emigrate that was in seventy eight those who might only know that they can be in for a long wait and a part time teacher ones they can wake up a janitor the next voting with their feet is not to be encouraged only march this year was informed that he could leak the procedure various uses the summer given hours to get out of others they did barely enough time to get his things say goodbye to his parents and catch the next train out on parting gift was given a certificate announcing that it was no longer a citizen of the german democratic republic day one report reception center papers form filling rather see things maybe different here that the color that a still red hair money has no illusions about life on the left will be easy it's not up to him to find a job and an apartment in east germany he says is a society where everyone is taken by the head series a really got there like it's

really not about that at the moment you get inside is called than things can get tough and was it was it was a frail someone may be listening to you have to act as they want but one of his main criticisms is that ordinary people are simply not allowed to travel freely from swedish currents of long and quite honestly if i'd been able to travel to see the world i would've stayed i was earning well i had an apartment for that because the regime told me where i could and couldn't go mimics the point when i couldn't take it until after all over the world free people of color well the family scion of the federation noise georgia and the new germans east berliners a city that has been rebuilt from your total ruin to showcase a showcase for companies in thirty five years the republicans come a long way the standard of

living is the highest in the east bloc higher than that the soviet union people compare themselves with the west and the consumer expectations are rising they want more cars imports and designer jeans for youth that is now virtually indistinguishable address from their western counterparts in the main square stands a world far an ironic reminder to the frustrated travel hungry post war generation of just how far they can go and those who try to go too far some degree the government has cracked down hard on church activists and political dissidents and anyone making unauthorized visit to the western nation is liable to be detained or arrested the street is heavily guarded in the building we're told but when we visited week to restart what authority does not always enjoy the respect

flies and that his mocking humor little appreciated by the local cops there was more than just a hint of old scores being said it does help with over five hundred at today's labor law five hundred or five hundred thousand people came out into the streets but this was a very different equation may first labor day in a city the size of seattle nearly half the total population turned out in organized groups despite the driving ranger celebrate an arrangement for party leader and if you happen to be a loyal hardworking party member who doesn't work in the grass you do have quite a lot to celebrate a decent place to live in a rental does not change for decades subsidize education and welfare

state just four days later we haven't seen the people celebrating labor day noting that one party election the curtain was raised in the last act so it's very dedicated to twenty million soviets east germany is by high flying liberation day that nazi germany despite the good steps the official nazi germany has nothing to do with eastern nazis came from the west and that's from the west and washington in particular that the

present threat to world he's conscious so are relations between the two germanys or because of the freeze between a superpower is a question i put to both sides if not a sniff of the good relations between two germans for relations between the soviet union and the united states that's not simple you have to consider germany is all germans are both sides have an incredible responsibility to german soil there's not a young and that therefore we feel we should do or to diminish the things on the one hand and increasing our differences in order to regain violence against them one on the iran deal to fight back against the cold war you know having good relations with western and they are all as she hits of the day despite of the frozen in cold relations between the two superpowers the relations between east and west germany as a comparatively good i think

the idea and the reason for that is that both opportunities have found out that they can play a more important role within their own bloc and they try to give an example for good relationship also for their own partisan washington and moscow so far moscow and washington seems little inclined example being set and chancellor kohl cautious members of their respective camps both will continue this one versus for justice was it continues to satisfy still there politicians abuse can change you from a tower overlooking it does not they lead us out of recession and seemingly natural gases by come here to give a furtive have smiled to loved ones in the west and then a final goodbye

even such an innocent acts of witness by the police immediately lead to questions interrogations reports today chairman has come to keep his appointment with his mother father as it turned out the risks were too great and they kept on walking they did not bear as job but right at the end of the street well away from prying eyes quick way to contact was finally made our special correspondent was edward gero day still to come on tonight's newshour and the new debate over vocational education is a dumping ground for a vital region from millions to stay in school also a documentary report on the curious i'd like the california primaries

them and managing the bitter heart mondale struggle are close friends and while partners now an update on the results from today's five primary elections all news agencies projected walter mondale the winner in new jersey and with forty six percent of the precincts reporting is leading gary hart and forty eight percent of the vote to thirty three percent with jesse jackson in third place with seventeen percent in west virginia where mondale was also projected the winner with two percent of the precincts reporting mondello has a present

fifty six percent of the vote are thirty seven percent and jackson five in south dakota where the projections are that gary hart will do well twenty four percent of the precincts in park as forty six percent of the vote a narrow lead a present or walter mondale or forty four percent jesse jackson five percent and in new mexico the first results show hart also leading and the network projections are that he will do well in the state also with five percent of the precincts heart has forty seven percent of the vote among those thirty six percent and jackson's eleven percent the fifth and biggest data which other primaries today california there are no results in the polls are still open air and the networks are saying that their exit polling shows results too close to give any projection in that race we will have more election results later in the program jim the us supreme court today upheld strict government rules on the reading a political asylum in the united states the court in a unanimous mind to zero decision said an alien seeking asylum must prove a clear

probability of persecution back all throwing out an appeals court decision which approved a less stringent test well founded fear of persecution the specific case involve a thirty three year old chicago house painter who came to the united states from yugoslavia nineteen seventy six to visit his sister and state government officials say more than one hundred and fifty thousand applications now pending for political asylum could be affected by today's decision police in north carolina thought today they had cornered for killers who've been on the run for five days after escaping from prison in virginia armed police surrounded an abandoned house on the outskirts of oxford north carolina but when they rushed it they found vagrants and not the prisoners one of the fugitives responded last night in a nearby town when he entered the store asking for food forman escape from virginia's death row the mecklenburg corrections center last week two others were recaptured on friday our next major segment tonight centers on an area of education

that has been largely ignored in the national debate over the quality of american schools the subject is vocational education and charlayne hunter gault describes the new controversy for lying from an overall some eighty million students take vocational education courses ranging from auto mechanics to agriculture to dental hygiene supporters of such training are pressing for a bill now in congress that would reauthorize some seven hundred and fifty million dollars at washington allots each year for vocational education the federal contribution amounts to about ten percent of the seven point five billion dollars in state and local sources spend on vocational training in recent months such training has come under attack for example an education commissioner and texas is called on that status stop funding vocational classes and instead spent the money on teaching basic academic courses in math and reading one member of the commission who supports that position as tony barnea chairman of the national hispanic leadership conference he's with us tonight from pub station kr new tv

in austin you why do you want to stop the funds for vocational education well i think we have to re establish the parties we need to give as much importance to training our youngsters mind that we doing teaching them how to use their hands are a study in taxes revealed that out of twelve school districts that were vague to the study twenty five cents of every dollar we spend on vocational education forty centrist than on academics i think that at least in taxes we have our priorities confuse blacks and hispanics are the majority in the seven northern districts in texas blacks hispanics of the majority in twenty three of the largest school districts in america are less we began to stress academics and encourage the minority students to be better prepared for the workplace we're going to have a non educated and trained and qualified workforce that will be unable to hold a job i sang that it's

mostly black and hispanic students that have been put into those of vocational ed courses i'm a statistics nationwide would suggest that an overwhelming majority of the he was a vocational education are in fact a monarchy a recent study by employees some amazing poisonous nation revealed that students are are not developing their intellectual skills and that students who were going into the workplace need as much education and reading and math in and how a computer not a reason as those who are going to college otherwise it will be able to last in the labor market and that's extremely important to the minority community because oh we'd do represent the majority of some of these districts for one thing says the large majority of the students in these programs are minorities became first of all because we've been paid

as probably be incapable of competing academically secondly there's too much money spent on vocational education at the high school level that could be better spent at the early childhood level all we lose too many of our minority optioned by the time they get through junior high school are hispanics have a dropout rate of thirty six percent nationwide black selma dropout rate of something around ninety percent is vocational education is working so well why then do well such a high dropout rate among minority students why would you think it to those who say that dumb not every student is equipped to go to college it was meant to go to college and that in fact vocational education really provides a service for them we we don't deny the fact that not all future equipped to go to college but we do challenge the fact that too many youngsters are earmarked for vocational education early on with that be in given an opportunity

to fully develop their academic skills and i think we have deprived has the expenditure of our farms across this nation and has that thing that stopping the fines for vocational education you think would accomplish that well if they're going to do vocational education program let's get vocational education training in the categories where there's an opening in the job market are let us not have an eleven to one ratio for a vocational education but twenty six to one ratio of for academic scientists to vinnie thank you will come back roben come as no surprise that the president of the american vocational association disagrees with mr money and his name is jean bottoms and he's in washington to barton's it you answer with the money as point that the overwhelming majority of students and vocational education poor and minorities are as the question this way something that they still nice to later both the office of education twenty five percent

is just a bookcase medication are minorities minorities mike approximately five percent of folks in and population this country father an increase proportion of stitches and second terrible case of the patient one before one for the high school population of more than ten percent is just a second they're bouquets education come from the upper twenty five percent of high school population a proper in terms of academic his co worker or an intelligence building in terms of delegates we're a burger joint attention and his work in the slow pace of the cases work in as an alternate post education of also has to complete a concentration in vocational education still a nationwide some thirteen thousand citizen followed up all fifty five percent of most of his one of a father education about a third one of a four year college another thirty two years another third to a variety of other kinds of preparations the point being that far off a lot of steam is ok so the case is an alternative approach to learning that opens out this is what about mr romney his point bin that if it's working so well what is the dropout

rate so high among blacks and hispanics soon arrested white and the very communities where we have the least a novel case of education which is in the inner cities of those countries where you have a large drop out rate the strike you do have very high dropout rates in inner cities and worse than going out now for almost two decades does in those comments is that we have the least amount of ok so the case with a secondary level what about his point that the the effort and money that goes into vocational education would better be directed to giving more academic skills to these same students because they're going to need them to be qualified or where the workforce i'll remind the stability of the us that was the state is the sudden terrible case of the case of them pleaded not a ten years and general education and that many of the students they can best achieve some early academic skills that we can teach the academic skills and plied context if we can relate it to object isn't provinces that they have in mind this is being done very well in many many places and i would hope that we might focus not just don't want all to be taught the secondary schools began to focus

on hot ought to be taught of what purposes he also made the point that they are one reason about this that has widely made with a description that what vocational education is training youngsters four are dead end jobs that their jobs which won't which will disappear in five ten fifteen years as the nature of the american workforce changes that some listeners not accurate the point of jobs and and what's the real most fun things in the next ten years is published by the bureau of labor statistics and fifteen of those jobs that do not require a bike a large degree it's in those jobs will face an education has its largest enrollment largest number of leaders while there may be some problems at that or not until the job market many times local commanders that entails problem simply because they like the finest retooled by lars sudden terrible place informs are very much in tune with a job direct dane will be more diverse some examples of those that you consider into well proportioned for office occupations largest category of opens will be an office occupations america's are going to continue to work

throughout dr arnold bail someone's not fixed the parables revive all kind of computers another kind of problem that folks out to be an affair medication industry is growing in this country up the vacant day opportune his electronics and a data processing area polar of merchandising and marketing help occupations a growing occupations that was their jobs so many of these areas that second hurdle facing this is addressing mr rahman thank you german army and that mr biden's first point that hard to read but your point about poor and minority the ten percent of the young people in vocation letter in the upper twenty five percent of their high school classes in intelligence well we have to consider that first of all the aspiring sinners and thirty eight percent already by the time they get the vocational education that level are black who already knows the ninety percent so when he says twenty five percent are taking it as twenty five percent of what's left in the public schools

secondly it a vocational education is working so well ed to prepare these folks for the job market why is it that the black of his many youngsters have the highest unemployment rate of any group in the country try to get that feeling that it has to balance to respond to that in terms of the dropout i remember i said if you have the highest dropout rate in the very communities reality least a mild case of the case the secondary level middle students suddenly is gold far the time and they could enter and to vocational education and i would hope that we might begin to address the kind of basic wiring to scale remedial courses and applied academic courses that would help retrain some of those years in school but that's not given that we're pursuing on the day cycling enters the black and hispanic well wait let life right and just a minute what about that testimony that that the real problem is in the inner city where you have the least amount of the vocational education now i'll tell you what the problem is the problem is that they're spending too much money on programs for

jobs that don't exist mr richard packard who is the chief operating officer of the dupont it went well in the wilmington delaware i hated a study group of about twenty largest employers in the country they just cannot say it will pay for education is not beyond the job we have got to keep these jobs as i read i arrived i reasoned hanukkah peter and that's all were sent were not suggesting a vocational education is bad per se we are suggesting that it needs to be rearranged to meet the actual needs of our growing technological says that you don't you don't you heard him describe where the concentrations it safer but the jobs said today and tomorrow computers office workers and so on you don't accept that i don't agree with that i don't agree that we're gonna need all the black or hispanic mechanics for example half are that we're going to be needing more clerical work most of the work that there had been previously done by these folks ain't gonna be done by

done by computer and and that just about anyone can learn how to operate a computer so we need something more than what he saw lithuania and incentives to buy anything more so we agree that students into labor market do need a good grounding in the basics what a college preparatory survey course and sciences liabilities to plot brussels of physics their neighbor many votes going in skilled trades we do advocate a stressful places tucson the academics but not necessarily a college bound curricula one has tall in applied contexts in terms of just one point on like the critique concannon added that it mean a pragmatic that avid right yes i think that the one point like to correct the us from india is that they didn't is called this report is the heckler dupont the chair i happen to be a comedian when a report was presented scribe he did not though the report does not contain state you suggest report describes the number cork opera says it's just all to help with the charles very clear they did not call

for a separate them for cheating that that many of those campuses could be achieved recall the form of a case what the case of a secondary level is blended with the academics somalia how you were not impressed with the statistics that <unk> bottom side of that the number of students that of the thirteen thousand students some fifty five percent went on to further education college and so on and then what the vocational education program has really represented for them was an alternative approach that is really opened up this is rather than shortchanged them of any kind of academics in any way well we agree the vocation education played a role in our society we don't have a disagreement with that we agree that there ought to be a vocation education in our public school system but we also feel that the emphasis has to be shifted from assuming that minorities and poor and disadvantage ought to be shifted to vocational education as has been the practice in this country and in many school districts and what i'm suggesting is that with the end gracing

number of minorities who are making up the majority of the student body in school districts across this land we need to begin to have this as early childhood education spend more money and reduce in the class as is so that you can have more individualized instruction and by the time these jobs to get the high school they not all it will not be dropping out but they will not be looking at vocational education as the end itself what it means to the end of the seventy eight thank you for around four year contribution in this devout insight thank you very much for being with us before we take another look at the returns from todays primary voting we go to california for an unusual sight live from the campaign what makes one democrat worker heart and another for mondale spencer michaels of san francisco public station kqed looks at the two men running the heart mondale campaigns walter mondale arrives at twilight what looks and

feels like another stop on the california campaign trail with harsh los angeles garden of a wealthy democratic movie stars at letters of apology among the former vice president's revenue is mickey kanter state chairman of mondale's campaign and one of its principal strategies through a little while later in the gathering darkness very hard drives the same party and former candidate former senator george mcgovern in hearts entourage is john edwards state chairman and strategist of the heart can like his counterpart emerson or practice law here in west la as partners in the politically potent law firm of minot phelps rothenberg and tiny senior partner charles menagerie is democratic national chairman arthur john tiny his former democratic us senator from california thirty year old emerson and forty four year old cantor fiercely and sometimes acrimonious battle each other for

the lion share of california's three hundred sixth convention delegates and this they reflect heart and mondale but the two managers don't let their temporary political rivalry interfere with their professional and personal friendship he and i have worked together through a number of campaigns in and i'd say to a great extent the experience i have had in terms of running campaigns are my involvement in campaigns in california has been learned that he's elbow he's serving learned well from a few of us he's the best thing ever happened to gary hart i think he's terrific at what he does and ratified by his success i couldn't be happier for anybody who's a terrific friend ms emerson as the relative newcomer to politics and to california where he moved so he could join them in that law firm he ran in that successful campaign for democratic chairman he founded the lexington club for two hundred young affluent democrats and he worked for

jimmy carter and walter mondale in nineteen eighty about three years ago i decided that the democrats would not read in the white house until a nominating someone who it came through with new approaches an end and could in effect re shape the direction of the democratic party i think that the democratic party grow and scale in terms of its ideas and what we needed was a candidate who couldn't be tied to the arrangements are the failed policy so the past after meeting gary hart he signed up and helped organize the mass of volunteer effort in california enlisted nearly forty thousand so called hart leaders it's b volunteers made a total of eight hundred thousand phone calls to potential heart voters among those working with emerson to the three weeks of the california our campaign is rick writer western states political court made very articulate thing is very grass of gary hart has been working

through the message and the messenger california's economy is a substantial own future growth industries californians embrace change and they're excited by the opportunity and in the themes of the harvard university all california's a very sensible it's not unlike is oleg is its good ideas versus bad ideas and that's what we're going to talk about it whether or not you really stand strong for the nuclear freeze in your consistent as fritz mondale as ben and gary hart has had seven inconsistent positions in the last twenty four months cantor also has more california political experience than his law partner began eleven years ago when he ran senator alan cranston successful reelection campaign he engineered former governor jerry brown's last minute run for the presidency and seventy six and then help the carter mondale to get in at it was the logical choice to run mondale statewide campaign this year starting in nineteen sixty nine fifteen years ago i decide if it's mondo should be president states are made in florida when i was working with farmers there he came down as

the chair of the migratory labor subcommittee his compassion his intelligence his concerns commitment and so evident in then i thought this is a person should be present state cantor has presided over a mondale campaign that has relied heavily on union support he has tried to harness charged with mondale is too tied into labor gary hart and took their money in nineteen eighty two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the safe afforded carrier lusted after the endorsem*nt of the afl salem eighty three when he didn't get it would add that he criticized fritz mondale for getting that endorsem*nt at southern california mondale headquarters cantor is held in high esteem among those were trying to win what they believe will be an extremely close election joe trippy is national deputy field director i don't think bp a new position the tightness of this race without making mickey has really worked hard at doing this weekend scheduling doesn't really a lot of free media so send money

and few resources he's had at least an excellent job in that position listen and the interest in tucson but for all his vehement support of mind at pax and gary hart cantor finds no problem working with his partner john emmert says get involved in this campaign i'd love to have him after we win the nomination now won an involving deeply he's a bright is anyone in california in american politics ultimately cantor and john emerson like the men they work for say they will support the winner despite the building tension terms of tension it so oddly he and i are both competitive it's like two friends who play tennis or one on one basketball you out we play hard and try to put the moves on one another but when you don't you walk off as friends and maybe it talk over the game after you're finished with the work of spencer michael's kqed san francisco again the latest results in today's voting nothing yet from california where the polls are still open but all three television networks a declared mondale the winner in new jersey in west virginia part the winner in new

mexico and south dakota in iraq that's our newshour tonight we will be back with another tomorrow night i'm robert knew that night the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at tnt reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television station cds so alone in new it's


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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