Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (2024)

Mayara Duarte

Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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What else can we do to strengthen the bond with the company, achieve more results, and stand out as a collaborator?🔍 Be part of the whole: every action of ours contributes to the success of the team as a whole. It's simple: there's no point in expecting excellence from others if we don't practice it ourselves.⏳ Consistency and patience: success is the result of continuous effort and patience to overcome challenges along the way.🤝 Understand your boss: recognize that your supervisor also faces challenges and limitations. Understanding their perspective can improve communication and collaboration.❤️ Humanize your relationships: leaders and your co-workers are human beings, with their own experiences and emotions. Building genuine connections based on empathy and respect strengthens the work environment.📊 Measure everything you do: understanding the time and effort required for each task is crucial for managing your workload and evaluating your productivity.🎯 Establish priorities: time management is essential for professional success. Identifying priorities and allocating resources appropriately maximizes productivity and achieves desired results.📝 Find your way of organization: discovering a personal organization method that suits your workflow is essential for maintaining productivity and clarity.Share your additional tips and insights in the comments!#socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy #digital #careertips #professionaldevelopment #careergrowth #successmindset #leadershipskills #leadership


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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    Be the type of employee you would like to have in your company!With 12 years of experience as a digital strategist, boosting brands worldwide, I've worked in various settings: from market giants to startups, from small to large agencies, in management roles and hands-on positions. And one thing I've learned: to be remembered as a good professional, regardless of your role, you need the ability to see things from the perspective of others – whether it's your client, manager, or the company president. This empathy is what allows me to achieve many of my professional results.Here are some tips if you're just starting out:📈 Understand the business context: understanding the context of the company you work for is as crucial as achieving monthly results. This will certainly get you closer to the desired outcomes.🌟 Deepen your knowledge: get to know the company well, its functions, the competition, and envision opportunities before starting ANY project.👩💻 Respect different work styles: understand that your way of working may not always be the same as others' – and that's what can set you apart.💎 Value diversity: understand and respect differences in countries, regions, ages, genders, and cultures. Diversity brings unique perspectives that enrich the work environment and promote innovation.🔕 Learn to say no: knowing how to say no is essential to maintain the quality of your work and avoid burnout. It's a skill that demonstrates self-awareness and respect for your own limits.🎉 Wear the company's shirt: wearing the company's shirt is not about gifts, but understanding the company's needs and doing your part to achieve the results.🍀 Think outside the box of your role: think about the whole. Constantly ask yourself: how can I deliver MORE than they expect? How can I use everything I know to make the company grow?Do you have any extra tips in this regard? Write them down below!#socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy #digital #careertips #professionaldevelopment #careergrowth #successmindset #leadershipskills #leadership


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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    I'm not a superwoman.Did you know that only 5% of Brazilians speak English, and only 1% are fluent? Additionally, while 19% have a bachelor's degree, fewer than 1% pursued an MBA or postgraduate studies. Moreover, approximately 2% of the Brazilian population lives abroad.Despite these statistics, I have been grappling with imposter syndrome after an unexpected dismissal due to cost-cutting. The idea that 'I am not good enough' persists, despite testimonials from managers and clients such as:'Mayara's commitment was exceptional.''Her contributions to any team or project would be substantial.''Her skills in communication and teamwork were exemplary.''She is highly dedicated with a strong capacity to learn.''The quality and timing of her deliveries are truly professional, and she is flexible and creative.''She does everything with attention to detail and excellence.'I question why many, like me, feel this way. Tenile Vicenzi, in her text about imposter syndrome, tells us that distorted notions of competence lead us to believe we need traits like perfectionism and being a 'superwoman/superman' to be outstanding professionals.Our perception of competence often focuses on others, rather than respecting our journey. With 12 years of professional experience in different communication areas, I have gained strategic and results-driven knowledge, providing me with a 360º view of marketing and communication. I pursued a second degree in Psychology for two years, giving me valuable insights into understanding people. I am proficient in three languages and am quickly learning the fourth. Additionally, I possess resilience, problem-solving ability, teamwork, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and various soft skills essential in the job market.In an episode of the podcast "Elefantes na Neblina", they reflect that even those we judge as courageous feel fear. The difference lies in the ability to move forward despite difficulties. I continue to refine my skills, invest in my profession, and open new doors every day.With that said, now more than ever, here I am, with all the courage that led me to leave my home country with two cats in pursuit of a dream I've had since I was 12 - living abroad, to tell everyone: I am #opentowork. I'm not a superwoman, but I'll do my best to see your company's digital strategy grow as you want, and your company's goals will be my goals - because that's how I work, with passion, strategy, and focus. 😊

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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    I would like to share that I am starting in a new role as User Satisfaction Manager at My Healthy Skin. 🤗

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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    Learning to create the best strategies for My Healthy Skin and guiding women to achieve their best skin!👩💻


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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    Have you ever stopped to think that our skin is the connection to the world of space and time? 😊 It's through our skin that we feel the touch of a newborn child when they are born.It's through our skin that we establish physical contact with our loved ones, be it a hug, a handshake, or a gentle caress.It's through our skin that we feel the fur of our beloved pets, experiencing the warmth and comfort they bring into our lives.It's through our skin that we feel the faces of our parents when we kiss them.It's through our skin that we feel the sand on our feet when we come to the beach or touch the grass.It's through our skin that we feel the tear fall from our face when happiness or sadness overflow.Through our skin, we feel and induce shivers.Through our skin, we display our years, our marks and our history. Our skin represents self-love, care, dedication, and lifestyle - and it's so much more than acne, pimples, and blackheads. It is beauty, both inside and out. Through our skin, we immortalize moments, revealing who we are and what we're made of. Empowering women to care for their skin is also caring for our planet because women with self-esteem can indeed revolutionize the world. 💪 Working for women's health has energized me like never before. 😌 As Angelina Chigrinetc , the founder of My Healthy Skin, says, we have the power to change the landscape of acne. To help you understand how urgent it is: in the past four years, the prevalence of acne has grown by 40%. Using my voice to change the lives of women who suffer daily from self-esteem issues due to acne and pimples is a daily pleasure. When I write a text, I think of them, and also of myself, as I am part of the audience. When planning a content strategy, they are the focus. When striving to implement actions for My Healthy Skin, it's with the vision that the more people we impact, the more lives can be transformed. And the results have already started to show!Today, we are launching our new course, "Mastering Acne", a valuable resource resulting from intensive research and collaboration with the medical field. We've translated all you need to know for better skin care from scientific language into everyday terms. We've covered over 40 topics, all approved by a team of doctors who helped make this all happen. If you want to know more: . Soon, we'll bring more exciting news with the launch of our app, which will revolutionize how women care for their skin. 😉 Taking care of your skin is much more than appearance. It's about understanding that the skin is a bridge that immortalizes moments. That's why it deserves daily care. Take care of yourself. 😊

    Learn | My Healthy Skin


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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    I'm happy to share that I've joined the team at My Healthy Skin as a Digital Content and User Satisfaction Specialist! ✨I'm very thankful to Angelina Chigrinetc and Maria E. Grinfeldt for believing in my potential and allowing me to facilitate access to knowledge about women's health, such an important and relevant topic. I'm excited and confident that together we'll make a positive impact on women's lives! 💆♀️

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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    Quanta história cabe em 200 páginas? Em 23 de dezembro concretizei um projeto audacioso: o lançamento do livro da história da minha família, a numerosa família Breda - uma iniciativa na qual tive a honra de trabalhar por três anos sendo editora chefe, escritora, revisora e o que precisasse. Horas e horas de trabalho que muitas vezes pareciam invisíveis, mas que resultaram em um belíssimo registro que ficará para a história... não só da minha família, mas do município de Jacutinga, no Rio Grande do Sul, também. Descobri, ao longo do projeto, a importância e representatividade que meus avós e este sobrenome têm e tiveram na cidade... sempre semearam o bem e ajudaram quem conseguiram. Foram resilientes e lutaram por condições melhores - para eles e quem precisasse. Dos meus avós chegamos a mais de cem pessoas.No âmbito pessoal, esta iniciativa foi peculiarmente especial. Entender mais sobre minhas raízes foi fundamental para compreender quem eu sou hoje. Olhar a batalha dos meus antepassados ao virem ao Brasil, a dificuldade de viver em uma sociedade onde a preocupação com a saúde era praticamente inexistente e a luta diária dos meus avós para educar e manter 14 crianças foi impulsionador. Impulsionador para entender também a minha missão. Desta obra, nasce um novo capítulo da minha história. Agradeço aos grandes profissionais que tornaram possível este projeto: Nadir Menin, coautora, Celito Breda, idealizador, e Leandro Bonfim Cardoso, que deu vida e identidade ao projeto. Sem o carinho, paciência, dedicação, expertise e apoio de cada um a obra não teria saído tão incrível!E, claro: aos meus avós Orestes e Teolides, que me mostraram que em 200 páginas cabe muita história, mas também cabem batalhas, lembranças, sentimentos, resiliência, amor e muita, mas muita gratidão e orgulho de fazer parte!

    • Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (28)
    • Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (29)
    • Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (30)



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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as Head of Content!

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  • Mayara Duarte

    Social Media Manager | Digital Communications Specialist | Content Writer | Strategic Communication l Digital Branding Specialist

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    "Quando eu tinha 13 anos..." Hahaha! Acreditem se quiser, mas foi assim que comecei a conversa com minha chefe, mentora e amiga, Rejane M. Assis Radatz, para anunciar minha saída do Sistema Fiep. Parece piada, né? Mas, a verdade é que o motivo dessa transição profissional vem dessa época. Desde muito nova tenho uma "voz interna" ou intuição, como queiram chamar, de que preciso explorar novos territórios e culturas. De fevereiro para cá venho me planejando, estudando e me organizando mais intensamente para dar esse grande passo. A vida foi me conduzindo até esse momento e cada vez mais sinto que estou alinhada com o meu propósito. Por anos, plantei. Chegou a hora de começar a colher (com muito trabalho suado)! Quando a gente se alinha, o universo retribui!Na última sexta, me despedi do Sistema Fiep com toda intensidade dessa empresa: ficando até altas horas todos os dias da semana. "Mas Mayara, você não estava saindo, por que isso?". Por um simples motivo: faço o que faço por acreditar nos resultados. E não poderia sair sem terminar o que me propus a fazer. Foram inúmeros projetos de sucesso, pautas, textos de diferentes formatos, entrevistas, vídeos, roteiros, coberturas, sites, posts, planejamentos e planos e por aí vai. A lista é longa! Mas tudo isso com estratégias bem definidas e olhar para o resultado. E os resultados, vocês sabem, vem com a constância. Atendi clientes como Senai educação, Colégio Sesi da Indústria e Internacional, Fiep, Sistema Fiep, Senai tecnologia e inovação, Sesi, IEL e Faculdades da Indústria - além de projetos sistêmicos. Foi incrível, Sistema. Muito mais que pelos jobs, mas porque fiz amigos e irmãos para a vida. O coração aperta de ficar longe deles na rotina diária, mas a conexão é real e seguirá além Fiep.Sigo minha jornada em uma empresa que está bem alinhada com meu novo propósito de vida. Em breve conto as novidades! A Mayara dos 13 anos teria orgulho da Mayara dos 29...



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Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (42)

Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (43)


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Mayara Duarte on LinkedIn: #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #work #company #manager #digitalstrategy… (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.